Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1913, Page 9, Image 9

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GRAIN ANn PRnnnr.E market
Wheat and Corn Bulls Are Com.
pletely Routed.
.Insert tt Will Take Rood Dnrlns;
ronrr tn Ahuorb All of the
Cnh Grain Which Is Xor
TJrlnR Offered.
OMAHA, Jfov. S. Mil
There was a complete routing of the
bulls In wheat and corn markets yester
day. Prices, however, showed losses of
only HtT'.ic for the former and Qlo for
the latter, Tho range of prices and the
ClOSlnrs for thn rtnv fn 11.71 In roflrnt the.
almost complete change In sentiment,
which Is decided bearish. There were
many of the shorts In wheat and corn
to take profits and this buying proved a
sensational break. The longs In the two
cereals refused to place their crops In the
shape of buying orders under tho market,
but stood Idly by and watched tho bears
kick and cuff the market until they be
came weary. As Is always the case, on
declines like those of yesterday, the men
who believe prices are low enough Btood
in the gap and absorbed the offerings.
iTiere was little to encourage the bulls,
put from their appearance they doubt
less felt as If it would only be a day or
two before tho bears would exhaust their
?Srt.? RI"1, many 0f the sellers of yes
terday would be seen on the buying side.
!fL.a We! knw" ct that both the
December wheat and corn show signs of
congestion whenever the shorts In theso
months make an attempt to cover. The
e"s..ln b0,h trains assert there will be
a i'V51" .day for them a II wl take
good buying power to absorb tho cnsli
grain which is now being offered, or
wh'ch will be offered later on. This Is
the case especially In the corn, which is
expected to come forward in good quan
tities under more favorable weather con
ditions. Those who look tover the dally
receipts In lh various positions without
glvlnx them a second thought, say the
ypring wheat movement will 1)8 cur
tailed further with had weather. The
falling oft In receipts at Minneapolis and
Uuluih is credited partially to the lack
of empty cars In North Dakota,
Cash wheat was unchanged to lie
' higher.
Cash corn was unchanged to He higher.
While the oats market closed with
Primary corn receipts were 651,000 bu.
and shipments 293,000 bu., against receipts
Live business established 25 years. In
cluding horses, harness, heavy truck and
freight wagons, carriages, hearses, but
and trunk transfer and real estate lo
cated In a good manufacturing town In
Iowa. What have you to offer? .
Murray, la.
WILL consider good mercantile busl
necs eastern Nebraska for either of my
improved Irrigated farms near Fort Col
llns and Greeley, Colo.: abundant water,
fully paid, nonassessable. Give partla
ulars first letter. Address Y UU Bee.
Irrigated fruit and alfalfa land! trade for
City property. Address Y 3IZ. Bee.
FULL price paid for furniture. W. IVO.
WNTOn in hntf nil bi.j.
" , --II iiiuh VI WHICH
movements and gold. M. Nathan, log 8. 13.
, WE). PAY highest prices, for ladles' and
gems doming, mu o. mh Ht. R. SS44
imenman win irear. you right! best
prices for turn., clothes A shoes. W. ma.
Ship lve stock to South Omaha. Bave
mlleago and shrinkage. Your consign
ments receive prompt and carefUl atten
tion. litre Stock Commission Merchant.
MARTIN BROS, a CO.. exchange Bldr.
Union Pnclflc
OTtrliBd Limited s'msJo jrll'om
CalUornl; '. iM JS t i ll In
Omh KtprMi .6:19 pm
AtlanU Kipnu , :&! m
Lo Am! Ltmlttd tl;Uin a 1:40 Dm
Denver SpMltl a 7:1 am al:M.m
Co orado Eipraaa a 4:20 pm a 4:00 pm
Colorado. Bpeclal alt:0l am a 7:00 an
Ran Frandaco Limited ....alO:10aO
Tacine United .....all:) am a 7:18 pm
Ortson.Waihtncton Limited.. al0:M am a 1:1S pm
North Piatt Local a 1:11 am a 4:41 pm
Orand Island Local a 1:14 pm at0:10 aoi
mromibun Local bU:41 pm b lttO pm
Chicago, Rock Island Jk Pacific
Itockr Mountain Limited... .a 1:31 am all: 05 pm
Chicago Local Paasenser bl0:00 am bl0:M pm
Chicago Dar Eipreaa i,il:lu a 4:40 pm
Cnlcato Night Bxprea a 4:10 pm a 1:40 pa
Pe Molnea Local Pan.,,,. .a 4:17 pm all:ll pm
CMco-Ntb. Limited a 1:00 pm 1:00 am
cola, and Cat. Eipreia a l:So pm a 4:00 pm
Oklt. & Ten Expreai a 4:11 pm all:10 am
Itockr Mountain Limited. ,. .aimj pm a 1:17 am
3IIotirl Pacific
K, C & St. L Esp...,.,..a 1:00 am a 7:11 am
K. C 4a St. L. Eip all:16 pm a S:il pm
K. C. A fit. Paul all:M am a 1:10 pm
Omthi-St. Loula Exp. , a 1:10 pm a 1:11 am
Mall and Eipreia ....a 7:01 am alias pm
BtanUrrr Local from C. B.,.b 1:00 am 10:1S am
CMcaao Limited a 1:00 pm a 1:20 am
Chicago Eaprcu a 1:U am a i:3t pm
CUIcnico Northwestern
Twin Clir Eipreas ,...a 7:41 am al0:10 pm
Dakota Paaseoger nk 7:41 am a 1:41 am
Ploux Cttr local a tat pm a 1:21pm
Mlaneapolla Eapreaa ........a :ti pm all 10 am
Dakota Eipreas .......a 1:41 pm bit: 10 pin
Twin Cltr United a 1:01 pm a Ml am
Dearer Special ........a 1:00 am a 7:10 am
Carroll Local .........a 7:00 am a 6:00 pm
Hawker Eipreas .....a 7;4t am all:M pm
Cblrsxo Local ..alt: pm a 1:11 pm
Carroll Local a 4:10 pm alO:00 am
Chicago Special a 1:00 pm a 7:10 pn
Ban Kranclaco Limited ...a 1:21 pm a 1-11 am
UTCrland Limited a 1:00 pm a 7:10 am
Oregon.Waihlngton Limited.. a 1:10 pro, all:10 am
Loa Angeles Limited ....... .a 1:11 pm all:40 am
chsdroo Local a l.'CO am
Llncoln-Dalla a 1:00 am a 1:20 pm
Lincoln-Long I'lne a 1-11 pm alt-1! pm
llittlngs-BUDerler ...b 1:11 pm b 1:20 pm
Deadwood.ltot Springs a l:M pm a 1:20 pro
Twin Cltr Expires a 7:44 am sl0:M pra
earner. Lander .,..a 1:11 pm bl:lipm
Alblon-Oakdale ., b 1:10 pm b 1:11 pm
Chicago flrent Western
Twin Cltr United a 1:19 pm a 1-10 am
Twin Cltr Eipreaa a 7:44 am e 10:00 pm
Chicago Eipreas a 1:00 pm a 1:10 pm
Chicago, Milwaukee fc St. Paul
Faclfla Limited a 7:50 pm It'll am
Chicago Bpeclal a 1:14 pa. 7.21am
California llall 1:11 pm 1:21 pm
Chicago Dajllght Special ....a 7:20 am 11:45 pm
Uanlla Local a 1:10 am 11:4 pm
Tttry Local a 1:11 am ll:an
llnrllngton -
Deneer Limited , a 1:44 am
Chicago-Omaha ,
Dearer and California a 4:10 pm
Puaet Hound Eipresa a 4:10 pm
Nebraska I'olnta ......... ...a 1:10 am
Black Hills a 4.10 pm
Lincoln Msll b 1:10 pm
Northwest Express 11:11 pm
Nebraska Eipresa .. .a 1:11 am
Lincoln Local , a 7:21 pm
Sehurler-Plattamouth ........b 1:01 pm
Platumouth.lewa . , 1:11 am
Oellerue. lattsmouth' all:10 pm
Cblesgo Bpeclal a 1:11 am
Denver Special all .11 pm
Chicago Eipreas a 4:10 pm
Chicago raat Exprae a 1:10 pm
Crestsn Local b 1:10 pm
Kl. L. A K. C. IpeeUl a 4:10 pm
K. C and El. Joseph aJ0:4l pm
K. C. and St. Joseph a 111! am
(a). Dallr-
a 7:00 am
a 1:10 am
a 1:41 pm
a 1:41 pm
a lilt pm
a 1:41 pm
all:li pm
a 7:00 am
a 1.10 pm
a 1:00 am
bl M am
a 1.(0 am
a I 40 pm
all . to pm
a 1:15 pra
a 1:00 am
bll :00 am
all:H am
a t .M am
a 1:10 pm
(ernth and Webster.
Mlaaoarl Pacific
Pill Cltr Passenger
Local might
Obit-nan, St. Paul,
Ficui itr Eipreis
Tia I Itr Paseeoger
i .vx lit Passenger
Eaiereoi A-commudaUnn
ti Da r eicect aundajr
Depart. Arrle. bit. 41 am
b 7:U em b t.M pm
Mlunrunoll A;
Depart Arrle.
b t 2 pm bll M am
b I K am a II pm
c I !1 am
b I 00 pro b 9 10 am
U Suodir ohlr
of f(00 bu. and shipments of 291,000 bu.
losses yesterday. It showed more strength
man eiiner wneai or corn.
Cash oats were unchanged.
rinnranr.- VhAt And flmir. O4.C00 hu.:
corn, 34,000 bu.; oats, 10,000 bu.
I.lvernnnl close : WJheat. USi'id lower;
corn, Hd higher.
I'nmary wneat receipts were i,ti,vv
bu. and shipments 741,000 bu.. against re
ceipts of 1.TSS.O0O bu. and shipments of
T49.O0O bu. last year.
D-Imhw Mwuilnl. yxrtirSk F.71 fill till.
and shipments 6S5.O0O bu., against receipts
Of bdl.uw du. ana snipmeniB 01 ow.vw uu.
last year.
UAHUJl mho.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago SO 0 .
Duluth lf -ii
n, 45 164 33
Kansas City 5? U
St. Louis , j
Winnipeg. 1009 ...
Tne roiiowing casn fbips wnc itiv';i
Wheat! No. 2 hard winter, 2 cars. 80J4ot
No. 3 hard winter, 1 car, Sic; 6 cars, TBc. l ni rs Vn. s durum. U car.
76c. No. 3 spring. 1 car. 79Hc. Oat: Stanl
dard. 1 car, sc. no. .!. i
(local). SS'-ic; 4 cars. SSc. No. f, white. 1
canUct's cars. S7Hc. Corn! NO. S white
2 cars, ftiwcj S cars. 66c. No.,? yellow, J
car? CTHc; 3 cars. tfUc; 6 cars. 67c. No. 3
CHOW. 1 t W7T- '. ,
cars. c..No. 2 mixed. wj . e . No.
3 mltwJ, 7 cars, wc; fT-;' ";,u;
G5Ho: 1 car, 63c. No. 4 mined, 1 car, GlHc
3 cars. 64c. No.. 2 hard.
797;H8: No. 3 hard. 7WJNo 4 hard.
7479c No. 3 spring. WHc! No.
spring. 77T7S4c; No. 3 durum. 76077c I No.
iTurem. WOWc. Corn! No 2 white.
66Hc: no. i wwt,lAcJJL;.4Uei
yellow.. .65WBS6HC; No. 4 yellow, oc:
no. z corn, vru-va-t, - vr", ;,ii
S?,93?c! standard. 3s3SHciNo. I white.
38c; No. 4 wnue, "))"'"a"u'' "r."
tng. 680730! No. 1 feed, 4&4Sc. Rye! No.
J, , 69raV4c: No. 3, 68HMc.
Frntures of the Trndlnir nrt CloelnK
Price on Ronrrt of Tmde.
CHICAGO. Nov. 22. Liberal .export
sales at New York and fear of black
rust In Argentina had a bullish effect
today on buyers of wheat. The market
after showing weakness early, closed
firm at a range varying from lost night a
figures to Ho advance. Corn finished
Ho to. Ho up, oats unchanged to a
shade higher and provisions Irregular,
strung cut from 6c decline to a rise of
Many wheat traders who were uncer
tain at the outset changed later to tho
opinion that for the neat six months Im
porting nations would require Increas
ingly large shipments from -producers
nhia to make nrompt delivery. Canada
and Russia, it was pointed out, were soon
to bo locKea in oy ico ana ouier wmier
conditions for at least five months, let
ting the burden of supply descend heav
ily on the United States, Argentina and
Rosarlo dispatches telling or a jump
In wheat prices there and referring to
chances of serious damage from biaok
rust acted as more than an offset for
early reports that Argentine weather was
ravorabio ror growtn. Estimates wero
also current that the, amount of wheat
held by farmers In the Dakotaa and Min
nesota was only 36.000,000 bushels as
against 140,000,000 bushels a year ago.
Corn prices hardened on account of re
ceipts being light and because of firm
ness at Liverpool due to . bullish reports
from Russia and the Danube. For a
whllo, however, mild weather and doubt
ful advices regarding feed demands kept
the trade In a bearish position Oats
merely reflected .the course of corn. Much
of .the time demand was scattering.
in provisions snorts covered, but the
Influenco of lower prices for hogs, put a
handicap on" Prices. Offerings of hv
a leading packer were so plentiful as tb
oe aomewnat opprpssive,
Artlclel Open. High.) Low. Close.1 Yes'y,
'. .Dec
May. Corn.
0t so o6iiHL?4H
'o Toi.i TOV40H 70H
Wia-H "OSTOli 70 70U
3S3Stt -37S; 38 ' 11
1,H . l T
20" T7H 20 (5 'aOTTVi SO 75
20 70 20 67M 20 70 C6-C7
10 7tt io so-82 io my, 11 07-10
11 10' 11 06 11 10 H 07:10
10 W 10 85 10 M 10 02W
U 10 11 00-02 11 10 11 IS
u .
2d 65'
io mi
11 05
10 SC-S7
ill 02-031
95ffWi No 3 red, mc No. 2 hard, 8$i
J ,. -e aevt SIM II) w 72 X. , 11 t
Jiprint?, S78S4f No. 3 Bprlntr. S5H86Hc
' " J - - l w ix li vMUIUill'i IIBtVa
p - ir iicni W71'y
70c: No. ? yellow, 74W75c: new, 69H70c
rto. j wnue, ..j',vtf-s-Kc; standard,
404054c Barley, 523 SOc Timothy, M.00
5 W. Clover, U.00iHl.00 Pork, I2L0O,
uaru, wit. illDS, aiu.iTf ll.-T).
tsi: -ci-isk Mtronir:. creameries. 22ttflS2c.
Jjaas-Sllghtly nrmer: receipts, 2,097
ordinary firsts. 3032c; firsts, 34tf9Sc,
i.ur,M..- iower; aaisies, l4UfMo;
twins, 14jlJ144c: Americans, loWliWc:
POTATOEli-ftecelpts, 50 cars: WlscorU
sin, vriiiie, oxirivc; rea. noriflBc; .MlCnlgun,
Ohio and MJnnetsota, 6670o,
--fW""-aiivo unseitiea; springs,
15Hc; hens, lOc: turkeys, 17c,
(notations or tht? Day on Varlaas
NEW YORK. Nov.-23.-FLOUR-Q.ulet:
jpiinir patents, J4.3M 4 65; winter straights.
M.ivm.2o; winter patents, J4.404,tr spring
clears. 14.0034.20: extra. No. 1 winter. S3.&S
GS.75; extra, No. 2 winter, $3.353.50; Kan-
'si airaiEnts, H.10W4.SO.
WHEAT-rfipot firm: No. S red. 74c.
nominal, c. I. f. New York, export, basis,
and Wo f o. b. afloat; ki. 1 northern
uuiuui vtsc, r. o. d. aiioat. itMiures
easy: December. 95Vc: May. Sti -16c.
liOPH Quiet; state, common to choice
1S13. 40O4SC; 1912, 20925c; X'acinc coast
19UL 25ft30c: 1911. VGVsa.
IHUKiJ (Steady; uogota, Z9HU30HC;
Central America, 30c.
PETROLEUM Steady: refined New
York, bulk, 13.25; barrels. 1S.76: cases.
WOOl-Hteadv: domestic fleece. XX
Ohio. 2io
CORN Spot, dull; export, nominal; old
No. 2 yellow, 82c elevator, domestic.
OATS Snot, nutet: standard white. 460
47c i .No. a, 4S646c; fancy clipped white.
1IAY Firm: standard. I1.024: No. 1.
tl.OTH; No. 2, V&vmc; No. S. SOQSc
pjiovihionb Porn, steady: mess, ia.z&
O 21.75: family, JJ4.ijwn27.Oy; short rUars,
J20.2aj22.00. Beef, quiet; mess. H8.0081S.tO;
family. tl9.COd2n.frj. cut meats. dulpk
pickled hams, IlS.7r; pickln bellies. HIM
1315.00. Lard, easy; middle west, S10.90&
11.00: refined, barely steady; continent,
$11.63: South America, 112.90; compound,
steady, tS.62Kt38.87tt.
TAlJXIW tiieady, city, CSc; country,
Mjic: special, "c.
BUTTEH Market weak:, receipts, 8.047
tubs; creamery extras, 31035c; rirsts, 28
32o; held extras, 31632c; firsts, 28 Wc;
atate dairy, finest, S1032o; good, 272300;
process extras. 2SUC2SHc; firsts, 2t2Sc;
Imitation creamery firsts, UtFZc; factory
held firsts, 23c; current make firsts, 22H
KOGS Steady; receipts. I.K0 csbcs;
fresh gathered extras, 41M46C; extra firsts,
42Q43c; firsts, 41c. refrigerator special
marks, fancy, 29ty30c; firsts. ISO 29c;
nearby hennery whiles, fine to fancy,
WQtSc; nearby hennery gathered whites,
t&02c: hennery browns, 46QlSc; western
gathered whites, 40Q65c.
POULTRY Live. steady: western
chickens, 1213, fowls, 11&12C; turkeys,
lie. Dressed, weak; western chickens,
II 23c, fowls, 12&18UC: turkeys, fancy,
23Q4c; average run, l&fl30c.
St. LobiIb General Mtvrkel.
ST. IX1UI8, Nov. 22. WHEAT No. 2
red, 901 94 He: No. 2 hard. MH93c; De
cember. 87Hc; May. 916lHc
CORN-No. 2. 76c; No. 2 white, 7Cc; De
cember. 71c; 'May. 72Hfi72Ue.
OATS-No. I. 41c; No. 2 white. 42Hc;
December, 40c: May, 42;c.
Liverpool lira in Market.
steady; No. 1 Manitoba. 7sid; No. 2.
7s Vjd. Futures, stead J'. December,
7std, March. 7s2d; May. 7s 2Hd.
CORN -Spot, quiet, American mixed,
6s 7d. Futures, firm, December, 4Sd;
January, 6s VI.
Big Slump in Values of Cattle for
the Week.
lleary Hs Melllnp; In Last Week's
Notches Sheev sinil I.amlis
Shovr Little If Any Chnnae
for the AVeek.
SOUTH OMAHA, Nov. 23. 191S.
Ilecelpts were. cattle. Jloirs. Sheep,
Official Monday 9.4S4 6.930
Official Tuewlay 6.275 11.445
Official Wednesday ... 3.041 U.22"
Official Thursday 1.788 ll.
Official Frldav 582 10.2flrt
Ksetimate Saturday ,. 75 lo.a2
Six days this week . 21,012 61.743 67.
Same day lost week .24.R13 45,163
Same dajs 2 -whs. ago.23.407 37.CC9 .68
Same days S wks. aBO..S42 27.157 130,703
Bnmo days 4 wks. agat.04 27.202 138,927
Same days last year . 29,458 C0.S77 60,226
The following table shows the receipt"
of cattle, hogs and sheep at the South
Omaha live jrtoek "market for the year to
date as compared with last year:
1918. 1912. Inc. pec
Cattle ... '....S7,363 116.S4S i'i?2
Itofrs 2,2f 6,728 2,610.046 323,318
Slieep ....... 2.9S8.164 2,731,529 236.635
The following table shows tho range ot
prices for hogs at the South Omaha live
stock market for the last few days, with
Data; I 1113.
7 79
7 73
5 631 4 S3
& 6H
7 76
7 84
6 61
4 9-i
4 S3
4 70
4 88
4 94
4 93
4 S3
4 61
4 63
4 49
4 32
5 79
7 SS
7 97
6 74
5 CS
6 ra
5 54
7 961
7 33)
7 99
7 94
7 88
6 59;
5 7W
6 76
Tl . n.1 Jl,..n.itlnn ,f llv. lltOClC
. , l. . . ail., ui,u.i.iu " ..."
at the Union Btock Yards, South Omaha,
Neb., for twenty-four houra ending
t o'clock yesterday:
c. m. & st r i J
Wabash 1
Missouri Paciric 10 I
Union Pacific
C. & N. W., east
C. & N, W., west.....
C. Kt. P.. M. & Oi
C, U. & Q.. east J
C, H. & Q.. west 1
C. R. I. t P.. east 1?
Illinois Central
C. O. W. 3
Total receipts Iff 1S9 5
Morris & Co , - ."7
Swift & Co
Cudahy Packing company.
Armour & Co
Hord Grain company.
Totals 10,225
CATTLE There were not enough cattle
today to make a market, but for tho
week receipts have been n"Uo liberal, al
though showing a falling off as compared
with last week and a heavy decrease as
compared with a year ago. The market
on all kinds of cattlo has been In very
unsatisfactory shane as viewed from a
seller's standpoint. This has been due to
the large receipts at Chicago, which
have comnletelv demoralized that market
Tho break at Chicago has extended to all
other markets, even to those having oniy
moderato receipts. This' market has suf
fered along with others.
The supply of cornfed cattlo has con
sisted very largely of the half-fat steers.
for which tne demand is never very
good at this season of the year. They
have been, working steadily .lower all tho
week nnd have caused a bresk even on
the best cattlo. At the close of the woV
It Is safe to rav that the market on corn
feds Is 50c lower than last week. Range
steers, while In better demand than the
half-fat cornfeds, have declined In sym
pathy with the break on other kinds, and
they are.2S50c lower than last week.
Cows and heifers have been more or
less uneven all the week, but have been
gradunlly working lower, the decline on
the general run of stuff amounting to H&
40c Canners have not shown so much de
cline as the ht'tter grades and thoy are
ltttlo If any lower than last week.
Blockers and feeders havo been break
ing down by reason of tho slump In fat
cattle prices and poor buying on the part
of the country. The country can hardly
be expected to buy cattle freely when'
fat rattle are selling to such poor ad
Nearly every yr the country makes
the mistake of overloading the market
with half-fat beeves Just befpre the holi
days. That Is the worst season of the
Whole year to market such cattle, as the
market is never gooa at tnat time when
poultry Is so popular with consumers.
Considering the. demoralised condition of
the market east. It would be a wise move
If shippers would "withhold cattle frrm
all markets for a few days until the glut
can be overcome. In fact, moderate ship
ments should prevail until the close of
the holiday season. To sacrifice half-fat
cattle at the present time Is tho height
of folly, when there Is every reason for
Deiieving tnat all tne rat -catt e In the
country will be needed for beef at fair
prices oerore tne close of the wjnter.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
beef steers. J8.0O8.7S; fair to good beef
steers, e7,wia6.00; common to fair btef
steers, J6.CO87.60; fair to choice year
lings, e3.25O0.25; good to choice rangers,
J7.SO3S.00; fair to good rangers, J5.S&y7.30;
common to fair rangers, I6.OOt76.S5; good
to Choice cornfed heifers, 36.50ft7.60; good
to choice irrass heifers. lfl.fArr7.fil' mn
choice cows, l.0OB..ti; fair to good srradts.; common to tair grades. J4.0CW
6.00; good to choice stockers and feeders,
$6.607.50; fair to good stockers and feed
ers $6.00iQ.6O: common to fall stockers
and feeders, I5.6u&j.O0; stock cows and
heifers. I4.6O3.30; veal calves, H.tOSlO.00;
NOV. . 7 77 3 12 7 C6
Nov. 10 7 724 21 7 9C
Nov. 11 7 64H 7 66 6 27 7 84
Nov. 12 7 1& 7 67 7 fcS
Nov. 13 7 73H 7 83 6 37
Nov. 14 7 74H 7 82 6 25 7 71
Nov. 15 7 66H 7 91 6 28 7 W
Nov. 16 7 93 6 31 7 86
Nov. 17. 7 6Ji 6 33 7 44
Nov. IS. 760H 773 6 30 7 33
Nov. 19. 7 6!l4 7 71 7 20
Nov. 20. 7 71S 7 73 18
NOV. 21. 7 63M 7 701 6 13 7 OS
Nov. 22 7 6 18 6 89
Ko. At. oh. Tr. No. At. Rh. Tt.
11 1S7 ... 7 00 ' Ill SO T 40
17 147 ... 7 00 70 Ml M 7 00
41. .... 141 ... 7 00 11 m ... T 0
41 Ill ... 7 10 II 177 44 7 CI
17. U ,.. 7 70 IM til ISO 7 (S
M Mi 14 TI! 71 201 M 7
41 Ill ... lit 11 Ill 10 7 45
.in m.m is in to iti
It Ill tOO 7 M 7t 1(7 U 7(1
U Ill 10 7 10 ( Ml 10 7 15
71 IM 140 7 II Ill 110 T nit
II 101 10 7 10 17 tU ... 711
71 Ill ... 7 10 a 174 110 7 IS
14 154 ... 7 14 eo 171 10 7 M
IT Ill 10 7 10 &..,. . ..144 110 III
74 IM 0 7 IS 71 110 ... 7 IS
rt 171 ... 7 15 70 37 10 7 S
14 171 ... 7 40 71 Ml 14 T M
1C4 lU ... 7 44 II 1U 110 7 11
71 Ill ... 7 40 XI 10 7 15
11 1T7 ... 7 44 41 tit M 7 41
71 Ill ... 7 4 77 114 ... 7 IS
7t 10 ... 7 41 If Ill ... 7 II
at 11 41 7 4o (4 171 110 7 IS
M 100 .... 7 40 71 117 10 7 41
7 IM ... 7 40 14 171 IM 7 11
11 177 ... 7 40 14 171 so 7 II
10. .. ...111 140 7 J 17 Itt 10 7 11
II 171 110 7 4S 71 HI ... 7 II
41 tit IN 7 41 CI Ill 0 7 10
M lU . 7 10 15 141 170 7 U
M Ill ., 7 10 u in 10 7ti
14 Ill M 7 to It 114 IM 7 IS
It. .. . 117 10 7 (0 61 Ill ,., 7 4J
11 tot too 7 W tl Ill ... 1 W. ,
71 Ill ... 7 10 21 171 40 7 11
17 til ... 7 60 71 144 14 7 41
71 114 ... 7 11 M S01 ... 7 7
It 147 140 7 15 11 Ill ... 7 70
CI US t0 7 It 17 Ill J04 7 70
71 ...1T7 K0 7(1 II ll 7 ... 7 7
It 10 140 7 U U Ill ... 7 10
71 141 41 70 17 Ill ... 7 70
II 150 . . 7 10 10 Ill ... 7 70
OS. , . . 211 10 7 60 76. . .111 120 7 7o
71 Ml SO 7 CO 11 214 IM 7 70
11 171 10 7 to 44 147 U 7 7
71. ......210 M 7 (0 tt 171 140 7 7
17 10 ... 7 44 t IM ... 7 7
17 141 200 7 10 tt 213 10 7 70
1 251 ... J 0 21 Ill K0 7 70
It 211 . 7 II 41 Ill 10 7 70
.,.....2tt 120 7 0 t 21 M 7 70
70.. 171 40 7 10 17 WO IM 7 72H
U. ...... ... 70 II 110 10 7 71
9 107 140 7 tO II Ml 110 7 71
(4 2l 124 7 W 41 140 110 7 71
It ZM 114 7 tO II 211 10 7 TS
II 240 10 7 0 II 221 10 7 71
II 17 10 7H 1 104 ... 7 7t
U 227 14 7 4 to Ill ... 7 10
12 270 214 ,Mpt(jg- " MT ",'M
1! 7 ... I 7 .'. Ill ... 1 r.
12. ... II .. t 4 47 100 ... to
42 101 . M II 117 . . I 71
. . 0 I CO 71.. . ,lt5 .. I 14
11 1ft I 10 101. 140 . I 71
41. 41 IK .. Ill 171
HOGS Supplies were llDeru! for a Sat
urday, about 133 cars, or 10.2S2 head being
reported In. For the week the total Is
CI 743, about 16,500 larger than last week
and over 1,000 head heavier than a year
ago. This Is also the largest since the.
last week of June, when over 68,000 were
With men a generous supply In sight
and other markets reporting decided
breaks, local buyer started out bidding
sharply lower. A few sales of heavies
made during the first rounds were pos
elbly no more than a nickel lower, hut
the bulk of the heavy and butcher offer
ings sold at a decline of fully MrtOo and
In many cases looked to be a flat dime
lower. Most of the sales of tho more
weighty stuff were made at J7.6W7.70 and
some good stuff reached 37.80, Just a dime
lower than yesterday's top.
Light hogs wero In very Indifferent de
mand nnd as a fair oharo of tho receipts
was on tho highly mixed and light order
they were pounded even harder than the
heavies. A very fw sales made, early
were possibly no moro than 610o lower,
but these were scattering and the major
ity of the sales looked to be fully 1015c
lower. Trndo on this sort of stuff was
Very slow, nnd it was lato before It was
all celaned up. Prices quoted ranged
largely from 37.00 for highly mixed lights,
to 17.60 for pretty good s(Uff weighing
around 2u0 pounds.
As was the case on previous days of
the week, there was llttlo dotnand for
Pigs and prices were quoted as fully 25e
lower, whllo some traders wore dt tho
opinion that tho decltno amounted to
even more than that.
Tho main feature of the week's market
was the extreme unevenness evidenced in
tho prices paid for light hogs and' pigs.
Wlih little or no demand for this sort of
stuff, values have slumped sharply, and
today's figures ore anywhere from 15c
to as much as 2&tjX0o lower than a week
ago. Pigs look to be around 60it75o lower
for tho week. The markot on heavies has
fluctuated a good deal, but today's prices
are nearly steady wtlh a week ngo.
SHEEP-A usual on a Saturday, no
fresh receipts arrived this morning. For
the week, however, tho receipts were a
llttlo below normal for this time of the
year, being estimated at 67,665 head,
against 81,778 head last week, 06,763 head
two weeks ago and 60,226 head during
the same time a year ago. The quality
of the offerings was very fair and very
little. It any, dttferont from that of last
week. The supply of feeders formed n,
smaller proportion of tho receipts than
during the last week or so.
The market on killers was more or less
erratic on most days of tho week, ns
prices dropped considerably during the
first days, but mado sharp advances
toward the close, leaving the general
trade in -nbout he same position aa nt
tho close of the previous week. The best
lambs on Wednesday sold tip to $7.30, nnJ
as much as 37.40 was paid on Thursday
and Friday, the bulk of the good ones at
and near the close moving around 37.000
7.26. Borne fleshy grades that a week or
two weeks ngo went to the feedor buyers
are now going to the killers around 1105
U6.75. The supply of aged sheep consisted
almost entirely of fat ewen and these
made a top of $1.30 for tho week on
Friday. Most of the good ones are picked
up at a range of $1.000125. There wero
not enqugh wethers or yearlings here on
nny day to make comparisons.
Feeder lambs are still quotable any
whore from $5.60.60. with the fleshy
grades going to tho country at $6.65. Tho
supply was comparatively light, and tho
demand correspondingly so, though very
good for the time of the year. Prices are
regarded as steady with a week ago. In
aged feedor offerings the most Interest
was in feeder and breeding owes with tho
bulk of such kinds selling at good, strong
prices, all the week. Strictly feeder ewes
aro quotable anywhere from 13.23 to $175,
according to weight and quality.
Quotations on snoep and minus: Lambs,
K00fJ to..holc,, $7.flOtT7,30: lambs, fair to
good, $6.757.00; lambs, culls, $5.CO4r.O0;
!alH?"'.l5fi,Sr"' $.O.C0; yearlings,
light, Jo.kU5.i6; yearlings, heavy. $5.26
6.60; yearlings, feeders, $4.606.40; weth
ers, good to choice. $4.35t?4.C0; wethers,
,fflL,,?,5ood' 00t74 .35; wethers, feeders.
I4.00O4.60; ewes, good to choice, $4.10ffl
4.SJ: ewes, fair to good. $3.85W.10; ewes
feeders, $3.2603,76. ' "
Cattle Slow nnd Steady Hons WenU
and Lower.
CHICAGO, Nov. 22. CATTLE-Itccolpts,
COO head; market slow and steady;
beeves. $6.6&S9.eo: western steers, $5.90ai
8.10; stockers and feeders, $iS7.60: cows
and heifers, $3.2Ti4mriO; calves. $6.60310.00.
HOOS Itecelpts, 16,000 head: market
weak and 5rl0o lower than Friday's aver
ages; bulk, $7.6087.80; light, n.207.7s;
mixed, $7.357.S0; heavy, $7.30?.8S; rough,
$7.30S7.C; pigs, $5.00fl.90.
BIH2BP AND LAMIiS Ilecelpts, 1.500
head; market steady; natives, $3.9035.00;
western, $4.0004.90; ycarllnRs, JS.lHf6.35;
lambs, $5.$5ig7.60; western, $6.8507.60. f
Kansas City Lire Stock Mnrket.
Receipts, 300 head; market steady; prime
fed steers, $8.26Q9.00; dressed beef steers,
$7.0006.25; western steers, I6.60i'8.25;
southern steers, $5.25Q7.60i cows, $4.25
6.75; heifers, $5.2568.76; stockers and feed
ors. $S.607.G0; bulls, $5.0096.75; calves,
HOGS Receipts, 3,000 head: market
10c lower; bulk of sales, $7.6007.75; heavy,
t7.70S7.Si); packers and butchers. $7,659
7.76; light. $7.5007.70; pigs, $6.2637.25.
SHEEP AND LAMIiS-Ilocelpts. 1,000
head: market steady; lambs, $6.607.35;
yearlings. 35.XQ5.76; wethers, $4.25426.00;
ewes, $3.7534.60.
St. Louis Lire Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS. Mo., Nov. 22. CATTLE
Receipts, COO head: market steady; good
to choice steers, lS.25ifS.00; stockers and
feeders, $S.0ft&7.60: cows and heifers, $4.15
158.35; bulls, $4.7507,00; Calvi, $6.00U10.&0;
Bteers, $G.7&S7.00; cows and heifers, $4.00
HOGS Receipts, 4.800 head; market. 10c
lower; pigs and lights, $6.5087.86; mixed
andbutchers, $7.60Jj7.96s good heavy, $7.7"
BHEKP AND IMBS "Receipts. 8.000
head: market steady; muttons, $3.9&t7-l.45:
yearlings, $4.00&COO; lambs, $G.257,60.
St. Joseph Live Stock Mnrket.
ceipts 100 head; market, steady; steers,
$5.0009.00: cows and heifers, $4.0O3.50;
caWes, $5.0030.60. '
HOGS Recolpts 7,600 head; market, 10c
lower; bulk, $7.4537.73.
SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipts 200
head; market, steady; Iambs, $4.5OS7.50.
Sioux City Livestock Blarket.
SIOUX CITY, "la,, Nov. 22. CATTLE
Receipts 60 head; no quotations.
HOGS Receipts, 3,000 head; market 10c
lower; heavy. $7.0007.45; mixed. $7.4&tP7.65;
light. $7.5Mr7.06; bulk of sales, $7.457.C0.
No sheep.
Live Stock In Slsht.
Receipts of live stock at the six prin
cipal western markets yesterday;
Cattle. Hors. SheeD.
South Omaha 76 10,282 83
Sioux City w 3.000
St Louis COO 4.800 3.000
St. Joph 100 7.600 200
Kansas City 30) 8.000 1,000
Chicago w io,wo 1,607
Total receipts 1,725 44.6S3 5,833
nils and lU.aln.
NEW YORK. Nov. 22. ROSIN-Qulet.
TURPENTINE Firm; machine bar
rels 47Hc.
TINE Dull. 4l344tt; sales, none; re
ceipts. 651 barrels; shipments, 90 barrels;
stocks, 32,953 barrels.
ROSIN Firm; sales, 2,009 barrels; re
ceipts, 2,340 barrels; shipments, 2,995 bar
rels: stocks, 168,649 barrels. Quote: A. n,
C. D, E, F, O, H, $3.65; I. $i75; K. $4.45;
M. $5.00; N. $6.00; W O. $6.60; W W, $6.75.
Cotton Market. 1
NEW YORK, Nov. 22.-COTTON-FU-tures
closed barely steady; December.
13.16c; January, 12.90c; March, 12.90c; May,
12.87c; July, 12.79c. Spot, quiet; middling,
13.60c; gulf. 13.75c,
LIVERPOOL, Nov. 22,-COTTON-8pot.
quiet and easier; middling fair. 7.80.1;
good middling, 7.50d; middling, 7.43d; low
middling, 7.isa; gooa ordinary, cwa; ordi
nary, 6.1GI; sales, 6.000 bales,
Coffee Mnrket,
NEW YORK. Nov. 22.-After opening
steady, unchanged to 2 lower, under scat
tering liquidation, coffee rallied on cov
ering avid bull support, with the close
steady, 4 to 10 points net higher. Salea,
36,000 sacks; November, 9.25c; December,
9.30o', January. 9.43c; March, 9.70c; May,
9.91c; July, 10.14c; September, 10.30c; Oc
tober. 10.32c Spot quiet; Rio No. 7, 9c;
Santos No. 4, 12ic. Mild, dull; Cordova,
IZSiWAc, nominal.
Omolin Hay 3!arkrt.
PRAIRIE If A Y No. 1 upland. lL50rt
12.00; Ho. 2. $10.0OS11.50; No, 3. ts.00tjl0.00.
No. 1 midland. $11 CO811.60. No. 2 UO.COtf
11,00, No. 3. $8.00010.00. No, 1 lowland,
$3.(0810.00; No. X $7.00ft9.00; No. J, ISWtf
H UTTER No. 1, 1-lb. cartons. :0c; No.
1. CO-lb, tubs, 31e.
FISH White, fresh. 16c; trout, fresh,
l&o; largo trapplcs, fresh, lSfflSc; 8pantsh
mackerel, 16o; shad roe. per pair, 40c;
salmon, fresh. 10c; halibut, fresh. 13c;
buffalo, 9c: bullheads, 13c; channel cat
fish. 16c; pike. 16c; pickerel. 12c
POULTRY-Brollers, $5.00116.03 per dor.!
hens, 15016c; cocks, 12c; ducks, lft&aoci
geese, iSc; turkeys, 26o; pigeons, per dos.,
$120; roosters, SHc; ducks, full feathered.
l$Hc; geese, full feathered, He; squabs.
No. 1. $1.60; No. 2, 40c
CHEESE Imported Swiss. 30c. Ameri
can Swiss, 3o ; block Swiss, 24c; twins,
18c; daisies, ISlic; triplets, ISHc; Young
Americas. 19c; blue label brick, 18c; Km
berger, 2-lb.t 20o; New fork white. lc
Wholesale prices of beet cuts effective
today In Omaha are as follows:
11 KEF CUTS No. I ribs, 17'.4c. No-
m.c, No. 3, llc. No. 1 loins, 19c; No. 2,
15,o; No. 3, 13c. No. 1 chucks, lOVic; No.
2. 'c; No. 3, SHe. No. 1 round. 13He;
No. 2. I2tc. No. 3, llHc No. 1 plates,
9o; No. 2. Rc. No. 3, 8c. , , , .
The following prices are furnished by
the Gllllntky Fruit company:
FRUITS-Apples: Extra fnncv Wash
Ington Jonathan, per box, $2.23: White
Winter Pear-mains, per box, $2.25; fancy
White Winter Pearmolns, per box, $tt;
fancy Idaho Rlack Twig, per box, $2.00;
fancy Idaho lialdwlns. per box, $100;
fancy Idaho York Imperials, per box.
$2.00; fanoy Idaho Walbrldge. per box,
$1.83; fancy Idaho Willow Twigs, per box,
$1.; fancy Idaho Smith Ciders, per box,
$1.85; extra fanry Idaho Northern Spy,
Greenings or Kings, per box. $2.00; extra
fancy Idaho Rnmbos, per box, 12.25; extra
fancy lien Davis, per box, $1.65; fancy
IJen Davis, per box, $1.80; choice Ucn
Davis, per box. $1.40; No. 1 lien Davis,
per bbl., $1.60; labeled Wine Baps, per
hbl.. $6.60; labeled Gono. per hbl., )V60.
Pears: Extra fancy llourre Clalrgeau.
per box, $2.50. Oranges: Florida, 126, 160,
176. 300. 216 sizes, per box, $4.60; 250 slse,
per box, $1.00; 2S3 size, per box, $3.60;
navals, 126. 160, 176, 200, 216 sites, per box,
$4.50; 2C0 site, per box, $4.25; 288 site, per
box, $3.75; 324 size, per box, $3.00. lemons:
Extra fancy Suuklat, 300s and JflOs, per
box. $9.00; exUa choice Red Hull, 300a and
380a, per box, $8.60. Grapes. Extra fanoy
Emperors, per crale, $100; Earl's Em
perors, per bbl., $1.00: Imported Malaga,
extra fancy, $7.00; fancy, $6.60; extra
choice, $6.00; choice, $5.60. Grapefruit:
Extra fancy Florida, 46 and 9J, $1,75; 61,
64 and 80, $5.00. Cranberries i Per box,
$2.75; llall and Iltmle. per bbl., $9.00: Hell
and Cherry, per bbl., 1S.50: late Red, per
bbl., $8.26; Richard, per bbl., $9.00; ex
tremo Jumbo, per bbl., 11 LOO.
VEGETABLES Potatoes: Genuine Red
River Early Ohio, per bu., $1.00; Rural or
Uurbanks, per bu., 85c; Virginia sweet
potatoes, per bbl., $2.60; Delaware Jerseys,
per hamper, $1.26. Cnbbsge: Holland
seed, per lb., 2c; rod. per lb., 3c. Squash:
l'cr lb., 2o. Pumpkins: Per lb., lo.
Onions: California large yellow, per lb.,
2Hc; Ohio large Itcd Globe, per 11).. 2Hc;
Spanish, per crate, $1.60; white boiling,
per lb., Sc. Tomatoes: California, per
four-basket crate, $2.00.
MISCELLANEOUS California figs; It
12-oz. pkgs., 85c; 60 6-oz. pkgs., $2,00: Cali
fornia black figs, 12 12-oz. pkgs., $LOo; 7
crown imported tigs, per lb., lSo; S-crown
Imported figs, per lb., 13o; 7-crown pulled
tigs (boxes weighing about S lhs.1, 90o; 5
crown pulled figs (boxes weighing about
6 lbs,), 75c; 7-crown pulled figs (boxes
weighing about 10 oz.), per dos., $1.25;
Dromedary brand dates, pkg., $3.00; An
chor brand dates, pkg., $2.25; Hallowe'en
dates, per lb., 7Hc; parsnips, per lb.. 3c;
carrots, per lb., 2c; beets, per Ib So; 'ruta
bagas, por lb., lHc; California Jumbo
celery, per dot., 86c; Michigan celery, per
do., 35a; cldor, per keg, $3.26: cider, per
haf bbl, $3.76; shallots, per dos., 60c;
parsley, por doc.. 40c; radishes, per do.,
30a; head lettuce, per doz $1.00; home
grown leaf lettuce, per dor., 40c; green
peppers, per basket, 60o: wax or green
beans, per hnniper, $6.00; hothouse cucum
bers, per doz., 75a to $1.60; cauliflower,
por crate, $3.25; Venetian garlic, per lb.,
12V4a: eggplant, per doz., $2.00; horse
radish, 2 dos. bottles In case, per case,
$2.00; walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb.,
19a; medium pecans, per lb., 13Hc; Jumbo
pecans, per lb., 15c; giant pecans, Louisi
ana pnper shell, per lb., 25c; filberts, per
lb., 16c; Drake almonds, per lb., 18c; paper
shell,. 23c; ..Rroxlls, per lb 18c; large
washed, per lb., 19c; black walnuts, per
lb., 2Hc; raw No. 1 peanuts, per lb., 7e;
Jumbo peanuts, per lb., 8c; roast peanuts,
per lb., 8Hc; shell bark hickory nuts, per
lb., 6c; large hickory nuts, per lb.. 4a;
white r'co popcorn, per lb 4c; chockers,
per 100-pkg. rase, $3.60; checkers, per 60
pkg. case, $1.75.
Kansas Cltr Ornln nnd Provisions.
2 hard, S2B87Wcs No. 2 red, S6Hramc
CORN No. 5 mixed. 71C0; No. 3. Xi
73o: No. 2 -white. '710760; No. J. 6SV4t73.
OATS No. 2 white. 40Wo: No. 2 mixed.
Closing prices of futures;
WHEAT December, SOHQSWc; May,
CORN December,. 70V4c: May. 7372ttc.
EGGS Firsts. 34c; seconds, 24e.
POULTRY Hens, IflHc; roosters, 9c.
ducks, 10c; springs, 10V.
Minneapolis tlrnln MnrUel.
NO. 1 hard, 8Cc: No. 1 northern. 84083Hc;
No. 3, oWsrsiHc: Docembcr, 82Vc5 Mny,
FLOUR Unchanged.
CORN No. 3 yellow. 65i4c.
OATS-No. 3 white, 86i037c.
RYE No. 2. 61063V4C
HARLEY 43640.
Metal Market.
NEW YOnK. Nov. 22. META I 8 Th e
metal market were dull and practically
nominal. Lake copper, nominal; electro
lytic, $14.ST7W15.12V4; casting, $14.62ii?
14.7.1. Iron, unchanged.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 23.-lIETALH-r.eadl
Firmer at $4.15fJU7V. Spelter: Dull nt
Dry Goods Market.
Ootton goods markets ruled quiet and
steady today. Unens were firm and In
steady demand. Underwear linens are be
ing ordered In good volume for fall, 1911,
delivery. Yarns ruled quiet.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlta
APPLES Quiet, but firmer; fancy, 104
llc; choice. 9V0io: prime, 7'ifile.
DRIED FRUITS Prunes, firm. Apr!
rots. Inactive. Peaches, Inactive, Raisins,
Mkeptlral Explorer PI tins Furnace
Leak nnd Spoils llhosl
What chance has a ghost nowadays"
'Who can hope to Keep a phantom In the
family In the face of such pernicious In
quisitorial activities as those of the
Ilotton .profossor who Investigated
Hack Hay mansion most convincingly re
puted to be haunted? Unpleasant nnd
forbidding sensations had been the por
tion of tenant after tenant. Asleep and
awake, they were oppressed with alarm,
melancholy, and even paralysis. Vague but
horrific apparitions floated before tholr
eyes; their ears were afflicted with terri
fying noises. To their beset Imaginations
"tho sheetod dead did squeak and gibber"
throughout the place. Every circumstance
of ghastly mystery was present until
there arrived from the Massachusetts In
stitute of Technology a pedagogue bear
ing the unimaginative name of Schneider,
Prof. Bchnelder asked a few questions,
sniffed the air, and sent for the fumace
man. The furnace man fixed the furnace
and that fixed the phantoms, One and
all. ghoul, ghost, goblin, wraith, speoter,
and banshee, they vacated the premises
and returned to their home Umbo. They
had been born of poisonous gases escap
ing from the defective furnace. Most
ghosts probably do leak out of bod flue
and plpetf. This contribution to demonol
ogy will commend Bchnelder to plumbers
end owners of haunted real estate, but
will never earn him honorary member
fchlp In the Society of Psychical Re
aearch Collier's Weekly
An American's Fight vrlth n French
in nn I'lne Thins; for the
The French llnnr Ia Touralne, arriving
recently from Havre, brought among Its
passengers, John R. Miller, who form
erly lived In llrooklyn. but who for a
year has been living In Glay, France,
with his wife. Mr. Miller fought n duel
with an Irate Frenchman, nnd (hat no
blood wna shed was dun (o lilt, sencc
of humor
Living In the same town was a French
man for whom ho conceived a grent dis
like, and his feelings apparently were
reciprocated. Mr. MUlor didn't like tho
cut of the gentleman's coat nor the top
hat he Invariably wore. Rut quite by
nccldrnt, he contends,' he stepped on the
Frenchman's foot H was In a cafe,
and his friend, the enemy, had one foot
out tn tho alste.
"Pig." said tho Frenchman.
"What's that?" questioned Miller,
doubting the evidence of his senses,
"Swine," cried the other wllh disdain.
Miller swung on the gentleman's Jaw
and tho latter yelled "Assassin."
Gendarmes rushed In and Miller was
"And believe me," said .Mlllr, "1 found
that It was quite a different matter wal
loping n man tn France than handing
him one on this side, it was lucky that
I had friends over there or I might have
gono to Jail for something like life. My
friends told me that the proper thing
over there was to cano a man; that It
was not only inpardonnble to strike a
mnn with your hands, but that tt was
criminal. Well, I got out of ,lt all right
Then I bought a stick with a lot of knots
tn It, and what I hnnded to that gen
tleman was plenty.
"Instead of an arrest this time I got
n challenge to a duel. My wife's cousin
was thn second who brought me the
challenge. I told him that I didn't wnnt
to ftght any duel, and ho said that there
was no way out of It. Well, he was a
good fellow, and I told htm that I would
get n second and thnt they could 'Job'
the bloodthirsty gentleman. He Agreed
to have the pistols loaded with black
"There was a 'morle'iman In town, and
I asked Mm what It was worth to give
him the exclusive privilege. of taking pic
tures. He said 10 francs, and I told him
to go to It. We went out tn tho gray
morning, nnd never a word was ex
changed between us. My man and I
backed up against each other and at tho
word walked ten paces, then ttirnrd and
blazed away,
"The yell 1 let out of me could have
been heard all over town, I think, 1
dropped to the ground nnd squirmed.
That Frenchman's some of honor was
thoroughly satisfied. He beat It. and
his second with Mm. nnd I think he's
going yet, for I never saw him Again.
When he wan gone I got up and went to
where the 'movie' fellows were grinding
awny with their camera, and got my foe.
The manager of the concern grinned nnd
old tho performance was well worth the
prlce.-Now York World.
Key to the Situation Dee Advertising.
I.eft-Hnudrd People,
A German doctor has made a study of
tho left-handed men among the recruits
who Joined the German armv In lono
Them were 10,292 lert-handers among
266,270, and the- doctor appears o hnv
drawn the conclusion that lerthnntled.
neas Is correlated, or Is opt 'to b, with
some constitutional weakness, and that
It has the characteristics of an actual In.
flrmlty, since the left hand, tn spite of
being more exercised, than the right, often
or ordlnnrily remains wonker. Hw these
conclusions tally with accepted medical
findings Is a question for the- doctors to
answer, but the left-handed champions
nt, vnriolls branches of athletics have
certainly been notable,. Yet It Is added
that left-handedness Is often accom
panied with weakness of the legs, though
this Is more In evidence In sports than
on the march, nnd thnt Impediment tit
speech Is also frequent. Unfortunately
only a brief synopsis of this German doc
tor s report Is available: It would he In
teresting to know more, Springfield Republican.
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4'annntintlxllc neslttns of Pellcnn
Clronmvenled by Keeper's
'Bill' Snyder, head keeper In the Zoo
In Centril Park, Nw York, was seated
In the hay hotle when an excited young
woman rushed In. The Tellcan had Just
swallowed two pigeons, she exclaimed.
"Thnt happens nbout twice a month,"
sntd Snyder and laughed.
"Hut the poor birds! What becomes
of themf" cried the visitor.
"They wnlt until tho pelican sneezes,"
said Snvdcr "Come with me. I'll show
Snyder led the way to tho large bird
caw. El Capltnn, 'ho largest pelican,
looked sheepish, and, tho pouch under
Its grent hill bulged enormously. Snyder
called "Fioh" Hurtnn. another keeper.
"Are you ready?" he NasRtd.
"I am," said Htirton. . 'r
"F.I Cnpltanl" they roared together,
Tho great bird stnrtJtl.'operled her bill,
and out flew the pjgeons.
"Voti see," explained Snyder, "their
feathers were dry. nnd a ,Wd cannot
swallow a dry fca"thcry,: sobstance. So
we startle the peilrnh' ';ey shouting tt
name, and that gives thft'p'lgeons a ohance
to cspe" New York' Times.
Pointed Parnarrsfphs.
Dcn't pass your worries on; chloroform
Moreover, the freckled criminal Is bound
to be spotted.
The stisrric oils man always finds what
he Is looking for.
success seldom comes to a man who
Is too laxy to go after It.
Tho moro a man's thirst Is Irrigated, the
faster It grows.
The easiest thing for a man to acquit o
Is old age If ho lives long enough.
When a watch Is run down it stops
working, hut It's different with sorho men.
It Is well enough to be ft thlnkor, but
too often the man who. thinks does noth
ing else.
It's rather difficult .for an easy going
man to keep people front using him for
a door mat.
No, Cordelia, practice doesn't always
make perfect. Even good physicians oc
casionally losoapathnt Chtaago News.
Pointed PnrnBrranttaj.
If you mean no, say no unless you are
a woman.
He Is a near-thoughtless man who
thinks only of himself.
The memory of a witness Is. usually
either too good nr too bad.
It's tough luck when a inarr marries
an heiress and has to support her.
In after years a barefaced lie grows
whiskers and becomes a tradition.
It In nn sin tn he thlrtv years old.
hut tt Is a shame to ask a girl or thirty
her age.
No man can waste valuable time In An
argument. If ' his time Is valuable hn
doesn't argue. Chicago News.
and every kind of builneas, we
have towet service-designed to
meet your special needs.
We keep you auppltea irilth
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