6 Om BEt: Oil AH n, UUAU&l, JNOVJiMDhK 24, I'M. Jeff Says, "Doggone the Dog Business" shut up Keep QuiferJ CoNtUCrofc. WHHJH WES1TBE5T TEAM? Huskers, Maroons Notre Dame and Miohigan Aggies Candidates, ALL OP THEM ARE UNDEFEATED WolrrrlBca Also One to He Can slderrd Rrcnaac of Three Vic tories UTer MINT Eastern lilpvens. CHICAGO. Now 23. As a result of the foot bill came of last week the best team of the wtt must be sefrctod from the undefeated teams of the University of Chicago, University of Nebraska, the Michigan AgTlcultual college and Notre Uame. with the University of Mlchlgiin thrown In for good measure. Chicago Is undisputed hamplon of the "big nine" and the record, of the Ma roonc for the season Is probably the most Impressive recorded In the nine years of the present conference organization. Nebraska had the honor of defeating two hlg nine teams, three Missouri Val ley conference aggregations and the Has kell Indians. The Michigan Agglcs stand high be cause of the defeats administered to Wisconsin and Michigan. Notre Dame has standing because of the humiliation of two strong teams ot the east, and Michigan, ence defeated, Is entitled to a ptaea among the leaders because of Its final games In which three of the strong team ot the east were defeated. Whether some one of these five teams has the right to catlm the title of Amer ican champion Is capable of much dis cussion. Ksch of the team ot the "big nine" conference met defeat by Chicago except Ohio State, with which no game was scheduled. Each name was a decisive and clear-cut demonstration of Chicago's superiority with the possible exception ot the Purdue match. Tha Purdue-Chicago game left some- doubt In the mlads of the critics whether tho Maroons were inherently the stronger, but other Pur due games dispelled this doubt. Last place in thv"blg nine" unques tionably Is Northwestern's, with Ohio State and Indiana a short discussion above the cellar champions. Minnesota and Purdue both fled the claim to sec ond place, while Wisconsin protests vehemently against being relegated to fourth. Jn the Missouri Valley, Nebraska's honors are shared by Missouri, unde feated In the games of the conference. The, teams have an almost equal stand ing against the two teams met la common, Kansas and Ames. Missouri did not play well up to the defeat by Illinois. After that the student feedy rushed to the support of the eleven and Umi coach were able to turn out one of the beat of Missouri elevens. The defeat of Kansas In the final game makes the Mlceri season a success, Ten without equalling Missouri in valley swot. Missouri's valley victories were over Ami. Drake. Washington and Kan as. In the last three games tha team was not scored against. Nebraska, de feated Kansas Agricultural college, Kan sas university and Ames. The seasen of 1M3 seems to have : .-, ' ... i i i 1 ' I Bread Toasters Percolators Chafing Dishes Egg Boilers Tea Kettles THAY LOO ICS SoiPlCJOUSLN SATCH6L marked the pnxslnr ot the "Minnesota shift," opposing trams have solved the famous evolutions of Coach Williams and "Tom" Hlievlln and not a team using tho play or Its aduplatloiiH attained tho high eft ranking. Minnesota lost In the Dig Nine, itnnsue In the Missouri valley and the play was not a wluner In the Rocky mountain conference. Ynl with, the thu She v! In version of the shift, did not prove a successful scoring machine agnlnst tho major teams ot .the east. Middle western foot ball In general was of higher class this year than ever bo fore. Teams of this section t made the best possible showing against representa tives of other sections, the -only defeats suffered bclpg Western Itcsorve by Syra cuse and Oklahoma over Kansas. The Texas-Notre Dame game Thursday will be the only meeting between teams of the middle west and the southwest. Most ot tho teams of the middle west Imvo scored about tha same number of points, with a large variation In the num ber of points scored ngulnst them. Iowa has th high record for the year, whllo Incomplete returns Indicate the Haskell Indians have the least number rf point scored against them. Nebraska held Its opponents to the smallest number of points In'the Missouri valley, while Pur-duo- has that honor In the Big Nine. CHAMPION MOTOR ROAD RACER OF U. S. MAY DIE SAN J03B. Cal., Nov. 23. Bart Coopor, automobile driver, winner of tha Santa Monica road race and other motor car classics, was perhaps fatally injured hero yesterday. Cooper was giving a free exhibition be fore, school children when his" car became unmanageable .and crashed through tha fence bordering, the race track. At the hospital to which ther Injured maniwn removed little hopo for his recovery was held. He was believed to have suffered Internal Injuries, in addition to several bone fractures. CHrCAaO, Nor. 22,-Eart Cooper of I.os Angeles Is the champion motor road racing driver of tho United States, ac cording to data compiled and published here today by an nutomoblle magaxtno. Tha recorda Include the ''desert race" ot Wayne Nnrmnl Heats Atkinson II 1Kb. ATKINSON, Neb.. Nov. 3. (Bpeclal.) Ilefore a crowd of SO Oenthustastlo foot ball fans Wayne normal defeated Atkin son high school today, 7 to Being defeated hy a score no indecisive by a state normal school, which has defeatod many colleges In the eastern part of tha state, places Atkinson high in the run ning for state championship honors, no school having scored on It thin year. Officials of the game were Merrln of O'Neill, referee; Walker of Omaha, um pire and fllake ot Atkinson head lines man. FRlrrannts Win, The Fairmont foot ball sound handed their old enemies, the Athletic Reserves, a neat trimming at Baglea park, Sunday afternoon, before a crowd of several hundred enthulsJnsts, whoa evenly di vided sentiment aroused a Tolley of In tense rooting. Both teams are composed of allvletoa not excedlmr 18 year ot age and desire to hear from other teams In the city for future contests, Chicago's Vletoriea Decisive, OAKLAND. Neb., Nov. M.-fipeclal Telegram.) Oakland defeated Waithlll today. tn 0. This la the first game Oakland has played this year, the features were the all around playing; ot Wagner and Patmqulst or Oakland. Oakland plays Sherman Avenue Merchants ot Omaha Thanksgiving. Your Christmas Problem Solved An Electrical Gift is a splendid example of Use ful Giving, yet it would be difficult to find any thing more attractive in appearance. A showing of Things Electrical offer tempting variety for your choice. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: Cereal Cookers Waffle Irons Shaving Slirrors Vacuum Cleaners Floor Lamps Hair An Electrical Gift U always appropriate Omaha Electric light & Power Co. ( vdj DOfe r IT DOSi, PONT ir - e-- SOtAGUHAY CORNHUSKERSARE SUPREME Undoubted Valley Champs, Though Have Not Met Missouri. POSSIBLY STRONGEST IN "WEST Many Snppiirtrr of Nebraska Be lleve Cornliriskern llarf Revealed Better Form Than Any Western Eleven. II Fit ISO 8. ItllMUII. By decisively defeating Iowa yester day afternoon Nebraska brought to a fitting culmination a season that Is per haps the most successful In the history of the school. At least It Is the most gratifying for the rooters and supporters because It Is a' team that Is almost a new team and a team that went into at least two battles with doubt of victory stamped on Its record. There can be little doubt that Nebraska cleanly estab lished Its right to the Missouri valley championship honor, even though Mis souri did defeat all the Missouri valley teams that it met this season. Missouri lost ono game, the game with Illinois. The Illtnl defeated the Missouri vnlley eleven conclusively. Nebraska did not lose a game, either to conference) members or to teams outside the confer ence. Nebraska defeated two teams In the western conference, the conference In whtch Illinois plays, and both teams are superior to Illinois. Minnesota was defeated by the Cornhuskers and the Gophers failed to cross the goal line. .Iowa was defeated yesterday and the Hawkeyrs likewise failed to cross the Nebraska goal. As Illinois received the worst beating she received during the season at the hands bf tho Gophers, it .does not appear reasonable that Mis sour! could defeat the Cornhuskers. Missouri barely defeated the Jayhawk' era yesterday by a lone drop kick. A week ago Nebraska Invaded McCook field and walked away with a 9-to-0 victory tucked under her arm, One touchdown and a place kick netted tho nine points. A touchdown Is always regarded as con clusive evidence of superiority, even whan a goal from the field Is not, because a goal from tho field only demonstrates tho skill and prowess ot one Individual player and does not represent the com bined efforts of a foot ball scoring ma chine. Thus, If Missouri could not In reality score against Kansas and Ne braska could and did, It points clearly to the superiority of the Cpmhuskcf warriors, Million rt'a Standing?, The games with Ames point to little Both Missouri and Nebraska defeated the Iowa farmers and both scored three touchdowns. Ames, In turn, scored ona touchdown against both Nebraska, and Missouri. The Ames games can be ellm Inated from the records a Illustrating any superiority ot Nebraska, but the Kansas game must not be omitted and the western conference games by both teams furnish additional proof of the Cornhuskers' claim to the championship) honor. I.nnk tn Western Honors. But many a Cornhusker rooter, In fact most ot them, Is not content to let mat ters rest at that point- It would be a difficult proposition to discover a Corn- Curling Irons Disc Stoves Library Lamps Boudoir Lamps Dryers Flat Irons cant Keep IN THi. PULLMAN? j YOU'LL, MAMETo That Pooch out fN I 1 I Ml Mil I MAli f -t I I V I I I huskor supporter who does not believe the Missouri Valley conference honor Is conceded to Nebraska by everybody. And It wdtild be Just as difficult a proposition to find a Cornhusker who does not flrm'y believe, and Is willing to back that be lief up by strong argument, that the western honors 'belong to Nebraska. Of courso Chicago will bo given the Western conference honor, but there are other teams In tho west which, In the opinion of many eminent foot ball ex ports, are faster than Btagg's proteges. Notre Dame and the Michigan Aggies can Insert their claim to supremacy of the entlro west and they have records on which to base their assertions. But above all rests the honors that Nebraska haa won this year. Decisive defeats ot all opponents. Including Minnesota and Iowa and Kansas. The Michigan Aggies barely beat Wisconsin, while Wisconsin was soundly trounced by Minnesota, who In turn was badly beaten by Nebraska. Notre Dame has playod no one by which a comparative score ot any kind may be compiled. Its strength Is merely a guesi, but those who have seen the Catholics play do not believe that they could beat either Chicago or Minnesota or Ne braska. From every standpoint Nebraska has the atronrgst claim to western supremacy and, although It has never been the cus tom to proclaim a western champion be yond the western conference champion, there can be little doubt that Nebraska Is supreme In the west. Carlisle Reds Win Over Syracuse in a Spectacular Game SrilACUSE, N. Y., Nov. 23. The Car Halo Indians defeated Syracuse In the Archbold sttidium yesterday, S5to27. The game was one ot the most spectacular seen here. All through the game the two elevens took turns in scoring. During the first three minutes of play Castle, the Orange halfback, broke away from tho Indians on an end-run and gained sixty yards for the first touch down. By straight rushing two touch downs were scored for Carlisle In the first quarter, and Carlo w kicked both goals. Halfback Brasklln also accounted for two ot the Indians' touchdowns later In the game. Toward the end of the second quarter, Syracuse carried the ball from their own forty-yard Una over for a touchdown, Kinsley, right halfback, mak ing the last run for twenty yards. For tho Indians, Guy on scored a touch down In the final period and Halfback Qarlow kicked the goal. Quarterback Johnson made a thirty-yard run through a broken field for Syracuse's last touch down. Halfback Castlo kicked the goat Cornhusks O'er 100 university catfts ushered at the game, but they forgot all about ushering when the game started and many a delayed spectator was compelled to find his own seat- The solid bank of black and old gold In the south stands was almost as heavy as the scarlet and red In the north. There were several hundred Iowans present and they cneereo. long ana iura at th hrlnnlnir of. the contest up until the last quarter, but In the last quarter the ardor or me itawarye bwwiwi visibly and audibly dampened when Purdy annexea me secona pmnw. Ammerman and Oalletley, the Ne braska cheer leaders, fairly exuberated enthusiasm and the latest tango steps when they called upon all loyal rooters to give the Nebraska songs and yells. When Rutherford rushed over for the first touchdown the Nebraska supporters threw their hats In the air, yelled them selves hoarse, hugged other Nebraska men and sometimes hugged Nebraska girls. The Crelghton foot ball team was on hand to seo how Nebraska handed the Hawkeyes a package. Coach Miller fig urea that Crelghton will profit by th experience and do likewise with South Dakota. Considerable money changed hands on the contest. One pool of 11.300, put up by Iowa stockmen, was covered by a bunch ot Omaha men and when the game was over the Iowa stockmen were nowhere to be seetu Captain Purdy gambled 1300 of his own money, for which he labored long and faithfully last summer, on the result Purdy said Nebraska would "eat em up" and Nebraska did as he said for ho was the captain. Superintendent draff and Prof. C. E. Reed, ot the high school, attended the game to see Halllgan. the North Platte wonder. If all the North Platte boys are like Halllgan, It looks bad for Omaha Thanksgiving day, Nebraska's big band furnished the brass harmony for the occasion and marched around the field to display Its strength between the halves. The Lin coln High school band was also present nnd Dlayed almost as good as did the large university band. Captain Purdy will be married as soon as the school term Is over next spring, or perhaps sooner, lie will wea miss itacnei Kllpatrick of Beatrice. Two years ago, the day ot the Michigan contest. Purdy secured Miss KUpatrlck's consent to the union, but it was not to d unui aner his senior year. "Jumbo" Stiehm was the most excited Individual on the field. The tall Ne braska mentor paced up and down the side lines, tearing hla hat and his hair during the third quarter, when Iowa took a spurt, but during the last quarter he was a solid mass of smllea. Even his feet seemed to smile and lie did dance up and down when a Cornhusker ra&de a Mtiirtloaal fata. I I I , I I I STATE HIGH TITLE CLEARING Question of Which School Deserves Honors Being Settled. ELIMINATION IS GOING ON Final Games Are DrnTrlnsr Ncnr nnd Tlio.c Still In the Field Wtll Be Obliged to Defend Them . selves. The state high school championship horizon Is clearing and the tangle In which a number of the schools of the state have been Involved, each claiming the title, Is disappearing as a result ot this week's gridiron contests. Omaha will be In a position to clinch the "rag" it the local lads succeed. In defeating North Platte on Thanksgiving. Since the defeat ot Aurora by Hastings Friday the former city Is out of the run ning and strengthens Omaha's claim. A post-season game with Aurora, If both the teams completed the remainder of the schedule with no defeats, has been considered for some time by tho local team as a means of straightening out the tangle, and the defeat ot Aurora makes such a game unnecessary. Another of the strong up-state teams whose previously bright hopes for the championship were killed Friday Is Oothenberg, for North Platte succeeded In obtaining a hard victory over this team by a 3 to 0 score. Before this de feat Oothenberg had played a clean schedule and was claiming tho western championship. Omaha's only formidable opposing: claimant is Kearney, as a result. North Platte, however, succeeded In holding Kearney to a tied score early in. the sea son and If Omaha defeats the former next Thursday, Kearney will be eliminated and the championship will go to the local team. Tho high school team will be In first class condition Thanksgiving day and an excellent contest Is anticipated. Tho lo cal warriors are fully assured ot the Im portance of the event of the struggle as bearing on the championship and are preparing to bring every ounce of strength Into play In an endeavor to cop the title. Notre Dame Defeats Christian Brothers ST. LOt'lS, Nov. a -Crumbling In the final quarters, the Christian Brothers' col lege eleven went down to defeat yesterday before the rushing Notre Dame team. 20 to 7. It was the Purple and Gold's first defeat In two years. The game started with a series of line plunges and after ten minutes of play Ratlcan, the local halfback, recovered a fumble and scored the "brothers' " touch down after a tun of twenty-five yards. He kicked goal. tenner team had the adavntage In th aecond period, hut in the third quarter Klchenlaub went over for a touchdown on a series of end runs and fake plays. Borlas kicked the goat. In the final period tho weight of the visitors showed to advantage, Notre Dame bowling over its lighter opponents with ease. In this quarter Borlas went over for touchdowns ' ' v? u '".-"rr; . Thanksgiving STAG smokers are thankful all the time. Thankful for STAG'S fragrance and freshness. Thankful to escape forever from tobaccos that sting and bite and parch. Thankful to find at last the tobacco that Is exactly right. run bite 5-Cent NoBtit, ml Drawn for The Bee by on runs of forty yards, mtascd a goal. He kicked and Gopher Establishes New Record in Cross country Mile Meet COLUMBUS, O.. Nov. .-Covering a mile course In 20:iUl, Watson of Min nesota established n new record In the ninth annual western conference cross country meet held yesterday at the Ohio State unlvrslty. However, his team mates, were unable to follow the pace sot hy their leader and Minnesota finished sixth, Wisconsin. Illinois nnd Ohio State winning first, second and third, places, respectively. The previous record for tho. Ive-mllo course was 27:29. Eleven col leges were represented. Ferguson of the Ohio StatP team was forced to withdraw when his left leg gave way. The teams' score with the Individual names of the first three follows: Wisconsin White, Goldy, Bresnahan, Harvey. HfJt and Merrill. 7i Illinois Mason, Hal lander, Wray, Frank. Burgoon and Wright, S3. Ohio State Criswell, Carrol, Dawson, Carpenter and Dupre, 106. Am. 109. Purdue. 117. Minnesota. 147. Indiana. 174. Northwestern. 17i. Dcnlson, 177. Chicago, 199. Jowa. zu. Navy Defeats New York by Big Score ANNAPOLIS, Md.. Nov, 2i The Navy defeated New York university hy 48 to 0 yesterday tn the final contest on the home grounds, prior to the big Inter-service struggle with the Army at New York next Tuesday. Tho team the Annapolis coaches put In at the start was composed largely of substitutes, and several of the varsity men did not don foot ball clothes, but sat on the coaching bench watching the strugsls. Those of the regulars who were allowed to participate In the gamo showed -well, though at times the New Yorkers made consistent gains for first downs by plays directed at tackle. . New York made several desperate at tempts to score. On one occasion they essayed a placement goal from the forty-five-yard line. The feature of the struggle was Quar terback Nlcholls' run of ninety-five yards for a touchdown when he received the Initial klckoff. Mother of F-lschteen Children. ."I am the mother of eighteen children and have the praise of doing more work than any young woman In my town,' writes Mrs. C. J. Martin, Boone Mill, Va. "I suffered for five years with stom ach trouble and could not eat aa much aa a bltcutt without suffering. I have taken three bottles of Chamberlain's Tablets and am now a well woman and weigh 16S pounds. I can eat anything I want to, and aa much as I want and feel better than I havo at any time In ten years. I refer to any one tn Boone Mill or vicinity and they will vouch for what I say." For sale at all druggists. Advertisement -war nmm iu hi iii i iii ii mil '"in mi ii in tn ; y isiivi var convenient Packages The Pound Humidor, tha 10-Cent Tin and the Handy Half-Si:o Tin. 5TA6 i For Pips and Cigarette reVER-tASTING-LY GOOD f. tmuns c. sn. n9 "Bud" Fisher GRIDIRON FATALITIES LESS Fourteen Deaths This Fall Against Fifteen Last Year. NOT SO MANY ARE INJURED Only Two University rlayers Are Killed .Marcns Dnnlnn of Ver milion JIlKh School One Victim. CHICAGO. Nov. 22.-Fourtecn players wero killed and 175 were Injured In foot ball games In the season, which virtually closed today. This record of casualties Is only slightly below that of 1912, when fifteen players met death and 163 wero Injured. These figures were complied from pres reports and published hero today. The Injured include only those who suffered broken bones, torn ligaments, severe strains and sprains and internal Injuries. Of the fourtoert deaths, thirteen were due to injuries occurring this year. Charles Sweltzer. formerly a Hamlin .university player, died November 17 at St. Paul, following a complication ot diseases resulting from Injuries several years ago. Other fataliUes resulted with few exceptions, from fractured skulls, bioken necks or spinal Injuries. Only two university players were killed. Vernon Belyea of the Norwloh, (Conn.) 'varsity, was thrown heavily In a gamo with Holy Cross and died three days later. Udword Morrisscy, captain of St. Ambrose 'varsity, broko his leg Septem ber 2, and died of blood poisoning. Tha high school players, who lost their lives were John Lewis Of Cambridge,, p.; Allen Weidman ot Minneapolis, MarcUH Dunlap of Vermillion, a D., and WUUam McCarthncy ot Lawrence, Mass. j f Albert J. Kramer of Kankakee w'as the only player killed In Illinois. George H. Gay, former player and coach at Ur slnus, who lived at Blackton, Mass., died November 4, from a broken neck re ceived In an independent game. Hall Warner, who attended public school at Kalmazoo, Mich., met a similar death on October 26. STIEHM TO UMPIRE THE CREIGHT0N-C0Y0TE GAME "Jumbo"- Stiehm. coach of the Ne braska State university foot ball team, will act as umpire ot the Crelghton South Dakota game In Omaha Thanks giving, according to an announcement of the Crelghton athletic board Saturday. Stiehm was suggested by Crelghton and accepted by South Dakota. Elsenman of Sioux City was suggested for referee by South Dakota and accepted by Crelghton. The head linesman has not yet been picked. The Coyotes have suggested a man unknown to Crelghton, and the lo cal school will not accept him. No trou ble Is anticipated In picking a third man, however. Most Food Is Poison to the dyspeptic Klectrla Bitters soon relieve dyspepsia, liver and kidney com plaints and debility. Price SOc. For sale by your druggist. Advertisement. 5'