l'HJS UEK: Oit.UlA, MONDAY, NO KlBElt :!4, 1I8. BBIEF CITY NEWS Coplsy, Jsweler, 218 S. 16th. 85lh year. naellty Storage b Van Oo. Dou. 1518 Save Root Print rt Now Beacon Press. life lai? ft. Penn Mutual. Oonld. Sighting fixtures. Bnrgsss-araBdsn Oo. A. Bargain Electric coupe. Factory demonstrating machine. Address dealer, Omaha Bee, for particulars. iocust Qrovt Olnb Meets Sirs. M. Kle bach entertained the Locust Grove club Thursday afternoon at her home. The next meeting will be at the homo of Mrs. H. H. Johnson December 4. Xana Identifies Assailant John Kane, 2203 North Twenty-seventh avenue, was slugged and robbed of SS at Sixth and Jones streets Friday night Dy two white m$n. John Blackburn, arrested by Of ficer M". E. Anderaon. was Identified by Katie ns one of the pair. Blackburn Is held' for Investigation. Warner Out of Danger Lester War ner, police chauffeur, who has been ser iously III at Bt. Joseph's hospital for the last few weeks, was sufficiently recov ered yesterday to be taken to his home at 1703 Dodge street. He Is now out of danger, physicians say. Kra. O. r. Crowlsy Convalescent Mrs. C. F. Crowley, wife of City Chemist Dr. Charles F. Crowley, who has been sick at .her home. 3315 Burt street, for the last month, Is reported to have taken a turn for the better, although Dr. Crowley states that she will probably be In bed for another two weeks. Young- Woman Kissing Mable Wauflc, ii-year-old daughter of B. M. Wnufle, U07 Vinton street, has been m'.sslng from her home sarly Friday evening. Her parents Deueve nn nas eloped with a young fellow with whom the father for bade -her associating. The South Omaha police have been notified. Quealy, locomotive Engineer I. Qtieaiy, wlio wbk complainant In the charges against Officer William Hareld, is sa locomotive engineer in the South Omaha stock yards and not the pro prtetpr of the Rex hotel, as was men tioned b.v error In the proceedings which led up to the conclusion of the case. Xatsrtalns ClubMiss Margaret Weln ert' entertained" the Tip Top Pleasure club" Thursday evening at her home. The room were decorated in the Tip Top club colors and the center piece for the table was a large bouquet of red and white roues. The evening was spent In music and games. The next meeting will be at the home of Alma Johnson December 4. Appeal is Made to Parents to Remind Children to Help In n final r-ttnrt tn nrAvlri a hanOV Thlnkaglvlng for the poor of Omaha, the associated charities has Issued an appeal to parents of the city, In which II is urged that they stimulate the Interest nlworiv sralMrd on the Cart of school children In the movement to give cause. for thanksgiving to those who might otherwise have little to enjoy. Parents who are able to contribute anything food, clothing or anything else hav hn asked to see to It that their children bring such things to their re spective schools not later than weunes- day morning. The rounds of every school building In Omaha will be made Wednes- day by wagons, which will be guen . i, ..t-l-i hv the Merchants' Express company. Trimble Brothers and Andrew Murphy & Son. The contributions win uo taken to the Associated charities for dis tribution. Although three trucks have oeen promised for tho work of calling at the schools Wednesday for the Thanksgiving contributions, other will be requlred probably eight In all. There are thirty reven schools to be vlflted. Miss Mable Porter of the Associated charities has asked that any merchant or other per son who will lend u wagon for this work call by telephone, Douglas 2287, and give auch notice aa early as possible. Dlnrrhocn Quickly Cured. r -no takim with diarrhoea, and Mr. Yor Us. the merchant her, persuaded me to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After inVlnff one dose of It I was cured. It also cured others that I gave It to," writes M. E. Gebhart. Oriole, Pa. That Is not at all unusuall. An ordinary at tack of diarrhoea can almost Invariably be cured by one or two doses of this remedy. For sale by all druggtsta. Advertisement SCHOOL AND COLLEGE WORK Urgent Need of Checking Snobbery in Colleges. WAYS AND MEANS DISCUSSED Doing of thr Week In Xrnrbr S'tate and Private Institutions Nerra from the Educational Field. a few guest, the German language wn the prevailing tongue Prof. G. 11 Mohler Is enjoying a visit from his daughter, Mrs. Marlon need, and children en route to Austin, Tex., where Mr. Herd will assume control of the mustc department of the university. Prof. Heed was for seven years head of the piano department of the college. PKnu STATU NOHMAI. SCHOOL. Commercial Clnti niren rtrceptlon to the Fncnltj-. Peni Xormal will have but one-day On nf tho liveliest movements of the vacation this week and that will be hour, as noted by the New York Trl-. Thanksgiving day. Uncle Sam Has Awakened to the importance of eliminating indiscrim inate production of oystersaccording to ' harper's Weekly, 0er - tober 25th issuearid he will "begin ' a sys tematic,sanitary study of the entire question of oyster production ant' m-v - . $ ' t " - This is exactly what we have been doing for a number of years, and today when you; Get Booth Guaranteed Oysters, you t get' 'a guaranty with every oyster from the oldest arid largest oyster house in the world. 1. V, ' i They come in"" three sizes: "Standards," "Se lects" and "Jumbo Counts." But the size has nothing to do with the quality they are delicious in all sizes. ' Booth Fisheries Coi ipany Branches in all principal cit'iM Omaha 1308 Leavenworth Strt Library tSp bt rytan bune. U the effort to make American colleges more democratic. Theie Is not much agreement aa to method, but gen eral agreement on the necessity for at tack. As to the right and wrong ways of ap proaching the problem, John Corbln pre sents some exceedingly clear-cut Ideas In the current Century. Harvard claimed Mr. Corbln'a early college yeara nnd Ox ford his later. So that he speaks from a pretty catholic experience, and, bo It added, with no perceptible squint to ward his own homes of learning. For his text there U the classic tale of the Harvard professor, walking tho college yard, who asked a troubled and forlorn youth, "Are you looking for anybody?" "I don't know anybody this side of tho Uocky mountains." came the answer. Of such Is the wilderness of the "out" In our largu colleges. And. on the other hand, for those who would be ,,lns" there He a period of campaign ing which Mr. Corbln very accurately compared to the feminine business of social climbing. itow avoid all this and permit under graduates to come together, man to man, on their merits? Mr. Corbln's recipe Is frankly based on the Oxford nnd Corn bridge Idea. There a man rubs Into Im mediate friendship by reason of his resi dence in his college. The Enstlsh college Is small enough to be thoroughly in dividual. It is large enough to give a student the spirit and life of the whole Institution. For tho inr.n of special dts Unction there are the clubs which fuse the colleges Into ono powerful tradition, working In a directly opposite direction from tho narrowing American fraternity or society. Just how these principles can bo trans planted to America la another matter. Mr. Corbln points out how the Harvard union, modeled after the Oxford union. failed iltterely. He also disapprove the :iuad system which President Wilson ad ocated for Princeton during a late un pleasantness In that Institution. The scheme was too mathematical, too arti ficial, he seems to hold, permitting none of the natural, sturdy Individuality which Is the strength ofthe English college. For a move In the right direction Mr. Corbln chooses the new residential halls at Harvard. Three of theso are to house the entire freshman class, each a com plete community In itself, with dining) hall, athletic teams, etc., of Its own. Thus, for one year at any rate, com munities more or less In the manner of an English college are to be developed. Various Activities of (he Tlrlefly Noted. All departments of the normal will close Wednesday and the students will be bermltted to spend Thursday and Friday at home. The commission form of government will be the question for discussion before tho debating club at its next meeting. The art department is at work on a suitable design for the cover page of the December Issue of the Goldenrod, which a to bo a special foot ball number. Last Monday and Tuesday Dr. House and his class In sociology attended in a body the meeting of charities and cor rection at Sioux City, and on Friday morning they gave a very excellent re port of this convention to students and faculty at convocation. Prof. Lackey has outlined a short courso In agrioulture to begin alter tha Thanksgiving recess. The purpose of this course la to meet the needs of young men who enter for tho winter term. New registrations this week are: Goldlo !. Templeman of Laurel and Lee E. Sellon of Randolph. WAYNE STATU KOIIMAI., Week FREMONT COLLEGE. of Ilrief Mention of Hnppenlnsr the Week. Miss Mary Buttoff of Harrisburg, Pa.. will continue her study with Prof. Phil lips which she began prior to his coming to Fremont. Miss Runoff has a voice of are quality. She appeared before the students In chapel Wednesday morning and Immediately captivated hr audience. Mrs. Gilbert's class In Shakespeare have taken up Henry Eighth. This class Is one of the most lnterettlpg In the literary department. Mies Clara Chase of Omaha, formerly college librarian, Is a guest of Mrs Clemmons at the college. Mrs. A. F. Mueller entertained her German class Wednesday with sixty present The evening opened with grand march and with the exception of The president went to Falrbury last Thursday to visit the schools and to lecture to the Jefferson county teachers on Saturday. i-rot. i . m. uregg lectured before a young man's organization at Plattsmouth I on Monday. rne racuity nas tieclded to have a ''play." It will be coached by Miss Fer guson of the elocution department. The "play" will be given In December and Is for the purpose of paying the deficit of last year's athletics. The klndergartner have been studying tho blrdn of this community. They have made a number of excursions to observe them In the woods. They had canaries at school and later visited one of the homea where there are two parrots. Tuesday evening W. Uattls. an Im personator of Dickens, gave an entertain ment, which was well received. Robert Graham of Alliance, visited his daughter last week. Miss nctsle Graham Is secretary to the president of th- norma). All of the tree which are to b re moved from the Peru park have been marked and atudents ate to be given the opportunity of earning money by cutting thorn -down. Miss Nemaha Clark, comity superin tendent, visited In Peru Thursday. Miss Dowen lectured on German life last Friday evening. ThA exhibit made by C. A. Sommera of the German-Ameri can Alliance has drawn hundreds of visi tors and Miss Bowen thinks that an un derstanding of German people and their customs will be bettered. The furtherance of good will among the German societies and German loving people will certainly be the result. The Commercial club gave a reception to the faculty Wednesday night. The president passed out cards, on which were ten question, the answers to which were later read by him. It developed that In the year 1911 30.000 barrels of elder had been made; that the receipt r th local freight amounted to jw.aw. Students come from eleven states, and from seventy-two counties or Nebrasaa. tw ore 25.W0 telephone cans aaii). Nearly 700,000 pieces of malt are nanaiea annually at tho postoffice. HASTINGS COLLEGE. Eqnlpment and Cskinpns. Borne Improvements have ben made hmit the colleee recently. A cement walk has been placed from tho girls dormitory to tho north aide of the campus, thus giving us a splendid walk to all points northwest of the campus. Tho large grand piano which was moved about from place to place since the college dWncd It has finally been placed In the conservatory studio. This slvea us a 'couple of splendid grand Pi anos for our studios, Our muslo depart ment has now mora than 100 enrolled, against fifty-three last year, t'rot. Fuhr and Miss Johnson are proving themselves trong teachers In their respective lines. A nice collection of birds was added to our museum through gift of W, M. iow- man- ' The week Just closed was observed by tho Christian associations as the week of prayer. A short prayer service was conducted each noon by both associations. We now have two young womon's literary societies, as a second one has recently been organized with about a dozen members. More will com In later. This means an Improvement In our liter ary work, as there will be. contests be tween our women's societies as well as the men's. Hastings college has now five flourishing literary societies. Among the visitors last wek were Miss Elizabeth Lehr and Mlsa Frances FUson, who are teaching this year; Miss Gladys Work, who has charge of the primary work of Giltner; Miss Mattle Theoboh), '18, who Is teaching In the high school of Glltner, and Helen Ingalla Turner. '09. We expect all old students back at the homecoming at commence ment time. QUICKLY STOPS WORST BACKACHE Makes Kidney, Bladder Disorders and ItberamAtic Fates Vanish. If you suffer with backaehlnr kidney trouble; have dlsagraeabla bladder and urinary disorders, or are tortured with rheumatism, stiff Joints and heart- wrenohlag pains, you will be surprised how quickly and surely Croxone will re lieve all such misery. It soaks right In through th walls, membranes and linings, cltans out and strengthens th stopped up organs, neu trallzes, dissolves and makaa the kid n'eys sift out and filter away the arte acid and poisons from the blood, and ltavss the kidneys and urinary organs, clean, strong, active and healthy. It matters not how long you hare suf. ft red; how old you are, or what you have tried. It Is practically Impossible to take Croxone without results, for It starts to work the mlnuts you taks It If you suffer with pains In tht back or sidst; If you are nervous, tired and run down; bothtred with urinary dls orders, or hava any signs of kidney bladder troubles or rheumatism, don' spend another ndlss day suffering. Beeurs an original package of Crox on today, and prove for yourself rlfh now, as thousands of others have done Just how quickly It will end your misery Croxona Is Inexpensive, and ever; druggist Is authorised to return the pur rhass price It it falls In a single case. Advertisement DOANE COLLEGE NOTES. The New Munsey Magazine A radical overturning of old theories in mag azine making. A complete book-length novel takes the place of the serial story. A $1.50 book and a standard illustrated magazine all in one. No longer any "Continued in Our Next" in Munsey's Magazine. Everything complete in each issue. I HAVE made this sweeping change in Munsey's Magazine, cutting out all serial stories, for the reason that magazines built on old lines have lost their grip on the public. The day for the serialization of novels in monthly periodicals is gone, and gone forever. The public is no longer willing to wait from month to month for fragments of a novel, the whole story dragging through six or eight or ten months. And the novel is the great nulling force in periodical publications. Without it, magazine circulation as a whole, that is, normal, spontaneous circulation, not bargain-counter circulation, would drop per haps eighty-five per cent. Weekly publications, Sunday supplements of the daily press and the dailies themselves have usurped the place of the monthly in the presentation of serial stories. But the monthly magazine has its place. It can do what the dailies and weeklies cannot do. It can publish a com plete book-length' novel in a single issue, and this "puts it all over" the serialized novel, however ideally presented. This new move of Munsey's Magazine opens up a new field of wider usefulness and wider popularity for magazines. It gives them a definite work to do and solves the Droblem of furnishing new books to the public at a price well within the reach of all. In initiating this broad policy in magazine making, Munsey's Magazine has given the public something new and something big. The complete novel in Munsey's for Decem ber (Christmas issue) is BLACK IS WHITE by George Barr McCutcheon It is as good a novel as McCutcheon has ever written, and McCutcheon stands with the very first in popularity among the novel writers of the present time. A gauge of his popularity is found in the fact that in book form, at $1,50 a copy, his novels sell up into the hundreds of thousands. In Munsey's Magazine " Black is White " will cost you 15c; in book form it will cost you $1.50, and in Munsey's Magazine you will get it first get it before it has ever appeared elsewhere. The complete novels in Munsey's Maga zine are not mere novelettes, but full-length book novels. Make no mistake about this. Of course, the publication of a book-length novel complete in one issue of a magazine meant a mammoth magazine in reading pages. Munsey's Magazine is a mammoth maga zine in reading pages 228 pages this month. Magazines running along on old lines give, on an average, say three serialized novels a year. Munsey's Magazine will now give twelve complete novels, which means $18.00 worth of books a year. Quite apart from the complete McCutch eon novel in the December Munsey, it is a very splendid Christmas magazine, rich in illustrations and generous in short stories, articles, and such miscellany as goes to make complete a standard illustrated magazine. f?et the December number of Munsev'i Magazine and see the kind of a magazine it c i .u: occinK tor yuuiscu mc,ua suiuciuiiik. IS On all News-stands . . ISca copy By the Year from the Publishers, SI. SO Frank A. Munsey New York College Clnh Electa Neyr President and Secretary. Herbert Hoaford was eleoted president of the College club at a special meeting held last Wednesday. Miss Ethel Ttougtc was electod secretary. Tho club will have six meeUngi this year, each class to be naponalble for one meeting and the off I cers and faculty one meeting each. The first meeting of the club will be held on December 19, and the program will he presented by the sophomore class. On Thursday evening occurred the mc. ond or the student recital series. Ten students from the various departments of the conservatory and the school of ex. preaslon appeared on the program. C. w. Mitchell, 'to, and Mrs. Mitchell of Chadron, visited friends at the college Wednesday. ino xoung women's Christian aasocla. tlon meting last week was conducted by tour young women rfom tha Wealeyan i niversiiy association. Verna Btebblns. their president, led the meeting-. B unpen gave readings, Ethel Garten sang, ana dcck was pianist. College will close at 11:30 Wednesday lor tne ThanKsgtving recess. Miss Hemic Nelson of Ogallala ha oeen the guest of her sister, Pauline, this weeK. V, H. Korab, '12, who was assistant sec. retary of the Fremont Youna- Woman's Christian association last year, has gone to Bpring Lake, Mont., where he has taken a homestead. The anual foot ball banouet will he given on uecemDer 6. Kducatlnnal .Notes. Atlanta Sunday school hi v .t,-. aum ui uirr wi acnoiars over last Spokane schools are to hiv. rwi.i classes for particularly good, bright boy .Springfield (Mo.) Normal school Is pro- yiata wun eigniysix newspapers dally u u, tuuciui Enu as gram matlcal text books. President Jacob Gould Kchurman of Cornell university last week that S4.X0.COO had been given to the vomeu univKtiijr ineuicai scnooi Dy an anonymous giver. A irift of S30.000 from Charles II. Pin. of Ansonla for scholarships was made at tne mreiins 01 m laie corporation. It Is the lancest single Elf I this vea.r. A collection of UQ British tracts, datlnjg from 1624 to 1649, was given by Otto T, 1 Danhard of New York. Tj- T i.ot. tf Mi Mnrlmrflnlii (Mn.) State Normal school has subscribed to 100 newspapers irom an over ino rauuur, which he Is planning to use as text books in tne Missouri ncnoon, ui "S., ... i. ttA i.D . ,iM Hint ''the newspapers and the public schools ore .v.. nnlir...tlt., rt llm world. IMV UIIPVI.IHV. w -" The penny lunch counter In achools Is of comparatively recent date, but tt has on Bscnoof Hygiene showed that the children In the New ork City school. adeVhrflllW Wtho nine months' from Heptnnbcr to June. Chadron Normal School. a -i. n tvaau U All Miss Frailer is oaca - foTt'ooK chCa0rgneloDtl d.H5"U. rTh?rfri."Mket ball team, have or- WMrXn Palmer society , sVmeeg In Omahaigave a report of "The work on th. new dormiu.ry I. pro. i TctBtng rapiaiy Kr "v," ; lc.7 U being taken In the construction of this building by the town iw-. ,.-...-v. of people visited tho grounds on Sunday. " cj....4v. vTiinir one of the most enjoyable functions of the ""on took place at the Carmean nonw, wnw.i . j-.-dent and Mrs. Sparks, Dear i and Mrs. I nil UlaU I'Hint! II1GL nllll HI" senior and sophomore classes for their st .nnlil tyaths-rlni?. CONDUCTOR A. C. DUGA.Y TO BE BURIED THIS AFTERNOON a c. nusay. for twenty-five years a ...i.t nf Omaha and at one time a conductor for tho Missouri Pacific, died fTiday In a local hospital, oi pulmonary tuberculoma, He lived at 1618 Caaa street. Funeral services will be held today at the chapel of John A. Gentleman, 1614 Chicago street, at 2:30 p. m., and Inter ment will be at West lawn cemetery. Silver Anniversary of Jobst Wedding Celebrating tho twenty-ntth anniversary of their wedding day. Mr. and Mrs. II, J. Jobst, KOI Cusa ctreet Saturday night entertained at a banquet tn the rathskoller of the Ilenshaw hotel, fifty friends and relatives. Among out-of-town guest, who came to attend the silver wedding function were: Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Jobst of Peoria, III., aged parents of the groom. Herman Jobst. n son. came from Champaign, III., whero ho Is attending the University of Illinois. Miss Susanna Jobet, who lives with her parents, completed the circle of the Immediate family. Many Informal congratulatory speeches by those numbered among the guests and a special musical program followed the banquet. The rathskeller was elabo rately decorated. Mr. Jobst came to Omaha from his boyhood home. Peoria, III., In 1S8S. His suoceasful business career as a contrac tor, was begun at once. Two years later he returned to Peoria for hU marriage to Miss Emma Schertz of that place. Mr- and Mrs. Jobst have made their home In Omaha over since. Following are the names of those who attended the wedding anniversary; Mrs. E. Itltter. P. Andres. V. II. O'Shea, Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Metz, Mrs, N'agle, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harte, Mr. and Mrs. J. Drexel, Mrs. A. Beckman, Mrs. I niohard, Mrs. Detwelter, Peoria, III.; Mr and Mrs. Ilosenzwelg, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Metx, Miss Lena Krug, Mrs, Thom son, Miss Edna Rosenzwelg, Miss Lllllo Ilosenzwelg, C. Nagle, C. Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Uecht, Mr. and Mrs. C. Con nolly, Mr. apd Mrs. H. Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. C. li. Liver, Mr. and Mrs. G, Storz, Mr. and Mrs. A. Powell, Mr. and Mrs, A. Hart, Mr. and Mrs. V. Peters, Mrs, Ilobert Htrehlow, Mrs. W. Weldman and Miss DUlman. Michigan Alumni Prepare for Dinner Tho fiery spirit of college grads which burns within the Michigan alumnus, has been pent up for nearly a year. Uut a committee recently appointed at a meet ing of the University of Michigan Alumni of the Missouri Volley, Is preparing to remove the lid of the caldron, and thus allow the sizzling steam of enthusiasm to rend the atmosphere surrounding. The University club s making special plans to entertain the Michigan men at their annual dinner which is to take place at 6:30 p. m., on Tuesday, December 2, 100 plates having been ordered for the occasion. Those In charge of arrangements for the banquet are: Ed Rosenberg, Fred Paulsen, Arthur Marowltz, Dr. C. T Uren. Reservation may be made with Arthur Marowltz. 6JI Brandels Theater building. The Persistent and Judlrlous t'se of Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to Business Success. ntasraceful Coudnct of liver and bowels, in refusing to act. is ulrkly remedied with Dr- King's New Lire Pills. Easy, safe. sure. 25c For salt by your druggist Advertisement, An Auto Collision means many bad bruises, which Ruck len's Arnica Salvo heaU quickly, as it dot-s sores, cuts, burns and piles, 25o to sale by your druggUt-Advertlsu-ment. Omega Oil Neuralgia Soak a jpicce of flannel with Omega Oil, lay it over the aching nerves, cover with a piece of oiled silk ana press tightly against the face with the hand. This treatment has brought nights of peaceful rest to people who have suffered agonies and is certainly worth tain. Trial bottle IBC ;