a Come Tomorrow with Five Dollars TIIK BE15: OMAHA MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1JM. and come with the expectation of having one of these magnificent pianos or player-pianos sent home OME here tomorrow. Tuck a five dollar bill in your pocket before starting. And come with the expectation of begin ning right then and there to own one of these fine pianos. You will be surprised agreeably surprised. We expect you to be. For you will see a piano, which in design, in finish, in tone and in action will equal if not surpass those of your friends and neighbors which cost three hundred and fifty to three hundred and seventy-five dollars: And even up to four hundred dollars! We don't care how skeptical you may be. You will see that these instruments are the biggest kind of bargains at the price ($248.75), to say nothing of the many other advantages you get in the plan through which they are now being sold. You will see that these are just the kind of pianos you have been picturing in your mind for your home. You will see at a glance that these instruments will grace any home. That they will correspond with any modern room, it matters not how beautifully appointed. In fact, you will be so delighted with them that you will be irresistibly compelled to select one for your very own. The whole proposition gone over again q In order that .yon will know this whola proposition Just as well as we Know it, we will go over It again. o; Klrat, we are going to sell three hundred plane for two hundred and forty-eight dollars and seventy-fire cents each, which under tho ataal method of selling Belt at thrco hundred and fifty dollars each. F Instoad of soiling them on regular term of twenty to twenty-five dollars down and ton. twelre, fifteen, dollars a month, you pay but five dollar as an Initial paytnont and tho remainder at the rato of only one doUar'and twenty fivm cant a week aad the piano Is sont to your homo af one. q A joint guarantee, signed by both tho manufacturer nd ourtelveu, is handed to you In writing, which guaran tor the material and workmanship o the piano for five yo ars from the day you make your purchase. q You can get your money back at tho end of thirty dayu trial cf the piano if you wiah. q At the end of the first year's ubo of tho piano, should you with, you can exchange it for any other new piano we sell of equal or greater valtfe. This gives you a whole year to 'ully satisfy yourself, that the piano is all you wish it to be. q And, should you die before all of your paymontn have been made, all future or unpaid payment umM fr cmn celled voluntarily. q If yon wish, you need not take the full ono hundred and ulnetflve weeks' time In which to pay for your piano. You may pay in If time. This is wholly optional on your part. But for each and erery week roucfo shorten the llfu cf jour agreement, you can earn a eaih dividend orcast i.runi'.uro of fifteen cents. q Included, without extra charge, are a late stylo Bcarf nnd steel to match tho piano. n !ji Copyright, 1912, by Htone ix. Aid arrlck, lnc Copyright."! 6 12, by Htone A MoRarrlck, Ine AFFAIRS ATJOUTH OMAHA Public Museum Project is to Be Boosted by Lecture. GILDER WILL DELIVER LECTURE Hffortn Are Ilrlnur Mnilr In MitRltt City to Secure Appointment of Another Motorcycle Pnllceninn. The South Omaha public library mu seum project Is moving along nicely. Everybody Is working for success. Thn museum committee, having the Installa-tlo-of the museum In charge. Is plan ning several things with a view or get ting the desired $1,00 needed to put 'n the cases and buy a tow curios to start with. Offers of loans and donations are coming In. The museum committee will be pleased to have anyone desiring to loan curios to the museum or give them out right to communicate the. fact as soon as possible to the librarian. The committee Monday will send out over 00 circular letters to citizens of both South Omnha and Omaha asking for cash donations In any sum pleslng to the givers. Bvery cent will be used for museum purposes. A liberal response is anticipated. On Friday evening, November IS, at the high school auditorium, beginning at S o'clock, Robert P. Gilder, archeologlst if tho Nebraska university, will give a lec ture illustrated with pictures on the pre historic man. Some of the material, such as charts, to bo used by Mr. Glider has been In use In Harvard university up to yesterday, when they were wired for by Mr. Gilder. Ills talk on the stone age will be most Interesting. A general In vitation Is extended to overyone to at tend, this event. No admission will be RESINO! CLEARS BAD COMPLEXIONS Quickly, Easily and at I.lttle Kpense Pimples and blackheads disappear, un sightly complexions become clean, clear, and velvety, and hair health and beauty are promoted by the regular use of Heslnol Soap and an occasional applica tion of Heslnol Ointment. These sooth ing, healing preparations do their work easily, quickly and at llttla cost, when even the most expensive cosmetics and complicated '"beauty treatments" fall. And the best of It is you need never hesitate to use Reslnol Soap and Real nol Ointment. There is nothing in them to Injure tho tenderest surface. Iteslnol is a doctor's prescription which for eighteen years has been used by careful physicians for all kinds of skin affections. They prescribe Iteslnol freely, confident that Its soothing, healing action is brought about by medication so bland and gentle as to be suited to the most delicate or irritated skin. Heslnol Soap (Xo), and Ointment (50c and $1.00), are sold by practically every druggist In the 1'nlted stairs. For trial free, write to ept ?7-It. Iteslnol. Baltimore, Md. Avoid so-called "substitutes" for Itesl nol. which am generally of little value. Huy it in original blue package Advertisement charged. Those who attend will be prlv- i lleged to deposit In a receptacle as they J pass from the building such sums as they wish, -which will be used for museum purpoFcs. Children under 12 years of agu will not be admitted unless accompanied by their parents or older ones. It Is hoped by tho committee that tho audi torlum will be filled. Trent ftir School Children. . Particularly should school children at tend this lecture. It will bo of great benefit to them. Mr. Glider donates his time, making no charge for tho lecture, as ho Is interested In the South Omaha museum, he having opened tho home of a stone age man at Seventeenth and P streets recently, to obtain therefrom the first relics to be Installed In the library, asldo from arranging to loan the li brary over $1,500 worth of ancient relics dug up In South Omaha and elsewhere some time ago by a South Omaha man. Tho museum committee will arrange to give other lectures If need be to help raise funds. A tag day for South OmahaHs being planned. The date has not yet been fixed. Maids and matrons Interested In South Omaha will have charge of the sales, Later on a bazar may be held, all de pending on the way donations come In and what Is made off of the Glider lec turo and the tag day campaign. The museum cases will be substantial and not of the cheap variety, as thoy will be needed as long as the library lasts. The Installation of the library museum Jja not to cost the library fund a cent. The jjiuuey must uo roiscu oy puunc-spmicu people. John Sedelak, an Omaha Iron worker, was robbed of $23.00 yesterday afternoon at Railroad avenue and Paul street, South Omaha. Sedelak had just received his money for the week and came to South Omaha to seek an afternoon's pleasure. He says he visited the saloon of Anton Ollwlckl In Albright. He told Captain of Police John Zaloudek last night that he had been- robbed while vis iting In the Magic City. The police took the matter under their care. y "VVmit Cycle Officer. Mayor Tom Hoctor is making a strong effort to raise enough money to place a motorcycle cop on the police force In South Omaha. The board had an efficient motorcycle cop. but because he did not belong to the proper tribe he was ousted. Motorcycle Officer Drummond held the respect of the cltlxens generally for his devotion to duty and his energy and bravery. He was removed by Commls. sloners Devlne and Donahue, presumably 1 because Mayor Hoctor had appointed him John Ilriggs. Death of Jesse lVaniinrtt. Jesse Hammett, aged 60 years,, will be burled this afternoon at S o'clock from Allen ohapel, Twenty-fifth and R streets, to Laurel HI! cemetery The deceased was a brother of Mrs. Joe Ballew, one of the prominent colored citizens of South Omaha, and a member of the Magto City police department. He died last Wednes day at Fort Dodge, la. Stove unit' nances. Only few more days before we move. You better take advantage of our low prices on stoves. They go at factory cost. ICoutiky-PavlIk Co. Muffle City Gosalp, Miss Mabel Melchor was hostess for the junior undue cluu Tuesday evening. Modern house for sale. 33H V street tall Eoutfi KSS The drama. "Robert Emmett'a Drejn" will be r'esenUd at the high school audl- iwuni -inanKsgivuig night, by the L'vn- turlon club, under the personal direction of Father Ballew. Mrs. W. Queenan has Issued Invitations for a bridge party Tuesday afternoon W. W. Fisher has bt-en In Chicago mak ing purchases for tho Christmas season. Drs. McOninn & McCrnnn Imvo moved their offices" to rooms 1 and 2, Vactk building. Rev. W. J. llastle attended the Chris tian church congress at Davenport, la., lart week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kruse. "15 North Twenty-fifth street are the proud parents of a baby girl. Superior lodge, No. 193, , Degree of Honor, will give a dance at the temple, Wednesday night. Office innce for rent In Bee office 1313 N street. Terms reasonable. Well known location. Tel. South 27. Mrs. D. Hnnnon entertained the mem bers of tho New Centurv club at her homo Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. U Blanchard was hostesB for the P. T. tlub Wednesday at 1 o'clock lunch eon. Covers were laid tor twelve Miss Mary Routt returned the first of the week from a three months' visit with friends and relatives at Bethany, Mo. The literary department of the South Omaha" Woman's club will meet Tuesday afternoon nt 2:30 p. m. at Library hall. Tho nnxltlnrv nf thp Ancient Order of Hibernians will meet Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. W. Slieuhnn, 2418 F street. The women of the First Methodist church will hold their bazar December 2 nnd S at the Mayer Piano company store, W North Twenty-rourth street. The Garfield school pupil will give an entertainment, "Tho Days We Celebrate," at the high school auditorium, Friday, December 5. Reserved seats are on sale at the Melchor drug store. Mrs. M. Blanchard entertained at a 6 o'clock dinner In honor of the fourth birthday of her little daughter. Paulino. The rooms were prettily decorated In pink and green. Covers were laid for twelve. Mrs. L. C Gibson was hostess at a 1 o'clock luncheon Wednesday. The color scheme was In yellow. Covers wero laid for: Mesdames C M. Schlndc!. A. .1. Caughey, G. IM11110II. A. L. Lott, sr.; W. C. Lambert, W. W. Fisher. R. Anderson. L. A. Davis. E. Sloan. W. u. uneeit, u. Oliver and U O. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. II. Pike entertained thn Dinner-Bridge club Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock. Thanksgiving dinner. Bridge was played during the evening. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. K. O. Smith. Mr. and Mrs A. Dudley. Mr. and Mrs. EX A. Rose, Mr. ana Mrs. it. Anaerson ana .Mr. ana Airs, H. G. Pike, Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Bryson entertained the O. T, W. club Saturday evening at bridge. The rooms were prettily deco rated In yellow and white. Tables were arranged for: Messrs. and Meedames T. H. Parker. K. ii. loverly, w. if. tagg, C. Orchard, W. Bavlnger, IT. P Cote. H. Marling. II. Trimble, It. B. Kchlndel and N. R. Bryson. Mrs. R. Gilchrist entertained the Ladles' Afternoon Whist club Friday afternoon. Mrs. Miirdork, Mrs. Aturrook nnd Mrs Houseman were guests of ths club Those present were: Mesdamea A. A. McOraw, w. sage, Harnharat. Ji. Elliott. II. Marling. J. Grlbble. T. H. Knsor. J. M Tanner, J. M. Caughey, Sloan. W. n. Cheek. Carley, Ame. II Mcculloch, M. IOrd, A. L. Lott Jasmer, Melchor and Powell. Mrs, P. Orchard was hostess for the members of the W W. club Saturday. A Thanksgiving dinner was served Rt 1 o'clock Auction bridge was played In the afternoon. Decorations were In honor of Thanksgiving. Mrs. W. B. Tagg was assistant hostess. Covers were laid for Mesdames W. C. Lambert, Fred Halstead, A. Miller. R, M. Lavetry, T. J. Hclgren, W. B. Tagg, C. Orchard and Misses Nora Gilchrist, Maud Dennis, Grace Young and Hortense Eads. Mlsres Mia and I-aura Peterson enter tained at bridge Wednesday evening, com plimentary to MUs SllttU Ward of Omaha. Tables were arranged for Mlssei Georxia Dhv's. AOle uavis .Mlttle Ward Kstell Johnnon, Frances Wlllurd,, Ruth ' I tr'-l 'rter,e '. I.oui'e Kchlndel, Vera DuBr.ls, Flla Pi tem.-vn. I-uura Peter, sor Mers. Clarence Patt"n, J"" Sherhj, Ha rrv Connor, Frederic W.n, J''Hu Stein berg. Johr.HOi), Harry L'hte,k. Jacobson, Marsdale, Mr. end Mrs. Iyo Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. William Hnselmlru and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Johnson. Misses Lucilo Nltuchc and Magna Horcn entertained a number of friends at a masquerade party Friday evening Ht tho home of Miss Nltschc. Thote present were: Misses Lots Richard, Marie Beatty. Helen Dennis, Helen Clark, Rarcma McKlroy, Ioulse Watklns, Sadlt. Rothholz. Dorothy Davis. Cathorlno Crawford. Anna Maurer. Ruth Ooddard. Marjorle Abbott, Mnrgaret King, Kth;l Bevlngton, Junu. Mullen. Jennie Hall, Margaret Queenan, Magna Horen, Messra Ralph Leach, Ralph King, Louis Foley. Paul Orchard, Frank Orchard. Lester Robinson, Paul Mcllrldrv Harold Chambers, Harry Chrlstonscn, Harold Sr.alntholz, Bryon Nixon. Howard Koote, Donald I'rucka. Carl nrenstad, Apton Brenstad, George Huuptman, Bredan Clark and Wnldo Itur. Article in Political Science Quarterly by Victor Rosewater The forthcoming Political Science Quar terly, for December will Include an arti cle contributed by Victor Rosewater of The Bee, on the subject of republican' convention reapportionment. The article goes Into the history of the delegate representation In presidential nominative conventions, and the different proposals that have been made from time to tlmo In response to complaints Against over weighted delegations from the south. Sunderland Rites at All Saints' Today Funeral services for the late W. C. Sunderland, who died of appoplexy on tho floor of the Omaha Groin exchange Friday morning, will be held at All Saints' Kplscopal church Sunday after noon at 3 o'clock. Rev. Thomas J. Mackay will conduct the services at the church, while the Klks' club will have charge of tho cere monies at the grave. Interment will be In Forest Lawn cemetery. The active pallbears will be: Louis C. Nasli, B. S. Westerbrok, A. V. Klnsler. A. Kuhn, II. B. Morrill and George Bntrikln. Honorary pallbearers will be: Colonel J. C. Sharp. N. C. Denny, J. B. Blanchard, F. S. CowgUI, Arthur Eng lish. Frank Boyd, Julius Kessler, Dr. WlUlam H Sherraden. Victor B. Caldwell, J. V. Holmqulst. John B. Hwearingen, F. A. Rinehart, Edwin T. Swobe, all of Omaha, and Georgo Nephus and W. A. Lamson, both of Chicago. Purse Snatchers Get Two Victims Purse snatchers got two victims last night. Mrs. A. II. Staffen, 2416 Bun street, lost her purse and $8 at Sixteenth and Burt streets, and a little later, Ella Anderson, a domestic employed by Dr. C. O. Robinson, lost her purse, which contained 117, at Forty-first and Dodgo streets, Co-ed Uses Clever Ruse to Catch Those Who Stole the Pies A great deal has been said lately In regard to the great detective nblllUea shown by Steve Maloney and the verit able Sherlock Holmes, but when It comes to ferreting out a real mystery, Miss Myrlo Coffmsn, a sophomore at tho Uni versity of Omaha can show them some new stunts. Miss Cotfmon lays no claim to being a "sleutheHs." but her marked powers of observation and her keen pene trating mind, put an end to one of the moat daring organized band of looters In the city. Not only did slio cause the robbers to flee to rover, but she so badly disrupted their forces as to leave no possible chance of their ever reorgan izing. For the last few months (In fact ever since foot ball season started), things b". gun to mysteriously disappear from tho domestic science department of the" uni versity. And strange to say. the things that disappeared were usually delicacies that were good to eat. Taken as a whole the lost articles wero not worth so much when compared to monetary values, but when a fair co-ed has stood over a hot gas range baiting a nice Juicy apple pio or has put the afternoon in making a cake to show her proud parents, the loss of such an article would almost be enough to start most any rumpus. Things continued to disappear until Mlsa Coffman got busy, her scheme was as unique as It was effective. She made up two fine large apple pies using plenty of cinnamon and other spices In tho making tip to glvo plenty of flavoring to thn pies. Incidentally Including 10 cent's worth of grated garlic. Tho garlic told tho tale and thirty min utes after the plea disappeared Miss Coffman could he seen casually engag ing some of the young men In the halls af the school In conversation. Several of the young men succeeded In making thmreelves fit applicants to the ananlas club, but the girls gave them no chance to back-water. Later the abashed young men wero haled before tho co-eds and to a man confessed up their part In the affair. Eddie Simon's Dope Was Slightly Mixed Eddie Blmon, member of the state leg islature, used up tho best part of an hour telling Gall Ralngold, proprietor of the Cnrlton hotel barber shop, that Nebraska would beat Iowa on the foot ball field. Finally he succeeded In In noculutlng Ralngold with some of his enthusiasm. Half an hour later lie returned and said that he's like to make a bet of $10 on the foot ball game. "I don't care which team I bet on." Ralngold promptly offered to bet on Nebraska and Simon as promptly took him up. After the bet was clinched, Simon went about telling his friends, be tween la'ighs, how hard ho had to work to "framo" a bet, since Iowa was the acknowledged favorite before the game. He laughed at Ralngold'a foot ball Ig norance. At 6 o'clock, when the complete scoru was In, Simon was nowhere to be found. ferststent Advertising Is the Road to misiness Huccem. NEBRASKA PRISON PRAISED BY EX-CONVICT WRITER "Hell In Nebraska" a book on con vict life In the state penitentiary, written bv Walter Wilson, a former convict, la off the press and copies were received in Omaha yesterday. The most Interesting Dart about thi book Is Uie title. Instead of tales of tor- turo It praises prison conditions In Nebraska. A' few cases of tohUra are described, but scores of instances nro tod where guards and wardens dd Kind acts lor their charg. The Persistent anft smaoloua Ut of Newspaper Advertising is tha Road to Business Success. A WHOLE FAMILY MEAL TOR 5c A Eo package of Fautt (rptfffaettt will mako a whole meal (or a family of five. And It -will be real meal nutritious, t&aty aad. satisfying:. A 5c packago of Faust Spaghetti contains as much nutrition as 3 lbs, of beef. It is a glutinous food gluton is tho food content that makes bone, muscle and flesh. You have no Idea bow mwjy different ways Faust Spaghetti can be served to make fine, tempting meals write for free recipe book Sold In 6c and 10c packages terra it often. MAULL BROS. St. Louis, Mo. Entire Dressmaking Stock Bought from a well known New York dressmaking eUablishmmt whioh disposes of ite entire stock on hand at tJie end of eaoh season. It is an event of deep inUrsst to those women who appreciate fabrics and trimmings of exquisite charaoter. On Sale Monday, Nov. 24 2 he merchandise in this sale is nearly all imported from Paris where it was carefully selected by representatives of this Naw York dressmaking establishment, to appeal to the most fashionable and exclusive sets. TO HOLD ANNUAL PRAISE SERVICE AT THE Y. M. C. A. The annual sunrise praise service of the Christian young people of the olty will be held at the Young Men's Christian association auditorium Thanksgiving 1 mornlrtR at 7 o'clock. Rev F. W. Ieavltt, j president of the city union. Young Peo . pie's f oclety of Christian Endeavor, will lead, Fabrics, Trimmings, Robes Elegant imported silks -beautiful dress fabrics rich velvetsfine wash fabrics laces embroideries trimmings f the moat elegant charaeter imported tunica hifh class fully made and partly made gowns, costumes, evening wraps, suits and watitt in which the trimmings and materials alone are worth many times the pri4 th$ garments. The values throughout th stock will be amazing. Brandeis Stores