1 TIZ Frees You From Sore Feet All Foot-Aches, Pains and Swelling, Quickly Cured by TIZ. Corns, Bun iont, Calluses Relieved Right Off. Here' How I Ran for a Car Before Using TIZ. Here' How I Run Now at Train Time. When your fect play out there's not much Joy in living. Foot misery takes the spunk out of any man or woman. TIZ, for tender feet, is a quick, sure remedy for all foot troub les; a comforting foot bath tablet that clears out the clogged-up pores. It brings instant relief to corns, bunions, calluses and chit bjains. Chafed, tired, blistered feet shoe pinched and smelly, arc soothed back to health and comfort by this foot gladdcncr, TIZ, for tender feet. Be sure you get TIZ; don't take anything else. Price 25 cents at druggists' and depart ment stores. If your dealer won't supply TIZ, wc will, by mad, on receipt of price. Walter Luther Dodge & Co., 1223 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. Do Away With Bands of Steel and Rubber fnt?Er , STIIAHT'H PLAIWO-PADS V Laf r C jfWSSte- are different from the truss, I 3-ry be'" roedlelnn applicator x2S?GWiBSlj made aelf-nitliralvo pur- poselr to hold the distended muscle securely in place. No at nips, buckles or springs at tached to the I'lnimo-l'nilfi. Cannot slip, an cannot chafe V "i KmSSmM ur Press arnlnst the publo f K-Ij' JaF bone. Thousand hare auc llllAl tC Dl ADaft cesfnlly treated themselves iniHLUr KLAKAU nt home without lilndmnce from work mot obstinate cases conquered. Soft ns velvi't casr to nunlr -Inexpensive. Awarded Uold Medal. Home) Grand l'rlx, I'arls. Process of recovery Is natural, so af terwnrd no use fur trusses. We prove what we saj by sendlngyou Trial of l'lapao absolutely fllKIC Wrltonatuo on post card and send TODAY. Aililrraa PLAPAO LABORATORIES. Block 4U. St. tit. Ma. Can You Shave? Rub a Utile "3 In One" on your razor strop till leather becomey soft ana pliable s draw razor blade UJ I DClwccn uiumu ana imrr ( s moisicnca wnn - jin wiw j lhaiitrop. The razor cuts t S times as easy and clean: nous me ease longer -n V zor saver tor every C- Shaver" which elves the scientific reasons, and a generous trial bottle Marl , . write to-day. 3 IN 1 OIL CO., 4ZZR, Broaaway Perfect hearing is now being re stored in every condition of deaf ness or defective hearing from causes such as Catarrhal Deaf, ness. Relaxed or Sunken Drums. Thickened Drums, koarinff and Hissing isounas, renoraiea. Wholly or Partially Destroyed Drums.Discharge from Ears, etc Wilson Common-Sense Ear Drums "Littl Wirtless Phones for tht Ears" require no medicine but effectively replace what is lacking or defective in the natural ear drums. They are simple devices, which the wearer easily fits into the ears Where they are invisible. Soft, safe and comfortable. Write today for our 168 page FREE book on DEAF NESS, giving vou full particulars and testimonials. WILSON EAR DRUM CO- Incorporated 251 Tnte r-Southem Blrtg. LOPIS'VII.LE. KY, DOLLARS IN HENS Keduce cost of living-. Produce your own Ken and Poultry. No larse space required. Our poultry, oaa-aiine tells now, i mo. trial, loo. sample tree, l'oultry Iot. l-3, Gnaheii. Inil, 12 POST CARDS FREE V tl tend ti it of the prettiest post cards you ever u If vou mill mention tills t4ir sail tend 10 ta pay result sad mailing and tar that vou will ahow our cards to 6 of your menu, w 9, an ivsaa ua u w., ajj a. am nana., ra. have done you a great Injustice No man has a right to deprive an other of his livelihood. I have bit terly regretted It It Is you whom I wish appointed manager." "Challis," said Stranlelgh, "tako the car, and bring your wife. Say her father wishes to Beo her." Challis disappeared, and in nn in credibly short time, during which Anson and Stranlelgh chatted to gether, tho door opened, and Ger trude Challis camo In. "Father," she cried, "Jim sayB he means to scrap all tho machinery In tho factory. Shall wo throw our dif ferences on that scrap-heap?" The old man gathered her in his arms, and kissed her again and again. Ho could not trust his voice. That night Ponderby thought It had been long since ho had seen his master look so satisfied, and tho valet's hopes soared high It might mean a speedy return to England. An account of the meeting between Lord Btranlciah and the most beauti ful woman in America, will appear in an early number of the Semi-Month ly Magazine. I . NEW I J WRINKLES t Thla HrTUftm.nl I. . n.n.r.) Ri rhmnr. of Idaoa for oar raad era. Nearly ovary ona haa workad out or happonad upon batur war 01 ooina oomouiinff man ina uaoai virm naw wnn.i. If vou know ut naw wrinkla. rirm nthr tho advantwra of It. and at tha aalwa timo bonaAl rooraalf . Ona dollar will oa.caki for twh wrtnkla amUd. Ilnnaad nuuiooeriota will bo uoatrov-'dunl.aapoataa'atooatloaca' for ratarn. Addroaa NKW nKiNKKKUUHkAU, Hoom izu nrta Avonoa ifuiMina. naw York. N.Y. Tho keeping of recipes clipped from papers and magazines Is a problem. Into a largo strong envelope marked "Untried Recipes," put six small en velopes marked "Meats and Vegeta bles, Salads, Desserts, Candies, Can ning and Preserving, and Miscellane ous"; place all clipped recipes into their proper envelopes. Then, If pos sible, test out from one to three new recipes a week. If the results are pleasing to tho palate pasto tho recipe in Its proper place In a loose-leaf scrapbook; If not, destroy It Tho sortlng-out plan saves much time; and tho testlng-out method saves the scrapbook from being crowded with undesirable recipes. O. A. H., Hins dale, 111. Baby's stockings become full of holes at the top whero they aro con stantly pinned. This may be pre vented by sewing a little square of muslin to tho top of tho stocking which is Just the right sizo for the safety pin. When tho stockings hap pen to be a little short, this device lengthens them a good Inch and by preventing raveling adds greatly to the life of the stocking. H. M., Seat tle, Wash. To remove the fat from broth or soup Intended for a delicate stomach, It is not necessary to allow it to bo come cold as Is usually done. In stead place a fine wlro slevo on ice, until it Is thoroughly chilled, and pour the liquid through this. If tho liquid is partially cooled, tho fat will solidify on the cold wire, and the broth will be ready for immediate use. A. L., Denver, Colo. When hot cloths are necessary In timo of Illness, a colander is a labor saving device. Place the colander with the hot cloths over a kettle that Is half full of boiling water. Cover colander closely and keep the kettle on tho back of range. In this way the change of cloths is quickly and easily made. Lu R. H., Los Angeles, Cal. A delicate thickening for soups Is obtained by the use of pearl tapioca. Boll the tapioca till clear, then strain the liquid from It Into the soup. Tho result is a clear soup. S. C. C, Prov idence, It. I. Rub the ends of the ribs of the um brella, where they are fastened, with vaseline. It is rust that loosens and forces the little wires out, and this will prevent it. W. D Philadelphia, Pa. It. J Motion PIcturo Stnr Crosses Continent on Horseback. Clro nldgely and her husband, late stars of several motion picture companies, undertook to tide from New York to San Francisco with out changing boraea. Turnout the lourney the fresh beauty of Mrs. llld-tely's completion madefolkaakepUcal other ru tied eiperlenrea. Ilerletter below glvea her way of keeping the skin soft and smooth under trying condlUoas. HE fair women who despair of pro tecting their complexions against the ravages of outdoor life will be greatly interested in the following extract from a letter written to the Frederick F. Ingram Company by Cleo Ridgely, a well-known motion picture star. "I am very fair and having ridden through rain, ccld and excessive heat, my skin I In just the name condition a when I started, although my husband I so sunburned and tanned that he would be taken for a Mexican, hence they think my husband I riding and I am traveling by train, but such is not the case. Leaving New York I tiled many things to guard against the elements and protect my tln to some degree at least, but n t until I started the use of Milkweed Cream did I find the proper article. " I want merely to thank you for placing such an article of merit upon the market and cannot reo ummend It too strongly. It Is on article that I will never be without. "Sincerely, CLEO RIDGELY." Let Ingram's Milkweed Cream be your shield against the weather. It brings a charming sense of cleanliness to your skin and keeps it soft and smooth. For the woman who is kept indoors it is a mild stimulant to the skin, giving it a natural, radiant glow. Ingram's Milkweed Cream is applied lightly, night and morning. Requiring no rubbing it docs not enlarge the pores. . Let us prove to you the value of Ingram's Toilet Specialties by a personal test; write us yours and your Druggist's name and address, and receive through him, free, our box of samples. Or enclose ten cents and wc will mail them direct. FREDERICK F. INGRAM CO. Windsor, Ont. 84 Tenth St. Detroit, Mich. Ingram's Velveola Souveralno Face Powder is powdered per fection for the Complexion. Price, 50 cents at drug store or by mail, postpaid. A handsome Vanity Box FREE when you buy Ingram's Velveola Souvcraine. Onr advertiser (ell US uhen we elve you the best mag-ailne.