Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1913, MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 10, Image 44

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    semi-mo'nthly magazine
& : A I I
So Easy (o Maker
So Good o Drink!
Asd Have YOU Never Tried It?
All that Ss needed to make a dell
cloui drink of hot "Stccro" It a
"Steero" Cube, a cup and boiling
water. With these three simple
things you can produce a bouillon of
such tasteful excellence that you will
agree that "Steero" Is something
vrprth adding to your home comforts.
(Reg. u. a. rst, OS.)
Bouillon Cubes
Made by lawless Kltehta rrtwscl Co., New York
Triil Bex et "Steero" Cubes end
"S'.eero" Cook Book Hailed for 10c
Stud lump or cote. Bnough "Sfro "
lubes sent lor lour cup 01 -Dieero--ileultloa.
You'll find the "Steero" Cook
Book taraHiable 150 Redpes. Ask
yoerdnlgtlit, grocer or delicatessen
dealer lor"sterro" Iloutlloa Cubes.
SU la twin ol 1 J.50 and 100 Cubes.
6ad 10c today to
ScUtHrS st cv at wa St.
. Distributors ol "Steeraf
Bouillon cubtt
. . ueder Tun roon
VV:. Law, Serial No.1.
Man. yee "'
from M0.00 to
my special sales
woman, too, should maka
tlM.00 par week, actlni as
representative In tbalr
roanty, taklnf orders, appointing agents, and advertising
th linaHsiiif PnLttisa Uith TVs. undoubtedly tha most
remarkable Intention for tha homo In to years. Soiree
tba bathing proWem. Any room bath-room. No pipes,
no plumbing, no erpenee. lull length baths with tba
Houston rouiixa Ti's. roias in roil, nanuj as an am
brslla. Belf-Kwptt Ing. Cannot leak.
Leek Here: 2 Safe a Dy Mesa. $80.00 Weekly
Hen. that's mu money. To snow yon inai ibis dii, easy.
profit Is being made, road mess reoorai)
K. T. Smith. Tnladn. Is m&klns as tilth as .00.00 weeklv.
Meyers. Cascade. Wu.. profile, U rst month. SiM. 00. Keasley,
Omaha, reported seven sales In four hours, proflt,
Canadian firm wired for prices on 1,000 tabs, now selling
Mil tnli Mhlf Ihmaih irtntL
Come, fall In Una. Don't let doubt drag you back. Ton need eipertence. I furnish arery thing. Justdrop
lua a post-card. If yon'ra honest and a bustlsr. Ill lire
yon tba Job. But act Quickly, write atone, uooaioryoa.
rittt. roe mmm awcr wiaumiwiL. TWa, ois
Ball-cup Nipple FREE
Mathers, send ut this adrtrtlsement
aad your address oa a postcsfd.wlth druggist s
asmc, sad ws will mail you a lull-cup Nipple
to try. Fits say emsllaeck bottle. OalyBPlle
with opm food-cup tad protected oriice etUH.
torn will aot collapse. Kds regularly, "
lasts ordlasryalpple. Only oae to family.
BUta baby's sis kind ud quantity f food. UelfsecUua
KyU Nsnlag Bet Co UM Mela St. BsHtle. W. T.
To Any Shade Desired
Mrs. letter's Walnut Tint Hair 8Utn
will do IU Just apply one a month
with your comb, (lire any shade
from light brown to black, and Ita nsa
mm mi t" rfulMad. Uoas not soil
scalp or hands. A perfect remedy for
5 ray. faded or bleached hair. 11.00 at
rug stores. Bend too for trial bottle.
Um. aaltaWl SlJDDltf CeM
tt4 Cretan Bidet Claainnatl, Ohio
A Little Flyer in Boxes
(Continued (him Page 7)
though one stiff loss would wipe mo
out Just now."
The mill president considered this
point from all angles, and finally, for
reasons best known to hlmselr, he de
cided to take a chance on Reuben K.
Pitcher. And with tho business which
had taken him north successfully con
summated, that gentleman next de
cided to cast about him for tho sell
ing agency of a spruce box factory, a
side line of sound, well-mado spruco
box shook promising to add mate
rially to his Income.
Quito early In his stay at Hoqulam,
Pitcher had observed a modest Httlo
factory on tho bay shore at tho east
ern end of tho town. Ho had ob
served also a tremendous pile of box
wood at tho end of tho elevator that
carried tho wasto from the saws, and
the thought had occurred to him:
"Hero is a man with a well equipped
little plant, but ho 1b n't making any
money. I'll call on him, and if ho
needs a selling agent, I'll put him
wlso to a few things."
UPON completing his business with
the WIshkah Company, there
fore, Reuben K. called at tho of-
flco of tho Washington Box Factory
and sent In his card to tho manager,
who presently came In from tho fac
tory. Ho was a sad man, who chewed
tobacco, and the rim of his hat was
heavily laden with flno sawdust;
which fact did not escape tho eagle
eyo of Rube Pitcher for ho saw at
onco that tho manager had been
running spruco boards through a
planer Infallible evidence that his
cash reserve was low, and that ho
was endeavoring to eliminate ex
pense by doing himself the work of a
hired man. Ho shook hands and said
his name was Henry Peets; that ho
owned tho factory which was fully
insured, and hoped, by all tho gods,
pagan and otherwise, it might catch
fire and burn to tho foundation tim
Finding Reuben K. Pitcher a sym
pathetic llstcnor, ho proceeded to di
late on the general misery of tho box
business and his own stupidity for
over embarking In such a fool game.
"Wha'. you need, Mr. Peota," Bald
Pitcher, "Is a live selling representa
tive In San Francisco; somebody that
knows tho trade and can supply you
with orders enough to keep tho fac
tory running tho year around; Bomo-
body that can get you tho top market
price for your stock and arrango ton
nage to freight It to market. And
while it's a great blow to my natural
modesty to make such a crack, I
think I'm tho angel that's been Bent
to Bave you," and ho expained his
qualifications for the Job.
Henry Peets grinned painfully.
"I don't doubt your ability, Mr.
Pitcher, but If I'm to have an angel,
tho angel must have cash k-a-s-h
cashl I could buy a nlco lot of No.
1 and No. 2 box spruco at twelve dol
lars right now if I had tho money,
and you know tho market is easy at
thirteen dollars. Better than that, I
could grado a lot of No. 2 and No. 3
shop common out of tho box stock
and get into the sash and door end of
It in a small way but I haven't
any money to buy tho stock and work
It up, so what's the uso of living?"
"Dut won't the saw-mills up here
trust you?"
"Trust me! They'll tako tho little
plant away from me if I don't glad
den them with some real money with
in sixty days." Honry Peets ap
peared on the point of crying; In
deed, some hint of his desperation
may be gleaned from the fact that
he was glad to pour his troubleB
Into tho ear of a stranger.
"What's put you out of business?"
Pitcher Inquired mildly.
"A whalo of an order for cannery
stock. I cut the price to get the
order, because I simply had to have
the business; bad to keep the old
mill going to save my credit. I stood
to make a decent proflt on the order,
and I staved off my creditors on the
strength of it: A hundred and fifty
thousand boxes for tho Golden West
Canning Company "
Reuben K. Pitcher grasped Henry
Peets by the arm:
"Did you brand 'em?" he de
manded huskily.
"No. What kind of a box man do
you think I am? I've been stuck be
fore with orders after I'd branded the
ends, and I held off on this until I
had the entire order out. They kept
delaying sending me the brand "
"And when you had the order out
they blew up with a loud hurrah,
eh?" Pitcher grinned. Ho had re
fused to figure on this very order for
tho Arago Mill & Lumber Company
becauso of an lnsldo tip that the
Golden West people were shaky flnan
"I'm Btuck with tho goods,"
mourned poor Henry Peets. "Simply
can't sell them at a distance, and
I'm tied up bo I can't get away to
work them off myself. I've put the
lot up to a dozen commission sales
men, but I can't seem to get an or
der started."
PITCHER nodded, for ho understood
readily why this should be. The
canners ordered their boxes ono year
In advance, and until tho present crop
should have been disposed of, thero
could be no market for Henry Peets'
cannery shook. Nevertheless, he
know what Peets did not know, to-
wlt: that tho California apricot crop
that year was likely to prove a
bumper, in which event tho canners
would in all probability bo short of
sufficient boxes to market their prod
uct. The apricot crop would com
mence to bo harvested In about threo
weeks, and should the prognostlca
tlona of a bumper crop prove true,
he realized that thero would be rush
orders to the factories for more boxes
And here was Mr. Henry Peets in tho
most desperato plight imaginable,
ready to sacrifice his cannery stock at
a ridiculous price for a Httlo ready
cash. Hero also was Mr. Reuben K
Pitcher with flvo thousand ready
cash which ho could conveniently
spare for sixty days! Tho Wlshkah
Logging & Lumbering Company
would not commence operations for
thirty days, and it would be fully
sixty dayB longer before he would be
called upon to uso his meager capital
In expanding tho business of his lum
ber agency. Why not, then, sound
out the market on cannery stock and
tako a Httlo flyer in boxes?
The more Reuben K. thought It
over, the more alluring did the pros
pect become. With the certainty of
an underestimate of their box needs
on tho part of the California fruit
canners, Pitcher foresaw a sharp rise
In prices and a consequent extra
profit. Most of the box factories, hav
Ing, as they supposed, disposed of the
cannery business for that season
would bo busy on apple and orange
business; some of them, In fact, were
already working on orders for the
Alaska and Columbia River salmon
canneries why, if things turned out
right, he might make a profit of Ave
cents a box on these boxes ono
hundred and fifty thousand of them
wh-e-c-w-w! The box men would bo
cortaln to take prompt advantage of
the dilemma of the canners, and
Pitcher fairly glowed as he thought
of one hundred and fifty thousand
boxes in a bare market with all hands
Bcrabbllng for them!
He turned to Henry Peets. "Let
me see that stock," be said.
DEETS took him over to his ware
house and showed him the boxes
aides, tops, bottoms and one end all
neatly wire-wrapped and piled. The
other end had been stacked loose,
ready to be run through the brand
lng machine. Pitcher unwrapped
more than a dozen bundles of each
and measured them carefully. He
found that they conformed exactly to
fSlasB51al f9vQl
PIBh -- , geTggggggggggggggggggK
ggggggCggWCri9a5j B ItaUgaeggggggggggt
Ws nsuSsna 7- ' f gasaYwenwawawSHSHSHSV
eaganlVgtw. -AnSptaCalalalflr
Tho home billiard table delight
fully solves tho problem of en
tertaining guests who "drop in"
unexpectedly to spend tho ovening.
Mako your homo tha social center of
tho neighborhood by installing
The Brunswick "Baby Grand"
Home Billiard or Pocket-Billiard Table
This mnirnlfWnt. tntiln la mniln nf trrmulnn
Mahogany, inlaid design, hlclily finished and has
tho samo unexcelled playing qualities as our
vorld-iamous Keguiallon alio tames.
Vermont Slate Bed. Celebrated Baby Mon
arch Cushions. Accurate angles. Concealed Cuo
It act and Accessory Drawer. Sites 3x0: 3Hx7i
4x8. Other styles Include Brunswick "Convert
ible" Dining- Billiard. Library-Billiard and
Davcnport-Ullllard Tables.
Easy Terms Playing Outfit Free!
Pay at your convenience. Full playing outfit
free with any stzo and stylo of table.
Lowest direct-from-iactory prices.
Book Free Send Coupon 1
Sign and mall tho coupon for beautiful book.
richly Illustrated In colors. Gives complete In
formation rcgaming an styles or urunswiCK
Homo Billiard Tables, Mallcoupon today, (its)
Tha Brunswick. Balkc-Collender Co.
Dept. KT, 623-IJJ S. Wak.ili Are., Catena
Coupon good for ono copy of Bool
"Billiards-the Home Magnet"
Sign and mall tho coupon.
I don't csre what color your hair Is, f
whether It's gray, yellow Ith, streaky I
or lifeless. 1 guarantee that I
Will Mk It Any Beautiful
Color You Prefer and elve your
hair a rich, toft, glcniy, 7bU-of-Hf
appearance. EaUJjr, aukk-ly applied
yourself at home. It U VarmUu, does not discolor or burn
acalp, makes a natural, la wing color no ooa can detect.
Jet black to light blonde, that do not lade, rub or wh out.
preparation that makes bleached or faded hair any de
sired shade. Keffular price of full bos postpaid.
If you will sand ma a aampla of your hair cut &om
the roots, and tell me what color you'd like It to be,
I'LL COLOR IT FREE Just to show you bow perfect
and natural It looks.
Roure Japonals Is the most natural rouge tint n the
world. Has no Mulsh Unife. Price. cts. The 16-paEe
booklet Getcribes t-iencu metnoas c always 100102
young ana ueautiiui, now sample ana oooaiei are iree.
write lor tnem to-aay.
L PIERRE VALUCNY, Deat 0. 24 E. 42i St, New YaA
fc. TV. A4s.Var-aaraU aft a W ! 1 WWif AM
If you arc tired of drudging for others, get Into the
aim uroer puttaeu saa become laarpenaeot. I ou
can hare a big money Income by mall. We
snow you now, rurnisn crerytning. Begin
on spats tlms, Eiperlence unnecessary.
No canvassing. Rich returns. Write to
day for our bee book -MAIL ORDER
PBASK Mr a. CO tne., Dept. H.N.
70 Broadway Buffalo. H.V.
Novel watch-shaped Lighter. Operated
with one hand; give an Instantaneous light
every time. No electricity, no battery, no
wires, non-ex plosive, ooes
away with matches. Lights
I 1 your pipe, cigar, cigarette,
II gas Jet, etc Dandy thing
1 for the end of your chain.
Tremendous seller, write
quick for wholesale terms and prices.
JL 8. Bread. UjUer Ca 148 Doaae St It Y.