Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1913, PART TWO, Page 10-B, Image 22

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Now on! A Colossal "Must Vacate" Sale!
The U. S. National Bank Building to be Entirely Demolished February 1st
The United States National Bank, in whoso building we occupy quarters, lias notified us that this
entire structure is to bo torn down Fobruary 1st. This compulsory "move order" was given us
but a few weeks ago; just AFTER we had considered our CHRISTMAS stock complete; TOO
late for 'us to cancel orders; TOO late for us to have prepared with a smaller stock. As it is, we
have the largest stock in our history; finer goods and more of them; so we have only one way
open, and that is a CLEARANCE SALE.
The "Must Vacate" Sale we have planned as a means of reducing our Holiday Stock includes
EVERYTHING in the store excepting a FEW lines, on which we have price contracts with the
makers; all ela-e is reduced; honorably, but energetically. It's the ; admitted Christmas .Gift
chance of years, and what makes it better is the fact that it's offered you by a concern whose
word is as good as its bond. The suggestions below do not cover everything; but they will give
you an idee, how THOROUGHLY the prices have been lowered.
10 B
Reductions Range front
15to 50 and will Include
Everything in "Brown's" Stock
Excepting only Howard Watches, Hamilton Watches and
Sterling Silverwares.
Omahas will make more ''Jeweled" Christmas difts this year,
bow that everything in this line is to be had for DECIDEDLY
lew laoaey than ever before. And the SAME inducements are
offered to those living out of town. Mail orders for any of the
good in the ' 'Must Vacate" Sale will be intelligently filled.
69 OFF all Bras Goods, Desk Seta
tmd slmUnr lintta of good.
The Watch, the Diamond, the Gold Jewel, the
is Here, at a Bona Fide "Must Vacate" Price
SIM Diamond Rin jro
now at
9?S IHftMcnd.RlHgA go new
". WUW
ffie THhwmhJ Ring go now
at ,.94.IK
$M Diamond Ktaga rb mv
at' ........ .81.25
fte 1jVUI era (1Ir
,Wv I-! S
iH UllTn M y
nicNniKT-rA m. kkkn.
flStMllI . 1 - . .
8 SIMM. a t-uJxl.Mt over ma puges m
jT 1 Muileal America the otlicr
III day the writer cam ucross
ksfjJ the picture of Dr. "William M.
fl JJavltfoon, former superlnten
bbbbbV fltlt of tho . Omaha publlo
. "W'htt do you suppose his p.'c
XuVe' wis doing in a musical masailneV
Kry ky km, WR that the kind of gen
eriM eitcitlpn hj Is Interested In and a
mXi education era tho morcst
au4ucee. An that Is just how H
bawled, for tn Vm'nMon, D, C,. where
Wjr. DavWeon has teen superintendent for
P.m .ttnie. iHy lieve aacfiled to . make
frtens, with muit u4 kv It a chance
, the ,htvh schoei cpurn a a roJer
pfeMaing a wbM far It cewes
(fm rfe jMireM ani muslo Uachcr.
Music W Mil n Ktixteted, aewb- even
toowiimm pu:i ,k . r avate In
fctructkm. V Thef a nt Uf meOeet examlMtloTv
ee. .aMU yiHW. o arran4 that no
"PM. vW areRntl by h own tachtt
. IJ die tHsl4. examiners are not cn
jEMtei. Tbt swny advantaces of thla
"va in Wafclitou aro worthy of no
mi. TWmany.muat ettnte who hava
t'f 4 ftp their maeia Murine their high
fhoel cwe. Hr ref .the htel) ichool
work If they -wlf i to continue with music,
ylH now hav an opportunity to combine
tbe two. It will aeejit In $anar!lJlnE
rauelc on- a. hlch level and thue eliminate
tB. Incompetent teacher. If will fill both
pupil and teacher'aJIke with more emct.
ivesa ami' ejiUiuslajm' In their work, and
ntlt slve tluie that have the opportunity
't 4akln advantaxe of It an accomplth
nient and an appreciation of music that
tfcey can take with, them !n any walk of
IKe, If they do not, make it a profession.
It will flit the concert-holla with discrim
inating udlencea and eacourare the pa
thnae'of horn talent Dr. Davidson
withheld hlW approval for a time because
le did nol, think It would b 'possible' to
io-opMat':sd "harmoniously with o'uUtde
Uaclwta.( However, ba now quite en
thusWatlc pvtr the' plan. Much pressure
wa breucht to br upon tho' Board of
Tijucalflbp before the requests for muslo
tf a junior audr were trantfJ. Dr.
SMhalV (a graduate f,rotn the New Knrland
'4Scarl o Muatc and principal of one. of
t hli tchooia). tbo presldeht of a Uryo
nMMd school Wyre. and, the 4lrector. of
Miseto in Dr. SmalTa hlsh school were un
tfrhMT. In their mttori. They were aaiy
sceadad by ta Piano Teachara' associa
tion. 'which a fared a petition and tenta
tive plan; .th. AaaeckUlen f Co)lelate
A.lasnaae. Uw Ht0k School Aumni and
the Xettaaa" as reaa. Thla atep In
M'aahbsfton ' an ether nteva in the dl
recti on .of taoaa'eaectlva eoursce of study
that 4a.-ewef4C'rr th country, smd
If H nwrea-aiieisaeftrt let Waahtacton. aa
it ondttAty WH, H mlslht he. treed
ncarerkMeef. One advaata a tha ylan
lc that K.takea 'no rooey aya'rtpriatlon
frtjm theiieard.
cf uMlc achool music, the
A'r day tha wrKer had an oppertualtr
f aeeeac a rather wade, vis sl4 alaspte
50 OFF FlckwiK' Hand Palmed
China, pieces of regal lieantr.
$50 Das rim (Diamond)
at ft it. 50
fSK Bracelet (Diamond)
at fJil.aS
$100 Kar Screw- (Dia
mond) at ..feo.oe
50 -Scarf Vim- (Diamond)
at $12.80
95 Cuff Pins (Diamond)
at- 821.95
at' i.
G. B.
Diamond Merchants - Silversmiths -
th U. S. National
Bank Building.
plan of teaching muslo In tho grades. It
Is called the Blrdsall modulator. A
chart, repreaentlng the notes above a
picture of a keyboard, la divided hori
zontally by a movable slide. This slide
hna tho figures from' one to eight upon It
wjth half spaces between threo and four
und seven and eight where the half
Jlepe come In the sftale. By movlpe thla
l:ilo so that one Is below any note the
catq may be sung upon thla tone, and
the picture of the keyboard below showa
exactly where the sharps or flats come
lii, why they come In and how many
there are In the scale la quaeUan. Thus
the reading of thp nates ie shnptttled and
a clcar" conception of the kNilee the feu.
Oat km of all muto-4 atVen,
Ttio New Terk PhMnarnionte aealety
has finally received the beaeet of tW,
left It by the late Joeeafe PulHaer. Thla
sum, with Interest at 2 per cent since
December, Utt, according to the late pub
lisher' wilt, whs to be paid ta tho so
ciety on. the eandHion the society had. a
paying membership of more than 1.M6
within three years after his death. The
society now haa a membership ef 1.4W
paying members, so the bequeat will ha
Mr. Henderson of the New Torlc Man
nays somo rather hard things to the
teachers of that city In regard to enun
ciation. He says that the reason singers
enunciate so poorly In Bngtish Is partly
because of the general poor enunciation
used everywhere In this country. That
there Is perhaps no other country In the
world In which the language of the peo
pie Is so poorly spoken by the people as
It Is In this. In Germany, barring those
parts where dialects are heard, the lan
guage is better spoken by the servants
than It Is here by the ordinary people one
meet. One reason la the growing Indlt
rence on the part of the people to re
finement, culture and scholarship. The
mora immediate reason is the lack of
people to teach it correctly, thii careless
ness or lack of knowledge and observa
tion on the part of (ho teachers In the
achools, whp do pot teach the elementary
principles of enunciation well. A book on
"kyrio Diction" by Dora Duty Jones Is
recommended for singer who are Inter
ested In thla subject, The singers enun
ciate poorly because they learned to do
so In the schools, and there la seldom
anyone to teach It to them any better.
In speaking the consonants are aklpped
pr slid over, and the vowel sounds are
falsely pronounced. The latter, he main
tains. Is the fundamental defect in our
apcech. One of the principle laws of
singing U aa f6U6ws: A perfect1 tone
production obviates all Ulfflcultlea in pro
nouncing pure vowel Bounds on all de
grees of the scale; and. conversely, the
tone production cannot be perfect If the
pure vowel sounds are Impurely formed
by th singer,
Madame Mathilda Marched, perhaps
one of the most famous of opera slaters,
go now
20 OFF all Watches ex
cepting only the' "How
ard" and ''Hamilton"
lines; others such as El
gins. Walthams,. etc., and
diamond mounted cases,
thin, flat . models, etc.
Come in for the full ONE
$75 Watches to go now
at $60.00
$50 Watrlicn to go now
at $40.00
$25 Writchefl to go now
at ,....$20.00
Deatitlfitl IVracelet Watch
es included.
Brown Co.
16th and
died In London, November 18, at-the age
of 87. In spite of many .oblectlons - tn
public life for a woman, when 'she found
herself bereft of funds, sh'o bravely weht
ahead and by teaching finally earned
ine money to go to Parte and Btudy with
Garcia. After studvlnr with htm fn.
(four years she made a brilliant debut In
w. Madame, Marcheel retired, from the
stage and took a position as teacher in
the Vienna Conservatory In 14. Kh s.
taught tn other celebrated Kuropean
v-uuavf taiunca. mhouot Aiarci)ei n,um
bered. aroopg her pupils the most famous
singers for the last halt century. Borne
or uiem were Mme Calve. Kmma Eames,
Aieioa, Bibll Sanderson and Km ma. n.
It haa now been hepplb- discovered that
Theodore- Dubois, the eminent
composer, whose death was announced
last week. Is sUll alive. A alight auto
mobile accident gave rise to the false
Among the operas that will be. given at
the" Metropolitan opera house in New
York the coming season will be Richard
Btrauss' much talked of corolo opera "Die
Rosencavalltr;" a new work by Wolf
Ferrari, "IAmoro Medico," nnd a re
vival of "Falstaff.-' by Verdi, conceded
to be his greatest work. Victor Herbert's
new English opera.- "Madeleine." will be
presented and in February the first Amer
lean production of GusUy CfaarpenUer'B
$20 Waldamere Gold Test
Chains at .$16.00
$20 Gold Fobs to go now
at $18.00
$15 Gold . Knives go now
nt .$12.00
$10 Gold Pencils go now
at ..$8.00
910 Sola. Scurf Tin to sro
now at .i.W.OO
9100 Sola Xwt Bar.. 969.08
"Julloa" will bring the composer him
self to America.
Richard Btrauss, in his latest printed
work, makes use of a new device for a
muelcai instrument. This Is ' known as
Samuel's Aerophor, and Is a sort of pump,
consisting of a bellows that Is worked
by the foot, aha -connected with a wind
instrument by a length of rubber tubing,
By this means any note or series of notes
may bo sustained for as long a period
6f time aa the player may desire, whlls
the saving In breath and strength to the
player Is very great. In tho pew Strauss
work It is used by the bassoons 'to sus
tain" a noto for sixteen measures.
Madstrle Schumann-IIelak. recently cavn
n, tree -concert In Spokane for 6,000 school
children and. at tho conclusion of the
concert tho mayor prevented her with a
handsome parchment slimed hv hlmMif
and the other dty commissioners, making
ner -an nonorary cmjen of Hpokape for
all time."
Faderewakl at his recent eastern rnn.
certs has been giving some of the con-cert-gors
a doee' qt their own medicine.
Instead of their coming in late,' Pader
ewskt does, and late enough' to make
them do the waiting;
The Musical Trfri.r 'unnnunn tint
Engetbert Humperdlnok, the .distinguished
composer of "Hansel and Qretel." will be
f iv'iuciii ui jiiucni'u. n?ii eoason, 'as
he has been engaged to' teach theory and
composition at a music school In New
I York. When a man of his standing
comes to us It shows" again how muslo
In America Is regarded In foreign coun
tries, ' ,
r . t i ' 1
Katherlne Ooodson. Enclla-h nInUL faml
Frahs Egenletf, .baritone of- tho .Royal
opera. Berlin, will give a Joint .recital at
the. Brandels theater nest Tuesday, after
noon, which will bo the second concert
in Miss Hooper's matinee
KernUer, the distinguished Hungarian
composer-pianist.; will acconipany .Mr,
Egenlcf f. The. prpgrum foUowa; .
Fonata, A rnnlor '. Mokart
iciiui.i-un unuzione. ,
Minuetto e Trio .'..fs.'.v,,,
nhapsodte. K Vl'iit,' Op." 'iivNoV.Y. .Brahms
.ni'1 UUOU90XV
BlteJolf .. , Hugo Wolf
Verbargenhelt Huso.-Weif
Der MusJkaut ..Hpgo Wolf
' Mr.' KRenleff. -
i tit - u . . .. .
Berceuse Chopin
Ktude, E major. Op. 55. Nci 3..... '.Chopin
Ktude, a flat. Op. 2H. No. Chopin
r "'nor. up. si, no. 3 unopln
nut, a iiai, tip. u
.Mies unodson.
Der Naeck
...C, Loewe
-Provensallschea I.led
Mr Ksrenleff.
Romance, F sharp
Valla dea VlMim r?a Kniuti.)
MIm Ooodson.
Drel Wanderer H. Hermann
On the Way to Kiev...., A.-Foote
Irish Folk. wSonr. , A. Foote
My Native Iand II. Kaun
Mr. Kgenleff.
Musical Notes.
In the program of th piano recital to
be given December , Tuesdap evening-,
at tho first Baptist church, by Cecil Per
ryman. niu be included a group of three
compositions by Mr. Berrytnan himself,
one written while abroad. -and the other
two Ust winter. The style of writing Is
An Economy Chance On
Christmas Gift Jewels, Etc.
At an Opportune Time for You
We will be pleased to lay aside Christmas Gilts now.
Bat haste in choosing is advised. Stocks will soon thin
The self-same, inimitable "service," always in evidence at
"Browns," will be continued, sale or no sale; engraving, cas
ing and delivery as always. There will be all of the OLD rea
sons and many NEW ones for making ALL of this year's gift
. purchases HERE. Come in. Look over some UNUSUAL
jewels at UNUSUAL prices.
Sort o lines of Hollow wares are marked
down. Inspect this showing.
Rare Novelty You've
of From 15 to. 50 Per
$10 Gold Filled Bracelets,
at $7.50
$5 Gold Filled Chains,
at $3.75
$8 GoldFilled iJockets,
at .$0.00
$5 Cold Filled LaVal-
Iters, at $3.75
$5 Gold Filled Fobs, $3.75
$2.00 Cuff .Buttons
at '......$1.50
Expert Watch Repairers
toward the modern view of modulation
and tonality. Mr- Berrymnn's new work
will be awaited with interest, an he has
already, shown talent In this direction.
no -wm 'De-jusiatel by Jamea B. Carnal,
basso, 'and Miss Alice Davis, accom
1 The Maron. St Hamlin company have
irecently Issued a very elegant catalogue
or tneir pianos, a copy of which has
lien received.
Henry Cox. the violinist, with Mr. Cos
at the 'jifano, assisted by the Misses
r.ioise ana juaoge west, viola ana second
violin. . and . Will Iletherlnirton. cellist.
gave a. tolo. and chamber muslo recital
in Missouri Valley, la-, last Tuesday
evening. A number of similar engage
ments are. now under consideration, pre-
iiininary o mKing tne "iienry Lox
Lyceum 6rchetra" to cities and towns
In Nebraska and Iowa for the Duroose
.onnformtmrthe people of the opportune
ties orfered Jor musical culture In Omaha.
The "Harmony quintet, composed of
juts tiaxei wiicox, violinist; Mrs. J. 1.
Sturdevant, soprano: Miss fcthel Bralnord.
soprano: Mrs. Challlr, reader, and Mrs
nown Alien, pianist, vnu give a concert
InrOracq Imtheran church, Twenty-sixth
ana roppieion avenue, Tuesday evening
at S o'clock.
.To aid In restoring the building of
Plymouth Congregational church, which
was destroyed in the tornado, the follow
ing professional musicians hayo, volun
leered to give a popular concert of high
grade at Immanuel Baptist church,
Twenty-fourth and-Pinkney streets, Tues
day evening:
Jean Gilbert Jones, pianist; John G.
T I . J.. 11111 ir...k..A.
and a trio of violinists and Miss Blanche
unmiey. pianist.
Ftnirer Rowla lu the West.
It Is said that on a western railroad
where the roadbed is faulty the dining
car waiter always hands you-a card
when he brings the finger bowls. Here
Is the message it bears. ,
"Thla Is a finger bowl not a berersgo.
Use quick!"
If the guest doesn't "use aulck." th
contents of the bowl goes ,out of. the op,
poslte window when the train strikes
we neat curre. -ueveiaaa nam Dealer.
I -
25 OFF
the More.
20 OFF all 14 kt. Solid
Gold Jewelry. ,
10 OFF on alt Looso
Diamonds, Pearls, Rubles,
Sapphires, and tho like. .
15 OFF on all Mounted
Diamonds; grades of
stones guaranteed perfect.
The Jewelry Firm
That Must Vacate
Bride's Mother Says it is Small and
Xot Elaborate.
Nnmerona Requests for l'lece of it
Cannot Be Granted Brother
of Groom Will Assist at
the Ceremony.
WASHINGTON, Nov. O.-Numerous re
quests for aWeceuf'Jessle Wilson's wed
ding cake, caused tho Issuance at tho
White House today of a statement de
scribing the size of the cake as too small
to gratify the desires of the public. The
statement says:
"On account of the erroneous and exn
travagant statements as to the size and
cost of the cake which has been baited
for the wedding of Mies Jessie Wilson,
Mrs. Wilson wishes It stated that the
cake In nine Inches high and twenty-twj
inches in diameter. It Is the usual kind
of bride's cako' and is not at all elab
orate." ,
Preparations for the weddlpg continue.
Tho Rev. John Kevin Bayre, a brother
of tho groom-to-be, .arrived here today
from Germany on bis way back from
missionary work in China. The Rev. Mr.
Snyre will assist the Rev. Dr. Sylvester
W. Bcacu of Princeton N. J., at tho
wedding ceremony.
He is a graduate of Princeton unl
vorsity and during his residence there
was a close friend of the Wilson family.
While in Washington he will be the
guest of Associate Justice Hughes and
Mrs. Hughes.
TroBHesa la All American.
CINCINNATI, O.. Nov. 2i-Tly fact
that Miss Jessie Wilson, daughter of tho
president, will be married in a purely
American costume, both as to workman
ship and material, has struck a respon
slvo cho.rd in the hearts of the members
of tbe Chamber, of Commerce with the
result that the following telegram haa
been sent to the future Mrs. Sayre by
the home products committee:
"We congratulate you upon your loy
alty to your country In ordering your
trouseau entirely of American manufac
ture. Your patriotism Is a good omen
and will do much to further the cause of
more patronage of home industries by
our people. All good" wishes for your
A world peace talk Is the next to bo
given before the Commercial dob at the
publlo affairs luncheon next week. Al
bert G. Bryant, a representative of the
World Peace foundation of Boston, will
speak at tut informal luncheon Friday
noon. He appeared beTorVfHS" "Club's" spe
cial committee on world peace September
9 and there made such a favorable Im
pression that he was Invited to come
back at this time and speak to a larger
gathering at the luncheon. v
Only the actual cost of the paint itself
is all the expense the Lincoln Highway
association incurs Ha getting the poles
painted with the Lincoln Highway ajgma
nil Gold Filled Jewelry la
Superb assortments.
Cent Off
25 OFF all Hall Clocks,
Westminster Chlmo Mantel
Clocks, Desk Clocks, Cut,
Glass, Engraved Rock Cry
Mai, nnwkes make, etc,
Iieathcr Goods, Umbrellas,
Canes, Electric Lamps, Sil
ver Plated Hollow Waro,
Sheffield Ware, etc
through Omaha. Thl i. j... ... ..
. km uuc wj me co-
operation of the Thomas Cusack company
of sign painters, who did tho work and
Charged only for the cost of the paint.
The Case Of. John Woods anlnrf 4uJ
Northwestern railroad, a personal injury
aaxiuwe sun involving a claim of 23,(X,
has been removed. - from h,.
county court to the United States district
The plaintiff alleges that while .h wn.
W 022 9oTl6 TM M '
w 4
crossing the company's tracks Mnv
on isignth street, between Harney
ana uougias streets, he tripped over n
railroad tie and was hurled re the
the fall stunning him. A train ot cars
In chargo of J. H. Goodwin, who also
has been named a defendant In h
action, ran over his arm. Woods af
leges, so mangling it that amputation was
necessary. .
Twenty faculty members of the Omiht,
High School of Commerce have made
reservations jor tne .Missouri Valley
Teachers' association, to be held at Kt.
Joseph Friday and Saturday. Miss Sig
ner, tho head of the department of Eng.
llsh at the Commercial High school, will
address the association on tho subject of
'Business English."
Persistent Advertising la the Road to
Business Success.
This Institution la too only one.
in tba central west with separate
buildings situated In their own
ample grounds, yet entirely dis
tinct, and rendering It possible to
cltsslfy cases. The one building
being fitted for and devoted to the
treatment of non-contagious and
non-mnnt&l diseases, no others be
ing admitted; the other Rest Cot
tage being; designed for and dn
voted to the exclusive treatment
of select mental cases requiring
for a time watchful caro and spe
cial nursing.
Remnant Sale
Wr" 7 KSA mk-