Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1913, PART ONE, Page 10-A, Image 10

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I Would Not Bo
Likt That Again
Leant Sow to Gain SO Pound in 9
Dyi and Build Your Sriy As
It Should Be Built.
80 Cent Package TKUL
There la no use denying the IratH.
The man or woman who has a plump,
well-fed, smiling appearance always
sets along better than the skinny people.
"Tkh Is Hew X TJseA to Look."
People poke fun at such persons and
every thin person know this. Clothes do
not even fit and women and men cannot
appear at social functions In the same
clothes that their better built friends can
Protone ti a natural builder of firm,
hard. come-tc-itay flesh. It aids nature
In building better flesh and It does Us
work swiftly without any harmful ef
fects. Thirty pounds In SO days Is not an
fcmknorm gain to some thin men and
The regular tl.00 size of Protone la
for sale by all druggists, or will' bo
mailed direct, upon receipt of price.
A guarantee roes In everv narJ iur
Tour money back If not satisfied. The
new irotone justifies us, from now on.
In maklnsr this euarantea.
The Protone Company, SWT Protone
Side, Detroit. Michigan, wilt send to any
one a free 60a package of Protone, If
they will enclose lOo In sUmpa or sliver
to help cover postage. They will Also
send with It full Instructions and their
book on "Why Tou Are Thin."
The regular 11.00 site of Protone Is for
eajo in Omaha by siiermon & McContiell
- e. v . v- w. ..mi ..ft-., vn jt ut vuM
334 8. 16th St: Beaton Drug Co.. 1S01
tit; Bell Drug Co., 1S1B Famam St!
No free packages from druggists.
Loses Nearly Thousand Dollars on
Northwestern Train.
Remnant Sale
A hard stubborn Cold 'that
hang on, U brokan up by
Humphreys' "Ssventy-MVem"
The prolonged mild ipU 1a
uruken and you muRt ba prepared
lo meet the att4da cfaaage, fcy keep
ing "ftevty-Tt" kaadjr la jreur
pocket k Vt4.
A dose ef "ftMtT-arMt" at tke
first cklli or aklTtr, will break ua
your Cold at oace.
If you wait umtil yeur bones begin
to ache; till you begin ta cough and
sneeee, It may take laager.
Ta Dollar Flask hoi da sore than
fix tweaty-tlve cast vial. All Drug
8 tore or mailed.
XaaHver' Xeraeo. MeaHclse Co.,"jBS
"William 8L, New York. Advertise"
n told "with oh word RUIN. You
men who driak aad you wanes who
have drinking huahaada aad aoaa
ahoald sot poetpoa arraagtag for
proper medical treatmeat, whkh k
the onty hope for drinking , who
are poteoaedaot skit or -wilful
and who ahoald take the Neal Driak
HaWt Treatmeat, which la a ate
vegetable remedy that remavea the
craving aad aeeeaetty for driak la
three days, without the ute of hypo
dermte iajectieaa. If you desire to
be ooher mea you must take the
Neal Treatment at one of the sixty
institute, or at your Qwa homo. Call
aad talk it over with us. Get proof
and reference that will be convinc
ing, or write or phone for book of
iB,fi,fM,Etion 1118 Ncal Institute,
1602 S. 10th St, Omaha, Neb.
WtTMC Habit Successfully Treated.
MMi awr mmA ax-tMlMHiMNJt,
I" .,
Cm emaeir ray.
w ftileni meal eat
Lyle Crabtree, Who Shot Captain
Raymond at De. Stotnes, Has Been
Released M Harmtess rrom
Hospital for Insane.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
DES MOINES, la.. Nov. 22.-SpecIal
Telegram.) It developed today that Mrs.
Charles Dodge, wife of a contractor, was
robbed In a peculiar manner when on
a Northwestern train Mming from Ames,
She was taken 111 Just as she was en
tering the train andjfatnt'edi Bhe had
collected at Marshalltown for her hus
band 1923 which she had with her In
A number of the passenrers offered
her assistance .wnen ine fainted, but
after she recovered she found the money
was gone.
Crabtree Free.
ITls attorney here has received word
that Iyle Crabtree, formerly corporal in
the United States army, who killed Cap
tain John Itaymond at Fort Oca Moines
four years ago, and later was sent to
prison, but was adjudged Ineane. has
been released from the hospital at Wash
ington as harmless.
Railroads In Contempt.
The Interstate Commerce commission
was notified today by the Iowa commis
sion, on behalf of the shippers of Iowa.
that the railroads, In filing certain rate
schedules, have ignored entirely the or
ders of the commission relative to re
arrangement of the rates between Iowa
points and the east In cf letter to the
Interstate Commerce commission. Chair
man Thome indicates that the raltrood
companies are In contempt of court for
what they have done or attempted, and
demand is mode for a conference ot
shippers and carriers before the Inter
state commission In Chicago at an early
date to have the matter presented In full
This la the outcome of the Investigation
of the rate schedules aa filed by the
railroads purporting to carry out the
orders made last June for elimination of
the old rule of making rates based on a
combination of the locals. In the letter
Illustrations are given of the effect of
the now aohedulo which would place
cities In Iowa at a disadvantage as
against Chicago and St Louis, ao that
on shipments from the east transshipped
west the Iowa Jobber would have to pay
very much higher rates than If he was
located In eomo city outside of the state.
"So long as the railroads continue to
frame rates for Iowa cities to and from
the east, and to and from the west, on
the principle of the combination of the
locals In both directions, Just so long
will the Industrial development ot Iowa
be hampered and retarded by an un
natural, artificial burden placed upon us
by the railroads," declares Mr. Thorne
In his Utter to Commissioner Harlan.
The Iowa shippers found that, In fact,
In making the new achedulea Instead of
distributing tho spread between the two
rlvera equitably acrosa tho state xones, .
the carriers simply took the old method
of combining the locals and adding 2
cents In each case, resulting In a die
crimination exactly tike that which laat
June' the Interstate Commerce commis
si ordered should coma to an end.
Hirers and Harbors Delearatcs.
Llet ef delegates from Iowa to the Na
tional HI Vers and Harbors Congress; at
Washington, v. c, Deoember l, t and 6,
appointed by the goveraori
Seott Bradford. Storm A n
Miller, Dee Moines; W, X. Holmes, Bloux
Vrj yeorge vv. Jvoonti, Iowa City; H.
A. Price, Fort Dodge tV. C. Cross,
Burlington! a A. Seaman, Clinton; W. J.
Brown, ' Dubuque B. 8. Walker, Dea
Moines; I. C. Norwood, Davenport; John
Downs, Fort Madison; John De Mar. Des
Molnesf Bs B. Egaa. Burlington! 8. O.
Ootdthwalte, Boone, and John DeWltt,
Controversy Over Sale.
The jtharmaoy commission of Iowa put
same blocks in the way of (he big steel
and wire trust, and failure toeach an
agreement terminated In a plan to have
the whole matter submitted to the at
torney general for decision. The contro
versy came when the commission directed
Thanksgiving Offers
Xece Are Jiurt a Tew of the Many
Special for This Weeki
lEo bottles Olives ............ o
SSo bottles Klpe Olives is
11.00 cana Pompelan Olive Oil o
15a cans Balmon ,.oe
lOo and 2Sq cana Sardines... 13o
11.00 bottle fine Blackberry.. seo
I5o fine Cooking Sherry Wo
11,00 bottle Cooking Brandy 9o
I5o bottle fine California Port
Wine ..... .....,.40o
7Go battles Catawba and Muscatel
for ..-.... ......... .48o
1 00 bottle Rock and Rye. . . G9o
All wall known brands of rtne
WbtaMea, sacb aa aprlntr atll,
Ola Vetoes xye, CrackenbeUner
lb Keystone
nu fjirAxTa...
as ssraozAxerrsM vk ou
If It's Treat
X Mmst Be ke4.
1309 FAJtKAM ST.
Two Doom Zast of
W.O.W. Skyscraper.
Oat-ef'tewm sateew seaA for our
seeeial effees and fx lists.
" that the American Steel and Wire com-
, tianr KhnuM il.illt from mirlrallnv l
by-product, eulphate of iron, through
dealers other than druggists. This prod
uct la aold lo be mixed with salt and coal
to feed swine aa a remedy for hog chol
era. Great virtues are claimed for It aa
a medietas and farmers are buying It
liberally. A big trade has been built un
In Iowa. But the druggists Insist that if
it la a medicine It should be aold aa other
medicines, only by those who have certifi
cates to practice the Drofeeson of Dhar-
macy. The wire company claims It la a
aomesuo remedy" aa defined by law
and doea not come under the list of
drugs. A conference was hid In ih
rooms of the pharmacy commtwrfon. at
wnicn appeared the general manager ot
me nig company, their chemist and law
yer; but the pharmacy commission re
fused to budge. Ther all B2Ted. hovw.
that the matter would be submitted to
me atorney general as to the meaning of
mo law.
Cossnumaii ttmm v
It la nOW lit Hi, A th.f ' - a
caaiiiojl J. o.
Pepper cf MuieAtm. ta mrf... w.
vrpama rever. ire came home a short
Urae ago and was taken 111 on the train.
oui not vnui in the last few days was it
apparent he had th tvm ir.
tor the aceelAl
democraUo friends in the eastern part of
ine aiaxe with regard to a possible can
didacy On his IWrf tnr h .1.
nomlnaUon for United States senator next
limit TTnm..t
Students of DmitA iiniv.i. .11
over the state, and the graduatee of the
nsuiuuon in large numbere, will visit
inere tomorrow and In the evening, fol
lowing the fOOt bait mm. mill.
" owa..a ...v., nuic.
there will be a big Drake banquet at the
iuasomo temnie. Th a la tn h .v..
- w v v vuu va duo
oiggest couege homecomings of tho year,
The state veterinary h.a re
ceived roports from the use of the hog
chafe ra serum In Scott
dlcate that great good Is being done by
me use or tne serum In saving the awlne
of the state. On fortv f rma Vi aiiSIa
method was used on 2.700 head with in..
Of Only 1.4 Per cent. Th !nr1 malhnrf.
Used on 1.677 hOICS. WAS tn1nmA hv
loss oi oniy 7.8 per cent. It was found that
wnere tne roedlclnea werer used late the
rcsuiis were not ao rood, hut that mmnv
oi ine noga were saved even then.
Pleased vrtlh nirhmv.
Officers of the Whlta Pnln
the atate while her. followlnc- tmir
Of the route. dec?Md timt h Tnn..
highway law la working out excellently
ano uwu mere has been a great Improve.
ment In tho roads this vor n th k
mliea of this road from Davenport to
council uiuhs mere are m turns, fifty
eight railroad crossings, ao concrete and
stect culverts and brldraa. 'I'M " .M
only seventy-five wooden culverts and
onagea leic
Inebriates Treitril t--i..
Under decision of tha dlitrlct Mir In
tne case involving the status nf ha, in.
ebrlate hospital at Knoxvllle It la neces
sary that the Board of Control trt h
Inmates of the hospttal the aame aa in
eane and to bring them under the aame
lawa as for the insane. In fact thai in.ti.
tutlon at Knoxvllle was established as a
part or tne ineane hospitala to caro for
tne oepanment which had been Instituted
before to Care for thoaa mtd i unarm and
irresponsible by liquor or drugs. In view
of this status of t the institution all the
attacks made br an ltunaYtn on th i.wa
prevailing fall to the ground, for tho
nospiuu management as a part of the
Insane department affords all protection
to persons needed. The members of the
Board ef Control are well pleased wHh
the court decision, which fully upholda
them and will permit them to continue
to exercise proper control over the In
mates at Knoxvllle.
Peenlta nil nam. r .
The Standard Oil comnanv haa amvaatad
to the supreme court from a Judgment
In Harrison county under peculiar cir
cumstances. Homn vir aim th wtfa
and three children of Ieo J. Chapman
were burned to death because of kerosene
in which gasolene had been mixed. He
secured Judgment and collected 1,675 from
ine nrm at nssaJi which anifl th nil.
The firm then sued the Standard Oil com
OUT and a-nt n. Vfirdlet tnr 11 m In nlm
burse It for the otheV damage suit
The company claims that the oil was
tested" and vu a.11 rlcht vh,n dallvarAd
and that as a matter of fact the mixing
of the gasolene with the kerosene occurred
attcr a part or tne barrel or oil had been
sold and was tho fault of the merchants
and not of the oil company.
Vafa Aaeatlaa Mmam. T.ana
It was found hv th Rtata Ttallmait
commission and the shippers representing
central ana eastern Iowa cities that the
rate proniem before the Interstate Com
merce cemmJselon la a larger one than
thwy had at first supposed. A strong
protest will go to the commission agalnet
the rates aa nronosed bv tho raiirnadj.
and an effort will be made to have the
commission undertake to work out a
schedule of rates applicable to Iowa.
Divided aa to Libel Holt.
The suree court divided tndav u
libel suit Involving what an Iowa sews.
Paper said about a mllifonaira.
It reversed and sent back for trial the
case or one ot the- owners of the Wiener
estate la Hardin county against Ira NIch
olx editor of the Iowa. Faila Pru rn
SS0.0OS damages for printing a etory In
sinuating aome connection between the
estate and alleged immorality in widnr.
Justice Wlthrow wrote the decision, but
justice weaver dissented and held there
was no libel In the case at alt
Supreme Conn Opiates.
Tla T Wlama. .nnatUn.
i,.-?',ho,S! .Hwdln county. Judge R. M.
Wright; action for libel. Reversed; opln
Ion hv Wlthrow. Weaver dissenting.
William Jammers against Chicago
lant: Dllhtlnua pntinlv T.. tu " . VT
son: action for damages to an employe.
Reversed; opinion by Preston, Weaver
dissenting. H '
Peter Bchoenhoefcn Brewing Company,
appellant, against Charles Glffeyt John.
inn GAtintv. Titter.. i ti :rr.H
, --nw ... . , fiijTfCll, I JIM.
missed; opinion by Wlthrow.
NEW TORK. Nov. -The rlcht nf
United States government to operate its
mall trucks In city streets regardless of
speed restrictions that may be prescribed
by the board of alderman, was defendad
today by Joseph Stewart, second assistant
postmaster general, before the alderraanlo
committee appointed to consider an or
dinance withdrawing the mall trucks from
the class of vehicles now exempt from
speed control. Fourteen persons have
been killed here thta year by mall carry.
ins auiomoouea.
At 10 o'clock a. m- December v ivi t
lll sell goods and fixtures of Rlggs
Pharmacy company of Lincoln, invoicing
about $17,000. For particulars aee or
write John Kllnker, trustee, care IJncoln
Drug company, Lincoln, Neb.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
Big Returns.
Omaha Street Hallway Company
Before Bail Board.
O. TT. Wattles find John L. Webster
Declare Complainant Davis
Does Not Represent
People of Omaha.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 22.-tSpeclaL)-A sort
of preliminary hearing was had before
the State Railway commission this morn
ing la the matter of the complaint ot
Representative James Davis against the
Omaha de Council Bluffs Street Railway
company to compel the latter to put Into
effect a alx-for-a-quarter rate to all polnta
on that road In Omaha and adjoining
John L. Webater and President Wattles
of the car company appeared for the
atreet car people, but, notwithstanding
It waa aald the people of Omaha were
anxious for the new rate, nobody but Mr.
Davis appeared for the purpose of making
a showing In favor of the proposed re
duction. Mr. Webster called the attention of the
commission to the fact that the complaint
filed by Mr. Davis made no specific
charges and only In a general way asked
for a rate of six tickets for a quarter.
He said there was nothing in the com
plaint for the company to answer and
cited opinion and the law to show that
there must be some specific charge or
complaint made in order that the com
pany would have something to make an
answer to.
No Charge Made.
There is absolutely no charge made
In the complaint," aald Mr. Webster.
"They simply ask for the new rate, but
do not attempt to show why. Is the com
pany making too much money or what
Is tho reason we most make the rateT
If they will make some kind of a show
ing In their complaint, then we will know
what to answer to and what grounds to
toko In making the answer."
President Wattles aald that previous to
the organization of the State Railway
commission tho company had considered
that the city council of Omaha had au
thority over the company, but since the
commission came Into power they con
sidered that all matters ot rates wero
under the Jurisdiction ot the commission.
Tho socialists of Omaha, said Mr.
Wattles, have resorted to the initiative
to give the people of the city a chance
to vote on a proposition of seven farea
for a quarter and he did not think the
proposition should be complicated any
farther by a complaint of this kind. He
aald that the company would contest in
the courts the right of the people of
Omaha to make a price on something
they had to pay for themselvea and find
out who had authority over rates.
"A few daya ago," said Mr. Wattles,
"the matter came up of an increase In
the pay of our employes and we made
the Increase. We have Just contracted
for twenty-five new cars of the very lat
est pattern for the Dodge street line and
we expect in the spring to complete a
line to the southwest part of the city.
Wo ore doing everything we can to give
the public good service and the best
equipment and wo do -not believe that
the people have any right to cripple our
efficiency by reducing our income."
Mr. Davis said that he did not want
to be compelled ' to ask for a physical
valuation on the Omaha street railway.
He thought the complaint filed by him-
self was sufficient, but If he had to do
It be would call for a physical valuation
and would show that the company waa
bonded greater per mile than any other
atreet railway in the world.
In closing the hearing Mr. Webster aald
that Mr. Davla did not represent the
people of Omaha In this matter. "Are tho
people of Omaha represented here by any
body r asked the attorney as he looked
around the room and saw nobody but Mr.
Davis contending for the new rate. "Are
the people of Omaha hsref No." And
with the statement that the company
would challenge the right of the city to
reduce rates, he closed his argument
Connected with Brandels
Stores by West Arcade,
Buy Your Thanksgiving Turkey
and Groceries here.
We are splendidly prapars for this great annual festival with finest greeerles,
Imported, aad dOBtaa-tiCjfresh traits aad vegetables, eanatte, ants and 'particularly
wiu iab iuhi drj uaiaai tiniiiii jsverytBiag ox tne nest.
Moss's green heart, the
perfect seasoning, three
coa Domes ror. ....7oo
per bottle. at....,..98o
iD. S. F., unexcelled for
meats, etc., dozen SSc
Jars for
per jar, at .20o
sxxsa JTRVrr
Komo brand, yellow free
'pc&ches, halves or sliced,
and Bartlett pears, doe.
3 Be cans for $3 JO
per can, at 30o
Fran co-American, flew
pack, 3 lb. can....BSo
2 lb can ....'.Mo
1 lb. oan
raxxox fbas
Direct importation, new
pack, uncolored, at, per
dozen 2r
per can, at .aeo
sirs ourvs
Sylmar brand. Califor
nia's finest pack, dpzen
40c can 3 ...... . . .s&M
per can, at 964
dozen 26c cans. . . .98.33
per can, at ....aoo
Caroline Seymour's fam
ous pack pineapple,
cherries, peaches and
figs, $1.26 glass Jars 9 So
Finest Imported, red
currant, glass Jars.. SSo
aad lBo
A. Qaillard and File, dou
ble clarified, regular 46c
bottle for 3o
Hlnz. absolutely pure
Jiut up In useful glass
ars, qt see
pt. at ....aoo
Imported dainty fish
packed In puro olive oil.
high quarter key open
ing can, dozen SSc cans
for u
per can, at aeo
Old Monk brand, triple
stuffed selected man
zanllla, 3 bottles... '..91
per bottle, at 3So
America's, famous des.
eert. ,T flavors, dos pkgs.
"-for gi.10
per pkg.. at lOo
xxozixsA osuurgas
Choice, sweet and Juicy
fruit. 3 dozen 66o
per dozen, at aoo
Juicy and thin skinned,
per dozen .......... 90o
or 3 for.... SSo
rucked in France, surei
extra fine. 3 cans.... 91
per can, at ...350
. Finest quality, regular
ti cyiinaer glass jar boo
High grade All tho
choice varieties, 3 lbs.,
for ...SSo
per lb., at SOo
Superior relish with all
meats, etc., dozen 16c
botUes for 81.10
per bottle, at lOo
Apple, currant flavor '
dozen 16c tumblers S1.10
each at lOo
Lotus, absolutely pure.
dozen 26c bottles. .SS.89 .
per Dottle, at aao
Courtney's Thanksgiving
"Quality Basket"
A complete dinner for six people. A splendid, practical
and welcome gift for some less fortunate family yon
) wtak to remember oa Thanksgiving flay! also a match,
leas value for your own nae.
. 93.60 BASKET POX 9.35
- lb. fancy sp'g roast' chicken .78
1 can Readymado tomato soup .10
1 at. Jumbo cranberries 13
H-Pk. beat White potatoes is
I 4 stalks Bellevue celery do
1 large turnip 10
H-lb. best Turkish layer figs .10
4-lb. hlirh srada mixed nvts .10
H-doz. Swt. Florida oranges. . .10
can FYanco-Am. plum pudding .30
i jonr rrean nreoa as
Vi-lb, Lotus Ankola Coffee.. ,10
H-lb. assorted candy 10
1 pkg. Iten's Alpine Wafers. . .10
H-lb. full cream cheese 15
One basket, for .OS
Total , 99.60
aw roR 99-as
We will receive an
Immense ii timber
of orders Please
order yours now.
State whan and
where yon wish
delivery made.
Auditor Howard
Back from Missouri
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Nov. 22.-(Spcciel.)-State
Auditor W. B. Howard returned this
morning from Kansas City, where he waa
called to act in an advpory way with
the Insurance commission of Missouri In
the matter ot merging the Paclflo Insur
ance company with the Pioneer Insurance
company. Both companies are large stock
companies and their merger was an Im
portant one.
While there he attended the nineteenth
annual banquet ot the Kansas City Cora
tnereial club aad. was present when Sec
retary ot the Navy Daniels was entertained.
Union Dedicates
New School Building
TJNION, Neb., Nov, ti-Bpeclal Tele
gram.) The new 0,000 school building in
this village was dedicated with appro
priate exercises today. Prof. B. E. York,
principal ot the schools, was master of
ceremonies and State Superintendent J.
E. Delsell delivered tha address. William
Balfour, an aged violinist, assisted with
the program.
Courtney's Thanksgiving Can
dies and vConfections
I Made In our complete candy kitchen, abaolutely pure,
temptingly delirious, a perfection of quality, surpassed
by none. Courtney's "Italian" style and ''Incomparable"
chocolates are a revelation In chocolate candy.
Large box 91.00
One pound box , eoo
V.'e stock an exquisite assortment of fancy boxes and
novelty packages for candy. Please come in and try us.
We stock every variety of fruit known, rare foreign,
choice domestic and fancy hot house grown.
Qranes .Enellah Hot Ilousn. Purer Crtun Ualiim To.
I lcajrs, Erapors and Ferrers, Casava Melons, Imported
Artichokes, Persimmons. Endive, Pomegranates, Banana
Apples. Pulled and Layer Figs, and the New Japanese
Vegetable Croaneaa, and a Complete Assortment of Im
ported and. American Nuts, freshly bpened and salted
nut meats and everything you could desire for this
lesuve occasioo.
These beautiful, large and most seasonable cut flowers,
sold everywhere at $1.76 a dozen, all you want, per
a oxen, at ......... loo
(Not Delivered)
Kail aad Thome Orders Promptly and Accurately nil ad.
COFFEE Our own roasting
Drink Lotus "Ankola" for warmth and invlgoration.
The acme of perfection for over twenty years. Only
the best could have attained such popularity: there 1
fore, .bevond comparison. Bean, trround or nulverlzed
by the steel cut process, three lbs 91.10
two lbs., for 75o
per lb., at 40a
Courtney's Wines and Liquors
Are Unexcelled for Truly Mediciaal Purposes
Actual and absolute merit have given the highest
standing to our wines aad liquors. Quality consid
ered, our prloea are always the lowest.
Regular giving S
price price
uasmpagns, extra ary, special -reserve
8 bottles, for
per bottle, at 1.00
Sparkling Hook or Bauterae, champagne
style, for 1.60.
eucxenneimer wniazey, rich and mellow,
seven years old, gallon jug
half gallon Jug ,
full quart bottle
Tokay Very old, rich and nourishing
Gallon jug, at
per bottle, at
Aprloot Brandy Crystallzed, old and
mellow, gallon jug
i . .
f CI UULdVi Mb. ...... ......... .........
Bass Ale White label bottling, 12 pts
S pints, for
Wfelte Srape J alee Finest quality 65
Cllequot Singer Ale Ooz. pts 1.65
White Bock Water The genuine 2.25
TRAXZssrms pubs wzks ookbxkatzoh
93.00 WORTH POB 99.00
1 large bottle Sherry, choice and mellow 50
1 large bottle Port, rich and fruity 50
1 large bottle Madeira, choice dessert wine 50
1 large bottle Muscatel, a choice rich wine 50
1 large bottle California Burgundy, fine body
and bouquet, for 50
1 large bottle California Haut ' Sauterne, fine
quality, for 60
Xotal , ...93.00
This assortment delivered to any address, packed
in a suitable basket. 76o extra.
TION 84.00 "WORTH TOB 93.00
1 qt Private Stock Whiskey, very old and mel
low absolutely Dure and strongly recommended
for medicinal use .........i91.50
1 qt. Gold Label Port, extra full body and rich..- .75
1 qt. Gold Label Sherry, very fine and mellow. . ,75
1 large bottle California Burgundy, fine body -
and bouquet, for 50
1 large bottle Caiirornia Riesling, a choice pro- ,
duct, for 60
Total 94.00
This assortment delivered to any address, packed
in an appropriate basnet, 760 extra.
Copley, Jeweler, 21E & 16th. 35th year.
rideUty Storage ft Tan Co. Doug. 1518.
ave Boot Print It Now Beacon Press.
lfe Xasf Tea. Feaa Mutual, goald.
Ughttag fixtures. Sargess-araadea Co.
A Bargain Electric coupe. Factory
demonstrating machine. Address dealer,
Omaha Bee, for particulars.
Wash.; Mra. C. A. Day, Portland, Ore.,
and Mrs. D. H. Smith of Unionvllle, Pa.
hundred men today searched for the body
ot Edgely Bowers, 21 years old. who last
night was drawn Into the covered drain
age canal that parallels the western aide
of the city from the Inlet to Chelsea.
Long after he waa drawn Into the big
conduit Bowers' cries were heard and
men in boats risked their Uvea by enter
ing the canal In the hope of reaching
him alive. After an all-njght search hope
was given up that he would b saved.
Bowers fell overboard at the Intake of
the canal and was swept Into It by the
rising tide.
CALCUTTA, Nov. tt A police raid on
a suspected house In Calcutta today led
to the arrest of four men and the discov
ery ot a bomb factory. A quantity of
correspondence found In the building ta
believed to be a clue to the Inner cir
clet of anarchlat conspiracy, which re
sulted In many recent outrages, includ
ing the attempt to kill the viceroy with a
bomb at Delhi list December.
Agents for Brewers
Fined at Mason City
MASON CITT, la., Nov. 22. (Speclal.)
Three of the four repreaentatlvea of the
brewers were found guilty of soliciting
and selling liquor In Mason City. A. R.
Noonan and R. A, Kruger were each
fined $75, and James Stevenson, who
seemed to be a minor offender, was fined
$0. J. C Darrow, cousin of Clarence S.
Darrowof Chicago, the labor defender,
waa found not guilty.
These men were tried before Mayor
John Stanton and their act waa violating
a city ordinance of soliciting without
license. An appeal was taken to the dls.
trict court. The attorneys for the de
fendants did not attack the validity of
the ordinance, as was expected. The ap
peal bond was fixed at 1200 for each ot
the defendants.
Eighteen witnesses were examined, In
all and considerable damaging evidence
was secured against several other repre
sentatives ot breweries, who were not In
custody, and whom the police are now
trying to locate. The citizens Interested
In the prosecution of this case are satis
fied that this proceduro will have a
salutary effect.
CHICAGO. Nov. 21 -Indications that a
murder may have been, committed were
discovered at Aurora today when a car
load of lumber from Washington was
being unloaded. Workmen found a
woman'a bloodstained underskirt, a school
reader, with tho Inscription "Elsie Helba
Day. Springfield. Ore.," and an empty re
volver. Blood was spattered about the
car. The school book, a Hues' German
reader, also bore the name, Dr' II. A.
Day, Colvllle, Wash.
The car waa shipped from South Bend,
Wash., September 25. by the South Bend
Mills and Transportation company. It
passed through Springfield, Ore., a day
or two later. V
The Aurora police have telegraphed the
Chiefs ot police of Colvllle, Wash., and
Springfield, Ore.
Other names In the book, apparently
friends of the owner, were: Charles
Mants, Colvllle, Wash.: Alfred Lover,
Des Moines, la.; Alfred Love, Spokane,
Garnett Surprises
Burglars at Work;
Lands Them in Jail
After aurprlslng two burglara about to
begin operntlon In the house where he
lives, II. Garnett. 1050 Cieorgls. avenue,
held the man nt thn nnlnf nf n Vim whll.
he telephoned headquarters for assistance.
oarnett, who occupies rooms on the
first floor of the boarding house run
by Mrs. E. A. Stelnhoff, was preparing
for bed about 10 o'clockwhen ho heard
the men moving up the stairway lust out.
side his door.
One ot the men at Garnett's dictation
awltched on the electric lights. Still
covering them wfth his gun, he backed
to the telephone In the hall and tele
phoned the police.
Officers Pazanouskfc Armstrong. Buford,
Woods and Roonev were dlsnstthMl tn
the scene where they entered the house
and found the three calmly chatting, al.
though the thieves', handa were In the alt
and Garnett's revolver waa directed un.
waverincly at them.
At police headquarters the burglara
gave their names as Ray Sllkett, Twenty
first and Burt atreet, plumber, and James
ailllgan of Kansas City, Mo., laborer.
Moving Pictures on '
Lincoln Highway.
A battery of moving picture men came
to the city from the west last night and)
early this morning go east, en route to
New York. The members of th,e party!
started from San Francisco two months
ago and tn automobiles have traveled by
easy stages across the country, making
moving pictures of scenes on and along
the Lincoln highway. They will continue
their work at least as tar as Chicago.
The pictures made by the Lincoln hlgtu
way boosters will be shown In the moving
picture theaters of the country for the
purpose of advertising the route.
Take Salts if Your Back Hurts
Says Drugs Excite the Kidneys,
Salts harmless to flush Kid
neys and neutralize uric acid,
thus ending Bladder trouble.
Whan votir kldnera hurt and your back
feels sore, don't get seared and proceed
tn. in&A vour stomach with a lot of druga
that excite the kldneya and irritate the
entire urinary tract. Keep your kldneya
clean like you keep your bowels clekn.
by flushing them with a mild, harmless
salts which remove the body's urinous
irnsta nnd stimulates them to their nor
mal activity. The function of the kid
neys Is to filter the blood. In 24 hours
they strain from It 600 grains ot acid
and n-aate. so wa can readily understand
the vital importance of keeping the kid
neys' active.
Drink lota of water you can't drink1
too much: also got from any pharmacist
about four ounces of Jad Salts;, take
a tablespoonful In a glass of water be-)
foro breakfast each morning for a few
days and your kidneys wilt act fine,'
This famous salts Is made from the acid
of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with
llthla, and haa been' used for genera'
tlona to clean and stimulate clogged kld
neya; also to neutralize the acids in'
urine ao it no longer la a source of int.
tatlon, thus ending bladder weakness.
Jad Salts Is Inexpensive; cannot Injureji
makes a delightful efferveacent llthla
water drink which everyone ahould take
now and then to keep their kldneya clean
and active. Try this, also keep up the
water drinking, and no doubt you will
wonder what became of your kidney
trouble and backache. Advertisement.
Phona S. 1908.'
C- Third Ploor xamga. Building,
erpocm OBtxinc owajca, na.