Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE BEE:
A Great Millinery Clearance Sale
of Our Entire Basement Stock
FRIDAY All Millinery Goods Below Cost
Trimmed Hats
worth $2.00 and
$3.50 clear-ft Cp
ance .... uub
Trimmed Hats-
worth $3.75 and
$5, clear
ance ...
Fur Trimmed Tango
Hats; worth A .
$3.95, Clear-V I 7 k
ance . . . . $!. I U
. I IS U11U
All Children's Trim
med Hats worth
$1.95 to $5.00, pQn
clearance .... Dub
Black Velvet Untrim-
med Hats, worth
$1.95, clearance
Black Silk Velvet Un
trimmed Hats, worth
$2 to $3.95, fti nr
clearance . . . &LD
Any French
Black or White, at
Fancy Feathers, as
sorted in two lots.
10c and 20c
Black Tango
$3.95, Clearance
fatherland, to expoYe It. In Iti weakness
and poverty, to lnr tfrom. abroad; took
an attitude of opposition Mlnt the gov
ernment In tfio work It was, attempting
and usurped not oMyithe province of the
Judicial power. ,WtaJo that of the exj
ecutlve. seconding JnV'this, manner th
tiefarioua activity of. ,jhe rebels."
Chosen Not ts Vacillate,
The president says that' he choao not
to vacillate under theaa conditions and
retorted at laat to the extreme measure
of dissolving congress, using the necest
sary rigor to faco aueh a. delicate aitua
tlon and called elections.
Defending his action, General Iluerta
eaya It will always fc a. novel act, and
argues that In any case It preferable
to save the n4t(e. even at th sacrifice
of principles than to preserve Intact, at
the expense ef'the people, the Held, Inert
precept of luetic, the Hty wVkj
.may be open WeoVrwr?, i
In this connyjona V jgtwtes.laaMleonl
in irw etreci iiwi ffe ' w
lated when yew save the father land."
Me promises' later to give congress; a
detailed reper V of his acta In ceaneatlan
wtth the taklitg aver of 'the deedrtnmits
of flnanee, Interior and wsw. i
Congress hi tfornted that If H considers'
tho prtuldtnt's acta m hottest, -patriotic
and of service H wiH lend htm Its wi
pert. Bet It Mt R It Invited to place
the respansWiUkr upon him who deserves
It, with the assurance tht noKher the
president nor any of kla secretaries wilt
cvae any mpeIMHty. since all. had
agreed to any sacrifice In behalf ot the
ifelfaro of the'eountry.
'The text of lluerta's meesago to ht
Mexfcan congress, In part, followsi
t"In accordance with the constitutional
provisions relative to the matter, It la
the duty of the chief executive to Inform
the congress of the nation twice every
year of the status of publlo affairs,
these reports corresponding to the two
solemn, openings ot the regular sessions
of your duties. Thla provision 'havfng.
been compiled with by means, of the ex
tensive reports X read in this chamber1
tm September it, .last, and as It happened
at the time that the first of' April was
far ahead., at which time Oio government!
should once more bring to your attention
the status of the national situation, It
can now be understood that tnls brief
message cannot be so extensive as the
other documents, but that It should ha
to giving you an account of the
t)H(eal events wMefc have taken nlacs
ainoe Oeeafcer last to this 'jt&nRferfnt,
(hub, m wnien, ay. vmaa or meaoiemn
premise-Is,v' mdx befotfo the 'nation"
and (he world",, the oowttry. IsireekMlh's)
Ha oourso under the stralsM a4 Inflex
JaaaaV Mi tflfyuauesfaj CdALJM BffsssaLa
TTJlsMsH(Nai lUffc sKHfS
"I VftS ! SMS tor
itcit tares amUt
mvm4 treat Salt Roots
t tk Urt M4 m toll
kr thwe et or mi
lat strifeUM tW I
ntyM Mn to irt.ll to
'an or.U H st tIM,
bul kr to rr Wor
MturtS a toll teMtaunt
tk It MMteta s K
SttCMlMM 4 d
k.arat al on Bto.
chm I Hi resuMtt sad
Sos't u; 111 tf. mittot row
ItMMSr to all mr MnH 1 tab It. war 04
lk. htskMt rtM. B, U DOOUrr, KOAMOKS,
attorn of Stnmwll. LtT.r ia4 latMOna) All.
mm ar. net uk4 t. uko MATR'8 WONDWU
rUUBTOMACH KKMKOT l.r Hki snS ooth
Wor. tktr ft Wb.WkI. Jvtt Iry en. doM-4
vkich ibaald U rtfa fl Utttr to fclik.
enTlnre it tbtt rou will tooa t 4I wi4
Ufi, ttf rpo trcm Ib a ntf.rlBS sn s1'
rul iftuoji hetlikr tteuvMh, it na
eft In ttMnuuli ot' vtber r.M. Wlartiir It lo
ttXo tou httr noihlnc trat tk. kltk.;
er.lrt. Oo Is jnt SrnssM .k Mm okost lbs remits It kti btn xoompllihlns Is nm
ot popl ho knor or on4 to Oo. II. kl.rr,
Mfs. CktBUt. Ill H Wkltluf At . Cklciro, III-,
tor .(r took os Slomack Allmrnt. ant mtsy
OTotetvl letters from popl who btro bna rt-lorJ.
V .
motive prcfcrablo tindor any drcum
stances to savo nations, even though'
principles may suffer, and not to main"
tain Intact at the expense of the life ot
the country, provisions of a rigid. and
animate character whoso Justice and use
fulness may yet be the subject of-dls
cussloit because. In fine, the words of the
great Bonaparte that the law la hot vio
lated when the country Is saved, shal(
always be true.
"Congress having been dissolved and Inj
absence of this Important organ, of the
government from that date until the as-
sembllng of the new chambers. It became
ncceaiary to dec re extraordinary powers.
under similar circumstances the great
Benito Juares lone governed under, the
regime of extraordinary powers. There-
roro it does not, sem excessive that my I
government may have resorted to them
In vltw of the lack of the legislative
power, but ' the" national representatlvea
will not fail to observe how moderat h
bim -OfnAiStlonjjr the executlvo In not
utrvroemn, nor exercising them .except
mm ivicrrnco 10 inr.A nrnnrh.. nr 4ir.
'aMmlnritrallon.'haqlenda, gobcrnaclon' and
warr ntij, is ip say, m thos branches In
Ibla provH e- the fuhdamettW ehart ) w.hlch action was absolutely" Indlspen
Asks Appreral of Acts,
"rf,ta WM.if - ....
-... nvum anin ova a DroDmous ran.
ment to give you ah account, of the use
mad of tho above powers; but Inasmuch
as It is the purpose of this congress to
on tnem I shall In due time and
under separate distribution give you an
Itemised account of the use made of them
by the exeoutlve. to the end th.t tt
find his action useful, honest and patriotic
you should afford him your supreme
--... .na in case that you are of 1
different opinion, yox should lay the re
them, with the asaurance that tha chief
exeoutlve, aa well as his secretaries, shall
make no effort to evade them, aa they
hav cePted "lr respective post'a
aunng different days over th
have beforehand accepted even sacrlflca
VL ,n Denalf of PWlo service
- or the country.
'The present moment la oxtrmiv 1
mn and Perhaps decWve for the welfare
?r. H "ll?rt- Not only the eyes of
MM!n. those of the whole
civilised world are at this time fixed on
uur auiiuae and your actlort shall
Inform our fellow clUcena and f.,..
generatloas whether we have been rteht
in clinging to our nationality, in placing
-..vmw mtrouy aoovs all base Interests
ot the moment, or If, on the contrary.
Instead ot that attitude t - '
tlonal feellar. we should have receded be-
reiruvaoie interests and
tnH ..1 1
. . 1 ou ln ,ne of the
"i'"" "i rnosi coraiai welcome I pray
ttw .1,. a. . . -eoj
ui L """p arnvai or the hour In
which all Mexicans may be united In
close fraternity, so that we may devote
our decided energies to the great and
fruitful task of reconstructing our na.
ot the repuwie.''
Aeeases Ileane ef UsHrpatten
The dictator then dlsousses the reta
tkms ot those departments of the gov
ernment at length and continues:
"The house endeavored to prevent every
effort at the government It awrresslvel
Invaded hot ' osily the province, ot the
Judteial powers, but executive's, In order
to co-operate In the infamous purposes of
the rebels. Having come to thts extreme.
thti government under my direction had
to face thla painful dilemma, the decision
ot which could not be postponed any fur
ther to consent In ha preservation of
the house aa an assembly ot demagogues
so that It would end by strangling the
other two powers, dragging the country
to the chaoa of a bloody anarchy In
which our nattoMUty Inevitably would
have quickly perished, or to taka a legal
action ot dsfens and pubM health,
Halving for a brief time se-eajled pew
ter rsprea rotation, and appearing to tho
people to corns feeforo the polls, In order
that they rafftht express tketr ultimate
ana ssveretgn u eon re.
"It being Impossible to hesitate before.
such a situation, the executive adopted
the extreme measure and dissolved con
gress, mpieylng for this purpess Juet-the
waossary amsmt of energy to face so
dHet a condition, and convened the
people to new election, where rem jw
Investiture, Messhs. Representatives, pre
Ictotea Napoleon' Bonaparte,
The executive has not the slightest
doubt that before a serene criterion, con
stttutlonal order was not Interrupted
when congress was dissolved, but at the
precise moment In which a series of In
fractions against tho province of action
of the other two powers began. Even If
such was not the case, though It Is, It
shall always appear a a high and noble
our THii ooVpon '
ys o a rfeotr roasW yos aeot protest Sic Cespeas in gU
ttd to U th freateet collection and biggest bvgin n
, evc offers Tfce ISO pttvVa retil
j4o 1 of 10 ewta eh, or more tha $10.00 in U. BrinS
SIX Cmbmm mm! eg ents to thk oAe md you will be
PiW wHh Om Complete Outfit, incrudr Book'of
t? d om All JtWl Hooo. Tb 88ciSk to
tJLVI M-tke ntiatrou. oyeiv
kfPm ot iMka frxm U&U?y
P attorn Ust-, Osaaha, Xesv,
Former President Thinki Filipinos
Given Too Much Power.
Professor Takes Exception to Ad
ministration Granting; Islanders
Store Influence In Government.
Currant Will Jfot Answer.
JOOALES, Bonora, Nov. , 11). Confer,
ences between "Wllllard Bayard Hale, per-
ui.oi representative or rresldent Wilson
u me constiturionallat chiefs, were ter
mlnated abruptly because General Car
ransa refused to answer certain questions
propounded by President Wilson and not
aa a result ot the Mexican's demand that
Mr. Hale present his formal crtniii.
This real truth of tho negotiations h.
cumo Known yesterday when it ilin w.
made clear that the constitutionalists had
attempted a diplomatic coup, which ended
in utter collapse. General Carranxa'a n
clal train to Hermoslllo was scheduled to
ica.o ai noon, out it waa 3:45 before It
finally drew out. and then
Bonllllas. Carranxa'a- chief aavtsera, were
uui an qoara.
It developed that the ,.
confidently expected a message from the
American representative, making conces.
immeaiateiy after the train loft.
Bonlllss called on Mr. Hals at the con.
aUlate; but Mr. Hale asuntiv i..
made his last communication to the con-.
stltuUonallats, and he made it clear that
S2 hmU!th My but .QenMftl
-MAHCU8, Ia Nov. 3B.-Uax Car sin. .
young man or Marcus, was killed , and
fodr others seriously Injured when th
automobile In which they m Hdtn
turned 4urtIo near , here laU.last night
Cargln's neck waa broken.
NEW YOrtK, Nov. 20.-Spcaklng on the
subject "Holding the Philippines" before
the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sci
ences tonight, ex-rresident William' II.
Taft attacked the policy of the "Wilson
administration In tho Islands,
Mr. Taft spoke at length on the history
of the American occupation, with which
he had been connected as governor gen
eral secretary of wdr and president, al
most continuously from 1900 to March,
UU. ending this part of the discourse
with the statement that In his belief the
great mass of the people the uneducated
majority, which must be protected was
not ready for self-government and would
not be ready for another s-enerntlnn In
all probability.
In taking exception to the Policies of
President WlWn In grant! ne more now-
ra In tho government and legislation to
tho Filipinos', M.r. Tart declared this ac
tion to be far In advance of- the time of
even tho approach to aelf-governmcnt
Retail Prices of Food
Are Twice as High
as Twenty Years Ago
WASHINGTON. Nov. 2o.-ntalI nrlee
of food were higher August 15 than at
any other time during the last twenty
three years, according to figures of tho
bureau of labor statistics Issued today.
Betall pricca of the principal articles of
food In forty Important cities show that
during the year twelve of the fifteen
artlclea advanced in price while only
three declined.
Comparison of retail nrlcea on Auntil
15. 1913. wit prices on the same date .n
wu, snows potatoes advanced 20 rjer
cent, bacon 18.8 per cent, smoked hams
17.6 per cent, eggs 12.6 per cent, round
steak lt.6 per cent, alrloln steak 10.3 per
cent pork chops S.S per "cent, hens S.7
per cent, lard 8.1 per cent, rib roust 7.n
per cent, butter 8.7 per cent and milk 2.7
per cent.
Sugar declined 7.8 per cent, wheat flour
6.M per cent, and cornmeal 2.7 per cent.
-Compared with average prices for tho
ten-year norlod. 1KM tn iihm
for which prices were noted, with the
exception of augar, adv'anced, Bacon
advanced 1S8 per cent, pork chopa 124.6
per cent, round steak 108.4 per cent,
smoked ham 92.2 per cent, sirloin steak
7.J per cent, rib' roast 7S.5 per cent,
potatoes' 7!.2 per cent, hens 73.2 per cent,
lard 60.8 per cent, egga 66.4 per cent,
cornmeal CO' per cent: 'butter 4L8 ner
cent, milk 38,8 per cent.
sugar decJlrted'2.3 per. cent.
When the price of- each of the fifteen
articles of food Is considered according
to r average consumption In workmen's
families, retail prices on August 15. IMS.
.were 6U.1 pOr cent above the average
price for the ten-yew, period, 1890 to
1899; , S per cent above the Prico on
August IS, 1902, and 14.9 per cent above
me price on August 15, 1S1L
jDianioiid Pendant
from House Sent .
to Miss Wilson
WASHINGTON, Nov. . Miss Jessie
"Wilson, the White House bride elect, re
ceived her 12,080 present from the house
today. The sparkling diamond pendant,
reeling in a satin lined Jewel box with
a tiny key dangling from 1U heart
shaped lock, waa taken to tho "White
House by a member of the Washington
Jewelry firm which has been preparing
the gift.
The sentiment Inscribed upon parch
ment paper accompanying tho present,
The representatlvea of the people In
congress send this gift to Miss Jessie
Woodrow Wilson, with their slncerest
and best wishes aa an evidence ot the
tender interest and hearty good will of
all the. people, on the happy occasion of
her marriage to Mr. Francia Bowes
Sayre. 'November 25. IMS.
The names ot the commutes of the
house signed to this sheet of parchment
paper, Identical with that on which con
gress prints Its legislative work, were:
Speaker Clark, Democratic Leader Un
derwood, Republican Leader Mann, Pro
grcrslve Leader Murdock, and Repre
sentatives Cooper, Wisconsin: 'Henry,
Texas; Campbell, Kansas; HardwlcU,
Georgia; Page, North Carolina; John
son, Kentucky; Palmer, Pennsylvania;
Broken Lots of Classy Clothes
mad by Sam Peck, Stien-Bloch and other
High Class makers will be placed on sale
Saturday at greatly reduced prices.
It's a great opportunity to ft a classy suit or
overcoat at the very time you need it a lid at a
decided savins.
Friday Night's Ad Explains.
Omaha's Fastest Growing Store
Benson & Thorn e Co.
1516-18-20 Farnam Street
Next Monday is the Extraordinary
Sale ot Rugs
Brandeis Stores
. th Great Window Displays .
Austin. Tennessee; Townsend, New Jer-
seyt Fowler, Illinois, and Chandler, New
Secretary and Mrs. Bryan's gift was
among those received and It will be un
crated today. The present consists of
an Inlaid mahogany tea table and chair.
Among the other gifts were a dozen
silver plates from Andrew and Mrs.
Carnegie and a handsome ' silver bowl
from the Spanish minister and Madam
Ralph. Emerson, :
. . Bachelor Farmer,
Commits Suicide
MASON CITT, la., Nov. MfEpeclal.)-
Ralph Emerson, aged 40 years, one of the
well-known farmers of this county, com
mitted suicide at 5 o'clock Wednesday
morning without apparent cause. He has
a brother, W. J, Emerson, residing tn
Jfew York. Mr. Emerson had driven to
Portland the evening previous and se
cured lumber and two workmen, whom
he took home with him and expected In
the morning to repair hla house. He
arose about 4 o'clock and went down
stairs and secured a .23 rifle which he
brought upstairs and placed In the bed,
He had set hla alarm clock for 5 o'clock
and Just aa the alarm pealed out he
pulled the trigger and sent the bullet
crashing into hla brain. lie waa a strong,
vigorous man, with no traces of suicide
In the' family. He was unmarried.
SIOUX PALLS, S. D., Nor. 30. (Spe
cial.) Guy MIRIgan, a young man who
entered a plea of guilty to the charge
of forgery in the state circuit court .for
Kingsbury county, was so far as known
the first beneficiary In the state of a
new state law which permits sentences
being suspended In .case. of persons who
have committed their first offense or are
not habitual criminals. Following his
plea of guilty Mllllgan was sentenced to
a term of 1C0 days In the county Jail,
and thert the sentence was suspended on
Condition that ho would get out and earn
the money and reimburse the county for
the expense Incurred In prosecuting him.
MOINES. la., Nor, 20.-Dr. Ge6rgo,
McCall of- Chlcago,- wfio was indicted
by the last federal- grand tjuryi 'on ft
charge of using the malls to distribute
fake medicines, was sentenced to -tho
counly Jail for thirty days by Judge
Bmlth McPhereon ,hero today. McCall was
Indicted on three counts, two of which
were dismissed upon tho recommenda
tion of Marcellus Temple,, district attorney.
Ames Loses la Trloiaa-nlnr Debate.
AMES, la., Nov. 20.-SpocIaI.)-Ames
debating teams lost both contests in a
manguior aeoate on, tho Philippine in
dependence question with Kansas and
feouth Dakota universities. South Da
kota won both affirmative and negative,
and Kansas won from Ames with the
affirmative The Judges were Prof. P.
8. Pearce of the University ot Iowa, a
O. launders of Council Bluffs and Prof.
U E. Ayleaworth of the University of
Movements of Ocean Steamers.
MANILA. . i . . B rt Hi rsr li. ) . . . .
t'OIZ... Meotwrrttt ..... .
SYnKRY. .... Hh... ,r...
NBrW TonK..(.uj,4antiil.:;;Xj;tv . t r " "
fiREMBN .....K. W. r''
ANTWERP., ,...ilnoailn '
AK FRANCISCO .".J.'iLaniUn.-
HAN FRANCIBCO., ' . ' ' ' .itSoJJJ'
Toxto bu I,y;""F".
NAPUCfl.e as........ CI mania.
WNOATORB..,..,. TwisT
NEAV YOHK Jth.lS... .. .. UtUMMls.
Mamma, Daddy and the Children Can
All Take "California Syrup of Figs"
Harmless "fruit l'axative M
cleanses the stomach, liver
and Bowels without any
A delicious cure for constipation,
biliousness.' sick headache, sour stomach,
indigestion, coated tongue, sallowness
take "California Syrup of Figs," For
tho cause ot all this distress lies In a
torpid liver and sluggish bowels.
A tablespoonful tonight means all Con
stipation, poison, waste matter, ferment
ing food and sour bile gently moved out
of your system by morning without grp-
Jng. Please, don't think of "California
Syrup of Figs" as a physio. Don't think
you are drugging yourself or your
children, because this dellolous fruit
laxative can not cause injifry. Eraa a
delicate child can take It as safely as a
robust man. It la the most harmless,
effective, stomach, liver and bowst- rogu
lator and tonlo ever devised.
Your only difficulty may bo In getting
tho em-trine; so aak your druggist for a
60. cent bottle of .'.'California Syrup of
Figs." Say to your druggist. "I want
only that made by the California Fig
Syrup Company " This city has many
counterfeit "fig syrups," so watch out-
December 7, 1912.
MB. W. .0. "WILSON,
Pres. Bankers Life Ins. Co.',
Lincoln. Neb: '
Dear Sir: ... . .. . .
I have your check No. 50308 in settlement of my policy
duo today. I am greatly pleased with this settlement, Mr."
Vilson, and as I have always been a booster for tho Bankers
Lifo, and my confidence has not been misplaced.
About a month -ago I bought another policy with your Mr.
Hetrick, this time a 20-payment life policy. I am now fifty
six years old, and in starting another 20-year journey it surely
looks as though I had great confidence in the future of the
Bankers Life Insurance Company.
Mr. Hetrick suggested a 15-payraent policy, but as my
health is apparently perfect, and I come from a long-lived
family, I chose the 20-year plan, And I have every confidence
that the future settlements of the Bankers Life wiU be as sat
isfactory as they are now.
Wishing tho company continued success, I am,
, -, 'Yours .'truly,
t 1
i: f
.( , Aik the man who owns on of our policies.
vOrdinary Life 20-Year Distribution
Polioy '
Old Linfi RanTrfira T.lfA TnnironM ' ' j.;.-
. ' ------ - mmumawmw (" t '
rvo i.Tvmr.w vmnievi
' I
i .
' t ' '
, .
Name of Insured... William Lehy ' v "
Residence . .'. , Council Bluffs, lav
Amount of Policy v , , . . )3,000.OO r vr
Total ' Premiums Paid. ........ .SlWM.'oO " .
Reaerre ..f 000.89 ' Jtf
Surplus . , , . .$ - flSlisi ''4 -5 7
... . , 'jt, ,v
ToUl Cash Received..; .....fl,6S5.11
WriU Us for an Agency.
Asset $8,600,000.