Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1913, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Don't Wait
for opportunity; create It tor
yourself by judicious use of The
Dee's advertising columns.
Fair; Cooler
VOL. XL1U NO. 133.
Vice President Hillard Questioned
by Commission About Gulf Con
struction Company.
Was President, but Says He Did Not
Manage Operations.
Witness Says He Thinks Profits
Were Only Moderate.
Syndicate MakM Three Million Dol
lars Profit on Subscription of
Little More Than tlint
ST. IXU1S, Nov. 19.-Charles W. Hlt-
lard of New Tork, for ten years vice
president of the. St. Louis 4: San Fran
cisco railroad and since 1SS5 vlco presi
dent of the Chicago A; Eastern Illinois,
wan questioned nt tho Interstate Com
merce commission's Investigation of the
'Frisco receivership 'today regarding Uie
affairs of the Gulf Construction company.
This company, of which Air. Hillard
wan president, was one of the syndicates
that built or bought lines that later were
sold to tho 'Frisco.
Mr. Hillard professed Ignorance regard
ing many things concerning which he was
asked by Commissioner Clark and Ex
aminer D. E. Brown.
Mr. Hillard said he had nothing to do
with tho management of the construction
company, though the records showed he
was elected president In. 1503. The con
struction oompany, according to Exam
iner Brown, was Incorporated In 1906 to
built th Colorado Southern, New Or
leans & Pacific, later the New Orleans
line ot tho 'Frisco.
Mr. Hillard admitted that a large pay
ment had been made by the Colorado
Southern, New Orleans & Pacific to the
construction company six months after
the latter was formed, but he thought the
construction company made only a mod
erate profit. Soon thereafter the con
struction company was dissolved.
Statistics Arc Adjusted.
Mr, Hillard professed to know, nothing
about the financial statements ot the
'Frisco being submitted to Speyer & Co.,
bankers, before being sent out in order
thatchahgea. might be made to help the
R.pparanc ot tho report.
Commissioner Clark then read into the
reeord a. letter -written la September, -IMS.
by. HlUArd ,to B, I Wlnchell, then presi
dent ot the road. This letter told how
bankers had helped In ''rearranging sta
tistics." A4 It. Perkins of St Louts, syndlcato
manager, was asked If It were not the
Intention of the promoters ot the St.
touls, Mexico St Brownsville road to build
It and sell It to the 'Frisco. This, Mr.
Perkins denied.
According to evidence Introduced by tho
ixamlner of the Interstate Commerce
lommlesloner yesterday regarding it
Frisco officials were In the syndlcato
that built the Brownsville road. This
road was sold to tho 'Frisco, according
to evidence,- at a profit to the syndl--atc
of $3,003,000 on original subscription
t W.Wl.OOO.
McCombs Will See
xPresident Friday
WASHINGTON. Nov. 19. William F.
McCombs, chairman of the democratic
national committee, came to town today,
but probably will not see President "Wil
son before Friday, when ho has an en
gagement. Mr. McCombs has been men
tioned hs the central figure in a prop .ed
reorganization of the democratic party In
New York. That Is one of the subjects
ho Is expected to discuss at the White
House and. he may; finally say whether
he will become ambassador, to France, a
post which has been held open for him
since last March.
The Weather
Forcast till 7 p. m. Thursday: "
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Fair and cooler.
Tontiieraturc nt tnnaaa Yesterday.
Hour. ueg.
5 a. m
6 a. m
7 n. m...
8 a. m..
9 a. m..... i
10 a,m
11 a, m
12 m
1 p. m
2 p. ni
3 p. m
4 p. m
5 p. m
6 p. m
7 p. m...
8 p. m
Comparative Local tlecord.
1H11 1912. 1911
Highest yesterday 82 62 49 49
lowest yesterday 64 38 81 J
Hesn temperature f8 49 33 at
Precipitation ,
Temperature and precipitation deiar
'ures from the normal:
Normal temperature 34
Excess for th day a
Total excess since March 1 MI
Vormal preel pita t Ion 03 Inch"
Deficiency for th day 03 inch
Total rainfall since March 1... .20.40 Inches
Deficiency fclnce March 1 7.C9 Inches
Oeflclency for cor. per.od, 191. . 8.47 Inches
deficiency for cor. period, lall. ll.S2 Inches
n.nnrt Srtrl Stations at 7 It. IU.
Station and State Temp. High- Italn
of Weather 7 p. m. est. fall.
Cheyenne, cloud
Davenport, pt. c
Denver, cloudy
42 W .00
4 Cg .10
69 .ID
52 M ,00
45 51 .UJ
0 64 .110
64 62 .(0
50 54 .W
ii U M
53 ' M .09
4S .V Ml
. OJ
50 M .00
:6 w6 .W
forth Platte, clear
)maha. cloudy
ucblo, itnudy
rtapld Citj. pt cloudy..
saU Lake City cloudy..
Banii Fe. cloud
Hherldan. eltar
Sioux tlty. Pt rluud, . .
V.l..tlt.. n. .-1.-1111.'
L. A. WELSH, Local Observer.
Land Drawing
at Hyannis Brings
Many to the Town
HYANNlfl, Neb.. Nov. 19.-(Ppctlal Tel
egram.) The third day of the allotment
of lands In the North Platte forest re
serve marked the largest crowd In Hyan
nis so far. It also marked an Increase
In the excitement, this being partly due
to. the fact that 100 numbers were called
today Instead of. fifty, an on the previous
days. -1
rr l. l . . . l. ........... 1
100. which was allotted today, exceeded
the number selected from the first 100,
this being explained by the fact that J
some of tho highest numbers In tho draw- i
lng concluded that there were a few!
choice tracts In the Niobrara reserve that!
they could secure In preference to land
It Is freely predicted that the" selec
tions by the third 100. which will be
called tomorrow, will exceed all previous
records. Judge Wltten has In eight years
superintended tho allotment and sale of
government lands similar to tho present
drawing o,n thltty-flve different occa
sions, and at tho completion of the draw
ing hero will go to I aw ton. Okl., to con
duct the. sale of 37.000 acres of govern
ment land located In eleven counties. In
all his experience there never has been
a moro satisfactory allotment than the
one In progress here.
Tho Judge says that In all that time
he has never witnessed a more remarka
ble than tho drawing of
Nos. -) and 251 by Elizabeth and Jcanlo
Tddd. Thcso two sisters live atBroken
Bow. They registered together nt Broken
Bow In tho order In which they drew
their numbers when the drawing occurred
at North Platte. One of tho little girls
doing the drawing stood on one side of
tho big pllo of envelopes and another on
the other side and drew alternately." Al
though their envelopes had become
widely separated, th e names ot the Mtssco
Todd were drawn from the stack In tho
order In whelch thejhad registered. Now
tho time of their making selection will
bo separated by t,he noon hour, as Miss
Elizabeth Is, the last of the list to mako
selections beTore noon tomorrow and her
slater will make the first selection after
noon. However, they do not Intend to
bo separated aa they will select their
farms together.
The first colored man to be drawn.
John n. Taliaferro of Omaha, will mako
his selection tomorrow afternoon, his
number being 270.v- Today Ue selections
were slxty-two. Added 'to the fifty
tracts already taken, this leaves 00 of
the 512 tracts yet to bo allotted.
Woman Accused of
Stealing Gown Offers
to Try it On in Court
CHETF.NNE. Wyo.. Nov. W.'-A Pro
posal to try on n gown before the throng.
orurloua .vspeoUtors. In the United
States district court was promptly
squelched today by Judge J. A. HIner.
Mrs. Joseph U Wier, on the stand In
rebuttal In the trial In which she Is.
cnarged with her husband with the theft
of clothing from Mrs. J. & Cecil, claimed
that the dresses which she asserts she
bought for a trifling sum from a woman
canvasser, did not fit and that therefore
there would have been no object In steal
ing them.
Her attorney suggested that she try on
one of the gowns In open court to sub
stantiate her claim. The witness
promptly consented, and there was a
momentary fluttor of excitement among
the spectators. Judge Illner, however,
Ineerrupted the proceedings, saying that
the demonstration was unnecessary.
Arguments were heard In the case fol
lowing the close ot tho testimony and a
verdict Was expected before night.
The court Instructed the Jury to find
Lieutenant Wler not guilty, no evidence
having been produced to connect him with
the alleged theft
Dr, Elam Charged
With Murder in
the First Degree
KANSAS CITV. Mo., Nov. 1.-Dr. Wll
Ham T. Elam of St. Joseph, Mo., was
charged with murder In the first degree
after a coroner's Inquest Into the death
yesterday of W. I'ucam Cramer of Chi
cago, who was shot by Dr, Elam In a
down-town hotel after a private detective
I engaged by the doctor had for several
i weeks followed Cromer und the doetoft
John Torpey, n detective, testified that I Hew York City face Idleness within forty- from Plum creek to the extent of 150
when he went to the room with Dr. Elam j eight hours because of the strike of n ( cubic feet per second, giving a 300 kilo
and found Cramer dead, the physician ', single union of 5.7) men. Every man in j watt current of iOO horsepower. The ap
said: this union has quit and unless the strike I plication was made by F. W, Hellor, who
"I bought mi automatic pistol Just be- 1 1 broken the entire garment working In- j Is also ono of th elncdrporators of the
fore leaving St. Joseph and came down
hero to get Cramer,"
Dr. Elam was not called to the stand.
In a statement to the police the doctor
showed Intrnso remorse. jand spongers. All cloth converted Into
"I don't believe there was anything ! clothing In New Tork passes through the
''Improper In the relations between Mr. i hands of this union. 'Hie strikers de
i Cramer and Mrs. EJara. If this affair ntand an Increase of wages averaging 15
I develops wrongdoing on the part of my ! Pr ccnt and a reduction of 10 per. cent
wire i had rather be hanged."
Gettysburg Honors -Memory
of Lincoln
GBTTYSnrno. Pa., Nov. 9.-Gettys.
burg did honor today to the fiftieth an
niversary of the deliver- of Lincoln's ad
dress on the occasion of the consecratloit
of the Soldiers' National cemetery here.
November 19, 1MJ. Special exercises were
held In a local theater at which addresses
were made by four citizens who heard
Lincoln fifty years ago, former Judgoi
William McLean. Prof. J. Calvin Hamil
ton, Dr. T. C. BUIhclmer and Dr. P. M.
Blkle. The oration was delivered by Rev.
J. B. Baker and the history ot the ceme
tery was recited by William McSherry.
WABASHA. MUiu.. Nov. 19. In the first
trial for murder In Wabasha county since
1ST1. John Dals was convicted today by
a district court Jury here of having shot
and killed a om anion. Frank J. I' nn
Ion July 1' hm Juuoe A II Snow, sen-
teneed Davis to life Imprisonment at
Advocates of Federal Control
-'Water Power Sites Win in
Test of Strength
Pinchot, Stimson. FiBher
jfii j y t
Iieia iiCaa tne JJlgnt.
Motion to Refer it to Resolutions
Body Defeated.
"WiMhlnpiton DrlcRHtcs Will Never
Acrntn Intrude on, Such Gather
Ins;, Declare One.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 19.-Proponents
of federal control of water powor tights,
led by Glfford Pinchot, former chief for
ester: Henry L. Stimson, former secre
tary of war, and Walter -I Fisher and
James It. Garfield, former secretaries ot
tho Interior, won a victory today In the
national conservation congress here In
tho first test of strength on the para
mount Issue of tho assembly.
By a vote ot 434 to 134 a motion to re
fer to the resolutions committee that
portion of the rciort of tho committee
on waterways was voted down and tho
report subsequently adopted Yvlthout n
roll call. Tho test of strength canio
when, as a substitute for a- motion by
Mr. Stimson to adopt tho unanimous re
port, E. T. Brlant bf Tennessee, cham
pioning the cause of state control ot
water rights, moved referring the report
to the committee. Tho vote followed a
day of lively debate, In which tho Issue
clearly defined was federal or stato con
trol of waterway development In tha
Poller Nt Finally Determined.
The result did not finally determine
the policy, however, as divergent reports
from the committee on waterways are
now In tho hands of the resolutions com
mit too to bo reported upon tomorrow.
Tho majority of' the committee, led by
Prof. George F.Bwan, submitted a re
port proposing that the states bo given
a voice In the granting of water power
Glfford Pinchot Mr. Stimson and Jo
soph N. Teal of Oregon offered minority
views urging strict federal control of all
water rights, with compensation to tho
government under certain conditions for
franchise privileges. The unanimously
adopted report referred only to certain
general principles upon which all could
agree and .tho subject was thrown open
for discussion early In the day upon mo
tion of Mr. Stimson to adopt this part
of tho report.
Both sides In the debate yielded for a
rote late in tho day when Mr. Bryant
urged that the whole matter should go
to tho resolution committee. Tho result
was so overwhelmingly one-sided that the
Pinchot following claimed the report of
the minority of the waterways commit
tee evontuully would be adopted.
Snpporters of Motion to Refer.
Delegates who supported the motion
to refer the question to the resolutions
committee chame chiefly from Alabama.
Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana,
Montana, NeVada, New Mexico, Bouth
Carolina, Tennessee and Washington. In"
the heat of tho discussion Dudley G.
Wooten of Washington, anticipating that
the supporters of state control would be
In the minority, vehemently declared that
the delegates from Washington "owuld
never again Intrude on a national con
servation congroes."
C. L. Watts, one of the Alabama dele
gates, startled the convention by charg
ing that he vice president of the Ala
bama Water Power company was a mem
ber of the delegation to thn congress
from that state, and thut there was a
"dark laid plot to defeat the will of the
majority In the congress."
Small Strike May
Tie Up All Clothing
Plants in New York
NEW YOItK, Nov. l&.-One hundred
! and fifty thousand clothing workers In
dustry of the city will be tied up. In this
assertion tho strikers' claims aro cor
roborated by the Employers' association.
The strikers are the doth examiners
in working hours.
Police Officer of
Ninety-Three Still
Patrols His Beat
WEYMOUTH, Mass.. Kov., 1. "I ex
nect to be doing my regular, duty as n
. police officer when I am 100 years otd,"
said Oliver Houghton to friends, who
congratulated him today on his ninety
third birthday. Mr. Houghton, who has
served continuously on the looal force
since tho civil war, Is probably the old
est police officer In active service In the
United States. He was chief ot police
for twenty years. At his own request he
! was relieved of that position In 1902.
Preacher Acquitted of
Charges of Murder
, TOPKKA. Kn.. Nov. l -Ilv W. L
. Bcwa. tried on a charge .of murdeHns
'bin wire by forcing her false teeth down
her thruat during a quarrel, was found
mot guilty bv a Jjit in thv c'rc-uU court
jfcere t !a ,
MIMr.M v i kvu vS iTrfiJT w I . milium
aasmwazvsiiw i nvr u h i x i i-r i rr-. - 11 i 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 '
adopted y,m JBSS? ' Wl 1 H W Y ft TV . JiM
5 il
MADE I JyW&:teil - "T PrnTmrTSy
1 lppj " "
Drawn for Tho Beo by Powell.
Incorporators of Nebraska Central
Apply to Rail Board.
Nino Skr Department He fern Appli
cants First to Commission ncforr
Matter of Sale of Stock Can
He Taken Up.
.(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 19.-(Hpelu!.)-The Ne
braska Central -Hallway company Is a
new corporation which proposes to run
an Interurban lino fromPierro, fl. I) to
Alnsworth. Neb., nnrnrrilnr' in a rut- I f ,
lento from the secretary of state of Bouth
1 Dakota filed with the nccretary of state
or Nebraska, with a copy of the original
The certificate was filed by George W.
Adams of Walnut, la., president or tho
road, and V, B. Hill of Council Bluffs,
who, It Is understood, Is the engineer In
terested In the building ot the same.
Those gentlemen called on Mr. Heed ot
the bluo sky department of the railway
commission regarding the Issuance of a
permit to sell stock of tho road, but was
referred to tho railway commission, being
told by Mr. ltecd that thny would havo
to get permission of tho commission to
issue bonds before tho permit to sell
stocks could be Issued.
They Informed members of the commis
sion that thoy would like to Issuo stock
and bonds In tho amount of 7G0,000 and
were told that they must first make a
showing b ysubmlttlng plans of the road
with the estimated cost of same.
The articles of Incorporation show that
the. road will havo Its headquarters at
Pierre, 8. D., running through Tripp and
Lyman counties In South Dakota ami
through Brown and Keya Paha counties
in Nebraska, with a branch office In
Alnsworth. It was Intimated that power
to ru ntho road would come from the
eloctrlo light plant at Alnsworth, owned
by the Alnsworth Light and Power com
pany. Tho records of the state engineer's
office show thai the Alnsworth company
i ' received license from the state to
. operate a power company from water
I proposed Interurban line.
However, It la given out by reliable
authority that a 400 horsepower elcctrlo
plant would not be able to furnish enough
power to run the road more than thlrtJ
rnllcs arid as the proposed road Is ISO
miles In length It would bo necessary to
get additional power In sorne other way.
The Incorporators of the road are
George W. Adams, Waln.uut, la.; F. W.
Kellor, Alnsworth, Neb.: n. H. Onboro,
Alnsworth; M. V. Finney, Alnsworth; Ar
thur McSweenoy, Alnsworth; Charles
Hennemau. Sprlngvlew; John Scheie.
Hpringvlew; E. G. Kenaston, Sprlngvlew;
V. K. Strothcr, Omaha; V. Hill. Coun
cil Bluffs; John A. Holmes. Tlerrefl. P.;
W. I Harris, Weroeta, 8. D. 1
TRINIDAD, Colo.. Nov. 19.-Strlet
military law. Including a military court
for the trial of all law violators, will lie
Inaugurated at the close of the present
week unless definite stops that give
promise of ending the strike In the south-
ern coioraflo coal fleios are taken In the
Interim. This In substanro is tho state
ment Issued today by Major K. J.
Boughton. Judge advocate of the Colo
rado national guard, after a conference
with General John Chase and Franols H.
Roueli. deputy attorney general.
Plans for the Immediate Institution of
mU'.fary court for the trial of a number
of alleged law violators now under
arrest have be n held up pending th.
result of efforts on the part of Governor
Amnions to ef'ei t a solution of tho
P ' nt situation.
Three Heroes Are
Developed by Fire
on Spanish Steamer
NEW YOItK. Nov. 19,-Three names
stood out conspicuously In the stories ot
bravery told today when tho Cunard
liner Pannonla brought to port thopas
sengers rescued from the burning pan
lgl steamer llalmcs.
Captain Juan Uutse ot tht.Bnlmea spent
practically flyo day's wjtliput. .s,leepiwhjle
he and his men. jield 'the .flames Iri check
Aha jiulded (heir ship safely Into the,
narhor or Ht. ueorgos, uerrnuaa.
Innocenclo V. Mlchalrla, the wlreleis
operator on the Balmea, tent the messages
that brought the Pannonla. Blnce there
was only one other man aboard who un
dcrstood English Mlchalrla was obliged
to be on duty without rest to tranalatd
tho messages received from the rescuing
Nicholas Arbonles, a mechanlo from th
Canary Islands, waa the man who led
the men passengers Into the biasing hold!
ot tho Balmes last Thursday after tho
crew wai oxhauated and ready to give
up the fight.
Tho passengers themselves first discov
ered the fire. "Some of us noticed smoke
coming through the grating ot our cabin,"
said A r born lea. "W notified the officers.
They opened hold No, 1 and the smoke
that gushed up made them quickly close
It again and batten It down. Then they
cut six holes In the hatch, and tho deck
and shoved hose through."
Man With Life Term
is Legally" Dead
NEW YOItK, Nov. 19. A man serving
an Indeterminate term in prison Is civilly
dead and his wife may remarry without
divorce or annulment proceedings, accord,
lng to an opinion handed down by Justice
Maddox In Brooklyn today. In so decid
ing, he Issued a writ of mandamus di
recting the marriage license bureau to
grant a license to Mrs. Mary Gargan, a
school teacher. .Her husband, John, was
sent to Ring Sing for second degree mur
der, with a maximum sentence of life.
Bho will now marry William Welshclmer,
a lithographer.
Makes Bogus Liquor
and Bogus Money
THOY, N. V., Nov. 19,-Counterfeltlng
liquor, as well as counterfeiting money,
will be charged .against Charles Ash and
Edward Barry, who are under arrest
here as tho result of a raid In which a
money making plant and a quantity of
unfinished bills were sclred. The police
found In Barry's home. It was learned
today, an outfit for making brandy and
a stork ot forged labels, Four hundred
bottles of counterfeit liquor were located
In Troy saloons.
Recruits for Army
Are More Plentiful
PITTSnimail, Pa.. Nov. 1.-Unlted
Htates recruiting officers on duty In this
city say more men are offering their
services for the army, navy and marine
corps than for a number of years. Cap.
lain If il llalliltfnu rt tt.A OMnV T-, 1 1
!., ..!, tl,nr. wr mnr. fnr.lir,.
born re-ddents appearing for enlistment
t)m Americans.
ST. PETKRBBUHO, Nov. 1V.-A general
strike of mill hands In Ht Petersburg,
and throughout northern Russia started
' today, ii6.(0) roftislng to continue work
this morning. The movement is a proton
bv the vo'Kmei against the trial of some
employe of the Huciiow works" on a
rharge of illegally quitting their employ
ment The pro"eed ngs against them was
opened In the district court here today.
Omaha Traveling Salesman Accused
of Murder of His Child.
I'lndlnK of the Body of Infant! Al-
Iro-rd to Have liven Thrown
fro inTrnln, Detailed liy
BUVIB, Neb.t Nov. 19 (Special Tele-
iram.r-The opening day In th'tV'trlM of
Gtorpe . Jowett. traveling "salesman for
the' aullrukv Fruit com nan v. eharaed
'with the murder' o'f on Infant ohlld, wan
icsumed hero today with the Introduction
of testimony.
The court room was ciowded and fully
half of the spectators were women. At
torney Frank Oolezel made the opening1
address for the state. He charged Jewtt
with the murder of his Infant child by
throwing It from a rear platform of a
Northwestern train July 10, 1913.
The attornoy for the prosecution con
tended that at the tlmo the child left
Omaha In n suit case, carried by the
prisoner, It was alive and that witnesses
would bo brought to prove n dellborato
ond wilful murder on the part of tho
A. W. Jefferls of Omaha, for the de
fense, outlined the story of nn Illicit
love of Jewett for his present wife. Ho
went Into details of how the prisoner
had finally married and supported and
provided a good home for her. He told
ot the birth of the child and the aver
sion of the mother toward It, detailing
how In n fit of hysterics, Mrs. Jewett
had Injiu-cd herself In Jumping from n
porch ot their home In Crelghton.
The defense will try to prove that
Jewett took all proper precautions In the
care ot his child and that there was no
murder committed.
Tells of Flndlns- Body
J, A. Dixon of Arlington, who first
discovered the body of the child near a
trestle about 300 yards from his home,
was the first witness called. July 10 the
witness passed the spot where the body
was found, but noticed nothing In par
ticular. At :4S p. m. of the same day Dixon
discovered the body of a chld wrapped
In a blanket and to all appearances dead.
He Immediately notified Dr. Davis and
William Reckmycr of Arlington, who
resulted the scene In an automobile and
later carried the body to Arlington for
the Inquest.
The Identification of the wrappings In
which the body of the child waa found
was made by the witness. Pieces of
barbed wire from the fence near where
the body was found were Identified by
Dixon as havf,ng pieces of the blanket
hanging to them when the body waa
During the forenoon session former
Lieutenant Governor Snow, an uncle of
the prisoner, accompanied by the mother,
brother and sister of Jewett, entered the
court room and greeted the accused man.
Kisses were exchanged and Jewett's race
flushed as his mother took her seat be
side him. The relatives remained close
to tho pilroner during the entire day.
Tli e first witness of the afternoon was
N. W. I!!ermau of Arlington,' who carried
the body of the dead baby after Its dis
covery from the railroad track to tha un
dertaking establishment of William
Ileckmyer. The witness Identified the ex
hibits as being the articles that covered
' ",D iwilliw
w lira uiai-uiuim ijimiiiuii ui ma idle 01
the child and to tho fuot that tho left leg
had been broken above the ankle. Cross
examination by Attorney Cook failed to
shake his testimony.
c..34e 7;B;I .Pfvyemfw cm fwf mf
R. E. Day, passenger brakeman on the
Northwestern train, testified that Jewett
was a passenger from Omaha. July 10,
the day the body of the child was found
along the right-of-way and that he heid
a conversation with him In the chair car
Day was not positive as to the Iden
tity of the traveling bag carried by
H'ont'iiued on Page Two-;
Constitutional Chief and His Staff.
Prepared to Leave for Pro
visional Capital.
Foreign Minister Asked Mr. Hale
for His Credentials.
Insurgents Capture Victoria Fronv
Federal Forces in Fierce Fight.
Villa Pays Mother of American
Clinnffrur Killed During Bonier
KndnRcmrnt HOO as
NOG ALUS, Sonora, Mex.. Nov 19.-4
Negotiations between President Wilson n
personal representative. William Bayanl
Hale, and General Carronxa wero broken
l off suddenly today. The constitutionalist
leader prepared to leave for tho Interior
with his staff and provisional cabinet.
Mr. Hale declined to say whether h
would leave, nor would ho confirm th
termination of his dealings wlthQeneral
Carranta through Francisco Escudercv
minister of exterior relations Infio Car
ranxa cabinet.
It was clear'that there had been a breat
In the dealings over the question by tli"
Washington government last Saturday)
and to which It was asserted the conv
stltutlnnallsts had failed to answer dW
I Ignaeta Bonlllns, minister of (omenta
i and communication In tho provisional
i cabinet, culled today on Mr. Halo at th
American consulate. Immediately aftorV
ward Mr. Halo left for his hotel, on tlisl
j American side It was believed thati
j llonlllas formally ended the transaction
i In which he has ben acting as confl
I dentin! translator.
i Virtual Drninml for IleenKiiltlon.
The . first nnen disagreement occurred
lost night when Escudero announced thas
he had requested Hale to present formnl
credentials, sovthat the conferences mlgh
become offlclul. Thl It was matio clcai,
today was virtually a demand tor full
recognition of the revolutionary part
before trra'tlng on the subject under dim
The nature of the question which caused
the disagreement was not made clear, If
wait known, however, that It had a rise a
slmtlltanenuslv with rennrts nf muni
' military successes of tho revolutionists,
I U also was pointed out that tho progres
' f ho Insurgents In Blnaloa.-where tlm
tVlUV wA takfcn last week hy
j Oeiieral Obregon, would result soon Irf
' taklriir of Maxathtn, nn Important sea
' wrt on th weg' coll,i- AW, the fall
01 uunyamas mrougn the internal dev
I moraiUatlon of the, federal garrison km
"Pccicc at any time
Vothlnsr 1'nrther 4i Annoniioe.
Minister Escudero announced that t
would not accompany General Csrranan
south. He said that he had nothing to
'; announce further than what ho said last
night In regard to thn termination "ln
formal negotiations." The departure ot
General Carranza, military and civil head
of the revolutionary party. It Is believed.
would make Impossible continuation ot
'10 negotiations, although Escudero said
his position empowered him to receive
overtures from Washington.
Mr. Hale ovldcntly waa waiting Instruc
tions from Washington as to whether he
should leave tho Itorder or remain to;
conclude tha dealing with Escudero.
Ilrlirln Take Victoria.
BBOWN8VI LLE, Tex., Nov. 1$.-Wltlv
the loss ot hundreds of lives and with
great destruction of property In what
General Pablo aoiuales, rebel com
mander, describe as tho "bloodiest battle
of the revolution," Victoria, capttal ot
the Mexican state of Tamaullpaa, watt,
captured by constitutionalists early to-'
day. I
The fall if the capital city gives the In.
(Continued on Page Two.)
Passing of the
At a recent pure food show
In Now York City tho great
throngs ol visitors wore na
tounded at the remarkable
number and variety of foods
exhibited, as well as at the
high quality and development
of the foods themselves.
Scientifically it marked a
great step forward in the path
of right eating and living.
Puro food shows of this kind
are being held from time to
time in all sections of, tho
country. And it is said that
the exhibition to be held in San
Krancisco In 1916, marking the
opening of the Panama Canal,
will have the greatest display
of pure tfood stuffs ever shown.
We are rapidly getting away
from the open barrel of crack
ers, the dirty hogshead of
prunes, adulterated this or
that, and countless other In
iquitous foods that keep our
bodies in a turmoil and
threaten our lives.
One has but to read the ad
vertisements in The Dee to
note the distinct advance made
in preparing and selling the
things one eats and feeds to
one's children.
Good grocers and good
manufacturers are telling what
the best foods are and where
one may buy them.
Watch the advertisements in
the newspapers and keep your
eye on your grocer's window