PI1K BKK; DM AHA, KDXKSDAY, M LMM3R 1!, 1913. l 9 Do You Pay for It Afterward? If Voli Do, Just Carry n Little iBtunrt's Dyspepsia Tatilct In Your Vest Pocket nnd n Hlg Meal Will Be Easily tald Away. tSet away from" th foreboding that every time you enjoy yourelf heartily and at a full meal, that you will pay for Jt afterward. There Is no tense In our not enjoylnft every meal to the ut mogt. And you can do so without danger from a protesting stomach If you take the precaution always to hav Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets with you. Then If you over-eat, or eat something that disagrees with you as the most careful person will sometimes, one or two of these tablets will restore normal conditions In your stomach In a very few minutes. I Am CJoinff to Enjoy This Mtal Tor X Have a Stuart's Syspspsla Tablst in My Vtst Pocket." Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are nothing more thnn a concentrated form of the natural secretions which the stomach employs In digesting food. And Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets merely step In when the stomach Is too tired or too sluglgsh. to perform Its functions properly and supply a sufficient quantity of these digestive ferments to digest completely all food, under either acid or alkaline conditions, In the stomach. It has long been known that the various digestive ferments could be produced as perfectly In the, laboratory as In the stomach, but Stuarf s Dyspepsia Tablets are the first attempt outside of certain hospitals, to utilize these discoveries for the benefit of sufferers from Indigestion and kindred complaints. The perfect freedom to cat what you please nnd as much as you please which Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets gives, has won It thousands of friends who make It a constant, vest pocket companion. Join today tho vast army of people who have declared their Independence of stomach worries. Yoa can set a EOe box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets from any druggist. AVOID CATARRH Breathe llyomel It Medicates tlo Air You Ilrcatlio nnd In stantly Relieves. Why continue to suffer from catarrh, stopped up head, husky voice, and other troubles of tho breathing organs, when ttjero Is an absolutely certain, scientific remedy at hand. llyomel Is the remedy. It Is a pleasant, harmless and antiseptic medication which you breathe through a small Inhaler Breathing a few times dally through tho Inhaler charges the air with the germ killing antiseptic. Catarrhal discharges, sniffles, foul breath, watery eyes and the formation of crusts In the nose are promptly relieved by this medicated air. It Is guaranteed to do it, or money back. A complete llyomel outfit, consisting of a strong, hard rubber pocket Inhaler and a bottle of llyomel posts only ll-CO. and extra bottles, If afterwards needed, nre only' Bo cents each, druggists' everywhere sell Hyornel. - ' - Use, llyomel for bronchitis cough's .and. cold In the head, husky, Voice,- croup of Infants, and any Inflammatory dlscaso of the breathing organa, Advertisement. 1 Full Quart Whiskey Free Try It At Our Expense Note our proposition, remit us $S.4S ana we will at once ship yeu by Rxpreis Charges rrepald, 8 full Quarts of our Famous 3 Star Whiskey and an additional Full Quart Free for Trial Purpoics. Or remit us J2.95 and we nlll Kzpresa Charges Prepaid, 4 Full Quarts of our 3 fitar whiskey and a Test Bottle Free foi Trial Purpose. Also Free with each order, com Tippea Class a patent corkscrew. After using the Free Bottle you are noisausnca mat you bava received the nest wmsxey value od- tamable at the price, keep the Free Bottle for your trouble, pack remainder of ship ment, return at our ex. pense and we will nt oceecheerfullyrelund every cent paid us. In case you can use a larrcrquantlty than offered above, our Firlce for a 5 Oallon Keg a only SUM Freight Charges Prepaid. Address orders and make remittances payable to A. Fels, Mgr.,. or Fels OlstlllfRg C9. 155 Feb Bid., 3t.lJW SBBBSaMBBBBBBBjaLW City. Ms. 'Y i niBasalaMalsssssssssssssrsjTnyi Hill II W n V'';"' For Real Wear Good old-fashioned horse blankets, made of bestrnateri- v1 aid ntif nerihr rlorhf nnrl onlnrl I' " . ."ft-"' - O " - anteed for a year. Old Honesty blankets have an outer coverlne of heavy brown duck atronr. durable tent duck that will stand the wear and tear. The blank ets are warm lined, lock-stitch quilted, strongly reinforced. Stable blankets, with two attached girths. S3.S0. Big street oianaeis, wnn double front fasteners, f3 JO and $4.00. Examine a genuine Old Honesty at the harness store. Omaha. Neb. A. w Stops falling Hair Hall's Hair Renewer certainly fltopa falling hair. No doubt about it what ever. Yon will uarely be satisfied. lit! F Ml mm m. ::- M BRIEF CITY NEWS ridalitj' Storage k Vn Co. Dou 1016. Hare Boot rrint It Now Ilcacon rress. life Ins? Tts. Penn Mutual. Qould. lighting fixtures. Burffssa-Qrandsu Co. Will airs Annual xusar The Ladles' Aid and Young People's societies of Our Savior s Lutheran church will give their annual haxar and entertainment at Wash ington hall, corner of Eighteenth, and Harney streets, Thursday afternoon and evening. Holiday with rarants Miss Marie Mlkova. daughter of Burlington Station Superintendent Joe Mlkova, has returned from 1'arls to spend tho holidays with her parents. Mis Mlkova is studying music Hbroml and has received much fa vorable comment from Kuropean news papers as to her ability and natural talent. Sherman Thinks he was Bobbed William Shcrnimj, laborer, was brought to the station Monday night by Officer Vanous, Jr., who found the man In nn Intoxicated condition at Eleventh nnd Farnam streets. Sherman was laboring under the Impression that he had been strong armed nnd robbed of 15 and was brought to tho staton and discharged when arraigned In police court He could not remember the particulars as to how he lost hs money, out declared, nevertheless, his bankroll was shy a S3 note. Elks to Entertain Omaha Elks will entertain eminent members of tho fra ternity enroute from tho east to Den ver a week from Sunday. Grand Exalted Huler Edward Leach of New York, to gether with Mrs. Leach and a party of other officers and their wives, will arrive hero on the morning of November SO and will be tho guests of the local "Dills" for tho -day. Tho party will then leave for Denver, where they nre going to com plete arrangements for the grand lodge meeting there next year. Grand Secre tary Iloblnson of Dubuque will also be along. Former Omahans Not in Danger from Indian Uprising Reports of an uprising and threatened massacre by Navajo Indians near Ship Rock, San Juan county, In northwestern New Mexico, have alarmed many Omahans, because Mrs, Frank Barnard and her son, Bruce M, Barnard, formerly of this city, were known to be on the teservatlon. Telegrams and letters Just received by Mrs. Charles W. Axtell, 418 South Fortieth street, Mrs. Barnard's sister, malte assurance that the Barnards are not In danger, however. Young Barnard Is half owner of tho Indian supply store on the reservation. His mother has been visiting htm there, her home being at Paducah, Ky. When the Indian trouble arose, It was feared that they would lose not only their finan cial Interests there, but possibly their lives also. But Mrs. Axtell said last night that she now felt that her relatives were safe. Polygamous relations on the part of u tew or the Indians appear to nave started the trouble on the reservation. according to ho latest dispatches. Fifteen hundred Indians have rallied about several of the Indians sought by the government officials. They have mode their stand on Beautiful mountain and are prepared to tight. The United States marshal, has asked for troops. Miss .Margaret McCheane Is a sister of Mrs. Barnard and Mrs. Axtell and makes 'her home with the latter In Omaha. Miss Sarah McCheane, who was principal of the Long scheel here until her death In 1909, was another sister. Mi E, L. McShane is Suing for Divorce Mrs. Nathalie Loretta McShane, whose marriage to Edward Leo MsShane In Dubuque, la., June 3, 1909, was the event of the year In Omaha society circles, being attended by a large number of Omaha's most prominent men and women, who went from here In a spe cial train, has filed a suit for divorce against her hushKnd in district court Extreme cruelty it the charge. Mr. McShane Is a son of John A. Mc Shane, Omaha ploneor and capitalist. He Is vice president of the McShane Lumber company and formerly was secretary of the Omaha Automobile club. On account of 111 health he has not been active In business affairs recently. He is living at the home of his father. . The plaintiff Is considered one of tho most beautiful women In Omaha. She Is related to the Nash family of this city. She asks tho court for restoration of her maiden name, Nathalie Loretta Myers, and for such other relief as It may de cide upon, alleging that her husband Is worth at least J30.000. She charges that ait a result of Mr. McShane's acts she has been caused much mental distress. of deadly microbes occurs when throat and Inner ri(ftAB ar. miA it. - w H.w . ,11,1, -J i King-s New Discovery, toe and $1.00. For Bale uy your aruggist.-Advert!sment. Vetrrnn Killed by F"1I, MASON C1TV, la., Nov, 18.-(Speclal Telegram.) W. H. Wlnshlp of Shell Rock was kilted early today by a fall down stairs shortly after he had risen at the home of friends where he was visiting. He was a prominent Grand Army mem ber and Odd Fellow, ' . Impure Blood Is unhealthy blood blood that Is not only ladsn with poisonous and effete matters, but also deficient in red and white corpuscles. The medicine to take for it Is HOOO'8 8ARSAPARILLA. Impure blood showa Itself In pim ples, bolls, and other eruptions, eczema, and salt rheum, psoriasis, catarrh, rheumatism, nervousness, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, that tired feeling, and general debility; It ex poses you to the danger of contract ing infectious and contagious dis eases, the grip, typhoid fever, diph theria, consumption. Thousands testify that Hood's Sarsaparllla purines, enriches and revitalizes the blood. If you need a good blood medicine get Hood's Sarsaparllla, and get it today. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Ordinance Introduced to Pay City Physician Higher Salary. WANT LIGHTS TO BURN LONGER City Detective Shrnlmn Cnrttnrrn rro Wanted for Itnltlitnir Tnllnr Shop In Omnhn Sny Llqnnr I.ntr Tlolntrd. An effort was made last night to mako provisions for paying the South Omaha city physician a decent salary In nn amount considerably above that which he now receives. Dr. E, J. Shanahan, who has been city physician for two years, asked that his salary bo raised to $100 a month. An ordinance to that effect was Introduced and it will rrobably be passed at the next meetlnx. Dr. Shanahan according to many of the cotincllmen and city authorities deserves the raise. For more than a month he has been engaged In fight night and day to stamp out scarlet foVer and dlph. therla. He Is called to attend free of charge all the school children suspected of illness and must also do the police work. The routine takes up a great part of his time and It was thought that $30 a month waa not sufficient remuneration for tho physician of n city tho site of South. Omaha. Councilman Henry Hartnetl asked that the electric light company be called upon to keep their lights burning from tultisht until after dawn Hartnett said It was netessarx to keep the arcs lighted In order to assist the early packing house labor ers. Councilman Cavanaugh stated that the police did not report every light that was not lighted. Mayor Hoctor said some of tho police were blind, ho thought. Resolutions looking to the establishment of two viaducts over the Burlington tracks at Thirty-ninth street and nt Forty-fourth street were adopted. The council will meet next Monday nt B o'clock. I.liiuor Sold Snnrinyn. Because tho newspapers did not state the condition of the liquor violations ac curately enough, a prominent citizen last night ca'led at The Bee office to say that the liquor violations now are as bad as at any previous time. He stated that the saloons did business on Sunday, nnd his statements, seem to be borno out by the chief of pollro. who says that although he did not catch tho saloon keepers selling he had sufficient reason to believe that liquor was being sold. A well known nnd highly respected clergyman said last night that ho ex pected to do a little scout work on hli own hook In gathering evidence that would convict liquor law violators In South Omaha. He stated that when ho complained about conditions on Sundays some time ago he was Informed that he wass "too fresh." Slienhnn Cnptnrca Nrrro. Without gun or Weapon Detective James Sheahan yesterday arrested Joe Sims, a negro wanted for robbing a tailor shop at 113 South Sixteenth street, Omaha, .Sunday night. John Williams, an ullegcd confederate of Sims, was also ar rested, but broko away from the officer while on the way to the station. Sheahan came upon the men trying to pawn some clottim at Twenty-sixth and N streets. Ho followed them to a saloon nearby and without realizing tho loss of his gun he placed tho negroes under arreit. A ecu trie followed and Sheahan was making for the door with his two prisoners when Williams broko and ran. The men are said to have been armed at tho time. Snath Oinalin HoTrlera. UNCLB SAM'S VKTS. 1st. 2d. Sneed , 161 176 Whipple 142 lit Llpp 92 152 Hogan 1M 183 Ulake 168 146 Total (.... 75ft 781 Handicap 05 66 Total 824 847 THE WHITE SOX. 1st. 2d. Green U8 B. .Tanner 16.1 193 Hancock ieo 190 Spoven 1S6 127 Clayburne 162 136 Totals 831 .. K33 STOCK YARDS NATIONAL 1st. 2d. Vance 164 146 Long 14S 116 Peska 122 iso Emerson 157 123 Dyck 1S2 133 Totals 770 679 Handicap 63 53 3d. iM 124 162 162 180 812 64 Tot. Ml SS0 416 KO V.H 2,3sl 199 878' 2,570 3d. 219 147 171 ISO 176 Tot. M7 m C21 49.1 474 S93 2.S37 BANK. 3d. Tot 117 141 176 161 204 7I9 S3 427 402 464 431 624 16 Totals I.. 823 732 842 2,297 HINCHEV LADS. 1st 2d. 3d. Ham 153 19S 176 Clark 1R3 162 lflO Mahoney 167 169 Ul Swift 131 144 140 Lefler 153 173 170 Tot. 621 654 471 415 496 Totals , 786 863 811 2,460 Stockman Getm Reveiiice. E. J. "Ed" Drake of Woodward. Ia one of the beat known stockmen of the Missouri Valley and Leo Fitxslmmoni are awearlng vengeance against tho whole municipality, of South Omaha because "Chuck" Cox of the Interstate com- slon company was able o put one over j wim mc asaiiiunuo 01 mo police Judge, James Callanan. Drako'came to town last week on busi ness. His business always takes him to the Union Stock Yards. There he hooked up with Fltzslmmons and the two began a campaign of pestering Cox, who is a boon companion. Saturday the two en. gaged Cox In conversation and when the talk waa over Cox missed his watch, j Drake and Fltzslmmons stood in con Mnient corners laughing over the trick; Played on Cox. A dear friend told Cox where his watch was. He said nothln until yesterday and then he waited until time for the stockmen to go home before he started the row. But Just when the crowd was thickest the little one-legged commission man marched up with De tectlve Jack Oaughan and solemnly Identified Drake and Fltzslmmons as the men who "copped" his watch. -men me laugn went the other way. Drake and Fltzslmmons laughed, but 1 Oaughan hauled both of them to Police ' Magistrate Calanan's court. Probably 200 stockmen came along. Callanan gave the two until this morning to find the watoh for Cox. He did not have to Impose a fine for the drinks. At the hour of closing last night Drake and Fltzslmmons wore still buying liquid re freshment for Cox and his friends. Drake says he Is going to sue the city, the judge and everybody else In sight, including Cox, who planned the dast ardly revenge. Drake lays his previous reputation will Insure a big verdict. Fltz almmons says ho will take his out on Cox somewhere In the feed lots when no one la around. Cox grins and says Bring back the watch ' All three of the men are popular at the yards. Stove and Ilanaea, love I lo 1 You better take advantage of our prices on stoves. They go at factory cost. Koutsky-Pavllk Co. Mnulo City (iotp. The Dinner Bridge club will be enter tHliH.I Tucdny at the home of Mr. and Mis li. D. Pike. The Kagle entertainment committee wilt gtte a dance Wednesday night at tho Kngle hall. Offlre space for rent in Bee office. U N street. TTnvs reasonable. Well knowji location. Tel. South 17. There waa no meeting of the school board last night. The next meeting will be the first Monday ,of the month. The Brown Park ladles' Aid society will meet at the mission, 2til South Twen tieth street. Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Drs. MoCrann & McCrann have moved their office to rooms 1 and 2. Vacek bi tiding. The Willing Workera of the First Christian churoh will give a tea Wednes day afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. I Shalnholz, 63) North Nineteenth street We take this method of thanking our n any friends for their svmpathv in our bereavement, and for tho bwutlful floral offering. C. F. BRK1THEN1UTCHKR. Joe Duffy, Jr.. who was killed last week by a street car on the q street viaduct enme to his death through an unavoid able accident, according to the verdict of the coroner's Jury yesterday after noon. When Justice of tho Peace Hugh Mc- Culloch was appointed yesterday the first thing he did was to make a round nl the cxi-hange office to notify the niarrlngcibio girls that he would be pleased to marry them all to some one else. Word was received yesterday of the death of Mrs. W P. Dunning of Spauld Ing, Neb. Mrs. Dunning Is the daughter of Dr. James Council, 1630 North Twenty-third street South Omaha. Slio Is a Pioneer resident of Spauldlng. Mrsi Punning Is survived by her father and mother nnd three brothers. J. K. and Ed Connell of South Omaha and Phil Con Hell of Omaha, and five sons nnd three rlnughters. She is tho mother of Claude Dunning, with the Bryon Clow Commli slon company. Doane Powell Head of Omaha Art Gild Officers of the Omaha Art guild were elected at a meeting of the society held last night at the city library building. These officers were chosen: Doano Powell, president; George Bar ker, Jr., secretary-treasurer. Executive committee Robert F. Ollder, Ruth Felt. H. A. Rnnpkp, Elisabeth Ferguson and Augusta Knight. LITTLE GIRL IS RUN OVER BY AUTO IN FRONT OF SCHOOL Iris Allen. 6-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Allen, 1914 Mason street, was painfully Injured late yesterday after noon In front of the Mason school, when she was run over by an automobile in which Attorney Robert W. Patrick waa making a trip. Miss Iris was taken home In the car which ran over her and was attended there by Dr. T. T. Harris, who pro nounced her Injuries as not being serious. Declnre Wnr on Cold. A crusade of education which alms "that common colds may become un common within the next generation" has been begun by prominent New York physicians. Hero Is a list of the "don't" which the doctors say will prevent the annual visitation of the cold: "Don't sit In a draughty car." "Don't sleep In hot rooms." "Don't avoid the fresh air." "Don't stuff yourself at meal time. Overeating reduces your resistance." To which we would add-when you tak n cold get rid of It as quick as possible. To accomplish that you will find Cham terlaln'a Cough Remedy most excellent. For sale by ull drugglsta.-Advertlsament The rorslstent and arucnclous Use of Newspaper Advertising Is tho Road to Business Succeas. 1 Protect Nose and Throat against ills from fwindanddustwith Luden's just as oggles protect your eyes. LUDEN'S MENTHOL rnilrfh IWnn CANDY UUUgUlMUpa "GIVE QUICK RELIEF" from couphi, colds and throat strain. Make outdoor life mors healthful; breathing easier speaking clearer. "Have a Hundnd " Sold Everywhere 6c the yellow pkge. WH. II. LUDEN MsaufaclurUs: Only few more da before we inov Important Edison Announcement IBB Amberola X $30. s Amberola VI $60. 1 -'. 1. BRANDEIS Bought a New York Jobber s Sample Lines and Surplus Stocks Women's Cloaks, Suits, Wool Drosses, Skirts, Waists, Silk Petticoats and Children's Coats At a Fraction of Their Real Value They Will Go On Sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday IN OUR BARGAIN BASEMENT Watch Wednesday Evenings Papers or Full Particulars Concentrate There is a The Manufacture of Horn Type Phono graphs Has Been Discontinued FOUR New HORNLESS CYLINDER MODELS All Machines Equipped with the Diamond Point Reproducer The Diamond Point Reproducer Is made possible by the non wearing surfaco of the Blue Amlicrol Record. This quality also made it feasible to Incroase tho weight on the reproducing point, thereby bringing out greater volume and sweeter reproduction. The Record has beon perfected the Rluo Amberol. Also the Re producer the Diamond Point and now we offer a variety of cabinets at popular prices. We show a complete line of Cylinder and Disc Models, and Invite Your Inspection Hayden's Piano Dept. COIPO.V TOIt OUT.Ol'.TOWX CTHTOMKKS. Haydcn IJros., Omaha, Xeb, Please send catalog giving .full information about the new EDISON MACHINES AND RECORDS. Name . Address You Haven't Long to Decide The membership rolls of the "Omaha Thrift Club" will close next Saturday. After that no more memberships will be issued. Does your next pay-day come after next Saturday? If so, come to tKis bank and register your name and address, and we will reserve a membership yntil your next pay day. Do you live out of town? Then mail us your deposit and a Certifi cate of Membership showing your first deposit will be mailed you. SATURDAY IS THE LAST DAY JOIN NOW Omaha National Bank Seventeenth and Farnam Sts. Savings Dept, on Street Floor your advertising in The Bee. Bee in almost every home. 1M ' t STORES lifter V Amberola Vln $45. Amberalo V $80.