Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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Superintendent D'Bernardi Reiter
ates His Previous Statement
Truck Are to nr EleTntetl from
Harney to Webuler New
TnrtU nt Ralston to D
Built In the- "Sprtn.
When General Superintendent d'Bern.
ardl of the Missouri Pacific was In Omaha
two weeks ago, ne Rave out the Informa
tion that mammoth freight yards In the
vicinity of Ralston were contemplated,
and that owing to the growth ot the
company business In this city and on
the company lines In Nebraska, the time
was not far distant when such yards
would have to be constructed.
litre, Tuesday Superintendent 'dBer
liardl stated the Ralston yards had been
decided upon and that construction
would be commenced next year, this con
struction entailing the expenditures ot
something llko $1,X,000. Surveys for the
yards havn been made and the blue prints
and' working plans presented, so that
nowj. for them to become an assured
fact, Ihere Is nothing to do but to begin
Work and push It to completion with all
possible speed, as soon aa spring opens.
The growth of the Missouri Pacific s
business- In Omaha', according to Superin
tendent d'Bcmardl, has made the con
struction ot the new yards necessary, and
when they are finished they will be
nmnnip thA tnrpt nnil mnat rnmtilrtft In
the country. They will be the largest
on the- Missouri raclfle, even greater In j
extent and more completo than the yards j
In St Louis or Kansas City. !
Old Ynrda OntKrorrn.
The yards north of Webster"streetand
out along the Belt Line, although enor
mous In sire. Superintendent d'Bernardl
says have been outgrown, owing to the
large amount of freight handled, regard
lew of the. fact that when they were
constructed It was thought that they
would be large enough for all time. It
was also thought that additional switches
could be put In at Intervals along the
Belt Line and make this a part ot the
yards, should It ever become necessary to
enlargo them. It has been found, how
ever, that this plan would be Impractic
able, as. this trackage Is rapidly being
taken over by manufacturing plants and
warehouse purposes.
The new yards at Ralston will be on
the level ground that the company owns
there, and will be connected with the
Belt I.lneby numerous tracks, enough to
enable the handing of car loads ot freight
without any delay.
No Dodw Street Vladnct.
Superintendent d'Bcmardl states that
the company ha completely abandoned
the Id ft of a viaduct over Dodge street,
whre It U crossed by the Missouri Pa
cific tracks. When he was here two
weeks ago he stated that the oompanr
had the overhead crossing under consid
eration. Now ho nyn It has been ap
proved and the work will be done next
The plan of the Missouri Pacific net
only contemplates an overhead crossing
at Dodge, but similar crossings over a'l
of the strtets between and Including Knr
nam, to n-point ns far north, perhaps, as
Cass. This new plan approved by the
Missouri Paclflo officials, means the ele
vation 6f the Belt Line tracks as far
south as Harney, to a point nearly ns
far north as Webster street. The com
pany will bridge all of the east and west
streets with steel and concrete structures,
high enough that the streets underneath
may be maintained at about the present
Inspecting the work on the Belt Line
done during last season, the superinten
dent found the grading practically com
plete and most of the steel laid. The en
tire new construction, he says, will be
finished Inside ot thirty days, and the
second 'track will be In use before tho
end of the present year.
Kvrv tti.rp. mi. To-day A Wed , thtrp.
TO DAY. Mat, "Rom.o tad J.llet." To.
nljht.' MiraltL-MRXT WKHK MotuTac.
s Wtt). Sr-. "Mtrchimt of Vnkt." Wrd.
Mat . "I? I Klnr." Thrm.. Fti, Ku.
ft Sat. MaL, "MKtXtll. ITica, 30c.
lallTo.taorrowiWcl.ili. KIhnltJ
I ail am mma also BfXl Mmur TilrTll .
m Ik. nti in . UJaKrtUKln.
Pint Concert Buadar Nliht. (Stat.Ho"
Erri I
FMPIRF tV.0Oi8t. Bre.lIO
THE WlLLlTyrMay ef T
KNICKrtRBOCKER. B raid any tndJ&h at.
Hv-.l.hatD Mad. To-dar ft Wrd , i. ,
Lfwxm rtnttcai
ffSSpi The Marriage Market
LEW aill.Cl-iMualdBvi.IIS. Mat
P1RLDS' " inn. ITodar. l
ivhon llroarax I jam Trm
flT Broadway . ml
New Awter-km
Victor Hertwrfi
UaUactaTotnorrew&Wtd.ilt. Nlh(aat
"Ifie tiki ot Ike We
I A Home Pleasure You Do Not
Have To Go Away To Enjoy It!
The Angelus is one of the Sew forms
of recreation that you can enjoy in your
own home without formality or prepa
ration. It is always there always
ready whenever the desire come3 over
you. It dispels ennui and the. time
passes away rapidly and delightfully.
Is The Only Player 'Piano With Which You
Can Play; Real Music i
. . If you want to play music with taste and
expression according to your own
moods, the Angelus is the only player
that permits you to do so. The Phras-
: .ing Lever arid the Melodant are abso
lutely indispensable, and they are
found only on (he Angelus. Supple
mented with the Graduated Accom
paniment and the'Melody Buttons you
have the same means of playing as the
most accomplished musician, and you
need not know a single note or key.
Come in and try tlie Angelus. It will
be a new and most delightful experience.
Averill Harriman
to Work Here for .
the Union Pacific
Tresldcnt Mohler of the Union Paclflo
went west Monday, where out on the
road lie will meet Averill Harriman, son
of the lato 12. II. Harriman, and accom
pany htm to this city, where he expects
to remain several weeks, learning the
railroad business.
Young Mr. Harriman Is one of the
directors of the Union Pacific, repre
senting his own Interests and those of
Ills mother, and It Is said that In order
that he may follow In the footsteps of
his father, he has expressed a desire to
learn the Inside workings of a rnll
road. While here It Is expected that In
performing his, labors he will be shifted
from one department to another, cram
ming as much railroad knowledge ns he
possibly can while doing his work.
Do Your Mailing
Early is Warning
from Uncle Samuel
The latest Christmas cry Is not "Do
your shopping early," but, "Do your
mailing early." Of course, the appeal
comes from the Postofflco department
and It Is being made from Maine to Cali
fornia. The department at Washington
Is soon to Irene placards for distribu
tion from each office, which urge patrons
to assist In aoldlng a congested com! I
tlon of tho malls during the holiday rush
These cards will be prominently displayed
In the public buildings of Omahn.
It Is pointed out that many persons
wait until a day or two before Christ
mas, depending upon tho distance their
parcels aro to go, before mailing presents,
hoping thus to have the gifts reach their
destination on Christmas day. This prac
tice, postofflco officials say, defeats Us
own ends. Inasmuch as tho rush becomes
so great that many of the presents cannot
bo delivered until after December 2J.
In order that compliance with the re
quests that All Yuletldc greetings and
presents bo consigned early may be tha
mure rendy. permission has been granted
for patrons to direct on packages, In ad
dition to the regulation address, ".Sot to
be opened before Christmas."
The Tcrslstent ant. Judicious Use of
Xowspaper Advertising Is the Itoad to
tiuslncss Success.
General Krclght Agent I-ane of the
Union Pacific Is down at his old New
York home near Ithaca. lie writes back
that there the weather Is beastly and
that he Is longing for Nebraska
Scarlet Fever and
Diphtheria Take Two
The mortality record In the southeastern
part of tho city, where scarlet fever and
diphtheria have broken out In twelve of
fourteen homes, was two Monday, a 1
yar-old girl and a 6-year-old boy dying,
the boy suffering from both diseases.
At leant fourteen serious cases of tho
diseases aro reported from homes In the
section where the contagion Is confined.
Health Commissioner It. W. Conncll be
lieves the diphtheria aa well as the scar
let fever will be practically confined to
the dozen homes where It has been, quar
antined. The Dancroft school has not been closed,
but city health officials have fumigated
the rooms and have sent home tho chil
dren who had been exposed.
nsv, a t LoniMKn.
New Pastor for Zion
Lutheran Church is
to Arrive Thursday
nev. A.
T. Lorlmer and family of den-
eseo, 111., will arrive Thursday aiternoon
to take up the work at the Zlon Lutheran
church, Thirty-sixth and Uifayette nve
nue. They wilt reside at 5510 Lafayette
avenue. The congregation has been with
out a minister for two months.
The Zlon congregntlon at an official
meeting decided to change the official
languago from Swodlsh to Kngllsh. This
change; will take place within a short
time. The Sunday school will chanco
over to Bhgllsh on the last of November
and will then use the general council's
graded literature.
The Association of Kngllsh Churches
of the Augustana Synod, of which the
Zlon church Is a member, Is endeavoring
to servo the Swedish who are In favor of
Kngllsh work. There are now thlrty-tws
churches In the synod.
lies'. Mr. Lorlmer will preach his first
sermon as pastor of the church next
Sunday morning In Swedish and tho Sun
day evening services wilt bo In English.
Joseph Scott Betx, aged 92 years, was
found dead In his bed nt the home of his
son. Dr. W. II. Betx. at Delevue Tuesday
morning. Mr, Betx was In apparently
good health when he retired Monday
'nfght and-there was no Indication that he
was ailing. This morning, however, when
ho was called there' was no response and
an Investigation proved him dead.
He was a native of Campbelltown, Pa.,
where he was' born October 30'. 1821. In
18.15 he came to Nebraska and was re
tained by tho government as a builder
and fnanual trainer among the Indians.
Three years later he made Bellevue his
headquarters and had lived there ever
since, being occupied a good part of his
time In moro recent years In the manual
Malnlng department at Bellevue college.
Surviving him, besides his son, Dr.
W, H- Betz, are a sister and a brother,
the former Elizabeth Betz, Bellevue, and
the latter, Harry Betz, who resides in
Funeral services will be held Wednes
day afternoon, at 2 o'clock, with nev.
Stephen Phelps officiating and Interment
In Bellevue cemetery.
John Slmms, arrested by Detectives
Dunn and Kennelley for breaking and
entering the tailor shop conducted by
Isaac Herman at 112 South Fourteenth
street, was bound over to the district
court by Judge Foster on bonds placed
at $1,000. The Bcrman robbery amounted
to considerably over MOO.
Even Most Chronic Sufferers
Find Quick Relief.
A few doses of Croxone never fall to
relieve such troubles, because It' cleans
out the clogged vp. Inactive organs, and
makes them work properly. It soaks
right Into the kidneys, cleans out the
little filtering cells and glands; neutra
lises the urine to It no longer Irritates
the tender membranes of the bladder,
dissolves tho poisonous uric acid sub
stances that lodge In the Joints and mus
cles, and scratch and Irritate, and cause
rheumatics, and cleans out and strength
ens the lifeless kidneys so they can filtr,
and sift the polscn from the blood, and
f.rlve It out of the system.
So sure so positive so quick and last
ing are the results obtained from Croxone
that three dotes a day for a few days, are
often all that Is required to end the worst
backache, regulate the moat annoying
bladder disorder, and put the kidneys In
healthy, active condition. ,
It Is practically Impossible to take this
quick-acting, effective preparation, with
out results.
An original package costs but a trifle,
and all druggists are authorized to re
turn the purchase price if Croxone falls
to promptly give desired results, regard
less of how old you arer how long you
have suffered, Advertisement.
Auto owners who purposely or other
wise arrange their license numbers on
their machines so thai the end figure Is
Invisible unless, closely sctrutlnlzed, are
to be the target ot the latest police cru
Parked about various office buildings.
on an average ot one machine In e very-
ten has the license number either In an
obscure place, or else It Is prominently
displayed In bright aluminum with the
' last Or first figures made of gun metal,
or painted to match the background.
Unless one looked for a long time, and
from a close range, the colored numbers
can not he seen.
"It's a bad practice," said one police
official yesterday, "and It will have to
be stopped."
It was stated that officers would be de
tailed to scrutinize all cars, and serve
encn owner witn trie wrong kind of a
number with a "golden rule" summons,
or to make Immediate arrests.
' 111
WlM 1:1; PTMIim
aTaTMaafAaataTaMaailaSaaaTi.ll iaT T r SaSaaaWajaapaaaaaaiaai
Thf famooi old MOou SprinriVtliUkty-vriTti IWk
-ni fria vnci you tj you win alWftjrt Duy. Vim
want you to trr 11 &nd will take tha rltk.
order Id tk lut tolow Dig sIbII quart boltlai trr l i-oari.lf.
8nd us nr
ad If
treat Tour fritndsi teitlt Trr wji yon ire tbaludtaiiai
you are do! mora than tatUlled It's tht blzcfit whlikay barri
rcr laid, at return uouicdportlon and w wUltund
your Booty,
Tbeie prises talk.
Foil Qatrt Bottles
Mellow Sprisii Waitkey
Foil Quirt Bottle.
Mellow Sprinri WLitkcy
Fell Qiirt Bottle.
Mellow Spruit Wki.Vey
Our Great FREE Offer
wa aeod yoaAjWur.fyrr a handsomo teroll
eryttalelait daeanter.wlthaerollclait stopper,
filled with your etaoleo ot delicious Sherry. I'ort
or Aucellea Win or Manhattan Cocktail. In or.
derlas ttate contents desired. This decanter Is
full sue. tree from adrertlilnff matter, ameful
ornament to any sideboard. You can't beat the
rniiln old Xtmtiotm Sorimwrn. th a.rat ftlrlrht.
oure. ftrdtobondwhlikerDhrt lei t.nihftTiw&rm
reeommndedtormed.elnwand homut Vol a
bvtwr whUk.T iota had &i ny eosi. You pfty dobU
xam pne lor iDicnorwniutri oat d tunc aireei vsyovftoa eattltf re
tie me n't eipntea, etc, we hat tqueoxod tha prlea down ( tha last
note he This omdrfut offer wilt laat but a limited tints md tktrriorm ttrs
to tak odvom9a0ndor4rimmt4iaihh .IVe Thtat ara ult Quart BottU.
Have You Registered for
the Diamond Yet?
This beautiful $150 Solitaire Diamond Ring is
going to be given away Christmas Eve. Step inside
the door and register. It costs nothing no purchase
necessary. Everybody's doing it. Put your name
down tomorrow.
This sale Is announced earlier than usnal tills year. Onr floors are crowded with the Sample Hlf a Gra4
Pianos bought by Mr. Sctfmoller at the factory. These Instruments jnust bo moTcd quickly In order to Rake
room for the new pianos arrlilng ercry day. Hence wo are
Sacrificing 500 Pianos at Wholesale Prices
This sale offers a roldea opportunity t those seeking a good piano at a low price. AVo glrc no days' free trial
of any piano, and let yea make your own terms. Come tomorrow.
lVf rarrr mmnlMn Hn of the following world.famous Flanost Stelnway.
STeber, Hardman, Emerson, Mcrhnll, Btegcr & Sons, Llndeman & Sons.
Schmotlor & Mueller, and other makes.
Our line of Pianola Pianos Include Stelnway, Weber, Wheelock, Sleek,
Stroud, Stnyvesant and Teehnola.
$550 Chtckerlnr
Upright, novr
2I5 Herllch
Upright, now
1500 Emerson,
.. $295
..$ 76
.. $260
..$ 90
Uroi., 99K
Upright, now Z.7Z
92C0 real, f I I f
Upright, nov 5 I 12
1175 Meter ft Son, tj 1 QR
TTnrlffht. now
Uortirht. now.
.160 Uoiton ft
UprJght, now
Vtou unig
. . .
$250 Deckar ft Bom,
Upright, now ,
$300 Kimball,
Upright, now
$760 stelnway,
Upright, now.......
$176 iiamiiton,
Uorltrht. now.
1176 nembrandt.
UprlRht, now...
$1.5-06 Chlckerln
Grand, now
$1,2)10 Btelnway
Grand, Now. . . . .
g ft Bom'
Free) Stool Freo Scarf Free Lifo Insurance
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.
1311-13 Farnam St., Omaha
Established 1809. Oldest Piano
House in the West. .
Funeral services for W- Q. Chambers,
pioneer resident of Omaha, who, at the
age of M years, died at the Roszell sani
tarium early Sunday morning, were held
Tuesday afternoon at 2 at Trinity ca
thedral, Itev. James A. Tan cock, pastor,
officiating. Interment was at Forest
Lawn cemetery. At the graveside burial
rites of the order of Masons, ot which
Mr. Chambers had been a member, were
Joined In by a large gathering of the
lodge members.
Mr- Chambers was born at Edinburgh,
Scotland, In H25. He came to America
when he was 22 years old., In 1SG7 he
made his first trip to Omaha.
Mr, Chambers Is survived by his widow
and one son, Mrs. Caroline J. Chambers
and William N. Chambers, an attorney,
who live at' the' Wellington hotel, and two
daughters, Mrs. W, R. Adair, who resides
at the Alsatian apartments, and Mrs. O.
L. Parke, Decatur, III.
A Nliiht or Terror.
Few night are more terrible than that
of a monther looking on her child choking
and gasping for breath during an attack
of croup, and nothing in the house to
relieve it Many mothers havo pasted
nights of terror in this situation. A little
forethought will enable you to avoid
all this. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Is a certain cure for croup and has never
MAYCUFFE DIST. CO., Warehouse 19 ST. LOUIS, MO teen known to mi. Keep it at hand.
' IFor sale by all drusslstaAdvertlso.
Embroidery Patterns AH The Rage
If one Embroidery pat
tern is worth ten cents,
how .much are 160 worth?
If from one embroidery
pattern a woman or giri
can create a beautiful shirt'
waist, Dutch collar, dainty
piece of lingerie, pillow
top, set of towels or nap
kins, what can be accom
plished with 160 beautiful
new patterns such as are
being distributed practi
cally free by this paper?
Newest Thing in Patterns
The Imperial Embroidery Pattern
Outfit contains 160 of the very latest de
signs) and each transfers from 3 to 5 times.
Solve the Dress Problem
This is the age of dress. Nothing can
ever take the place of the dainty hand em
broidered fabrics. The most expensive
shirtwaists, collars, lingerie, corset covers,
jabots, etc., can be made at home for a
mere trifle of expense. The Imperial Pat
tern Outfit is a boon to mothers. Every
thing necessary for the girls and the baby
is included.
Solves the Home Decoration Problem
Designs for table linen, guest towels,
all sorts of doilies, dresser scarfs, center
pieces, pillow cases, picture frames, hand
bags, pin cushions, pillow tops; also nu
merous odd designs for borders, alpha
bets, rose sprays, butterflies, bowknots,
wreaths, etc., etc
These new and wonderful Patterns can easily almost
magically be transferred to any kind of material in a
twinkling. The Patterns are made by a secret process,
which does away with the old-fashioned, perforated smudgy
carbons, or hot iron all you need to do is to moisten the
Pattern, and the design is instantly transferred, and each
Pattern will transfer from three to five times.
Metis Finer ClotLes and Prettier Homes for TrifliigExpeie
Look For Coupon Printed Every Day