Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Rem
edy Should Convinco You That
Your Suffering is Unnecessary.
Recommended for Chronic IndlKes-
t Uon nnt! Stomach, Liver nnd
i Intestinal Ailments.
Th4nd er Wool, oin rlaht In" TOOr own
lvllly bat talnf MAm'R VftlNDKItFUU
stomach itBVKDr ron stomach, i.ivrh
rncssrnis ok uas aiwdnd tub iieaht.
poun stomach. niRTnEKs apteu eating.
pprci-w. kick liRAUAnic constipation,
TnPln T.TVKtl fi ami .... rirat.ln mil r.
eefnmendlrtr It to nthrra n that the miY alno
ktrnw h Jor f IMnc, MAYIlfl WONDBIlFt'U
TUMAIH HBMKIJT u m Htl ana moat
krvwrif ntraecty for the shot ailment. Aak rur
Jnuil.t far a botll. ImIit Put It In a )-
one d ehonla eotiTlnt It It marrelm) In It
netting proprrtlM mnit It (fecU are quit rul
ural t art on tti aourr tad rmind.tlrm ot
Mfmich ailment anil In mott case brlnta quick
rnr ana permanent mane. Tnl hlsMr mirc
M lUmedr ha b.B ukn br tlx ramt, promt.
Mil ana tno in all walk of III, among
ucm ifrapr vr uonrret. jtmie er (n Hu
mm Ocrart. Edncrtora. ttiwrtra. Merchant.
Bnkf, , poctort, Drotalati. Nurir. Manufacture
fir. Prlt, Mllitf, Farmtrt. with laitlnc
xnni ana It .houM b equillr mirreiMiful In
mir turn na ror free valuable hoolt on
fntmteh Allmtnt to Cleo If Marr, Ml C"hn
lt 1M-H Wnllliti Nttrt, rhtoun. 1JI. For l
la; Omaha br Sbermtn MrCVmnall Drug Co.
ttarta .nil draralrt rirhr
Baltimore. JId., July 10. 1913. "About
twrinty yearn ado hpth my knees began
In Itch from ankle. to knee. WtUe pimples
osrjip out that looked very much like heat,
"the Itching and lairnlng was -something
terrible. I would "start to acratch'and
ctiulcl not stop'. I' would even scratch
through. 1ho skin nnd that of course
ejrould leave a,, nore, whlcp. - I w com-
tilled to bandage. . . .
"'I tried several prescriptions and trent
tritV bn.t received not,apftr"Ucloj)f; Bene-fltj-no
more than If the treatments were
cold water. I then b'eiran to nave very
little faith In nnythfrnr nnd of course
)ild do nothing but ecTatch away.' After
suffering: constantly' for twenty Vears, a
friend recommended Iteslhot Ponp and
Ileslrlol Ointment. rrom the very first
plication, I found relief, and waa en
Uyly cured In ten tlays. Tlio ItthliiK and
ficlnff ,neneatlons have ceased nnd my
fMn Is as smooth as a child's. (Signed)
CKarlf a Wamerv lfcJ N. fitrlckc'r Bt. r
l?h)Vlclnna hav prescribed lleslnbl for
elghlfeil jaars, and ovcry-tlruririst -In the
country eells' IleslnoL Soap J6c), and
Reslnol Ointment. ,(Wc. nud 1.00. Avoid
Imitations" pr "luibstltutes" whlf)i ft few.
UBecrupuWus"ilcalers offer. Vor free trial,
wrltoto' Dept. 26-R. neslnol, Ualtlmorc,
Md. Ativertlsement.
Omaha Typical Great City of West, Says Daniels
Speech Deliyercd at Noon to Business Men of Omaha at Commercial Club
If It Is TIiIhhIhk Out or Full of
JHdrHff, Uno Parisian Sage
. At Once.
Most men, and husbands In "partliular,
are careless regarding the' care of the hntr
not imtll It -comes, 'out' by the combful
do they really take notice Then It may
be too late.
If your husband's hair Is netting thin;
If he hus dandruff or the scalp. Itches and
Tjurns-'take immediate action; do not let
hint becotno a baldhcad.'
det.from. iny druirst or toilet counter
a M cent bottle of Parisian 8ufee. Hub 1
well Into tho scalp every nlBht. The .first
application will, remove dandruff. XVhen
the hair stop falling and the newKrbwth
appeal use eVery other" nJchV un,tll the
hair (hick and aoundanl; ', ,
l'nrljBlKn fairo Is a dcllKhtful.and.liivlc
orating hair tpnlc for men;, women" and
cihlMren. ,lt Is. a scltntlflj; preparation
based' on a itlioruusii knowledge of
what '-Is ljeedei( b;y hc hair and scalp to
keep them perfectly healthy and remove
dandruff, stop Main itch and falling hair.
Sureljf try SaflBlan tJage. Look for tho
trademark on; every package, the "Girl
"With Auburn Halr."-Advertl8Cmcnfr
All Imen nn women who drink .reg
ularly become, discouraged and hopeless
whcn .tfiey reallra the craving for mor,e
and more drink, each day Is becoming so
irresistible the)-cannot 'leave It alonr "
Good resolutions to stop drinking always
fall The only hops .or these unfortun-
ate mfn is proper medical treatmentThe
feal Treatment! which Is a safe. sUre,
vegetable remedy that renjoves the crav
ing for llrlnk 'In (hreedaya without the
use oC hypodermic Injectlqns. The Neal
Institution, 1503 Bouth 10th street, Omaha,
'eo.. Is o. large xomfortabla 1iomo where
hundred of drink wrecked men and
womtn have been .restored to sobriety and
Many other have taken the Neaf Home
treatment, wnioh is the same as. tho In
stitute Treatment and just aa reliable.
Call and tnveitlgate. Get prdof and ref
erence that will be convincing, or writ
or Phope for book of Information.
9rag Habit alaocsssfaUy Treated.
flaja . , sasss
from Ieyond the Mississippi. There Is
not time now to recount your attain
ments. They speak for themselves. They
are known and read of all men. The de
velopment of tho west Is n story of
wonder. The endurance and persever
ance of the pioneer "orbustcra," who
often laid down their lives In blazing tho
path for commerce and civilisation; the
lure of gold to the forty-niners; the era
of transcontinental railroad building,
with Its problems of finance and en
gineering; the homestead period of set
tling nil this has atttttctod tho attention.
of the modern historian and oven ex
presidents think It "Well 'worth whlhj -to
write books on "The Winning of tho
West." So tremendous, has been the
progress and development of your coun
try from the Father of Waters to tho
Paolflc ocean, that It has exerted an In
estimable, influence A behalf of the build
ing of the -Panama canal. The German
joct, Goethe, with the eye of seer, fore
saw this result when the west was yet
young, and In predicting the construction
ot tho Panama cannl, snld:
Opportmilty ff Unltril Stnte.
" '1 should wonder If the United States
were to let an opportunity escape of
getting such a work Into their own
1iands It may be foreseen that this young
slate, with Its decided predilection to the
west, will In thirty or forty years, havo
occupied and peopled tho Urge tract of
land beyond the Ilocky mountains. It may
mi wii-rmurc, i'u lurcBccu uiai' hjuuk ilia
whole coast of tho Pacific ocean, whero
nature has already formed tho most
capacious arid secure harbors, Important
commercial towns will gradually arise,
for the furtherance of a great intercourse
between China and tho East Indies, and"
tho United States. , , in such a case, it
would be not only desirable, but almost
necessary that a mors rapid communica
tion should bo maintained ' between the
eastern and western shore of North
America, both by merchant ships and
men of war, than has hitherto been pos
sible -with the tedious, disagreeable and
expensive "Voyage around Capo Horn. I
therefore repeat that It Is absolutely In
dispensable for the United States to ef
fect a passage from the Mexican gulf
to the Pacific ocean; and I am certain
that they will do It.'
t'nnnl Fine Property,
"fhe canal was not built as quickly aa
Goq'the thought It would be, but It Is a
flha property. Its fulfillment Is Illus
trated by your own city as typical ot
111 o great cities of the, west, and the
cAupty ot which you are the chief city
is; ell named, aa I take it, it Is, for
Douglas, the great democrat who. Intro
duced the Kansas-Nebraska act, a step
which beyond Involving the repeal ot
the Missouri compromise, led ultimately
to statehood for you, Your trans-Mlss-Isslppl
exposition illustrated, as had
njt'Af lffnr TiAftn AAnj. '4ti&
of t)4 west. 'It was a remarkable truth
strikingly put when one of tho speakers
at thb opening of your exposition de
clared, that In a territory occupied only
by Indians fifty, years previously there
arc now 22,000,000 people with an aggre
gate wealth ot 22,000,000.000. Now truly
these figures justify 'Talleyrand's s'tale-
mnnt to Minister Uvlngston and 8pecla1
Envoy Monroe, nftcr the Louisiana pur
chases 'You have mada a noblo bargain
for yourselves,' and I- 'suWosa- ydtx will
make the most of It,'1
"The creaif' for (he Louisiana- pur
chase Is due to Thomas .Jeff ersoni No
American statesman over knew the Joy
of achievement so fully as Jefferson, but
he phpse for hjs epitaph only tho state
meiitH ttat he waa author of the declara
tion1 ot Independence, tho Virginia statute
for. religious toleration, and founder of.
the University, .of Virginia. Henry "Wat
tersorr, however, declares that 'the great
est triumph ot his career, the greatest
benefit he conferred upon his country,
was the annexation ot tho Louisiana
territory to the United States.'
'Soon after the purchase war broke
out between England and France. Louis
iana would have been one ot Britain's
first sclturcs had tho territory not be
longed to us, and, but for Jefferson,
Omaha might today be a Canadian city
and the Dominion would not unlikely
have Included the whole trans-MlssltslppI
region to the Pacific.
Possibilities: .of Wept.
"I do not think that history has fulfy
realized the height and depth of Jet
fcrson's thinking on the great wesL As
has been truly said- by one of, his most
brilliant and HmpMhetlo historians. 'He
was quick to encourage Georgo Rogers
Clarko when ho offered to InVade the
vast Illinois country. When governor of
Virginia, he pushed the 'frontier of his
state to the banka.of the Mississippi and
held It there with a fort.' I have been
Impressed asrntyerbefote by my recent
rending of Jefferson's concise but com
prehensive sketch ' Of the" "life of Mori
wether Lewis, written In 1813 to ac
company Paul AlIerTs History of the
Lewis and Clarke Expedition.. Almost ap
much can bo read between tho lines as
s contained In Its pregnant paragraphs
to show that Jefferson's mind had been
long dwelling on the possibilities of the
went. Who can say how much his study
of tho west prepared him, strict construc
tionist of the constitution, that ho. was.
to find a( way Jo hold Louisiana after his
able young understudy, Monroe, and tho
xpcr.Je.nccd diplomat Livingstone had
seized the Imperial .opportunity to se
cure It.
"About 17S3 Jefferson suggested to George
Rogers Clarke to make a trip of ex
ploration to the northwest, but nothing
then came of vC,
C'hnnjrea) In Indian Trade.- '
"Karly In 1S03, the act for establishing
trading houses among 'the Indian tribes
being about to expire, Jefferson sent a
message to congress rc commending some
changes and the extension ot trade to
the Indians ot the Missouri. To blazo
the way -for such trade, he proposed an
expedition - to trace to Its . source this
wonderful river which seemed to have
no end. 'Congress' voted 'the necessary
appropriation of 2,WiO, and the Important
mission was entrusted to Meriwether
Lewis, who had been ambitious to under,
take the task before, and who had
prov.ed his metn and h,!s fitness for
such work In his early , childhood, ror,
says no less a chronicler than Jefferson
Wmself. 'When only eight years of age
he habitually went out in the dead of
right alone with his dogs, Into the for
est to hunt the raccoon and ho opos
sum, which, seeking their food In the
nlaht. can only then be taken. In this.
exercise no season or circumstance could
Obstruct his purpose plunging through
the winlera's snows and frozen streanis
In pursuit of his object.' '
"Lewis chose Clarko. as his companion,
the brother of the' man who had previ
ously distinguished himself In Illinois, and.
the rest is history, . The explorers pnasedj
your way. Your city Is 6i the' trail of
their famous expedition.
Preparation of Latvia anil Clarke. '
"Jefferson had" the paeston for accuracy
and his preliminary precautions and
preparation, and the thoroughness cvenJ
td' minute, detail at Uie Instructions he
issued to Lewis nd .'Clarke', are strlk
lrjg. He (irst Vent T.ew,la tp Philadelphia
td be under Instruction from tho pro
fessors there so' aa to have 'a greater
familiarity with the technical language
ot the natural sciences and readiness In,
tho astronomical observations necessary)
for tho geography . of his route.' Thcj
."Voll did President William Mc
Kiiiley say when he sent his telegram
cienlng your splendid exposition In 1893,
that nowhere have the unconquerable de
termination, the self-reliant strength,
and the sturdy manhood of American
citizenship been more forcibly Illustrated
than In tho achievements of the people
draft ot Lewis' Instructions bears the
earmarks of Jefferson's careful prepara
tion ' The only thing lacking seems to be
Instruction in spelling; for Lewis and
Clark seem a have been pioneers In the
miserable modern art of 'fonetlc' spell
ing. Both of tlfem spelled like Carnegie
and the Independent magazine. 1 have
had letters . from both recently.
former spelled 'delighted' thus. 'De
nted, ' and - the latter spelled 'pressed
thus1: 'ptrs't,' and more of the same, sort
Lewis. and Clark-were much pestcrid' at
times by 'moschctoes.' Tho Yankton
SlonxJtreated. them to 'a fat --dog,' of
which 'they partook hartlly and thought
It goad and well, flavored.' Just below
Cedar IslAnd 'they' saw 'tho backbone of
n frsh"fbrly-flvefoet""!ong tapering to
the tale. Some teeth. c tJiose joints' were
separated and nil petrefld.' The1 lead
era .and jnejiJ'nohlycaiTlod out their In
structions and their loyalty Is Illustrated
In the names thqy gavp tcM.he three forks
of the Missouri. 'To these three branches
tho still ndhcrlng- names of Jefferson,
Madison and Gnllatlli were given, says
one historian. Three tributaries of the
Jefferson were riamed Philosophy, Phil
anthropy and Wisdom. Wisdom still
holds Itn place, but Philosophy lias been
lost and Philanthropy la now known as
'Stinking Water.'
"The story of their magnificent achieve
ment, which Livingstone waa later to
parallel In Africa, In part of the history
ot your own section. Their expedition
Is the foundation ot the history ot the
great northwest 'Following In their
footsteps, the hardy American emigrant,
trader, adventurer and home-seeker pen
etrated tho wilderness and, building bet
ter than they knew, laid the foundations
of populous and thriving states.'
"The master mind back of tho Louis
iana purchase and Its exploration wiia
Jefferson's. You, In particular, are the
heirs of this rich Inheritance he left to
his beloved country. Thero Is a return
on tho part of the people today to his
basal principles. This Is well, for .let
fcrson's wisdom has always been justi
fied of Its children."
The great popularity of
clean, pure, healthful
"Gray Hair Becomes
Dark. Thick, Glossy:
Look years younger! Try
uranama's recipe of Sage
and Sulphur and no
body will know.
Policeman Hareld
WBe Given Trial
Before Commission
Police ' Officer William Hareld will be
summoned to appear before the city com
mission Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock
to show cause why he should not be jrus
psrided from the, force by reason pf n
complaint filed against him by Lawrence
City Commissioner At Kugel Insisted on
a trl! of Hareld beforo the city council,
although Police Commissioner 'j. 'j. rtyder
had not brought the charges before the
"I don't want to butt Into your de-
partmcnt." Kugel said to Ryder,, 'but
Hareld ought to be tried here."
City Corporation Counsel. Ben 8. Baker.
In a written opinion, adyUed against a
hearing. saying it would probably
prejudice the divorce proceedings tnatl.
tuted In, the dlstricti court by Quealey,
Also, the attorney said, the case would
be aired fully In divorce court nnd Har
cld's guilt or Innocence fully estab
Polleo Commissioner Ryder said:
"I have no objection to a hearing. It
the council desires we will have a trial,
but I see no reason for it. The Quealey
woman, so I learned, had been Hareld'a
housekeeper and called .at tho California
nuici o ei ner pay. if there had been
a basis for the proceedings for six months
It is not so stated in the charges pre
jrerred against Hareld ''
Ryder moved the hearing. The mayor
asked that It be put off for a week. The
toundl was, however, unanimous In de
tiding for a trial Thursday.
Fifty thousand dqllars damages for an
Injury to his head, which left a hole In
his skull, covered only by skin, through
Which every pulse beat can be eeen, Is
asked by Howard Thompson from the
i'urltngton railroad In district court. The
acciuent occurred in St. Joseph. Mo.,
when Thompson was struck by an engine
piston head which had blown out. He
was walking, along a path at the side or
the railroad track. A portion ot the
pram was removed by physicians. The
detense Is that Thompson was trespassing
on me ngni-or-a ay
, Scalded ttr Steam
or scorctied by a fire, apply Bucklens"
Arnica t?ave. Cures piles, too. and the
worst sorea Guaranteed. Only 35c. For
sale by your druggist-Advertisement.
The body of John McNeil of Fremont,
who was killed J3atuniay night In Ben
son, when he waa thrown from hla wagon
and rvm over by a street car, will be
taken to Washington, Neb. Thursday
morning for burlat. McNeil at the time
ot his death wet coming to Omaha to se
cure employment during the winter
months, and was to be followed by his
wife and family as soon as he had ob
tained work. His wife Is at present In
ttie city and will remain here until after
the, Inquest, which will be held Wednca,
day afternoon.
What Is to be known ns a "pastor's
cabinet" wae organized Monday night at
the Westminster Presbyterian church
from the elders, deacons and trustees pf
the congregation. The new body will
meet once a month and Its'prlnclpal busi
ness wll bo to promote the welfare ot the
various extension works ot the church.
Mother! is Child's
Stomach Sour, Sick
If tongue U rooted or If cross, fever
ish, constipated give "California
Syrup of Figs."
Don't scold your fretful, peevish child.
See If tongue is coated; this Is a sure
sign Its little stomach, liver and bowels
are clogged with sour waste.
When listless, pate, feverish, full of
cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't
eat. sleep or act naturally, has a stomach
ache, Indigestion, diarrhoea, give a tea
spoonful of "California Syrup of Figs,"
and in a few hours all the foul waste,
the sour bile and fermenting food pasees
out of the bowels and you have a well
and playful child again. Children love
this harmless "fruit laxative." nd moth
era can rest easy after giving it because
it never falls to make their little "ln
s!ds" clean and sweat.
Keep It handy. Mother! A tittle given
today saves a sick child tomorrow, but
get the genuine. Ask your dmgalst for
a, 60-cent bottle ot "California Syrup of
Figs." which has directions for babies,
children of alt ages and for grown-ups
plainly on the bottle. Remember there
are counterfeits sold here, so surely look
and see ihat yours Is made by the "Call
fornla Fig Syrup Company." Hand ba-'ft
with contempt any other fig syrup Ad,
Almoet everyone knows that Sage Tea
and Sulphur, properly compounded,
brings back the natural color and lustre
to the hair when faded, streaked or gray;
also onds dandruff, itching scalp and
stops falling hair. Years ago the only
way to get this mixture was t6 make It
at home, which Is muesy and trouble
some. Nowadays we simply ask at any drug
store for "Wyeth's Bage and Sulphur
Halt1 Remedy.". Tou will get a large
bottle for about SO cents. Everybody
usee this old. famous recipe, because no
one can poealbly tell that you darkened
your hair, as it does it so naturally and
evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft
brush with it and draw this through
your hair, taking one small strand at a
time; by mo'mlnr the gray hair disap
pears, and after another application or
two, your hair becomes beautifully dark.
imcK and glossy and you look
Younger. Advertisement.
is causing unscrupulous persons to wrap
rank imitations that are not even real
chewing gum so they resemble genuine
WRIGLEY'S uamad . The better class
of stores will not try to fool you with
these imitations. They will be offered to
you principally by street fakirs, peddlers
and the candy departments of some 5 and
10 cent stores. These rank imitations
cost dealers one cent, a package or
even less and are sold to careless people
for' almost any price. "
If you ywant Wriglcy's look before you
buy. Get what you pay for.
Be sure It's
We are Inserting this advertisement
solely to protect our customers, who
are continually writing us that they
have been- deceived by imitations
which they purchased thinking they
Do You Pay Too Much For Your Smokes?
Don't pay your good money to the tobacco dealer to maintain
expensive stores. Buy your cigars, cigarettes, and tobacco
direct by mail. We sell by mail only, thus saving the enor
mous expense of retail stores, clerks, salesmen. The money
we save goes to you in lower prices for tobacco, in better grade
tobacco, in profit-sharing premiums.
With a box of 100 PRINCE OLAF CIGARETTES for 'foil raoelv a a fr gift a Ocrroan-Sllvcr Oca
rati Cast and an Iron Amber Clgaratt Holder.. All by
Parcel Peat prepaid.
T li T T 1 IsfllL Istlll
Pristc OUf Cigarettes
toe para, amoeth, mild Of trtttM. A bland of hlfh rrd
tebetae, rich In flavor aad parfact in aatlafactlon.
r Gift With Cttanittt
. German-Silver Cigarette Cas.
This Ctxarait Case Is mas-nlecantlr daalrncd.
u nt etutar tna oraaat er did pocaai
uul axticla. 8itSi(' s3Jt.
A baautlfu and
Vm Gift Wilk Cigmrttt
Iron Amber Cigarette Holder
Tttla Ctartta Holdar la aa attractive Olft. Moat plaea
lag to any isao. Laegth Si".
With a boa of fB Full 8l PRINCE OLAF PERFECTO
CIGARS for 1.00 you rcciv aa a fr gift a Ocnulna
Leather Cigar Caaa and ao Iron Ambar Cigar Holdar.
All by Parcel Post prepaid.
CO for 91.00 you reclv a a fraa tft a fine Preach
Briar Pipe and Folding Rubber Tobacco Pouch. All
by Parcel Post prepaid.
Prince Ol&f Cigars
25 Pall Site Perfecto Clear A soothing and aatiafae
torv amoka. Made eapeclully for our trade.
free Gift With Crr
Genuine Leather ijar Case
This Oenaloa Leather Clear Caae Ja valuable to everr
man who emekee clgare. A very daeirable sift. 3l Z
' 5 fr Gin Wtth Clam
Iron Amber -Cigar Holder
An article that adda te
Lngtn z-.
the coolness of the aaoke.
'A VwHTaBSBSv t'jt Sll
Prince OUf Seaelcisg Tobacco
One Pound ef Brooking Tobacco, naturally cured and free
from any "bite." In a tie humidor boa with a booklet of
fine rice cigarette papera.
Frtm Cin With SmoMUe
Fine French Briar Pipe
Thle French Briar Pipe draws steadily and
freely and wUl not bum. A pip that (It
you the tobacco' full flavor.
free GUI Wltk SmaUnr lUm.
FoWng; Rubber Tobacco Pouch
Folding Robber Poach to carry the tobacco. Handy fcr
the pocket. Keep the tobacco mclit.
To order a box of 100 PRINCE OLAF Cigarette, or a box of 25 PRINCE
OLAF Clgare, or a one-pound box of PRINCE OLAF Smoking Tobacco,
and receive with each the beautiful premiums above described, writ your
name and address plainly on the coupon opposite, cut of and mail with
$1.00 to
KOLQ COMPANY, lac. Dept. U9, U4-lli liberty St New York City
Remember that you are fully protected when you deal with the Kolo Com
pany. TfcU Company U entirely responsible and will refand your $U at
". "mw auw'7wit bib not euuroy sauaciea wits your purcnaee.
J""- smyemtaei. or ttiia woaeer
Off ex. Do H at once before)
tils, fill ftllfeSm
ore) k te too lata.
111 IS Ltbesrty Strait NswYerkCMy
KOLO CO, Inc Dot. 13S, 113-118 Liberty St, Now York
Pleaae find oelod S1J0 for whU-h kindly aend me. poataga paid, the article merkaa
br mewlUi an X. (Uark coupon plainly aa we will know whether you want Cfcrar-
vnee, wgara, or nmoaing j ODaccoj
A tea el MS rftHKZ OLAF OraraKaa
you want Cir-
MuiaaZaeret "i fforeUai
r weat Ogan
r U Skk TtWce
You will aba send me, absolutely free, the gilts that go with each purchaee. aa ebowa
.Ta- H the goods are not aaUafactory, yea will refund me the tlx at one ohibi
AMMarnuDurrdSurvMaQaut shit ea X bra ( ) U ye waat Ogam
e raw rami, amj wiiai itaatee aura la X acre I J li r
set ralng the goods to you.
Pcet Office.
City or T.owa.