Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1913, Page 13, Image 13

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Smith Announced Winner Over Sam
lanpford in Dozen Rounds.
LanRford Assumes AitR-relvc To.
ward Clour nnd Mnnr of Spec
tators Surprised by the
Ileferee's Action.
EaVotites itf;Pool '
tourney Lose Session
With heavy betting odds favoring
them. Srcanson and MeFarland. team
mates against Reynolds and Stevens In
a 40O-bnll pool tournor played at the
Model parlors, lost last night's session
by a score of 103 to 69. A large- crowd
of men was present to watch the games.
Tonight the same teams will meet at
the Capitol parlor nnd piny another 100
ball frame. The sessions will alternate
between tho Model and Capitol until
the 430 balls are played off. Tho winners
of tho tourney will bo declared amateur
champions of tho city.
UOSTON, Mass.. Nov. 18."Ounboaf'
Fmlth of New Ynrlc wn . iHvnn tho de
cision nVtr snm rtf lln.tnn at
tho end of a. tn-lvA.rmmrt hunt, hern to.
Smith led cleverly during 'the early
rounds, scoring repeatedly on left Jabs
to Langford's head and boiyp while .thjvpcago Americans shut out the Now Yortf
Boston negro made no. serious attempt f p.1"1? ,,n n "tP11" Kam
Sox Shut Hint (Hants.
VOKTuAKu, Ore. Nov. I8.-TI10 Chi-
at defense. But aB thos bouj yent ctf
Smith,- tho San FranooJyjjJsatykelfiV,
wearied and Langtord -sssuriiVd tliev ng.
gresslve, sending left 'and; right to Smith's!
body at short-range while Vs latter j
swung unsuccessfully at tangford"sJieds
So mtfny and bo strongiwero?lngt$fj
blows In the closing rounds that 'many
of the spectators expressed surprise - at'
the decision of Referee Dlck-Jriemlng-f j
Smith at. trjQ. start Jabbed away, wlfin
his left, supplying-.nearly all tho .action.
Langford did Hot Vatem- to be bothered
by long---rarjgo bldwSMurrilng."away many
without great effort a'ndsantfhtg, . up
under others without defense. Occasionally
he landea rfgrit 'or 'feft on Smith's body,
but not until the seventh round did he
ri-ake any, .apparent ..attempt to f end iho
battle. Then Langford' started' a'Bnort
range fight, which In tho e'shth round,
if stilted In, opening. Smith's cheek under
tho left eye.
Smith, by 'reputation a strong right
band fighter, relied on his left Jnbs
thrcTughaut. Several attempts' to land
right swings met with varying success.
Hut -his -Jabs were .continuous.
Smith's. check bled freely as the fight
nearedtho p,nd.. th,o blood getting Into
his eye and blinding him. He also seemed
fatigued, 'arid hung on 'to his opponent,
while Langford, although apparently
carrying moro weight than at any time
In' Ills, career, appeared the "stronger.
Langford was Unmarked. 1
KEARNEY, Neb., Nov. 18. (Spcclal.)-
The Kearney ' Illtfh school, by defeating'
Aurora High school qn last Friday, placed
ft celt In line for state championship hon
ors. From present Indications "Onfall
High school' is the only other contender,
providing It defeats' North Platte High
school- Thanksgiving day. Aurora High
Bchool has defeated all eastern contend
crSfc Including Lincoln and .Beatrice, but
have not met Omaha en the gridiron this.
year.. This gives tho Kearney High
school an edge over all eastern Nebraska
high schools, outside of Omaha,.
In ase Omaha High school should meet
with' defeat at the hands of N6rth Platte,
Kearhey would 'have, undisputed claim, to
tho title. While, the Kearney and North
Platte garne-Tesulted lna tie, the weather
ctfrfdlllons under 'which thai came was
DlavSd were 'such that the' score does not
lndl3te''he' 'comparative' strength of the
two teams'. Moreover", North Plattevwas
.i?vWil Miv Coind Hltrh -fceh'ool. which
team Wa's tfeJllngton-H!gMeHool
anu 1110 m-aiiK. j.,,. :
defeated' 'Xejflngtgn High school, which
shows th'a superiority of Kearney over
oliwcste'rl blgh'scjiool teams.-.
All- ccntraf Nebraska teams' Have been
eliminated; 'from th'e race, ''tiey having
been, dofoaed .either. bp. Kearney. Itseir,
or by- tennis . defeated, by Kearney,,
' From tho facts disclosed Kearney has' a
clear claim. -to-the tltje.ln case North
Vlatto . should defeat Oroatyi, but should
Omaha, defeat North
in a position to dispute, the honors .with
ICedrney.. in-cut Omaha Is vlctoriuf
.Kaarner challenges them for. a post-sca.
sori'garae to declde'the high, sehool cham
pionship honors of-tho state.
MILWAUKEE, Wis. Nov. 18. Jess Wll
lard 6f California and George Rodel ot'tMrlca fought ten rounds to. a
draw .here tonight. '
Rodel was badly 'handicapped., both In
height and welgnt. and Wlllard also had
the -advantage- In reach. The first round
-was "tame, but WlUard had a slight ad.
vantage. ,Kdel had the better of th
secopd-and thjrd on aggressiveness. The
fourth aesslpn. was WJllard's.a stiff up.
... n hi Ikw slowing Rodel up.
Vvillard deHve4 several stiff punches to
.... .1 i.l 1.... -vilv.k ti
the body Jnvme mm, uuv
i! wu'' had a sllaht advantage In
the seventh when he had Rodel guessing
a'fer a fusillade of rights and lefts to
"t'hB .body.' Rodel's agresslveness In tho
rernajn'aer of- the bout easily earned him
t--- . -t.lil. .I.n.n nram dlflnlftVed bv
either boler. Both men quit strong and
MEHFORD, Ore.. Nov. 18The .Nw
York Giants defeated the Chicago White
Sox 3 'to' 0 In a Jive-Inning. gme today.
Don Radoc of . Medtord, who- Is a mem
ber of. tho White Sox, .but who was
farmed out early In the season, played
third batfe for tho. Chlcagoans. -B.CPre
View. .York .W. ..:.'.. - ZV&l fefl j
UJhlcago ..7iA... ......0-fl 0-0
SBattft--AVllUe and VlnBUi Bens and
flight." . ',r 'W T ' -
IhXONBbNov. I8.-R0SS Robin-
pn of Llncilnonlght defeated Joe
Miner of South'- Omaha Jn" ' wrestling
rr.atch In stralitht falls, pp. ..two., men.
both welterweights, wero wellwatched. In
ep bt tho superior training of-the
Llncoji .'gtappler'.gaye lln the, a'dvanlage-
- The ftnt fall came. In hlrteen! Vnlnutes.
and the. second took a half, hour,
KaVler CtalbilMf" F.ove AMTalr.
Plteher George R. Kahler pf the CJeve-
' Henry, la tha J3leriMVchub mj
Athens. O.. on November i - Miss Henry
'iBdue bf Athens' most popular, and, ac
. comvllshed, young ladlte.nd th jnWeh
is iho. culmination of ajove affair which
jitarfed wliile "Kahler waa pitching for
at' the Coast. leasue ball Dark. Scoret
Ulants 00000000 O-O 7.,f
White-Sox.... 00002000 0-210 tf
..Batteries: Giants, Fromme, Heajrne lino
wingo;- White Sox. Scott and Schalk.
tToJ Send Soccor Tram.
taj,etrwll'be represented at the. OlyrapUr
nOT,ps.inuerinr in oy an Amsncifi
jsdccor",fdoV lvUtTsanl, as a result of an
igre.omentireached between the Amateur
Athletic" union and the United StatSo
iFootJiall,' .association today,
AIro Ills Vnlform. ' "
A base ball writer arises to remark
that Trts Speaker, having gone from tho
Boston Americans to tho Chlcngo' Amer
ican world tourists, may bo said to'havo
changed his sox.
Goodbye, Gnnbont.
"Gunboat" Smith and Sam Langford
havo signed for a twelve-round bout at
Boston on November 18. The men will
met at catch weights, with Langford
having about thirteen pounds advantage.
Gatherlo'r Fifth
Conservation Meet
at National Capital
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18. Conservation
experts from all sections of the United
States and ft delegation from Canada
arrived here today to take part In the
meetings of tho fifth national conserva
tion congress which will begin tomor
row. Several sectional meetings were held
today at which preliminary features of
the congress were discussed. Tho Na
tional Association of Conservation Com
missioners was addressed by Secretary'
Lane, "who made a' plea for greater co
operation between tho.".stato.vand federal
authorities. ' t,
The secretary declared that tho great
est obstacle In tho preparation of an
adequate conservation policy was the
conflict between, those who believed In
centralization of government and hoso
who believed -ln states' "rights. This con
fllct he said was rcsponslhlo 'for the dif
ficulty the fedcalt (authorities experi
enced In obtaining theco-vperatlon of
stato officials.
"Now f ho government Is not wedded!
to anyj particular tlfeory, but. It'll wed-''
a ea 10. practical tests tnat ywifi uevoiop
something' t8 better the oojihtry;" con
tinued Secretary Lane. "We are. Indif
ferent fo' the agency jrrjpoyed. You rep
resent the states, J represent -what, Is,
callod the central government. We cart
co-operate and manifestly there can1 bh
no success unless wp' do co-operate."
LOS ANPELES, Cal.r Nov,- 18. Los
Angeles 'agqaired the tT chlnesa vo
llceman In tho United States today, ac-.
cordlng to Chief of Folic? ..Sebastian,' who
made Iung Yip, a njember of aOhlncse
business' firm, a "special officer,. Police
man Lung was born In San Fnincisco
and educated In the public schools of
that city.
They ,
in a
in the
W4 1 JaraiMtTMTM
New: Packadho ws
tMa;ny Luprpvements
The nfcw Packard "I-SS" which Is Just
offer? d-ur 'tlm inrblltr "retains tho essen
tial Improvements which wore embodied
in.tho preVlbds' ' model, Including left,
drive, left-hand gear shift and central
ised control board. It Is equipped with
hi'estlcnt worm bevel driving gears, a
hi'w" mechanical feature never before
The second "38" Is built In two types
of chassis, known as touring and phao
ton. Nlnetocn body styles offer an ex
ceptionally wide range of selection In
both open and enclosed carriages. The
standard touring car seats seven.
A spoclat touring body seating six is
offered in addition to tho standard Pack
ard lino. This enables a purchaser to
enjoy tho maximum service qualities of
the Packard chassis at a lower cost than
when fitted ' with a Packard standard
(ourinc body.
The lined top on open bodies of Pack
ard mako can bo raised or lowered by
one 'man from tho tonncau or from ft
position outside tho car. Tho door cur
tains, except, the left front, open with
tho doors. . The motor Is rated at S8
horse power under tho A. L. A. M. for
mula. At 1,800 R. P M. It develops 69
horae power. .
By tt' concealed force feed lubrication
system oil Is carried Mnder pressure to
all motor bearings. An auxiliary system
feeds oil directly to th6v cylinder walls
and Is automotically regulated for differ
ent power requirements.
Tho cylinders are oast In blocks of
three and thero Is a separate exhaust
system for each of tho two units. This
eliminates "back pressure duo to over
lapping exhaust discharges.
A hot water. Jacketed Intake header,
hot water1 'Jacketed carburetor body and
hot air regulator promote fuel economy
and produco.-a highly efficient mixture
(or all atmospheric .conditions.
Tho two-biock motor, with oticlosed
wlrlnf. valves and oil passages presents
an exceptionally neat appearance.
The rackard-HUur olectrical system Is
used for starting and-llghtlng. It con
sists of aiseparqto.geinerator and a crank
Ing" motor' wlijch ."spins ho engine fast
r'nnucViio'lHat'lt mAy bfe started on the
magnet.- !vTh'e -ignition isypJktn yslng
rateanditlhet Tftim'e starting and
lighting systems.
,' The !wh'elbistf 'o'fthettiurIng( car or
nKaeton chassis Is lWJocfies. .-.Tires are
I $Cx4iS ilnches front dnd 3Ti5 Inches rear.
I -' 1 ...4
PJratcs Desert Springs.
Hot Springs la about;to pass front rth
map as a basa ball copdjtlonng grounds,
Tho Pirates, which have, beep, the most
loyal boosters ror wo .Aransas ,pa,
have now about decided to seek an&lhef
.Ohio tinlverslyj.
llnlLr Wins GVuir evening's game of three cushion
carom bjllards at the Three . 'XT' par
lor was won by Hulke against McWhiney
bx -the core Pr t? 81 McWhiney
,rlaed Tiolnts to rfulWe's 30.
tween Eddie and Harlin. Game starts 4 2218 Farnam St
Henderson Four-Cylinder Do Luxe Kerosene Car, f 1,810.
Iif yo want an automobile that will successfully burn tbe very
poorest grades of Gasoline or Kerosene, as well as the best, ask for
a dGmojistraUo.n jof tho
Henderson. Kerosene Car
We have scores of letters from satisfied owners of Hendersons, one
of which is reproduced herewith:
Columbus. Neb., Nov. 14, 113.
T. 11. POLLOCK AUTO CO.. 2218 Farnam St, Omaha.' Neb.
GENTLEMENc Yours of recent date asking whether or not I am satis
fied with the Henderson automobile, which I purchased from you about three
months ago, has been received and will state that I am more than pleased
with the Henderson car. ... .... - ....
J .own twa Qther automobiles, one a high priced car, costing considerably
more than the Henderson," but will" say that I can take my Henderson car,
burning pure kerosene, over the steepest hills and pver country roads with
better results than with my high priced car. and at les than one-half
the expense, for fjinl. .
I have driven my Hendersoncar over our country roads at the rate of 45
miles per hdur and" do n6t know how-much faster'I could drive it. I am
thoroughly satisfied with the Henderson as now built, with the gasoline
tank for starting and the kerosene fuel for runnlng,-and It Is a perfect suc
cess and, I da no. hesitate to recommend It to any one thinking of purchasing
an automobile.
'I pay 10 cents a -gallon for kerosene and vtet from 12 to 20 miles per
gallon on our country roads. I- could not do this well on gasoline at 20 cents
per gallon. with any other car that I know of.
As far as power, speed and hill climbing Is concerned. I would as soon
TiaVe my "Henders6n De Luxe four-Cylinder kerosene' dor as any six-cylinder
automobile I have ever seen.
My Henderson has attracted considerable attention in this vicinity and a
number of my friends are talking of purchasing (hp Henderson car.
Wishing the Henderson -Company the best of success, I r'emaln.
Yours very truly, G. A. SQHROKDEK.
QanYou Beat That?
NEW YORK. Kov. lS.-ti a billiard
match for the 18.3 balk line professional
championship, played here tonlcht. Willie
Hoppe, holder of the title, defeated the
clallener. Calvin W. Demarest of Chi-'
csro, by KM to 291. The game was de
cided In twenty-three Innings.
Deforest made only points In the
first eleven Innings, while Hoppe at the
end of tho eighth Inning led his op
ponent by 187 to M. In the twelfth In
ning, Demarest gave a fine exhibition
Dt bAlk line plsylng, with a run of W,
whlfih was IiIkIi mark up to that time.
Two Innings later ho made a. run from
1IC. On his 114th shot the balls had to be
spotted from a froten position and he
scored only one off the break,
llnppo on the other hand played a
more open game nnd made a high run
ct ill in the nineteen Inning, t The score
follows: i
Hopixv-fl. 10. 21, 2, 0, SO, 87. M, 0. 0,
3. 7, 4, .0, St, 19. tt, 2. 121, 0. 32, (f, 6-Totsl.
HO; average, 21 17-23. High runs, 121, 81,
87. I
Demurest 0, 1, 0- 8, 1, 0, 4, 1. 18, 1, 1,
M, 0, US, 3, . 0. 4S, 0. 4, 6, 1, 15-Total.
3PI; average, It 18-24L High runs, US, 5. 48.
F. 0 B.
; F: 0:.b.
' Factory
. 1
1 tlLu
The Giant Overhead Valve Buick Motor with the Multiplied Potver,
the Smooth Balance, Flexibility and Science of 6 Cylinder Construction
The basic renBou for a six is more power. And Hint in tho bnsic rouEon for a BUICK of any model. The Buick
Overhead Valve Motor dolivors more power than others, cylinder for cylinder, of equal size. Thut extra power fa
not ohurged in tho prico of tho car. It is a mcchnnical ndvantago maximum efficiency.
Economy the feature much sought far in a Six
When a prospective purchaser hns satisfied himself on tho merits of a car, such as power, case of control, old.,'
ho shduld satisfy himself as to gasoline consumption, especially on a six-cylinder pleasure car.
Tho following is ono of tho many letters wo havo received bearing on the economy of tho Buick Six: 4
Iebraak ntUclt Auto Co., "Akron, la., October S3, 1013.
Lincoln, Ncbr.
Dear 8lrt , ' , '
. 1 think I did somcthlnK with tho ft5 tho other day when I enme homo. I k topped in Omaha and at two. "pay m
you enter" bridges, and at Hloux Cltr, the only times I touched tho shirting lovers, and when I got to Akron 1 had Just
n half tank of rm, 183 tulles. The boyn put In Just 30 gain., which mado 1H41 tulle? per gallon. Tho speedometer
' shows nop miles nnd no water, oil or gai hns leen put into tho brute. AVc havo tried all tho big hills nnd have a good,
clean, high gear record.. Somo boat.
Tours truly,
J. O. WADE."
Left Sido Drive V Center
Every 1914 Buick will i
be driven fropi, tho left'
side. The gcarshaft and j
emergency lrako levers
- are-in the conter.. Your
,; right hajid, controls thpm.
tYoun position', at the left ,
..gves'ouavgeti. of j
. the .'road, ,and .oi'f'sslng
.traffic u.;-.J-.'
Specifications of Buick Six
MOTOR Six oyliudcrspverhead valve typo fam
ous for its power on hills andiit. high speed 18 nctual.
'iVbrao power by brake test.
. " Electric cranking, Electric hcud lights, side lamps,
taiMalrip and dash lamp. Motor driven Electric, horu.
AVIffiEL BASE-130 inches. . .
- TIRES 36x4J. -
rAuBODY 5-pnijjjengor touring. , . .
f' jVdvanco specifications in detail mnilcd promptly on
A Buick Contract is n
business asset; it was de
signed to mako you mako
money. Its protection is, '
an assurance of a satisfac
tory business. You'll mako
a fast friond of every cus
tomer. Immediate- returns
a. volume that increaBoa
; astonishingly. Buiok deal
ers don't ' change askV'us
DelcoiElectric Cfarikirig Lighting Ignition on all Buick Models for
X1914 at'no additional cost
Electricity puts the finishing touchof practical con
venience on tlib sturdy'Bliick structure. Tho Delco Sys
tem is built into every Buick, and does its work of start
: ing the motor and furnishing oloctricity for lamps nnd
' ignition as perfectly aa tho Buick engina lifts the car
orver hills or through sand.
Try to think, if you can, of any more powerful, usable
motivo force than a Buick Six Ovorhead Valyo Motor
cranked by tho Dolco System.
"Write for;a! 1914 Buiok catalogue, or call at our salos
rooms fof a demonstration.
Nebraska Buick Auto Co.
rm-Prvt-rYiofirvr. "Riit-QQH Tho Automobile Editor of Tho Omaha Beo will gladly furnish you detail infbr-
iniOrilJd.LlUIl JjUItJclU. mation regarding any of tho automobiles, trucks, delivory wagons, tiroa'or acces
' - g eories represented in this directory. Write today. '
Our Henderson, The Yesfr Ahead CAt" is attracting a lot of attention.
With the 1914 features now on this car and for which you do not have
to wait a year, the Henderson is the best Agent's selling proposition
on the market. We want live agents and dealers to handle the Hen
derson cars. We do not nsk for deposits in order to secure our
Agency. We do not ask you to contract for a lot of cars to secure
our Agency. We expect to do huslnesa on our Mpney, not yours.
Dealers, Agents or Individuals who are interested in this wonderful
Henderson Kerosene Car should write at once for our catalog and
liberal terms.
T. H Pollock Auto Co.
Hsndsrson Distributors for Wabrasksi Wtstcra
Jows, soma saxots,. wominf ana uoiorsao,
Omaha, Neb.
Nebraska Buick Auto Company,
Lee Huff Mgr. 1912-14-16 Farnam Street.
I Cadillac Company of Omaha,
v G. F.
&oiaa. Pres.
2054-6-8 Farnam Street
I Doty & Hathaway,
2027 Farnam Street,
Doty & Hathaway,
' 2027-39 Farnam Street.
Marion Auto Company,
0. W. McDonald. 2101 Farnam Street.
Maxwell Motor Sales Corporation,
205-207 State Bank Building.
Van Brunt Automobile Company,
2010 Farnam St., Omaha. 18-20-22 4th St., Council Bluffs.
Van Brunt Automobile Company,
2010 Farnam St., Omaha. 18-20-22 4th St., Council Bluffs.
IX The T. G. Northwall Company,
912-14 Jones Street
Doty & Hathaway,
2027-29 Farnam Street.
R. N. Howes. Fred C. Hill.
2102-4 Farnam Street.
E. R. Wilson Auto Company,
- 2429 Farnam Street.
I Drummond Motor Company,
26th and Farnam Streets.
S I Van Brunt Automobile Company, .
y-T. 2010 Farnam St., Omaha. 1820-22 4th St Council Bluffs.
Marion Auto Co.,
0. W. McDonald. 2101 Farnam Street,
Drummond Motor Company,
26th and Farnam. Streets,
Arthur Storr Auto Supply Co., .
2020 Farnam. Street)
Automobile Supplies,
2020 Farnam Rirak