ft THE REE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER IP. 101.1 11 "The Cop" or "Love Overtook Them" Copyright, 113, International News Service. By Nell Brinkley I 2? . - ' ; "Running Away. from Love at Sixty Miles an HourThey'll1' Get Life for That!" - . j ,1. , , Ml All Marriage is a Leap Into the Dark Marrying a Person You Never Have Seen is No More Risky Than the Chances We All Take in Picking a Husband or Wife, i, -r ? .u t- .i n mi i T.. oays ijorotny uix; uoiaeu xviuo.' -xucic ia hum By DOROTHY D1X. "he nwpaper -'have recently cori ta(ned accounts of the marriage of a middle-weed couple who had never met until tho wedding day, and In which the b r 1 d e e r oom had never Been the brfde'a fa.qe Until she lifted the heavy veil ahe wore -after the ceremony was performed. U Is-. the custom Hmqnj'many Orien tal prople for a man to thus marry, sight unseen, and to get hls,f,lrst glimpse of hli;,wlfe after It Is too-ilate to return her to tho bargain counter In case she doesn't come up to his Ideal of female pulchritude, but, so far ' as Is known, thja s the first time an American man has entered the holy stats' without taking a squint at his fel loWjadventurer to see whether she was a peach or a lemon. Of, course we all know that appear ances are deceptive, and the eye s the pdorest of all guides to Ko by, especially ln judging a woman, Still, the faithful candidate for matrimony has felt that ho must do what he could to protect him (elf' against unnecessary rliks, and, at Iraptf pick out a wife that looked good to hjlm. Hence, the world standi ap palled at the reckless bravado of the man who has added one more foolhardy hazard to the big gamble by marryini; a lady whore countenance he has never beheld. lis Yet, after all, docs this man who mar ries the veiled jady take a much bigger chance, even on, her looks, than docs every other man who' takes a wife? For what a woman looks like today she will not look like .tomorrow, nor the day after, nor the years after that. Romeo, swears that he knows every curve and dimple of Jultettff face and even" .adorable expression that flits across It. But what about the sharp angles, and wrinkles, and hollows, and crow's feet tlit sickness, or age, or temper changes It Into? The truth Is that all marriage la a leap Into the dark, -and the result depends so completely upon accident that some times one Is tempted to think that the grabbing principle of selecting a hus band or wife It Just as good as any other. It Is one of the most tragical facta of existence that there seems to bo no way of judging beforehand what sort' of a husband or wife any man or woman will make, and that alt the ordinary tests of character by 'which we judge people fall absolutely before the acid test of matrimony. For Instance, our rough Ideal of a fine man Is a man who Is honest, upright. just In his dealings with others, and a liberal spender. If, In addition to the bo qualities, wo can say that he Is a good son we feel than we have described a paragon that any Woman ought to thank God for getting. Dut docs the possession of these ad- New Method of Reducing Fat WW- mlrablo qualities insure that a man will make a good husband? It docs not. Many a man who la as sober as tuc. town pump, and as domestic as the house cat, and as upright as the moral law, Is a grum grouch at home, and, a grinding tyrant whose wife trembles be fore him. Many a man who is liberal to the outside world Is a. tightwad to his wife, or else he's so generous about set ting up'drlnks for the boys that thero's never enough money to bily his wife shoes. Many a man who Is just to his employes Is .cruelly unfair to his wife, and cyen the good son not Infrequently considers It perfectly fair to offer up his wife as a sacrifice to tils mother. No woman can estimate what sort of a husband a man will make by the es teem In which he Is held by the World, for there Is nothing truer than the old French proverb which says that there are men "who are the Joy of the street and the sorrow, of the home." So every woman who marries really, goes 11 blind. She has no possible way of telling what sort of a husband she Is getting. And the man who marries takes equal risks. He picks, out a girl who appears to be pretty, and sweet, and amiable, and Industrious, and economical, but no hu man being except the girl and her mother and they won't tell know whether she possesses those virtues In reality, or If she has Just assumed them as bait wherewith to catch a husband. Many a poor man who has been ap- tured by a beautiful' face has found out that the,opd looks all capve off, with the paint and powder- and false hair and transformations that, were too .much trouble, to be worn everyday for a mere husband. Many an unfortunate, man haw ascertained that the girl who was so meek and mild that butter wouldn't' melt In her mouth before marriage turns Into a shrew and a virago after maVrlage. Many a man who marries a poor girl be cause he wants a thrifty and Industrious wife finds out that, the girl who has had to work and economize before., marriage goes on. a perfect orgy, of spending ahd self-Indulging as soon as she's got-a-man, to toll for her. On the other hand, many a girl who has been a silly little butterfly before marriage becomes a household rrub afterwards; many a girl, who has been a gay llttlo flirt before marriage turns Into the most devoted of wives, antt many a girl who has been extravagant, becomes a model of thrift when sho hae" her husband's money to handle. And no soothsayer can warn a man In time to do him any good of which way the cat Is going to Jump, Matrimony Is a case In which yu never can tell what will happen, or how ptople will turn out, and, In effect, we all wear veils before our faces and over our characters when we cet married nnd our husbands and wives never really see us as wo are Until after the cere.-, mony- Or else, perhaps, there would bo no more wedding bells. uMight by Students Believe Illumina' Wireless is Possible Now ion by Vibration Sent Through Ether Will Be Next Advance of Science J lijr'OARRHri? I'. HKRVlHS. Ifriijni fcjvlrcless., telephone to wireless llgh't sucSi'ls' the program that certain bold spirits have .proposed for the 'next great ndvatieo of prac tical sctorfco. In wireless tele phony a' , v o J c e drops out '-of .cir cumambient, space the voice' at a friend, ." ' hmylredfc of ' miles- fcWaj'j w h o o V Bylfublrk were transfornvtfd at the place whero lie spoke the in Into electric undu lations which spread noiselessly through tho ether like circles on a pond. At the point Where you nro these waves flutter tho sensitive antennae of n receiving Instrument nnd nro eventually replaced again by the vibrations of sound. If we had wlrelcsH light It also would consist of undulntlons caught by the antennae of a receiving Instrument, but they would he shorter than thnro cm- pjyod for telephony, nnd when rendered perceptible It would bo tho cyo Instead of the car that would be Impressed by them. The man who had this, kind of light In his houso would push a button and passing olectrlo Instantly tho room would he Illuminated by flowing' waves caught put of. the elher,". whero before their transformation they lind been passing In a flood of In visible billows. It would be far more mysterious than tlid electric lamps of today, for we enn see the wires that supply theip with cur lent and connect them with .the dynamo, whereas the waves producing . wireless light would come, without any convcylmf cables or .tangible connections of any kind, from the point where the electric energy was produced, which might be hundreds of miles away, without even an ordinary road., much less a 'line of telegraph polea, connecting It with the place where the light was revealed. A distant river, rolling on Its wn, would have the energy of Its waters transformed li to tho vibrations required to produce wireless light, those vibrations would flow away, unseen, following the curves or tho globe, and at this point and that, In this city, In that village on yonder farm, wherever a human mind willed It so, they would he transfigured at the touch of tiny antennae Into rays and beams of glorious light. To explain a little more clearly what making light by methods resembllnr those by which we obtain waves for use In wireless telegraphy means, I will quote the recent statements of a French physicist, U Houllevlgue: "Take an antennae, reduced, for slm pllilty, to a vertical mast planted In the ground. ICxclted electrically, It vibrates A Coiffure to Suit You-Take Your Pick Posed Especially for This Page by Members of the Hippodrome Company Fully Described by Olivette In tho manner of a sonorous tube, Th vibrations emitted Are, by the laws of I aocoustlcs, four times I6nger than tho tube' or antennae, i "A.? antennae 100 meters long emits wavts ef 460 meters' length; If Its length' wer ie mllllme'fer the wav would bn fou .Mlllmetera long. Now, electria wave as short as four rnllllmeteni actually exist: they have been' produced ' and studied. They travel In a straight j line. They have Been reflected by a mirror, deviated by a prism and sub jected to all the experiments of optics. They are already light, but lnvlsM6 light. falling In the extreme Infra-red part of the spetrum. In order to Impress pur eyes with a sensation of yellow 'light th antennae emitting the waves would have, to be diminished to the ,KX)tH part of a n.llllmcter In length. ,"Is that Impossible?. I do not billeve so.) Five or six years ago I obtained, by the I method of catholic projection, metallic J grains which had nearly the. dimensions.' required. More than that, the grains of gold or of silver In a colloidal state havs almost those same dimensions. The day when we learn how to Isolate some 1 thousands of metallic grains of the requl- I site minuteness and to make them vibrate j electrically they will emit visible radla-1 Hons." The experiments whlcn are continually being made with new forms of vapor lamps, caused to glow by an electria ciir ien, give nnother promise for the futur In that they Indicate the possibility that, any day, some one may discover a sub stance which, when electrically .excited. ccncentratcs Us energy of vibration en- llrely within the limits of the vlslbfa r cctrum. Such a substance woutd then furnish U I with tho nearest approach to "light with l out heat" that wo could ever attain, an'. approach much nearer than thM mada by the glow-worm with his vaunted cold light. Oood News From Paris. that the American, method of producing a sum. trim ngure, "J,,.ih ' hi, lihlng success. This system, which has there, must be th. Marmpla Prescription Tablet method of reducing fat. It l safe to say that we have nothlnff ior inis purpose ' ..... ii'y. thing that will reauce ine a pound a day without Injury to the stomach, the causing of wrinkle", . the help of exercising or dieting, or .Interfer ence, with one'a m"l U mIchty Impor tant, and useful .addition to civilization s necessities. Just uch a catalogue of good results, however, follow the use of these Pleasant, harmless and economics . little fat reducers. We say cnro,c,J)';luf' Marmola Prescription Tablet accordance with the famous Preicrlptlon) can be obtained of any rugfjt or the makers, the Msrmola Co.. FtTjatr BHe-. Detroit,' Mich., for ""enty-flv. cent .the targ case, w irn i - - - . . Ical.psJco tonslderinr ths number of Un lets each case contains. T Cheap and Easily Made, But Ends a Cough Quickly Hour to JnTake tbo Very Best Laugh Hemesr at Home, lullf Guaranteed. as nfui li "Snood." The eternal feminine question la, "How ahall I do my hair?" Here aro several very charming answers to It as giren-by five charming types of girlhood. And all this and more, too, in the line of hints for halr dresslng may be found by a mile study of the beauties of the Hippo-, Hoft I'ompudour. drome chorus. The pretty brunette on the left has tied her curly lock's with a "snood," and then has mused her ringlets in a soft knot at the back. Maiden number two has arranged her nut brown hair inu soft pom pa, dour the simplicity of which is most The Aristocrat. becoming to her clear-cut features. . The third g'lrl is of the aristocratic type, and her parted auburn hair id softly waved and drawn over her ears in a fashion that well becomes her stately height. The piquant llttlo maiden who comes noxt parts her balr over th, Tho Piquant. left templo and masses It in a great puff on top of her shapely hoad bo adding a few inches to hor rounded figure's height or apparent height. And last we have tho slender, wist ful little lady who bandB her hair low across her forehead and swirls It at tlie crown of her head to show tho MUs Wistful. poise of her stately head. j Try. one of the Hippodrome coif-. 'Xures for ong of them is sure to ap-i proach in attractiveness tho pretty j girl who stands sponsor for her &n- av.'er to the eternal question a la, woman OUVETTEv This pint bf couch syrup is ilf i made at home and saves you about 12.00 i as compared with ordinary couch reme dies. It relieves obstinate coughs even J whooping rough quickly, and is .splen , did, too, for bronchial asthma, spas . modic croup and hoarseness. Mix one nint of trjanulated sucar with ! V2 pint' of warm water, and stir (or 2 minutes, rut Y ounces of l'lnex (nlty I cents woriui in a pint Dotue, and ! the Sucar bvruD. Take a teasDooi every one, two or three hours. Tastes j good, 1 This take, right hold of a cough and I gives, almost instant relief. It stimu ! lates the appetite, and is slightly laxa I tlve both excellent features. 1'inex. as perhaps you know, is .a most valuable concentrated compound of Norway white pine extract, rich in guaiacol and the other natural healing pine elements. ' , No other preparation will do the work of Pincx in this mixture, although, strained honey can be used. i&sUs-d .o the sugar syrup if desired. Thousands of housewives in ths. United States' and Ctnada now use. this Pinex and Sugar Syrun remedy. This plan has often been imitated, but the old success ful combination has never been 'equaled. Its low cost and quick results hare stsda It immensely popular, A guaranty of absolute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, goes with this preparation. Your druggist has Pinex, or will get It for you. If not," send to The Ttaex Co., Ft, Wayae, i