THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, XOVKMBKK 1 101.1, 9 Beauty Some Men Are Never Satisfied Virginia Pearson Talks of Its Spiritual Side 1 -.J if Z A 0 Pi" - I 4 i -X. ! -fl m . By MAUDK MI LLEIL The .Miss Virginia rcarson that one meets ln everyday life Is very different from the Miss Virginia Pearson In the Play, "Newly Married." Miss Pearson believes that to bo beautiful 0110 must go to nature, one must set In harmony with the elements. And It Is her very own Philosophy of life that she gave mo In her dressing room at the theater between acta. 'To bo beautiful one must develop tho spiritual side of one's nature. Tcopla talk of beauty of mind, and develop the Intellect by hard Rtudy, hut when tho spirit Is spoken of. people smllo and speak of religious attitudes. Spirituality doesn't mean religion. It may' bo defined as highly developed mentality, mado so simple that It radiates and Is an Instru ment of good to other people. It Is tho freedom given by tho elements, dressed In the civilized form of education. It Is tho fluttering soul of an individual, high abovo the mind, that smiles from the eyes, and radiates In every thought, word and gesture." 'This spirituality can be applied to the most trivial things of life. Simplicity Is its keynote, and therefore the beautiful girl Is the natural girl. Tho natural girl docs not rely upon the cold cream of to day for her beautiful complexion. She never maintains that water ruins the akin and Insists upon enlarging her pores with every unnecessary application of cold cream. Tho truth of It Is that the girl who does not wash her face Is never absolutely clean. We never think of cleaning a baby with cold cream; we bathe it freely In warm waer and caatllo soap, with a little borax added for soften ing purposes. And this is exactly what should bo done for the face. Cold cream is all right in Its place, but should never be depended upon for absolute cleanli ness. 'f'Tho dangerously beautiful woman la feminine. By that I don't mean effeminate, tho kind of a woman who scream and faints at the slightest provocation, but the woman who prefers the soft drift of a frill to the balloon ascension effects that ore so much In evidence today. Tho woman" who emanates the dainty frag rance of orris root In preference to tho stronger and heavier perfumes and sachets. "the woman who Is willingly a trifle extravagant in' order to gain possession of something that will add definitely to her personality. Tho woman whoso dress .SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaw SSBBLBbb 4fjyiVnTCDsBBBBBBBBBBYi Mr. TsbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI I I'fSiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHsBsHHiBBBBBHsBBBBBF S Miss Virginia Pcnroii. seems a part of her, who affects Mftly hanging draperies und eschews all tight clothing, who Is able to so stamp a room with her personality, that one can feel her presence without a real tangible proof of tho fact. The woman who is womanly, who awakens wonder In the henrt of man because sho Is so truly feminine, so absolutely desirable." Isn't Miss Pearson right? Aren't there Innumerable girls who are affecting mas culinity Just because it comes In accord ance with soma of the perverted Ideas of tho flay? "And one thing more," says Miss Tear son, confidently, "spirituality Is not given to man to possess, and man longs for that which he cannot understand. There fore, man' not only needs, but wants the spiritual woman and none but the spiritual woman is ever truly femlnlne.'u 0 Little Bobbie's Fa Tfiaro was a Old Home Week )n Pa's hoan) town last week, & Pa went to It.' ..Ma & mo dldent go beckaus we nev veqllved In tHo llttel town waro Pa lived, ln'tje old .days, & this Old Home Week was 'for those who had lived tharc. Pa; calm back last nlte, : he brought one. of the Old Homers with him. The ma'nJ nalm was Jason Jenkins, & lie had jived In the llttel town that Pa lived ln for all his life. Wife, sed Pa, this Is Jason Jenkins of my old home, as true a man as ewer sold a sheet of stick fly pnper. Mister Jenkins has shut up Uis grocery stoar for a week and calm to the city to see the sites. I toald him that you tz I & llttel Bobble wud matk him feel at hoam, & hero he Is. Stork and Cupid Cunning Plotters Masy a New Home will Have a Littlo Sunbeam to Brighten It. There Is usually a certain degree of dread In every woman's mind as to the probable pain, distress and danger of child-birth. -But, thinks to a moat remarkable remedy known as Mather's Friend, all fear Is ban ished and the period Is one of unbounded, Joyful anticipation. Mother's Friend Is uied externally. It 1 a most penetrating application, makes the muscles of the stomach sad abdomen pliant so they expand easily and naturally without pain, without distress and with none of that peculiar nausea, nervousness and other symptoms that tend to weaken the prospective mother. Thus Cupid and the atork are held np to. veneration; they are rated as cunning plotters to herald the coming of a little sunbeam to gladden the bearts and brighten the homes of a host of happy families. There are thousands of women who bars used Mother's Friend, and thus know from experience that It Is one of our greatest contributions to healthy, bappy mother hood. It la sold by all druggists at J 1.00 per bottle, and Is especially recommended as a preventive of caking breasts and all cither such distresses. Write to Brsdfleld Regulator Co., 131 Lamar Bldg., Atlanta, (ia., for their very valuable book to exper'ant mothers. Get a bottle of Mother's Friend to-day. Mister Jenkins was a middle aged man with a round fat face & a bald hed. Him & Pa ackted as If thay had had sum .of the Old Homo elder for a week steddy, but Pa newer gits stupid, he Is all the time thinking of sumthlng new to do. Mister Jason Jenkins was as stupid acting us he cud be. He sat down In a chair & he looked at Ma & me & then he beegan to grin & he sed I doant care what beecums of tho old stoar. Let It stay shut! Why dident you bring Mrs. Jenkins? sed Ma. Thare Is no Mrs. Jonklns- sed Pa's frend. I am a bachelor, thank goodness. All I have In the world Is my stoar bnok hoam, As I doant care wether that stays open or not. I doant care If I evvor open It aggenn. Then he kep kicking at the rug & looking at Ma & mo kind of fool ish. It was hard for us to keep from lafflng. Wife, sed Ps.. I nm going to read part of a littlo speech that I deljvered at the Old Home bank wet. This Is what I sed: "Deer old-tlme frends, as the- homing pigeon gracefully seeks Its hoam, so have I came back from tho roaring city to this peereful llttel hamlet, the hoam of my boyhood, tho cradle of my happy days. Famo and welth I have won, but that Is not happiness. The acclaim of thou sands has been mine, but that Is not all. Never ln my wildest moments of triumph ln the city have I forgotten the old scenes Ac tho deer old faces that are gathered here tnnlght, & my memory was a priceless bank on which I drew ln hour of bitterness. What to me was fame com pared with tho loving thoughts of frends like you?" It seems to me, sed Ma, that you were shooting tho bunk pretty violent to tho Old Homo Folks. How about all this famo & welth that you gained here In the city. I newer nottsed any of It & I am sure our llttel son newer did eether. That Is what the folks back home was saying, sed Jason Jenkins. Thay dldent beleeve what yuro husband was speeklng to them, so tharo was no harm done. I doant care If I ewer see my stoar aggenn. Leave it shut, say I. Then he looked foolish aggenn. Pa got kind of mad at Ma & his frend, the way thay ackted about his speech, so he toar It up & threw it into the waste paper basket! Newer mind, old pet, sed Ma, I am so glad to see you back that I doant care what kind of a speech you made or how swift yuro week was. Ware did you dig up this sleeping specimen, this maudlin merchant? sed Ma. I used to go to school with him, sed Pa. As soon as he realizes what he has did, he will hurry back & oapen up his stoar, & Bure cnuff, the next morning Mister Jason Jenkins dldent wait for brekfast He took a erly train back to his stoar in Pa's old home. . Upon the Sand Hy ELLA WIJKKLKR WILCOX. All love that has not friendship for Its base Is like a mansion built upon the sand. Though brave Its walla as any ln the land, And its tall turrets lift their heads In grace; Though skillful and accomplished artists trace Most beautiful designs on every hand, And. gleaming statues in dim niches stand, And fountains play in some flow'r-hldden place. Ye, when from the frowning east a sudden gust Of adverse fate is blown, or sad rains fall Day in, day out, against Its yielding wall, Lo! the fair structure crumbles to dust. Love, to endure life's sorrow and earth's woe, Needs friendship's solid masonwork below. -J V I i 1 'Why didn't I mnrry ono of those tall, fashionable women?" "Why didn't I marry one of those good, plain littlo women?" rr' Christ's Teachings on Reincarnation In trie Course of Time the Pure Spirit Wili Again Be Sent to Inhabit tho Sinless Body By ELLA WHEELER WILCOX. Copyright, 1913, by Star Company. No earnest effort, no use of brain power, no-application to study, Is over lost. It is never wasted. Somewhere, somo time, that effort, that power, that knowledge, will come Into use. This one fact atone Is enough to make the belief In reincarnation o f lnestlmabla value, as a source of happiness to every soul here In this brief and troubled life span. Christ taught re incarnation. It is well known to students of thin philosophy that few souls remem ber the old lives, at least not until they have studied for that purpose. This explains why John the Baptist when asked "Art thou Ellas?" replied "No." But Christ, knowing all things, said: "I say unto you he (John) Is Ellas, who was for to come." (Mat. xl, 14, and xvll, 12 and 13.) Solomon says, "I was a witty child, and had a good spirit; yea being good, I came Into a body defiled." Josephus said to the Romans; "Do ye not remember that all pure spirits who are In conformity with the divine dispensation live in tho loveliest of heavenly places, and In course of tlmo they are again sent to Inhabit sinless bodies? Put those who commit self-destruction aro. sent to a region of dark ness." Orlgcn says, "Every soul Is Introduced Into a body according to Its deserts and former action." All this Is very encouraging to- right action, to right thinking, to high aspira tion, and to tho uso of ovcry faculty and power wo possess whllo hero on earth, no matter how limited our outlook. A man who has been obliged to follow tt mercantile business or a trade, yet who has longed to be a scholar, and who back to life In his next life with a pro study of law or literature, will come bnc kto life in his next life with n pre cocious mind ready to attain the heights of learning with small effort. A woman who has all her life longed to bo a musi cian began after alio passed tho meridian to a study of th'e rudiments of muslo. She will not live to aclilevo more than a beginning in this life; nn.d the unln structed mind might think sho was wast ing time. The Knower realizes that she Is preparing herself to come back trf earth a great musician. This preface answers the following let ter received recently: "WHY DOES OOD GIVE TALENTS WHICH ARE USELESS? "Since a youth the writer hns been a momber of that despised profession tha theatrical In various capacities actor, playwright, manuger, ngent-and for tho last thrnu years has been associated with the 'moving picture fraternity as actor and producer. During this entire period the good Ood has kept his brnln busy with mechanical problems dealing with 'Lost Power,' which it has been His dl vino will to permit him to perfect; but, do what ho may, ho cannot get a market for his discoveries. Why was ho given these thoughts, and why was ho per mitted to bring them to a successful Issue, If they wero not lntondcd for the world's uso? "I fear that In tho above. I have, not been over clear ln presenting my ense. What I meant to say wna tills without mental effort on my part, I have suc ceeded In perfecting the following In theory and practice a motor to utllUe the hydraulic power In the water surrounding a vessel In such manner as to furnish tight, heat and power to tho vessel; a fifth wheel on nn automobile which would furnish a cortaln quantity of electric cur rent to tho storage batteries, reaupplylng them automatically, and thug saving en etgy; a hydraulic pump to be attached to a flro plug and utilizing the forco of wntor us power, pump tho wntor without tho necessity of a fire engine, and a number of other methods of utilizing tho. 'lost power which Ih all about us. In this manner I am using talent which bo far lias proved useless. "I cannot go ahead and promoto these Inventions, as my tlmo must bo given to earning a competence for my wlfo end self, so that wo can live, I cannot get assistance from tho outsldo world so that I can go ahead, and put thoso necessities on tho markot, ns I have tried and dis mally failed. Henco tho question, 'Why docs Ood glvo talents which aro useless?' "Was It tho Intention that theso Inven tions wora to bn of avail? If so, why wero they not given to thoso who have applied themselves to mechanics, and not to ono In a. completely different sphern of life? That they are practical tho writer has proven and would bo willing to prove to others; but ho Is not even given that chance. Soma year since the writer thought out a method of using Guarding Young Girls From EDWIN MARK1IAM. "Young Working Girls," a volume sent out by tho National federation ,or "Set tlements, Is Introduced by Jane Addams and Issued by Houghton Mifflin company qf Boston. Many questions are hero opened up from a practical point of view. "Women ln particular have not only to meet the general moral uncertainty or the age, but In addition have had to face tho serious moral problems forced upon them by the reorganization of their sphere of life through the Invasion by modern Industry. "Chief among such Is the pronounced deficiency and weakness of family life. The average working class home In the city is so physically Inadequate that It automatically produces III health, norvous tension, and a desire to escape, all ot which are predisposing causes of mural laxness. Even more serious la the 'act that mothers and fathers often fall In appreciation of their larger responsibili ties. "The Intensity of desire with whtah the adolescent girl craves pleasure, and the conditions under which it Is gratlfiud, aro further potent causes for confusion of standards. The working girl neces sarily seeks her recreation ln the even ing, and thus unduly prolongs the hours during which strain Is placed on muscles and nerves, contracts bad emotional) -JJ habits and weakens body and spirit allko. "Tho purveyors of recreation exhaust all means of awakening the desire for their wares, and tho young girl naturally craves a share In Uio profusion of pleas- tiro which she' sees everywhere on sale, and, as suoh participation only too often tails for the more amplo resources of iomo man, tho way Is opened for moral compromise." r Unrest lly WILLIAM V. KinK. There Is no rest save leop and death For ub whom Destiny Is driving; Until the last and feeblest breath Somo part of ovory man 1b striving. The tireless muBcles of the strong Tho mental workings of the clever, Unite, as wo are swept along, In ono grand purpose of endeavor. Tho idle day and Idle dream Are for tho dotard and tho fool; The salmon flashes up the stream; s Tho coarso carp fattens In tho pool. Striving wo live, and, striving, shun Tho dull content that would enslave us; And glory, ere the day is done, Is that unrest the Master gave u. :J tuo lost power of tho axle of a railroad truck, which ns you are no doubt a waro turns with tho wheels, to light tho car by the attachment of a dynamo and stor ago battery. Ho showed It to' several only, to havo It stolen from htm, and In con sequence ho hns been over caroful since with all that he designs. "The writer has seriously thought of getting himself Incorporated so as to permit of his giving his entlro time to Inventing, as In other cases, but even this Is laughed at, and thcro you nre. This brings us back to tho original ques tion. What Is your opinion." If thisyoung man Is as determined to succocd ns was Itobert Fulton, Cyrus Field, Marconi and a scorn of other great Inventors and discoverers ho will find tho way. Nothing can stand In tho way of a divine soul which Is burning with an all-compolllng resolve. It burns away the obstacles whlch'llo between It and Its goal. It brings Into tho visible realm the in visible helpers. Meuntlme, all that this man la doing will count for great value when ho comes again to earth. Ills cfforis, ills ambitions, his hopes aro not lost. We will bo, what wo will to be; If not here and now, then later, on, when wo will bring new powers and new strength from tho spiritual realms through which wo will pass enrputo to earth again. SEVERE ITCHING AND BURNING Eczema Began With Pimples on Lower Limbs. Constantly Tor mented. Cuticura Soap and Cutl cura Ointment Cured in Ten Days. 203 Walnut 8t., HUlsboro, Iu "My child had a breaking out on tho lower limbs which developed into eczema. Tho eczema began with pimples which contained yellow corruption 4d from tho chad's cloth ing they wero greatly irri tated, Thsy deemed' to burn, which made the child scratch them, resulting In a mui of open places. They mad her so cross and fret ful that It was lmrxiulbla to keep her quiet. They caused her to los much sleep and she was constantly tor mented by wvere Itching and burning. " I Uied .several well-known romedle. but got no relief until I get pimple of Cuticura Soap and Ointment, which did so much good tbat'Igot'a Inja quantity that cured her In ten days after sbo had been affected for two months.'' (Signed) Mrs. Edith Schwartz. Feb. 28. 1013. TO REMOVE DANDRUFF Prerent dry, tbln and falling hair, allay itching and irritation, and promote the growth and beauty of the balr, 'frequent shampoos with Cuticura Soap, assisted by occasional dressings with Cuticura Ointment, are usually effective when other' methods fall. Bold by druggists and dealers through out the world. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. 8Un Book. Address post-cant " C'utlrura, Dept. T. Dottoo. ' WMcn who shave and shampoo Ith Cu ticura Soap w 111 find ' t best, fpr skin sad scah.