Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1913, Page 8, Image 8

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Such Is Prediction of Mrs. Mc- i
Murphy Before Woman's Club.
0a! Hepatlca
-1125 7O0
bottle. . W
Ray a'
SOc size
Cntlcnra Soap
-26c I Co
cake ... s u
Msr o a 1 1 e d
"Wax. CQo
TCc size
fewt I mm.
Monday, November 17, 1913.
ARELY have bo many prominent visitors been In Omaha at ono tlmo,
and most of tbcm former residents.
Mr. Edward J. Cornish, ylco president of the National Lead
company of Now York, and Mrs. Cornish, havo been spending thu
week In Omaha and were much entertained while here. Both Mr. and Mrs.
Cornish are very public-spirited and tako a kocn Interest in tho welfare and
bcautlficatlon of tho city. They have given lavishly for tho parks and
boulevards of Omaha, although they aro now residing in New York.
Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Nicholson Jiavo arrived to visit relatives of
Mrs. Nicholson, who was formerly MlssGenlo Kountzo of this city, Mr.
Nicholson, author of "Tho Houso of a Thousand Candles' and other novels
and essays, will be guest of honor, and tho speaker at thetpallmpsest clut)
banquet Wednesday evening at tho Omaha club. Wednesday noon Mr. Nich
olson will bo the special guest, of the University club at luncheon. Ho will
probably speak to tho college men following tho luncheon. Mrs. Nicholson
docs much settlement and suffrago work. Besides tho larger affairs in their
honor, several dinner parties will be glvon. If thero is tlmo and oppor
tunity, local members of tho Phi Gamma Dolta fraternity plan to do some
thing for Mr. Nicholson, who is a member of that fraternity.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Saxe woro much entertained while here and havo
returned to their home in Now York. Mr. Saxo was formerly stato senator
of New York and is prominent in political circles.
Mrs. Bollo Frcedman of New York City, cousin of Mrs. Arthur Brandcis,
who returned with Mrs. Brandols and is at the Hotel Loyal with her, is
prominent In philanthropic work and In art circles in New York. Mrs.
Frocdman will speak for tho Society of Flno Arts Thursday morning on the
Benjamin Altman art collection, recently presented to the city of Now York.
Alumnae Musicale and Tea.
Tho alumnae of tho Convent of the
Sacred Heart held it annual meeting
today at 1:90 o'clock nt the convent. Fol
lowing tho meeting- a delightful musicals
was Riven at 3:30 o'clock by Miss Mary
Munchhoff, aoprano, and Mra. I F. Cro
foot, accompanist. A' prctts decoration
of yellow and white chrysanthemums
was Used. There aro about seventy
members of the alumnae residing In
Omaha and a number of friends who
assisted In the tornado benefit for tho
convent were special guests. About 100
Avere present for tho muslcalo and tea.
The officers of tho alumnaa are Miss
Bertha llaUmer, president; Mrs. L.. F.
Crofoot, vice president; Miss Adela
Moores, secretary; Miss Mario Woodard,
treasurer; Miss Mnry Furay. recorder.
Wedding Invitations.
Mr. and Mrs. Rclnold Benjamin Busch
Issued invitations today for tho wedding
of their daughter, Miss Marguerite Busch,
and Mr. Thomaa Ithett Heyward of Pitts
burgh, Pa. The ceremony will tako place
Saturday evening at iXO o'clock, at tho
spacious residence of tho bride' parents,
CM North Thirty-eighth street. Tho young
peoplo will bo at home after January 15
in Pittsburgh.
Dinner for Visitors.
Mrs. N. Moore entertained at dinner
at her home Sunday In honor of Mrs. Q.
E. Condra and daughter Cordelia of Lin
coln. Covers were laid for:
'MMdamea Mesdnmes
M. A. wauacc,
N. J. Moore.
Margaret Weaver.
a. K. Condra.
John Whltmore,
Ruth Ilandolpb,
rearl Moore,
Luncheon for Club Women.
JThe Omaha Woman's club will give a
luncheon at tho New Hamilton cafe Tues
day at 1 o'clock In honor of Mrs. Charles
8. Loblnger, president of tho Manila
Woman'a club and Mrs. Hostetlcr of
KhcMon. Neb., state auditor of tho Stato
Federation of Woman'a clubs. Alt mem
bers ot the local club who wish to at
tend the luncheon should phone Mrs. Kd
void Johnson before o'clock this eve
ning. SJiorteT-Scott Wedding.
Fred Shorter, jr., prominent 8outh
Omaha commission man and well known
In social circles here surprised his friends
Saturday by stealing a march on them
and wedding Miss Kthel Bcott, daughter
ot Mr. and Mra. F. W. Scott. The cere
mony was at the KounUe Memorial
church. Miss Olive Scott ot Bloux City
was brldeamald and William Shorter,
brother of the groom, was best man. At
tho reception that followed at the brldo a
home, tho following were pratn
i;uth StcSparcn.
Kvelyn Jones.
Margaret Weaver,
Flora Ware,
n Robertson.
f. gwearlngrc,
K. Chapman,
U. O. Urahain,
Thomaa Bee be,
J. 8. Weppner.
Frank Maggn,
Frank Meek,
rinri Peters.
IJarnr F. Springer,
Mr. and Mra.
Kv Orabam.
Olive Scott ot
Sioux City, M
Mabel Itlchardson,
Edna Young.
Frank Bcott.
V, Schmidt.
JL M. Cftthers.
Clem Sinclair.
William Shorter,
William keet.
Frank Itussell. .
n. W. Blendorf.
Leo Brown.
Fred Shorter sr.
TUmitm Put.
MIsa Ann UUetren entertained at her
homo Friday. The evening waa spent In
cards and music. Those present were;
Alice Klmqulst,
Mabelle Dantelson,
Marie Kelly.
Mable Johnston.
Walter Swanson,
lloy Pearson,
lister Donell.
Mr. and. Mm. Anderson,
Mr. and Mra. Ceddes.
Mr. and Mra. Frey,
Mm. Uljcgreti.
Inea, Pearspn,
Ann Uljegren.
Charles Kckstrom,
James Kelly,
v1 j aaaaaaaaai
Drep an
in a cup of hot water and
you have a refreshing bouil
lon which stimulates the
bfi and invigorates the body.
Try it today
Qnctn, PfagrUU and BeeTet ettrywlicie
IW Pm tmtmt. JLmmmm Aim,
ft " '&m-
Common Sense find. Itraann Adnlnst
Cnnllnnnnce of Wearing Apparel
thnt llnmnera Fair Hex In
"There Is bound to be a stand taken
against the Idiotic mode ot drees which '
Is now adopted by the American women,-
wild Mrs. MoMurphy at the meeting of
the Omaha Woman's club Monday after
noon. "Woman will come to their senses
soon and there will be a revolution ,
against these narrow skirts which do not
permit women to walk as thfcy should J
In a free and easy manner." '
In speaking of the recognition which !
Is given the women of today, Mrs. itfac
Murphy said that little credit waa given
to the work of tho farm woman. The
Department of Agriculture belongs as
much to the women as to the men for
they have much to do with farm produce.
Miss Buphemla Johnson of Browncll Hall,
spoke of the advantage of domestic
science In the course of atudy of young
woman of today. "It Is not wise to
Ivo a young girl a course In domestic
science untlj she Is In her Junior year,"
said Mrs. Johnson, "but sewine may bo
taught while tho girl Is still In tho
Mrs. ' Charles 8. I,oblng1er of Manila,
president of the woman's club of that
city, was the guest ot honor and brought
greetings from tho woman of that far
away club, in a most interesting manner.
Ml-s. Ioblngter told of the work which
is being donn In the Manila Woman's
club and of the effort they are making
to save the babies and mako them
strong and healthy. She totd ot the day
nursery which Is maintained by the
women of the club for the babies ot these
women who arc employed In tho cigar
Help to Hois nnil ft Iris.
Mrs. Hostetlcr of Sheldon, Neb., who
was appointed by Ooveron Morehead as a
delegate from Nebraska to the Purity
congress at Minneapolis, was another
guest at tho meeting, fine gave a report
of the work done at the convention and
said that It was tho opinion ot those at
tho head of the movement that It was
a step toward tho preservation of the
boys and girls of tho country. A single
standard was advocated In the Judgment
of men and women and the opinion was J
that It woji up to the women ot the
Country to net it.
The program was In charge of the
Household Economics department ot
which Mrs. F. C. Burnett Is chairman, i
A talk on the pure foods was given by
air, i'. J. naio or mo iieinzo 1'icwo
company and a 'demonstration' ot the
goods prepared by tho firm was given
following the program. An Informal
reception waa held after tho meeting In
honor ot Mrs. Loblngler and Mrs. Hos- I
"Do your'Chrlstmaa shopping early," Is
the sentiment of the Omaha Woman's
club and club members will uso their In- I
fluence with their friends to assist tho I
clerks- at this season ot ahopplng.
Nee Miss Ethed Scott
Gild Meets Tonight.
A meeting of the Omaha Art Olid wilt
be held thin evening at the public library
to elect officers for the ensuing year.
Universal Circle.
The meeting of the Universal circle,
which waa to have been Treld Tuesday,
haa been postponed indefinitely.
n and Out of the.lee Hive.
Mr. and Mr. B.B. Wood of Omaha
aro at the Wolcott hotel In NeW York.
Dr. Frederick J. Wearno, who haa been
In Chicago attending the surgical con
gress, returned Monday
Messrs. Qcorge and Andrew Scott have
returned from a two weeks' visit with
relatives In Peoria and Chicago.
Miss Qphella Hayden. who haa been
visiting relatives in Washington, D. C.
a now tho guest of Mr. and Mra. William
Fitzgerald of Troy. Mra. Flttgerald waa
formerly Miss Esther Byrne of thla city.
February graduating classes of the
Omaha High tiehool of Commerce are pr
ganlsing separately, and the four-year
class has met for organization. The Feb
ruary graduating classes are always
small and this ono la no exception to the
rule, numbering only ten. Those who will
complete their course then, are rtuby
Davidson, Helen Uorton, Olive Brown.
Lole Collier, Gladys Oglebay, Ituth Clark,
Aubert Cowling, Charlea Edmonson. Carl
Evans and Elmer Edroan.
The following claas officers were
elected: Elmer Edman, president; Helen
Horton, vice president; Uuby Davidson,
secretary and treasurer; Albert Dowllnjr,
reporter; larl Kvans. sergeaht-at-arma;
Miss Hosklna and Mr. Wook, class advisers.
The members ot the class will bo ad
mirably fitted In every way to hold the
positions which they will take upon
graduating. Besides taking regular steno
graphic course; they have had the work
In the new model office, wtiero they havo
been taught to uso every device In use
in bualness office.
Drug Victim
Answers Death Gall
Ahead of Justice
Charllo Buzzard, addresa unknown, waa
found unconscious Sunday afternoon be
hind a row ot bill boards at Thirteenth
and Dodge Htreets, In a district that Is
known as "Coke Fiend park."
An overdose of drugs was responsible
for the man's condition, and after re
ceiving medical attention at police head
quarters he waa taken to St, Joseph's
hospital, where late this morning he died.
Word of hla death did not reach police
court, whero a complaint charging, him
with vagracy, had been filed. Buzzard'a
name waa railed, and for several mo
menta proceedings were atopped while
the missing man was searched for. "He
must bo out on bond." declared the Judge.
At thla Juncture an officer entered the
court room and Informed the court,
"Buzzard'a nut all right, he dldn'.t need
a bond, he died ten minutes ago."
Discharged, waa written on the com
Ho Phone
9,000 Individual Boxss containing' 13 Mlnlatnrts of the leading
toilet preparations will be presented with our compliments to
our customers Tuesday wth each purchase of 36o or more.
There miniatures are replicas in smaller size of the most
famous toilet goods of the most renowned makeers In the world.
We Xesetre
Slgnt to Limit
Money-Saving Sale of Drugs
Tuesday we offer scores of extra specials in drugs and toilet goods. Xhepriecs cannot be duplicated at any 6ther pla ce
Thit again demonstrates the superior bargain-giving powtrof Braniti comph'e drug dtpartmcnU lie on hand Tvtsday, early.
Llstcrlnc, $1.00 CnnUirox Sham- Azurea Faco Peroxide of Hy- Flctclicr's Cas- Woodbury's Fac- Lydla Pinkham'a
Blzo bottlo; ob- noo. 50c sio; Powder, all drogen, 1-lb. torla, 35c size' ial Cream, 26c Vegetable Cora-
S1!.... 53c ,atn.8.a!!.27c . 78c abtot.Ue..... 9c nbtot.UB,...19c. T.,.. 12c j 53c
30-Mule Team Bo
rax, 6-lb package,
worth BOc: 30-Mulo
Team Borax Soap
Chips, 35o size,
combined a
values 7Be, unf
alt for
ivritara" oil rioor Mops, regu
lar price $1 BO. "Wlzzard" - CQ
blned value $2.60, all for.
Patent Medicines
Scott's Emul
sion, boo 9 Oft
mm m
olzo for
Stuart's D 7 s
papsla Tablota,
60c alzo . . .390
Beef, Iron and
Wine, full pint
for 99o
Pure Wit cli
Hazel, full ot.,
for 34o
Traxo orTrult
ola, 11 size. 67o
Bssoham'a Fills
26c alze ...100
KorUck'a Malt
ed Milk, hos
pital size $3.65
Menthol a t u in,
COo size, special
at 39o
Xavoria Antiseptic,
JCnowlton Dan-
derine, U CQo
size for
Pape's Slap ep
sln, COc size 27c
O a 1 a w e 1 l'a
Byrup of Pepsin
$1 alzo ....63o
Bromo Seltzer,
BOC size bottle
for 39o
Oranglna Koad
ache Fowders,
BOc slzo ...37o
Pluto Water
35c Alze bottle
Brush, worth
Triple plate
Hand Mirror
quality. Hair
.. 24d
at 8Sd
Imported dress
ing Combs
worth ?1.26
at ........ 69o
Celluloid Soap
Box, special
at 18o
White Ivory
Dressing Combs
worth 76c
at ........ tic
White Ivory
Buffer with re
movable cham
ois ....... 44o
Ebony Buffer,
8-lnoh, worth
7Ec, at 3So
Manicure. File,
4 and 6-inch
special 7o
The largest and m(?st complete stock of manicure sets
Manicure Scissors,
worth BOc, at 34J
$1.60 Traveling
Case, rubber lined,
at S8d
and necessities In Omaha.
for .". ....340
Swamp - Boot,
$1 slzo ,...63o
Duffy's Malt
SOo alze..B9o
. .890
stenOmakaRubber Goods
Extra quality
Rubber Bheettar,
yard wide at, u
yard Mo
Tubing, in regu
lar lengths for
'ountaln syringes,
white rubber lBo
Nurse's Fever
in black rub
ber case '
worth 11.00.
at 39o
Bath Sprays
with extra
worth 76e
special, 33o
a or recti?
Or duated l
Medio lne jL
Olasssa 4o
Boston At-V,
omlzar, for
nose and
throat, worth
1, at ..44o
i'M JIV TSm-SSSX cotton, l- n
7-$? an r"i -eTk 23:
Thla section
In Charrte of
Trained Nurse
Xnoxall Jun lor
3-qt. Foun tain
Syringe, rapid
flow, 3 pipes 77o
Rhea Fountain
Syringe, 2 quart,
rapid flow, 3
hard rubber
pipes, guaran
teed 91.39
Maroon "W ear
33 v r" Fountain
Syringe, made of
best rubber,
without seam
extra rapid flow,
I pipes, special.
It $1.49
W o m e n's
Ban! tary
SaT, Douohe By-
Tt rlnare. rxtra
the best bal
loon spray,
worth $3.60.
at .. ..51.83
a . nt S n t
7a Water Bot-
, .390
Toilet Goods Perfumes
Graves Tooth
Fowder, I Dp
60c size, Ow
JaTa Bice Face
Powder, all
shades lBo
sr. X, y o n V
Tooth Powder,
26c size . . .ISo
& u b 1 foam or
Sol odoat, 26c
size 13o
Febeoo Tooth
Paste, 60o size
for 37o
Fompelan Mas
sage Cream
(76c size .44o
Kind's Koney
and Almond
Cream, en.
Bspeys Frag
rant Cream, 26o
size ,.13o
Freoxle Cream,
BOc size ...S9o
Mary Oaxoan
Fexfume, at the
ounce ....".1.39
X.a Trefle or
A i u r a Per
fume, ox., 65o
Sempra QloTine,
SOc size ...370
Cream Margulse
60o size . .1 En
Prescription Counter
Bss. of Pepper
mint, 3-oz. Qn
bottle . U
Frecn Cite at
of Ka-neia
bottle 13o
Zapct lo Pills,
100 In bottle
Comp. Zdoorle
Powder, - lb.
pkg. M. ...9e
Boraclo A old. 1
1b. pkg. M..X4o
Spsom Salts, 1
lb. pkg. M3o
Pure Alum. "J n
Lib. pkg., 10
aiycerlas and
Ross Water, S-
oz. bottle, ISO
RooheUe Salts,
U-lb. pkg. ..8o
Aromatlo Oas-
tie .
3-oz. bot
.. ..19o
5-gr. Aspirin
Tablets, 2 doz.
for . . ...12o
Mark's Su a a r
of Mllx, 1 lb.
for . w.3So
Fancy Pleating
Mado of flno nets, shadow laces all
patterns plain and fancy
edges; worth to 25c, at. ... itttlfC
women's Sweaterneck Mufflers
1 Ino
These warm practical mufflera aro
silk finished woreteds the seconds
of 2Cc and 3Gc quality only a lim
ited number of thom-to bo 1 Ol.
sold Tuesday at Xtms
John Grant Pegg, weight and measure
Inspector, haa forsaken his old enemies,
the Icemen, and Is now waging a cam
paign against peddlers who are In the
habit ot dealing out their wares In
fraudulent measures. Aa the result of
Vets' activities, William Da ot Benson,
who dispenses potatoes along the thor
oughfares, was fined II and costs for
cheating. M. Robinson, 1511 California
atreet, was given a reprimand for the
same offense .and allowed to depart with
bis wallet Intact.
C. Daly, who gives his home aa Kansas
City, waa discovered loitering In the
loony or the Merchants National bank
building Saturday night by Watchman
Iteed. Upon Reed's approach to put him
out Daly darted up a flight of stairs and
disappeared In the -upper floors of the
building. An hour or so later Special
rrrt v.r t ... ... ....
un un luv&ieu me man niaing in a
a vacant room and brought him to the
uiiauia iv Bivo a saiuiactory account
ror being in the building. Daly was aen
ttneed to thirty days In the county Jail
by Judge Foster on a charge of vagrancy.
Slnatied vrlth m Haaor,
wounded with a gun, or pierced by a
rusty nail, Bucklen'a Arnica Salvo soon
heals the Injured part. Guaranteed. 25c
For sale by your druggist Advertisement.
$1 Shopping Bags at 49c
VarlouB shades of leather excellent
auallty baga In now Bhapcs ehould
sell rou!arly at S1.00 each-many
leather llnod Tuesday, on AQn
main floor at
hi Fountains & Elsewhere
" Ask for
Till Original tni Unvkt
Thi FiifMrhtk fir All Agis.
At restaurant,- hotel, and fountains.
Delicious, mvigor&uns and sustaining.
Keep k on your sideboard at home.
Don't travel without vt.
Net in Any Milk Trust
a$oii00Bed Spreads at $1.98
Extra largo slzo fine Sntln and Marseilles and scal
loped and plain hem Hcd Spreads somo aro bo
called seconds' but they hro nil wonderful bargains
worth $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00; Tuesday,
Mercerized Table Damask at 49c a Yard
Fine Imported full bleached Mercerized German Damask 36
beautiful designs, 7Cc values ,. ..49
18x18 Napkins to match, at, dozen. . .-$1 49
Fancy Renaissance Center
Pieces 50c values OA
for, each 7C
JIuck Tow els 8c values A
at, each tcC
TurKisu Towels 18x38; sec
onds of 15c grade,
special at ,
Madeira Napkins All hand
mado, somo hand embroidered,
worth 4.6d regu- yc
arly, at, dozen.., Pui6U
each .....v.... - 1
Turkish Towals-24x4S J J-k-C
seconds, of 26c values. mmt V
Tnrkisa Toweling 10x33,
inches wide values J f
to 26cj at, yard. V
For Fancy Work
Dutchess Embroidery Cotton, E6 yards
on ball, good 4 strand cotton for em-
Droiaery and one package of transfer
embroidery patterns,
26 transfer Initials
all for
ranoy straw Work Baskets, in white
una cuiurn, somo wiin satin
lining, others with extra
pockets,, choice ............
iranoy Tinted Sofa PlUowa, hand bags.
iuimi jr utmo, uuiiar ana
.cuff bags, values to
"OJuesdayi-"Special in Picture
and Framing Dept. 3d Floor
li off tho price of all "Art Craft Guild"
frames and mouldings. This offer ap--plies
to all our beautiful Inlaid woods,
solid .iftahoganys. Circassian walnut, ve
neers, Ktrusclan and Verdi golds, all
hand carved effects as well aa thousands
of cheaper frames of excellent taste
which we cam,
Nadine Face Powder
( In Crtn Somi Only )
Keeps the Complexion Beautiful
Soft and velvety, and re
mains until washed oft".
It is pure, harmless.
Money back if not en
tirely pleased. Purified
by a new process, 3
Prevents sunburn and re
turn of discoloratlons.
The increasing popular
ity is wonderful. White, Flnh, Pink.
Brunetti. 50c. by Toilet Counters or Mall
ror sale by Urandels Drug depart
meat, llcaton Drug Co. and others.
I i In Our Separate
III Section of Worn
I III cn's I ' K e e
In Apparel, Second
Ml at
By far tho larg
est varieties are
here and
always the best
Make the
frying pan and
other kitchen things
bright and clean with
Use it always wherever there it dirt
er grease. It cleans everything.
6c aad tarfer paekses.
"Lmt Htm mOiB DUST
TWINS 0 yew
Tuesday We Offer Remarkable Values From a Special Purchase
Women's Kimonos, Bath Robes
An Unusual Opportunity for a Genuine Saving
This Is a special lot of warm,
well made kimonos from the
special purchase actu- mt
aljy worth up to $2
v w
KDtfONOS AT $3.50
Qood silkf, in pretty stylet, colon,
HiuVdeiigns, some ribbon Ar 50
trimmed, Empire stylet,
worth to $5.00, at.. ... Tcr
White Lawn and
Gingham Aprons
These practical aprons made
to sell regularly up to 35c.
r rm ' 1 Mil
ROBES at $1.95
$1.95 0ood heavy blankets,
I all colorings, pretty
new designs with cords
actually 13.00 values.
Ibout ti dozen of tese
C warm, flctcc lined short
kimonos, worth up to SOc
For $l.rjb
House Dresses
Excellent assortment of styles,
colors and .materials.
From one-fifth to one-third of
the business of the bigger Omaha
stores comes from out of town
That is the statement made in reply
to the question asked ten of our lead
ing merchants.
That doctor's
wife from Co
lumhus who
came to town the
other day and
spent $85 in our
stores whero
The Omaha Bee
has ifs own carrier de
livery lu the larger to-.vns
near On. ah.
did she spend it! "Why in the stores
she knew, of course. But she had
never heen in an Omaha store heforo
what does sho know about Omaha
stores! She reads The Bee every day,
and sho knows all about our stores.
Sho knows those that advertise regu
Inrly the others she can't possibly
know about. These are not all "big
stores either. It's "the regular adver
tiser that gets this immense volume of
out-of-town trade,