Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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Cornlinikerf Emerge from Kansas
Game Without Injury.
Interference "' X erer Hotter Than
t'tsmrence and Mod Alone Pre
sented Rnnnlnir Bigger
Put Labels on the Bottles in Your Medicine Chest
Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher
"feSSIfc.T'Ve tTOSV COfAPU?Tet
THi, VAiONDeRfnyu (NMeNTlOM.
THIS BlACfc. BOTTIC r-,...
trt n.rx . ... rMMA
A NO AorTw -'"v STfcONC
I r ANB Tmk. iTuKtr lAl thP ujrMYE I r 1 s I 1
fcovrue Mf exAc-ruv TKt? rut TtK 'Cm Both
owdsitg eppecr making thc Doc , vuu Give rue j k J CotAe J
I rBY FOR THE PPIUOO OFS vjrrtt-. rwiu .r, i rw&y I MuTT EMfev J ' ' I'M-WWH
LINCOLN. Nov. I7.-SpectaU-Cofteh
Sttehm and the victorious Husker eleven
today began preparations for the final
name of the season with the dangerous
Hawkeyes. whose 4S to T defeat of Amu
last Saturday has thrown terror In the
hearts of the Nebraakans,
While the mud at Kansas prevented
Nebraska from piling up a much lamer
score against the Jayhawkera, It was
the salvation of the crippled Nebraska,
squad, for with the exception of Towle.
the entire team came out of the came
In practically as good shape as they
entered. Towle was bruised, but his In
juries are not at alt serious.
fully appreciating the high scores
which Iowa has piled up In the last
three games, the Huskers are not greatly
alarmed at the fast Iowa backfleld. Iowa
has not been up against a pair of first
class tackles In the last three games and
It Is believed that McGlnnis and his men
will find an entirely different proposi
tion from any of the games they "hare
played irf this season.
Iotth Defense lacking.
Dudley, the assistant coach, who
watched the Gophers and Jayhawkers
work earlier in the season, and whose
predictions have come true, with sur
prising accuracy, witnessed the Iowa
Ames game last Saturday. The assist
ant' coach was much Impressed with Umi
work of the Iowa backfleld, but does not
think the Iowa eleven slsca up with Ne
braska In defensive ability. The two
elevens will be about evenly matched as
to weight Howard will have the ad
vantage In punting and Iowa In In
dividual stars, but the assistant coach
looks for Nebraska to close the season
with victory over the speedy Iowans.
Nebraska's scoring machine has just
rounded into form. The interference In
the Kansas game was the greatest any
Nebraska team has over shown, Time
after time Purdy and Rutherford swept
around the ends wfth a clear field and
a solid wall of Interference, but the
.runner slipped in the mud and before
he could recover himself the Kanas
tackles had come up from behind.
The Cornhuskers showed Bo per cent
stronger in the game with Kansas than
against the Gophers and Nebraska root
ore are exulting still over the remark
able machine-like play of Nebraska.
The tackling was accurate and there was
not a single department In which the
Huskers looked weak.
Co-eds "Bum" Way.
Many amusing incidents have leaked
out in connection with the Kansas ex
cursion. Two co-eds, determined to see
the game. Joined the party and "bummed
their way to Kansas," Hoes, the big
colored guard, took satisfaction in the
defeat .of the Jayhawkers. Ross was
tendered a banquet at Lawrence by some
t the colored population and he at
tracted as. much attenUpn as any of the
Tomorrow a big rally tw1ll be held at
the convocation to celebrate the Kansas
victory. The chancellor will have a place
on the program and the Innocents wilt
be In charge of the meeting.
Although it Is tiot customary the Corn
huskera came through the Kansas gam
lit such good shape that Btlehm held
heavy practice tonight, with scrimmage.
A)l of the regulars were out and the
mott for the remainder of the week
will be "defeat Iowa."
, - 1 . '
mltted having had a talk with Charles
Kbbets, president of the Hrooklyn club,
at the Columbus minor league meeting.
"Ebbets made me no offer," said Jones
today. "You are too high priced a man
for me," was his comment, and I told'
him that I would not want to get back
In the game unless I obtained a big contract.
Brooklyn Meases
Manager Dahlen
NEW YORK, Nov, 1T.-Manger "Wll
llm DshltB of ths Brooklyn base ball
club was today given his unconditional
releas by the club. His successor will
be announced next Thursday. Fletdtr
Jones, former manager of the Chicago
Americans, has been prominently men
tloned as thfc coming manager of the
Shortstop Bob Fisher of the Brooklyn
ilub was sold today to Toronto.
PORTLAND, Ore,. Nov, IT.-Flelder
Jcmea defied today that he had negoti
ated with Brooklyn, although he ad-
MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 17.-Unmlndful of
Saturday's defeat by Chicago, Coach Wil
liam put the Minnesota foot ball squad
through hard scrimmage today in prep,
aratlons for the contest with Illinois
next Saturday. The local team Intends
to make the best of the three or four
ays it will have for practice. The men
all came through the' Maroon battle In
fair shape. Several 6t the players arc
trifle stiff and core! but Dr. Williams
believes they will lose this In scrimmage
work. The unexpeoted tie score between
Illinois and Purdue Saturday has given
rise to the belief among the Gophers that
a hard game may be expected at Urban
next Saturday.
t A niHMge for you.
Smartly Uilorecl Kei
iagton suits and overcoats,
rewly-to-put-on unusual
ly distinctive in appear
ance and fitting quality.
: They give an impression
roi class and quality that
no tailor can improve upon
at the price $20, $25
upward to $40.
. Tea many men are ob
. tested with the notion that
'clothes satisfaction is oaly
(to be got at the tailor's.
' It my have been true
a sec, but it certainly is
met true today.
t , The most vre
' chance to show
. clothe themselves will do
Tte AsUvsry at aajrthfetf aay
wSvsss by parcel pest.
41S U. lftk
ask is a
yem the
Martin's Hen of South Omaha Lose
Two Qamei.
South Omaha .letters Are Defeated
by the Jettrra Team uf Alley
Shooters from the date
Klectrd Wolverine Captain.
im Annnn. Mich.. Nov. 17. James
ttr MR. anirineer of Detroit.
was elected" captain of the University ot
Michigan foot bail eleven lor nu,i
ford played left end this fall r
Rleeted Michigan ACBlr' Head.
IANSINO, Mien., "T' ''-""'Yr.
Julian of Rochester. N. V., was today
sleeted captain 01 nm iciusii na
tural foot Pail eleven mr
King Ferdinand
May Leave Throne
BKRXtIN, Nov. W.-KIng Ferdinand of
Bulgaria, who arrived today in Coburg,
Is passing through suph a crlslN accord
ing to well informed cjrcles in (Jobure
and Berlin that Wa abdication of the
throne In favor of his son is poslble and
even probable.
The king la residing incognito at the
palace In Coburg.
He spent this momlng In prayer at the
graves of his ancestors.
Austrian statesmen are doing their ut
most to discourage his proposed surrender
of the throne because they consider the
young crown prince, Boris, likely to be
Influenced by the element friendly to
Russia. i
King Ferdinand, at ths same time, is
receiving little encouragement in Ger
many. Emperor William and the Ger
man government have expressed them
selves openly as friendly to Greece. It Is
understood that when King Ferdinand
expressed a desire to come to Berlin be
was given an Intimation that such a visit
would be useless.
Ferdinand U the youngest son ot the
late Prince Augustus ot Saxe-Coburg-
Cloths and was elected prince ot Bul
garia on July 7, 1SS7. He declared himself
king In 1S0S and was recognised by the
powers. The Bulgarian legation here has
issued a denial of the reports that he
Intends to quit the throne, but the dental
is regarded here as merely perfunctory.
In a return match on the Morrison
alleys, the Martin's Tigers ot South
Omsha were defeated by the Stort
Triumphs, who piled up a total of'sTM
against the Magic City rollers' 2,619. 1
The Brewers started with a big 000
game and at no time did the team from
Packer's town come close to them, K.
Kelpie led among tho Individuals with a
(31 total, while Fltr had high single game
with 23S. Frank Leplnskl was the only
South Omsha roller to go real strong, his
center alley ho6k netting him a 2Z2 single
came and a 694 total.
Last Sunday on the South Omsha
sllejs the same teams clashed, the Mar
tin's Tigers comlnc out Victorious with a
nlnety-flve-pln lead. In both, matches
the Store lead by seventy pint, winning
three out of the six and tying one. Scores:
1st. 2d. 3d. Total
KrJtscher Ul ac 1M m
Coolcy ITS 1Sl 1M 7
Ohnesorg l&t m SOT MI
Kennedv 1M 1R9 ITS Mn
Teptnskt 1I ho
1st. 2d. Sd. Total
farn IPO VA 17 KW
Shaw 171 1M 3tt Mi
Dober 1M J" i" "
Pits lTl 233 207 Hi
Bciple. K 22i . Jl lH CI
Totals m U10 828 2.784
Metropolitan Alleys.
In a match game on the Metropolitan
alleys yesterday Jetter's Old Age of
Omaha took three games from the Old
Age tesm ot South Omaha. Scores:
1st. 2d. Sd. Total.
Cochran " l "2 Hi
Hnehr 157 211 1 MJ
Ooden 1S1 1 154 4T
Zimmerman 172 Ul 152 60S
Wyoming; Reported Safe.
BUFFALO. N. Nov. 17.-A member
of the Wyoming Steamship company,
owners ot the steamer Wyoming, reported
lost, today said their Vessel was safe at
lily Pond. Lake Superior.
BIRM1NOHAM, Ala.-r. U Willis of
the firm ot HarUlne tc WIlUs. pharma.
cists, suffered greatly from anthrax and
bronchitis, so bad ha could not attend to
business. As be writes: "I got no relief
until I took Holer's Homy and Tar Com
pound. It entirely removed those choking
sensations and never failed to produce an
easy and comfortable condition of the
throat and lung a" Remember the name.
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, and
accept no substitute. In the yellow pack
age. For sale by all) dealers fervwhere.
Advertisement . F
with a 235 count. This Is some come-up
after starting with 137.
After being called a has-been for a
couple of years, Frank Thomas has again
been drafted, and Is showing that some
one overlooked a good bet.
Whj; shouldn't the Gate City leajtue
be fast with two speed merchants In the
lineup by the name of Karr and QallupT
No Walkers In this bunch.
Wuethrich has it alt over Terrell when
it comes to making alterations In a bowl
ing ball. To data he has drilled seven
different holes In his sphere and has
filled them with wood, cork, lead, paper
and numerous other materials. Some say
he shoots the dope ball.
Frank Fagerberg aays that not only
does he have hard luck In bowling, but
has It In all other walks of life. In the
last two weekB he has been struck twice
and knocked down by a street' car, caus
ing Injuries making him unfit for Play.f:
"Rosle" Rosenberg has been taking a
drop In his recent games. He said that
an ISO average would be soft for him this
season, but he Is several points short. .
U2S BS K& 2,618
.$44 ES2 814 Mil
1st. 2d. Sd. Total.
Fltxrerald 147 US 1S7 tSt
Chadd ItJ 178 158 610
Urlggs lu in i?l
Peterson 18 1 174 470
Hail 128 147 147 42J
Totals 75? 7J4 ESS I.S83
1st. Sd. Sd. Total.
Hollenbercer 138 144 151 437
Simpson 148 141 153 450
Hamel 132 111 3 475
618 1,153
Sd. Total.
171 4S4
210 643
184 M
Totals 430 423
1st 2d.
H. Lee 15? 14
F. Jaxosh m 1W
J. Jaroiu ITJ ISO
Totals KB 488 675
Bonllus Notes.
Rill Weber still sticks around. Ills
name Is tacked on the Eagles' lineup. He
alio would listen to a little two-bit pot. .
Hello! Is Mr. McCabe there!" "No."
"Then will you please tell him to come
right home after the game tonlghtr"
Being a benedict seems to agree with
Purshouse. He has been rolltng good
games since the big event was pulled oft.
Next Thursday night on the Metropoli
tan alleys the Clan Oordons. Omaha's
newest league, will roll their srond
Trolley" Karr of the X-Ray team la
trailing along with some good totals. He
sure goes the limit when he gets on U3
right vt rack.
Funsy Hoffman Is high for the dia
mond stickpin donated to the Gate City
league by the Reese Jewelry company.
He rolled 241
Captain Hoffman of the X-Rays says
that his team will win the rag In the Oate
City league, even if they did get set back
for two last week.
The Pete Loch. Jrs., In the Metropolitan
league, have grabbed the high team game
honors from the Cigarmakers' Blue
Labels by rolling l.titt.
Jack Cobry - filed with glre last
week wheu he ttuUhed his uphill guiae
Gillette Combination Set as shown, $6. Other styles of Com
bination Set, with and without toilet accessories, $6.50 to $50.
Gillette Standard Sets, $5 to $12: Pocket Editions, $5 to $6. f
happy with a Gillette Safety
Razor. More than a gift the Gillette
is a service, a luxury, an economy. Christmas
Day and every day, it suggests the giver. If
he already has one, give him another a new
CombinationSet or gold-plated Pocket Edition.
sk Your Dealer