Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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    lilh IU'A'j. UMML, ilivMA, MM hsUlhil lx, VjLI.
Beautiful Evening Hats
We have just received from
New York these beautiful new
Dress Hats for evening wear.
All white and gold and silver
creations trimmed with Para
dise,aigrettes,f eathers and fur.
Original Models.
of our own designing at very
moderate prices.
A Choice Selection
of all Fur Hats
in all the new furs.
The Fur Shop
With its beautiful display of thousands of dollars'
worth of valuable Furs is an interesting place to visit.
The prices aro reasonable. You
will be honestly told all about
whatever pieces you may select.
Black Wolf Muffs, $6.75, $12.50 and up. .
Peace Celebration
and Panama Show
May Be Combined
'tHEV YOIIK, Nov. 17.-The English
government waa requested today by a 'sub
committee of the American committee for
the celebration of the ana hundredth an
niversary of peace amonir Knellah speak
Uitr people, to reconsider Ita determlna
Ifon mAMA fWrtlejpate.'lh' lfTanamaV
tfaclfle 'exaction: In 'lMf, "fako rqiiest
?u sent tHrouch 'tfie Urlllsft commltift.
ot the peace celebration.
fA proposal to conclude in Ban Francisco
tbe peace celebration haa beep approved
by Charles C Moore, president of the
exposition, A telegram from Mr. Mooro
reads as follows;
us;est acttlng aside ot week to tip
knoivn as International Peace week. BUk
ret an International peace congress, an
International peace pageant, the erection
and dedication of an American-English
peice monument and a great exhibit to
Illustrate Internationalism. Should the
celebration be concluded In Kan Kranclicp
we can arrange for almost any week you
would select."
The full committee will meet In Men
marjtf, V., December J and 4, accord
In to announcement made today by the
Oovemor Mann of Virginia, will preside
at the first Any' is session -and Andrew
Carnegie on the second day. The Rich
mood, conference will arrange for tho
celebration on special days of unbroken
fM-Wlitoite and OTKte.fer
. I
Mate, for I
We are able tp effe-r taa special Inducements because we slve
yrMl seevka U our patrons, hereby sarins salesmen's salaries,
You'll like our, handsome suits and overcoats you'll like our splendid
ralues ani youll like our personal attention.
Wilcox & Allen
Make Oar Store Your Store."
! hMmtt ruiws rfW mW j
teed to b the greatest collection and biggest bargain in
patterns ever offered. The 160 patterns have a retail
value of in cents each, or more than $10,00 in all. Bring
SEX Gou s and 88 cents to this office and you will bo
Kented with One Compkte Outfit, including Book of
Instructions and om All Metal Hoop. The 68) cents is to
cover duty, express, handling and the numerous over
head expenses of getting the package from factory to you.
Jf. B.Out of Tamt Rmmdtrt
jHmtagt ami xpne of matting.
New Arrivals-
peace between tho United States nnd
itoncc, Ocrmany, Norway, Bwcdcn, Hol
land, Italy and other nations.
Police Looking for
Suffragist Who
Painted Sidewalks
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1T.-Mlss I.ucy
nurns, who led a flying squad of silffra-
Klsts and covered jUm aldewalkayln front
6f the' White vhousa with' 'Votes tof-
wom.en'VlMt.jweek, was being' aeugntby
'the police.' today on a warrant thanng
violation of n city ordlnanoe which for
bids placing signs on pavements. Miss
Burns Is vice- Chairman ot the congres
sional union ofi the National .-mcrtcan
Woman Suffrage association.
Omaha Hotel Men
Visit Washington
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17.-(8peclal Telegrams-Rome
Miller nnd P. U. I'hllbln
ot Omaha delegates to American Hotel
I'rotcctlye aasaclatlon which, has been
mcjotlng in New York, arrived In Wash
ington today with other delegates on a
eight seeing, tour of eastern cities. Con
gfessmhn Lobeck was early on hand to
meet the delegates from Ua Date City
nhd until they were taken In chargo by
the local committee stayed by his con
stituents. Key to the 8ltuatlon-Hee Advertising.
3 f 80.0O Sh1(s and Overcoats for
mmtt swml Six Cssyeat litis tUi
mill add 7 cents extra for
Pattern Dept., Omaha,
Hosiery Specials
Special-Women's Wnyne Knit
J lose, 35c. 3 pair, $1.
Special Lislo Hone with dou
ble knee and Solo, 40c.
Special Black Lislo Hose, col
ored tipping, 40c
Specialr-50c Silk Lislo hose ut
35c 3 pair for $1.
Women Who Threw
Hammers at Judge
Given Prison Terms
LONDON, Nov. 17.-Two bands of what
Arthur Hopkins, the police magistrate,
described as "raving women," appeared
In the police courts of London today.
They were charged with assault In con
nection with Saturday's outrage at the Old
Ualley courf when hammers were thrown
at Justice; tawfence.. and wlthyesterayjii
disorders nar Premier Ajulth's, official
residence- In Downing street. '
The four women charged with assault
ing the Judge were sentenced to terms of
from 'one td two months at hard labor.
In the Aaqulth case. Miss Boyleau and
Mrs, Kerr were bound over to keep the
peace, and the proceedings against Misses
Murray and IJoyle were adjourned.
The police took the precaution of de
priving all women spectators of their baa
Vets or parcels as they entered the court.
Lawyers for Thaw
File New Petition
CONCPRD. N. H., Nov, lT.-The
amended petition for a writ ot habeas
corpus adtlng pa a stay in the removal of
Harry K,Thaw from New Hampshire
to New York, was filed by Thaw's at
torncys In the United States district court
here today. . The amendments to the
original petition were necessitated by the
Indictment in Now York county charging
conspiracy to cfcape from the Mattea
wan asylum. A hearing op the amended
petition ot Thaw, and also on the petition
of the state of New York for the dis
missal of the habeas corpus proceedings
will be given In the federal court here
Thaw asks that the writ issue on the
ground that ho Is a ctlsen of Pennsyl
vania, that his commitment to Matteawan
asylum was Illegal; that the section of
the New YorK criminal coda under which
he was committed conflicts With the
fourteenth amendment, and that the peti
tions for his extradition don't charge a
The petition further says that "the
proceedings on the part of the special
deputy attorney general of the state of
New York establish bad faith and are
convincing evidence or a purpose to ob
tain possession ot Thaw, not for trial
on the conspiracy Indictment, but for re
commitment to Matteawan."
t Piatt smouth Man
Robbed of His Cash
ST. LOOI8. Nov. lT.-(8peclal Tele-
RTHin.) Adolph Smehana of Plattsmouth,
Neb., was robbed of his tnoney, some
IKA today by. a smooth confidence man,
who, pretending friendship, substituted a.
roll of paper for money in his pocket-
WASHINGTON, Nov. IT.-Senator Pom
erene today Introduced a bill to appro
priate UKDlOOO for combatina- ho rhnlr
He declared that the loss from that dis
ease this year would argregate JJO.00O.0Q0.
K. n. stlllman.
RICBVII.I.E. la., Nov. IT-E. n. Still,
man of Jefferson, founder of the Sioux
City Journal In ISO. died Sunday after
noon at the home ot his son here. The
causa of death was malignant stomach
trouble. For ten years he edited The Bee
at Jefferson. Ia. From IS to 1879 he
conducted a Job printing shop In Chi
cago. To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take I-axativa nmmn rvni,i. t.v.i...
Druggists refund money If It foils to
cure, E. W. Grove's signature on each
box. tic.
Fcdcra lEnginecr Fixes Fault for
Maynard Wreck on Eoadbcd.
null Were Ton MrIi( Is I'lnillnp; In
tonnectlon with Ilnck Islnnit
Smnshnn City In After
I. nnd.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DEJ MOINEST la., Nov. K.-iSpeolal
Telegram) The Iowa railroad commis
sion today mnde public a report of the
speoial engineer ot the Interstate Com
merce commission on the wreck ot a
train at Maynard, la., September 1 last,
about which- there hadjbeen much con
troversy. Previous unofficial Investigations had
partly exonerated the Itock Island Rail
road company and placed the blame on
the engineer. Tho investigation was
made at the instance of the Iowa com
mlKslon. "This accident was caused by the bad
condition of track and roadway," the
report declares, "It not being sufficiently
well maintained 'to permit the operation
of trains with safety at the speed at
which this train was running. Contrib
uting matcrlaly to the accident was the
heavy engine used on this train.'
It Is recommended that speed of trains
be reduced until the track Is put In bet
ter condition. It waa found many ties
were rotten and tho rails on the whole
division of the Ttock Island to Decorah
vory light One person was killed In the
WnnU Title! to River.
The city will ask the legislature for
title to the old channel of the Raccoon
rlvcr when the new channel Is opened'
to straighten, the river to prevent over
flow. A resolution to that effect was
passed. Mayor Hanna, who Introduced
the resolution, says the Mty may make
a park out of tho channel and adjoining
land, or It may hold It for dockage pur
poses should the navigation scheme of the
Dcs Moines river over be cnrrled out
Four Persons Are
Nearly Asphyxiated
in Mason City, Iowa
MASON CITY, la.. Nov. I7.-(Speclal.)-The
fact that the little baby of Mr. nnd
Mrs. John Woods was sick and a physi
cian had to be called saved the lives of
Mr. and Mrs. Rnymond Fischer and their
two children. Mrs. Woods, about 2
o'clock In the morning went to the Fisher
home to call a doctor. As she stepped on
the porch she smelt gas. Repeated ringing
and rapping failed to arouse the Fishers.
When she failed In this aha went in an.
other home and called the doctor and
as soon aa he arrived he administered
briefly to the child and then rushed to
the Fisher Home. Tho door was broken
down and there on tho floor lay all four
of the family apparently dead, How they
got there Is not known. Tho receiver of
tho telephone waa down. The doctor
went to work at reausclatlon and It waa
some time before they showed much evl
dece of life. All probably will recover.
The Jlttle baby pf Mrs. Wood died soon
FORT DODGE, la., Nov. 17.-f-Speclal
Telegram.)-Charlea Donahoe, a promi
nent merchant of Claro, was attacked
and beaten into an unrecognizable con
dition last night and now lies nt Morey
hospital In precarious state. Occupants
of a disabled automobile he endeavored
to help when he met the party in the
cuntry disabled him.
Donahoe took the driver of the car and
went to lila home and back again, getting
a rope to tow the auto to town. While
he waa adjusting it the men attacked
him. Warrants are now out for John
Cunningham, Walter Cameron and
Charles Burke, alleged perpetrators of
tho assault The countryside is greatly
aroused aa the attack Is reported
prompted by motives of revenge against
Donahoe, who fined Cunningham for
Idrunkodivesa ntl disorderly conduct
vhen he was an official ot Clare several
years ago.
Attorneys for Donahoe today filed civil
suit for 135,000 against tho men.
TAIUS, Nov. IT.-Clever thieves sue.
ceeded in extracting Ingota ot gold valued
at from a consignment ot 11,000,000
while it waa on the way from Constan
tinople to Paris last week. Details of
tho robbery were made public today.
The gold was sent by the Imperial Otto
man bank at Constantinople to the Otto
man bank here In forty cases, iron bound
nnd sealed The cases when they reached
their destination looked from the outside
as though they had never been touched.
but on being checked at the bank the
IX.WQ was rotsslng.
Keh ot the cases had been freshly
sealed at each frontier It had crossed.
The French police Insist that the gold
could not havo been stolen on French
WASHINGTON. Nov. 17.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) President Wilson sent to the
senate today the nomination of William.
J wooa or Wyoming to be register of
the land office at Sundance, Wyo.
FAIRBL'RVT Neb., Nov. 17.-(Bpedal.)
-Word has reached Falrbury of the mar
riage of Fred Oberhelman, formerly of
this city, to Agnes lUner ot Alvln, Tex.
The wedding took place at Galveston.
Tex., and Mr. and Mrs. Oberhelman wit
make their home In Ah In. near Houston.
For Children There .Vothtnir
A cough medicine for children must
help their coughs and colds without bad
effects on their little stomachs and
bowels. Foley's Honey and Tar exactly
tills this need. No optates. no sour stom
ach, no constipation follows Its use.
Stuffy colds, wheezy breathing, coughs
and croup are all quickly helped, and
sweet, refreshing slumber Instead ot
feverish tossing at night It Is easy
therefore to understand why an Increas
ing' number of bottles ot Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound Is sold yearly. Ad ver-Uiement
(Continued from Page One.)
sonal attitude of General Huerta might
be unchanged, the circumstances on
which the American government bases
Its conviction that Huerta's elimination
Is Inevitable, have not changed at all.
The mills of the gods grind slowly,"
expresses the slow and steady purposes
being pursued.
It was msdo plain at the White House
that the peremptory resignation of Min
ister Aldapo did not nffect materially the
American plan, as It was pointed out
that no scheme that this government
might have could very well depend on the
Permanency of any member of the Huerta
The president made It plain that tV
changes In the situation, though they
appeared kalledoscoptc In detail, had not
Impaired confidence here In the ultimate
solution of tho problem by peaceful
Official denial was made nt the White
House of a report that Pan-American
mediation wns contemplated and It was
reiterated that no mediation of any kind
had been offered to cither faction. South
American nations. It was stated, had
been informed In the same wny as
European nations and have expressed in
the main their desire to support tho
American policy, Brazil, In particular, In
not having recognized the Huerta gov
ernment previously, is regarded especially
friendly to the American policy.
Secretary Bryan hns ordered investiga
tion of the executions at Juarez, but thus
far has been unable to reconcile conflict
ing reports.
Rebel Admit This Number, bat It U
Probably Too Low.
EL PASO, Tex., Nov. 17. Eleven men
are known to have' been executed In
Juarez since Francisco "Pancho" Villa
and his rebel forces captured the city
Saturday morning. The rebel officials
admit the execution of that number.
Americans who have frequented the city
since its capture say that twenty-three
have been executed.
The bodies of moat of the victims are
still unburled. Moro than twenty corpses,
some of them of the men executed, some
the bodies of victims of the battle, laid
out all night in the rain in tho Juarez
cemetery because graves had not been
completed for them.
The body of Colonel Enrique Portlllo,
exocuted Saturday, was brought to El
Paso last night for Interment hero to
day. It waa divested of Its trousers and
shoes by a rebel who was short on cloth
ing, while It lay In the patio of tho mili
tary barracks In Juarez Sunday. All
rebels are badly in need of clothing and
the distribution of captured federal uni
forms made Sunday by Villa did not go
around, so there, haa been a scramble
among the rebel soldiers for the clothing
ot the men executed.
The known victims of the rebel execu
tloners so far are:
Colonel Enrique Portlllo.
Colonel Augustln Oortlnas.
Captain Jose Torros,
Captain R. Benavldes.
Captain Rlcardo Contreras.
Civilian unidentified, said to be aide to
Gulllemo Porras, personal representative
ot General Huerta for the state of Chi
huahua. Jose Cordova, recent chief of secret
sen-Ice for Huerta In Juarez.
Lieutenant Pablo Rlesse.
Federal soldier who tried to escape at
the cemetery while digging graves for
dead comrade, knocked down with mus
ket ana executed while unconscious.
Pablo Yoave, Juarez policeman.
Unidentified civilian employed In Juarez
custom house before the rebels cap
tured It
Only four men. were executed Sunday.
These were Captain Contreras, who was
military Instructor of the federal gar
rison in Juarez under the Huerta regime;
Jose Cordova, who had been In charge
of the Huerta secret service In Juarez;
Pablo Ybave, a Juarez policeman who
had assisted Cordova In' his work, and
the federal soldier grnvo digger. He ran
and was overtaken by a rebel, who broke
his rifle In tho terrific blow which he
struck. The feeing soldier fell uncon
scious and was then shot An American
railroad man was an eye witness to the
General Francisco Castro, who com
manded the federal garrison when the
rebels attacked, has not been locatd.
The rebels continued the work of estab
lishing their new civil government In
Juarez. They have given permission to
the Mexican Northwestern railroad,
owned by Dr. F. 8. Pearson, and asso
ciates ot New Terk and Ixjndon. to re
Prices for Apollinaris Water
are forthwith reduced
Fifty Cents per Case.
lrSOfl Faraata Street. 9 Tsara Saras Offlo. Phone Done. 17B0
ExtractlB.ii 23c Up jKflSM&k Missing Teeth aupplied
FlUlBCa ., 60c Up WLbbWOUKL without Platea or Bridge.
Urldgework . ...$2.6o Up fStljSVl vork. Nerves removed
CrpWM S2J50 Up XOT yTL Vltbout pain. Work guar.
I'latea $2.00 Up -i I l-JS ntecd tea year..
build to Its timber tracts south ot Juarez.
Work probably will start tins week.
General Villa said the rest of his army
nlll arrive soon, bringing In all his
artillery- Two tralnloads arrived today.
Villa declares that Chihuahua City will
be attacked as soon as he can replenish
l is ammunition. Americans express fear
of troubio it Villa mobilizes his entire
army of 7,000 undisciplined men on the
Definite Announcement ns to Itt
Malts Expected Boon.
NOOAIjES, Sonora. Nov. 17. Retail,
tlon for the execution of constitutionalist
prisoners put to death br Mexican fed-
erals, waa advanced today as a possible
explanation of the action of General Villa
at Juarez In ordering the .execution of at
least two federal prisoners yesterdar. At
General Carranza'a headquarters it was
denied that specific orders for the Juarez
executions had been sent from here, but
tho same informant thought it Dosslble
that General Villa acted under the In.
structlons given scversl months asta bv
General Carranza. That order, It was
stated, had directed that no federal pris
oner below the grade of captain be ex
The negotiations between William
Bayard Hale, unofficial ajrent of fhe
Washington administration, and General
Carranza were believed here' today to
have reached a crucial atagc
Both Mr. Hale and Franctsnn TCuniriorn.
minister ot exterior relations In the Car
ranza cabinet, and with whom Hale con
ferred last night intimated that the ex
changes had been of the most fHnrtlv
and satisfactory character. The last
conference followed the receipt by Mr.
iiaie or a long messaxe from Wa.hinir.
ton. the nature of which waa nni Aim.
closed. Halo replied to this telegram at
icngtn at the conclusion of tho confer
ence. Mexicans Write
Threatening Note
to Texas Executive
AUSTIN. Tex., Nov. 17.-Threata to
make Texas "answer to the whole Mexl
can people." unless mercy Is shown
Mexican ammunition smugglers arrested
last September at Carrizo Springs, Tex.,
waa telegraphed to Governor Colquitt to
day by 127 Mexicans under Ban Marcos,
Tex., date. There were fourteen Mexi
can smugglers, eleven of whom are still
awaiting trial. The telegram reads In
"We will not stand by such barberous
state of things and win appeal to the
Mexican nation If your stato wanta to
murder men loyal to the liberty of op
pressed people."
The governor replied, saying:
"I desire to Inform you that your threat
Is certainly a brazen one and If any
violence should come to American citi
zens as a result of It, each of you will
bo held personally responsible under the
Beet Sugar Men
Say They Will Close
Their Factories
Nov. 17.-The annual meet
ing of beet sugar manufacturers was"
held hero today and new officers elected
for UH. Next year's rrnn v. ...
last to be marketed, it was said, aa beet
sugar win be unable to compete with
cane sugar after 1918. On hnnrtri mil
lions. Invested In beet sugar factories,
according to reports, will bo 'forced to
una new employment within & year.
Factories In Michigan. Minnesota,
Iowa, Wisconsin. Kansas. Colorado, Mon
tana, Nevada, Utah. California and Ari
zona are represented.
NEW TORIC. Nov. 17.Fynr. u
Sayro. who Is to marry Miss Jessie WIN
on. mo presiuenva daughter, November
25. today resigned his position aa an as
sistant in the district attorney's office.
He will go to Washington on Thursday
to remain there until the wedding. Dur
ing the year of Mr. Sayre's service here
he has beon dealing with abandonment
cases a,nd haa formed such a liking for
tho study of social problems that he says
he will continue It so far aa possible in
his new position as secretary to the
president of Williams college.
Key to the Situation-Bee Advertising.
Nebraska Central
Railroad Company
is Incorporated
riEItrtE. S. D., Nov. 17.-(6pecial Tele
gram.) Articles of Incorporation ,were
filed hero this morning- for the Nebraska
Central Railway company, -with a capital
of $730,000. No terminals are given, but
headquarters are fixed at Pierre, with a
branch office at Alnsworth, Neb. The
proposed line Is to bo fifty-five miles 4ln
Brown and Keya Paha counties, Ne
braska, and seventy-five miles In coun
ties of Tripp and Lyman, South Dakota.
The Incorporators are George W. Adams,
Walnut, la.; F. W. Sellors. K. F. Os
born, W. F. Finney, Alnsworth, Neb.;
John Scheie. Sprlngvlew, Neb.; F. K.
strother, Omaha; V. A. Hill. Weewella, 8.
D., and J. A. Holmes, Pierre, S. D
MESABA, Minn., Nor. 17. John Molen
skt. aged 22 years, was shot and killed
today while hunting near here by 1 Jl.
Dloom nt Virginia. Minn., who mistook
Molenskt for a deer. The victim's brother
at Butte, Mont, 'was notified.
Cleanses Your Hair
Makes It Beautiful
It becomes thick, wary, lustroua nnd
all dandruff disappears Hair
stops coming out.
Surely try a "Danderlne Hair Cleanse"
It you wish to Immediately double the
beauty of your hair. Just moisten a'
cloth with Danderino and draw it care
fully through your hair, taking one small
strand' at a time; thla will cleanse the
hair of dust, dirt or any excessive olWn
a few minutes you will be amazed. Tour
hair will be wavy, fluffy and abundant
and possess an Incomparable softness,
lustre and luxuriance.
Besides beautifying the hair, one ap
plication of Danderlne dissolves every
particle of dandruff: Invigorates the '
scalp, stopping itching and falling- hair.
Danderlne Is to the hair what fresh
showers of rain and sunshine are to vege
tation. It goes right to the roots, In
vigorates and strengthens them. Its ex
hilarating, stimulating and life-producing
properties cause the hair to gTow.long,
strong and beautiful.
Tou can surely have pretty, soft, lus
trous hair, and lots ot it, if you will Just,
get a 23-cent bottle of Knowlton's Dan
derlne from any drug store or toilet
counter and try it as directed.
John Says:
'Mr. QobMer told
xaa confidently that
he ezpeota to he
Ulletosd Jnat before
Thanksgiving Day,
and he tsar taat
thousands of Omaha
man will smoke
CXOAXS at his fun
eral." John 'a Cigar Store "
1ttU JSL U Ci. ' .
Maa.TriMstows Beoraixo tnvr bu been
pttlftrovcr SIXTY YKARBbr MILLIONS el
olutety barmWM. Bt asr mad atk for "Mrs.
Wlailow's SoothlM rmnk" ant tmlcm ma othm
thirl, Twcatx4r ecats a botUa,
axd svsimra,
William Morris' Company or English
riaytrs la
"Tfis Blindness of Virtue"
all waste
"The Last Days of Pompeii"
Matins s Thursday and Saturday
American Theater Stock Go.
t Wk "Th Portnns Hanfr."
Vitiate Eterr nr. Ererr KltM. 1:11.
TM Wek Nina Morrli Company, To
Tl Oljmpla, Otrla. Th Vanlaa. But Fit.
Ilbbon. !lnJr A MllllM. Mil. MtrUi aaj
BUttri. Tti TrIO a aa 8pcU! Ftttun pic
ture. Frlcat: VIu alitor. U: bt uti mm
ft sd Sua.) WUhtl 10a ISc Urn tmt Tt.
America's Eminent Play Reader, In
At rirst M. X. Church, Tweatleth
and Xtavsaport Strtsta.
Tuesday Ere., Nov. 18, 8:15 P. M.
Tlokrt B served at Myers-BUloa
Drag Btorv, Mon. fc Tuil, Hot. 17-lt.