12 THE BEE: OMAHA, TlTESl)AY, M)VEMBKR 1 1913. MAY OUST THOMAS J, LYNCH Ebbetis of Brooklyn Nationals Makes Such Prediciton. TENER IS LIKELY MAN.FOR JOB r.rrrr nUonil I.rnnnrr Ik !nll In Be S iron a- for the IVniinyl Tnnlnn nnit Itewitr to' vMtPt Ills Demand. Charles H Ubbetts. president of thA Brooklyn club and dissenting member of thft Xatlcnal league, comes fonvnrd with the announcement that the yglmfc of Thomas J. Lynch will come to it cutmlna. Hon after the election of officers Ihlt winter. Ebhetts asserts that he la n fldent that every .Nationals feax-ier la strong, for Governor, John Jv Tcn.T of Pennsylvania for the position ami i,tand ready to accede to TeneVa request for a five-year term at a ycnrlv stlcnd o' Kbbetta asserts that he hna conferred lth Hermann, Drcyruas and Drltton In Columbiia relative to the 'Candida of the. former star pitcher f the Chicago Nationals, and that he has also ai proached Baker. Uaffncy and Murphy tin several occasions, Wl that ill ix ure In favor of Toner. Kbtfctt even goes further In his sta'tcmcnts. k announced that he believed Harry Hempstead of the nianta waa heartily In favor of the kov. ernor and. aa he, t)lmrir, would 1e fint In Una to Vote for a now 'President, he aava he can't sco, where Lynch can uet vote. Mr. Khfcetts denied the Insinuation that Tener was Interested financially In the Philadelphia club. Mr. Kbbetla-aal.f that Mr. Tener had been a stockholder In the club, but ha'd 'dltpoacd of Ills stock dur ing a, recent reorganisation. Ban Johnson and the American league Is In favor of Mr. Toner's election to the office, and Mr. Kbbetta believes that the American icagun will back mi campaign for the Pennsylvania man. Johnson hna never extended effusive welcomes to Lynch, so that part of Enbett'a assertions Is probably true. What Mr. Tener ihJnUs of the proposl. tlon Is not known. Mr. 'ttbbetts has not conferred with Tener, unt ho bolle'vcs that Tener could hardly find tho heart to re fuse $25,080 annually for a period of five years. Hawkeyes Begin - Handing Out Bear Dope for Saturday IOWA C1TV, la., Nov. J7V-t8peclal.)-A bruised and battered lot of Hawkeyes took part this evening on I6wa field In the first prattle following the victory over the Ames team Saturday. Although thtlr margin of victory In that contest was a, decisive one the game proved one. of tho hardest of the season for the Hawkeyes and they are carrying many bump aa a result. Ndne or the Injuries are serious enough to keep the men out of the Nebraska game, and the team Is expected to bo In fair condition by. Sat urday. Dick and Gross" were sprnewliat shaken r a result of their spectacular work In ciwrylng the ball through a, leld of Agrte tackier, each of whom out weighed them thirty or forty ppunds, and Barron, GtmaeVson and Doweti of 'the llemen received slight Injuries. ' To offset these Carberry, tho right end who waa kept out of tho Ames game by injuries received In the Indians, game, will bo able to get back In again when ever needed,! and parsons, can also play If necessary. Bowen played a strinp Came In Carherry'a place flaturflay, es pecially In going down under punts and klckoffa, but he was boxed occasionally by tha. Ames offense, on .wide end Yiins. As ho and Carberry ha,ve been close rivals all season It ls4agaln a question as to which will start against Nebraska. The coaches pointed out at this eve. king's practice the faults shown In the Ame game, and warned the men that they are going up against one of tho half doxen leading teams of the-,jvest Saturday, a team which was unquesllon ably tho best In the Missouri valley, and which would play Its best game In the final battle of the year on the home grounds. The Ames team, while It fought hard and und Its superior weight lo some advantage, la of course not to bo considered aa In a class with the Corn huskers. ?The Hawkeyes have become ac customed to running up scores rather easily, and as It is certain that no such tactics can be. employed against the CornkuakerJ thevttam, Is likely to find Itself a a. loss when', real opposition Is cous tired. ' No' Importance Is attached to the. fact that tb. Hawkeyes defeated Ames hy a score omhat largor "than Nebraska amased them, aa It Is recognised that ;Cals ruMy. Nebraska"? best groun4 miner, was rjot )n the Ames gsjnt, 410 jti there was not the same Iftt-strtlv, for Nebraska to run up & Is, ccr aa thfye Was In tho case of loa; .That Nebraska could"'thave beaten. the ,Awlea more decisively no one here doubfa, and members of the Ames team who played against both Nebraska and lw jay that tho Cohnhukrr should HASTES HIGH 'CLAIMS SOUTHWEST CHAMPIONSHIP HASTINGS. Neb., Nov.' i:.(8eclaU The brlllant Victory over .Kdganon tho lattri srbuoda Klday gives the Has lings High school team the undisputed title to the champlonih'P of southwestern Tfebraska. wtilch Edgar Jiad claimed by reason, of Jta defeat of Falrbury, Har vard, and several other strong teams In this section., Although penallxed for a total of MO yards. Including sixty yards on the first four downs, Hastings high triumphed over Kdgar by the score of U to 0. Four touchdowns were disallowed, these decisions and most of the penalties being baaed hr Bey. Mr. Ogden of. Ed gar, th; umpire;-on the; ground of "rough vW t Hastings and Aurora will pity here next Yrlday for th championship of -western Nebraska. Coach achlsrler has brougnt the Hastings machine to a high state of development and believes It to b the atrongeattn the, state. A report from Omaha that the metro politan nlgb school may negotiate for a post-season game with the winner of the ias tings-Aurora battle has brought Joy to the local camp, where It Is the sreat- est hope of all the man that such a game tcay be scheduled. A Bloody Affair la luryf hemorrhage. Stop' It and cure weak lungs, troughs and'rolfls with Dr. King's ew Discovery. ,fAo and $!.. Vor at uy your druggUy-Advertlsement Tha Persistent and Judicious I'm of Xewspajter Advertising Is the Boad to jtwrw Success. !Y0E (?maha im is iirair Mcfixom. Water Board Still , Fights to Keep Up High Water Rates The Omaha Water board In an answer to tho suit of Victor Itoaewater, editor of Tho Hec. to reduce water rates to 23 cents per 1.000 gallons, reiterates previous arguments that It has tho sole power to fix charges and that Its action Is not subject to review by" the courts to de termine Its reasonableness. The board took tho same position In a hearing on demurrer, hut was overruled by the court. Itls alleged In the answer that a list of dtlcs In which water rates are lower than hero submitted by the plaintiff has nonhealing on the case because the cost otjpumplnB and purifying Is higher In Omaha than elsewhere. The fact that the. Omaha Water company was doclded by the federal courts to have the right to mako Ita own charges for water Is cited, n nil the allegation Is made that tho prlco of 31H cents per 1,000 gallons In effect from April 4 to May 37 of this ear waa not too much. Tho board asserts that extension of se.rvlce and construction operations com pleted, now unden.way and contemplated for the future will amount to a total cost of tS.1i.181, and alleges that this fact should be taken Into consideration In fix Ing the prlco of water to consumers. In this total Is Included an Item of 0,000 for "possible' contingencies." Mayor Proposes to Stop Overcrowding in Some Theaters Mayor James C. Dahlman lien Instructed the chief of police and members of the social service board to Investigate charges that patrons of soma of the smaller theater, Including the movies, are over-crowding and that doors are locked on tho patrons once they are In side. 'If this charge Is true there Is an ordl. nance covering tho case and wo will en force the ordinance to tho letter," said Mayor Dahlman. "I have told the chief to detail Policewoman Katheriie Drummy to inakpjut Immediate Investigation," uty commissioner A1 Kugel, It Is Understood, nluced the comnlulnt heforo the mayor, after a visit to some of the theaters. Other city commissioners also visited tho shows o,fer complalpt'a had been made and reported to, the mayor that the charges were In a great dfcgree true. The theaters violating the "cmtMlnr and the closed door" ordinance will' be prosecuted without notice If the reports which have reached lite mayor are veri fied by the policewoman and the social service board. , Hugh M'Oulloch is Appointed Justice of ' Peace at Magic City Hugh McOullooli. who was aDDolnted Justice of the peace tor South Omaha aionuay oy thveounty commissioners, sue cecds Justice of the Peace Ed Kaln, who died last week. Mr. McCulloch Is a nraduate nf tha Boutli Omaha High school class of 1907. no wok ma a. u. cogree rrom Knox col lege, Gulcsburg. HI.. In 1911. He la Junior law" student at the Crelghton Col- ego or i.aw, ami since his graduation frprn Knox has been connected In a rep. ortorlal capacity with the Journal Stockman, c( which his father, Bruce McCulloch, Is the editor. Ho lives with his parents at their home. 10O7 wnh Twenty-second street. The appointment of Mr. McCulloch to the office of Justice of the peace marks a continuation of the policy of the pres itnt county , commissioners In appointing young lawyers to the vacant places among Justices of the peace. Some months agq Ssmuel I O'Brien of Omaha was appointed, as was Emmett Hannon of South Omaha. O'Brien and Hannon, like jucv.uiiocu. jare both young lawyers. WOMAN NOT INFERIOR TO MAN, SAYS FATHER QUINLAN ; Woman Is not man's Inferior, nnr la , she lesser, than man." said Bev. rather Qulnlan, speaking on the suffrage, ouu. tlon 'at the meeting .of the Besearch club nunaay aiternoon at Bt. Berchman'e academy. f Father Quintan's address will be con cluded at, the next meeting of the club nunday. December 7. He did not state nis conclusions on the question, but will finish his lecture with it. u ini,.w Lee Grant gave a reading and Miss Maude AicAruie took part In the program fol lowing the address. BURGESS-GRANDEN SOON BACK TO OLD QUARTERS The Burgess-Granden company will be tack In their old location at 1UI Howard street on November 10. Hurgess-3ranln were burned out In the recent tiro which destroyed their salesroom sjid workshop and tha offices of the gas. company, and were compelled to move to lao lackson street The, building has been recon structed and remodeled, making the es tablishment one .of the most complete electrical fixture houses 14 th. jrcit. WILL ASK FORJNCINERATOR Commissioner Ryder Thinks Omaha Should Have Refuse Destroyer. RETURNS FROM VISIT IN EAST Dr. AVenrnr, flack Trlth lllm, Also li I'nTor nf Construction nf City Crrniatnry In Ortmlin First nf xt Year. John J. Byder, city police commissioner, who returned Monday from Milwaukee, in dlanapolls, Chicago and Tcrre Haute, where he Investigated the cost and opera tion of Incinerators, reduction plants and refuse crematories, will report to the city commission In favor of the construction of at least one Incineration plant In Omaha next year. Dr. Frederick J. Wearne accompanied Byder on the trip. Concerning the trip the commissioner said: "The garbage'sltuatlon In Omaha is not nearly as aggravating as It Is In some other cities. "In Indianapolis tho city appropriates S2,0C0 a year and pays a private com pany to gather and dispose of the accu mulations. The company has a reduction plant and Is credited with making enough from Its by products to give It a profit perhaps equal to the sum awarded by the city. The plan seems to work all right up to date, and the deputy of the health department In charge considers It tho most satisfactory plan they have yet struck. Thr Trrrr Ilnntr Crrmittnry. At Terre Haute tho city built a crema tory at a. cost of 125,000 on the supposition It would caro for all refuse, Including night soli. President Walsh of the board of public works told me the plant does tho work of caring for kitchen garbage and street refuse In good shape, but It will ndt dispose of night soil with entlro satisfaction without the use of a good deal of fuel. Two such small plants, either on the crematory or Incinerator plan, would handle tho Omaha situation for a number of years. In my Judgment. They would cost moro money now than Tcrro Haute pnld, but can probably bo errcted for $00,(00 to JT-0,000 each. Milwaukee made a serious mistake In erecting one large plant of the destructor type at a point necessitating the'-lung haul, hence considerable money la wasted, as It Is In Omaha, because- of lost mo tion. Eventually Milwaukee will have to build a second plant, possibly two of them In different sections. In that case In a city of Its population, ' engineers agree some profit might accrue from separat ing, saving and selling certain materials, as Is done In Buffalo and-other places. UnsntUrnctory at Chtcngn. "Dr. Frederick .J. Wearne of Omaha. went with me to view the old clay pita adjacent to abandoned brlok yards. wherein Chicago Is at present dumping Its garbage and treating It wth chemi cals, then covering with dry refuse. The situation existing In Chicago at, tills mo ment Is not at aft satlsfactbry ' td any body, and a commission la busy trying' to study out a scheme that will meet the city's needs and be permanent. Dr. Wearne agreed with others who viewed the present makeshift plan of disposal that It Is likely to causa conslderablu trouble later. In the meantime a costly reduction; plant la lying Idle, the city having refused to buy on a valuation asserted to be much too hlKh. Some ex perts assert the city could operate the plant with a big monthly profit If It could get possession at a fair figure. This trip has not changed my mind A New Collar, Long on good Points M RED MAN BRAND 8HIRTH TOR KALI. RED'MAN IAUFtU S2-S0 IROQUOIS UADHU IS SO that we can, if public sentiment backs 1 us up, make a start the coming year on 1 at least one small Incinerator plant and j save Its cost within a very few years. Then a second small plant can be built, and Omaha will be on easy street for a long tlmo on the garbage matter, titreet refuse and the garbage Itself will supply the fuel for operation." ENTERTAIN FOR DANES AT WASHINGTON HALL About 700 Danish dtlxens of Omaha and vicinity listened Sunday night to an en tertainment furnished by Miss Jutta Lund and Jo Hersklnd at Washington hall. Miss Lund Is an actresa comlque from Copenhagen with a splendid voice, and Mr. Hersklnd Is well known all over Scandinavia on account of his clear tenor and dramatic delivery. The vivacious couple, who are making a tour of the states And will visit California, have been the center of much entertainment while in Omaha. Parties were given for them at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brodegaard last Wednesday evening and at the home of Colonel and Mrs. 8. F, Neble Sunday, Old Time Sores And Ulcers Healed Old Wounds Often Bother Many Yean After. People who hare been uoultlclng and anointing an old sore for years and years marvel at the way it heals quickly after using f, 8. B. When you come to realize that the skin and the flesh beneath are composed of a network of tiny blood, vessels you solva the mystery. There are wonderful medicinal proper ties In B. 8. H. that follow the course of the blood stream Just as naturally aa the most nourishing food elements. It Is really a remarkable remedy. It contains one Ingredient, the active pur pose of which is to stimulate the tis sues to the healthy selection of Its own essential nutriment. And the medicinal elements of this matchless blood purifier are Just as essential to well-balanced health as the nutritious elements of tha meats, grains, fats, and sugars of our dally food. Not only this, but If from the presence of some distributing poison there is local or general Interference of nutrition to cause bolls, carbuncles, abscesses and kindred troubles, 8, B. 8. so directs the local cells that this poison Is rejected and eliminated from their presence. Then, too, 8. B. 8. has such speclflo stimulation on these local cells as to pro serve their mutual welfare and a proper .relative assistance to each other. Not one drop of minerals or drugs ia used In Its preparation. Ask for 8. 8. B. and Just insist upon having it. And If you desire skillful advice and counsel Upon any matter concerning the blood and skin, write to thev medical department. The Swift Speclflo Co.,, 110 Bwlft Labora tory, Atlanta,. Ga. v Do not ' allow some xealous clerk to larrup the atmosphere In eloquence oven something "Just as good" as S. 8. IsV Sewara of all substitutes. l J TWO Nj FOR KAMj & WILSON MAKERS Of TROY'S BEST TRODCCT Drs. Waeh & Mack THE DENTISTS I Tha largest and beat equipped dental office In Omaha. Experts In chars ot all work, modsrmts prices. Porcelain fillings lust like the tooth. All Instru ments sterilised after using. M l-Xoer Vaztoa Slock, Snubs, Us. Stylish Shoes 'HalSiaW I Pa For Young Men $4.50 You may be sure that the style of your foot wear is dorrect if you select your shoes from our enormous stock. For "Four-Fifty" we are showing the Eng lish walking Last in black or tan with the low heel and toe. This is the most popu lar shoe with young men of fashion. Drexel 1419 Farnam Street Winter Blasts in Your Store? Papers Disarranged, Olerks with Golds, Patrons Disgusted and Business Poor? Use a Revolving Door, and Eliminate This Trouble. FOU SAIjE CHEAP A standard pattern, collapsible Revolving Door solid oak, heavy plate glaus, with solid brass push and kick plates. NECESSARY EQUIPMENT AT A nARQAlN The Bee Building Co. Room 103. TnAVKL. ENT- INDIAl UISE' THROUGH the Medi terranean, Suez Canal, Red Seatnd Indlsn Ocean to Bombay snd Colombo, Including sldetripsthrongh India, The Hoist Lani snd Egypt, stopping at Interest Ins; points in Europe, Asia snd Africa, by the S. S. CLEVELAND () Freaa Naw York. January 15. 1914 93 Days-.$700 and up I techuilor hort cicanleaiaDdallatccaurrcipaaica, 1 Ako cruises to Watt IiMllaa, Panama Canal. Arauad the World, throush tha I raaajaa Canal, anal MatHtarrueaa trip. 1 Sa4frh-kUl,ilrttnsnl HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE v ISO West Randolph Bt., Chicago, zu. Or local agents. SAILING Every Saturday NswTerk LasaasJurf ig-aMjrn.H CUscow TO r NgW YORK St. " tmMrn.' Am at QkasMr tl tt aliMM Btaar Cla. Nor, Lam, Modtru. Turin-SertU Sttamers Cam tresis. CsJfenk. CakaWa, CaluaUa TU8CANIA, 14,000 tons, (Building) ntU4llaKikuaaTurwkraaa tDn (hIi. DnU Rmh, Uwm tmtlw fUoua, OrtlMMsa. LiuwfcNMtr A,U Woa ud Fmtmni Ctbta. BausretMS Tklnl Clin Fatty Fcralitef-Lsw hits Smsm fee aunUa nnUi uj ttmSU f 2. u4 ( naa. RECORD PASSAQI DAYS, 1B HOURS MtdkerraKaK Service from NewYerk FIrtt Cafe Pastas to feflss Sll Ma up. Tttirt Um it Vsry Low Rm. naWr LIm Drafts Payable rra ml charg tt BcMk at Tm, U, ate., tlr U H(NDERON BROTHERS, Oan'l Ato W, nintfola St., s. ST. Car, Daarkom, Cklag taaal Aetata Cveryt)-r WINTER CRUISES ITALY KYrT TK KtYBtA vUMaaakra WaVtiMir. AUIars laura SMcamcrs) h DM Trade "Adriatic" "Celtic" FANAMA CANAL WHT WB&S MOTI AMHUCA Newest Meaner) to the Tropica "LaplaMd" "Laurent! cH "Megawtlc" MtVEMlEl I'D I JAWJA1Y .7 JANUARY 1 JAK.1V rum. x mar. MAM. 14 .JANUARY raaauARV at march JAM. M JAM. SI rasu ti Xsd Btar and W lilts Star Ida Of ficii T. O. Brows, B. B. Cor. Madison and ZisJiall BHsCTMcsro, or local arts. sTEakr umu a vWv t Keenest Economies SFECIATj DAIICAIN IN BOVS' SUITS SHOWN. Grand Clearing Sale of Tailored Suits Jawary Prices Right Now in the very FINE ROUSING MORNING SPECIALS TUESDAY. Women's Ilonso Dresses Made to sell to $1.25, 10 dozen In lot, choice- . .noc III nek Underskirt 75c and $1.00 values, at !5c Women's Sorgo Dresses To $7.50 values, choice $2.95 All Wool Serges $1.25 and $1.50 all wool serges, ponamas and novelty tailored suitings, plain colors and fancies, 54 in. wide, at yard 88c ' . Dress Trimmings to $3 Yd., Val. 75c Tho greatest special offerings wo have ever made. Every yard per fect, all new, most desirable patterns, in Bands, 'Edges, Galloons and Alluvcrs, in the most popular coloring. Hands worth $1.50 to $3.00 75c Edges worth $1.50 to $2.50 75c Galloons worth $2.00 to $3.50 75c Wide assortment, suitable for street gowns and evening dresses. Tuesday's Special Underwear Section Domestic Room Men's fleece lined Union Suits, all sixes, colors ecru and gray, worth J1.2B. at 7So Hoys' Outing Flannel Gowns, In alzees 4 to 14 years, worth 60c, at 35o Ladles' fleece, lined Underwear, In all sizes, vests or pants, worth GOc, at 39o Boya' Sweater Coats, worth 50c, at 330 Men's fleece lined Underwear, all sizes, shirts or drawers, worth 60c. at 3So Ladles' fleece lined Union Suits, all sizes, colors gray and white, worth $1.00, at 7So Boys' fleece lined Underwear slightly soiled, nhlrts only, worth 26c, at 13 Ho Ladles and MlaseH' Outing Flan nel Gowns, all sizes, worth 76c, at 490 Men's Wool Union Suits, worth to 13.50, all sizes ni ft 141 m.art n a sn V .... . . . . . . .T - T T ' Read Hayden's Mammoth Grocery Sale FOU TUESDAY It's quality goods your nouscKecping expenses. 48-lb. sack best high grade JJiotnonu II Flour, made from the best se lected wheat, nothing finer for bread, plea or cakes, sack $1.10 10 bars Beat 'Em All or Diamond C Soap 35o 10 lbs. best White or Yellow Corn meal 19o 8 lbs. best llolled Breakfast Oat meal 360 The best hand picked Navy Beans, lb So 4 lbs. fancy Japan Rice, 10a quality, for 36o The best domestic Macaroni, Vermi celli or Spaghetti, pkg 7Vio 7 bars Electric Spark or Pearl Wlilto Soap SSo Advo Jell, Jellycon or Jello, pkg..7Ho 1- lb. cons Assorted Soups 7Hc idollon cons Golden Table Syrup.. 400 2- lb. pkg. Self-Iltslng Pancake Flour for BHo McLaren's Peanut' Butter. lb...l3H sxxeo nuns for Tour Thanksglrtnr Faddlagw, Pla or Cakss. Fancy Cleaned Currants, lb 10a Fancy California Peaches. lb....7V6 Fancy California Muscatel Raisins, lb 1 8H0 Fancy Oregon Black Prunes, lb..lOo and 13Vio Fancy Moor Park Apricots 17io Fancy California Seedless Raisins, lb 8H0 Fancy California Silver Prunes, lb. 13Ho IT TDV UAvneiU9e CID&T IT PAYS Inl nJM. 1 bfwii rinJI Persistent Advertising' is the Eoad to Big Returns f The Omaha Bee is the Best Medium in Its Territory. HOTELS. WTOERBET HOTEL I Situation ideal. Sins rooms . Double rooms Double bedrooms, boudoir dressloc-room and bith . Suites Pettolr, bedroom ea d bath Each room with bath KbanHMrti Mark Tuesday's Sales VISIT TOV IjAND ON FOURTH FLOOR. height of the season. We have an unusually large stock and are going to unload even earlier than usual. Come Tuesday 200 Tailored Suits $16.50, $18, $20, $22-50 val ues. Most wanted styles, col orings and fabrics, n nn to close Tuesday uOiUO Tailored Suits S1215 175 of them in eponges, bed ford cords, diagonals, serges, poplins and novelties. Won derful bargain Tuesday. $35 Tailored Suits. $ 17 50 $i0 Tailored Suits. $50 Tailored Suits . 125 Elegant new suits in the very choicest of tho season's fabrics, colorings and styleB. Flancttto Dressing Saoqucs ( 20 dozen of tbom, mado to sell to 76c, choice acc JUuo "Wolf Fur Sots worth $5.00, choice, at $2.05 Storm and French Serges Also imported wool taffe tas, 44 in. wide, $1 and $1.25 values, at, yard G8o Tuesday's Special, Wash Goods Section Domestic Room Blue and brown Apron Check Ginghams, 7c values So Outing Flannel, good weight. 10c values ....7Ho 88-inch Unbleached Muslin So values eo Table Oil fcloth, 45 Inches wide, light and dark colors, 20c val ues ibo SUkollnes, 36-lnch wide, good col ors and patterns, 15c values 100 Flannelettes, good patterns, 10c values 7j4o Mado Bhectfl, 72x90, 60c values at 39o Dress Qlnxhams, good patterns, 124c values 100 Amoakeag Outing Flannels, good weight, 12",4o values loo Scotch and Shepherd Plaids, 18c values ..lavio Cotton Batts. from 11.00 to 8c and u saving of 25 to RO on Red Jacket Pure Apple Cider, gal lon 350 New Honey, per rack 17io BUTTER, BtTTTEBINX AKD ' OXEEBB PRICKS. The best Creamery Butter, 1-lb car ton foe The best Creamery Butter, bulk, per lb 33o The best Country Creamery Butter, lb 310 The best No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb..aeo Full Cream New York White. Young America or Wisconsin Full Cream Cheese, lb. g00 All the best brands Butterine will go on sale at, per lb ago Good Luck, Swifts Premium.. Ma jestic, Marigold or Meadow Grove. 2 lbs. good Butterine, for cooking purposes gso Good Table Butterine, lb 17Vio MB VEOBTABZ.B MARKET OF OaCAXA FOB THE PEOPLE. 15 lbs. best Idaho Potatoes to the peck aso The beat Holland Seed Cabbage, per lb aio The best AVlsconstn Hubbard Squash, per lb ,. .3o Fancy Cooking Apples, peck 3So 2 heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce .00 2 atalks Fresh Celery 50 Fancy California Cauliflower, lb..8ViO Fancy California Ripe Tomatoes, per lb lane Fancy Cranberries, quart 7Mo 3 lbs. Jersey Sweet Potatoes ioo PfcYS Subway Entrance . MAn hotel of distinction with moderate charges" " Within llvs minutes of principal railway terminals. TAKIFFi . ... rjr der-U, U. 5, to ti, M, 17, M " " , S0. sit lit), ixt, U