Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1913, Page 11, Image 11

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Argentina Wheat Harvest Will Soon
Be Under Way.
JSxpnrtahle supply from Southern
Hemisphere U Donnd to Influ
ence the Market Quotations
In Thla Country
OMAHA, Nov. 17, 1913.
The harvesting of wheat will be under
way in the north of Argentine Irt a" short
time, as the crop la ripening rapidly. Tha
cutunit of linseed has been under way
the last ten daya or fortnight. Desirable,
weather Is particularly necessary In the
districts where the wheat la about ready
to harvest, but ralna were repotted there
on Saturday. In the southern part t
-Argentina the .weather Is still dry; It Is
eald that deterioration continues' and:
that the likelihood Is that the exportable
surplus will be further reduced In conse
quence. It may bo sold without fear of
contradiction that . the most- careful
thinkers In the wheat trade at Chicago
and other markets of America, as woll
as abroad, have been slow to even con
sider as a fact some of the cables that
have been received from the southern
hemisphere because of the4r coloring. At
least one set of cables continues to come
forward telling of the loss . of . large
amounts of wheat In one- province or
another, while this st of cables Is con
tradicted by the advices from houses In
that country that are considered reliable,
cash wheat was unchanged.
Stocks of contract corn are being re
duced right along and they are small
yhen compared with a- month ago. The
fact that they are owned by one or two
concerns makes the position of the grain
stronger than It otherwise would be. Tho
larmer la not selling any corn to speak
?' in!t tn toljc cornea from the country
that the price will have to bo advanced
before the movement off the farms Is of
even moderate, proportions, when tho
crop of last year, as woll as this. Is taken
into consideration. There Is only a mod
erate open interest In the deferred
months save that of hedging character.
SfJ1 corn was unchanged to Sc lower.
The situation In oats Is not as weak as
II wa a fortnight ago. It is expected,
tnat a large amount of Canadian orrts
will come Into the I'nlted States before
the-close of navigation. Cash oata were
unchanged to lie higher.
Clearances of- -wheat and flour were
equal to 753,000 bu.. and no corn or" oats.
?0B0 of "wheat at Liverpool was
W higher and corn i01o higher.
Primary wheat receipts werda 1,826,000
IwftW'i "'WW bu- and shipments of
647,000. bu. last year.
Primary corn, receipts were 821,000 bu.
Srin..phlm,eHl?uS85,00() bu' Mfalnst re
ceipts of CU.000 bu. and shipments of J18,
000 bu. last year.
Primary oaU receipts were 751,000 bu.
5?di?5i,Sle,lu C59'C0 DU- against receipts
or 3,079,000 bu. and shipments of 827,000
bu. last oyar.
Minneapolis .
Kansas City
a . t . . ,
Winnipeg '.'.I".'.y.!!!"2.i5!i
nTJ1 following cash sales were reported:
S5he9at!u2J' i2 hard- winter, 2 cats, 81a
No. 3 hArd winter. 1 car. So; 3 cars, 81Hct
1 car, 81c; 2 cars, 80c; H car, 79c. No7 4
hard winter. 1 car No. 2 durum. 1
car, i6J4c No. 3 durum. 1 car, 76c! I car,
76a No. 4 durum, car. 74c No. 3 mixed.
8 cars, 80c. No. 4 mlxed.-l car, 1714c; 1
car, 76Hc Oats: Standard, 3 carp, SJc. No.
S white. It cars, SSfcc;. No. 4 whlto, 2
cars, SStfo; 2 cars, 38c. Corn. No. 3
white, 1 car, 71ViV4c; 6 cars (new), ratfc;
1 cars, (new), GSVic. No. 4 white. 1 cur
(now),. 64c No. 2 yellow, 1 car,. 72Mc; 12
cars (new). 70c. No. 3 yellow, 6 cars. 72V4c;
2 cars (new). 70c; 27 cars (new), CSHc; 3
cars (new), 69c No. 4 yellow, 1 car-(now),
6Sc; l;car (new), 67c. No. 2 mixed, 1 car,
71c; 1 car. 7.1)ic; 2 cars (new), tajic No.
S mixed, .2 cars, 71c; 11 cars (new), 69c: 2
'n rr fnAtoV AeS. .In, .-c i ,.,.
4 mledlkcar,.J0V4a; L.oan,new), GSc. No
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard,
79!4S2V4o; No. 3 hard, 78V4QS2c; No.
hard, 74HS80c; No. 3 spring, 7st4Q79Wc;
No, 4 -spring. 7778Jc; No. 2 durum, 76
76c; No. 3 durum. 750T$o. Corn: No. 2
white, 63J471ic; No. 3 white, 69S71Wo;
No. 4 white, 6S48Vsc; No. 2 yellow, 69H
TtVic: No. 3 yellow, 68&e72Hcj. No. 4
yellow, 67H370c: No. 2, 697:c; No. 3,
6SQ71c; No. 4, 67H07OHc: no grade, COJ
Sc. Oata: No. 2 white. 39fl33V4o: standards
H39c; No. 3 white, 3Sli3Sic: No. 4
white, 38U03SHC. Barley: Malting, CO
76c; No. 1 feed, 474JCOC Rye: No. 2, WMb
Wc; No. 8, 68068 V4c w
features of the Trading ami Closing
I'rlccs on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO. 111., Nov. 17.-Late favorable
news fro Argentina eased wheat after
an early upturn, the market closing Ir
regular, a shade up to liSUcc net
lower: covering by shorts firmed corn,
the close showing a net gain of Uto c;
oats, helped by corn, showed a net rise of
a shade to ViQc; provisions, on good
buying, finished unchanged to 17V4c
Prompt chock to a strong bull tendency
In wheat came on reports from Argen
tine that rains in the northern port of
that country were ceasing. Fears that
the near at hand harvest would be greatly
handicapped were allayed and in addition
to the easing thus given prices were
lowered because of liberal selling by in
fluentlan houses which put long lines of
wheat i on. the market at the attractive
early bulge.
The opening strength was caused not
only by the fears of rain where more
was not needed, but by lack of it in the
south where drouth was causing as much
alarm as the wet In the opposite port
of the republic, A large Increase In
the visible supply further Increased the
bear sentiment fostered by the late South
American advices.
Shorts were scared by prospects of
delayed marketing of new corn, their fear
being board on a forectse of unsettled
weatlier for nearly the entire country.
The forecast led to covering that gave
backbone to the market. Though oats
hardened with corn buslnees was only
One of the largest-western shorts was
a big buyer of provision and this firmed
the list In spite of q decline at the yards.
Artlclel Opcn.l High. I tow, I Close.! Hat'y.
I MayIW4e!
9iUi 9lWiKWk
71 &A
' DecJaeowil
, Miy(42Ke(
Pork. I . I.
20 0
Jan. 20 '
20 67141
20 67
tard.- 1
,yl so I
to 70
I .1
10 92V4
, May
U 12'
11 lJVij
10 9&fff
10 97141
&ll OW
10 969
10 97H
U 07
11 109
U 12H
11 0,
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat No. 1
red. 9&iJ6Hc; No. 2 red. 9aa93c; No. 2
bard. tefeeSc: No. 3 hard, 7fekc; No. 2
northern, kSViS9c; No. 3 northern. S&Q
Wc; No. 2 spring. 87Q8c; No. i
spr)pgt 86S?6Hc.. Corn: No. 2. 13&!ic;
No: i I whlteVlltfilUc; No. 2 yellow. 740
74Vc; No. 3. 73H74e: No. 3 white. 7Ji
74Uc; No. 3 yellow, 73V74c; No. 3, new.
9V4c; No. 3 white, new, 60Hc: No. 2
yellow, new, 70c Oats; No. 2, 40c; No,
2 white. 42c; No. S white. 40U40c;
standard, 41HCH2c Rye: No. 2, nominal.
Barleys WSSlc. Timothy; t4.00Q6.2S.
Clover;: $U.00U25. Pork: 820.75. Lard:
ia.a. nibs; sio.tt8ii.5o.
BUTTER Strong: creameries. 22J2c
EGOS Slightly firmer; receipts. 2,732
cases; at mark, cases included, i&QZic;
ordinary firsts, 30632c; flrsU. 34334Hc.
CHEESE Unchanged.
POTATOES Unchanged.
POULTRY Alive, lower, springs, 12c;
fowls,, 10o; turkeys, higher at 10c.
Sllnneapolls (raln Markrl
No. 1 hard, Mc No. 1 northern. Suesst-c;
Vo. 2 northern, CiOSSJic, No. 2 hard,
20 75 ( 20 65
2075 2060
10 97u'l0 iVfi
H17H U10
11 05 10 95
11 17H U OiS
Montana, ttoiMc; No. J. SOVjfJSlSc. Da
I comber. 4c: May. S74c.
t orn No. 3 yellow, Mjlc.
Oats No. 2 white, 17tj7ttti.
Rye-No. !. 5irRto,
Qnotntlon of the liar o Various
NEW YORK. Nov. 17.-KLOUR-Steady;
spring patents. 34.3MT4 K; winter straights,
4.10t4.20; winter patents, J4.4O8.C0; spring
clears, 4.OO04.; extra. No. 1 winter, JS.56
T3.75: extra. No. 2 winter, .S53.W; Kan
sas straights, S4.10O4.20
WHEAT Spot, firm. N6. 2 red, 97J4C.
nominal, c. I. f. New York, export basis,
and 99o f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern,
Duluth. 96'ic f- o. b. afloat. Futures were
firm, early on the cables and Argentina
news, and on firmness In Winnipeg, but
lost part of the advance under profit tak
ing on the Increase in the visible supply,
December. 9iiHe; 'May, 99 51Cc.
HOPS Steady; state, common to choice
1913, 40fM$c; 1912. 20ff2Sc; Pacific coast
1913. 2VPS0C; 1911. 2.VQ2SC.
HIDES-Eosy; Bogota, 30H81Hc; Cen.
tral America, 31c.
PETROLEUM Steady; reflnwl New
York, bulk, S5.2S; barrels, S3.75J cases,
WOOL Steady; domestic fleece, XX
Ohio. 2TK3
CORN Spot, dull; export, nominal,
OATS Spot, firm; standard white. WS
47c: Nb. 3, 4i4f46c; fancy clipped white,
HAT Klfm; Btandarxl. S1.00; No. 1, $1.0:.;
..... a, mJftem., HUi u. .V., , ,
LE.ATHER Firm, hemlock firsts. 2?S' I
30c; seconds. 2&U29c.
I'HOviaiUNS Pork, quiet; mess, SZ3.00
ffS3.B0; family. 1J4.5OS27.00: short clears.
S20.25fW2.00. Beef, firm; mess, S1S.0081S.60;
lamuy, H9.5Utn.&n. cut meats, easy;
Pickled hams, S13.7.",; pickled bellies. SUM
O15.00. ljrd. ew mlddlo west. SU.OOO
11.10- refined, steady: continent, Sll-CT;
Smah America, S12.30; compound, 8S.628
TALLOW Steadv: cltv. 6c. countrv.
fific; speclnl, 7c.
iiUTTJSii Market stead)'; receipts, 4,800
tuba: creamery extras. 34W,Vc: firsts. 28a
82c; held extras, 31032c; firsts, 2SQ30c;
state dairy, unesi, siijec; Rood, Titfooc;
process extras, 25V4WWc; firsts, 21Sr2Sc;
Imitation creamery llrsts, 24tT2jc; factory
held firsts. 23c; current make firsts. 22V4
cheese Firm; receipts. 000 boxes;
state whole milk held specials. l$Hc:
average fancy, 1616Uv; fresh specials,
J6c; average fancy, 15?ie; under grades,
liVitn-i'.-ic: daisies held, I6r.
EQQS Firm: receipts, 4,3tO cases; fresh
gathered extras, Va6c; extra firsts, 410
42c; firsts. SOtHOc; refrigerator special
marks fancy, 2930c; firsts. SiHff2)c:
nearby hennery whites, fine to vancy,
WMi'65c; nearby hennery gathered whites.
5S4f6Ic; hennery browns, 4&&60o; western
gathered wnites, 4i'oic.
TOULTRY- Dressed, irregular; fresh
Wiled western chickens, ltm23c; fowls,
12ijlSV4c; turkeys, spring, 19Q22C.
BUTTER No. 1, 1-lb. cartons, SOc; No.
1, 60-lb. tubs, 31c
FI8H White, fresh, 16c: trout, fresh,
16c; large croppies, fresh, 13015c; Spanish
mackerel, 16c; shad roe, per pair, 40c;
salmon, fresh, 10c; halibut, fresh, 13c;
buffalo, 9c: bullheads, 13c; channel -catfish,
16c; pike, 15c; pickerel, 12c
POULTRY Broilers, S3.00gc.00 per dox.:
hens, lC16c; cocks. 12c; ducks, ISSOOc;
geese, 18c; turkeys, Sc; pigeons, per doz.,
SL20; roosters, 8c: ducks, full feathered,
12c; geese, full feathered, 11c; squabs.
No. 1, S1.E0; No. 2. 60c
CHEESE Imported Swiss, 30c; Ameri
can Bwlss, 36c; block Swiss, 24c; twins,
18o; daisies, 18c; triplets, lS4c; Young
Americas, 19c: blue label brick, ISc; Urn
berger, 2-lb 20c; New York white, 19c.
Wholesale prices of beef cuts effective
today In Omaha are as follows:
BEEF CUTS No. 1 ribs. 18c; No. 2, 15c;
No. 3. 12c. No. 1 loins, 19c; No. 2, IGUc;
No. 3, I3a No, 1 chucks, loc; No. 2,
9U.c: No. 3. 8Uo. No. 1 rounds. 14c: No.
2, I2c; No. 3, HHc No. 1 plates, ic;
No. 2, 8c; No. 3. 7c.
Tno loiiowing prices, are lurnisnea py
the Ollllnsky Fruit company:
FRUITS AdoIm: Extra fancv Wash-
trigton Jonathans, 'for box", 12.25; WhI.te'
winter earmains, per dox, i.j; lancy
White Winter Pearmalns, per box, S2.00;
fancy Idaho Black Twig, per box, 12.00;
fancy Idaho Baldwins, per box, S2.00;
fancy Idaho York Imperials, per box,
II. 00; fancy Idaho Wolbrldge, per box,
31.85; fancy Idaho Willow Twigs, per box,
SI. S3; fancy Idaho Smith Ciders, per box,
SI. S3; extra fancy Idaho Northern Spy,
Greenings or Kings, per box, S2.00; extra
fancy Idaho Rambos, per box, J12s; extra
fancy Ben Davis, per box, SI .63; fancy
Ben Davis, per box, SI. 50; choice Ben
Davis, per box, 31.40; No. 1 Ben Davis,
per bbl., $4.60; labeled Wine Saps, per
bbl., S6.60; labeled Gano, per bbl., Si.60.
Pears: Extra fancy Beurro Clolrgeau,
per box, $2.60. Oranges: Florida, 120, 160,
176, 300, 216 sizes, per .box, S4-G0; 250 size,
per box, $4.00; 28$ size, per box, $3.60;
navals. 126, 150, 176, 200, 216 sizes, per box,
$4.60; 250 size, per box. $4.25; 2SS size, per
box, $3.75; 324 size, per box, $3.00. Lemons:
Extra fancy SunkUt, 300s and 300s, per
box, $3.00; extra choice Red Ball, 300a and
UWs, per box, $8.60. Grapes: Extra fancy
Emperors, per crate, $100; Earl's Em
perors, per bbl., $4.00; Imported Malaga,
extra fancy, $7.00; fancy, $6-60; extia
choice, $6.00; choice, $5.60. Grapefruit:
Extra fancy Florida, 46 and 93, S4.75: 64,
64 and 80, $5.00. Cranberries: Per box,
$2.75; Bell and Bugle, per bbl., $9.00; Bell
and Cherry, per bbl., S8.50; late Red, per
bbl., $8.25; Richard, per bbl., $9.00; ex
treme Jumbo, per bbl, $11.00.
VEGETABLES Potatoes: Genuine Red
River Early Ohio, per bu., $1.00; Rural or
Burbanks, per bu., 85c; Virginia sweet
potatoes, per bbl., $260; Delaware Jerseys,
per hamper, $1.25. Cabbage: Holland
seed, per lb., 2o. red, per lb., 3c Squash:
Per lb., 2c. Pumpktns: Per lb., lc
Onions: California large yellow, per lb.,
2c; Ohio large Red Globe, per lb., 2c;
Spanish, per crate, $1.60; white boiling,
per lb., 3c Tomatoes: California, per
four-basket crate. $2.00.
MISCELLANEOUS-Callfornla figs. 13
32-oz. pkgs., 85c; 60 6-oz. pkgs., $2.00; Cali
fornia black figs. 13 12-oz. pkps., $1.00; 7
crown Imported figs, per lb., 48c; 3-crown
Imported figs, per lb., ISc; 7-crown pulled
figs (boxes weighing about 6 lbs.), Wc; 5
crown pulled figs (boxes weighing about
6 lbs.), 75c; 7-crown pulled figs .(boxes
weighing about 10 oz.), per doz.. $1.25;
Dromedary brand dates, pkg., $3.00; An
chor brand dates, pkg., S2.J5; Hallowe'en
dates, per lb., 7c; parsnips, per lb., 2c;
carrots, per lb., 2c; beets, per lb., 2c; ruta
bagas, por lb., 114c: California Jumbo
celery'. Per doz.i 85c; Michigan celery, per
doz., 3Sc; cider, per keg. S3. 25; cider, per
half bbl., $5.75; shallots, per doz., 60c;
parsley, per doz., 40o; radishes, per doz.,
30c; head lettuce, per doz., $1.00; home
grown leaf lettuce, per doz., 40c; gTeen
peppers, per basket, 60c; wax or green
beans, per hamper, $6.00; hothouse cucum
bers, per doz., 75c to $1-60; cauliflower,
per crate, $15; Venetian garlic, per lb.,
12V4o; eggplant, per doz., $100; horse
radish, 2 doz. bottles In case, per case,
$100; walnuts,' No, 1 soft shell, per lb.,
19c; .medium pecans, per lb., Uc, Jumbo
pecans, per lb., 16c; giant pecans, Louisi
ana paper shell, per lb., 25c; filberts, per
lb., 16c; Drake almonds, per lb., 18c; paper
shell, 23c; Brazils, per lb., 18c; large
washed, per lb., 19c; black walnuts, per
lb., 2c; raw No, 1 peanuts, per lb., 7c;
Jumbo peanuts, per lb., 8c; roast peanuts,
per lb., SV4c; shell bark hickory nuts, per
lb., 5c, large hickory nuts, per lb., 4c;
white rice popcorn, per lb., 4c; checkers,
per 100-pkg. case, $160; checkers, per 60
pkg. case, $1.75.
Kansas Cltr ir!u anil Provisions.
Cash: No. 1 hard, S2fi7c; No. 2, SStt
CORN--No. 2 white, 76077c; No. 3, 7S
Closing prices of futures:
WHEAT-December, S0H8Slc; May,
CO UN December, 71KQ71c; May.
OATS-No. 2 white, 41041-; No. 2
mixed. 42-42Hc.
BUTTER Creamery. 30c; firsts, 2Sc;
seconds, 27c; pocking stock, lsHc
EGGS Firsts 36c; fancy, 22c.
POULTRY Hens, 10c; roosters, c;
ducks, 10c; springs, 10c
St. I.ouU General Market.
ST LOUIS. Nov. 17. W 1 1 E AT Cloke :
No. 2 red, 92fj04c; No. 2 hard, bUHQXc;
Derember, 88c; May, 9I4c
CORN-No. 2, 76i.S76c; No. 3 white,
7c December, 72Uc. May, 73',i.-
OATS No. 2. 40ic; No. 2 white, 42c;
December, 4014c. May, ilhc
Speculation is Listless and Price
Changes Generally Insignificant.
IinnKlnr KtIIk at Future U I soon n ted
as Accurately as ronstbl and
Traders' Wntcalnjr for
NEW YORK, Nov. 17. -Speculation was
listless all. day long and except In Isolated
Instances price chlngrs were Insignificant.
In the first hour there was a sharp de
cline, which carried down the leaders a
point or so. A recovery came quickly.
In the afternoon speculation was lifeless.
Wall street Is watting for news. The
Imagined evils of the future have been
discounted as accurately as may be now.
Speculators ore watching for signs that
will show them whether their Judgment
has been correct. Investors are doing
next to nothing.
There was plenty of news today regard
ing Mexico, the trad situation, events at
Washington, and other things In which
the street la interested, but tt was not
hows of first Importance. There was
nothing which Indicated decisive develop
ments. With no occurrences at homo to affect
the market at the opening, the tone was
determined by thu London market, where
Americans were heavy, Tentative ef
forts of the bears to extend the decline
availed nothlnr. Operations on the lone
side met with no more success.
The coppers failed to benefit bv the
strong showing made In the fortnlglHly
report of European supplies, showing n
decrease of more than 3,000,000 pounds.
intermittent Duying in Europe has corn
paratlvely little effect, on account of
stagnant conditions in the domestic mar.
Assets realization fell twenty points to
forty. It sold at 18) earlier In the vear.
Officials of the company sold they knew
of no reason for the slump.
uonas were easy. Virginia deferred 6s
were bid up three points. Total sales,
par value. $1,015,000. United States bonds
were unchanged on call.
ixumoer of sales and leading quotations
on stocks were:
alts. Hlia. Lw. CUM.
(.TOO 70S (It, 70Si
Amalciraitrd Coppr ...
American Azrlculturtl .,
Amrrlctn Dtrt Sur. ...
Amrrtcsn Can
American Can pfd
American C F ,
American Cotton Oil..,..
Am, Ice Securities
American Llne4
Amerloan Locoinotlre ...
American S. A It
American 8. A H. pfd..
Am. Smar IUtlnlnz
American T. t T
American Tehacto
Anaconda Mlnlnc Co....
Atcbtaon pfd ...
Atlantic coaat Una
naltlmore A Ohio.,
Bethlehem titeel
Brooklyn Rapid Tr......
Canadian Pad Mo
Central leather
Cheaapaaka A Ohio
Chlcato O. W
I'htcaxo. M. A St. P....
Chicago A N. W
Colorado F. A I
Consolidated Ota ,
Corn Troducta
Delaware A Hudaon
Denter A Rio Orande....
nanrer A It. 0. pfd......
niatlllera' Securltlea ....
Erla lat pfd
Erie 2d pfd
General Rlectrle
Oreat Northern pfd
Oreat Northern Oro ctf.
Illinois Central
Interborauzh Met,
Inter. Mat. pfd
International llarreater,.
Inter-Marino pfd
Initematlonat Paper
International IMmp
Kanaaa Cltr Southern...
Laclede Oaa
Lehlih Valler
LoulafllU A NaahTllle..
M.. Bt. P. A S. Sle. It.
MlMourt. K. A T
Mlaaourt Pnclfle ........
National Dlecult
National Lead
N. It. It. of M. 2d pfd..
Now York Central
K. V.. O. W
Norfolk A Western
North American
Northern Pad Mo
Pacific Mall
Pennarletnla ., ,
Peopla'a Gas
P.. C, C. A Bt. t,
Pittaburih coal
tOO 4
"oi 'ii'
o 6J
I. tOO 119
aw n
too it
:oo ih
1.9W !!H
4. W0 2
400 lt tU
Proaed Steel Car
Pullman Palac Car....
Republic I. A S
Ilepabllc I. A B. pfd..
Hock Island Co
Rock laland Co. pfd..,.
Ft. L. A B. F. Id pfd,
Seaboard Air Una.,...,
Seaboard A. I,, pfd..,.
Hlosa-Hhttfleld 8. A. I.
fiouthern Pacific .......
Southern Railway
8o. Railway pfd
Tennessee Copper
Teias A Paelflo ,
Union Faclft
Union Pacific pfd
Unlttd matea Heart?..
I'nlted states' Rubber,
t'nlted Slatea steel,...
tr 8, Steal pfd
Utah Copper
Va..Carollna Chemical
Wabaali pfd ..
Western Maryland ...
Western Union u..,,.,
Weatlnahouae F.Ilctrla
IT.-00 im
MM iwu
200 I1H
"ieo 'ii"
. 21,100 tt
too aS
300 H II
Wheellnt A Lake Brie , 414
Total soles for the dsy, shares.
Xeiv Y-orlc Money Market.
NEVVI Nov- n.-MONEV-Call.
firm at per cent: rullnir r.t. rtu.
per cent: closing bid, 3fl3i per cent. Time
loans, firm.; sixty and ninety days, 6 per
cent; six months, JQC per cent.
per cent.
HTIilll.INa EXCHANGE Firm, .!.
im' iiiS? demand- H8S40; commercial
5.UlYJ?JvBar' Mc' JfeIcan dollars. c.
BONDS-Oovernment, steady; railroad,
Closing quotations on bonds today were
as follows:
U. 8. refs. is re.. T K. a 80. ref. s..ti
U. B. Is rss JM'ft. A N. unl. 4s...
do Is ceupoo Vti M. K. A T. 1st s It
U. B. ts. ref 11H "do lUs ... W
do coupon 110tt Mo. Pacific as MU
rsnana sa coupon., ri ao conr. ts TSMJ
A..C. 1st to ctfa.. 14
Amer. As. ta,. ... tl
A, T. A T. er. as,, tS
Am. Tobacco ta,... Ill
N. n. R. of U. Ha M
N. Y. C. a. IV4S.... 0
do dab. is tu
T. N. II, A 11.
Armour A Co. (us. so irt.
(Atchison fen. 4a..,. IttiN". A W. 'let
4a. 4
... til,
... $64
do or. la 1KW.... Kk 'to a,.
do er. to..... , 1CJ,,N. Pacific 4s..,.;:
A, C. L. lat 4s.... do Sa ... .
11.1. a Ohio is. .. jo.o. a. u rfdt.
lHa 'Penn. cr. SUa llli.
Brook. TT. er. 4a. . WVa do con. U .,
Can. of Oa. 1 1M Heading tan. 4s.'.!
uen. uaintr as svh. 1. a a w 1. 1. ta
Chea. A Ohio 4Ha.. 11V, da sen. ts... 7 is
do conr. 4 Ha 7 U 8. W. e. 4i. t
Chlcajro A A. IH.. M8. X. U adj. to.'.i 72U
C B, A Q, J. 4s. .. Mli'So. Pse. col. 4a, P0 '
do sen. 4a 0 do or. 4s..., ... aja;
O W A 8 P e Hts..l0lTj do 1st ref. is, to
v 11. 1. at -. c. as uiB,. Hallway la.... lofA;
do rfs. 4a. 71 hi "do fen. 4a. . , m;
C. A . r A 4Ut imi'nloa Paelflo 4a.. I4?
D. A II. rr. 4s. . ,. ' dn er. 4a. . . 155
D. A R. O. ref. to. 6 da lat A ref. 4a ! Itu
Dlatlllera' is .,, ... Mtt'U. 8. Rubber ; lolt!
Krle p. I. 4s
miv. n.
flteel id la oai:
do rid. 4s..
do cr. 4s. ser. B
III. On. 1st r. 4s.,
Inter. Met. 4U'.
Inlsr. M. M. 4Hs..
Japan 4',ia
Did. Offered.
71 V.-C
Cham I a,T
MH'Wab. tat A e. Va " 41
llt.Weatern Ul i. .1,,
74V, West. ICIrc. cr. Is., wu
MJtWI Central 4s. .'
Local Secarlllrs.
Quotations furnished br Burns. Drinker A Co..
4 Omaha National bsuk building:
Old. Asked.
Council Bluffs O. A E. Is. 1121
Columbus. Neb.. L. II. A P. Is, 1124.
Cnlcaao Rr., Bailee A. iK7
Dswson Co.. Nib, ct. House la. 1U(
Deera A Co. pfd. ei-dlr ,,
Kalrmoct Cteamerr T per cent cuar..
Inter. Rapid Tr. Is. lltt
Iowa Rr. A Llrht U ll
Kanaaa Cltr. Ma.. Sch. Ula. 4a, la.
Middle Wea. Utllttlea as, 1111
Omaha Gas Is, lilt , . . ,. ..
Cltr at Omaha 4Us. l4t
Omaha A C. B. St. Jtr. ta. tUi
Omaha ACS. tit. Rr. eld-
Omaha A C. B. Rt, Ht com.. .... ..
Omaha A C. B. Rr. A Bridie,... . ,
Omaha E. I A P. U. Ill)
Paclfle O. A r. I p. c notea. 1114 .,
HLale of Colorado Puodlnc Is, Hit,.
Saundera-K. Bids. par (ant pfd.. ..
Port of Seattle 4a, H5J . .. ,
Han Francisco. Cel. Is. 1M0-IIM ,
Rockr alt. ruel la. and bonus....
Waodburr Co , la., DrslBaxa ta. 1117.
Wrmore, Neb., la..
17 17 U II
WH 100
tlVi 1M
101.1 101.
tl 100
London Stock Market'.
IONDON. Nov 17 American securities
opened weak on the Mexican situation
today. First prices were from U to IVi
lower, but later the market hardened on
co aring and at noon was steadier, with
values ranging from unchanged to Ta be
low parity.
Consols, money "t -1 t'nlon Pacific 1W
I do eraouM.... 72 11-18
BILVBll Bar, easy at 27Kd per ounce.
MONKY 4G4.H per cent
DISCOUNT ItATBS-Short bills, 6fI6H
per cent; three months' bills, S per cent.
llnatnn Stock JlnrUrt.
UOvSTON, Nov. K.-Ooslng quotations
on stocks:
. .. M Mrbswk I0
... 704Netada Cnn . . IIS
... KVNIplwlnc Mines .. t Ml
tSNcrth Hilte Ill
M. U North Lake 1
...CSMOld Dominion ,.. .. !,; Osceola 71H
. liUOnlner M
Ataal. Coprr
A. E. !
Art'ost Cam. ...
n. A. C. C 8.
Cil. A Artton .
Oil. A Itecta
t"V.rMf Haute C. C. 21 shannon Ill
KASt nutto C. M .. 104 Superior A B. M... 2l
trsnkltn 1 Tamarack 5i
tltasby Con. ... ... t V. B. R. H. A M... S
Greene Cananea . ., to do pfd l4
la) Royale Copper. IT Utah Con IH
Kerr Lae 4WVtah Copper CU. .41
Lk Copper ... ... Hr Winona 1H
I Palle Copper.... IHWolrerlae 41
Miami Copper .. .. 21 V
Cotton Market.
K"uture closed steady. December, 13.43c;
January, 13.14c; March, 1133c; May, 13.17c;
Julv, lxiTc. Spot quiet, mllddhng, 13.70c;
guU, 13.95c,
Cotton closed steady at n net loss of 3
to 7 points on near months and U to 17
points on later deliveries.
NEW YOltK, Nov. 17. COFFT.B-Mar-ket
weak today, owing to KUropcan
cables and reports that Ilrnittl was still
pressing sales. The opening was steady
at a decline of S to 15 points. Active
months sold to a net loss of 21C2S points,
most months making new low ground for
the movement. The close was steady at
WCf. points net lower. Bales, !W,000 bngR.
Dncembor, P.14c; January, 9.S7c; March,
.53c; Maj-, 9.76c; July, P.9c; September,
10.16c. Spot unsettled; ltlo. No. 7, VSc;
Hunt os. No. 4, 12Sc Mild quiet; Cordova,
lJiwJflOHc nominal.
niVKKPOOU Nor. 17.-COTTON-Bpot
In fair demand; prices, cosier; middllmr
fair, .94d; good middling, 7.C4d; middling,
7WV1; low middling. 7.3Sd; good ordinary,
6 Old; ordinary, &30d. Bales, 10,000 bales,
nils iintl Hi.aln.
Oil Irregular; prime summer, yellow,
spot, S7.0ti4P7.13; December, $7.10; March,
$7.33; May, $7.44.
UOSIN Steady: strained, common to
good. $4.10.
TUlU'liNTlNO-steody; machine. Dar
rein. Kc.
TINE Firm: 43?ic: salce,
T70 bbls. ; re.
celpts, 573 bbls.; shipments.
130 bbls,;
stocl:. 30.41,0 bbls.
HORIN Ilrm; sales. 2.463 bbls.; receipts,
1.597 bbls.. shipments. 1.403 bbls.: stocks.
105,318 bbls. Quote: A, 11, C, D, E, F, O,
li, S3. ; i, 13.10; k, 11.3&; m, $o.oo; in, io.w;
WO, $8.50; WW, $6.75.
Krnporntt-il Apples and Dried Fruits
APPLES-Qulft but steady, fancy lOJT
HVto; choice StJ0Vc; prime, "HC'c.
DRIED FRUITS-Callfornlas, 4fiil!e; Or
egons, SVffllc Apricots, steady; choice,
13c; extra choice, 14c; fancy, 14VV316c.
Peaches, steady; choice. 6U4f6Sc: extra
choice, 6;tJ7c; fanoy. 7Htr7io. Raisins,
quiet; losse muscatels, Mlc; choice to
fancy seeded, 6i7ic: seedless, 44QV4o;
London layers, ll.aoci.40.
Liverpool Grain Stnrkrt.
steady; No. 1 Manitoba, 6s lOXd; No. S,
6a lOd; futures, firm; December, 7s lid;
March. 7s 2Tio; May, 7s IdHd.
CORN Spot, dull; Amorlcan, mixed, 6s
6d; Laplata futures, strong; December, 4s
6H1! January, 4s 8d.
FLOUR-Wlnter patents, 2Ss d.
HOPS Iln London, Paelflo coast, 5 6s
Cattle MoMlr Dime Lower Hons
Weak sna.lioner,
CHICAGO. Nov. 17. CATTLE Receipts
26.000 head; mostly 10c lower; ; beoves, $6.(w
0.C6; Texas steers, $6.5Oa7.00; .western,
to.M.80; stookers and feeder. $4.80B7.W;
cows and heifers, $3.S03.10; calves, $6.50
GHOaS-Recelpts. 48.000 head! market
weak and 10c lower; bulk, $7.60&'7.00; light.
37.40S7.W; mixed, $7.40dJ.00; heavy, 17.30
8.00: rough, $7.30JT7.4fi: Pigs, $5.0007.10
SHEEP AND LAM ns Receipts. 46,000
head; market 3000o lower; native, $3.75
4.75; western. $S.80iff4.75; yearlings, $5.00
6.75; lambs, native, $5.DOQ7.00; western,
Knnnn City Live SloeU Market.
KANSAS CITY. Nov. 1T.-CATTLT-Recelpts,
24.000 head; market steady to
15c lower; prime fed steers, $8,604(0.25;
dressed beef steers, $0.o58.40; western
steers, $5.00&CO; southern steers, $5.00
7.50; cows, $.15B.75; heifers. $5.00!T.75;
stockcrs and feeders. 5.2&4r775; bulls, $6.00
6.S6; calves, $6.50i3a0.a5.
HOGS Receipts. 12.800 head; market, lo
lower; bulk, $7.6&07.8O; heavy, $.7537.874;
packers and butchers, 7.707.85; light,
$7.55W.75; pigs, $6.0OBi7.25.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6.O00
head; market, 26c lower; lambs, t6.5W7.25;
yearlings, $4.756.75; wethers, $l.0061.00;
ewes, J3.Wtft.K).
St. Iionls Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 1,600 head; market steady; good to
choice, $6.6533.75; stockers and feeders,
$5.0087.60; cows and helfors. $4.25438.35;
bulls, 34.7&&7.W.- calves, lo.oosii.w; south
ern steers. $&-767.0O; cows and heifers.
HOGS Receipts, ll.ow nean; market,
steady; pigs and lights, $6.6037.90; mixed
ond butchers, $7,664(8.00; good heavy, $7.86
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 3,000
head: market steady; muttons, $3.7694.35;
yearlings, $5.OO0XX; lambs, $5.3307.60.
Slenz City litre) Stock Market.
BTOUX CITY, la.,, Nov. 17. CATTLE
Receipts, 3,500 head; market steady to 100
lower; native sireera,; canners,
J3.65fi-I.50: itockers and feeders. $5.6037.00:
calves, $7.COtf10.00; bulls, stags, etc., $t&&8
HOGS Receipts, 4.000 head; market 10a
lower; heavy. J7.40iH7.55; mixed. $7.7597.S6;
light. $7.65770; bulk of sales, J7.6Mr7.fij.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 3.000
head; market, steady; fed muttons, J&.fyvy
e.w; wetners, ii.wtuuw; ewes, j4.ooifi.yj:
lambs, $6.0037.60.
Live Stock in Sleht.
Receipts of live stock at the six nrln.
clpal western markets yosterday:
uattie. nogs, mieep.
South Omaha 9,200 7.000 20,000
Ht. ojseph
Kansas City .21.000
Sioux City 3.500
St. Louis 16.00
Chicago 26,000
..06,300 88.W0
Metal aiarket.
quiet; J4.2Mtt.60; London. 13. Spelter,
quiet. 35.20iS6.30; tendon. 120 12s Gd. Cop
per, weax; sianaaru, spoi ana rutures,
not quoted; electrolytic, 115. 25015.60; lake.
116.60; casting. I5.0015.2&; In London,
quiet; spot, 167 16s; futures, 66 15s. Tin,
steady; spot and November, 139.7640.26,
December, t33.60a-W.00; January, WO.Xm
40.00; In London, quiet; spot, 150; futures,
1181 5s. Antimony, dull; Cookson's. 17.60.
Iron, quiet; No. 1 northern, el6.00gus.60
No. 3 northern, il5.6OQn6.00; No. 1 south
ern, $l5.2&e,15.70; No. 1 southern soft, $15.3
JJ15.75; In London, Cleveland warrants.
48s lOttd.
ST. LOUIS. Nov, 17. METALS Lead.
qulets $120. Spelter, slow; 35.17V4.
, umaiia liar aiarkrt.
OMAHA. Nov. n.-IIAY-Pralrie: No. 1
choice upland, 11I.60&1100; extra choicev
312.6-3; No. 2, 10(Sfrll.&0; No. 3. 1.CO10.00;
No. 1 choice midland. $U.0OglL60; No. 2.
I10.0OS11.0O; No. 3. X8.00ai0.00; No. 1 choice
lowland. ta.OOgiaoO; No. 3, J8.00a0.00; No
B. S.Oa.00. Straw: Wheat, .02iC.60
oats or rye. JS.00iS6.60. Alfalfa, choice
H4 0015.r); No. 2. 12.0014.00; No. 3. 110 W
Drr fioods Market.
NEW YORK. fov. 17-Cottons goods
markeU were steady today with demand
quiet. Jobbers reported a good advance
business on waih fabrics for spring. Raw
silk was easier and yarns were quiet.
vtuiuaiusa are ueint, cieanea up at a
sacrifice for Immediate delivery. Cutters
ore ouying suitings lor immediate use.
lilifln Uultrr Market.
ELGIN, Nov 17 -BUTTER Klrm at
12.800 6.00
4.000 3.000 J,.,
11.000 1,000
48,000 45,000 I..
77 fim I .
Cattle of All Kinds Very Slow and
Generally Ten Lower.
nml l.tsnihs Fifteen to
I.ovrer Than
I.nst Week's Close Feeders
Sternly to Strnnn.
POl'TM OMAHA. Nov. 17, 1913.
Hrcetnts were.
Cattle, Hogs. Bheep.
,. 9.KO 7.000 10,000
Estimate Monday .
Same dav Inst week .. R,9rt
Same 3 weeks ago 9,343
83.1 43
Msme 3 weeks ago 7.2KV
Same 4 weeks ago 10,411
Same days last year... 6,&S7
The following tatils shows the receipt
of cattle, hogs and sheep at the South
Omaha live stock market for the year to
date as compared with last ycart
1913. 1913. inc. Dec.
Cattle 858,351 M7.474 SS.133
Hogs t324,97J 2.657.SS5 ....... 332,413
isheop .... . 2,911, 4 2,671,336 380,163
Tho following table shows the range of
prices tor hogs at the South Omaha live
stock market for the last few days, with
Date. I 1MJ. IWil.HIH.Illt.ilffl.lWl.lK7.
1 G3H
7 79 S 14! 7
I 5 78 4 90
7 76 4 7S
7 79 5 63 4 M
7 73 3 5)1
7 76 5 61 4 9)
7 84 5 79 4 S3
7 85 6 74 4 70
5 63 4 S3
7 97 4 94
7 96 6 59 4 99
7 33 5 54
7 es?i
7 7:s
7 C4H
7 59H
7 75H
7 74t
7 06H
7 SOi 6 08
8 02
3 1
7 00i
7 Ml
6 27
7 J4
7 83
7 71
7 tl
t 37
7 K3
7 82
6 25
7 91
7 66!
7 36
7 44
7 93
6 31
6 33
Receipts ami dlanoaltlon of live stock
at the Union Btock Yards, South Omaha,
Neb,, (or twenty-four hours snaing at
3 o clock yesterday:
C. M. A. St. 1 10 4 1
Wabash 3
Mo. Paelflo 3
Union Paelflo 77
C. & N. YV east.... 6
14 24 'a
3 7..
36 28 10
1 .. 1
ii :o 7
7 1 1
6 .
94 l 21
C. & N. W.. west.... 87
C, St. P., M. AY O.. IS
C 11. & Q east.... 0
C, II. & Q west. ..143
C, It. 1. A P.. east.. 10
Illinois Central ..... ..
c. a. w 4
Total receipts 371
Morris & Co
Swift & Co
1,397 1,963
1.9C3 2,389
2,0b5 2,542
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour & Co
Lincoln Packing Co
a O, Packing Co
Armour. lcnvcr ..
'V. II. Vansant Co
Benton, V. & & L.ush..
IIIIII & Son .-
V. U. Lowls
Huston & Co
J. U. Root &. Co.........
I,, r. llusz
Ilosenstock Uro
McCreary & Kellogg....
JVerthelmer & Degen...
H, P. Hamilton
Sullivan Pros
Raker, Jones & Smith...
Harvey a
Other buyers
Totals .5S 6,393 17,420
CATTLE Receipts this morning were
very liberal, numborlng 309 cars, whicn
was very much larger than had been an
ticipated. As compared with a we Mo
there was a slight gain In i wf1''1';
and as compared with a year ago there
was a gain of almost fOOj head. At tile
same time Chicago and Kttnf.Cillnthor
ported very heavy runs. h othor
markets quite liberally PI2,uer"
took advantago of the big ""'V-0
e.n. n inu, nino-H nf nrlces at all points,
and tha market here afforded no ejeep.
tlon to the rulo. Sellers as a matter of
couVo were slow about taking off as
much as buyers were demanding, and tne
market was not only very, dull, but u
was well nlong. toward ,
any business oi conomiucuvn
transacted. .... tl,
lleef steers were iuiw l"r"'.. v.rv
trade was very slow at, the decline. Very
little business hod been transacted up un
til mld-day and It was cons derably af
ter that time before anything like a clear-
cowswtdhelfer. suffered fully ns much
as bef steer, and In some cases Po-riMr
"on more. a. they wero high all last
cor" ed beef V"e"' & mrnon to
fair cornfed beef er"il";jwf
to choice cornfed 7trlw.
' . rhnlce range beeves, v,.iioiud.iw,
tS choice Sows. .20a.C0; fair to good
oradeT J.256.aO! common to fair grades.
I40W5.255 good to choice "tockers and
reidors W.75(ff7.K: flr to good stockers
iJSt T readers K.7itSM', common to fair
stockerT and f etders.' 35.7530.25: stock
Sows and heifers, 34.75SO.75; veal calves,
yi.UQ9.W; bulls, stags, etc, 0006.60.
sUZUXsV HiMr ,
A. Tr. No. At. rr.
eulsl taA
III 10 H.
111 I
, 4M I 0o II
.... 110 I 04
.... 410 I 14
.,..1114 121
...1110 I 14
...10k) t to
... IM IH
....1IU 171
.,,.1140 M
....1010 04
4 25
4 10
4 Ul
4 10
4 76
t 71
1010 t CO
MT ' "bulls.
1100 6 ti I M 44
....1.1151 t 40 1 470 4 14
1160 I 10
ht6ckers and feeders.
Ill 4 ii I Ul I 50
w too u.... ??
M W M 7 00
1. ..
M5 t4
iiod&lsupplles were estimated at
cars or 7,wu neou. iio
lareer than last woek, and a trifle heavier
than for tllr corresponding Monday of
last year ,
Trade openoa out in voir iv,.
t.i. nrnmlnr. Advices from other points
indicated weakened prices at all points,
and with local receipts fairly largs for
a Monday, buyers were very bearish, first
iilflM aa hnim Tt IT H II tMU 1 H (Ji a uii w a w w b
much of ojiythlng was sold during the
first rounds ana as tno murium, auiauv
values Improved, so that when the bulk
of tho offerings began to move pnceti
w,m liiHt about a nickel lower, a koou
share of the supply was on the light
order, and It was on tnis sum mai iiie
largest decline was noted, A number of
.ale a of mixed llKhts were quoted as
helnir EiHOn lower, while nigs showed
more or lews decline. Bumming up the
general market values look to be around
a nickel lower than Saturday's average.
liulk of the sales was mads at 7.60ft
7 70 and soma real good heavies reached
$775. the top.
Movement, which was rather slow all
the way through, became very draggy
towards the close, but tha market showed
little or no change, and the last sale ap
peared to be about steady with the early
decline. A heavy supply of pigs served
to weaken values considerably, the decline
amounting to anywhere from a shade to
as much aa zx.
Representative sales:
No. At. BX rr No. At. b. Pr.
17 114 ... 7 IS 41 . . lit . . 7 4i
41 IH ... 7 41 71 . ..Hi IN 111
Tl 117 BO 7 41 14 21 JtO 7 U
10 . la . - 1 Id la Ml 40 7 li
74 . 170 . 7 IS to ll . 7 (4
7. 114 ... 7 10 It. Ml. 7 14
It 174 , 7 14 72. 244 M 7 ti
tt. . lit 7 19 41 214 14 ! M
74 171 120 7 U I 22 1(4 7 C6
5, . ..-tlS . , 7 86 ti . ,. Kt IM 7 ti
7 "it lit It r,i m
V 2M HI U lit 200
i. w n;m S rt m
o. . m . . 7 M .110 120
II .... m 10 7 M 74 .... M 44
It MS H 7 So II Jjj 129
71 ta . . 7 l IM -40
. Ml M0 7 71 . 110
8.... W IM Itt ! ill 210
It Ill ... 7 14 N ...271 ...
4 tt .. 7 fl t too tA
77 Ml to 7 4 II 214 114
t.. .its sw : m ii. .,.UD l0
II.. ..tOl 40 7 M l SW IK)
Ml ... 7 M 14 . ..U 14
II til 104 7 44 II .. .Ml ...
ex.. .. rM 44 7 14 14., . ...104 204
71 21 Id I 41 Ul 10
il 120 1!4 7 14 10 114 W
11 Xt ... 7 I2H 4 117 ...
17 Ul 7 1 40 m ...
ti.,... r 404 I It I) 241 ...
10 114 . . IH 70 271 ...
II 777 24 7 U 19 171 ...
K 7 ... t M 11 114 ...
It.. 70 ... I 71 lit Ill ...
17., . II . I 71 71 Ill ...
U.. , 101 ... ( 71 17 Ill, ...
II. i ., Ill . . C Tl II., . .Ill 10
II.. . .110 ... II It IM ...
74 7 ... I 111., ...147- 14
Si.... Ill ... IM
7 U
7 7
7 70
7 74
7 74
7 74
7 70
7 74
7 71
7 74
7 71
7 74
7 71
7 71
7 74
7 71
7 71
7 71
7 Tt
7 71
7 71
7 71
7 4
7 10
7 21
7 K 1
7 So
7 M
SHBHP-Comparlng the receipts with a
week ago and two weeks ago, they Wflre-
vciy inn lur n Aiununr, uviiia, rawiimit!
at some elghty.sevtn cars, or 20,000 head.
The proportion of killers and feeders was
very much like It was on most days .of
last week. ,
The packers did not try to buy anything
during the first half of the forenoon,
their bearish talk still being that the
schedule of prices on the local market,
continued too high compared with other
points. About 10 o'clock a few of the fat
offerings began to change hands on n
bnsls of 15026a lower on both sheep and
lambs and buyers apparently did not
wnnt to fill orders very badly at tho re
duction. The trade, however, dragged
along until everything was cleaned up at
the decline and the clearance took place
at a reasonable hour. A large percentage
ot tho lambs were of the cornfed kind
and sold mostly nt R range of J.65r7.10.
the latter figure being about as high as
any lambs sold during the day. There
was another light supply of mutton of
ferings, consisting for the most part of
ewes, and to all Intents and purposes the
trade followed pretty much the same
course its In the case of lambs.
It was another good healthv market on
most all grades of feeders, with fair to
good feeder lambs and ewes In the best
request A good majority of the lambs
sold readily at K.2M!.50. with tha moat
desirable ewes going around 3.60Cf3.7S.
iweryining at an decent ns reeders was
Picked UP In aroody season. Indicating a
gooit country buying demand.
Quotations on sheep and lambs! Lambs,
good to cholre, J7.007.; lambs, fair to
nvisvi, r-,4u.w, innina, cuun, ao.wHo.w;
i.,6der' 5-&cii-tti yearlings, iiKht,
J6.(Nrjr.00: yearlings, heavy, J5.006,75!
yearling, feeders. J4.504l6.40; wethers,
good to choice. J4.fOH4.75; wethers, fair to
good, J4.2S4.r4.50; wethers, feeders. JtiOOM
4.60; ewes, good to choice, J4.10tf4.35; ewes,
K&.l K00t, eiKlO.N ewes, feeders,
Representative sales;
zri corn red lambs 7S
7 10
7 10
7 10
4 00
( 55
6 13
6 15
2 60
t 65
3 W
3 60
3 70
199 cornfed lambs ............
.... 78
.... 7X
.... 00
cornfed lambs
13 cornfod lainhs
EM cornfed lamba
230 western feeder lambs..,.
aw western feeder lambs....
247 western feeder lambs.... ... 60
ts wyom nr feeder ewoe 95
04J Wyoming feeder ewes ,. 03
iso mano ewes 97
545 Wyoming ewes J 94
323 Wyoming ewes ,103
St. Joseph Lire ntock Market.
Recelnts 2.0001 market, slow: atrerm. 15.6041
s.w; cows ana neiters, ii.wvs.T6; caives,
IIOQ8 Receipts 6,000 head: market, 10c
lower: top, J7.S5; bulk, J7.NW.W.
SHEEP AND UAMDS Receipts, none;
market, nominal; lambs, J4.5OS7.60.
Unique Question
Arises Over Land
Drawn by a Woman
According to advices received at the
land department a peculiar question has
arisen lit connection with Uncle' Ham'
land lottery conducted nt ' North Platte.
It seems that at North Platte anion
the thousands registering and among
the few hundred who were lucky In the
drawing was a woman who registered- aa
a soldier's widow. When the drawing
occurred her name was not among the
first few, but It was within tha limit.
ao that she Is entitled to one ot the
tracts of land. Since the drawing A' pro
tost has been filed against this woman,
the charge being made that she la Inel
igible. According to the story at one
time she was the widow of a soldier, but
subsequently she married, the second
husband having never been in the service
of the government as s. soldier. Lter
on the second husband died and at the
tlmo of registering (he woman took the
position that once having been the widow
of a soldier, she still remains kuch, the
second marriage not having taken from
her tha right to enjoy the privileges of
such widowhood.
it Is sold that this la the first cose of
tha kind that has over coma before the
offllcals of tha land offleea In NVhmala
and 'that they are all at sea over what
they are going to do In the premises. It
Is said tho case has been referred to the
secretary of the Interior for an opinion.
Pennsylvania Leads
All Other Roads in
Amount of Earnings
According to the reports submitted to
and filed with the Interstate Commerce
commission for the first three months of
the fiscal year beginning July 1, the Penn
sylranta railroad led all the others aa a
money maker. The report shows that
during the three months the net revenue
of that road was J14,267,23.
The Burlington was second among the
roads of the country and for the period
reported showed a net revenue of 9,35.801.
The Northern Paelflo was third, with
J7,335,1&S. The Rock Island, that has been
reported to be In rather hard lines, cams
to the front with a net revenue of J4,63t.-
289. Tho Illinois Central showed J3,es,U3;
the Missouri Pacific. $l.eS3,5Sl, and the
Oreat Western, Jl.160.76e. There Is no re
port made by either the Union Pacific or
the Milwaukee.
A, G. McAusland, Old
Omahan.Dies in East
Word has been received here of the
death of A, O. McAusland, a former resi
dent of Omaha, at the' home of his daugh
ter, Mrs, Cecil Otis Cartwright, 4708 Geor
gia avenue, Washington, D. C, from
Urlght's disease. Mr. McAusland was a.
pioneer In this city and had just trans
ferred his residence to Washington a few
years ago.
Mr, MaAusland' came to Omaha In 1857.
He was proprietor of a gun and hardware
store af Fourteenth and Douglas streets
In the early days. He sold his interests
In the store and traveled out of Omaha
for a New York hardware concern In
later years. He was 67 years old at the
time of his death.
He Is survived by his wife and four
daughters and two brothers and three
sisters. His brothers, John and Sandy,
live In Miles cAy, Mont , and his sisters,
Agnes and Janet McAusland and Mrs.
John R. Manchester, live itijQmaha.
Key to the Situation-Bee Advertising
Coroner1! Jury So Find After Hear
ing Evidence Presented.
Prominent Cltlsens. Are . Summoned
tif the Coroner Jn git on the
Jnrr to 6eternalne (the
Cnnae of Ilenth.
That W. 8. Poppleton "died from the
effects- of o" bullet which entered nl
h.ead, that same being accidentally fired
from a revolver In his own hands whtl
In his office, J16 First Nntlonal han't
building, on "November- it," Is the essence
6f the rrerdlet that the enrnnar-a 1itr
Inquiring Into his death returned Monday
Tha llirv was made tin nMAMViu.. n
Smith- Thomas A. Fry, Pred Met. George
is. Prime. Luther L. Kountto and'Joiin
L. .Kennedy.
Witnesses at the Inquest were Victor
B. Caldwell, Myron Learned and Officer
Joe Hell.
The funeral will be held from the
horrift. 204 South TVilrlv.n
this afternoon at' Jt!; 'Dean Tancock
will officiate. Interment will be private
at Prospeict Hill cemetery".' ' The pall
bearers wilt be;
Vlon- Tt .fnMn.1t a r n J
........ - . . .. . . . , IJt jiecu,
Charles T. Kountze, Charles U Deuel.
Arthur f. Rmlth t.... rr r-..i
Qeorge H. Prlnr. Stockton Ileth.
rtWAIi ESTATE TliN8Flin$.
Deeds filed for re rord November 17, tilt
N. C. Norrla to Omaha, part lot 1. Oeorte
Ferbea- sb .;
1. II. VsaWonwer to K. NlaenlMs 7,
a ana p. diock l, , . , , ... , ,
N. C. NorrU to A. W, Knapp. lot il, bloek,
. rarswooa ,
F Crawford and trite te V. tknolsa. 1st t,
black. I. cottaie r-ark .
0. M. IMwarda and Vila to J. II. Har,felt.
rart let 17. McRntea's' add .
Heatings A Harden to A. C. Walker, lot 12,
bloek 1. Fori view Terrace ..,
neleton Townalte l to K. U Bnder, lota
U and II. block. 20, IUIaton
r, N. Xuhns and wife to C. C. Wllsoa, 1st
21. Muck I. Maplewood
0. V, aarloctvand lla ts R. I. Fair, part
lot 24, block 10, Hernia Park
W U. rtelby and wile to V. tr. geltir, lets
t. 10. 11 and It, -block IM, Dundee Place..
J. W. Orltrith and -wife to L. It. Tmelsen.
r5 feet lot I, block 1, Oakhurst l'ark ...
at. M. Usckey to M. A. Tsst. lot IN.
Kalrfax , .a..
Mlchtaan Mutual Lira Insurance Co. to E.
t Uarrett, lot It, block It, Walnut Hill.. . l.tei
U. II. chaaa and vita ta II. S. Deems, lots
. t snd 10. block 11. Cartbase r... .. IM
J, Meln and wile to It. B. Wrlnsteln. 1st
11 snd wis feet let U, bloek t, Arondate .
rtrk , l. t,00t
KeowfHxr JIallrvo. to J. Vi Beats, lots
111 and 111. Kenwood...,. , ,...,...v
(I. M. Johnson to K. Jobnaon. Iota II and
It, Msloner'i sddltlon
W. N. Hilt and wife to J. II) llotas, lot
10. 8U ab Hill's iub
W. o, lira to A. Johnson, lot I. block 1,
III aerslda . . , . . .1 . i ..... . .
A. Johnaeo lo O.. P. aV a. 1U It. CO . lot
I. block 1, Illnrald
J. It. Mastic ta r. Msack, lot II tad n
.lot 0. block l.aDroohllaa, and etker letl .
HAh'SBN Marie, aged ts years, -wife of
Rasmus Hansen, November 1.
Funeral service from the residence ot
her niece, Mrs. P, Hansen, 910 Isard
street, November IS at 3 o'clock. Inter
ment at Sprlngwell cemetery.
UION STATION Tenth. A Msian,
'a 1 1
lnloti Pacific.
a l:(l en
Orerltnd Limited e,:00 am
California Mall I :N tn a 1H era
Otnaha Ki press . a I'M ptn
Atlanta Ripresa ka l:N em
Lios Anles Limited ,..,,.allt am a MO pro
Denrer Special , ,.a I:H an a l: am
Colorado Uspreas ,. ., ,a l:k pm a 1:00 pm.
Colorado fpeciai ,. ., all:01 an r 7 :80 am
Has Francisco Limited ,,al0:IO aat .......
Paelflo Limited all:) in, a 7-11 pm
OreteruWaahtnston Uultrdf.alOitt am al;ltpm
North IMaWe Local , a 4;iS pm
Orand laland Local ,.. s 1:10 pm alO:lo am
tStrorotburz Local bllilt pm bliHpta
Cblcairo, Rock Island A Pacific i
Ilockr Mountain Limited. ...a I!!' ut alliOApm
Chicago Local raasenser..,..blO;co am blO;ll pm
Chleaso Dar Enpreas .).... .a 1:10 am a4:IO pm
t?bloaso Nliht Eipreea ....,, 4:10 pm a lilO n
D'es-Molnes Lscal 1'aaa, ...,,a 4:17 pm all;ll pro,
Cblcago-Nab. Limited a :W pm a 1:00 am
WW. . . t
Col6. and Oil, Kipraea a 1:M pm a 4:00 ptn
Oklo. A Taiaa Eiprasa a 4:00 pm ' all ! an
Rockr Mountain Limited, ...allllt pm m fill am'
Missouri Pacific
K. C, & St. L Kip a 1:00 am a 7:11 am
IC. C. 8t U Kip. ., allill pm, at:ll pm
K. C. A tt. Paul ..,,air.W am a l:l pm
Omsha-R. Iiula Kip, .,. ,.,a 111 pm a 1:11 au
Mall and Bipreaa a 7:01 am allill pm
Btanberrr Local from C. D...b 1:03 am blOill am
Chlasao Limited ....... ,...a 1:00 pm a HJO sm
Cblcaso Eipreas a 1:10 am a 1:1 pm
Cblcauo A Northvreatera
KOIUllDOtmD. -
Twin dtf Eiprasa ....a Till
......a ijm asi sh:n pm
Dakota Paseenier ,
Hloui Cltr liictl
b 7if-am a t:l am
.a !::& pnv a l:H pra
Minneapolis Kipraaa ....... .a :6 pm
Dakota Kiereea , ., ....... a l:I.rra
ait nt am
blo:lo pm
twin Cltr UmlUd a 1:05, pm a 7(11 aa
Dearer Special ,, a 1:00 am 1:Uin
Carroll Local , a 7:00 am a 1.00 pro
Hawkers Kspraas , a 7:4 ass all -JO pm
Chlcaio Locale illlM is a I:H pra
Carroll Local .a 4J pm atO:00 am
Cblcaso Special ....r.......a 1:00 pas a VM pes
Ban rtaaclaao United.... ...,a,l;K pea a I II aril
Orerlaad Limited ..a :0 pm atiMam
Orecon-WaaiilnsUiB Umltadl.a i yao, olllM am
Loa Ansalea Limited a Km all: arc,
Chadron Loral ,, ,.,a llM am
UncolvDsJlaa ,4. ,; aaa
a tt!Q pm
Llncoln-Lonir Pine
, mum nm-
tasili pm
b :H pea b ti0 pm
Deadwood-llot Hprlnss
Twin Cltr Bipress ....
OuDerLanaar , . ....
...a iihl pas a :lo pm
..a 7H4 aan
aiorso pm
.-v, a ie pea
b. i:s -pm
Albloo-Oaadala .. . . ....b liM-paa b l:lt rw.
Cbleasro Oreat 'W'eaterB 4
Twin' Cltr Limited ... 4 ...a 1,14 pm a I 10 am
Twin Cltr rxprcaa a Tilt-am all-.M pm
CbioacB ISipreu ,.,..a 1:00 pjq a (: pn
Cblcaso, Milwaukee A St, I'sxul
raclflo Limited , a 7:M pm 11:11 ant
Cblcaso Special a'ltMpm' 1:11am
California Malt alilOpta 1:11pm.
Chicago. Darlliht Special . ..a 7:W an 11:44 pm
Uaslla Local , ......... a 1:10 aim 11:46 pm.
Ptrrr Local ,.... .a t: am 11 M am
Mason. . ' ''
Barllnirtou V
i . Depart.'erUn'lrs,
Daarer Limited a,:t am. a 7(0 am
Chicaso-Omaha a f :I0 ra
Dearer and California...,, .;. a 4:10 pojj a 1:11 pm'
t-vfet ueuoa cipteat -.1 1 t-Ji na-sllU IB
Nsbruka Points
... .a 10 am a,ltis pnv
....a. 4-.10 pm 1:11 tn
, slt.ll pm
. all:a pm a 7:04 pm
.... 111! am a :ll pan
...a 7:2S pm a :oo am blO-jo am
... till am a tM am
, all.lo pm a 1:40 pn
....a 7:1$ aai all:54 pas
. ...sll:JVnr
.MlJOpn a t-.lS pm
....a :ld ptn l.M ana
. ..b 3 J0 pm bll :00 am
tiilpn all -.10 am
.....alflill pai a. 1:14 asa
....s,.J.-,am a 1)0 m
Black Hills .
Uncoln Mall
Nartbwaat Eipreaa , ...
Nebraska Kipreae . ....
Lincoln Local ,
Bcllerue-Hlattamouth .'.
Cblcaso epoclst
Denrer Special
Cblcaso Eipreas . . ..
Cbicaio Vast Kipraea .
CrestoB Local ,
fit. L. K C Special.
K. c, and St. Joseph .
K. C. and St. Josepb 1 .
(a) Dallr-
teentb aud'Webater. '
Mlaaourt Pacific
rail cttr Pusenaer . ...
Local rrtlcbt
CbloaaiOa St. Paul,
Sloui Cat Eiprsss .. .
Twin CJtr Puaatnier ., ..
Bleui-Clty Passeaier ... .
Zknersea Accommodation,
(b) Dallr eican Buadar.
Depart. Arrlre.
.b I M pm- blO .44 aa
b 7:06 am b 4.10 pm
Mlnneataolls A
Deilart; 'Arrlra.
. b l::i'pm bl! li asa
b l: am a'd'SCpra
. c 1:11 am- ...... .
b.l.Wpca b l an.
(c) Bandar only
lancy paper shell nuts shipped 4n bar
rels, Ask for quotations.
A. B. StOXajeV, Qrowar.
P. O. Bos 1308 xouitan. Xsr