Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1913, Page 9, Image 9

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l HOdS-Receipts, iMO head; market
Southern Hemisphere Wheat News
is Conflicting.
fnlilea from Bnenos Ayrft nnd no
sarlo llnre bat Little Effect
Upon" the Traders ot
the rlt.
OMAHA, Nov. IS. 1911 i
The new from tho southern hemisphere,
on the growing wheat crop was- -mow
conflicting yesterday than at any tima
alnce the advices t deterioration- com
inenccd to come forward. Tho exportable
surplus In that country was again re
duced and In somo of the praylncea the
losses were said to be sensational, mainly
from hot .winds and Ions drawn out dry
spells. Tho former estlmato on tho ex
portable surplus was placed at , S3.OW.000,
uueuuiD, uut Al.WU.WU ML 111 it, V, ivn Bliaiini
off yesterday. In the faco' of theso ad
vices tho Buenos Ayrcs market c-Doned
HOK loWar yesterday, and .this caused,
many scattered holders to throw their
grain overboard. While It Is true that-
Argentine shipments were estimated at
only 4SS.000 .bushels for this week, thU
la nearly 300,000 bushels lyarger than the
previous week, but only about one-third'
tho shipments for tho corresponding
period a year ago.
The average speculator refused to be
come panicky over the contradlctary
cables from lluenos Ayrea yesterday and
itosarlo. but sold wheat on all tho hard
spots. A feature of the market was tha
heavy selling here on northwestern ac
count, which was believed to have been
in the way of putting out hedges against
ine actual wheat. This was over-balanced,
however, by the reported takings of ex
porters of Canadian wheat, tho figures
being placed as high as 800.000 bushels
fur the day.
A bearish set of statistics on wheat
will bo seen Monday and a good sized
increase in tho visible Is expocted.
Cftili wheat waa unchanged.
Iho Liverpool corn market was off
sharply and the situation there waa said
bo Quito weak, as there is still con
siderable corn under pressure. Western
receipts were SOO.OOO bushels smaller than
tho corresponding day last year. The
country is not selling 1U corn with Uio
freedom with which the trade expected
it would sell at this Beason and around
the present price, and this, more than
iLYi '?? 'J.?0'. ls ,clplnK to keep tho
market in tbo hands of the bulls.
Cash corn was unchanged to &o higher.
ai.?P f'.lcd to har, ,n the firmness
displayed by corn, yet there was an un
dercurrent of strength at the close. Tho
movement continues to fall off. receipts
ItL?r,imfiry.Jnarkets bc,n only 1'ttle
over half the receipts of a. year ago.
Cash oats were Uio higher.
r.Vi!C?T?nc?8:. Wneat and "our equal to
bushels, corn, 11,000 bushels and
oats, Jft.000 bushels.
Liverpool closed with wheat tfSHd
higher and corn Hd lower.
Primary wheat receipts were l.IM.OOO bu.
nnd shipments of 771,000 bu. against re
ceipts of 1,728,000 bu. and shipments of
1,134.000 bu. lost year.
Primary corn receipts wero 452,000 bu.
and shipments tit 300,000 bu. against re
ceipts of 437,000 bu. and shipments of
2;.000 bu. last year.
Primary oats receipts wero 437,000 bu,
and shipments of tiSS.wO bu. against re
ceipts of 791,000 bu. and shipments of
1,315,000 bu. last, year. .
Chicago 21 82 M
Minneapolis, ,457 ... ...
Duluth , 4M
Omaha -31 . 89 24
Kansas City 43 .CI 15
St. Louis 31 i 67
Winnipeg &
Tho following cash sales wero reported
today: Wheat No. 3 hard winter, 2 cars,
M)c No. 4 spring. 3 cars, 78V4c! 1 car, 7Sc
No, 3 mixed, I car. 80c: 1 car, 79c Corn
No. 3 white, 1 car. 72'Aci I car, 72c: 8
enrs ihew). 70c. No. 4 white, X car (new),
tc. No. 1 yellow. 1 car (new), 72c; 1 (part
old), 72c: 7-cara (new). 71Vic; 1 car (now).
71c. No. 3 yellow, 1 car, 724c: 1 car (part
new), 'lc; 5 cars .(new), 71v4o; 208
(new).. 71Jic: 4 .cars (new).- 71o; 2 cars
(new.), 7oV.' No. '4 yelldw; 1 car, 72c.
N'.i. .1 mlxod. 4 cars. 72V4c: 1 car. T0V4c:
6 ears (new), 70c; 4 'cars (new), 69c; 6
tars (new), 69c: 1 car (new), 69a. No.
i. ,nlTrt t rnr. 72a: 1 car. 71ic: 1 car.
71Hc; 1, 71c. Oats 8tondard, 1 , 39c; No. S
white, 1 car, 3Sics 4 cars, MHa Rye
Ho. j, l car, ivc no. c. i car, wc
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2
hard; sOflSto; No. 3 hard, 7981c; No. 4
hard, 74&79Wc: No. 2 Bprlng, 7879q; No.
3 spring, KhiWSc; No. 4 spring, 74H(375c;
No. 2 durum, 73',44P74c. Corn: No. 2 white,
7072Mc: No, 3 white, 69tt6W2o; No. .4
wfilte. Ii84i70l4ci No. 2 yellow. 70WW2c:
No. 3 yellow. 69i4r72Wo; No. 4 yellow, 6S
7Zc: no. 2, uuizjc; no. a, wnuiiYic; no.
4i 67fI72c. Oatsi No. 2 white, 89S39V4o;
standard. 39c; No. 3 white, 3SH3Sc;
No. 4 white. 373Sc. Barley: Waiting,
075c; No. 1 feed 47jtc Kye: No. 2.
584049c; No. 3, CSCtOc.
l-rntnrrii of the Trading; and Closing
Prices on Donrd of Trade.
CHICAGO, Nov. 15. Revival of export
demand here and at Baltimore gave cour
aen today to the bulls In wheat. Accord
ingly the market closed steady at t4c to
net advance. Corn finished Ho
to lifflHc up and oats with a gain of
'.jp to H4jc, out provisions wero down
5c to 15c
By' many traders most significance waa
attached to sales of hard wheat here to
exporters. Corroborated transactions In
this line amounted to 173,000 bushels, and
attracted special notice because of a
uertlons that other similar purchasing
here had been kept private. In addition
Haltlmore sent word of liberal engage
ments of ocean freight room, notably
for Cardiff..
Jlcduced crop estimates put the Argen
tine wheat yield at the lowest figures yet
mentioned, and cut down the exportable
surplus of Argentina to GC.O00.00o bushels,
as against 75,000,000 bushels twenty-four
hours before. Advices from Buenos
Ay res told also of too much rain In ihe
north and of continued drouth In some
of the southern districts.
In the corn pit, uneasiness of Decem
ber shorts brought about a decided
bulge. Offerings of that month were
scanty and the movement from rural
sources gave little comfort. Wet weather
with a forecast of further unsettled con
ditions tended to Increase the dread of
n squeeze Cash houses bought oats
freely. The fact that spot was at a
premium oyer December made the trade
forget about threats of big imports from
Provisions gave way because of receipts
t the twelve leading packing centers be
ing much more numerous than expected.
Holders unloaded, and especially In lard
and ribs.
Artlolel Open. High. Low. Close.l Y's'y.
steady to 5 cents lower: bulk of sale'.
rr.704T7.90; heavy, I7.754T7.9G; packors and
butcher. 7 767.9S: licht. i7.704r7.90: Mcs.
S11BKP AND LAMBS-necclpts. 1.000
head; market steady; lambs, K.3fiiH7,76;
yearlings. 5.504J.40; wethers, t4.50S.2S;
ewes, ti.wm.on.
Trading Light Through Half Day
Session Ending Week.
General Disposition to Avrnlt Ue
veTopnienU in Regard to Mex
ican Affairs Over the
AVeelt End.
heatl I
Con. ( i
20 53
20 55
l.urd. I I
Jan..! 10 02U
Mav.fll 12-15
Ribs. f
Jan..) 11 00
May. 10.10U
I C10 10
. I
10 9714
11 15 I
11 10 'l
U 10 I
705,f7071l 697
jsh'i SS'3SUe-H
4JH 4IM 42H
20 45 I SO 60 ' M 65
20 47HI 20 50 I 20 65
10 90
11 10
i ti xomt. Nov. is. xraaing in eiuvn
was light throughout the half day session
which brought tho week to an end, and
In most -cases net changes were only nom
inal; fter a firm opening tho market
became hcAvy, more becauso of a lack of
Investment buyers held aloof, tipeculat-
Ul " Ul RCU Willi CHUUQIl, 17C1UI ItlVllllCU
to take;' the bear side' because of the ab-
iinuiiu Bu.i)an ana ino conunueu weak
ness of various stocks, such as Missouri
tlanlfln X ... IT-. u .1 T .Ll.l, V11.M
Losses were small, howover, and they
wero iiu-geiy mane up on scauerea Duy
Ing toward the close. Lehigh Valley was
, a. n .... it,H.iinl.ntkl K7.n. J..hII.k..J
1U dally performance recently by making
a low record at 75. Missouri Pacific at
24T4 was at tho year's lowest.
u lie ro was a general aisposmon to await
developments in regard to Mexican af
fairs over the week end, and business was
restricted by this consideration. The day
was barren of news with an influence on
market values with the exception of fur
ther pessimistic reports from tho steel
trade. Tho weekly reviews of trade con-
activity In various lines.
ine Dan statement mado the expected
good showing, There was an actual gain
r7.963.000 was added to the surplus. The
.vy.. ....HtyicmcuL in mo position ot tne
banks, together with the easing ot money
rates. Indicate Ihof n - . .
- . . . llu,uu,u uciiiauiua
"fwi the. money market have passed their
-? J .""" umi in an proDaMlltles
fairly easy condlUons will prevail during
the remainder of the year. No dlfflcul
wv, "n na nn"Pted In connection
--twimoi m. payments, although
preparations for meeting Ihese requlre
nientn mav nrmtii.. - . . . . J
5i5i.c!llJ?.ndl- Th0 bona wwt wiis
.-o...-. Heaviness in some well-
' To,al 88,68 pnr v,u"-
ontho wfek!" ' aavanced a half on call
7fumhi nf ..t.. j . ... . ..
on stocks were: K quotations
Am.Jy.m.t.4 Qypper ... '"ft
Atnr ca AtTlcaltursl .. ...... . ... . Ji
Araerioin Bert 8ur.... ...... ! JL
Amtrlojn fn j,ofo sln .ill :I
American C. & i ... " "H ;
Amerlcin Olton Oil. ... . . I";, y,'
Am, Ic BeeurltlM " ."' iL,
Am.Hcsn Unseed "ioi iU i'i
Amsricin 8. it zoo ei iiU lit
Amerlcsn 8. A n. fd... ..... . . h ll
Amerlcsn T. & T. ....... .... I J?L
American Tobacco ...A " ili"
Atuntie cbsM Lin.. : ; : ::: ii!u
Bsltlmors Okie !!! !!?
Bethlehem Sleil ......... "
Cmsillan Pscltlo t.w sad ,512
CentrU Lther " j wo 5 8
Chestpeiks Ohio ....T. .7.7. uu
Chlcsso O. W ..." I" H, ir. a st. p.... soi iiil .'iiu Ur
Chlcato & N. W 4." ...v ." "H ,2
Corn Products ........... ... " "1$
Dslswsre A Hudwn "'"
Dlftlllers' 8rltles .I.. tw id Vl Ve
Iri'eVi S'5:::!::.:::r:::::r.: i$
SenVL 'et1t , too iii'u iJju jS
Orest Northern rfd f too UIU ia iu.
Orest Northern Ore etft. , . 1W
Illinois Centrsl !
Intsrborontn Met. ........... . ' J?I
Inter. Met. (td too liii iiu Itii
loternMlonsl Hamster.! ... H iUH
Inler-Marins pfd ...... . ! J??u
Internatlonsl" "joo & "id
International Pump ..... ..... m I
l'.:::r:: ::::: ::::: $
Mr.rl TRt.:-..f!:;:- -
Missouri Tueino .... ... i.ioi Sti 'iiH JS
National Biscuit ........ ...... n ,?.H
National Lead .......... .". " " M!
n. n. n. ot m. jd pfd.. soo 'iixi jiU lu.
::::: :::::
n1mH.K!.;.:r.: "It"" h
Plttsbursh Coal " J
JTesssd Ele.1 Osr........ ' JJ
ihiiimsn piac. c.r;:.:: ::: : .;: ,JU
SSfsv:-jjs lB
nepublle I. 8. pti..,.. ... . " H I5H
norlc Iiland Co., 'ioi iii- 'iiii i!,.
Bt. l, & s. k 2d p d ...It; .. . " Hu.
Beabosrrt Air Lin......... ' ,!
Beabosrd A. U pfd.... . . .. " ' jW
Ple.-heffleld 8. & t... II14
Koutharn PaelOe too is" 'is i
Kouthern Balla-ar ., . H
so. luiiwar pfd:..,.::::: :: : ;:
Tenneste Conner JJ
Tejas Paclde ". .. !J
Union raelflo noo isi itA- itl
I'nlon r.clfle pfd:. w5 It K'
t'nlted Slate, nealty..;; JS4
t'nlted Rtatea nubber... 1.000 'tiii 'iili Si,.
m.h co?'4:::::::::;: S 'gs i i;
Vj.-csrollna Chemlc, ... &
wsu.h pVd'...::.:;:::.:; ;:" jj
Western Marjlans .... .. . " 1
Weatern Union .......". : "J
Watlnidiouae Etectrlo ! ' iV
wheeunit ft l. E... ...: ,::::
Total salca for the dsy. 70.700 ' 'share's. "' H
Sew York Money Mnrket
. .,v....s.n.o aj luu.Hal. lime Inn 11 si
Mul' demanl, M'SiW: omme7clal
(SlLV13RBar. 63?,c; Mexican dollars,
lr?egular!G0Vernment' "teady5 ".
Closing' quotations on bonds today were
as follows: "
U. S. rafs. 2s rex.. S7 K, c. Bo. ref. 81.. 4U
do ref. 2a couponv, 7 T- s. deb 4a 1M1 Hit
do coupon UOH.Mo. Picine aii!
Panama Sa coupon., l tt mr, r. ' ' .?
A..C. let a. etfi.. M jf, R, R.0( j,'
Amer. As. i .. . riis. V c V. tit U
A. T T.o 4.. It .m d.b7 4, '" iiu
Am. Tohacw .. ..!! .v. N II
Annnr t Oo. 4la
Atchison sea. 4a.... 2"i.V. A w. i'.'i"; 1 mu
aa cr. ta 13-0. . . u , . -
Sir itin ll.l. -J 101 i". 1?1 n 77
Sana riaV. 't'aw srovt nLTKS
Hum ,1 a - ....... i. . ..n m 7 -."? ivi ?ra
Samo days 3 weeks ago 28,048 27,023 13S.K7
ntuno oays i weeks ago 23.911 jvt,i5:
oniiio uays last year. .22,346 45,110 i,bsj
j. no louuwing tanis shows tno rcceiius
f ratll. t . 1 . . 4. Qniill,
v , iiuttB aim aimi hi uiu ww..
Omaha live stock market for the year to
date as compared with last year:
la, left lno r)c
Cattlo ....... S57.962 RRS.379
"ogs 2,224,951 2.K0.4U 226,4.8
Sheep 2,$r7,499 2,676,675 200,824
'ino following table shows the range ot
prices for hogs at the South Omaha live
lui-n mantel ior ino lasi lew oays, mm
Nor. 1..
Nov. 6.'
10 9S
11 05
11 92H1 11 021i
1 11 12V 11 22Ji
110 93-871 11 05
I 11 07 11 li
Chicago Cash Prices AVheat: No. 2 rod,
ht(94Hc: No. J red, SUi04Vic; No.
hard. SSCiOc: No. 3 hard. MjVi6Sc; No. !
nortliern, c90Uc; No. 3 hard, 6H4jSSc;
No. 2 northern, SSSWc; No. 3 northern
!,j87c; No. S spring. 87UeS3c, No. 1
prlng. 6,;e864c. Corn: No. 2, 73K
73c; No. 1 white. 7Jiei4c; No. 2 yel
low, 71g74Vic: No. 3. 73073; new, 6SV4
9r; No. 3 white, TV.xQnKc; new. 68HO
; No. 3 yellow. 73ir74c; new, eoVsOc.
Oats: No. 3 white, S3iiS40Hc; standard,
414c. Rye: No. t. 63c. Barley, 64680c,
Timothy. H0OS4.25. Clover. tll.008i3.oo.
Pork. 120.78. Lard, WW. Ribs. J10.45
Kiinsas City Live Sloek Jlarkrt,
KANSAS CITV. Mo., Nov. 15.-OAT-rLE-TtecelPts,
2.C00 head, market steady
prima fed steers, J8 7iffO.40; uressed beef
Bteers, 16.754j'8.75 western steers, I6 5p
S.tiS, southern steers. IS.OCatrS.iO, cows
tl.2Sj7-, heifers, $5-OC9(0. stoKers and
ao cr. It tOOU-Vo. Pacific 4 " u
- C. V. Irt 4a 4 do la . . Svl
lal. & Ohio 4a MTJ o. 8. L. rfdr. 4a rjU
o.l f?4Penn. Tr. I u. 11 tiS
nrook. Tr rr 4. Ki Ar. a . - - -
Cen. of Oa. la....lM Iteadlna; aen.' is' "'
w 7j- rroa, CT, si
nroos, ir cr- aa. . -an eon. 4a. i
v -u. . .m. w- .vrauios: ten. 4a 11
On. leather 'a. .. M4S. U B. F. ti ia T0U
do conr. 4s 7lttSt. L. S. W. e.' 4a TI
Chlraao i. A. Hit. (4 8. A. U adj. U...11K
C. B. ft Q. J. 4a ... So. Pae, col. 4a ... ,1"
rr.-ii,: .s. 5? : -. H
cd"wl V 4,&i.Ii'"r 'IMH
r R r & e 4a, lt Union plelflc"; " lii
n. t H, tr. 4a T'4 da or. 4a. !iH
D. ft It. O. ref. U. 7i do tat A ni' i," il
Erie p. I. 4a Iltfl'.'g St-lTd I' .'
0 sen. 4a 71V.-a Cbem 4. " " r
do nr. 4a. aer. B-. To Wab. lat ei 4i at
III. Can. lat r. 4a,. Hti'Weetere Md. 4a Ten
Inter. Met. 4Ua... . Tu West. !! .-?
Inter. M. M. 4'it... 1 Wit. Central 4a.. . 15V
Japan 4Ua tn " 15
Did. "Onared.
London Stock Market.
IXJN'DON, Nov. 15. American seeurl-
lies opcnrti aiuu aim lllKIier. l)e mar.
ket continued to improve until lt. in
the session when prices eased off under
realizing, ine closing was steady, with
alues from to a point higher than
Friday's New York closing.
Osaele auer tis union Pacific . !Ut
do account 7: U 18
SILVKIt -Har. stead' . at 27 7-16d per o.
1 .mum i-mm oer cen
, UISi'Ol NT - Short bills, 4"tfjl 11C.
'three months, 4 U-168c.
Some Cattle Steady, Others Stronger,
Still Others Lower for Week.
Pnt Sheep Qnnrtcr Lorrcr nnd Tnt
Lnmbs TTvrnty-lMre to Forty
Lorrrr for Week Feeders
Ten. to Fifteen II Inner.
SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. IB, 1913.
WisjSAltllal .. n.iil. tl. tiUain
Official Monflnr tw. MM 23,142
urncial Tuesday 6,066 P.osz
Official Wodnesaay 574 9.m
cirririai n4 ... a q?t
1 Miutounita.,, rd . wiv i
w..ava,a a UHJ seal CWO aa,rv
Estimate Saturday...,. 3 7,50)
!?T KS.1
Pats U. Uli.i!l.llb.lim.lW.lM?.
r. L.l 7 (SHI 7 711 ( 041 7 871 7 7X1
r.' S.f 7 6!4 ' lOf 8 CTf 7 "C8 6 "t7 '
Nov. 8.
V. .
7 6ti1i
t 4Sl
7 61H!
1 S3HI
7 72JiH
1 04a!
7 D9f4
7 75i
7 74i
7 811 6 13
7 83
7 73 18
7 7l
6 14
6 08
77) a 12
8 21
6 27
7 60
7 67
7 82
7 91(
6 871
6 25
G 28
7 901
8 0?
7 OS
7 9C
7 4
7 88
7 71
7 66
7 741
7 70
7 70i
7 76
7 70
7 73
7 7
7 84
T sr:
7 97
n sal
6 87
6 791
S 73
S 67
5 58
5 61
6 79
5 74
5 CS
I 61
I e7
S 62
5 S3
5 15
4 73
4 88
4 93
4 83
4 70
4 83
4 94
CATTLE There wero no cattle today,
at least nothing ot any Importance, but
for the week receipts have been quite
liberal, running about the tamo os last
week and a little larger than a year ago.
At tho beginning of tho week tne mar
ket showed considerable strength, prices
on Monday being generally lOo higher.
Later on tho advanco on beef steers was
lost the medium to good kinds being at
tho closo of tho week a llttlo easier than
lost, week. Strictly good, long feu cauio
hnva lieen stronrr. the best, yearlings
selling as high as 39.45. Itango beef steers
havo also been strong an ino ween, ue
Ing at the close a llttlo higher oven than
last week. Tho market on cows and heif
ers was higher at tho beginning of the
week and although it was a little easier
later on prices at the close aro fully
steady and In spots possibly a little
stronger than last week. Veal calves
have been strong nnd actlvo all the week
and there has been llttlo or no chango In
the market for bulls, stags, etc.
Blockers and feeders have had a down
ward tendency throughout tho week ow
ing to the lacK OI goou couiury uu,i a
demand. The general run of such cattle
are a big 252 lower than last week and
stock cslves 60o lower- The fact Is that
stock calves are a big dollar lower than
it,. Mnh t me two or three
week ago. Feeding cows and heifers
have eaaed on a nine, nw
kinds being snfely 10315c lower.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice.
cornfed beef steers, s.axjrv.uu; iair io uoou
cornfed eeoi j-"SV;'tX. e.i.
fair corntea utei swers, '"'i' '!
to choice cornfed yearlings,
WJ! tr. rhnlrn ranee beeves, J7.80ifS.00;
fair to good range beeves, -m: com
mon to fair range beeves, f WgJ-g! BooA
to choice corniea neiiers, u.wvi.w, a
to choice grass heifers, J6.B0B'7.2S; good
to choice cows. 86.30Q4.G0; fair to good
grades, l5.Z56f6.20i common to fair grades,
it 0005.25; nood to choice stockera and
feeders. 86.75JJ7.80; fair to good stockers
and feeders, $.ffi.75: nmior, to fair
stockers and feeders. .766.2S: stock
tows and heifers. 34.75430.75; veal calves,
S.60G.75; bulls, stags, etc., $o.CO.C0.
IIOQS With a fairly liberal week-end
supply in sight and advices from other
points anything but encouraging the
market opened out slow, and first bids
were fully a dlmo lower. During the
early rounds little was done, a sellers
were holding for better prices, but it waa
not very long beforo a compromise was
.n.i Bihan ih bulk of the offerings
started to move values were generally 6
10c lower. Traae was nui ir "'p
any time, but everything was cleaned up
in fair season.
Bulk of sales waa mado at 37.56Q7.75.
and tops landed at 17.80. only a nickel
below yesterday's beat price.
Although the market haa been fluc
tuating all week today's values are prac
tically steady with last Saturday. Sup
plies have been liberal on most days, but
lu. hnvini- rlMiiatul has been good.
and most of the breaks have been due to
Blumps at otner pouus.
rri.i.. rM-lntn amounted to about 103
cars, or 7,600 head, bringing the week's
total up to o,ua. " r "v
8.0W head as compared with lost week
and Just about the same as for the corre
sponding week of last yoar. It Is also
the heaviest since the first week in Au
gust, when over 51,000 head came In.
SIIEKP Thero wero about 312 head of
sheep on sale, constating mainly of feed
ing lambs and some cornfed stuff, but
this was not sufficient to make a market.
Tho arrivals during the week total up
80 733 head, being 1X965 more' than last
week, but 1,149 head short of the corre
sponding week a year ago.
The principal features of tho week were
fairly largo receipts, a substantial ad
vance In prices all along the lino on Mon
day and Tuesday and tho sharp elump on
Thursday making the market on fat
Iambs anywhere from 25o to 40o lower
than last week's close and mutton of
ferings fully 25o off. The drop In values
on Thursday was due largely to the big
break at Chicago caused by excessive re
ceipts and the poor condition of the east
ern trade in dressed mutton. Buyers
claimed prices on the local market had
been on too high a level compared with
other points, so were extremely bearish,
causing business to l very slow and
draggy. On Friday a rather light supply
of killers being here, a little Improve
ment was evident, which indicated a
strong undertone at tho close of the
There continued a good active trade
In feeders on most days and closing Quo
tations are steady to lOfitfo better for the
week. The advanco was most noticeable
on the general run ot feeding lambs and
ewes with wethera and yearlings scarce
and showing little it any change.
Quotations on sheep and lambs; Lambs,
good to choice, 37.2o4T7.CO; lambs, fair to
good, 33J5U7.2S; lambs, culls. 35.5036.00;
lambs, feeders, t5.50Sfi.65: yearlings, light,
35.75j.0O; yearlings, heavy, 33.0066.75;
ycarllngv, feeders. 44.5005.40; wethers,
good to choice, $1.5094.75; wethers, fair to
good, I4.KtfH.50; wethers, feeders. 34.003
4.50; ewes, good to choice, R3Ctf4.GJ; ewes,
fair to good, I4.00it4.35; ewes, feeders.
Ni. Av. Pr.
74 South Dakota ewes 114 4 26
South Dakota ewes 118 4 50
19 South Dakota lambs z 7 X
6 South Dakota lambs S3 7 X
Notes and Social Gossip from Omaha's Busy Suburbs
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs,
P. Mcrgcn on Monday.
ti.. nmr. Vnmiiv uneht tho week-end
with her parents a week ago.
Mrs. P. P. King went to Lincoln tor a
couple of days the last week.
Mrs. Julia Byars ot Ijikeman. Mo.. Is
visiting at tho home of L. V. Ityars.
Benson's Modem Woodmen attended
the Omaha lodge last Tuoodiiv evening.
rri T, 1 nM n ' - Mini, will-nn-et fit
1 III 1 1 r I tu 1 1 , . v,i , , .v. . .......
the homo ot Mrs. F. S. King next Thurs
day. . . , , 1 1 - fnailmv
drove. Neb., last week by tho death ot a
, h .1 v m, n.,,1 A. At!.
dreason will spend the, winter In Cali
Dr. K. A. Mason left Saturday for
Pittsburgh, where he will visit with hi
Otis Young, employed at the Christian
sen blacksmith shop, died Inst week in
Mrs. George Powards entertains the
rtoimri nor.en club at her home next
The "Win My Chum" league meetings
win i-insr- with this evening's service at
S.30. o'clock.
Mrs. 15. M. Jlyman was honor guest, ni
o forowoll illnnpr nt tho Hortz home oil
last Tuesday.
Announcement has been mnae or me
engagement ot Miss Florence Buller and
Chris Johnson.
bytcrlatl cliiirch will he held this even
ing at i 30 o ciock.
. r - A , t. l,nH l,.nn .MnMillnr the
Anti-Saloon lenguo convention at Colum
bus, O., during tno insi wcck.
v- r i...M tff nn WVflneaiilaV
for Denton. Neb., where sho Joins Dr.
liyman Bl mi tuiure locnuun.
Tho funeral of E. F. West, who died of
.,.,.(,.. I,, rimaltn. wnm lilil Inflt U etlnes
,ijui.;0 w, ...... ... .-
day at the A. .1. Wyantt home.
Mrs. Ttuth Bcasley entertained at a.
showef Thursday for Miss Ituth Mcaulrc.
Ahnnt Ihlrtv.flve were nresent.
Miss Stokesberry of Ochoyeden. Ir., end
Miss Slattery of Zwlnglo, la., have been
guests at. mo jltpkiui iiuiua uumih
Misses Anna Christiansen. Anna Camp
bell and Prof. Ovcrholdt returned to Peru
Normal on Monday nftor a few days
visit In Benson.
Rev. ir. U. Waldo of Lincoln and Ilcv.
C. II. Gray of Syracuse, Neb., are holding
ovangcllstlo meetings nt the Baptist
church this week.
Mrs. Oeorgo Hill entertained at home
last week for Misses M. Buggle and Mln
nlo Coate of Omaha and Clara nnd Mar
Jorle Mowatt of York, Neb.
Misses Ada. and Lillian Sllger weni io
Plattsmouth Tuesday to attend the
run era l ot airs. iu . uiu.,
well known hero as Miss Lcttln Bmlth.
I - of
ine mumiwio nun ....... fk.7i,
Miss Margaret Loechncr of Dro;
Mich., and George Houlston. formerly or
lianann. Mrs. Houlston is a sister ot Dr.
Mrs. Charles Spraguc en1,""1"6."
nOUBO IHTIIJ HKI9I. " d ax . W 1
Tl I T a "WI nlali M IInr4(l
ftnu aSNOaTlsV Jill, ivum """ , - i
Smith and Lliile and Katlo Hackmun ot
Hhelton, weu,
Mrs. C. H. Hall entertained the Good
Timers club. Thursday; Mrs. A. B. IJlls
tho 'mesaay yviiernoon u, ,"a"'T,V
and tho B. L. 8. club was held at Bt.
Bernard's hall,
a . f ini,n Anjuul I a Antnrtolned
during tr week Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Hpcedlo of Nobraska City, Mr. and Mrs.
if. M. Graham of .South Omaha, Misit
Mary Graham of lUchfleld and relatives
from Papllllon.
Benson citizens celebrated the inaugu
ration of freo mall delivery herd, start
ing on Monday. The meeting was held at
the city hall Saturday evening, with a
number of addresses from prominent
Omaha men. A smoker was given after
ward. Omahft visitors In Benson during the
Inst week were. Misses Kdlth and Hilda
Youngtjulst, iva Woodmm. Mary ltogers,
M. Brown and Mildred Prat-son. Mosrs.
II. Thomns, Ixnils Jensen and Oscar
Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. V. it Cane. Mr.
and Mrs. Qulnlan. Mr. and Mrs. II. L.
Adamson and Mr and Mrs. II. B. Wright
aral Mesdamea P. llnhn, A. Schmidt, A.
Falk nnd Miss Margaret Colt.
West Ambler.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Heater at- entertain
ing relatives from Coon Itapids. ia.
t t, rr t Minmihi fmin Crelchton
i: i. imuu ...... . i.
on WfAlnesday, wlicro he has been the
last three tnotuns.
Mrs, M. A. Pitman was the guest ot
her nephew, James llnrtmnn, and fnmll
In West Side on Monday.
William Knnls of Wichita, Kan., was
tho guest of his niece, Mrs. Charles Baar
man. the first ot the week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Hensman enter
tained their uncle. J. Gants, and wife of
Fairfield, la., on Thursday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ola Carlsen hnd as their
week-end guests tlvolr dnughter, Mrs.
Will Talbot, and children of Benson.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Ij. Wohlford lmvo hnd
na their guests tho last tow weeks tho
parents of tho former from Wyoming.
Mrs. Charles Boarman went over to
Dumphrcy, la., on Saturday to spend a,
few day with her daughter, Mrs. Fay
Hancy, nnd family.
left for her homo In West Point Sunday
evening artcr a tew nays- visn wuu nor
brother. H. 8. Miller, and wife.
Mrs, M. Taylor, who hAs been tho guest
e i.nM timtliMi l.r 11 1 Inltirnnlr. nnit fntn-
UV II, K, "I,, I , . . " -- ......
lly tho last fortnight, left for his home,
in Kansas city on aianany.
The Wrst Side Woman's Christian Tern-
nuMi... imtAn uHll hAlrl tts aMnt.mnn t 111 V
meeting with Mrs. A. O. Mend, Twenty
fourth nnd Mandereon streets, on Thurs
day, November 10.
I Florence.
Mr. nnd Mrs. FlUslmmons of Blair are
guests at tho John Crane home.
F. J. F.bbenger was a St. Louis busi
ness visitor tho latter rort of last week.
Itev. and Mrs. F. 11. Wedge have
moved from California to Liberty, Neb.
Miss Clnra Pliant entertained a num
ber of her girl friends Monday evening.
Master Kills Tlats celebrated his sixth
birthday anniversary Monday evening.
Miss Doris Colo spent the last week
with her cousin, Miss Dorctt Amdt of
Miss ltuth Kindred returned Friday
from a week's visit at tho Manttm homo
In Irvlngton.
Mrs. 13d Peterson and Mrs. John
Peterston spent Wednesday with Council
Bluffs relative,
Tho Commercial club held the regular
meeting at the Fontenella green room
Tucsdny evening.
The Uoynl Neighbors will hold their
regular meeting at the hew Odd Fellow
hall Thursday evening.
The ninth grail o of the Florence High
school went on a field trip out on tho
river road Friday afternoon.
Itev, Mr. Marsh of the Episcopal
church attended the aeml-convocatlon of
the clergy at Nellgh this week.
J. B, Stewart of Benedict, Neb., and
J. M. Miller ot Hastings, Nob., and
Frank Llllejberg of Omaha wei-o callers
on James Urcnneman Saturday.
Charles Anderson, while returning
homo Saturday evening saw his homo In
flames. He hurried to tho burning
building Just In time to rescue his wife,
who was nslocp and knew nothing of her
danger. The house wns burned to the
ground by the time tho flro department
Charles dure has purchased the house
owned by Frank Pascnle, which Is lo
cated at Jefferson nnd Bluff streets. Mr.
Cluro will movo Into It this week.
The Modern Woodmen held a social at
the Odd Fellows' hall Thursday evening.
Dancing took up most of the evening,
after which refreshments were served.
The Ponca Kensington club met
Wednesday nrtcrnoon with Mrs. Dlnklns.
A very pleasant nfternoon was spent,
after which lunch was served. Those
present wero Mrsdnmes Barsch, Jncob
son, llaymoud. Hansen, Albach. Broder
son. Brown, Jaspcrson, Lctovsky and
J. P. Palmer Is In Toledo on business,
W. A. Plxley Is In Minneapolis on busi
ness. Mrs. T. C. Lncri has returned from
David City.
J. S. Wltlnbrauda returned Saturday
from Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Patterson left Sat
urday for Denver.
Mrs. H. 11. Itanmlell returned from Den
ver Monday night.
The ladles' Aid society will meet with
Mrs. Klopp on Thursday.
Miss Ituth Slabnugh tuitertalnrd at a
brldgo party Friday evening.
Dr. J, B. MoPhcrson has bought the
home of Van B. Ladv. 4S15 Douglas.
Mls; Margaret Warner and her brother,
Philip, are visiting relatives In Slolix
Tho Dundee second foot hall team lost
for the first time to Walnut Hill Inst
Mrs, Herman Adler entertained the D.
B. I, club at a high-five party Tuesday
Mrs. Henry C. Van Glesoii and Mrs. J.
V. Hamilton aro visiting relatives in New
York City.
Mrs. J, O. Iwrrson, who has Joined
her. husband, ls now visiting friends In
Manning, In.
John Yelser attended tho monthly
meeting of tho Board of Pardons nt Lin
coln last week.
Mrs. R. It. nnmsdnle gave a tea Satur
day for her guest, Mrs. W. B. Holt of
rortlaiul, Urn
A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. G.
D. Porter Wednesday morning at tho
Methodist hospital
Mrs. George M. Strain of Galesburg,
111., arrived Saturday to visit Mr. and
Mrs. O. W. Updike.
Mrs. J. H, Morton entertnlnwl at dinner
Tuesday for Mrs. J. C. Peterson and Miss
ituth itandoiph of DUndeo school.
Mr. nnd Mrs. H. B. Culver and chil
dren left Friday night for Chicago,
wlicro they will make their home.
Mr. and Mm. C, H. Pulver entertained
tho Evening Bridge club Wednesday at
dinner, Twelve members were present.
W. II. lloomo of New York City Is visit
ing his brother-in-law, V. C, George, and
his sister-in-law, Mrs, O. D. Tunlcllffe.
Beforo the first of December Mr. and
Mrs. Chester & Parks will inovo to Chi
cago becauso ot a promotion lit business,
Mrs. H. B. Clark, Who was the guest of
her daughter, Mrs, V, il. Peckonpnugh,
left Tuesday for her home In Perry, 111.
Mrs. Clinton Miller left Saturday for
Blair, whero alio will attend the dio
cesan meeting of tho Woman's Auxil
iary ot tho Episcopal church.
Mrs. J. VanDoran entertained the W,
W, club Wednesday, Those present were!
Meednmes 11. F. Dirfnnbooher, J. J. Hess,
W. F, Hampton, Clarence Peterson, Mor
tis, Scott, Martin, 11. F. Shearer, Swo-
boda, George A. Hampton, Oldfleld, Me
Combs, Walter Price and Gruenlg.
Mrs. A. W. Stuart, who Is spending
the winter with her daughter, Mrs, O.
C. Kdgerly, was called to Chicago last
week by the death ot her sister.
Mrs. John A. Moore entertained at a.
ohlldren's party Friday evening In honor
of tho twelfth birthday of her son,
Itoger. Twenty-two wero present.
Mrs. S. n. Itush entertained nt lunch
eon Wednesday for Mrs. Collins of Min
neapolis. Those present wero McsdameA
K. a Klmberley, C. O. Talmage, F I
Klllck. F. W. Carmlchacl, Oscar Good
man nnd Mills.
Everett Alexander Is building a fine
bungalow In this village.
Miss Veora Howard was a visitor to
Omaha Wednesdny morning.
Tom Short returned from a few dajs'
business trip to Chicago this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox of tho Missouri
Pacific depot nre tho proud parents ot a
Mont Meadows Is quite III at the home,
of his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. George
Mr. and Mrs. t-nnnford and children,
formerly of this vicinity, wero here Sat
urday. Mrs. J. L. Stamp ot Omaha and Miss
Lillian White of Plattsmouth visited -Mr
and Mrs, It. T. Propst Friday evening.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Dav. Hani entertained at
dinner Tuesday evening Itev. Mr. Cornish
and mother and Mr. and Mrs. Thaver
Propst and children.
Coffee Mnrket,
NEW YOUK, Nov. 15.-COFFr7E-The,
market was lots actlvo todny, but fluctu
ations wero Irregular enough to Indlcnte
co'itlnued nervousness. After opening
steady, prices were n shade higher under
selling suppoed to be. against purchases
at concessions In Brazil. Close was steady,
net 1 point lower to 4 points higher. Sales,
31,500 bngs. December, 9.33c; January
9.40c; March. 9.77c; May, 10.01c, July,
10.31c; September. 10.40-. Spot, quiet
Itlo No. 7. 0ic, 8antos No. 4, lic Mild,
quiet; Cordbvn, 13'.4tfl6'.ic nominal.
ICrnpnrntrd Apple nnd Iirlril t'rnlts
APPLES Firmer; fancy. Offline, choice,
8Ii9,tc; prime, 7H8Hc.
Dill ED FIU'IT-Pmnc, firm. Apricots
nnd peaches, quiet and steady, ttalslns,
f Office For RenT
The large room on ground
floor of Beo Building, oc
cupied by tho Havens
Whito Coal Oo.
Nice Farnam street front
age. About 1,500 square
feet of floor space with
large vault. Extra en
trance from court of the
Fine office fixtures are of.
fercd for sale. Apply' to
N. P. Feil, Beo office.
Cattle Weak Hogs Weak nnd
Mostly Loner.
CHICAOO. Nov. IB. CATTLE Receipts.
600 head; market weak: beeves, 3S.70i?
.65; Texas steers. 36.0OS.7.70; .western
steers, 36.0OU7.fcO; stockera and feeders,
34.&0j7.00: eows and heifers, S3.SiS.l(;
calves. S7OO011.36.
HOCS-Recelpts, 18,000 head; market
weak, mostly 10c lower; bulk of sales.
7.75J7.yi.- light, I7.5O38 00; mixed, 37.503.
8.10; heavy. 37.40Q8.10; rough. 37.4087.56;
pigs. ai67S5.
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Itecelpts. 2,500
head: market weak; native, X4.00fi5.AO;
western, 31.10350; yearlings. $5.5096.25;
lambs, native, 36.00g7.00; western, 36.00
Live Slock in Sight.
Receipts of live stock at the six prin
cipal wesUrn markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Sioux City ro 3,tJ jo
St. Joseph 1W! 6,0aj je
South Omaha 36 7.50 .ii
Chicago so) im.)
St I.olna 6100 8,0) 1.0U)
Kansas l ltv . I'.OOO 2 000 l.tto
Totals , . . , .. ?,;C 43,50O ,9.1
Embroidery Patterns All The Rage
If one Embroidery pat
tern is worth ten cents,
how much are 160 worth?
If from one embroidery
pattern a woman or girl
can create a beautiful shirt
waist, Dutch collar, dainty
piece of lingerie, pillow
top, set of towels or nap
kins, what can be accom
plished with 160 beautiful
new patterns such as are
being distributed practi
cally free by this paper?
Newest Thing in Patterns
The Imperial Embroidery Pattern
Outfit contains 160 of the very latest de
signs, and each transfers from 3 to 5 times.
Solve the Dress Problem
This is the age of dress. Nothing can
ever take the place of the dainty hand em
broidered fabrics. The most expensive
shirtwaists, collars, lingerie, corset covers,
jabots, etc., can be made at home for a
mere trifle of expense. The Imperial Pat
tern Outfit is a boon to mothers. Every
thing necesary for the girls and the baby
is include
Solvep the Home Decoration Problem
Deigns for table linen, guest towels,
all aprts of doilies, dresser scarfs, center
pieries, pillow cases, picture frames, hand
baas, pin cushions, pillow tops; also nu
merous odd designs for borders, alpha
bets, rose sprays, butterflies, bowknots,
wreaths, etc., etc.
These new and wonderful Patterns can easily almost
magically be transferred to any kind of material in a
twinkling. The Patterns are made by a secret process,
which does away with the old-fashioned, perforated smudgy
carbons, or hot iron all you need to do is to moisten the
Pattern, and the design is instantly transferred, and each
Pattern will transfer from three to five times.
Means Finer Clothes and Prettier Homes for Trifling Expetue
ook For Coupon Printed Every Day