Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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And Jeff Wasn't Far Wrong
f sa creptf do xou
VQeL66 (N.eUGENtcj
Hanat do
i eugenic
M m f
Squad Will Best Up Saturday in
Preparation for Coyotes.
Indication Arc thnt Tnthnllcn Hnve
n Brlicht Ontlnok for n Vlrtory
Orrr University South
Next Saturday wilt bo nn off day for
the Crelghton varsity eleven, as no same
will be played on that date, Tarklo col
lege of Tarklo, Mo., was scheduled, but
called off the engagement through fear
of Injury to Its players so near to
Thanksgiving. Crelghton has been nego
tiating with Cotncr and Baker unlver
iiltlca for the date, but It has been de
elded to allow the men to rest for the
Thanksgiving game. The Crelghton squad
already has a number of cripples' and no
further chances of weakening the squad
before Thanksgiving will bo taken,
The flnat and only other game on the
Crelghton schedule will be the crucial
test of the year with the South Dakota
Coyotes on Crelghton field Thanksgiving.
This will bo the third annual contest be
tween the two schools. On both former
occasion the northerners won by deci
sive scores, last year's victory being a
walkaway. This year, however, Crelgh
ton hopes of a victory are far brighter.
The locals have a team. acknowledged to
be the best which has donned the blue
and white colors In many a day. The
Crelghton record up to yesterday's game
with Omaha university was: Crelghton,
7; Kearney Normal, 7; Crelghton, 0; Wes
leyan, 7; Crelghton, 13; Marquette, R;
Crelghton, 8S; Bellovuc, 0; Crelghton, 0;
Haskell, 7, The cancellation of the St.
Louis game probably robbed the blue and
white ot another victory. Crelghton has
scared a total of 103 points against her
opponents' S7. '
Outlook Is flood.
The cripples on the Crelghton team,
Young, Coady, Hanley and Brennan, who
have been giving Coach Miller and
Trainer Kelly come worry, . are all ex
pected to be In the pink of condition by
Thanksgiving, and Crelghton will un
doubtedly be ablo to present her strong
est lineup. Last year the team was weak
ened by the loss of Captain Miller, and
to this .is partly attributed the largo score
rolled up by the Coyotes.
$)a the other hand South Dakota has
not played such good foot ball as for
merly. It has met defeat at the hands
of Notre Dame and Minnesota. This lat
ter team wan beaten by Nebraska and
the Haskell Indiana barely nosed out a
victory over Crelghton after virtually
tying Nebraska. A comparison of these
cores shows that Crelghton should at
least push the Coyotes.
The Crelghton management has sent a
list of possible officials for the Thanks
klvlng game to Vermilion, but they have
not yet been ratified by the South Da
kota management.
Preparations are already being made
for record turnout to the big game, as
it will be the only big game In Nebraska
on that date. A number of the boxes
have already been disposed of.
Omaha Gun Club to
Shoot for Turkeys
The Omaha Qun club will hold Its an
tiual shoot at the club grounds on the
cast side of the Douglas street bridge
on Sunday, November 23. Prizes of tur
Jccys, geese and ducks, all dressed and
ready for tho oven, will be given to the
winners of all shotgun and rifle events.
AU events at targets will be at fifteen
FOrtT COLLINS. Colo.. Nov. ls.-The
Colorado Aggies overwhelmed tho Uni
versity of Wyoming eleven yesterday,
scoring 61 to 0, Cross, the Aggies' rap
tain, making flvo touchdowns, four of
which wero from the thirty-yard line
and two of the four on short end runs,
Sorcnson, the Aggie quarter, made two
touchdowns on short center bucks. Kid
ney, the Aggie, end, secured one touch
down on a long forward pans by Strong
and Strong bucked the center for fifteen
yards and a touchdown. Shafer kicked
seven goals.
At a meeting of some ot the older
members of the Crelghton alumni, held
last night, a move was set on foot to
bring the Notre Dame foot ball team to
Omaha on November S) to play the
Crelghton team in a post-season match,
The faculty -will be asked to help de
fray the expenses should there be a
shortage after the contest Dan Duller,
who attended the meeting, says there is
a fine chance of getting the famous team
to come here, and It undoubtedly would
prove to be the greatest local game of
the year-
Tie Came In Tecamseh,
TECUMSBH, Neb., Nor. li.-(6peclal -The
Beatrice High school reserves and
the Tecamseh High school foot ball teams
stay4 a tie game in this city yesterday.
JTb scofjrwim 7 .to J,
Final Improvement
of Motorcycle Now
Being Waited Upon
"Tho final Improvement to make tho
motorcycle comfortable and convenient
for tho rider Is tho step starter, enabling
quick starting with both wheels on the
Rround," said Victor H. lloos, Harley
Davldson dealer In Omaha.
"With the step starter the motorcyclist
can start his engine when standing on
cither sldo of tho machine or while sit
ting In the saddle. He can be suro ot
starting tho motor overy time.
"This convenient' adds considerably to
the pleasure of motorcycling. Kvcryono.
knows that the most experienced chauf
feur of tho most expensive automobiles
occasionally will kill his engine In traf
fic. The rider of a motorcyclo with a
step starter suffers no Inconvenience If
required to make a quick stop and finds'
it necessary to shut off ylils engine,
"In fact, the rider of tho new motor
cyclo turns off the gasoline on his motor
whenever ho stops, even for a tow sec
onds. It In bo easy to jBtnrt the motor
humming again that there Is no reason
for standing still with the engine run
ning free of a load. Instead of stopping
by tho old method of throwing out tho
clutch the modern motorcyclist shuts off
tho throttle.
"To Individuals who have Just become
interested in the motorcycle this point
may not seem weighty. Ilut to old
riders tho value of the convenience Is
thoroughly appreciated. After one haa
had on opportunity to ride a motorcycle
equipped with the step starter he won
ders how he ever got along without that
Army Has No Trouble
. Defeating Villanova
WEST POINT. N. Y.. Nov. l.-.PInvln.
gilt-edged foot ball throushout. th Armw
eleven had Ho trouble In defeating Villa
nova yesterday, to 0. Tho cadets
showed much Improvement in of fnnl VA
night End Merrlllat. who ninv.,1 n .i..
game, twice scored touchdowns on long
forward passes. Itlght Halfback Itnhh.'
flno running with, the baU and spectacular
KicKing was a nig ractor In the Army's
victory. Hobbs once Intercepted a for
ward pass and ran sixty yards for a
Villa Nova gave the Armv n i
the third period when tho ball rested on
the cadets' five-yard line after a series
of well-executed forward passes. The
visitors, however, found the
too much for them at this point and Loft
isna j. neap's attempt at a field goal
went wide. The Army lorn much ffmtinrl
through penalties for off-side and hold
ANNAPOLIS, Md., Nov. H.-Pennsyl.
vanla State held Navy to a 10 to 0 score
yesterday, and Jho game was not one
in which Navy supporters can find much
comfort. State was the first eleven this
season to nearly equal Navy and the
midshipmen when met by real opposition
did not show as well as It was hoped
they would.
In the line bucking, Navy shoved Pull-
back Harrison across for a touchdown
In the first period and night Guard Drown
kicked goal. Drown was called on for
placement goal In the second period,
after state held for downs Inside the
ten-yard line. In the fourth period, the
visitors five times held for downs Inside
their own one-yard line. These rock
ribbed defenses wcro the best exhibitions
been here for a long time,
HAnVAltD. Neb,. N3v. l.-(8pecial.)-Harvard
High school foot ball team yes
terday beat the Hastings High school
second team, 14 to 8. On the first down
Harvard fumbled, Theobald, Hastings'
left end, recovered the ball and raced
twenty-five yards, being down on Har
vard's one-yard line. Klein carried the
boll over. This was the only time during
the game that Hastings had a chance of
Harvard scored a touchdown in the
first quarter and wasted most ot the
time during the second quarter In un
successful forward passes.
In the third quarter Harvard settled
down to straight foot ball and Smith,
Hartley and Moger hit the line for an
average of eight yards on each down.
LOS ANOtCLKS, Nov. It An otn
style of play, Intermingled with ball pass
ing which bavorcd much ot rugby, helped
Occidental college to defeat the Univer
sity of Utah. K to 14, yesterday.
Utah was strong in the first half, scor
ing first, but toward the end of the game
weakened rapidly. A passing play In
which the ball changed hands our times,
by Occidental, was the feature ot the
at That
Iowa Varsity Team Finishes Ames
Game in Good Condition.
I'rnctlee for JVext Saturday's Oame
tTlllt Co rnli tinkers Will Jlrtcln
Today Will Htnrt for
Lincoln Thtirsdny,
IOWA CITY. Ia., Nov, l.-(8peclal.)-Iowa's
"polnt-a-mlnuto" scoring machine
with the state championship safely
tucked away, will begin preparations to
morrow for Its last, and with one ex
ception, Its hardest test of the season.
The defeat of the Ames team by the
largest score over made In tho history
of tho two schools, wan not unexpected
here, but the students realize that Ne
braska will bo a far different problem
whan tho Hawkeyes and Cornhuskors
line Up next Saturday at Lincoln.
Open Work Victory.
A review of the Ames game shows that
the victory and the size of the score
are nllko duo to tho wonderful open
field work of the Iowa bocks. Dick was
at his best, slipping through tho Ames
lino, diving off tacklo, or going around
the ends for gains ot from fivo to fifty
yards. Ills longest run, a fifty-yard dash
from the center of the field for a touch
down, was a great piece of open field
running. Pcnnlngroth featured with a
forty-yard spurt, being stopped only when
he went out of bounds. McQInnls made
long and consistent gains. Ho punctured
Wormhoudt, tho Aggie weak spot, twice
for twenty-flve-yard gains, which took
him across tho goal line. Gross was as
slippery as over in his running back of
PUnts and dashes" through the Ames line.
Dowen, substitute end, Is being given
great praise for his work. His open field
tackling was the best seen on the part
bf any end hero this year. Drucckner
was another Iowa star.
The Iowa lino, outweighed badly, played
its usual steady gome, and although
punctured occasionally made sure that
no touchdowns could be earned through
It. Tho condition qf the locals 1s shown
by the fact that the some cloven men
played through the gome, and that time
was taken out for Iowa but twice, once
for Gross when his head was pumped
hard against the ground and ono when
Uunderson broke a strap on n pad which
he wore.
Comparative Hcores Mean Little.
Although their team defeated Ames by
n score somewhat larger than that made
against Nebraska, the supporters of tho
Hawkeyes are not banking heavily upon
that circumstance as a reason why they
will defeat tho Cornhuskers. Comparative
scores mean little, nnd the Cornhuskers
probably caught tho Aggies on a better
day than did Iowa, Any team which con
defeat Minnesota Is given all credit here,
where the difficulty ot this task Is apprc
cated. The last week ot practice will be de
voted to light work for the most part,
as the hard work of tho heavy schedule
Is telling upon the light Iowa team.
Scrimmage practice will be held one
evening only, and the team wlllleave for
NebraskiTrobably Thursday night. The
Iowa cripples should be In shape by the
time tho final gome Is played, but no
shifts In the lineup are expected.
Thorpeans Battle
Fiercely to a Win
In qne of tho fastest games on the lo
cal gridiron tho Thorpeans Athletic
club defeated tho Ilaller Pharmacy team
by a score of 13 to IS. Hart, Newton,
Bchats and Levlnsohn were tho stars for
the winners, while Walter Spellman was
doing most of the work for the losing
team. The Thorpeans will next play the
Clearmonts for the city championship ot
the 20-pound class.
Oreighton to Witness
Game with Hawkeyes
The Alumni association of Crelghton
university will take the entire Crelghton
foot ball squad to Lincoln next Saturday
to witness the game between the Corn
hutkere and Iowa. This Is an oft day
for the Crelghton team and they will be
given a treat.
SAN FnANCISCO, Nov. 16. Before a
huge crowd, the New York Olants
downed the Chicago White Sox yesterday
by a score of 6 to 3. Pitcher Matbewson
was In rare form except In the eighth
Inning, when the Box: made four hits
that netted two runs. Hoore: n.H.E.
Chicago 0 00010030-3 10 S
Now York. ...I 1 3 0 0 1 0 0 11 0
Batteries: Scott and Daley, Mathew
son and Meyers.
They Make Yon I-Vel Good.
The pleasant purgative effect produced
by Chamberlain's Tablets and the
healthy condition of body and mind which
they create make one feel joyful. For
sale by all druggists. Advertisement.
F is
Contagious ot-seAse,
Michigan Aggies Win
From South Bakotans
LANSING, Mich., Nov. 1. The Michi
gan Agricultural college eleven yesterday
ended the most successful foot ball sea
son In the history of tho Institution, by
defeating South Dakota, 10 to 7. The con
querors of Michigan and Wisconsin were
forced to their limit to triumph over the
powerful wnrrlors from tho north.
Michigan Agricultural college started
tho game with a score, scoring a touch
down In the first period and another In
the second, but failed to kick either goal.
South Dakota braced In the third quar
ter and showed a clever offense, finally
pushing tho ball across the "Aggies"
goal. The goal was kicked and the pe
riod closed without further scoring.
Michigan Agricultural college made Its
last touchdown during the closing min
utes ot play and added a point to Its
count by kicking tho goal.
Earlier In the season, Notre Dame de
feated South Dakota, 30 to 7. Both Notro
Dam and Michigan Agricultural college
claims tho western foot ball champion
cnF.TE, Neb., Nov. ie.-(.Speclal.)-The
Creto High school won a game of basket
ball from tho Twentieth Century Ath
lotlo club here Friday night' by a score
of 33 to 1C. Ttie high school led In the
gamo very easily. Their team work was
effective and the Methodists were un
able to break It up,
Tho lack of team work on the part ot
the club boys Is due largely to the fact
that the team Is made up of oftlco work
era who are unable to meet often for
practice. Lineup:
Ellis O,
Mlckle G.
G Baker
G Sawyer
C Byers
F Yeager
F Conrad
A, Andrews (C.) C,
W. Andrews F,
L. Fundell F,
Substitutes; C.
Fundell. J. Balke,
ITHACA, N. Y., Nov. 16.-Cornell's re
organized eleven proved too much for
Lafayette yesterday and the men from
Pennsylvania were downed, 10 to With
the oxceptlon of considerable careless fum
bling, Cornell's new team worked well,
seeming more powerful on offense.
Cornell's showing was encouraging to
Its followers, despite tho fact that at all
times the Red and White lacked the
necessary punch.
n I ,1
17, 1913.
Tough Por.
Colored Guard Great Attraction in
the Kansas Game.
Kansas Completely Outclassed by
Cornhuskers nnd Almost No
Kansas) Money Was in Be
Had at Any Odds.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 16. (Special.) The
good sermons preached in Lincoln
churches this morning did not wholly
take away from those woh listened
thoughts of the (foot ball gamo which
was played In Lawrenco yesterday be
tween the Jayhawkers and the Corn
huskers and people coming from church
at noon were Just in time to encounter
many of the pulgrims who hod gono to
the Sunflower state to soe Nebraska
wallop the representatives of tho stato
university thera.
Will M. Maupln enjoyed telling about
the reception given Ross the big Ne
braska colored guard.
"noss was tho whole show down there,"
Maupln said.
"You couldn't sro him onywhero, but
there was a crowd around him and the
colored people there could not do enough
to show him that they appreciated tho
way he had won out In preventing Kan
sas drawing the color line,
"There were about 1,600 colored people
at the game. Thoy had come In from
Topekn, Kansas City, Wichita and other
towns and every last one of them was
rooting for Nebraska and noss.
"Every player was so covered with
mud that you couldn't tell whether ho
was white or black and If Kansas had
drawn the color line after tho game
started every man would havo had to
leave tho game. You would see a player
make a tackle and strike the ground and
plow along, whllo the mud slid away from
him In all directions.
"Had our boys been ablo to get any
kind of a foot hold It wouldonly have
been a question ot the numbed of touch
downs made.
"Penalties played hobs with us. Some
how our penalties wero always fifteen
yards, whllo Kansas would only get five
or so. That was what caused Captain
Purdy to get out of tho game. He made
some remark to tho rctereo about the
seeming unfalrnss of his penalties, and
the referee didn't like It and waved him
to the side lines."
I.nke Forest Wins.
MONMOUTH. III.. Nov. 16.-Lake For
est university defeated Monmouth college
yesterday, U to ff, the visitors scoring a
touchdown In the first and the fourth
Nobody allowed on ihis earth except regularly
certified smokers of STAG.
The best outdoor tobacco The best indoor tobacco
because it holds all its good- because of its fresh and deli
ness in the open air. cious fragrance.
Convenient Packages; The Pound Humidor, the Full
Slze 10-Cent Tin and tho Handy Half-Size 5-Cent Tin.
For Pip and
Drawn for The Bee by
Missouri Shuts .Out
Washington Eleven
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 16.-Tho University of
Missouri foot ball eleven defeated the
Washington team In their annual grid
iron battle, tho Tiger aggregation making
nineteen points to none for the Myrtle
and Maroon squad.
Missouri was penalized often for hold
ing In the line, the arbiters setting back
tho visiting eleven cighty-flve yards dur
ing the game.
PITTSBURGH, Nov. !. Playing a
whirlwind brand of foot ball, In which
quickness had the better of strength,
Washington and Jefferson college yester
day defeated the University of Pittsburgh,
19 to 6. Washington and Jefferson had
previously held Yale to a tie 0 to 0 score,
while tho local university hod defeated
both Cornell and Carlisle. A drizzling
rain fell throughout.
Columbus HlRh Orerrrhe,lmed.
CENTRAL CITY, Nob., Nov. lG.-(Spe-clal.)
In a gamo replete with forward
passes, end runs and fake plays, tho
local high school overwhelmed tho Co
lumbus High school here today by the
score of 68 to 0. Only once during the
game did tho visitors havo a chance to
score, advancing to the five-yard line,
where they were held. Clayton, Lutes,
Wilder and Ayers scored almost at will.
Tho last home game will, ho played next
Friday with tho David City team,
neferco: Zelmer, Grand Island. Umplro:
Daniels, Aurora.
Washington Defeats Orejron.
PORTLAND, Ore.; Nov. 16. University
of Washington defeated Oregon university
at foot ball vesterday, 10 to 7, and won
the northwestern conference champion
ship. Not until tho fourth quarter was the
mastery decided.
Then Charley Smith, a powerfully built
Washington Junior, substituting at' quar
terback, shot a place kick between tho
Oregon goal posts from the twenty-two-yard
line and broke up a 7 to 7 tie.
But "If" Is a III "Word,
i "If I had Frank Baker on my team I
would play him In the outfield lnste"d of
third base," said Manager Griffith of tho
Senators. The Old Fox thinks that Connie
Mack has spoiled a fine fly chaser by
making him play third.
Old Hplrtt Will Win.
Nebraska rooters are going to Law
rence In u special train. If the enthusiasm
runs as high at Lawrenco as it did at
Lincoln when the Gophers were given a
drubbing. Nebraska doesn't stand a
chanco to lose.
Connie Stick to Old Love
Connie Mack Is getting to be somewhat
of a foot bnll fan. Connie liken the game,
but says It Is nothing compared with
base hall.
I 11
at. tJSO
"Bud" Fisher
Clara Belles Move Up to First in
Booster League.
Only Three Teams Will Mnke Trip
io St. Louis to Take Tart In Mtd
irest Tonrnnment, So Decision
Has Been Reached.
Few changes took place in tho stand
lngs of Omaha bowling leagues last
week. In tho Omaha leaguo the Luxus
still lead with' a three-game margin. In
tho Booster leaguo tho Clara Belles went
Into first placo after ccrcatlng tho
Lelsys, who wero leading. The Brode
gaard Crowns ,stlll lead the Commercial
league, although this haa been cut down
by recent reverses. .
The Gate City leaguers have at last
stopped tho fast Store Triumphs and
cut down their lead to two games. Tho
Magic City rollers are having a close
race. Three teams nro fighting neck and
neck for first place and two more have
a good chanco to overtake them. Tho
smaller leagues are having cloBe races,
the enthusiasm and, excitement In theso
being oven greater than in the older and
stronger leagues.
The Automobile leaguo started last
week, adding another league to Omaha's
big list. Although somewhat late in
starting they got away well. Only four ,
teams started, but two more will be
added next week.
City Assoclntlon Today.
This afternoon tho City Bowling asso
ciation will begin activities by holding
their first real meeting. Tho delay In
getting started is duo to tho fact that -several
of ( Omahas most active bowlers
are hot In .p.cconT'wlth the Idea of run'?
nlng the association on the some basis ;
as last year. Under the old system tho
association was under the auspices ot .
tho American Bowling congress. Every
team belonging to the local body was
assessed $1 .dues by tho national body.
Last season forty-six teams were forced
to pay Jl each and receive nothing In re
turn, oxcept recognition from the Amer
ican Bowling congress. President Rate
kin of the Booster league offers a sug
gestion as a solution ot tho above. He
suggests that tho association be organ
ized locally by tho same method as last
year, but not be affiliated with the
American Bowling congress.
Won by the Excelsiors.
The Excelsiors defeated the Sherman
Avenue Merchants, 9 to 6, Sunday Ed
Gulnan scored a forward pass for' forty
yards to a touchdown and In the last
ouarter got a safetr. The stars wero
Gulnan, Moor and for the Merchants,
Penny and Duetcher.
No Bite No Sting,
No Sag No String.