Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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THE OMAHA DAILY BEE! Farming and High Price.
kcu'ndkd jiy EDWAiiuiioflEAVAfBS Evidently Secretary Houston of
i '
Entered at Omaha postofflce as second'
riiLMi matter.
Sunday Be, one year.... 1W
Saturday Bee, one year 1-M
Dally Bee, without Sunday, one year.. 4.W
L'aiiy nee, and Huntley, one yoar o.iv
Kvenlng and Sunday Bee, rer month. .40c
Bvenlng. without Sunday, per month. .SSe
Dally Bee, Including Sunday, per mo..rc
Dally Bee, without Sunday, per month. 4c
Address all complalnt ot Irregularities
in deliveries to City circulation uvyi.
Remit by draft, express or postal order,
niviMn in Thr Bee Publishing company.
Only 8-eent stamps received In payment
of small accounts. Personal checks, ex
cept on Omaha and eastern exchange, not
Omaha The Bee building.
Fouth Omaha 2318 N street.
Council Bloffs-U North Main street.
T.lncoln-W Mttle building.
Chlcago-801 Hearst building.
New Tork-Room 1106, 258 Fifth avenue,
St. Louis 603 New Bank of Commerce,
Wahlngton-T3 Fourteenth St.. N. w,
Communications relating to news and
editorial matter should do auarcsoa
Omaha Bee, Editorial department.
KitiA nf Kehraaka. County of Douglas, sa
Dwlght Williams, circulation manager
of The. Bea Publishing company, being
duly sworn, says tnai m
circulation lor uie monui i
HIS, was ELTX. DWIUIIT W1UL.ia.mb,
Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn
to before, me una 1st aay oi wovemDer. mm.
Notary Public
Subscriber leaving (hey city
temporarily should have The Bee
mailed to them. Address trill be
changed as often na requested.
Theio contingent loo lawyers are
a desperate lot.
The silt skirt Booms to bo hanging
on, but the winter has really not sot
Will someone kindly dash off a
llttlo cons entitled, "Waiting at tho
nio Grande?"
A blizzard swept Florida
week. But the land agonts
never hear ot It.
J. Ham Lewis must have written
that Plndell letter under tho Influ
ence of an aurora boroalls.
Laying; school politics on tho tablo
by motion made and socondod still
does not seem to keep it there.
Tho way that Mr. 0'8haughney
holds his temper in that hot Mex
ican situation' is a credit to the Irish.
Ofaaha is ready to "shiver its
timbers" If necessary to extend a
proper welcome to the secretary ot
the navy,' .
tho Department of Agriculture
thinks llttlo progress has been made
with tho propaganda of Intensive
farming, for In discussing tho mat
ter of high prices ho says less than
40 per cent of tho cultivated land of
the country Is reasonably well tilled
and loss thnn 12 por cont yielding
maximum returns.
, jhsj)ay in Omaha
com hud rsoM arc run
w a. s
Thirty Years Age
Ease Cp on Home flayers.
OMAHA, Nov. 16,-To the Editor of
The Bee: During tho last eight or ten
Railroad circles are up In the air at I years thousands of worktngmen nnd peo.
the announced withdrawal ot tho Mil-IPle of quite slender means have been
waukee road from the Iowa pool combl- I able, through the new system ot selling
Tho secretary Is only one ot many'nat,on- rfal eatat on "ll monthly payments, to
who bollovo that lax and Inefficient
methods of farming Ho near the root
ot tho problem of high prices. Just
what part of it they form is a qucs
tlon, but oven admitting that they
form a part docs not finally explain
tho situation. Surely our farmers
are cultivating somo bettor than be
fore the high price problem bocamo
so acuto. With so many agencies
combined In tho movement for mak
Ing two blades of grass grow where
but ono grow before it would he
most discouraging to think that no
improvement had taken placo.
Regardless of degrees, howover,
tho point of production Is always
germane to tho subject of tho cost
of living. Tho unsatisfactory status
or our export trade la an Indication
of tho fact that wo aro not produc
Ing nil we should and tho fertility
nnd boundless oxtcnt of our soil cor
tain proof that we aro not producing
all we could. Perhaps we have our
economics on crooked; been devot
ing tlmo to other matters that should
havo boon spent on tho sclenco of
Boil efficiency. Perhaps wo havo al
lowed ourselves to bollovo that, as
ours is primnrlly an agricultural
country, that factor In our develop
ment would take caro of itsolf whilo
wo centered largor attention on tho
perfection ot tho manufacturing in
dustry, if so, it is time now to
uwnke from the error and bend every
possible offort to tho other task.
r .
Zbco9 tax questions and answers
Wewfld. Interest a great many wore
peejle If the exemption limit were
ot utte so high.
It Is ealy a HUestlen of time when
the ofMoHdaiiea of Omaha and Its
wkurban towns will embrace more
than tka poetoftice.
If Cole Olease comes to tho senate
a Bb Tillman's colleague 'ho may
go eat on the tine of that noble
pitchfork and ho way not.
Hammer throwing threatens to
take tho place of brick throwing in
the oaasaign ot the British militants.
That's what might be called nailing
the argument down.
The Bar association president
asens to have an idea that a crooked
lawyer must first break into tho
peaKeatlary .before he caa bo called
ti 4eat for "unprofessional" con-duct.
OfpMtents of Lincoln's home rule
charter have finally gotten to tho
l4,t where they declare they do not
want hose rule at all, but prefer to
triMi the legislature than to trust
tk people direct.
Secretary ot War Garrison cannot
uatefstand the prejudice that exists
asaiast the regular army. There
certainly is no good reason for such
prejsslce, and we believe the secre
tary exaggerates tho extent to which
it prevails.
Governor Tener of Pennsylvania
has climbed from a base ball pitcher
to the office ot chief executive of the
second state in the union, and Is now
slated for another step up the ladder
of fame and success he is mentioned
aa the sew president of the National
The democratic congressman from
the' yirst Nebraska district has
selected a list of expectants ho wants
rewarded with postoftices. It Is a
safe guess that his recommendations
win Ko further than the recom
mendations of some other Nebraska
democrats in congress.
The Young Men's Christian asso
ciation and Young Women's Chris
tian association ot New York City
are raising $4,009,000 for extension
wwkv having received more than
half of It from such contributors as
John D. Rockefeller and Mrs. Helen
Gould Hhepard, which ought to make
mtcfcty substantial advertising mat
tar for the associations elsewhere.
People so careful of their money as
a rule do not give so generously to
enterprises not worth while.
Elaborate Banquets.
Secretary Lane of tho Interior de
partment has been laudod for turn
ing from a sevan-dollar-and-a-half-a-
plato banquet In Denver to a fifty-cents-a-plato
dinnor and it scorns
natural to commond him for It, from
various standpoints. Ills political
admirers think hts decision helps to
dlsplaco a aonse of falso with true
standards and tends to npply tho
runaamcntal principles of democ
racy to tho slmplo things of llfo.
But aside from that, it is a fino
thing for tho organs of dlgostlon. It
moro men would cut out tho'elab-
orate banquets, oannclnliv iim..
served during the midnight hours,
fewer would be tho victim, of oraacl-
ated BystomB and untimely ends. The
man does not llvo who needs to
patronize a meal that coots ?7.50,
although GO cents docs socsm like a
very moderate sum for an eventful
dinner at prevailing prices, but If
tne good citizens of Denver aro able
to furnish them at that figure, so
mucu tua better.
Then, there 1b another reason, no
aouot, beside JofforsonUn ulmnllcltv
and gastronomic comfort that mado
Mr. Lnno choose tho simpler tablo,
ho probably was too dlsgustod at the
vanity ot tho other display, for ho Is
a very plain, senslblo man. Falso
money standards, as Harper's
Weokly suggests, "reach In ovory
airocuon," and rlso from such festal
boards as the ono the secretary re
jected. And it Is always a Rood
thing to rebuke false standards of
money or what not. It Is, to say the
least, very poor tosto to feed the pub-
iio servants of a democratic nation
at the rato of 7.60 a meal.
Thoie Santa GIrus Letters.
PoBtofflce employes aro apt to
hear with a sigh the announcement
that Uncle Sam has decided to con
tinue acting as Santa Claus in the
matter of mail thus addressed to
hlra at Christmas time, when tho
mail comes in such avalanches, any
way. Postmaster General Burleson
has notified postmasters to receive
and dollver this matter to charitable
persons and organizations, nutting
hla official flat on what has boon
dono except in some years when the
postal people were permitted to make
more summary deposition of It.
Many a childish heart Is made moro
happy at Christmas through this gen
erous medium of the government
with presents It would not otherwise
receive and perhaps that Is sufficient
Justification for the practice which
is undoubtedly subjected to a good
deal of abuse. Sometimes thoso Inno
cent appearing supplications come
from impostors Instead ot desorvine
little children, whose parents are un
able to give them the cheer of Yule-
tide presents and It is too bad that
such cases cannot be dealt with as
they deserve. But even this abuse
does not outweigh with Uncle Sam
the pleasure it gives him to dispense
the Christmas cheer. It will ba a
long while before the beautiful illu
sion of Santa Claus, against which
tho stern pragmatista Inveigh, fades
In a laud whero tho central govern
meet thus lends Its approval to the
Before the alienists could get In
their lucrative work ot proving the
fiend, Spencer, insane, the Chicago
Jury convicted him and the Judge
sentenced him to hang.
secretary and treasurer and boarl of di
rectors, composed of four members to
manage the Affairs of our association.
The expenses ot the association are paid
by monthly assessments. The sick bene,
fit Is S10 per week, and the death bene-
fit Is 1100, also an appropriation of $10
for flowers In case ot death. W furnish
free medical aid to all members.
During our fifteen years or existence
we have paid In slek and death benefits
approximately I2S.00O, and this money has
been paid to this same merchant and
others for the necessaries of life and.
tn some cases, has been the means of
keeping from asking for charily. Not
one dollar of our money Is spent for
pleasure, which Is customary with nearly
all fraternal organizations.
Dear editor and friends, do jou think
we aro asking too much when we ask
W. It. Kent, coroner-oleet, was sworn hu" cottages In Omaha. The purchase of
In to fill the vacancy caused by Dr. homes by families of this class has ere-
o rtourkc. Mr. Kent's elective term will ated an entirely new set of conditions
not begin until January. here, as most of these people never have
The Home Circle gave their second much as $100 In hand at any one time,
ball at Masonic hall last evening with and when they sign the contracts for
about seventy couples present. The mu- purchasing their tittle homes they havo a
sic was furnished by Irvine's orchestra, very vague Idea as to the obligations they the largo business houses and merchants
witn .. .Matthews as prompter. I are taKing upon themselves by signing I of Omaha to buy one ticket at $1 when
me appearance or large white loot- contracts. tninKing as thev do that they expect this bodv of ISO men to
prints on several business street Is con. me only expenses they will be required spend their Incomes huvlnsr Mr.
elusive' that Matt Clair must have leaped " meet will be the usual small monthly Merchant's goods We get our monev
Into a whitewash pond and then started I Payments on the home, the taxes and a I from the Stock Yards company, Mr. Mer-
oui on nis rounus. At any rate, ir it " insurance. Then, some day, chant, and wo Bpend It with you. Did
wasn't Matt, It must havo been a very along comes a health department In-1 you think of that when vou erltlelse.1
near relation." spector and serve them with an order to I them for not taklne better ur, of hlr
uoprs Si mu have filed papers for n I p in city water and sewer connections I employes?
new addition to Omaha Just north ot at once, and hn Informs them that if I Do you, Mr, Merchant, pay your cm
Shlnn's addition, which Is to be called bey do not comply within (en days the Ployos full time when they aro off duty?
"Omaha View." I father of the family will bo mit in 1all I Do you even rive ihnm ennA. t rut
Thomas Brennon of Ireland, late secra- and fined.
when they are sick or disabled? Do you
tary of the Irish Land league, now de- When one of then families Is served like to employ men that do not think
iivering lectures throughout tho country witn an order ot this kind they have a enough of their families to provide for
tor mo oenerit or the National Land real scare. They find that to put in them In times of trouble and slcknefs?
league, will speak here Thanksgiving water and sower pipes they will have to We are willing to admit that Drobablv
evening under the auspice of the two Pay out from S100 to K), according to the M Pr cent of our members llvo In South
local branches of tho league. amount of work done, and all In one Omaha, and 90 per cent of tho tickets
The Missouri Pacific has adopted part lump. They have no monev. exeeot wo sell for our annual ball am dUnnMi
oi me new time system Known aa tho ne usual monthly expenses of the home, ' here, but wo aro safe In saying tliat
Central division, which Is twenty-four as they have no deed until they have 60 Pw wt of our total Income Is spent
minuics taster man omaha tlmo or nlnelPaia an tne purchase, price. They can I ,n Omaha.
minutes slower than Chicago time. Cen- eo no way out of their difficulty, and We do not have t sell tickets In South
trai time was also adopted today by the there Is no way out thev am Hmniv Omaha. They sell themsive In htmrh.
Chicago, Burlington A. Qulncy and nock trapped, and they believe that father ot "m flve to fifty, and the Stock
isianu roau. a no L ram and North- I m going to be put In Jail. This, however, Yards company, commission firms, pack
western will fall In line next week. I Is not the case, as the threat of rr..i Ing companies, business nun and mm
Omaha will continue to use the present I" not often carried out, but these DeoDle chants all help make it possible to carry
City time standard. I do not know this, and for o ttm I on a work that la erand in th v. f
xo naaiy irighlened. I any man that ha any feellnr foe hi.
ltventy l cars Ago why does the city not recognize this brother.
me memoers or the Omaha Gun club now set of conditions that has grown UNION' STOCK YAP.D3 EMPLOYES'
... ....... v.vv, nun oiuiv una utciuni .f uiuuuu mo mommy payment system
to accept the lowans challenge for a of buying homes? Theso families are
contest at fifty live birds and $a a man, having a hard enough struggle to buy
providing the shoot take placo across tho their little homes without being fright.
river. lene1 snrt ihnwt.nn -...
m . i ....v,.hvm niict, uy uie
'IH A nn n a .-- n, .1.. Ah I ... J
,.,iuioiiin uw uycii uuor were nmin auinnruiM in n n n . nn. .
cu,,.,! sum ui nu mnus, including earn mem to put In Improvements which It li
averaging 20 a day, for that worthy absolutely Impossible for them to nav for
cnaniaDio enterprise. Theso women were It the city wishes these necessary reg.
!rn.j?o wre"e"ln':" ; t' uUUon' Cflrrled out " must alter Its
n" ' V'. ,v- t?B",e' J,jL' ys,cm to mcpt the now conditions that
U!; "elllnIs' " puh- W. have arisen of lato years. In the mean-
omiin, r... u. van woun. u. u. uryant. I timA h i,.iu .1 . . .
Walker Whiteside was billed for the should bVortered to "go easy 7d to
' -- nu vivmuk I Inn nar ThAV am r - n
i w iuiu hiiu uro not win
rouy fliareffaro.n tha law. a. it
Industrial Tips
West Virginia employs upwards of
80,00) men In the mining Industry
Ninety cities In the United States In
September spent l,KS,718 for new build
lngs. It Is estimated thai there ate at least
2.000,000 gasoline or oil engines at work
on tho farms of the United States.
A. new Industry In London. England
started 'with the object of providing work
for girls, Is the manufacture ot artificial
In New Zealand every man out of work
has the right to demand, employment on
work pf public Improvement at tho pre
vailing rate of wages.
After a thorough Investigation the
superintendent of telegraphs ot the Atch
ison, Topeka &. Santa Fo railroad has
decided against the adoption of wireless
telegraphy for train dispatching.
Experiments have recently been made
on the Bavarian state railways with a
method of stopping railway trains elec
trically. The system Is described as one
of wireless telegraph communication be
tween a wire strung on the roof of the
baggage car and any telegraph or tele,
phone lines running along tho track. The
apparatus operates cither a bell or a light
signal in tho cab of the locomotlvo or
it will operate directly on the air brakes.
between my wife and me About the hrt
i wav to milk a cow I think It would he
mifri'lent to tie pillows arond thr t,m s
feet, but my wife Insists that the
I practical way Is to give the cow dilute
j fbrm." Cincinnati Knqulrer.
"Aecorrtliig to unanimoHs opinion, it
generally agreed that old Illlf rkiix u
about the smartest man living In these
mru, ain l u
"Well. It 'taln't cxact'y unanimous.
Kvident'y you ain't ever heard Bllff.
kins 16-ycar-old boy talkin to his father."
St. Louis Republic.
"Ho didn't amount to much while living,
out now mey re ooing What they con to
Keep ins memory aure.
"How U that?"
"They're signing it on all of the refer
endum petitions it's to onsy to remember
and still easier to spell." Cleveland rialn
P. W. SHEARER, President.
J. A. CRYSTAL. Vice President
II. O. SHEARER, Sec'y and Treas,
Board of Directors.
People Talked About
beginning with
with "Othello."
Mr. and Mrs. Charles ICauffman. 1715
south Tenth street, lost their beloved
daughter, Tina, 18 years of age.
tiiy Attorney Connell and City Engl
Phllln Voas recently raid ISO for nn
inch of land In New York City. Tho Inch
was needed to give him a clear title to
a pleco of property which ho already
Anna Held says the San Francisco
women are too fat and coarse. EtI
dently they did not care so much for
Anna'B diamond-decked stockings.
A Democrat Kzpresaea Dlsipist.
WIAHA, Nov. 1C. To the Editor nf nu.n.
Tt,. n... 1,1.1.. ... ' -- -"".
neer Rosewater met with the park board fe renmrka in r,rH, Two unff mtn ot Newburg. N. Y.,
when the question of asking- that enough .!., , J r dcmocratl who took bichloride of mercury tablets
land be condemned for a boulevard and Bonalor rr"" Nebraska, as It Is with on a mutual dare, narrowly escaped lead-
thn nilthnnat narlr o j n.. amUXOmont I and Other democrats n Inr a
- - - - " vunaiuncu, I q . tTI, u , I ' f wvoco.u.t cuiu u.i.iiiiioii,
oecision was to proceed with the neces- """""' bo over to tne repub- tho naUon's stock of fool
sary steps to get the rights. "- ' " reeled Three anniversaries In one were given
Colonet Jim Stephenson came near los- as ocra" by Mr. and Mrs. John S. Clark of New
Ing hts pet street aweenlne contract with ills Paper here, In order to exeuaa him nin..i.b nr- i..
tho city when It came up for action 1m- an cnf"e the Issue, is saying that their homestead, tho forUeth of their
iuro me ivoaru oi runno works. Colonel I "nn puouo control or tho ro. wwtitln n,i k., r k.i.
onn iiiiwijr rescued u auer a tussle and "" aa against Dank control by daughter's wedding.
u uftiiv. vi sweep an i ""r ut d nonesi ana ad- Mrs. Sarah Todd, sister-in-law of
uio vrcc ana gamer up an tne accumu- mere is no dirrerence ot opinion Abraham Lincoln, enjoyed the felicity of
latlon of waste matter under the old as to control. Tho federal board will con- casting her first ballot at a referendum
IC1IIIP. I iroi ana mat In tn hA annnln,. I T.. n .... ... .....
by the president. th hnnka tm h,.,. ntn t,i,i i. im l.i.
fy. . . I . . . . - T "... ItWIO " " " J 1UU ..Ml, 4
t .PJ rT... nouung 10 ao wiut that hearty for one of her age.
Victor n ZLrZ,, ; .u ... . V "M"raJd should be hon- Five thousand surgeons from all sec.
of the ., h"J Li W' bUt dow not' ' that Uons of tho country and from abroad
of tho late Richard N. Wlthnell. applied thera la a d fforenee of nninion .. . -M .. , om , ....
L PormUslon to probate 1 ershlp and management of tho regional growing Intimate relations of the knlf
.1 xr L " l niacin- KrY oanas; u hankera shall manage ajid the. cuticle, The meeting Is conald.
latl November JO. 1002.. and bequeathed them and banks own them or If they shall ered tha largest gathering of elderly cut
... ,m ,v ...w.sva t Hi.ur;,, 1 ....v uH uuu run oy me government. I ps ntia mu year,
- ..UDv.i, unm no anaii nave no repuoiicana, as usual with tha Th. rir ,nm.n h h..
attained his majority. opposition party, aro m-ln to .. ... .7": " "V... 'ZT.IVi
- "v.... v.uwvtiiiuii jTiuiura rram ai uiuout iiy b.iui on wnaiMr.1. imi hmI . I ...... .... .... .
tint- rn.i.. I . , : i.uoum 1 ...uo nu uuiio hi icuenny in Lieveiano,
snort visit to Chicago. there la to bo done, providlnsr It win m.v. o. Hh 1. v.rni. wn,.h., r.rft.v
William Rellamy, 1915 Park avenue, them political canltal. nt .u... Ii.v, 1.. o.n. .uj L.
chased a burglar out of his house and have th, help of our democratle family by whom she was adopted when
... .um canjr m me -morning """"wj ia child.
Wltl. wi.h fT" 1 . .It.,. ...... x .. . I
...... . ai.. io jniei eol in uimicii v 10 oviaonr tnar. mtrhriir 1. . 1 ,T ... . .. . ...... . .
4)1. 1,1, . v.. ., r I... j... ' xiurnei v. uaicy. is n cniei te e-
tam hS? l! TT815. uMr Bamy h Mhlnl.tratlon and wants to do Phone operator of the United States, and
from his sleep and In tho excitement everything he can to nmhin.. .- 1. .i . t, k.... ... I
j ., . ., ... .. , I ... . , ... w nuun 11 uuBiucis 111 lis every
donned one of Mr. Bellamy's coats to dmocrUo partj-. for two months ago Phase. She has never been known to
make hl escape In. he was decrying tho power to h Vi nk nf th thtn th.t h. h.r.
Pollco officers wero kent tausv rth.r.the federal board and said h .- kmlhrn ie .v,.
mh . siray pieces of a band of oy me nouse gave too much many secrets. The telephone wires of
Indians,, numbering seventy.flve. who mib" control ; now not able to stand out about 600 national legislators are under
. uu mo irau or uia John Barleycorn po,nl 1,8 tUrn completely around hr direction,
....... .1 .7 ',0 aown Irom the,rL.J,..V " not noua Public After forty years. Colonel Cary Breck
u-nuH oviaentiy very thlrstv nn ln.M. f in 1. r 1,.. a
started In on their war dance on North I 7. fu.ndamentl different In the com- a coat that belonged 'to hl'm when he was
ulwnln rttu apparently finding U K i " numbr of reserve a conferedata major and a New Testa-
easy enough to get tho flrww., banks and hero Hitchcock
... v.. ives unaerwent an operation for .T v la. oav" volea for a larger number regiment. Rev. R. H. MoKlm. James
appendlclUs and up tu last accounts had V,an 'our u BOt that the prel. Barrett of Clarendon. Vt. took them
not coma from under tho Influence of ?, ,aTord the house bill and wanted from a burning wagon at Appomatox. At
... oiiicr, ur ai least had not regained ; e " " rMerve banks, and recent Qettysburg reunion he got on
.uiLWHani, ins nnyslclana .,. wwuo yiaing 10 tha hnu .. the track of the r owner.
r' u fvuiis. ar, ives was all "iicncock refused
... """,or 01 w. J. Connell, with IZ. IB """"ofatic colleagues on
offices In the Bee building.
Around fhe Cities
the committee. That Is hts own explana
tion given on the floor of the senate.
Aa a democrat I want to iv
If It la not about time to demand of our
Bu,r mm n lner worK with tha
I"'" r resign. JOHN II. lUNRirw
ISM North Twenty-fifth street.
Over the Seas
Philadelphia's estimated
m!C,'W0' J1 ,nc"" of about
tj,wj,w over i9i.
Clock making In tho Rlack Forest of
Baden and Wurtemberg now employs
11,000 persons,
Premier Asqulth was not hurt much
by the dog-whip militants of Scotland.
V'- "rtlLf. AMorlaUon.
w.. u.i.iii.a, nnv. 11. -n. . ,
Editor Of The n.t- Tn ..... . The chief damage was the mimlnr of hi.
Moving pictures are soon to h f..tnr. column of the Hth we -.1... topper.
In Boston schools. eal of humiliation ant .L. It h h.r, ..tim.i.j .v...
. ' .VI I I - ......... v. .1 1. . j.,t9ll VU-
inmates of Pittsburgh's burhnni. . I writer an article signed "Merchant ,!, lumbla has an area of ahnui afrrivn
nun movies overy week. L. . wpuons to our members selling crc or which about 1,000,000 acres Is
Cleveland hangs out tha miuinn ,or our '"wenth annual ball, also composed of lakes In the interior.
..1.. 1 -. . " i"" UK nr num. mu. .. . I
uiaitun sicn ana
the seven figures
- WW. ..IV .UIIIIUI1 POP- " W"... 9kBV " ' ....V..W..
proposes to make good "nerous 1u'ons regarding the Yuan Shi Xal. president of China, out-
In seven years. M Mr a Mm -o' Pident on tha political
operty within its limits iw S outlhafT h"th scoreboard. Yuan banished 300 offensive
. which 1. exempt fron, Z SJ, IT.VJ Zl. 1 "uerU
Pittsburgh note, such prosperous time, rHrmaUon' "frm" .Moh The UlSt ttm Mmy w'u"
L ?0t?' tth w being could have wrmen Tn .frTw. Ti , h voluntew named Peter Zlmmermann.
uptled of goods by families taking ,,n ?" .. "Uen "n artlcl8 valmed who h. lu.t loIn. Ih R1.,H
home life. - P- tpld of tho f "7"n
1 many aooa inintrn rrm -. .1 1 ..-..-., ...
upurt promises made by Chleajm. hum.nitv. "'B QT van.. Tha new recruit stands six feat
new cnier of police. Mr. Oleason. If Kor tha ben.m r nine' and three.qusrter inches in his
IvnUP n.n.r w. h I - u ....
on th lab. frnf .k. i..... ... . I . . . " ' '-
niemeni. I ""v oldents In getting off street car. has
A cut ot a
by famllle. taking up
tany good things we are
Voi- th. K.n.. . . . . I nine and
executed, will leav h .mM... "T." " ,n"y reaoers or .tockIn..
.v.. .r- w wun to giv a bwf . .
me city. ,0i do- sketch of our association and the work X . V I"c0"", "mpaign against ac
we are deJnr oldents In g.tUng off stret car. has
Tha city of New York, according to the Our association 1. composed ot apprcxl-r?!ed 8hafl.h'' Cll'n
Onnstnirllnn V. . . i... ..... . I ..... ... . . .irMi rr nlatfami with .
..... . jr useu j.vij,. 1 m-iiy iw memoers who lira in nmh. I"
S6O.0C0 bricks and thla, mind you. doei South Omaha, Council Bluffs! non hsratcl,lnr bU ,pln on th Pvm"t
not Indudo tha gold ones, or the total Dundee. PapIUlon. Bellevu. pm1 wuteb' x,UJn a celestial should
would D much larger.
1 - -w . un. . lUIBIlin 1 . . . . ..
and other nearby dtle. and tonns. W. " ' "'
In Minneapolis last aummer nearly n Incorporated under the laws of
Automoblllst. abroad have been ex-
160,000 was made on vacant lot aarden.. state of Nebraska, and hv .!.. perimenting with gum camphor a.
Hero Is ono solution to tho problem of bylaws similar to other fraternal organl-1" dop ' rr thlr a"-ollne. Usually, about
the high coct of living. The rant.n I cations. The object of )ne ounce of camphor Is placed In flv
club In that city which I. responsible for t0 ,ie,P our members In time of sickness ta,Ion ' sasollne and It is asserted by
thla flno showing Is urging the cultivation I trouble or death. ' I thoso who use tha mixture that tha
of bomo gardens, both vegetable and "V are to celebrate our fifteenth .... operation of their motors Is much su
flower. Intversary December 5. mis. w. . ..IPrior with the camphor in the gasoline
run to the Stock Yanta Mn.n.n. .. man witnouc 11.
4 V.. ...... . . . . I.. ' ... ' -
.... mi iHvincai. iinA Tnua caa i.u,- ...
nn.ln. if i I .. . - - si or any
" rwu I other rraternal asaalatlon .ih th. ...I ni..v r
W:,.l hat PhT.',C,J ,nflrm,llM CP0 f the Vt that to be
1 hub ion Arn?npr,.
OraroundN Y to 'rgnVXr KoiS' S. TTt1, '1 Cmpto)'8 of A GorK, co,,e9 hM burned batch
on To the Job for mtv v h" stk company, this rule being of American histories. baU.e the ac
hVU'mV ?2SZ7& : count of the c,1. war was declared to
to tne aoutn." The great
Office for anv r..i.. wh. j ' . "I... 1. . . . Ku Me uniair
flfti-seven ye.?. Is none too long for a noUce "l n ihort troubI bl.tort.n. is that they
patriot to cling to an office. . 5erB,!t..'1; c"n.s1nK 10 lbe that
... - ..v.... uv, viviiuvni, 1 uranv ucaea Lee,
"Why do so manv vniincr mn l.nv. thu
farmr' " "
"Well." replied Farmer Corntossrl. "In
most Of the easns I hum nhton'Ml It va.
because they couldn't earn their salt as
lann nanas an' wasn t fixed to pay
music with
rather a small
"Don't you
"A ham sandwich
order, sir."
"8UU. I think tho orchestra ought to
render a few bars." Unilsvllle Courier
Journal. "Where aro you going?
"To the Department of Agriculture," re
plied tho city man who had liought a
forjn. "I want them to settle a dispute
Chicago News.
Oh. ydu Novembch: You make me re
membeh De dpys of ile long, long ago,
Wen dls hynh or nlggeh cut a mighty
han some flggeh,
Kz spry cz a rabbit In tie snow!
Wen de 'coon In de 'slmmln needed sweet
potato trtmmln
But hid Tom do light o' do moon.
Ln sav. "Hjnli come dat 'Lljahl no
quick now an' hide yo'
Ef he sec yo' den hit's good-by coon!"
Den hit's "Pinky, panky punk I '
Is yo' gone, cn' ios' yo spunk?
Is yo' ready fo' tcr lay down en
SKiy de banjer. "IMnky pank!"
Now I'sn monev in ile bank.
Kn de chickens in de city dcy roost
Oh, I reckon hit's cr pity fo' tor live In
de city
Wen de rabbit Is a rompln' In de brosh:
En der punkln Is a-gleamln cn de fan
meh Is n-dreamln'.
En de henhouse do' Is open nlggeh,
1'se 'spectable. remembeh, but somehow,
In Novembch
Do fros' gits n-snappln' In my haid,
En dls banjer gits ter hummln' Yas,
honey, I's a comln'l
Hit's time all hones' folksca wuz in
Oh, hit's "Pankv, punky pink"
L.uclndy, don" yo tlnk
Rr gobbler 'ud go fine Thanksglt'ln'
Naw! Cta T mcani tcr bur!
I wouldn't even try
Ko' ter git n, tuhkey In de reg'Iar
Nothing beats good hot cakes!
But they do take an awful lot of
butter to make them taste just right.
And butter costs too much for
the average purse. Use Armour's
Glendale Butterine and you can
have all you want.
And it's Deliciout ! Wholesome and Guaranteed Pure.
Buy a package Jrom your grocer today.
Spend Your
Winter in the Balmy Southland!
Florida and the Gulf Coast
f Along the east coast of Florida and dotting the shores of the Gulf
ELSj ' ma?r p'e.e, wbe,e yu m,y SO to escape the shiver
tnf cold of a northern winter. Here you can enjoy splendid hotel
accommodations and such outdoor diversions as motoPrinP, sailing
salt water bathing and fishing, golfing and tennis, in midwinter.
Ronnd Trip Excursion Tickets
on sale dally until April 30, 19H. via Chicago and North Western
Railway, to Chicago and choice of scenic routes therefrom. Liberal
topover privileges. Return limit June 1 1914.
Unequaled Train Service
snV wJ.,,.V,5P?,"Ud "r " Om.h. and Chicago via
?. HUll'lii 'i? Rwr. nWn convenient connections at dSearo wlfh
fast trains en all lines to and from the South and Southealt mZd ihSZZl .
patttfiatrsenrics that cannot be surpaitcd. xneai, ana forrnlnr a
The Best of Everything
Ticket Office
Chicago and
North Western Railway
I -40 1-1-403 Famam St., Omaha. Ntb.