Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1913, Page 10, Image 10

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At Sunset
Two CastlesOne Fate for Both
The Accession
of Elizabeth
Glowing tlio sun In its golden declining,
Hushed Is tlio world nt tlio twilight's bwcoI voice;
Gcntlo the murmur of dusk na it linger,
Soft Is the rhythm ns night winds rejoice.
Fading thcsun in lis wondrous reclining
'Deep in the arms of the far western skies;
EndleFB tho chorus when dark brings Its music
Afterglow song in the hush when light dies.
Low Is the whisper of night in tho grasses;
Kndless new worlds hero nt evening rejolco.
So ago and tlmo grow more kind for tho knowing,
Darkness still pulses with music's sweet voice.
Willful Waste
"Ooodby. I'm going awav going to a
a home. I feci bad, of course, but then,
it was my fault."
A whtte-hnlrcit woman, with 'Mrb r
hands and shriv
eled face, said thl
with a weak llltlr
mite. Have ' you
noticed how very
ad are so mo
smiles? How far
adder than tears?
The yellowish akin
about her tired,
ir.d-rimmed eyes
vero damp from
recent tears. She
T as bidding her
neighbors farewell
before swing to n
poor house,
livarymr of the
n 1 1 r n t sorrowful
neighbors knew
her story. They talked about It after
the almshouse van rattled Up nnd
had taken her and her tittle bundln of
belongings away. Hhe was the widow of
a builder who "had ntado wood money
In his 'time," but who "drank and went
to pieces nt tho Inst." That had been
heard whenever Iter jiamc was mentioned
for five years. Her old friends were
dead, her few remaining relatlvrs were
distant, both In charity and relationship.
And the almshouse wagon was creaking
nnd tattling her away to the Inevitable.
The neighbors atood about and talked
(or a few minutes about the widow's
pasting from Clrlmea' alley.
"She told me herself 'twas her own
fault. v8ho wasted It while she had It,"
said tho baker's wife.
"It's hard, whoever'a tho fault for n
woman of 71 to go to the poor house,"
Bald the butcher's wife.
"He should have left her an Insurance,"
aid the baker.
"He did, but only enough to bury hhn,"
a Id the butcher. "Ito had taken out n
blg Insurance, but they let It lapso wheh
hard times struck him."
"Up drank toward the last when things
were going against them," ealtl the
baker's wife, who was pitiful.
"Out she told me she had wasted when
they hsd plenty," said tho butcher's wife,
who was so Just that the neighbors
thought her hard.
"She said they alweys had tho best of
food and the best of clothes and lived us
near as they could to Fifth avenue, and
that she never put anything iby."
"She never thought ft would be dlf.
ferent," sighed tho baker's wife, and .the
denliens of Orimes' alley went back to
their tasks. The oldest woman In the
alley was gone and It seemed alio was
already forgotten. Only that evening
when her "man" handed her their allow,
ance the bnkcr's wlfo put1' an extra dollar
In the rusty tea can she used for a bank
and the butcher's wife decided to use
last winter's plume on her, hat Instead
of getting a new one, . Tlio moral of the
'd woman's ride to tho .poor house .had
sunk deep Into their minds. "She n'wor
thought that It would sometimes be dlf.
ferent" ' f , .
Another woman In the' evening of her
ft Tabloid
Why It is, mother dear, that so much
furniture Is being taken from the .home
of the Browns next door? Are they mov
itig away?
No, child; their oldest daughter vjias
married; the piano always goes with the
otdett gtrl and she Is claiming that al
most everything else In the house Is hers,
and Is taking tt with her. A mother and
father always have to start housekeeping
over again when the oldest gtrl marries
What does that light late in the night
at the Jenka' house mean? la some one
sink, mother dear?
It means that Mr. Jenka lias Insomnia
Mtost people eat too milch meat,
it U the one big item in our 'high
cost of living. We go to thts meat
excoss under the mistaken belief that
It fa necessary to nourish our bodies.
You can set food more nutritious
at one-tetb tbe cost by buying
Faust Macaroni.
Vaunt Macaroni Is made from
Durum Wheat, ihe cereal extremely
rich tn eluten. the bone, muscle and
flesh builder. A 10c package of
Faust Macaroni contains as much
nutrition' as 4 lbs. of beef ask your
Write today for free recipe book.
In 5c ana ioc packages.
St. Iiouls, Mo.
Makes Want
life has bidden a different farewell to the
neighborhood In which she had lived for
twenty-five years. In those twenty-five
years she had reared two children. She
hnd hurled her husband and become n
grandmother. The two children had died. .
Tho grandchild had parsed on. Like her .
inntempoiary of Crimes' alley she was
Hut ono of this llttlo woman's briaft
pjn was always on the future, while the
other was wide open to the opportunity
of the present, realizing vividly that sh
would not nlWHys be young and strong
thst the world would not always spread
before her, hut tt-at there would come n
time when sho must have a glimpse of I
over her shoulder bcciiuso It would lit
behind her, she began providing In s
small way for that future.
A widow who hna two little children
mid only a Jftnltress' work and pay,
would bo Justified In thinking that she
could not save, nut she did save, At
first It wss only 10 cents a week. Then
It became a qtiurter.
When she worked In Turkish baths at
17 a week It became a dollar. And when
the little sum nf coins became $5 she
hastened to u savings bunk with It and
in six months had a pleasant little thrill
ut seeing a liny sum written after It In
red Ink. She remembered that the presi
dent of that same savings bank had said,
"When nnyone Is out of debt and has a
dollar In tho bank ho Is a capitalist "
Besides she knew ti nt poor as she was
she had n servant. The flvo-dollar bill
was work(ng for her.
When she did her Saturday evening
marketing she walked threo blocks far
ther, to stores where the provisions were
as good but cheaper, because tho grocer
and butcher paid' less rent. In an even
ing's marketing she saved but J cents,
but In a years she hnd saved more than
ft She bought her clothing late In the
season nt antes. Sho always walked un
less tho dlstanco was more than ten
blocks. She owed that to her health, she
snld, as well ns hor pocketbook. Hhe j
wasn't ashamed to wear Inst year's styles
and she always patronised those drug
stores that would take back the botttes
and allow hor 6 cents on them. Once she
carried back eight bottles and saved
enough money for next day's roast and
the hash for the next morning's break
fast fcr hor family of threo. 8h'o bought
those parts of the meut that had been
mos,t cxerclnd, lecause It was moro
noui laltlng and cheaper. She placed her
savings in several banks, because she he
Moved that It is safer to keep your sav
ings In different baskets. When sho took
funds from the banks It was to place
thtm on small mortgages at good Inter
est So after twenty-five years of hard
work and hard saving she hsd realised
that which Is a Justifiable ambition and
Khould ho a universal one. Sho owns her
home and hns sufficient to live, upon In
hor years of enforced Inactivity.
It la n, plain llttlo homo, hut there nro
flowers Crowing about It, nndHhero's a
flower or content growing In her. heart,
planted there by the luiul of prudence.
Tho difference betwten tbe women Is
the difference of far and short vision, far
vision which is thrift, and short vision
which Is folly.
and Is waking up every one In the houco
to provo It. That Is characteristic of tlio
What makes all the neighbors so in
dlgnant at the Smith family? I can sco
nothing they have done wrong.
You are not observing." little one. or von
would have noticed that their automobile
stands Idle before their door an hour ut
Does a woman, mother dear, arir hv
a chance during all her married Ufa to
get even with her husband for his moan,
ntsa to her?
Never, child, exesot whan h ( tdrk.
Every time be has a cold aha maka mus
tard plasters and soaks his feet in hot
water with a seat that Provss aha ts
remembering evary wrong hs avar tn
tltoted upon her.
Why do so manr amaranilr henhv
women, mother dear, go so 'often to a
For sympathy. Inaulsltlv on a mi.
band la so busy seratchlcg for a living
that he doesn't have time to gtve his
wife sympathy for the alls aha h. r
thinks she has. Her children ntver glvo
It. slnco It Is the mission of childhood to
demand rather than to gtve. The neigh
bors never give tt, for they sea she has
a good husband and a fine home, and
aon i rcauze mat sne wsnts It. She goes
to see a doctor. "You poor, dear little
thing," he says, sympathy fairly pouring
out from him. "Does a mean old plan
make your poor little head ache?" Then
he pats her poor Panda and atrokes the
poor head, and next das- sh nail. t
more sympathy, all ofwTneh her hu.
oanu mtm tor. u would be cheaper,
child, If husbands occasionally made time
to be a little sympathetic
Man builds his towers of stone, his modern cliff dwellings of iron and glass the child builds a fort of sand on the sea
shore. It is all only a day in the eyes of time.
The stone castle crumbles, the city sinks below the ground and is forgotten. Man can build only cne thing that
endures in the individual or in the race, and that is CHARACTER.
Three hundred and fifty-five years ago,
November 17, 1658. Bloody Mar' went to
her reward, and the Princess Elisabeth'
went to Westminster Abbey to bs
crowned queen of England.
Elizabeth was tS
years of age when
she ascended tho
throne, and for
forty-five years she
was to preside over
the fortunes of the
"tight little Island."
guarding tt against
its enemies at homo
and abroad, and
laying the founda
tions for the vast
and mighty domln
1 o n which today
girdles the globo
with possessions and its powers.
A greater sovereign than Elizabeth
never sat upon & throne. Clear-headed,
courageous, abounding In patience and
hope, and patriotic to the core, ahe was
always adequate to the occasion, and
failed in not a stngle one of the many
great responsibilities that she was called ,
upon to face. Often tried, sho was never
denied, and at the apex of her splendid
work she stood ready to he tried again, i
It is no wonder that Englishmen are
proud of Elisabeth: for Englishmen are '
well aware of the fact that but for what (
Elizabeth did there would be no England
today. Wnen Elizabeth mounted the
throne the very life of the nation was tn
peril. The mightiest powers end most
subtle forcea cm the planet were In league
for Its destruction. The word had gone
forth that "England murt be destroyed. i
and already preparations were being mads
for making the word good. But the con
spirators did not reckon upon the wonder
ful woman who was to confront them tn
their plot against England and the
human race, j
Firm as a rock stood the great quaes, (
and against her resolute patriotism the
plans of the enemy were broken to pieces. '
Ever alert and always true as steel, Elisa
beth beat down the foes of England as
often as they showed themselves. It took
thirty years for these foes to develop
what they hoped and believed would be
the master-stroke, but the great queen
beat back the "Invincible Armada" and
the worst was over England was safe,
liberty was safe, the future of humanity
was safe, and the English queen had won
the deepest gratitude of all the ages.
For had Philip succeeded in crushing
Elizabeth, the hands on the clock would
have been set back thousands of years.
The holiest interests of humanity were
at stake-freedom, the right to think and
speak; tha right to be one's self, the right
to strive for progress tn science, and in
all the other things that make for the
true, good and glory of humanity and tt
was Elizabeth and her brave and devoted
Englishmen who caved the day for Eng
land and for the world.
Advice to the Lovelorn
Yon Must Decide.
Dear Miss Fairfax: My case is a sad
one. I am In love with a girl three years
younger than myself. I have always
been treated nicely by her parents and
brothers till two months ago. I am a de.
tectlve, and found out that my girl's
brother was dishonest. I had to do m"
duty and I did. He was to be imprisoned
for one year. I, having a pull, had his
sentenced reduced to five months. fJow
her folks won't have me near the house.
But the girl and I are still meetlhg. She
tells Jne to change occupation or look for
another girl.
That Is a question you must decide for
yourself, and your decision will depend
solely upon how much you love the girl.
If you change occupations to pleas
her, be manly enough to express no
regrets. Be satisfied that ahe la worth
the sacrifice.
Don't Try It.
Dear Mlsa Fairfax: I am a young man
of 17 and deeply in lovo .with a girt of 12,
who, I have every reason to believe, re
turns my affection. Although I have
never spoken to her. I am sure from
her actions that she loves me.
How do you think 1 ahpuld go about
gaining her acquaintance? A READER.
Five years' difference is of no account
when a man and woman are of. mature
age. hut you are only 171 If I tell you
that you are only a boy and too young
to know what, love means, you will be
offended, but tho day Is not far oft when
ou wilt agree with me. Postpone love
making a few years.
If Hair Is Turning
Gray, Use Sage Tea
Don't look old! Try Grand
mother's recipe to darkea ud
beautify faded, lifeless hair.
That beautiful, even shade of dark,
glossy hair can only be had by brewing
a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur.
Tour hair la your oh arm. It makes or
mars the face. When it fades, turns
gray, atreaked and looks dry, whlapy and
straggly, just an application or two of
Sage and Sulphur enhances Its appear
ance a hundredfold.
Don't bother to prepare the tonlo; you
can get from any druc store a M cent
bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur
Hair Remedy." ready to use. This can
always be depended upon to bring back
the natural color, thickness and lurtr
of your hair and remove daadrnff, stop
scalp Itching and falling hair.
Everybody usea "Wyeth's" Sage and
Sulphur because tt darkeaa so naturally
and evenly that nobody can tell It hat
been applied. You simply dampen a
sponge or soft brush with It and draw
this through the hair, taking one email
strand at a time; by morning the gray
hair has disappeared, and after another
application It beoomea beantl roily dark
and appears giosay, lustrous and atom
daut Ad'ertlsement.