The Omaha Daily Bee LAUGH HEARTY MUTT AND JEFF YOU OAN'T LOSE US VOL. XLM NO. 130. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 17, 1913 -TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. THE WEATHER. Cloudy . W. S, POPPLETON DEAD III MS OFFICE WITH WOUND IN HEAD Son of Late A. J. Poppleton Believed to Have Come to His Death by Accident. REVOLVER ON FLOOR NEAR HIM Door of His Office Unlooked When Found by Relative. MISSED BY FAMILY AT HOME Search Made by Brother-in-Law, Myron L. Learned. NO POWDER MARKS ON HEAD Had neenme Interested In Firearms Ileeently on Trip to Colorado, bat It Win Not Known lie Ilnd Wenpnn. William S. Poppleton's cold and lifeless body was found In his chair In his office on the third floor of the First National j bank blinding at 7:00 o'clock Saturday by Myron L. learned, his brother-in-law. He hnd been shot through tho head. On the floor was a .32-collber revolver. That the revolver was discharged ac cidentally whtlo Mr. Poppleton was ex amining It Is tho bellof or perrons who wero first on the scene and was tho opinion of Coroner Crosby. Tho body, bent over, presented the semblance of Mr. Poppleton as he might appear if lean ing his head on his desk. It was turned to the right and both arms hung down ward. Fingers of his left hand were blackened by powder, but no other mark of the kind was visible. A week ago ho was a pallbearer at the funeral of tho late Charles Turner, Omaha pioneer, who had heavy real estate Interests In this city, and Mr. Poppleton. ono of the trustees of the great estate of his father, the late A. J. Poppleton. controlled enormous property holdings here. He was 47 years old and was born In Omaha. Accident Occurred Late. The fatal bullet, according to Coroner Crosby, entered Mr. Popplcton's fore head late yesterday afternoon. When he failed to arrive at his home, Ml South Thirty-Seventh street, at tho usual din ner hour, Mrs. Poppleton became uneasy and telephoned to tho home of Mr. Learned. Mr. Learned found tho door of Mr. Poppleton's office suite unlocked. Tho first two rooms were empty, but In tho third, the private retreat of Mr. Popple ton,. he found the body. All the rooms were. dark, sb far as Is known the shot was not heard outside the office, the fffflnTTiTTielng practically vacated on Saturday afternoon. No one Is known to have visited tlie offlco In the afternoon and the hour when the lovolvcr was din charred probably will never bo learned. Victor B. Caldwell, vice president of tho United States National bank, a life lone friend of the dead man, waa Imme diately summoned by Mr. Learned. Coroner Crosby waa notified and took charge of the body. He announced that he would hold an Inquest Monday. Trip to Colorado, According to Mr. Learned and Mr. Caldwell during a trip to Colorado a number of weeks ago In company with his wlfo and 8-ycar-old son Mr. Popple ton became Interested In firearms nnd practiced markmanahlp with a rifle with the lad. On his return, they said, he nave It as his opinion that every man should own a gun and know how to use It and announced his Intention of ac quiring one. That he had done so was not known to them and they agreed that he knew nothing of how to use a revolver. v The weapon was lying on the floor pointing to tho east, while tho body faced the west and slightly to the north. Mr. Poppleton's coat nhd hat were tn their accustomed place In the office. The en trance of the bullet was In tho forehead above the bridge of the nose and the ball described an upward course. Son of Pioneer. The Poppleton family has been Iden tified with Omaha's growth and prog ress .since pioneer days, fully fifty years. The dead man's father, A. J. Poppleton, who died In ISM, became one of the wealthiest men In the city, most of his holdings consisting of Omaha property. The estate has never been divided and W. 8. Poppleton devoted a large part of his time to the management of this. Ills mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Poppleton, Is noted for her Interest In church work and phllanthroplo activities. Others -who survive Mr. Poppleton, In addition to his wife and S-year-old son. his namesake, are his sisters, Mrs. Wil liam C. Shannon and Mrs, Myron L Learned. He was twice married, his first wife being formerly Miss Charlotte Ken nedy, daughter of D. E. I). Kennedy, and niece of tho late Charles Turner. His (Continued on Page (Two.) The Weather For Nebraska Cloudy, For Iowa Unsettled. Temperature nt Omaha Yesterday. Hours. Peg. 6 a. m.... j3 6 a. ni 5) 7 a. m 34 S a. m S4 9 a. m 34 10 a. in 35 11 a. m 40 13 in 44 1 p. m 54 2 P. m M 3 p. m GO 4 p. m , 62 S p, in.............. 61 G p. m... 00 7 p. in 69 Comparative Local Ilecord. 1J1J. 1912. 111. 1910. Highest yesterday 62 49 40 40 Lowest yesterday........ 33 X M 30 Mean temperature it 43 33 SO Precipitation W . .v) .to Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal: Normal temperature 37 l.xrfsa for the day n Total excess since March 1 il Normal precipitation , . Inch Deficiency for the day M Inch Total rainfall since March 1. . .30.40 inches Deficiency since March 1 . r.BHnc'-eu Deficiency for cor, period. 191!. 3.3S Inches Uefl-'lency for cor period, 1911 1 U Inr,, a L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. BIG BOOST GIYEN ALFALFA Iowa Dairy Commissioner Gives Out Result of Tests. MOST VALUABLE OF CROPS Value of Ylrlil Per Acre Nearly Three Tlnirn n I.nrce Hay mill More Than Twice Corn. DBS MOINES. Nov. lC.-(Spcclal.)-A big boost for alfalfa Is given In the an nual report of the stnte dairy commis sioner, as one way of aiding the dairy In terests of the state by more Intensive farming. The jeport Mates that experi ments conducted for several years have shown that In Iowa, as In states that are less In need of dry farm crops, It has been demonstrated that alfalfa Is an ex cellent crop and unquestionably will pro duce a greater value per acre than any other crop possible. Statistics are given showing that the value of iui alfalfa crop In Iowa Is J31..T2 an acre; tame ha)'. J11.16; winter wheat, Mll corn, U.M an acre. Tho department lins been aiding In tho spreading of tho alfalfa gospel In Iowa and has Included a presentation of the matter In tho lectures that have been nlven nil over the state. The depart ment gave aid to tho special alfalfa trains run through the state last year where thousands of farmers wero reached and Instructed. The department believes that It Is absolutely necessary for the farmers to figure closely and secure the greatest amount of valuable crops from their land in order to place dairying on the highest basin. At the same time Prof. Kennedy and others of the state college nt Ames are In the east attending a meeting where this same subject Is presented and where they have advocated that the farmers must plan for producing beef at the lowest possible expense In order to compete with the world In beef production and make It profitable. It Is probaole that In Iowa there will next year be a much larger acreago of alfalfa than, ever before be cause of the Interest taken tn the sub ject by both tho dairy cattle gfowera and tho beef cattle Interests. I'roirreMa In Iloart Building;. The making of a record speed trip across Iowa the last week by an auto driver running an Iowa-mado car over Iowa-made roads has served to call at. tentlon to the fact that great progress Is being made in preparing the Iowa roods for the ultimate surfaced condition contemplated by tho now Iowa highway law. It would not have been possible, no tho automobile people say, to havo made any such remarkable run across Iowa a few years ago as that of the last week. The fact Is that a great many of the roads of the state havo been well laid out, the bridges nnd culverts put Into excellent condition, grades changed and Improved and much dragging done to prepare a good roadbed. Most of the work being done now, especially on tho main traveled roads. Is of a permanent character nnOLwIU bo used when the final road building Is done. ' Instruct In Ilnad Mnklnsr. The State Highway commission has ar ranged for a short course In road build ing nt tho college at Ames, commencing December 23, when It is expected that vory many of tho people of tho state who are Interested tn good roads will attend. Trie Instructors will be: A. Marston, chairman of the Iowa Highway commis sion: A. B, Hurst, state engineer of Wis consin; A. N. Johnson, state engineer of Illinois; T. II. MacDonald, state en gineer of Iowa; Lawrence I. Hewes, chief of economics and maintenance office of public roads, Washington, D. C; J. E. Klrkham, associate professor In charge of structural engineering, Iowa State col lege; T. n. Agg, assistant professor In charge of highway engineering, Iowa State college; John E. Ilrlndley, professor of economics, Iowa State college; John Starr Coye, chemist good roads section, Iowa State college experiment station; John II. Ames, office engineer, Iowa Highway commission, and C. B. McCul lough, designing engineer, Iowa Highway commission. Proportion of Local Taxes. Evidence Is multiplying that there Is under way a well devised scheme to dis credit the state republican administration and securo the election of a .derdocratlo legislature and democratic state officials by sowing misunderstanding as to the actual condition of the state In regard to taxation matters. In southern Iowa it Is being generally circulated and is largely believed that the governor and his associates are responsible for an In crease In the aggregate amount of taxes that will be paid next year. The state executive council, under direction of the court and following out the plain letter of the law. Increased assessment of all property In the state, though not to the extent contemplated by law. But they reduced the state tax levy very much so that for general state purposes less money will be raised next year than last year. But the local taxing boards raised their levies and are responsible for 80 per cent of the Increase In taxes that wilt be made. An effort has been made to lalse a discussion on the subject and to mislead the people on the subject. It la b(4ieved, however, that no great political capital can be made of the situation. To Enforce ZVew Iowa Law. Dr. G. II. Sumner, secretary of the State Board of Health, today requested Dr, O. Hardy Clark of Waterloo, la., the author of the "black plague" law to meet with the State Board of Health November 30 to plan for the enforcement of the measure. Some of the health of ficers of the state have taken the stand that thei.Jaw Is valueless as It only re quires physicians to report cases by number and not by name. The secretary of the State Board of Health declares that the law shall be enforced to tho letter and the state board will probably prepare a special bulletin to be sent over the state In a short time, giving the local , boards of health Instructions how to pro ceed. Tho law becomes effective Jan uary 1. ncport on Iowa Creameries. It Is regarded a possible that ,Paul Stlllman, former speaker of the Iowa house, editor of the Jefferson, la.. Bee, niay be a candidate on the republican state ticket for ktate auditor. He is located In the Tenth district. Several ulher candidates arc probable j The three members of the Iowa m- prcme court whose terms expire next year will all be candidates for re-elec Continued on Page Two.) I 1 I Copyright, Ml", International News Serv'ri CAPTURED OFFICERS TO DIE General Villa Orders Execution of Federal Men. SOLDIERS WILL BE PARDONED Juarea ClinnKea Gortrnneiit for -.-.. S-S, ..... Sixth Time In Three Years, IVlien Itebels Take the Border City. EL PASO, Tex., Nov. 16. Executions of federal prisoners captured by General Panclio Villa's rebel troops today at Juarez havo begun. The order for the execution of many of tho prisoners has been Issued directly by General Villa, and at different periods during the day. the firing squad took, out men and shot them. Colonel Enrique Portlllo, commander of the federal volunteer troops In the Juarez battle, was executed nt noon today by a firing squad commanded by Major Cornu. rPortlllo was brought before General Villa and sentenced to death, after which he was taken to the rear of the barracks, where he was shot to death. Among others who were executed during tho day were Enrique Zlega, a customs officer; Captain Lopez of tho federal army and Commander Buenevldes of the Flscalt guards. All officers of the federal army will be put to death.- Captain Cornu of Villa's staff announced tonight. TJie soldiers, he said, would bo pardoned and given an opportunity to Join th rebel army. The provisional state government of Chihuahua wilt be established In Juarez within the next few days and the pro visional capital will be located there un til '.he rebels can take Chihuahua, Colo nel Juan N. Medina, chief of staff to General Villa, will be named provisional governor of the state, it was stated at rebel headquarters In Juarez. Sixth ChniiKc n Three Years. For tho sixth time In tho last three years Cluddd Juarez changed govern ments when 3.000 rebels, led by General Villa, attacked and captured the town between 2:30 and 5 o'clock this morning. Taken by surprise, the federal garrison of about 400 men put up a weak resist ance. So unprepared for battle were the fed eral defenders that Villa's troops act ually reached the center of town before a single shot was fired. Although an accurate count has not been completed. It Is estimated that forty persons wero killed In the fighting. The rebels lost five men. The federal dead Is estimated at thirty and four of five noncombatants were killed. Among them was Charles Seggerson, El Paso auto- mobllo driver, who was on the main stroet In Juarez In his automobile. "No looting" waa the order given by General Villa to hla men after the town had surrendered, and not a single case ot (Continued on Page Four.) GARRISON SAYS ARMY NOT HIGHLY REGARDED NEW YORK, Nov. !. Secretary of War Garrison, at a dinner given In his honor at the Lotus club tonight, said that the veople of the United States as a whole did not regard the army In the proper attitude and did not feel toward It as they should. The secretary' made his statement In discussing the effective ness of tho army, even in time of eace, Secretary Garrison cited as convincing proofs of the highly efficient character of the.anny the numerous instances !n which It has been effectively used In tlnio of peace. The relief work at San Franeieco, Omaha; during floods In the O lo and Mississippi vallcvs, in Califor nia forest fires, the administration Of i x eoitr.e functions In the Philippines and Cuba. Porto I lieu and Santo DomliiiTo. the building of the Panama canal, he pointed out as such instances Waiting for Huerta j fJj 'Tuiu I p J pp William H, Harrison of Grand Island Dies at Olarkson Hospital William If. Harrison of Grand Island died at Clarkson hospital, this city, early Sunday morning, where he -had been brought for an operation. Tho body was taken to Grand Island, where the funeral will be held this afternoon. Mr. Harrison waa W years of ago and had been a resident of Nebraska slnco 1S6C, lils paronts settling in Pawnee county, ho going to Grand Island In 1ES1, where, he had since been In tho lumber business. Since 1SD3 he had been promi nent In Hall county politics. As a re publican from that county he served two terms In the Nebraska legislature, one in the house and ono in the senate. He was postmaster at Grand Island four yours and waa active In municipal af fairs. Ho was n Mason, Odd Fellow, Elk nnd a member of tho Modern Woodmen and tho Ancient Order of United Work men. Besides his wife, Mr. Harrison Is sur vived by four sons and one daughter, all grown and all residing In Grand Island. A brother, Frank Harrison, resides In Lincoln. . Foresters' Case as Yet Undecided (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Nov. lC.-(8peclal.)-What action the Nebraska state Insurance de partment will take with tho Independent Order bf Foresters, a Canadian fraternal insurance company, which seeks to do business In Nebraska, Is not known. Mr, Brian, who has charge of tho department at the present time says he does not know much about It and will not act until ho has looked1 Into the matter. This Is the company which was under investigation at the time Stato Auditor W. B. Howurd was on "his way east and liad met representatives of other state insurance departments in Chicago, where a conference was held and where they were to continue on to Canada to make an investigation of the company. The Insurance commissioner of Wis consin had refused to recognize "the com pany until they perfected a better plan of Insurance whloh would be a protec tion to tho policyholders. In this action he waa Joined by Auditor Howard and It was for the purpose of bringing tho company to terms that the meeting waa held in Chicago. When the supreme court on applica tion of the new Insurance board ordered Mr. Howard to turn over Die department to the new board Mr. Howard was com pelled to return home before the work had begun. Consequently little Is known what haa been done. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OF FEDERATION REVERSED SEATTLE. Vli., Nov. 16. At tha close of the first wek of the annual convention of the American Federation of Labor it is difficult to predict the action of tho body on the great questions of industrial unionism and polltloal ac tion. The exeoutlve council suffered a re versal whon the convention refused to adopt the council's recommendation that the annual meeting time be changed from November to June. Although tho exec utive council was overruled on this point the debute was friendly. On all other Issues that came before the convention, the count II waa sustalitd. The soriullst delegate to the romeii I Hon will addrrea a mass meeting tumor- row night and It Is expected k plan -f opposition to the Uompers-Dunean poll teles will be outlined. CAR KILLS MAN ON ROAD Lies Unconsoious on Track of the Benson Car Line. IDENTIFICATION NOT COMPLETE Belief lie JInr He John McNeil of Kreinont, b'uif Coroner Is Unable to Ascerlnln Whether This Is True. A man, w,ho may bo John McNeil, 1305 Clarkson street, Fremont, waa killed by a Bensou street enr Saturday near Krug park. He was driving a team hitched to a form wagon toward Omaha when the horses became frightened and ran away In the 5300 block on Military avenue. The man waa thrown from his seat to tho street car rails and ho laid there In tho darkness of the qulot road, un conscious. Tho horses stopped sovcral blocks distant. A heavy car, townward bound, neared the spot. Motonnan Walter Lawcrson did not see him until It was too lato and the heavy wheels passed over him. Identification Uncertain. A notebook In one pocket bore the name McNeil, with "1200 Clarkson street, Fremont," and that was all that served as identification. He wore trousers of dark material, with a wde, dark green b tripe. His coat was a light tan and he wore a soft blue, coarse shirt. He was a man about 45 years old and his luilr was gray at tho templet). Coroner Crosby attempted to verify tho namo found In the book last night, but was unsuccessful. The wagon was a "Crescont" high box farm wagon. Ono of tho horses waB white and the other wna brown and blind In one eye Several persons witnessed the runaway, but owing to the darkness, did not see What had become of the driver until the street car stopped and he was re moved from beneath tho wheels. An Inquest will m held Monday mornltur. COURT-MARTIAL ENDS HEARING GUARD'S CASE (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Nov. 16.-(Speclal.)-Thft second act In the court marshal proceed. Ings against members of the national guard was concluded last night at the state house before a board consisting ot the following officers; Captain II. K. Olmstead, York; Captain C. L. Brcwater, Beatrice; Captain H. A. Jeas, Fremont; Captain IX, L. Crosson, Hastings, and Lieutenant W. E. Fan- ford, IJncoln. The first prisoner, IJoyd Teague, ad mitted to the oharge of selling blankets, but denied that he had Impersonated Adjutant General Hall in trying to col lect money for them by calling up tho party to whom he had sold them and representing that he was the adjutaht general and pay for tho blankets would have to be mado. The other man, John Brewer, pleaded guilty to having national guanl property in his possession without authority. Both oases will bo placed liefore Ad jutant General Hall and Governor More head with the testimony They will re. view the work of the board and make a finding some time later. FALLS FIVE STORIES IN ATTEMPTING TO ESCAPE ! XRW VOHK. Nov. I?. Casper Solle. a hoy of 17. plumied fe Htoriei to Ids deatli totla III a daring attempt to i rane from a protectory In the Bronx. He was dtwendlng the face of an out side wall vsbeu he fell Coroner's. Jury Calls Dolph's Deatli Suicide "WAYNE. Neb., Nov. 18.-(Speclal Tele Kram.)-Tlio death of B. F, Dolph last evening was today pronounced a case ot suicide. He relumed yesterday from n, trip to Oklahoma, and went to Wi honte, which was -with' Will anlltvan, where '.the two men, both bachelors, Uvod alone to gether. Tho, position of tile gun found near the body gave rlo to the suspicion of murder, but the jury could find no evl dence of It. Dolph was one of the wealthy farmer of Wayno county and lived a retired life In town. Fire Extinguished in Burning Steamer BERMUDA, Nov. W. The burning Spanish steamship Balmes, convoyed by tho Cunardcr Pannonla, arrioved here this morning. ,Tho Pannonla sailed at 10 a. m. for New York with the passengers rescued from the Balmes and their baggage. The Spanish ship anchored In the harbor and the fire aboard was extinguished. MRS. MAREN JOHNSON, HOWARD PIONEER, IS DEAD ST. PAUL, Neb,. Nov. l.-(8peclal.)-Mrs. Maron Johnson, the oldest person In Howard county, died at her home in ijannebroc lust nlctit. She was 95 yearn old. She camo to this country from Den- mark In 1853 and waa one of the many rnnl1i nloneera who settled tn tills county. Her brother, Lars Hannibal, waa the founder and leader of the nrat Dan ish colony to settle In this county. Their first settlement was made near Nysted, an Inland town, twelve miles southwest from St. Paul. TWO STATES FIGHT FOR GATES INHERITANCE TAX MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Nov. 16.-Tlie will of Charles O. Oates will be offered for probate in Minneapolis and the Hen nepin county probate court will decide whether he was a resident here or else where. The decision will settle the question aa to whether Minnesota will be entitled to an Inheritance tax accord ing to Assistant Attorney William J. Stevenson. It is raid that a controversy exists between this state and Texas as to whlati will receive the Inheritance tax. VERDICT 0 MANSLAUGHTER ; GIVEN IN CASKILL CASE j WATEBI50, la.,, Nov. 16,-( Special I Te1egram.)-After being out thirty-three and one-half hours, the Jury In the man- ; slaughter case of the State against J. T. ; Cosklll, for the killing of Henry Phillips, returned a verdict of guilty. S'x days wero granted by Judge C. W. Mullan In which to appeal the case for a third trial. which tho aged uncle of the prisoner, T. J. Tucker of PlantenrvHIe, Tex., asserts wl' be sought. The W.OOO ball will be con tinued. PHILIPPINE ASSEMBLY PASSES ANTI-SLAVERY ACT i I MANIL . Nov W.-An anti-slavery law 'was )afl toda'- by the Philippine na Itlnnal awembly after a heated debate. ' . a , ...II The measure, -nnii-u v uo iiniiiru vy Wil liam H. Phlpps, the Insular auditor, re uffirins tho old Spanish statutes against slavery and Incorporates the American laws. The vote In opposition waa small In spite of the warmth ot the discussion. HUERTA UNABLE TO BRING NEW CONGRESS COMPLETELY TO LIFE Chamber of Deputies Meets, but Lack of Quorum Prevents Senate Organisation. TWENTY-ONE MEMBERS PRESENT Nearly All of Them Are Generals in tne federal Army. PRESIDENT WILL NOT QUIT Resolved yio Continue Attempt to Pacify Country. PRESS HOSTILE TO AMERICA United Slates Bitterly Criticised In News and Kdttorlal Columns nf Capital Cltr News papers, MEXICO CITY. Nor. 1. President Huerta was unable to bring his new con gress fully to life today. The chamber of deputies met and effected temporary organization, but the senate proved re actionary and tho lack ot a quorum pre vented organization. General Huerta and hla frlenria. hnw. ever. Profess to believe the rreatrr tmrt of their work la done, because the newlv createa lower house lias formally, and. In their opinion, legally met offlclallv. The senate, they think, can be Induced to move into line by Monday, when Ui senators are summoned to meet again. Long after the hour txnA fnr thn jn. ate to convene tbday the roll call showel oniy twenty-one members present, nearly all of these being generals In the, army. Twenty-nine are necessary for a quorurti. None of the Catholic- senators waa j res ent. Tills is understood to have ben due to an agreement among them that the Catholic party should not participate in me senatorial session. These senators are regarded as Influential, and the!!" refusal to attend Is regarded as indica tive of tho attitude ot the church party. Huerta Stands Pat. negardless of rumors and notwith standing the Insistence of friends. Gen eral Huerta appeared more determined to- nigui man any timo during tho last week to retain the presidency and carry out hla plans of Installing the uibatltuto congress. He reiterated today that ha continued to be head of the Mexican the fact that he took no. atfpa towards preventing the Inauguration, of the row congress, as demanded by the United States, was construed at the embassy and legations as Indicative, of wjt max be xpcted In th ''tfrtiiiiriMi" ' r" villi tlvea of the' inalnHip V?V my or. tne foreign gov. vniincuui niTjrrnroti to ttoiieve, that UeiW eral Huerta haa brought affairs to aueft a point that drastlo action may be neces sitated. Ih regard to the demands1 of the United Blatcs that he resign, President Huerta, stated: "In view of VcnuaUano Carranza's re pudiation ot any form of mediation oy op alllanca with tho United States, Provis ional President Huerta can do no more than Join him In hla nr.(rn r otlo sentiment and maintain unaltered hla uisimicn attiiucio . toward Washington." Doesn't Mean to Quit. "Oh, no: I shall not quit." General Huerta Bald tonight. "I shall contlnuo Jus as I have boen doing to pyt forth my efforts to bring about the pacification of tho country and thus fulfill the prom Iso I made on taking office." It waa auggeated to the president that conditions might become such that for eigners, particularly Americans, would be in Imminent danger. He araed that this might bo so, adding: "In that caso I shall do all I can to protect them." Tho prealdent thought a, moment and continued: "True, the rabblo of the city might rise, but I would not hesitate to apply trie severest methods In njy power to' restore order and punish tho guilty. At any rate I am resolved to continue In the attempt to carry out my program ot pacification." , The meeting of the new house ot deputies today reflected the chaoUo con ditions brought about by the dissolution of the old congress. The mlnlater of the Interior, Manuel Garza Atdape, was ex pected to officiate at the opening, but opposition developed among the newly choten lawmakers and Oonsalo Zunlga. Honor Aldape's secretary, and himself a deputy, appeared In his stead. Noml- (Contlnued on Page Four.) Gone Are the Corsets of Yesterday You have heard the expres sion used, a great many tltaea In the last six months, "The corsetless age." Has It struck, you that for an age without corsets there are more kinds of corsets being advertised now than ever before? The truth of the matter is that there are not many women who are completely abandoning, their stays; but that as fashion decrees that a woman's figure should appear unrestrained, the corset makers have been busy turning out new models faster than they ever have before in their lives. Are you sure that jrou know just what the very latest de signs are in corsets, who are making them, and where they are bought? If you don't know all that you should on this question, you would better begin at once reading the advertisements In The Dee dally so that you may catch up with the times before you find yourself out of style. r