Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1913, PART TWO, Page 2-B, Image 18

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    2 B
Style, Originating in London, is
Adopted by Local Society.
Cominje tiradaatea Maklnr EUt-
nrate Pinna for Annul II"
OmaJinn I.eaTln? for
Wnrmcr Climes.
Poclnl Calendar.
MONDXT-Mr. and Mrs. John T. Stewart.
Id. dinner lor Mr. and Mm. Meredith
NMidlaon; Mrs. Ooorffe Barker, jr.,
hostess ot the Amateur Musical club;
Mlsa Helen Epeneter, Orpheum partr
for MIr Mantuerlte Hunch: musics!
tea and alumnae meeting at th Sacred
Heart convent .
TTBSDAY Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teat
Stewart or Counclt Bluffs, dinner for
Mr and Mrs. Meredith Nicholson; A. O.
P. club ot Sacred Heart parish, evenlnr
card party.
W EDffBSDAY Mr. O. W. Meceath, buf
fet luncheon; National guards' dancing
party at MetropUtan hall; senior art
students of Crelehton. formal hop at
Chambers'. Prairie. Parte Needlecraft
club, banquet at club house.
rupBSDAY Mrs. Herman Conn, after
noon bridge, for Mr. Arthur Brand;
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baldrlffe, dinner
parti', dancing club at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. F. A. Nash; IlowUba club at
Chambers' academy. . . .
FltlDAV Ceclllnn club, evening party at
8t Cecilia's hall; dancing club at Metro
politan hall.
The mirror pictures which have been
popular throughout the cast and In.
Kuropo are now quite the crae . In
Omaha. A novelty In photography Is al
ways appreciated, especially If the nov
elty Is artistic
The new pictures fill a long felt want,
as In many poses with the 'mirror both'
a front face view and profile may be
had In the same picture.
The mirror has long been useful In art.
Heinbrandt painted several portraits mt
himself from his mirror, as also did
Madam LeBrun. The French, who are a.
decidedly artistic race wrro among tho
first t6 make the mirror a "thing of
beauty and alt French women Jiave this
necessary article exquisitely framed for
the dressing table and 'for the drawing;
Tho new mirror picture first became
popular In London and Paris, the duoheMt
of Marlborough being one ot the first
to have her photograph In this style.
These pictures did not become popular
Immediately with the artists, as It took
considerable practice end experience to
be able to pose the subjects. The double
reflection makes the picture most diffi
cult to get the two views In correct pro
portion, i
Mlsa Marie Stewart, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles-T.-Stowart of Council
Bluffs, who has returned to Briardlff
for hor last year at school, probably will
be one ot the dsbutantes next year. Miss
Stewart Is one ot the mosl beautiful
young women of the school set and was
one of the first to have the new mirror
photographs. Mrs. Jerome Magee has
gone to New York City to visit Mrs. IS.
Dlmon Bird, formerly Mlaa Carita Curtis
ot this city. Mrs. Magee has been crowned;
queen of Ak-Rar-Ben and Is considered,
one of the most boantlful of the royal
line of queens and her picture In the,
new style of mirror picture has been
muck admired.
CrtiflitMi fttnitr Hop.
The CreUhiem senior hop will be one
ot (he jMBSt Important social functions
of tM Crelghton university student year,
and Srlll take place at Chambers' Dancing1
ac4emy next Wednesday evening, No
vember 1. Tills will be the first strictly
formal affair given. The new dances,
the teftco, the castle walk and others
approved by, Prof Chambers, will be per
mitted. Mr, Lawrence Bushman, class
president, will lead the grand march with
Mies Margaret Morrlsson.
The dcorstk)s are to be the most
elaborate ever attempted. The ball room
Is to be fitted, up as an art gallery, and
oil paintings of landscapes are to be
hung on the walls, surrounded with fems
and palms, to carry out the Idea ot
natural simplicity. Each pillar, robed In
Its own gown and girdle, will be Joined
with tls fellow by Interwoven ropes of
Crelghtoit blue and white.
The towering white lattice work will
be decorated with autumn leaves and
will fill In tho corners ot the hall and
the cozy corners wilt bs typical ot various
The patrons and patronesses arst
Mr. and Mrs. Paul U Martin.
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Swift.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. McShane.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Lents.
Mr. arid Mrs. Charles D. Beaton.
Mr; arm Mrs. C. J. (tmyth.
Mr. and Mrs. C W. Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Myrne.
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Redmond. 1
Mr. and Mr F. O McCaffrey. ,
Mr ana Mrs. A. V, Klntler.
Mr. oM Mrs. II. V. But-kity.
Mr. A4 Mrs. Leo Hoffman,
Dr. ana Mrs. A. ). Hippie.
Dr. and Mrs. . A. McDtrmott.
Dr. and Mra, K. 11. Uruentag.
At the U.iTMrtjiyCUY
The University club 1 the flrttjto moke
definite arrangements for a New Year's
eve celebration.
ine aectej commutes, plans to have a
dancinc party, starting at : or 9 o'clock.
A supper will bo served about midnight.
and carburet will entertain. It will be
inade quite a college affair, about sixty
different universities and college being
represented. It la planned to nave part
of tho evening tor favor dances and small
pennants of the different college will be
given as souvenirs,
The club s centrally located and the
New Year's eve. supper dance will be an
annual affair.
Another dinner dance Is planned for
eary In IHcember at the dub.
With tie YkiUn.
Mr and Mrs. Meredith Nicholson ot In
dlaoapolls arrived Friday morning to be
the guests of Mra. Nicholson's brother,
Mr- Charles T. Kc untie, and Mrs.
Mrs, Harry Harley ot Fall River, Mais.,
arrived Saturday -to be the guest of Mr
and Mrs. W. J. Connell and Mrs. dward
OrtiglitoB until Thursday. Mrs. Harley,
formerly Miss Eleanor Pierce, has visited
here several times and was one of Mrs.
Cyelghtoa'a bridesmaids. From here Mrs.
Harley goes to Lincoln to visit Mra Issac
Miller Raymond, Jr.
Mlu Amy Catlett of Staunton, Vs., ar
rived Thursday and Is the guest of Dr,
and Mrs. C T. Richardson and Miss Rich.
Miss Mae Hamilton and Mrs. Jacob
left Chicago Wednesday for New York
Mra. Jacobs win visit Mr. and Mrs. Dt-
rnop d Bird after Mlas Hamilton sails, and
will then return to Omaha for a short I
stay with Miss Curtis. '
STimUr flans,
Mr. and Mrs. H it. Bprague closed
their summer home near Benson Friday.
They will .spend the winter at she Loyal.
Young Society
HiiSxJerozne iforfce
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Joslyn, with
their guests, Mr. and Mrs. deorge F, Bid
well, and niece, Mrs. C. L. Fornworth,
will leave Monday for Washington, They
will take their touring car with them
and will motor south, to be gone until
after the holidays.
European Travelers,
Mr.- W, FarnanV Smith, who has been
abroad since September, landed In New
York Wednesday on the Olympic nnd will
return home after spending a few days
In New York and Bbston.
Mr. Harry O'Neill will leave shortly for
Kurope and will spend some time with
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Brown, who were
married Saturday and who go abroad on
their' wedding trip.
Afternoon Bridge Party
Miss Black entertained at bridge Thurs
day afternoon at the homo ot her aunt.
Mrs. Manderson. Tho guests were Mra
Ward Burgess. Mrs. Henry Wyman, Mrs.
Milton Barlow, Mrs. Victor Caldwell,
Mrs. 8. & Caldwell, Mrs. Wllltim E, Mar
tin, Mrs. Charles Oftutt, Mrs. deorgo
Von, Mrs. Warren Rogers, Mrs. Clement
Chase, Mrs. Luclen Stephens, Mrs. Leon
ora Diets Nelson, Mrs. Victor White,
Mrs. Reynolds; Miss Helen Baum and
Miss Elltaboth Bruoe.
Xational Guard Dance.
The members of the National guard
and their friend ore anticipating; a, very
enjoyable affair In their opening party
to be given at Metropolitan hall next
Wednesday evening. The Omalia Sym
phony orchestra will furnish lively mili
tary mualo under the leadership of Di
rector WHUam 6. Fulton. Captains
Stein, Harris and Elsaasen have charge
of the arraBgements. Lieutenant Arthur
Marowltx will havo charge ot the floor.
Foiter-Willard Wedding.
The wedding ot Miss Charlotte F. Wit-
lard, daughter ot Mrs. Nellie Wlllard, of
this city, to Mr. Raymond R. Foster of
Omaha, son of Mr. and Mrs. X A. Fob-
ter, ot Hastings, Neb., was solemnised
Saturday at 3 p. m. at the home of the
bride's mother. Rev. C. W. McCasklll,
pastor ot the Hanscom Park church, of
ficiating. There were no bridal attend.
ants and the only relatives present were
AHRHrmii ''v IMlBfilzf 9MH3aa
Ot Lincoln.
Matron Enjoys New York Social Season
SslllllllllllllllHBHBaBBBBBBBBBBBllllVlrv . . .Ml
Nee Ml Charlotte F. Wlllard.
the bride's mother, Mrs. Nellie Wlllard,
and brother, Mr, Oeonre Wlllard,
The wedding comes a a surprise to
their friends, who had looked for the
woddlng not earlier than next spring.
Immediately after the ceremony, Mr,
and Mrs. Foster left for a short trip to
several Nebraska points. Including Hast
ing, the home ot tho groom's parents,
and will be at home after December 90 at
2963 Harris street, the home ot the
bride's. mother, where they will stay for
the winter.
Sooial AXfain Saturday.
Mrs. W. B. Roney entertained, at whist
Saturday afternoon for Mrs. Kenneth
Finlay.son, a recent bride. Twenty guests
were present,
Mra, Robert Qantt entertained at tea
Saturday afternoon from 3 to 6 o'clock
for her sister, Mr. Samuel Pray, who
Is moving here from York, Neb,, and
for Mrs. R. A. Von Oradtl. About forty
guest were present.
Mlas Pearl Q sines entertained at her
home, 6701 Arthur street. Benson, In
honor of her lth birthday, November 11.
Those present were;
Nlna Dixon,
Fern Wyont.
Isabel llawktna,
Margaret Long,
aeorge Bauder,
Harold Davey,
Oscar OLsen.
Mabel Stonbera.
Olady Anderson,
aiadya Gaines,
Pearl Qalnes.
Howard Furbuah.
Glen Johrmon,
Wlllard Col.
Forest Johnson,
Mortse MoMlchaeL
Mr. and Mrs. Sowerwln.
Vesta Chapter Kensington.
The Vesta Chapter Kensington club, of
the Order of the Eastern Star met
Thursday afternoon at the home of the
worthy matron. Mrs. Willi an 8. Rowe,
19C3 Locust street. The house was dec
orated with yellow chrysanthemums and
autumn leave. The club was favored by
two vocal solos by Miss Gertrude San
born, whistling solo by Helen Keating,
piano numbers by Mr. A. W- Fltxslm
mora, vocal solo by Mra. J. W Gamble,
past grand matron of the state of Ne
braska, and remark by Wlllian S.
Rowe, grand patron of the'stat of Ne
braska. Those assisting the hostess
were Mrs, William: Sprlngmeyer, Mra J,
' laBlalllllllllllK
Whw'' lijiBKBV
Conant, Mrs. Louis J. Berlin, Mrs. Jen
nie Hamilton, Mrs. I. A UnderhllL Mrs.
A, A. Foster, Mrs. D. U Morgari, Mrs.
Q. R Hatcher.
Refreshments were served to 130. An
Interesting contest was enjoyed, the an
swer to the questions being business
house of .Omaha. Prize were won by
MesdamesiRobert Thprpo and William C.
Bridge XinnenM. . -
M. Iforrlet 'Walter, gave a luncheon
Saturday noon for some of tbe boarding
student at Browned Hall. 'A color
sclteme of yellow and white wajj used.
Cover were placed for Misses Helen
Watt, Helen Reynolds, Jeanette Mo
Brlde Marjorle Nicholson, Harriet Ash
brook. Bridge was played after lunch
eon and prlies awarded to Miss Helen
Watt and to Miss Harriet Ashbrook.
Mr. and Mrs. John Madden entertained
at dinner Saturday evening at their home.
Cover were ald for sixteen.
At the Country
Mr. and Mr. John T. Stewart, 2d, en
tertained a dinner dance Saturday eve
ning at the Country club, when about
fifty guest were present
Dinner for Hiss Buich,
Mlsa Marjorle Howland entertained at
dinner Saturday evening for Miss Busch.
Cover were laid for Mb Trimble and
Mies Helen Epeneter, Mr. Al Busch, Mr.
Xo Callahan, Mr, Frank Frederick and
Mr. Lloyd Smith.
Afternoon Tea.
Mies Carolyn Barkalow gave a tea Sat
urday afternoon for her guest, Mia Jean
Barkalow of Denver, and for Mrs. Cron
mer of Denver.
To Winter Abroad.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd D. Willis .will sal)
on the Franconla from New York, Janu
ary S for Egypt and the Orient- They will
return through Italy and Franc, landing
! Birthday Party.
Mrs. C. K. Corey entertained at a
ehlldrens party . In honor of the seventh
birthday anniversary 6f her daughter,
Mafjorle. The rooms were decorated i
pink and white. Those present were
Ollve Hlnkley.
Doris Drohanlca,
Mildred Stuben.
Mary Clark.
Katherine Benson,
Doris Benron.
Florence Nestor,
Laura Clark.
Gertrude Burdlek,
t r i . -
Ancaleen' Tay or,
Mnry Hetty.
Mildred Prohaska,
Marian Hotrner,
11 elan Cox,
Helen Wiley
'Thorn leffart
.locplilno Stuben.
Audrey Corey.
Marjorle Corey.
Golden Glow Club Party.
Tho Golden Glow club entertained at a
card party at Myrtle hall. Friday after
n6on. Tho hostease at the party were
Mesdamos Frank Sonler. A. F. Gatos
a Baker, Frank Shoets, T. L. Jarbof
and Mis A. Curtis. The prizes wore wor
by Mrs. Mcnllth, Mrs. Ada Selxley. ;.Ir
D. T McGrath nnd Mr. A. Ah'.qulrt.
Thanksgiving Wedding.
The engagement Is announced of Miss
Perle Blair lo Mr. Reno Rosenfjeld. Mlee
Blair graduated from the Omaha High
school last June and this summer moved
with her parents to Oskaloosa, la., to
reside. The' weddlngj wilt take pface
quietly Thanksgiving day at the home
of the bride' 'parents. Mr. Roeenfleld
Is aeoclatcd In business with his father,
J. F. Rosenfleld, at the peony gardens
on West Dodge street where they will
make their home. i
With the Army.
Dr. and Mr. Mlltenberger have arrived
at Fort Omaha for station, relieving Dr.
John H. Trlnder.
Pleasures Past.
Dr, and Mrs. W. N. Dorward enter
tained at a bridge dinner at their home
Wednesday evening. Yellow chrysanthe
mum formed tho decorations, and the
guert were seated at one large table
and five small tables. The evening wis
spent playing bridge.
Annual Cookie Shine.
The PI Beta Phi sorority were enter
tained ej the home of Mrs. Glenn Reed
In Council Bluffs, at the annual cookie
shine Saturday. Mrs. Roed wo assisted
by Mrs. John Martin, Mrs. Frank Binder
and Miss Enther Thomas. Covers were
ald for thirty-five guests,
i. .
Informal Affairs.
Mis Bertha Dickey entertained Infbrm-
ally at a kenslngton Friday at her home
for Miss Lydla Cook of Portland. Me..
gueit qf Mls Alice Carter. Those present
were; .Mtsse Lydla Cook, Alice Carter.
Cafmellta Chase, Katherine" Thummell.
Mary Burkley, Daphne Peters, Margaret
McPherson, Mildred Rogers. Bertha
Dickey and Mr. David Magowan.
Mr. Arthur Brandels wa the iruest of
hohor at on Informal luncheon at the
home of Mrs. W. J. Connell Friday.
December Wedding.
The wedding of Miss Florence Hlller.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hlller
to Mr. belwyn Jacobs of St. Louis wlllli"'"'- '
take place Wednesday evening. DeceraWrl
10. t B n'plnrlc . .h .1 L
bride's parents. Following the ceremony
thero will be a wedding dinner and aboiit
titty guests will be present. I
For the .Future.
The. A. O. F. club bf the. Sacred Heart
parish will give a card, party and dance
at the Lyceum hair. Twenty-second and
BInney streets. Tuesday evenlnr. A lareo
crowd ot friends and member of the club
are expected, a former attraction of
this kind given by the club have always
proven popular.
Ceeilian Club.
The member of the CedUan club will
Not alono in words but in fact To appreciate what
this means we invite you to call. This office is "dif
ferent" than any other in Omaha. Painless treat
ment, quiet, refined and harmonious surroundings,
with lady attendant.
"Work' guaranteed costs no m6ro than tho ord
inary kind. Appointments made by mail or phone.
ro ft icrnDn d
Victrola Music by Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.
3dPloor R&mge Bldg. Opposite Orpheum
Fifteenth and Harney Streets
XJraf onola 1W, tnaboft
mi Vfalnut or. oalc okly
' come n'H bring: your friends and let us
; entertain you in our sound-proof booths.
Schmoller' & Mueller Piaio Co.
Douglas ty3- 1311-1313 Farnain fit.
Established 189 Oldest I'laJiO Ilouse in the West.
give a party at St Cecilia' hall, Thirty
ninth and Webster streets, Friday even
ing, November 21.
In and Out of the Bee Hire.
Mr and Mrs. Gould Dletr went to Chi
cago Wednesday to spend a week.
Mrs. Brlnker arrived Bunday nnd Is vis
iting her sister, Mr. C. K. Coutant, at
the Colonial, until next week.
Mrs. II. C. Van Gleson and her daugh
ter, Mrs. J.- W. Hamilton, left Saturday
for New York to visit relatives.
Mis Katherine McCormlck returned
Thursday from New York, where she has
been at the Gotham for the last sov'en
Mr. Oscar Anchell of Brooklyn, N. Y..
arrived Monday to be the guest of hlx
sister, Mrs. M. Klein, until after Thanks
giving. Mrs. Edward Karl and small daughter,
of Milwaukee, Is visiting her parents, Mr
and Mrs. Robert Nlcoll, at the Sanford
Mrs. Marr O'Conner and baby and hex
mother, Mrs. C. R, Tyler, of Council
Bluffs, left Wednesday for Excelsior
Miss Frederlque Stinger of Columbus,
Nob.,' who has been the 'guest, tot Mr. and
Mrs. Charles H. Chose, wlU leave for her
homo Sundsy. . '
Thin. J.C Kennedy and. daughter, Mis
Helen, 6f. Brooklyn, N. Y., arrived Sat
urday to bo the"' guests of Mr? and Mrs
6 wen McCaffrey until after Thanksgiving.
Mra.iJolijn F. . Coad and granddaughter
little Miss Pau)lne Coad; have returned
from a stay of several weeks visiting Xlr,
Arthur Coad on their ranch IA New
Mr. and Mrs, F. H. Javls left Xor Ex
colslor (Springs Thursday to spend ten
days. During their absence, Mies Eliza'
Davis Is staying with Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. 8, B. Carlisle hns returned from
St. Louis, where she spent three weeks.
Miss Ida Hamilton arrived Saturday
morning to bo t,he guest of Ifra. F. K.
Spalding until rfifter Thanksgiving.
Ilia, DcvolHin.
TToung MrsJTTHUer tell roe that her
husband le Ktipg' to teach hercvhow to
skate this wirtter. ' say's Mrs. Goophv in
the tone .a, yjman employs .when , she
conceals a -reproof In a morsel of 'con
versation. "Isn't it nice to see a Vnan
so devoted to hi wife?"
"Devoted shuck!" grumble Gooph,
from behind ls rrtagazlne. s"ne's so
blamed Jealous of her, he won't take a
chance at having any other man near
flier." Judge.
TCrcr expert xk choww
Now Purchase a Beautiful
Victor Victrola
Columbia Grafomla
$75 i
Other Styles $15 to $20.
Let us send one tc your home.
Try it at our expense. If it pleases
you, pay us cash or $1.00 per
week until paid for.
For a few cents a day you-can have
the finest muslo and the sweetest sing
ers in the world right in your own
home. Remember thla Is the only store
In Omaha where you can hear both the
Victor and Columbia talking: machines
and records.
Our aim, highest qual
ity at lowest prices.
Wq make a specialty of;
becoming coiffures, mrini
curing, shampooing, hair
dressing, face massage
and scalp treatment. "VVe
have no apprentices. All
our operators are experts.
We wirry a complete line
of hair? goods; the largest
lino of pure hair in the
city. We stand by what
we say. We are in touch
with Paris and London
styles each month. ',
Mail orders given sne-'
cial attention.
F. M. Schadell
1522 Douglas
Gustave Stickley
Craftsman Furniture
Wlhen you buy Gustavo
Stickle furniture, you
can bo absolutoly positive
that you nro buying tho'
original craftsman. Wo
aro tho excluslvo ngonta
Jn Omaha for this famous
furniture Wo havo Just
recolvod a car load In
new finish and new color
Beaton &t,LaierCo.
. ,415-417 .South J6th pt.,
Jayaaht If Ton wish.
Q Q . 5
ik boud sold rsr
$15.00 Jj?
215 So. 16th Street
2. Si. . 55
OO0O0 0O
Have a New
Lining in
Your Jacket
Let us rejlne your Jacket; wo.
will furnish tho matedlal, or
you can Yurnlah It yourself.
Our prices "range frbm S2.50
to '4.00 for dqlng the work.
We charge you for the material
when we furnish It, Jua't wh'at
it costs us.
We give you just as good,
work as you can get at -the best1
Ladles' Tailors, and at about,
half to two-thirds their prices.
Call DouglaB 963 and we will
get your suit, clean, rellne,'
alter or repair ltr and return
It ready to wear.
The Pantorium
"Good Cleaners and Dyers." -
1515.17 Jones St., Omalia, Neb.
CnsUtt rrlth
caae, bow aad ex
tra atrlui at S3.00,
SO.OO, ST.0O. S.0,
S10.00, 15.B, S33'
and nn.
Sold on ur Pay.
Writ tow Pre Catalac ot MoaiaaU
tmt Poastla St. Oatalia. Vak.
Whose Children's
Birthday Today?
The Dee's "Utile Folks Birth
dy Book" answers that quesUon
erery dy for your boys sd glria.
A. Fike, Mr. EX U Dodder, Mra M. H.