THE BKB: OMAHA, SATf RDAY, N() EMMt 13, 1913. ft 20 Extra Salesladies Here Ready to Help You Make Your Selection A Sale That Appeals to Every Wo ma,n Who Has a Need of This Sort "Women SUITS and COATS at $15 .I, . i . ... ' i The surplus and sample lines from two of the foremost coat and suit makers in the country catering to the high class trade only offered to you at way below the cost of the materials to say nothing of the making. A sale of vast importance to you. 1080 High Grade Suits Bought from Snyder 6? Schechter, 36 W. 26th Street, New York. Intended to Retail for $25, $30, $35, 1160 Advance Style Coats Bought from Wm. Fischman 15 B. 2Cth Street, Now York Intended to Retail for $25, $30, $35 and even to $40 A Combination Purchase Th at Affords the Biggest Range of Selection and Greatest Values In Omaha and even to $45 THE SUITS ombrace"th ontiro surplus and snmplo lines of those well lmown makers. Every qno is of tho highest standard of workmanship, exclusive nnd individual in design. THE STYLES tllc very" st including the short and medium' length coats, with draped Bkirts. THE 'MATERIALS comb and Bedford cords.. Suits intended to retail for $25, $30, $35, $40 and $45," choice, $15.00. ' THE GOATS aro tnosamPlQ liu one of Now York's most prominent coat makerB. iStrictly up to the minuto in point of style, and the best of workmanship. THE STYLES nro tho mw 8llort mod"n length . .models, cutaway with belt and patch pookots, also full lengths. THE MATERIALS r olotjia, Arabian lamb, .cheviots, plushes, bouoles, vol- vets, brocades, diagonals, imported mixtures, etc., in tended to rotail at $25, $30, $35 and $40. Price, $15. ii i a i , isHrARnrs Saturday morning froivifxiy ax s:oo o' n OrkurBros. 16th and TTn'ffl'"r nriHn Bros.---lGth and Harney. I 111 I: ' 1 s i ,- . . V III U. I! I III II .. jm. I III STATE Y. H. G. A, MEN HERE & r -r-i ' $old Interesting tfeuio?, Followed, ; b'y a Dinner. BAILEY HERE FOR 25 YEARS V, ijnl.erl "WeluerisaU Alio Attenda the' ' Meetlnff, lie Ileitis the Oldest Secretarr of the Interna tional Committee. ' fC -"An Interesting rneetlng was held at the Young Men's Christian association build ing Thursday afternoon of tne Nebraska state committee of tho Young Men's Christian association. A number of out. ot-town men were present, amonc whom were W.J. Hill of Uncoln. chairman of the committee: C. I- Richards Hebron; S. D. 'Ayres," Central City: ;J. W. Good, Chadron; Franlc Hammond, Fremont; J. II. Knowlcs, Fremont; J. It. Bader. Fre mont; Henry Hoakenberger, Columbus,; F.'A. Harris, York; Earl Ixjbb. Kearney; S. J, McCracken. Hastings; H. W, Ken dall, Fremont; Dean Charles Fordyce, IJnooln; William Volght, Nelson; W. A. Luke, Lincoln; E. J. Simons, University Tlaoe; F. It. Schweltxer. Lincoln, Among other business transacted was a resolution instructing the state com mittee . to employ at an early date a secretary, who would give his entire time to the high schools of the state. Re peated requests have, come from the lead in school men asking the state commit tee of the Young Men's Christian asso ciation to employ a man especially to deal with high school students. In the evening a dinner was, served to both out-of-town and a number of local business men, the occasion being the twenty-fifth ' anniversary of association work by State Secretary Bailey. Mr. Ballcy entered association work at Cam- Thick, Glossy Hair; All Dandruff Gone GlrlstTry it! Hair gets soft, fluffy and luxuriant at once Xo more falling hnir. ' if you care for heavy half, that glis tens with beauty and is radiant with life; has an Incomparable softness and Is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. t Just one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides it immediately ds lolves every 'particle of dandruff;, you sanqot have nice, heavy, healthy hair if yoi have dandruff. This, destructive sourf robs the hair of its lustre, its itrength and its very life, and If not oyercome it produces a feverisbneaa aod Itching 'scalpr the -hair- roots famish, loosen and die; then the hair falls out fast. If your hair has been neglected and is thin, faded, dry. scraggy or too oily, ret a cent bottle of Knowlton's Dan derine at any drug store or toilet counter; apply a little a directed and ten minute after you will say this was the best in vestment you ever made. We sincerely believe, regardless of tverythlng el advertised, that if you desire soft, lustrous, beautiful hair and lots of it-no dandruff-no Itchin scalp nnd no more falling halr-you must Use Knowlton'a Danderine. If eventually wily not nowT Advertisement. HAIR BALSAM .-v xlir to U TeutMui CUt. I Prvmu njur iau 01. i v ni ti ft i"'rr,'?-11 llAS BEEN IN NEBRASKA Y. M. C. j-. A WQRK FjDR-25-YEARS., J. P. BAILEY. bridge, Mass., In September, 1SSS. He served tVocltntly in Illinois for a number of years, and for the last twelve years has been the state secretary of the Young Men's Christian associations of Nebraska. All of the buildings, including that of Omaha, have, been built during his. tenure. of office. Charles a bus or Omaha was toastmaster, and in a happy way intro duced Robert Weldensall, Mr. VTelden sail is the oldest secretary of the Interna, tlonal committee of the Young Men's Christian association, having begun work as a traveling secretary on tho Union Pacific railroad in 1SCS. Following Mr, Weldensall, a short address was given by C. L. Richards of 'Hebron. ' George a. Wallace was then introaucod, giving to Mr. Ilalley a congratulatory message in rhyme, and then presenting him In be half of Ills friends with a very fine trav eling bag. Mr. Bailey responded feelingly, speaking of the pleasure of the work dur ing all of these years. Social Service Board Will Ask for More Power The social service board will ask the city commission to increase its powers by the' passage of an ordinance defining specifically what it may and may not do. T. F. Sturgess, chairman of the board, said; "We have been hampered In our work and because we have been without au thority several thlngB we ought to have done have been neglected. "Among other things we will, 'ask for an ordinance giving us power Mo .censor moving picture shows. We also want greater leeway in dealing with public amce nans. This board wlU meet next Thursday- to decide definitely upon the requests to .be laid before the city council. -4- SCH00L CHILDREN TO GIVE DAVIDSON A PRESENT Dr, W. M. Davidaon, formerly superin tendent of schools of Omaha, who Is going to Pittsburgh from the superin tendenry of Washington schools, wil be given a present purchased with money donated by 67O0O school children, who a"re"giHng a pennycaeh- under the -direction gf a local comnnt'ee. AN EXPENSIVE TURKEY DAY Such is Outlook. for- the. Celebration of Thanksgiving. EVERYTHING GOING SKY-HIGH Festive Bird and Its Usnal Trtm a nines Itenchinc an Elevation . Beyond the Average Man's Poelcetbook. When the time comes for the housewife to select her Thanksgiving menu . and when the day comes for hubby to pay the- bills accumulated thereby, there will bo much walling and gnashing of teeth In Omaha, for the Thanksgiving dinner Is going to cost considerably more this year than it has in the past. Everything Is going to take a Jump toward the clouds and It looks very much aa if there will bo fewer homes In Omaha where a big turkey gobbler will occupy the prominent position at the head of the table. It Is practically certain that there will bo a scarcity of W cent table d'hote dinners in the local cafes and restaurants. Turkeys are going to vam around the 23 cents per pound mark unless warmer weather should prevail from now until Thanksgiving. In the event it does tur keys will probably be cheaper, but it the cold continues turkeys will be no less than 25 cents. Chickens are up 1 cent over last week and present conditions In dlcate that they will cost about 15 cents at Thanksgiving. Ducks will sell at IS cents and geese at about IS cents. Trimming Are Also Up. It is in the other choice morse, how ever, that the prices have risen po pre clpltously. Cranberries ar going1 to be higher this year. It was estimated that 60,000 barrels of cranberries were frozen In the Wisconsin frost this year and the price has jumped accordingly. Last year cranberries sold at TA cents, but this year they will sell for VM cents. Nuts have taken a Jump, too. It will be Impossible to buy mixed nuts this year at a cent less than 20 cents a pound and It Is probable that they will cost more Brazil nuts, which sold for 9 cents last year, are selling for IS cents today. Eng lish walnuts, almonds and all other nuts are likewise higher in price. Pumpkin pie will be a minus quality. There are no pumpkins in any .of the middle west states this year, which will necessitate the use of squash In place ot the pumpkin. Squash has gone up'2'4 cents as a result. Popcorn will not be popped over the open fireplace to any extent either. Popcorn is selling at whole sale for 4H cents a pound, a 1 cent in crease in cost price. Other Meats Boat-In. Lambs and mutton have gone up 2 cents in the last week, but beef has remained at Us regular price. Pork Is Just the same as a week ago. Eggs are climbing higher and higher into the air. Fresh eggs cost tS cents a dozen wholesale, while storage eggs demand 27 cents and as winter advances they may be expected to climb further. 'Believe me," said Al King, manager of Hay den's grocery deportment, "this Is going to be some Thanksgiving'. From, the looks of thing I can see where I will eat a pack of peanuts and try to make myself believe I am getting a sump tuous feed. Prices will be higher Thanks giving this year than ever before. It is getting worse and worse every year and I suppose It will continue to get worse as time goes on. ' Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Business Success. m I Choice - of - the - House Sale Saturday Only 1 ' i Your Unrestricted-Choice of Any TRIMMED HAT m--iJ - i ii . i i i i. WORTH $20.00, $25.00 AND EVEN $30.00 FOR $5.00 Fur Paradise Aigrette Goiira All Black Hats Hats Hats Hats Hats This stock la the newest, cleanest and best In Omaha and positively tho best bargains over offered. Come take your pick Saturday, $20.00, $115.00 and $30.00 values for $5.00, sl sB VSk SSJSJSHSP K' Dress Hats Tailored Hats Street Hats Mourning Hats White Hats There are no two hats' alike, all exclusive and Individual in design, and "millinery beautiful," Be. bore, early and get first choice ot these $20.00 to $ao.oo bats for $5.00. $7.50 French Ostrich Plumes $4.98 THE new French curl with thnt oyerlriBting grace which no other ornament) possessep, guaranteed best mado and finest quality gon- : i l i -. . , , uiuv jnnuu jniuu biwk, uvury color ana DIOCK. Positivo $7.50 values, Saturday, Orkin Bros. 16th and Harney.i f ENLARGING POSTOFFICE NIXIE DEPARTMENT HELD UP Relief to the nixie department of the local poitofflce has again been thwarted by the sudden Illness of Lee Tilery, su perintendent of construction and remod eling of federal buildings, who came here Thursday to prepare plans for giving that branch of the mall room inor? space. Mr. Ullery has been taken to the Meth odist hospital and there Is a chance that he may be confined to that institution for some time. Kcreral physicians are attending him. The local nixie, dead letter, department' handles and clears up the addresa of mall from postofflces, and neces- sarlly its buslnesi Is tremandnus. Th quarters in which this work Is being carried on are small and cramped for the heavy volume of lnpouring letters, and unless another man ! ant nut frnni Washington to hustle the plan, it will mean in face of the Christmas rush a very unpleasant situation. A I'lensant Surprise follows tho first dose of Dr. King's New Life Pills, the painless regulators that strengthen you. Guararrtee. Sac -or sale by all druggists. Advertisement.