6 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1913. Acquaintance Sale OF HIGH GRADE LADIES' AND MISSES' COATS The House of Menagh "The Gentlewoman' Store' "Wc offer for Saturday 200 coats of the qual pspj3 lty that has within .30 SKvX'XvH nays iirae maao ior us :$-K-W?$ia rcnutntlnn that atoms whose acquaintance In Omaha la measured by , "WrfX?K?feSi ycara are envious of. not navo tne reputa tion? It has truly ' been earned. We have . spent years in getting our organization into such condition as to be able to buy sar monts for you and soil them to you in a way tbat Is possible for no other store in Omaha. The roal valuo tbat wo offer la measured by the Individuality of our style, tho nowness of our fabrics and the lateness of the colors. No lady who desires the njoit beautiful ot clothes can afford to miss deelng what wo are offering for our Acquaintance Bale Hat urday. The coals that we are offering for Saturday are tho sort that usually eeil for 30, S3S and f 40, The materials are Douvoy teen, Broadcloth, wool plush; all of the later Tli mlnr orn T.nhrnda Blue. Blacks. Seal BrOWn and all othor staplo colors. So that wo may nave tne Pei uro of malting your acquaintance and proving the roal valuo of our coats wo offer your choice ot Uiobo coats Saturday, at. , . . WE INVITE COMPARISON wmmmmmmmwMmm vm ' - 1 T1 1 UMCLE SAM ITS BEST FRIEND Sack it Yerdiet of Commander Qedo 1 of the Japaee Navy. 8?XDfi HtoTtIME INJDHAHA 'leather wltk Other, flln Olfl- elal Me U CwHpIetlns- 'Vttmr ot, Ihci Worl4 aa Step Qer Between Train. . "This talk ot war between Japan and the United States la simply what you Americana would call the worst kind of ipt." said Commander T. Oodo ot tho Japanese navy, who, In company with Commander IC Msaul and .Lieutenant Uyasaka, went, west Friday momlns" on Jforthwestcrn-Unlon Pacific No. . en route home fro whit l practically the lost Up on a twenty-eight month tour ot the world. Tho three Japanese naval officers Ball jfrom 8aa Francisco early next week and upon their return home they will aupmlt their official report to the war 4epartmeut ot Jupan. ."When the Japanese naval officers left Iwmve. hey bora the commUelon ot their fovernment that Instructed them to so abroad and make observations relative t4 whaX other countries art doing In the way of internal Improvement. They went France, Germany, Italy, Norway and MmAn anil tnr 111 lut foUr month avw ben in the United Ktatea, visiting "YVastilngton. New York, Boston and tomo f( .the other eastern clUos. AH tre ot the distinguished Japanese fa the pity this mornlrtg apeak very good BmglHh, having been graduated from the JUalversUy of Japan, Commander dado fcavlnf subsequently taken a post gradu ates course In England, where he studied ' three year, completing his education there ten years ago. This was tho first HARRY WRENN JOINS BEDDEO BRIGADE We was with the People' Calling utd the Union Out fitting Co. for years knows tbe bincfc nd ulvvaf g save I satisfaction. Meet I'lm now witlt BEDDEO 1417 DOUGLAS. trip that any or them had ever made to the .United State. Tfotblnr tae Rawen As spokesmen for the party, Commander Oodo said: There I nothing to this talk or Japan having a desire to sever the friendly relations with the United States. We look 'upon '.and fetbat the United States t our, best .friend and, 'ene that we can de pend upon in tin future. InWuV cewiwyj, there la an element that Is contlhualiywlkln war and these reports that there might be a possibility of friction between our country and tho United mates comes from this cja, "With us they are retarded' as the undesirables and their opinion counts for lttle. The masses, and particularly the men who control the government and make up the best elements of society, are not raising their voices for war. We want to be at peace with the world." Weals Be a Spectator. Asked what position Japan might take In the Mexican situation In event the United, StaWs should Intervene and be forced to do some fighting. Commander Oodo shrugged Ma ehoullers and remarked! 'Absolutely nothing. It would not bo our flKht and we would simply be a spectator, watching the outcome." It was suggested tbat Japan had sent a warship into Mexico waters aiong mo west coast of the republic. "Ye." replied the commander, "tbat Is true, but H has been sent there to aid In the protection of Japanese subjects In the event protection should be needed at nny time. We'.doh't look upon this Mex ican situation as anything that concerns us. We feel that the United States will take care of affairs down there and we ate simply looking on the same as Knf lsnd, Qermany and the other, nations." Is a Cloned Chapter. Speaking ot the California legislation excluding the Japanese from owning and holding real estate tn the states along the Pacific coast, Commander Oodo remarked; "That chapter Is closed and we are go ing to make the most of the legislation that has beep enacted. While we feet that perhaps we have not been as well treated as some other nations, wo pro pore to submit, and by ducatng our peo ple. In time prove to the world, and the United States In particular, that the Japanese ate worthy of confidence and cltlscns of which any country might be proud. ' ' Japan1 Is developing rapidly under the present government and during the peace that has followed the war with Russia we have made wonderful strides. Our Second Annual Jubilee 15 Made to Measure ANY STYLE Visit our store, pick out any Suit or Overcoat that strikes your fancy and we will make it up any style to your measure at our price OUR FREE JUBILEE OFFER A For this week only WE WILL GIVE FREE a $7 rancy duk- vest witn every maae-to-measure suit oraer. Our stock embraces an endless assortment of ALL WOOL fabrics. Remember all our garments are Union Made, and you receive a $7.00 Fancy Silk Vest FREE for This Week Only. ALL ORDERS TAKEN THIS WEEK WILL BE READY FOR THANKSGIVING ATTENTION! Tall Men, Btont Men, Young Men, Hard To Fl( Men, Saving Men, OUR GUARANTEES TO YOU ARK: 1st A perfect fit or no sale. 2d All pure wool fabrics. 3d All trimmings high grade. 4th Every suit strictly hand tailored. Eth We keep la press and repair all garment made by us. 6 th Every garment la man-tailored and not sweat-&hop work. SOUVENIRS FREE TO ALL Open Till 10:00 P. M. Saturdays DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS cevKou. Kurri vxe? MAX AND BXOABWAT AT THE CORNERFIFTEENTH AND HARNEY AT THE CORNER . SS Ltrrat shop A2TD 1MUTA7 country Is prosperous and 'many new ln .dustrlea patterned after those of the 'a . . . . ' . m a -1 M unuea awes ,pavs uejj3Y'uMc,i . "Say to the world that Japan Is a. peace-levin; country and that' the ma jority ot Its people are for peace, though, when We are aroused to the flghtlnc pitch, we fight, and fight hard. You may add, though, that no matter how J hard wo might be pressed, the United States Is the last nation that we would raise a hand against' ' Tells Students to Lead Clean Lives Dr. Exner, special lecturer for the In ternational Tqunc Men's Christian asso ciation, addressed the male students at the University of Omaha Friday noon on sex hygiene. Dr. Kxner spoke In a clear manner, making himself well understood. In his speech he appealed to the stu dents to lead a clean life, emphaslzins the need for morality among the people of the present tlay. Continuing In his talk Dr. Exper said 80 per cent of the girls that go. wrong are those that are led astray, These glrle are but the vic tims of those men that know they are doing, a wrong In- encouraging women to a life of shame. Continuing in his talk he said that the wemen have not aa fair a ohanca In life as the men have, and as an analogy he brought In the story ot a hunter who sets his trap by some spring In the dry season, well knowing that the animals would co mo for water. It la in this same manner he compared young men who try to ensnare girls. TWO TRMNL0ADS OF BU1CKS FOR THE COAST About the largest consignment of au tomobiles that ever went west passed through Omaha Thursday night when the Itock Island carried 100 carloads of BulcU machines to California, They were car ried on two trains and aggregated 300 machines. The coat sale ot the season. Up to values for 110.00; up to J30.00 values for S1S.00. JULIUS OK KIN, 1510 Douglas St. Land Base Ball Meeting for Omaha Owner ot Omaha Base Ball Team victor PAimisir. Manager Publicity Bureau ot Commer M Oua. Ladies. Call For Your Imperial Embroidery Outfit At Tire Bee We Give You 160 Latest Embroidery Pat- ; terns, each worth a dime. Booklet of Instructions, teaching all stitches, so simply illustrated that any school girl can readily become an expert. All-metal Hoop, new patent self-adjusting spring fits all thicknesses of material. ALL FOR 6 Coupons Q and OOC The 68 cents is intended to cover the cost of express, cler ical work and the overhead expenses of getting the pack age from the factory to you. COUPON PRINTED IN EV&RY ISSUE Every woman knows the price of Em broidery Patterns. They are 10 cents each the world over sometimes more never less. The Imperial Pattern Outfit contains 160 different patterns, each worth a dime. Only 7 cents extra by mail. Every design is selected from the very latest styles of New York, London and Paris, and the Booklet of Instructions teaches 27 dif ferent stitches for embroidering waists, lin gerie, baby clothes, neckwear, table linen, towels, monograms, cushion tops and every thing in dress and home decoration.