THE UhK; OMAHA, Till 1WDAV, X( EMULR 13, 1913. Here's a Cure For Sciatica 1 WOULD BUY THE. AUDITORIUH Coat Sale Extraordinary! Real EsUte Exohftnpc Favors Mak 1 inp it Municipal Property. ; TO HELP IN MAKING PURCHASE I Committee la AprVolnlerl ty the; Or I annltjKtlon n,alat in 5ecr Inar the Strnetnre for the.OHy. 9 Painful Form of Rheumatism j 5 Quickly Overcome. i . In'dur CiSak Soetlqnf Second Vtfloory I ISB1 I ibt nil Those sharp darting pains that char "actertte eUtto rheumatism should be treated in the Wood, And by uslnc 6. s. p. you not only Kt relief hut a cure. tng through the intestines directly Into ik. Kt,A li. ft- vnlnlilnj If lnftn. np la at work In every arterv, vein, and tiny capillary. Kvpry memurane, every orsan er the Dtxir. everr rmunriorr owomn m - m.i..A .train fllM ViAf! ftf ifTl i purities. Th stimulating properties . B. 8, fl compel the skin, liver. bowel-. :: kidneys and bladder to all work to the eae end of casting cut every Irritating. very raln-lnfllctlng atom of pol.or; It dislodges by Irrigation all accumulations 1 In tbs Joints causes add accretions to J dissolve, renders them neutral and scat . tera those peculiar formation! In the rttnr centers that eauso such ir.T3tlfyIng 5 and often baffling rheumatic paint. ' And. best of all. this remarkable remedy 1 li welcome to the weakest stomach. If f you haw drugged yourself until your atomach. ta nearly paralysed, you will be f astonished to find that S. fl. H. gives no " aensatlon but goes right to work. This I is because It is a pure vegetable infusion, ts taken aaturaHy Into yoor tilood Juat a pure air Is Inhaled naturally Into your Jungs. Tou can ret 8. B. B, at any drop atom S. S, 8. 1 a standard remedy, recognised ' everywhere as tha greatest blood antl 1 te ever discovered. If yours is ape ' tfullar eana and you desire special Jn- ronr.atlon. writ to Tha Swift SpeslflQ Ca i:i Swift ldg., Atlanta, Go, Two Clean Papers FOR THE HOME Tke Youth's Companion The Evening Bee INCLUDING SUNDAY Bothjor 55c a Month Payable Monthly at fHE BEE OFFICE All Brooms Sweep. but the one that xwtap. ;vbeMtvr wan the maw -effort is the mm you want. Tin POLLY BROOM Jet the dirt tha first time, tad weight six ounces llihter than ether brooms. Phx ible straws that bend freely. Hold their shape vjuuS itt the dirt. Saves carpets sad ruts. Long smooth band !. (juar aateea. lour dealer ha the Little Polly. lam Sttwart M ll.Ce. Bs Maixt. It. is' Rheumatism A Nim ton Sirs byOuWIriHil It la U sprlss at 1U I via atlatiad by Maaeatai ltd lafUmmitarr Rhtunatlim. I altar a ealy thata who bat It ksaw, Sr ovtr iht years, t Ulrt rmt4y aatat 1 imf. afnwr-sAtr etr. but tua nil a 1 rctraa vat tuly ttmttcrtry. flMllr. I tottaa a ta4y tbtt curad n Gatlly. aa It bat attar rctun4. t hata linn tl ta a aamUr vka tra ttr. rifely attltcUA a4 Tta UdtMiiea wltb Jibatuaatlira aal U trttt4 a curt la jrtry caaa. I vast trtrr aatttrtr from any form el tttcatMtla lri(kU to try ttua marnlottt taaUac rtr. Daa'l ,mb1 a catualialy malt yotr exist tal adiraaa and I will M4 U trta ta try. Antr yaa bar 4 It It A preren ttsrlt to be tbat loat Ital.tar mtaaa at cwrloi your Kktuma. tUM. ywa star Mad tba prtea ot It. aaa Cellar, but, uaatrauai, I a not va'nt your Uttr Mla yu art rltelly aatutltd ta mbJ It. Ian' ( that ftlrt Why tuUer tay Iogr wkaa patlllie ralUt ta tboa tttri4 you fraer Doa't 4tlty. Write taday. Nark 11. Jarkaoa. Ko. U Qaraty BUt. . Syracvaa. -N. T! Ttr Jttktea ta rtaaaaaiMt. Abort tlatt tfBt true. Pab. Office For Rent The large room on ground fleer; ef See Building, oo culled by the Havens'. White Coal Go. Mice Faniam street fronU tge. AlKtut 1,500 square feet of floor space with large vault. Extra en trance fro court of the baifcUBf. Fine off lee fixtures are of. fered for sale. Apply to N. P, Feil, Bee office. The Heal Katnto exchnnse favora a mu nicipally nwnrxt AlidltoHlli and has appointed i fontmltteo conalstlntT of J. nehblns, It. F. AVyman and W. T. Graham to oonfer .with other bodlea to fornmlate a. plnn for procuring the Audi, tortuni for, thef city. This. wan dona In tho adoption of a motion made by V. T, tlrahanv O K. Harrison atlvlned the oxohanso to ro alow, eiiylns; that lie did not share tho apprehension of a number of the members of tho cxclmncr tlint tha opportunity of Rctttnc this Auditorium inlnht slip away Horn them If they did not grab It at once. J. W ltobblns and others also sail t.v did not believe) there waa any Krent tlanser of logins; tha' opportunity ot Kettlnc tha Auditorium for the city, but tho motion carried (ind tho com mittee ni appointed. M)frrn Adilrraara Ci t'lmnBe. Tlin imwly elected preaident of tho ex change, J II. Myers. In nn iiddrass to the exehange reviewed tho good work It has dona In.tha past and hoped for B'tat thlntrs. In t)iu future. IIo stated that whatever reform mUht be undertaken In tho future would be conatructlve rather than destructive, as, lie said, many ot the reform movements were likely to be. lie announced the naw standing- coin. mltteesfor the'comlnic year as follows: l'ubllo Pervlc W. V. Graham. J. W. ltobblns. C. F. Harrison, S. S. Curtis. F, D. Wead. lubllclty-. C 1'atterson. II. M. Chris- tr, It. A- Wolf, U. O. Wallace, J. II- Du. nioijt. t , Valuatlon-R." C Oarvln. T H. Mo. fnsue, W. It. Osles, W. II. Thomas, A. C. Kennedy. City I'lannltiR-n. T. Morton, C. C. eore. E. T. Iteyden, It. F. Wyman, C. Wilson. .oomla, C. D. Arnistifns;. spciiKcrs-n. ju iiusuncs, a urim- met, U. 1J, Pnyne. Orkin Bros, Sale of Pianos Surpasses That Held Last Year Hurparslne even Manager Itoblnson'a fondest expectations, the co-oporuttve piano sale, which Orktn brothers has been and la conducting, has created audi an. unusual Interest among the buying plibllo that It Is doubtful If there will be sufficient number of pianos and piano players oft the flJor to accommodate the extraordinary demand that Is sure to OVorvhelin the salesmen, during" the final days of the sale! Up to date over twice bs ninny pianos .have been sold by the Orklns than thoy anticipated, although the first day or two of the sate indicated that the public was going to waste no time In anapplng.up the unuaual offer, "When Orkln brothers held their club safe last year," said Manager Robinson t the piano department, "the pianos van ished In a remarkably quick time, and due consideration was mado thla year for Quick removal of the pianos because Orklns firmly believe that the co-oriera. tlvo plan ot this year was far superior to tho club plan of one year ago. And the publlo evidently thought ao, too. It re turns am Indicative. No sooner had the co-operative plan been announced .In The Bee than people Docked to the Orkln store personally or sent letters, all in. nulrlnc about the wonderful co-operative Men. ' The flood ot tnqulrlea has con. , Inued and will continue, and an exceb-1 ttonally large percentage ot the people who Inquired about the pianos now have them set up In their homes, where they and their children are receiving both education and enjoyment.' eaoh and every day In the year. And their payments so Xa havo been ridiculously small. Only the Initial payment of J5, as a iruarautee of good faith, and one or two or three weekly payments of 11.25." The co-oporatlvo sale Is proclaimed by 'Manager Itoblnson to be almost a co operative gift Instead of a co-operative sale, "Just think of the people who have .been unable to afford a piano for lack ot ?ah to -pay a lump sum'of $360 6r two," Id Mr. Jlobinton, "but now they enly have to pay 5 cash and the remainder In small weekty payments. And the total iprlce is a reduction of more than I1W." John McCague Given . Tin Shower by Friends llrldea are often given showers ot one kind or another, but It Is seldom that the. groom is given this honor. John Mc Cague has recently become a benedict ana in ms honor the notary club gave a most remarkable tin shower at the Henshaw yesterday. The regular an nouncement ot the meeting waa sent to all the members and added to each with the exception of the newly-wedded hus band was u postscript to bring a place o? tinware, for the groom. In due time the club met at Milton Rogers and In order that no duplicates be "purchased they all bought a gift one after another. Following the luncheon, Mr- McCague was presented with a large bunch of yel- tow thrysanWmume. Mr. McCague was I so overcome with the attention that he did not notice the gifts which were being brought from under the table. Soon each member of the club walked past him and gave him the good wishes of, the club ' eucr a tin present. When John McCague " . left the Henshaw he carrlsd in hla car a full supply of tinware and no two pieces jwere alike. He waa quite pleased, but when the bride met him at home there was cause for another party, all over again, and tacit gift had to have tba name ot the giver mentioned. John stayed home for the rest of the day en Joying hla "shower." nAmiHn rwF.v. . .4. r -ourA i irriTtMM) ,c fY. :h p TiMin,,, uin hi Materials lra We Bought a Huge Overstock of Women's Coats Which a Famous New York Designer Made to Sell for $17.50 to $20.00 and Offer Them to You Thursday for Twelve-Fifty. TJidSTc at-G tile most remarkable values in women's i-outa of .thq ontire Boaspn. The maker from whom' wo purchased at such a1 sweeping price re duction was kiibWn aS aiuahufacturer of garments of high' olasfK Nothing. 'thai. .h produced" was made to shII lor lo&s UiitjMar.BO jln order? to mako this tha drowning coat event of tiie year we nave taken oyeBjrcoay in tue purcnaBo il-nrl -l nieA -if t ?1e li? it nTnlm in uoll 11 f nllfl TUMPP. All sizes. for women and misses 'are included in this sale. All the favorite colors for winter. ON SALE THURSDAY ON OUR SECOND FLOOR Coftta wro niatlp of caracul, chinchilla, wool matelasae, silk plush, bpttcjp. Porsiana, lioavy novelty tnixtures, broadclothB antl CTcry popular variety of '.heavy winter fabric. "Why, shouldn't you gave 95 to $7,00 on your coat tills season?. This bale makes It possible. W .BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl TLStjdes 1 The frraceful, new draped models In three-quarter and long lengths, the favorite cutaway, styles, tho popular sport coats and every other design thatjs now in .vogue. You will instantly recog-.-nizo these as $17.50 to $20 values, when you seo them Thursday. Aw 1 9 THURSDAY SPECIAL SHOE EVENT ... Superior Values in Footwear of Superior Quality 73v Women's Fine High, Shoes Hundreds of Dalra of de sirable shoes, made with flexible sewed, soles. In pat ent leather, dull calf or kid akin. Button styles, finished perfectly, all sites, specially prjcea 3 A Q Women s shoes to House Sjippers for Women Made of good felt, wltlj soles padded with iamb'a wool, spring heels, in many different colore ribbon trimmed, the moat comiormuio of u morning slippers, all MEWS FINE SHOES Made of dull calf, VIA or tan calf, all the new lasts, button aatt lace aew angllsh flat lasts or wide Mgh toes. H doabu or single ,ols for wln- Patent leather. ull calf, bright or dull kid. tan calf: black, gray or brown suede or craven- ette shoes. All this sea son's styles worth to $5; spine English lasts and'bahy doll styles.' Men's and Women's Slumber Slippirs-Fine Eiderdown-All Sizes and Colors, 39c p'r School Shoes FOR BOYS Women's Dancing , and Dress. .Slioners Slippers of all klnViHi. ent leather or e'atlnviu black and white, high or low heels pumps In the Mary Jape or strapless styles hand turned soles, well made through and through. all sites, per pair $2.48 3 j 1 -1 J alsea, prlcen are I ter. all rises g P .A a $1.25 to $1.98 3,50 1 $1.49 to $3 Men's Fine Slippers Kid or felt comfy slip pers, all styles, warm and comfortable they are made on slipper lasts that Rive the right "comfy' feel to your foot, all eliea here, at Patent leather or dull calf button or laoe styles all alssa and all pay. feot fitting, made on boys' lasts and wortb 13.50 and $3 per pair, at 1.98 Infants' Shoes at 98c pair P a t-e n t leather, with cloth or dull kid tops or red, white or brown tops 1 1 1 1 1 e nature-shaped lasts, hand turned soles, smooth Insoles, all sizes worth 1.B0, special, at 98c Nature-Shaped Children's Shoes Hull calf or tan willow calf leather, soft, ex v tr'eroely flealble soles brcs.,1 toes, ftalshed smooth, no taoks or no thread to hnrt.the eet. slsas np to 13. valnes up td 82, per pair. at....... 1.25 Infants' Soft Sole Shoes All colors and sizes., but ton styles and fancy patterns, nv per pair, Oi7C TANGO SETS Cut steel or Jet, long laces with tassel ends complete ri b9c 5 BIG SPECIALS THURSDAY in our BASEMENT SHOE DEPARTMENT 1100 pairs of women's lino dress shoes, in "Women's Felt Slippers, in col ors, fur and ribbon trimmed, all sites, worth say saa 91.35 and 9..B0, at H pair Men's embroidered' and imita tion ttlllgator slippers, all sizes, special values, a g per pair, TfC patent and dull leather; all new styles, all sia;c, would bo splendid val- tics at $li.50 pair, etr spe cial TImrsday, pair. i $1.67 Infants' shoes; of soft kid, in" button and lace, ttiUt hand turner soles, , m f nil sizes, at, Jkr pair 7 Women's higli grade rubbers,. In all sizes; wo huvo the proper; fits for any rr 1f Jrrr.... 39f a S - - 50c Silk Boot Hose at 25c p'r Hundreds ot pairs ot Women's Silk Hosiery of good quality are included some havo silk boot and somo aro silk to the knee. Most of them are full fashioned and have lisle oles and high spliced heels. The colors fro black or fancy. These stockings are al perfect grade no seconds In the lot. Actually worth OOc a pair, at, pair. . . , Economy Corset Sale f Low bust Corsets, made nf coutil. very ionic over r '.hlps and back, with lac-1 ing below front steel. Every pair rustless and guaranteed to.glve satisfactory wear. A ft. 60. Corset, on main floor, at. ess and $1 Stops fchg flair Hallji Hair Jleacwer eortaktjr step f allies hair, No doabt aboi tt wkt ever. Yoo will carriy ba 4tisfW. BRASSIERES BOl and' TCo Drasaleres some with embroidered yokes others with nt embroidered medal- 1P lions set in, at. aaW SPECIAL OFFER De Luxe Monogram Stationery AWtiave arrunged "with tne originator ot the new process of Die tiluinpliiK to offer a 2-qulre box 48 shets ami 48 envelopes fabric finish, latest style long pointed envelopes, papei .' embossed. In. gold, in- two o.- three letter monogram. Choice, of different designs, put In a handsome bqx. paper Ttbbqn tied, per ' 25 This ' offer Is without doubt the greatest ever given, when you con sider the cost of a die alone, with your monogram In two or three let ters, costing regularly to 3, stamping extra, cost of (I nr paper all complete, for., Thooe who. appreciate having- their 'stationery look the. part of exclusive--ness will certainly take advantage of this- remarkable offer. , A full line of samples of the differ ent styles of monograms Is on dis play at our Stationery Department. Order your Christmas Goods now! MANY RESERVATIONS ARE MADE'FOR GUILD DINNER Reservations are being made at the Commercial club for the farewell dinner to be given to Commissioner J. M. Guild this evening'. The various Interests represented In the membership of the Commercial club will be represented at -the dinner, where they will bid a formal goodby to Mr. Guild, who has aenred the club for seven years. Sunday evening he Is to go to Dayton, O., where he becomes executive secretary ot the Greater Day ton association. Orkin Bros. WiU . Move Big Stock for a Sale Friday Morning Pirat steps In the new Orkln Bros, company stqre will be taken Friday morn ing when K0,X worth of gooda from all departmenta In the store will be trans ferred to tho basement and sold at gre aUy reduced prices. The Intentions of the Orkln. brothers Is to make alterations In their store amounting to 1100.000. A new departure In department store business id Omaha skill be tried out in tbe basement The idea Is similar to that now in vogue In the larger stores In th east. The base ment will be a store In Itself. Whatever Is sold on the other floors ot the store will be aold In the basement, but at cheaper Prices, The articles, however, will be of good quality. ' The front of the store will be changed, according to the present plans. The main entrance will-bo where it ts at present, but a new entrance will be made on the alley. The present Harney entrance will be done away with, but a new entrance will bo built on Harney street, about twenty feet from Blxteenth street. The fourth floor, which Is now used as a storage room, will be e'eared up and the piano, drapery and bed depart- meats moved from the third floor to the fourth The offices will afso be on the fourth floor. The third floor will be -used tor worn, en's apparel, including- cloaks, suits, dresses and gowns. About one-fourth -o! this- floor will be set aside for rest rooms and manicuring; parlors. SI. B. Orktn says tha exquislteness of these parlors will be worth coming miles to see. On the second floor will be found much of the stock now on the first floor. The gentlemen's clothing department will be on the second floor. Shoes and other wearing apparel for men and boys will be located here. The first floor will be used tor smaller articles, such as glove, notions, stationary and similar articles. 3, Ik Orkln Is in Chicago at present and will not return until next week, but when he does, he will have so .arranged things, that work can be started at once. The arrangements now contemplated are not positive. ORCHARD TO ADDRESS, BELLEVUE Y M. C. A The Bellevue Toung Men's Christian association will be addressed next Thurs day evening by f. B. Ordiard. editor of the Council Bluffs Nonpareil. This Is the second of a aeries ot lectures to the local organization. The college Toung t en.'s Christian association Is enjoying one ot the best years of Its Ufe as a stu dent organisation. The meetings ar ranged by President Jones and his assist, ants are drawing large attendance. The new system of holding the meet ings in ihe middle ot tha week at 9 o'clock In the evening has proved an im mense success, as it finds all the boys la the dormitory at a tlm when they can spare a few momenta from their studies. The Yellow Peril Jaundice malaria biliousness, vanish when Dr. King's New Ufe Pllla are taken. Easy, safe, guaranteed. SSg. For sale by all druggists. Advertisement Key to the Situation nee Advertising. 4