Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1913, Page 9, Image 9

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Bttween Women's
Health or Suffering
The main reason why so many
women Suffer greatly at times
is because of a run-down con
dition. Debility, poor circula
tion Bhow in headaches, lan
guor, nervousness and worry.
(Til Uriwl Sale if Airy Mh , , w(fW)
aro tho safest, surest, most
convenient and most economi
cal remedy. They clear tho
system of poisons, purify the
blood, relieve suffering and
ensure such good health and
strength that all the' bodily
organs work naturally and prop
erly. In actions, feelings and
looks, thousands of women have
proved that Beecham's Pills
Make All
The Difference
Sold rrerynhere. In boiee, 10e., 25e.
Women Tiill find the direction! with tverr
very Valuable.
And Clears Unsightly Complexions
Reilno! Ointment, with Reslnol Soap,
stops Itching Instantly, quickly and
eAslly licaln the most distressing casos
Of eczema, rash, ringworm, tetter or
other tormenting skin or ocalp eruptions,
and clears away pimples, blackheads, red
ness, roughness', and dandruff, when
other treatments have proven only a
waste of time and money.
So, why don't, you let Reslnol stop your
skin -trouble? Reslnol Is n physician's
prescription which has been uted by
other doctors for eighteen years In the
treatment of all sorts of skin humors,
sores, bolls, wounds, and piles. You can
tie Reslnol Ointment (00c and S1.C0), and
Reslnol Soap (23c), freely, with the per
fect assurance that It contains nothing
that could Injure the tenderest skin. Sold
by every druggist. Do not let similarity
of name or nppearanco fool you Into ac
cepting a "substitute" for Reslnol. For
trial free, write to Dept. 23-11, Reslnol,
Baltimore, Mel.
Try Parisian Sage. It Makes
the Hair Soft, Wavy, Abun-"
dant Cleanses and In
vigorates the Scalp.
If your hair Is anything short' of per
fect) it It Is too dry, brittle, dull, thin,
or tt the scalp Itches, Immediately begin
- tho use of Parisian $age- The first ap-A
plication remove dandruff, cools and In
vigorates the scalp, and Increases the
beauty of the hair.
Parisian Sag's", a scientific preparation,
supplies hair needs. It Js a .tea-colored
lleold containing the exact , elements
needed to make the hair wavy and
glossy, arid to- make 11 grow' it Is deli
cately perfumed pot sticky or greasy
that cornea In a fifty cent bottle at the
druggists ana . toilet counters.
Apply Parisian .Sage and the effect Is
Immediate.',. One application stops the
head from 'Itching and freshens up the
hair. Use' lt daliy for a week and jrou.
will be surprised and delighted. Parisian
Kage Is one of the quickest acting hair
tonics known.
eGt s bottle today everyone needs It.
Two Clean Papers
Tke Youth's Companion
The Evening Bee
Both for 55c a Month
Payable Monthly
OoT't. Tested Aged in Bond
. Dlrtct from dUllllcr.., f mpl quart ot QC.
PtrUw Mat by kxtotl dlrttt to jou tor
Bdter nhtiktr Msnol to mide thn ihli Pr.
old 100 proof liquor Hl'actlo or moner b.
IUAIjLoK CO lif ,n huodsoma k!m jug.
Soo J'rooH filu With ery rtllon ordtr
ot Ul 100 rroof. tl in bond Prln whltk.r
t,dort ot our I1 Vlnttjo lnt,
WUh eh J-l ortr 100 Proof TIJa
quirts pure Vlnu wlnti tr ThankjtfrlDf
tsr"'- .
Ireyfut-Jones Co. j
OOl W Ail Uf OX.,
Mad strons and
nttl tn a few days
Without a surgical
op ration or loss ot
Utoe. Our work is
aueranteed. Call or
write Xor particulars.
Die Wra'y t Math
pr. IN Be Ulde.
Youngsters May Hereafter Use
Them for Their Papers.
tly i Vote? at Four to Ttto Cltr Com
mlmlniifr. ' Decide that Rn;i
, May Continue Trlth Their
Old Frl-rlle.
Newsboys may place their papers on
the curbs In downtown streets without f
fear of police Interference henceforth. I
for, by a vote of 4 to 3, the city com-
mission passed an ordinance repealing
tho prohibitive measure. Commissioners
C. 11. Wlthnell and J. D. Hummel voted
against the ordinance. Commissioner
Dan n. Duller was absent.
The Omaha Newspapor Dealers' asso
ciation had protested against the non
enforccment of the old ordinance, saying
the newsboys Infringed on their business.
The council, at the Instance of Police
Commisloner J. J. Ryder, passed the
ordinance which gave the newsies tho
right denied them under the old ordi
nance. Angthor ordinance, giving ao?rsboys per
mission to enter buildings and peddle
papers and magraslnes, was recommitted
and will be discussed next Monday, Com
missioner Butler hold tho deciding vote
on this ordinance. He favored It when It
was In committee of tho whole for dis
cussion. Butler Is on a hunting trip ahd
Will return within a week.
City Commission Notes,
An ordinance prohibiting- the use of
fingerbowls was passed.
An ordinance was Introduced which
provides that the occupation taxes levied
npalnst public service "orporatlons tie
come due for tho quarter during- -which
they are levied, but that Penalties shall
not be lodged until fifteen days after the
expiration of the quarter.
On remiest of Commissioner Rvder IS50
vas set aside from tho building fund for
repairs at tne city detention hospital.
The notification that Earl S. Carver
would hold the city liable for Injuries al
leged to hae been received at the hands
of police officers was referred to the
city legal department.
Lieutenant Thomas Haves and Reraeant
It. C. Cook of the nollca department, who
havo retired on pension, were commended
for the honorable service they had ren
dered. Polce Commissioner Ryder In-
troaucea me resolution oi commcnaation
City Would Strike
Out Part of the Gas
Company Petition
W. C. Lambert, assistant city attorney,
will ask the courts to strike from the
supplemental petition of tho Omaha Gas
company In the dollar gas suit all con
tentions excopt that dollar gas Is confis
catory. In this petition, filed recently
by the-company, right of perpetual fran
chise Is alleged among other things which
tho city legal department believes Is not
primarily Involved In tho dollar gas fight,
I havo several good reasons for ask
ing tho court to strike out everything ex
cept the confiscatory part ot this pe
tition," said J-ambert. "we want this
case fought out on tne comiscatory
. CUy 'attorneys , say the gas company's
legal representatives have shown a dis
position to abandon the original argument
that dollar gas was confiscatory and are
nqw seeking to lnltct new Issues Into tho
case. The city Is willing to face tho now
amuments. but wants the confiscation
claim settled "onco for all, '
In Its supplemental Tjctltlon the ga
compananoYh"tr reason for failure
to reduce the price of gas frpm to
$1 per cubic feet, asserts that although 'It
has In the past neglected to provide an
amortization fund the privllego to now
provide such a fund should be accorded it.
A model match ordinance has been
drafted and will be submitted by the
executive commltteo of tho Commercial
club to -the cltv council for passage. This
Is dona on the recommendation of tho
Insurance committee. It provides for tho
l.s 6f only safety matches.
The ordinary parlor match Is given
credit for causing 17 per cent of tho tires
throughout tho United Btales. A repre
sentative of one ot the large wholesale
houses of Omaha, who Is a member of
tho executive committee of the club, re
marked before the proposeu oroinanca
was agreed upon that such an ordinance
could not hurt wholesalers, as the safety
mnirh hml reached such a state that It
could be handled by the dealers as well
as the parlor match.
Edward MoKenna, Mt7 North Thirteenth
avenue, appearing before United States
Commissioner Herbert Daniel for prelim
lr.ary hearing on a grand larceny charge,
was held to the grand Jury. Pall was
fixed at JiOO. " Is charged that on the
afternoon of October W McKenna forced
five school boys to rob a Union Pacific
boxcar of a quantity of syrup. Ho will
seek to establish an alibi.
Incidental to tho hearing the point as
to whether the wife of a defendant may
testify for or against her husband In a
federal court was raised. It was Shown
- . . . . XI a tnWII
by United mates Auunrej
that she can not legally do so.
For Stomach and Liver
DobH Uke mtdlclM for your Stomtih allmnu
mornlni. noon nd nlghf. u.uslly luch modi
clnta only lv Umportry rsllot and ilmply dl
t tho food that happana to b In tha Stomach.
Don't parrolt luritcal operation. .Ttare Is
alaya a.Vloua daniar In oparallona. and 1 nur
cam of Stomach. Uar and Inuttlnal Allmanta
thaknlfa tan M aroldad If tha rlht ranydy la
UDoo,tnae.,Dnround with a foul amtlllns breath
rnuaad by a dlaordtrad Stomach and Unr, to tha
dlacomfort of thoaa you coma In contact with.
If you arc a Stomach r)uffrr don't think you
cannot ba halpad. probably waraa cam that
yours bin barn roilored by Uajra Wonderful
Stomach ltamcdr . . . .
Moat atomach atlmanti ara mainly cauwd by a
utarrhal condition, Maya Wondarful Stomach
n.m.dr not only remote tha catarrhal mucoua,
but allaya tha chronic Intanvnatlon and aaalau
in rtndarlns tha entire alimentary and Intestinal
trad antlaeptlc..aad thla la tha secret of lu ror
T.loua aucceea. ... .
Don't aufrer constant pain and agony and allow
your atomach allwanu to phyalcally uadannln
your health. No matter how eerer your caaa
may to or bow Ions you bare autfered ono.doM
ot Marr'e Wondertal Stomach Remedy thould
con.tnca you that )n can ba refund te health
again. Uayra Wondertul Ktomach Remedy haa
been taken and la hlfbly recommended by Mem
bers of CbnaraM. Juatlc of tha Bupmne Caurt.
Educator, Lawyere, Merchant!. Bukeri, DocUra,
Drucltiti. Nuraea. Uanufactarere. Prleeta, Mlo
UUre, rarmer and people In all walks of life.
Rend for KHE1E raluabla booklet on Stomach
AlmenU te Geo. II Mayr U411I Whltlag St,
rhlcaao, til.
For aale in Omaha. Ne by Shrmaa A 11c
lAuatli and Druuuna eierywhere
A Happy Child in
Just a Few Hours
When cross, constipated or if fever
Ish give "California Syrup of l'lgs"
then don't worry.
Mothers can rest easy utter giving
"California Syrup of Figs." because, lm a
few hours all tho cloKEcd-up waste, sour
lillo and fermenting food gently wdves
out of the bowels. Mid you have a well,
llnyful child again. Children simply
will not take- the time from play to
empty their bowels, and they become
tightly packed, liver gets sluggish .and
stomach disordered.
When cross, feverish, leults?, see If
tongue is coated, then glvs this delicious
"fruit laxative." Children love It. and
It cannot cause Injury. No difference
what alls your little one-It full of cold,
or a sore tlroat, diarrhoea, stomach
ache, bad brteath, remember, a gentle
'Inside cleansing'1 should always be the
first treatment given. Full directions
tor babies, children ot all ages and
grown-ups aro printed on each bottle.
Beware ot counterfeit fig syrups. Ask
your druggist for a M-cent bottle of-
'California Byrup ot Figs," then look
carefully and sco that It Is made by the
California Fig Syrup Company." We
make no smaller site. Hand back with
contempt any other fig syrup. Adver
Best Says Expense, of County Hos
pital Charges is$18 Per Month.
1,. - a- i
Durlna .Month of October the Insti
tution Administered Attention
to .Needs of TvVlInnUr$rl
ami SUt-Scven.
That there wero 267 Inmates and pa
tients and forty-three nurses at the
county farm and hospital November 1,
and that the total expenses of the Insti
tution for October averaged about $18 per
person Is stiown by a report prepared by
Frank C. Pest, chairman ot the hospital
committee of the Board of County Clm-
nilraloncr. Mr. Best expects to file sim
ilar statements every month with the
county clerk. The report follows:
Xlimher of Inmates October 1..4...20O
Inmates taken In during month..,, o:
Total ,.....33i
r)lnlinrficl riurlnir month., 46
Died during month 9- U
On hand November l.......
In men's ward
In women's ward
In meh's Insane ward,.....
In women'n ward....,
.. 19
.. Mv
.. IS
in surgical wara .,,
In male sick ward................... S9
In female sick ward 0
In tuberculosis ward ! 14
In nursery ward , 2
Total ..267
"There aro forty-three attendants, In
eluding nurses, which makes a total at
tho hotplta ot 310.
"From the bills filed during the month
It cost about $18 per person, which In
eludes salaries, fuel, all operating ex
peruses and the general repair ot the
"Considering the number ot sick, which
runs over Btxty, most cases requiring
very expensive drugs, the expenses seem
very reaaaonable."
Federal Engineer
and Water Board
Inspect Eiver Bank
n. Beecher Howell, boss of the Omaha
Water board; Chief Engineer Prince, Su
perintendent Hunt, F. D. Wead and Colo
nel Pat Heafey, the latter two members
of the board, all made an excursion up
the Mlseourl, river to fill their lungs
with pure fresh oxone. The party, under
the guidance of Major De ICyne, made
the trip to Florence aboard the good
ship McPherson, a government boat.
Some employe of the Water board at
the pumping station recently discovered
that the rip-rapping just below' Florence
was deteriorating and word was sent to
thp secretary of war, U M. Garrison, re
garding J:he situation. The secretary wired
Major De Kyno to Investigate and the
Water board accompanied the major.
Charles N. Thompson, Kebraska
rancher and banker, recently charted in
a trial In district court with belnir the
husband of a woman calling herself Mrs.
Delia Thompson, by a common law con-
trict, but whose long continued absence
caused the case to be dismissed, suddenly
appeared at the toUrt house to make In
pulrtes concerning the suit brought by
his alleged wife.
He announced that having returned
from an extended buslnoss trin through
the west he was ready to face any new
legal action In behalf of the woman.
In a recent case tried before Judge
Sears, Mr. Thompson, his brother, A. C.
Thompson, and a friend, Byron Clow.
were sued for 36,0 for alleged conspiracy
to defeat the so-called Mrs. Thompson's
righu as a wife. Mr. Thompson, not being
wiuun the court's Jurisdiction, the case
waa dismissed without prejudice before It
went to the Jury.
Park Commissioner Joe I). Hummel,
within the next two weeks, will. If the
weather Is fair, complete the work of
removing 100,000 yards ot dirt at Carter
lake, resulting tn the building of an
artificial lake and a boulevard around
the lake shore. Two days' detay has
been occasioned by a break of the pumps,
but workmen will have the damage re
paired and work will be resumed Wed
nesday Mother ot KtBhireii Chlldrea.
"I am the mother of eighteen children
and nave the praise ot doing' more work
than any young woman In my town,'
writes' Mrs. C, J. Martin, Boone Mill,
Va. "I suffered for five years with atom,
ach trouble and could not eat aa much as
a bitoult without suffering. I have taken
three bottles of Chamberlain's Tablets
and am now a well woman and weigh
168 pounds. I can eat anything I want to,
and as much aa I want and feel better
than I havo a any time In ten years. I
refer to any one in Boone Mill or vicinity
and they will vouch for what I say."
For sale at all druggists. AdverUeroot
Railroads Estimate Shipments in
Excess of Last Year.
Mtnckmrn Are I'lenaed with the ltf
nit of Their I.nut Season's
Hffort and 1Iht Made
tlood 3!oney
The run ot range cattle is practically
over for the year and In summing tip the
railroads find that the shipments out of
western Nebraska and Wyoming have
been about 10 per cent In excess of lust
year. While tho figures have not been
completed, It Is estimated that since the
run commenced last August something
like 20,000 carlonds have been moved east,
the greater portion ot the animals hav
ing come to tho South Omaha yards.
The range cattle that have moved this
fall have come from points weet of IonR
Pine. Hyannls and Sidney, everything
east of theso points belhg considered
close-fed animals that ta'ter aro put onto
corn and finished oft for around the
Tho range shipments this year will not
reach those of 1P09, '10 and '11, but they
aro far ahead of last year. Indicating
that the ranchers are rapidly recouping
from tho heavy losses sustained during
the hard winters of 1910 and Ml, when
thousands of cattle starved and froto to
death on the western range.
Stockmen are pleased llh the resutts
of the sales of tho last season and tt is
aid that most of them have made money
in the business. For Instnnoe. steers.
grass-fed and fresh from the range, hnve
Usually sold at from 40 to $15 each at
tho age 6t iH years, while the cost ot
bringing them up to this stage has been
comparatively nothing.
Tom Sohumaoker is
Inspeoting Lines
of tkejtock Island
Thomas Schumakor, the former Omaha
man who recently was appointed chair
man of the board of directors and Chair
man of. the executive committee of the
Iock Island proportlrs, Is out on an In
spection of the company lines. He Is
making a sort of a physical valuation of
the system and Its future, It la under
Mood, will ho determined by the report
that he makes to the board and the com
Mr. Schumaker Is traveling on a sne
clal train and Is making a daylight tun.
It Is understood that he left Minneapolis
Monday for a trip of Inspection over the
Bouth Dakota line, nnd that ho will be
In Omaha tho liiit ot tho week. From
hero It Is not known whero ho will go,'
hut the Inference Is that he will make n
trip out over the Nebraska lines, thence
Into Colorado and baclt through Kansas.
Over the Nebraska lines Mr. Schumaker
and party will be accompanied by Super
intendent Kelso ot the Nebraska division.
Kiersteads Will
Celebrate Forty
Years Wedded Life
Xlr. and Mrs. W. I Klcrstead will ecle
brate their fortieth wedding anniversary
today by a dinner for the family at
the lorne , hotel. Frank Dewey, county
clerki will bo at- the dinner, as he was
present at the. wedding forty y?are ago.
Mr. Klerstead has been promlnont In
clvlo affairs of tho city for years and
recently was a member of tho commls
-elon which framed the new city charter.
Among those wno have Just been named
as certified substitutes for the United
States railway service Is JS. 11. nussell.
2510H Drlstol street The list of names,
additional to those that weie published
last week, have Just been received at tho
Omaha offices of the-department. The
names of the other substitutes follaWt
C. P. Brlckson, Holdregei J. It. El
liott, Beatrice; U H. Converse, Heart'
well; T. A. Bolte, Kearney; I. B, Will
iamson, Marlon; K. T. Dlener. Byracusn)
K. K, Drown, Falrburyi U It Eastman,
Uostwlck; a C. Parks, rialnvlew; P. fi,
Sinclair, Lincoln; C. J, Hogan, Princeton;
U C. Valentine, Kearney; It. D. Uainp
tpn, Geneva; W. C. Anderson, Seward,
Key to the situation See Advertising.
Newspaper Advertising I the Ttoad to
Business Success.
That Style?
Your Figure P
Fat woman who are contemplatlnr a
new sown In the mod will have to con
template a reduction fit their flesh before
they visit the drsssmaker.
Fortunately this Is nothlnr like the
hard labor It was when one had nothing
but exercising- or dlatlnr to get results
with. Nowadays a short course of tha
Marmola. Prescription Tablsta ahould bring
any woman, however fat, to the propor
tions ntceassrr for her to wear a Direc
tors gown.
Let her take a Marmola Tablet (made
In accordance with the famous prescrip
tion and, therefore, harmless) after each
meal and at bedtlms and aha ahould very
soon be losing- a pound a day. This re
sult, sccotnpllahed without disturbing
on a table customs, forming wrinkles or
distressing the stomach, aatonlahes every
body. Even one large cas. eostlnr only 7i
cents at any .'ruggtat', or th same
amount direct by malt from th Mar
mola Company, Farmer Bldg,. Detroit,
Mich-, give i0!tUve results. This con
stltntea the a.-m of eeenomr.
I """"",""'"T7,"?:
HHA except
- r-:r
n - m mars .
Mayer Honorbilt
that emphasize their quality. They are not only good
but aro comfortable shoes and hold their shape.
WARNING Be sure and look for the Mayer
trade mark on the sole. If your dealer does not
handle Honorbilt Shoes, write to us.
Wn make' Honorbilt Shoes In all styles for man, vrornen and children; Yertna
Cushion Shoe; Dor-Sox, the great wet weather shoe, and Martha
Washington Comfort Shoes.
We will send you a
For Only 80 CentsExpress Charges Paid By Us.
This is a special introductory offer we aro making to NEW customers only
and if YO U have never tried Hayncr WhiBkey we want you to try it NOW.
We WaatTaSAotoYoa Take Us Up
We Want to place some ol our fine old whiskey On this otterorder this whiskey try it use
before you bo you may know how rich, pure all vou want-and l( you don't find it all we
and delicious it really la and here's the great- clalm-the.Smaf you ever tasted and the
est bffcr you ever heard of1 greatest value you ever saw we will return
Send Us 80 Cents-That'a All your money without a word.
And we wlll send vou ft full nuart bottle of You Taka No Chances
our fine old HAYNER PRIVATE STOCK Our guarantee is fair and square
scaled case and we will pay express charges.
Remember It's Bottled-ln-Bon ,
And every bottle sealed with the Govern
ment's official Green Stamp over the cork
your assurance that it is fully aged, full MX)
proof and full measure as good and pun as
it is possible to produce.
A Wonderful Offer
No one else offera a BOTTLED-IN-B0ND
whiskey at our price of 80 cents a quart
no one else would pay the express charges
on a one quart shipment as we are doing,
Wa Stand Tho Loss
Shipping one quart, express paid, means a loss
to us but'we want your trade and we know
when you have tried this whiskey, you will be
so pleased with It, that you will send us your
turure orders lor lour quarts or more.
TDi? n A TTRT1?n TiTOTf f t iHTr
Addrcis Our
Biylaa, ftttl
at Troy, Ohio
Veartit Offiu
20 Below Omaha Price,
Not One Day, But
WxX'i. KonmlpM IlruRsel.
Ovlli Hcjimlcss Velvets
0x12 Axmliniister . , ,
"Homo Special" Bowing Mnchln
Solid Oak Cuho
Full aeC of aUnrluuesnta 817.50
mre me sorie -aimm
' ', J7
Mayer Honorbilt Shoes have distinctive style
and are made of the kind of materials that
insure increased wearing service over other
shoes selling at the same price. Only the
choicest leather is used in Honorbilt
Shoes that's the explanation of their
L extreme durability. You will be pleased
W i ll. .A. '?! ...
witn tne way tnese snoes nt you.
For men, women and children
Shoes possess the refinement nnd
Until. ... Ill
fall quart of this fin old
whatit says we must send you a quality that
will please you In every way and we will do It.
Now, Ruth Your Order
Cut out this coupon fill it In-and mall it to ua
with 80 cents in stamps, coin or money order
and the full quart of fine old BOTTLED-lN-BOND
whiskey will go forward by first express.
Rnalnaad find cent for vhlak and maONKrullqoirt
botlla ot 1'rKaU Stock. Battla-ln-lioncl WbUkar
aipraat paid u par jour affar. II la aaaantood that It this la not fouad aa raorvaaaUd aad rtlaaalaa
arary war ray a canta ll to ba promptly rafUBdtol. Till
M ray nrai aroar.
On!ar from Aria. Wro., Colo.. Hoot and all
th.raof rauil eaU for tL00 tar oas quart aiprow
ni rk A at. j a ft alia n
SL Lasla. Ua.
I City. Ha.
6L Mai, Man.
.. 80.75
77r 7-y
It means
wmusry wi iu trrrr.TK
tn ma In
atalai Tfrit
paid, 14-ft
a-. mt wr a ato a c rvtwrrr If A
Ittw SrUMia, ta.
SSOO.OOai'fwaH PaM
CO. oS! I
Every Day
NV aeV eft sas SV" VaV
We Carry
a Full Line
so ' y ' sf "
Solid Oak Rock
er, No. 1 Leather
Seatlike cut
ItWLWMTtp VMn TiaaaauaM&ltaWl
I VtWIe MMAhlSVHei, 1