Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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A Bottle of Wine FREE
(Until Saturday Only)
As an inducement to pcrsuado a few hundred
moro users of good whisky to try HIIiIjKH'8
OLD STOCK The O. K. Rye, In order to con
vince them that It Is without a doubt tho rcry
best $1.00 per qtinrt whisky In America, wo
are gplng to give freo with every purchase
of a quart or moro of this excellent whisky
a bottle of Very Fine Wine FREE.
"We know that when once you have tried
you will prefer It above all others. Tnere aro thousands
of users of this brand who will gladly veriry this state
ment. That's why we aro making this liberal offor
we want to add you among them.
Above all An Ideal Homo Whisky. It Is made of the
best grains and Is absolutely pure. It is aged for'
many years, and Is smooth and mellow.
Full Quart, 91.00
(Four full quarts shipped prepaid).
Estate of Late Packer Estimated at
Twenty Millions.
Three Hundred and Flfleen Thoo
annd Dollars filren to Varloo
ChlraRn Charities Forty
Ter Cent to Widow.
1309 Farnam Street
A book entitled "The Art of Mixing Them" froo upon request.
Out-of-town patrons wrlto for our now price list and special offers.
English for Foreign - Speaking
Omaha People Gets loost.
Fortr Who Hear pr. Peter HoberU
Xante Committee on rlaa
to CoOyernte. rrlth the
V, tf C, A.
Following an address by Potr noberu,
Ph. D., bn the. Importance of teaching
English to fortlgn-epeakln immigrants,
idtni forty representative bustntM and
fcrofewlonal men at dinner at the Young
ften'a Christian association last svenlng
voted the appointment of a committee of
five to formnlJe.jlais, for extending this
work, now utlnjg .dpnOy the. association
in Omaha and South Omaha. Theie five
vrerei Chairman. D. A. Daumi C. C.
Crowell, Victor lloiewater, F. W. Jud
son aia Judga A. It. Sutton. The commit
tee Ut work In conjunction with the
Youhf .Men's Christian association, .
Pail M. Kuhna, In the absence of
Qeo F. Qllmore, president of the as
sociation, acted an chairman of the meet-
liHC.yIe said the association, had coma, to
tfce.i&ftt where it felt the ho' of larger
cottnjta and co-operation for extending
this "work ot helping these newcomers to
a eetaaand of the iasr-jage as ft means
of fatMltating their, pre grew n American
clUarVehlp. The work was carried on
wheW apart from any sectarian rellg
iottejjsleas, lie presented Jr. Roberts..
wh,4 Industrial secretary 'et the Inlet1
ntittanal committee et the Young Men's
Chrlsftan association has an active grasp
of i work ovsr the country,
.iLansranve Greatest Need,
"Tfce greatest need ot the foreigner
laiHfcftr en our shorn Is a knowledge of
the' .K'nglleh language," said Dr. Rob
erts. .'Then he needs help in the Trob
lern ot naturalisation. He need! 'to Vri6w
something of the Institutions of America,
in order that ha may understand and ap
precise the history of the country.
"Now, what have we as Young Men's
Christian associations done to meet these
needs) Let us see, we have in the soven
erarlnce tbla particular line ot work
was, fjyen Its, Inception' Instituted In the
VnKert States and Canada definite cen
ters' Vk 2U cities and towns. We havo
orgseked 23,080 foreigners into classes,
in 'Which are taught EngMsti, clvtes and
othtrsfundamental subjects. Asia from
the number that have been benefitted by
the, classes, we have reached, through
lecture courses, more than )M,G99 foretgn
era.. ,
"The scope of esr work Is almeet world
wlde.f'Wo hava men at fifteen ports of
emaarfcatlon and twelve men, at ports of
aa4tg. As a consequence' ot this we
areiasia to start a man en his way to
thla eiuutry and meet him when he ar
rive. -We are In touch with him trem the
ttmi he leaves until he Is well settled
quee-Uon that I want to raise to
nlga-Ut. "What- can Omalia do to advanca
thtalwttTkt" continued Dr. Koberta. "The
answer Is obvious; it can do Just what
other cities have' done it can establish
a Mater for classes. There should be
one' man here who wll devote his entire
tlmf to the work. 1, think that the matter
should, be put up to the business men of
this city, to the manufacturers and to
the .many others who employ foreigners."
Or. Roberts Is credited with having
had, moro to do with the endeavor to bet
ler b condltlph of foreigners coming to
this country than any other man In the
Tnlted States.
Author ot Lansoasre Teat.
Chiirmso SCuhns catted on John I..
Kesndy. Dr. Roberts had said that this
worWitated from the passage ot the fed-
era) law ot 1908, containing the "lan
gUAaV test" It ao happened that Mr.
Kesnedy, as representative from the Sec
on Nebraska district in the Fifty-ninth
congress, was the author of the amend
meat.' embodying that provision, Which
has such Influence upon the destiny ot
the country, The striking coincident was ;
muott appreciated by Dr. Roberts. Mr.
Keripedy said he was therefore, moat
deeply Interested In this or any other
noric for the aid ot the immigrant. He
aad that next to common .'blood a com
mon tongue was the strongest human tie.
Dr. Frederick Conn, rabbi ot Temple
Israel, tbe4 very eloquently brought out
the tact that we are essentially an Immi
grant, people and" most forever so remain
to tulflll our larger national mission. He
pledged bis ardent. support to the move
ment. Victor Rosewater said that. In his Judg
ment, this work now being done by vol
untary private agencies must eventually
be taken over and carried on as a 'public
function -f the1 state- f federat govern
That." said Chairman Kuhni. "is un
doubtadly the key to the problem."
Judge A. L Sutton spoke of the need
for closer tnutilal relations between em
plovers and employes and facetiously re
marked that this need was apparent in
the big packing plants. Robert C, Howe,
manager ot the local Armour plant, and
H. O. Edwards ot the Swift plant, were
present and called on at this point
"I think Judge Button Is not ellglblo
to jass on that point" said Mr. Howe.
"We packors are getting on nicely with
our employes, treat them Welt and have
no trouble with them, except when they
happen to fall Into the hands of a law
The laugh was on the Judge.
Mr. Edwards said he thoroughly en
dorsed Mr. Howe's statement.
Jos Darker then brought tnlngs to a
head with the motion for tho formulating
committee. J W. Miller, educational
socretary of the association, who had
outlined the work the association , has
done and Is doing, having now about ISO
foreign-speaking pupils, escorted the men
to some of his class rooms in session in
the building.
CHICAGO, Nov. 11. An estate ot
OO0.CCO was left by the late packer, Ed
ward Morrlx, according ta his will filed
in the probate court here today.
Charitable bequests total 1315,000 among
twenty-one beneficiaries narned by the
testator, and others to be named by the
widow, Mrs. Helen Swift Morris, who Is
given 160,000 to be distributed among such
charities as she shall elect
The largest bequest Is one of $100,000 to
the pension fund ot Morris & Co., where
the decedent was the' head.
Ths remainder of . the estate goes to
Mrs. Morris and. the four children. It Is
loft In the hands ot six trustees, with the
deciding vote, in case of a tie. In the
hands of Mrs. Morris, who, with her two
sons, Nelson Swift Mprii and Edward
Morris, jr., minors, constitute three of
the trustees, although the two boys can
not net until they have attained their
legal majority.
Philanthropic Reqnests.
This disposition of the estate makes
Mrs. Morris, who Inherited a'large for
tune from har father, ausiavui Swift
the packer, one ot the richest, It not the
richest women In Chicago, and among
the most wealthy In the world. '
The philanthropic gifts follow!
Morris & Co., pension fund $100,000
Morris Sc Co., Employes' Den fit
association -- nm
Abraham Lincoln Center.,..,....,... 10,003
Michael Reese hospital 20,000
St. Luke's hnmltnl t. (tin
Chicago Lying-in hospital ,. 6,000
Wesley hospital 4,000
Chicago Home tor Jewish Orphans 10,000
Chicago Associated Jewish Charities 10,001
United Charities 10,000
Visiting Nurses' association 6.000
Presbyterian hospital 6.000
Home for CrlDn ed Children....' B.(XH
Jewish Qlrls' Homo S.OOD
Pederal .Grand Jury
Takes Up Case of
Dynamiter Davis
INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. ll.-Tlie federal
grand Jury, which began its November
sessions' here today, expected to take up
at once the case of George 12. Davis, con
fessed dynamiter. Xavls, who was ar
rested In New York several weeks .ago,
mads a confession declaring that he did
most of the dynamiting against nonunion
contractors In the eastern section ot the
country at the time Ortle E. McManlgal
and James McNsmara were carrying on
their work of destruction In the central
and, far west
Davis als Implicated Harry Jones, sec
retary and treasurer ot ths International
Association of Bridge and Structural Iron
Workers, Jones, after he was arrested,
was released on 119,090 bonds. Davis is
sttl) In custody.
The grand Jury will also Investigate. the
casa of tria arriftt r,t ftwiv ...... .. .
Mooresvllle. Ind.. durlng the strike of
inururban employes last August The
men wjrs taken Jn eustody by.. United
States Marshal Schmidt -on tho charge of
obstructing the mails by tearing down
wires and placing poles serosa ths tracks
ot the Terre Haute. Indianapolis & East
arn Traction comrany.
I.lttlo Slaters nf the Poor
Children's Memorial hoapttai
Home for Convalescent Women.
uerman nonnnai
Knslewood hospital
Hebrew Orphan
land, U.
Charities to be seleotod by widow.,
Five Thonaand for Servants.
In addition the servants of the Morris
household are given 16,009 to be distrib
uted among them.
Mrs. Morris' share In the estate Is 0
per cent, the remaining 60 per cent going
to ths children, Ruth Mae Morris, Helen
Muriel Morris and the two. boys. Nelson
and Edward.
The trustees will pay Mrs. Morris sn
Income ot 1100,000 a year and 12,600 for
each child until each has reached the
age of 17 years. At this age until 21,
he children will be paid directly 15,000
S year. At It years they will receive
their first shares ot the estate. Other
payments will be made from time to time
by the trustees until at SS years each
Will have received his full share.
The personal property disposed of .con.
slsts principally of a majority of the atock
ot Morris ft Co. and heavy holdings of
bank stock.
A Sadden Collapse
ot atomach, liver, kidneys and bowels Is
nn.l nrvn n.ttt, fc-l.ntrln Tilt.
flfs. the safe regulator. COc. For sale
all druggists. Advertisement.
Letter About Pindell
Appointment Causes
Political Sensation
rinflell ot Peoria, 111., relected for am
bassador to Russia, Secretary Bryan and
Samuel M. O rah am, assistant attorney
general, went Into conference with Presi
dent Wilson early today concerning the
publication ot a letter purporting to havo
been written by Senator Lewis of Illi
nois to Mr. Pindell, offering tho latter
the St Petersburg post on condition that
he resign at ths and ot one year.
President Wilson has Indicated he would
Investigate alt the circumstances con
ntcted with the letter and the summoning
ot Mr. Graham was taken as an Indt
cation that the Department ot Justice
might look Into the affair.
Intimations havo coma from Mr. Pindell
ttiat the letter was a forgery.
The Russian government has already
notified the State department Mr. Pindell
would be a persona grata.
rail 014 Am aid
Haw ta Attain it
Every now and then you read . vague
hints and theories advanced with regard
to longer life, but In none of these art!
clea on the means ot attaining ripe old
age, with the possession of every faculty,
Is there a definite rule, remedy, or mode
of procedure advanced to guide one.
Every on s past the age of discretion is Im
bued with the spirit of Ponce De Leon In
searching tor-the -'-'fountain ot youth.-' It
Is well to consider the fact that Duffy's
Pure Malt Whiskey actually delays the
effects ot old ago and bring back the vl
vaclty and versatility of youth. Thou
sands ot people who have reached a grand
old age, who still show a wonderful abil
ity, unimpaired and undlmmed, which
even now shines brightly with the loatre
of achlevmants through the long years ot
their active and versatile careers, will
ingly testify that Duffya Puts Malt
Whiskey Is responsible for their possess
ing ths rvlgor and force ot these ysars
which today gives them an undisputed
reputation for perfect healfh and longev
Ity. The age limit of the human race
has leaped beyond til previous records
of civilisation, ths physical perfection
of humar, beings has advanced Immea
surably, ths prevalence ot Invalids has
decreased with a slump, and many years
ot unnecessary suffering has been eMmi
nated by ths Judicious use ot Duffy's
Pure Malt Whiskey, Oo to your druggist.
grocer or deafer today and buy a bottle
and you will derive lasting benefit It Is
sold in sealed bottles only. Price tLOO.
Don't waste heating dollars
The heat-making value of a
pound of coal is as fixed as is the
number of cents in a dollar.
Whatever heat-value you get
from coal in room-comfort de
pends on how you burn it how
you extract the heat. You can
shovel much coal into old-fashioned heaters,
yet most of the heat-making gases will pass
up the chimney unconsumed never get
your money's worth. But, you can have all
the available heat from every ounce of
coal distributed into the rooms, just where1 arid
when needed, by an outfit of
MMCMy Idfat
Radiators IBoilers
The dcqp, large
of an IDEAL
Boiler is one of
the strong features for producing fuel savings
it offers best conditions for extracting heat.
A deep, slow fire is easily proven best as compared with the shallow firepots of old-fashioned
heating methods just as a big cake of ice which fills the refrigerator box gives far steadier,
more economical results than you get from frequently throwing in a hamdful
of cracked ice. The big IDEAL fire-chamber extracts full value of your coall
What the IDEAL Boiler starts in heating economy the AMERICAN Radiators finish by
distributing warmth in all rooms, evenly, throughout every
hour of the day, just sufficient for differing requirements of
mild, medium and severe weather. Besides, there is far less
house-labor, because no soot and ash-dirt go to the rooms,
as with old-time devices.
To save heating dollars for the public is one of motives of our
testing laboratories in United States, France and Germany. They tell
our foundries how to construct heating outfits to get reliable results and
thorough economy. The users of our outfits get the effects in positive
heating and full returns for the dollars spent for coal.
If you are weary of ever-lasting blackening, repairing and coaxing, discard at once the
old way and put in an IDEAL-AMERICAN outfit at this season', when you get best
attention and most favorable prices. Send for free booklet '" Ideal Heating" which
explains how to get full returns from every heating coal bill.
A No.C 311SlbKALBoUeranda70sq.ft.of
at-ln. AMERICAN Radiators, costing tho
owner S 1 35, were used to best thl cot
tage. At thla price the goods can b bought
of any reputabl, ooeapetent Fitter. Thl.dld
not include coat of labor, pipes, Valves,
freight, etc.. which arc extra, and vary ac
cording to climatic and othei; conditions.
jf J IDEAL 11 I
"ft I 1
il t
On charring of coal la aa
IDEAL, SoUer CMlly latts
through the longest sero
night. Then can o bo fuel
ARCO WAND Vacuum Cleaner built into the house
You should know about our ARCO WAND Vacuum Cleaner, for dustless, complete cleaning of rooms, furnishings,
etc. Sets In basement and cleans through iron suction pipe running to each floor. Easily put in OLD buildings.
Fully GUARANTEED. Lasts as long as the building like radiator heating. Send lor catalog.
Sold by all dealers.
No exclusive agents.
American 1adiatoompany
Write Department N-S0
413-417 Sonth Tenth St,
at Chicago. New York-. Boiton. Providence. Philadelphia. Waihhiiton. Baltimore. Buftata: Pttteburab. Cleveland. Cincinnati. Detroit. Atlanta. Blrmlniham.
How Or learn, IndiaaapoHs, Milwaukee. Omaha, Minneapolis. St. Paul. St. Louis, Kaneae City. Denver, Seattle. Portland, Spokane, San Franciico,
Los Aageles, Toronto, Brantlord (OntJ, London, Paris, Brussels, Berlin, Cologee, Milan, Vienna
f nfnt,rniStir.'n RnrPQIl Automobi.0 Editor of The Omaha Bee will gladly furniiah you detail infor-
JL111UI II Id. LIU11 JJUICctU. mation regarding any of the automobiles, trucks, delivery wagons, tires or acces-
- Bones represented in this directory. Write today.
W Nebraska Buick Auto Company,
Lee Huff Mgr. 191214-16 Farnam Street.
Cadillac Company of Omaha,
O. P. Seim. Pres. 2054-6-8 Farnam Street
Doty & Hathaway,
2027 Farnam Street.
Doty & Hathaway,
202729 Farnam Street.
i m i ne lowtit uricea. inoii economical ciosea car s s
Ion ths roojket. Slx-paaaenger ( cylinder SO HI
horee-poVer. Price, includes two alx-lnch (11
a-aa lamp, generator, three oil lamps, horn ' I I
and tools, Including jack f o. b. Dotrult.
(Jet particular from Vtird Motor Company, III
Hit ltamsy Ut, Omaha, or direct from De
troit factory. Ml
III TOnrrl Afnilol 'V 'IWr. lv-: ill
in 1011 I
111 II I J
III 111 I
T Jl
Marion Auto Company,
C. W. McDonald. 2101 Farnam Street.
Maxwell Motor Sales Corporation,
205207 State Bank Building.
UVan Brunt Automobile Company,
2010 Farnam St., Omaha. 18-2022 4th St., Council Bluffs.
r Van Brunt Automobile Company,
2010 Farnam St., Omaha. 18 2022 4th St., Council Bluffs.
i The T. G. Northwall Company,
91214 Jones Street.
Doty & Hathaway,
2027-29 Farnam Street
E. B. Wilson Auto Company,
2429 Farnam Street
Drummond Motor Company.
26th and Farnam Struts.
I I Van Brunt Automobile Company.
X-S 2010 Farnam St., Omaha. 18-20-22 4th St,, Council Bluffs.
Marion Auto Co.,
C. W. McDonald. 2101 Farnam Street
Drummond Motor Company,
26th and Farnam Streets.
Arthur Store Auto Supply Co.,
2020 Farnam Street
I I Henry Nygaard,
2201 Farnam Street
R. N. Howes. Fred C. Hilt
2102-4 Farnam Street
Automobile Supplies,
2020 Farnam Street
Everybody reads The Bee.
Advertisers can cover Omaha with one paper
i '