14 A THK OMUIV MmY BIOE: NOVEMBER 0, 1013. jj vm m SILK WAISTS Silk McBsaltno, Charmcuso, Chiffon, Laco and Net Waist, all colors and all sires, actually made to sell up to $o 08 17.50, Monday 5 King Waists at Price tour choice of any King Waist In our cnMru slock at Just 50 cents on the dollar Monday $10 for uny Kin Tailored Waist worth $"00 81VOO for any Kin Tailored Waist worth J 4.00. 81 oo for uny Kin Tailored Waist worth IS.OO 01 fO for any Kin Tailored Waist worth )2 R0. for any Kin Tailored Waist worth $:.O0. Brighton Sleeping Garm ents For outdoor sleeping wear, made with feet pockets and detach able hoods, J gQ MESSALINE P,ETTICOATS WlVli tlie new style i-Uufles and ilouncer, cut, In new straight line effects, Mac '.( and colors, Cfl apeiilai.... -3U VOilE WAISTS Clcvor models, with the new ruffled collars, embroidered ef fects, rnglnn sleeves, etc.; n, wonderfully attractive Jj5 1 50 variety, Monday at. . . JL e Monday! A Sensational Suit Offer! ILNll Commanding Values in Women's Tailored Suits of Superior Style Character Clever Styles in SUITS Made to Sell up to $25 MONDAY at $1 A 5ft There are both the plain tailored and tho trimmed' suits In this group suits that will give excel lent satisfaction at a prlco any woman can afford. You have often ad mired Suits like these at $25, but you have never seen them at a price so remarkably low as this. Tho materials nro sorges, broad cloth s7hlTs7woMd8rmi tures and .novelty cloths; colore are blacks, blues, taupes, browns, grays. cecksliTaidsT At'thcStore Where' FUR Reliability , Is Absolute. women who appreciate! superiority Quality. Our stuck of 'auarahteed furs Is complete lit every way. Every plefco Is up to theh!gh staadaVaof quality " ' that nrandel maintain,' . . The NeV Fur Coats Nt? Pony Co.its, 1h luatreus skins .had pretty whi'JcIh, new cutaway Mylca, S35. 830. 840 ami 875. NW Heal Coats at' 865. 875. 880- Hudson Heal Coats at 8139, $150 8180 and 8225. New Marmot Coats 885 808 f1 Beautiful Fur Sets m lleau'I ul Fluffy Fur Seta in fashion vhie htylts Kir; (tiul large muffs o JUd and Black fox. Human seal, Jap mink. Chinchilla squirrel, oenuineFitch, Moleskin, Marten, )xMnttdi and kit fox, mink, etc. , at ?49, ?S9;J75t f9S up to $303, Tar ts is rtd fox. sc atria, brook mink. eoBT, Bia weir, OeMdiaa starts, to. . oc Psr Beta la Bel Ktam oe&ay. Caaa&laa aeartea, break Kink, H. 5 1 $25 $10 1 vvT bBt? j Early Winter Models in SUITS Made to Sell up to $55 MOND AY 1117 50 Suits' of such excellent quality as these cannot bo bought In the Now York wholesale market today at a prlco ko low as wo offer them Monday. The Values in Usis Group are the Greatest that we have been able to offer yon this season. Doth the plain tailored and trimmed sulta lit this group aro beautifully made, 'iho styles nro copies of somo of tho most ox penslVo French suits. f Our Splendidly equipped Fur Section" . on secoad floor An Event of Rare Importance 98 1 I II L Stunning New Style Ideas in SUITS Made to Sell up to $50" M ON DAY AT nn MY1 J225L Materials In these elegant suits, are mntelassc, dcap do ' cerise,. broadcloth, cut volqurs, serges, choviots, tweeds, mannish wors teds, novelties, etcT Mahogany, New Bine New Negre,Raisih, Taupe, Brown, Tan, Black, Plaids and the new Checks. A numbor of those suits viro fur trimmed; many nro smart, now sash effects; the skirts are b.autl fully draped. Scores of now style features. ' n r ii i f l Double Width Satin Charmeuse MADE Tp RETAIL at JS1.50 MONDAY, at 98o y'd Wo pluco oh bargain squares JKndnjr, 200 pieces of tho nev36-inch puro silk sxAxa. Qidrrnouse, a very plosoly woven fabric with a brilliant luster. It comes in the following doBirablo shades: 3 SHADES COPENHAGEN AND FRENCH BLUES. 2 SHADES OP RICH NAVY BLUES 3 SHADES OP LILAC, PLUJM AND WISTARIA. . . . 2 SHADES OF BROWN 1 SHADE OP RESEDA 2 SHTDES OP VIEUX ROSE AND BURGUNDY. . . . ALSO IVORY AND BLAOK-51.50 QUALITY. . . . 98 c Yard A Most Remarkable Purchase 5,000 TBSS UNION SUITS Buy Your Thanksgiving Linens Now at Special Prices Your Thanksgiving Linens will cost you less this year If you buy from these lota: 72-inch All Linen Illeachod Table Da- Very fine nuatily Mercerized Table Da mask, heavy weight with deep borders VirBT'quallty, at. yard. . . . . . . . .gl.lQ 22-lnch Napkins to match, doiton, 92.50 mask special, at, per yard .T.T. 59c Nspklna to' match at, per dozen, 81.49 000 All Linen Dloached Pattern Cloths, 04 x04.Inch $2.00 clotlis, special at SI, ID AND SEPARATE UNDERGARMENTS Om&ka Weraen Are Delighted With Oar Greater Varieties j i ' : Fashionable New Coatsf or Winter TUB J?EW.PILE FABRIO COATS an the favorites wherever the dictates of fatli fon are intelligeniU heidtd. These uonderfuUu dressy new coats are made in j IMte0UCttuim((c(on;ur ejjecis. The mojeis are practically a. I gracefully tf'lr draped. fs4lotinrthe lead or the extreme l'arts Jur nweltv coats. A snlendltl ffoupaf. ... . f ror hcw lota of flue Coats In the extremely pretty new models rJ of the 94 and draped Bd cutaway tilos. Materials are kL FeilaBas, imitation moleskin and rich allky plush. Lose, Warm Winter Coats at $15 Made In all tho new shapes andA- mm finished In the best of workmanship. Materials are those ellky plushetf.CI Persianas, boucles, chinchillas, etc qfM.Wjf The New Sports Coats Are As Clever and Practical As Can Be Kw colors and white boucle, Peralana. (in C sq rs Ann Chlnehllla I U I 0 ZZiOll na Z5 toar Ortp KWM Xtmonoa Pretty color i Th Hw Vtf Top 8Wrt New checks nmt rcrjr lull cut V r L. II . ati and ana finely finished those extreme waffle plaids; also (C QQ the new Scotch plaids special.. UiilO Specials in Drugs and Toilet Articles XorU riakham's Dewyonnd. rft U le.,.. 0 XteterlB, C4n U size bot. OwU reme SeHaar t size bottle. . XUaur1! Swamp Meet 11 lxe. eraaclat X a d acae rowwri t0c size IQT X eaiplt stock of 53c Iwaap 53c lead. ire 28o Tluto water ?.'!r.. 24o atloaa's Zdmiatati IVc size tor KerUok's Malk, tl at. Sakay 7Ec site for Duffy's Whiskey. II site. . tkeatrleal make-np 29o alalted 65c rood . 55c Xalt 59c NOTION SPECIALS 7. Xiaf S09 yard Tkread while or Mark- -worth 3c. II. pool . i.0 Seaert'a Sold Xye STeedlec, Sc Ml. crude fciD C x. Kaittiasr OeHea, white or tlck. apporta ..lo Collar t-ard at . I w&lle Oottoa Tap roll a at 10 Waab Trtmmlars. wortli to A 7,c. yd. .... CQ rant a Cards So kind, au at a0 t Ilrandi New Laces Ilrandeis Stores nro for Good Taste In lncos nnd Kmbrolderies. from the Famous Essex Mills at About 50c , $ This stroke of rare good fortune onabres you to buy tho garments you noed at prices that could not be possible nndctr any other circumstances. These garments are made of finest plain and fleeced Egyptian yarns, finely combed wool, silk and wool and Merino wool. All sizes are here for women and chil dren, and wo have divided All the Women's $1 Union Suits, 59c All Women's $1.39 Union Suits 75c Did You Get Your New Nemo Corset? Do not put it off too long! Now Is the bast time to select yours here. Wo urge you to have your corset fittod, so as to be sure you get tho right model for your Individual fig ure. Nemo corsets are designed on nyglonlc principles, and every stylo Is given exhaus tive tests, on. living models to Insure health ful support so necessary for comfort. As tho average woman lives in her corset two-thirds of the ttmo. corset comfort Is essential. With tho variety of models In Nemo corsets there la no need for discomfort. Model S12 Low bust with- long, straight hip lines, with 'lastlkop bands' at bottom of aklrC at sldea and back, which controls the figure be low the hip line, and gives the wearer grace and ease whether sitting or standing. $5 Model 513 An I deal corset for stout fl gurea. long over hip s-nd back, with lastlkop bundlet In front, which glvea support where needed low In bust and under arms, no crowding of the flesh above waist line, at 777 Other models from ..93.00 to 910.00 N'523 JANDLEL All the Women's $2 Union Suits,$1.19 Separate Garments All tho Women's Vesta and Panta from the big- purchase, worth up to QQ 50c, at : 31vC All tho Women's Tart Wool Vests nntl Pants, actually worth to $1.25, at 69c Atl Women's $2, 50 Untor Suits, $1. 50 Children's Underwear Union 59c All tho Children's nnd Roys' Mima nuwo to sen nt 91, will go at All tli Boys' Fleeced -Undergarment nuitle to- sell at 35c each will go at ., . , . 19c Scores of Misses' 59c Quality Fleeced Union.Suits, 39c Wo show new arrivals of silk ahadow, chantllly and point mallne. In black, white and cream. 18. 21 nnd Zi Inch flounclnBii, also 45 Inch allovera. The.' ife In pretty, dainty designs, with ' T . empire and scalloped edges. Ex- 1 "cepttonai values, woith up to r I 'ji.tS. special at"vard . We hare Juat received another gTonp of lacta. In elndlag IB and 84 Inch ahadovr nounctngs, Inch aUoTera, Point Teniae bands ml edges. lalaand faaer nets, eaotee "la white or cream color. Tery special for aCcjidayTper ydn Ut .77777777777777... bow at. Special Events Monday "' .ionuiir.ituHii WK1T. 3d Floor. Udtardaon'a or ttriln. rd St Armatroag's at Waah Bmbruldery RUka, all oolora, regular price 3 for 10c, at : skt-nis Be 4S and M-in. Fur WUta Xrlab Xilaen Ceatera Stamped In florul and conventional designs Valuea up tp tamped and Tinted r e s s e r Scarf a and Centers, In floral nl cross atltch dealgna - valuea up lo 60c . .15o Stamped Wight Dresses, Princess Hllpa, Skirts & Oomblnatlons, on extra fine nainsook, values to fl-iO, at ., 76c "Baby Doll" Shoes FOR WOMEN Mado with tassels, ex tremely low- heels, .but ton styles, handsurupl) finished, comfortable and ono of the most popular styles, In all sizes. Women's Xoyal Oak Shoes, lo vulue, plain or tip toes, patent lea ther or duil calf, with cloth or dull kid ton every size, tout below) " $Q48 Womiu Ulacl: aatln low heels, jet or atecl ornaments long silk laces, taaael ends (cut above) The New Overgaiter Shoe FOlt WOMKX"' Grey, navy blue, purple, wine and black, clotli top.. new concavo lioels, plain toes, very nobby and popular this season. (Beo cut at right). Attractive Rugs for Your Home VERY SPECIALLY PRICED ii 0x12 Seamless Wilton Itugs Values at . to SMITH AXMTNSTER RUGS 36x72 size desirable floral and ori ental patterns values to $4.50, at $2.98 $50.00, Monday, S37.85 0x12 Axnilnster and Velvet Itngs, excel lent patterns, worth to 127.60. S17.85 fieanile.vs Tapestrj' Hrusels Itiigs, 9xli size, $10-50 values t S13.98 527.50 Seamless Wliton Hurs 0x12 elze, at S22.50 LINOLEUM AT 39c 6-ft. wide linoleums in a wide vari ety of patterns values to 60c a yard; at, sq. yd 39c TWO BLANKET SPECIALS MONDAY S RSO- $U Strictly All AVool and Wool Filled lUankets, 83.08 Pair N'ery soft all wool sample blankets, full 11-4 size and weigh. 5 lbs. to pair, white, grey, tan and plaids while 300 pairs last, at $3.98 $1.50 Slugle Beacon Blanket at 08c Kach - Extra largo size, finished on both ends, very finest cotton blanket made, feels like finest wool; white, grey and tan special, at, MX f J w each m