Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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    Physician Gives Recipe
rOr liray flair
A Wcll.Kno, Hivslcl.u and Author
(Jives Simple Home Recipe T'at
Will Darken Gray Hair.
Dr. Stanton Burroughs, the well
known physician and author, recently
made the following statement: "Gray
hair can be easily darkened by the
following simple reclpo which you can
mix at home: To 7 or. of water add
a small box of Harbo Compound, 1 'oz.
bay rum and , ox. glycerine. Apply
It to the hair every other day until
the desired shade Is obtained. It not
only Is an excellent hair darkener but
at the Fame time removes dandruff and
other Ills of the scalp. I use It myself
and have no hesitancy In recommending'
It to my patients. These Ingredients can
be bought at any drug store at very
little cost"
Let Your
j Voice Bo the
Men of affairs are doinar
marvelous things with
their voices now-a-daye.
A long distance call
commands attention at
once and gets right to
the man you want.
Telephoning is the di
rect, dependable, personal
If the place you want is
on the map it is pretty
likely'' to be on the Bell
irrni polly
ii light and dur
able, and tweep
clean. Makes
because it requires
lets strength to do
better' sweeping.
Matte of selected soft-
tipped broom corn that
bends freely and springi
back into shape. Hn a
a iprincy action not found
Is ptttr b toon i. Stts hull
tbi!4xia'tk)!u(ilhchiD4i. Ctf
'- Vest eiocir Mill IW
unit riif.
flarrah ft Stewart Hit. Co.
Winter Blasts
in Your Store?
Papers Disarranged,
Olerks with Colds,
Patrons Disgusted
and Business Poor?
Use a
Revolving Door,
and Eliminate
This Trouble.
A standard pattern, collapsible
Ilotolvlng Door -solid 'oak,
heavy plate Klasa, with solid
brass push and kick plates.
The Bee Building Co.
Room 103.
Office For Rent
The large room on ground
floor of Bee Building, oc
cupied by the Havens.
White Coal Co.
Nice Farnam street front,
age. About 1,500 square
feet of floor space with
large vault. Extra en.
trance frpm court of the
Fine office fixtures are of.
fered for sale. Apply to
a. P. Feil, Bee office.
; Ask "Long Distance."
.' . NEBRASKA , ' I
j Many Spend Day at First Methodist
Md HftVC L"0" f Sp"Ch"-
Ideaa Incnlcatrd Into the MlniU or !
the Yonnrr Stndrnts nrriimr the
Fonndntlon of Their I'ti-nr-
AW I rare.
Those members of the Nebraska State
Teachers' association comprising teachers,
principals and superintendents that met
yesterday In the F.rst Methodist Kplsco
pal church spent a very pleasant. Inspir
ing day. ' There was a. session In tho
mornlrts;. with music and addresses and a
similar program In the afternoon.
O. T. Corson. e!dtor of the Ohio Kdu-.
catlonal Monthly, published at Columbus,
O, delivered a remarkably stronr address
on "Is the Public School a Failure" Ills
J remarks were chiefly directed to the de
structive criticisms aimed at public
"Ihotlc that whenever 1 hear a man
jflnd fault with a peraonof with an In-
Dtiiuuuii, no rare iy naa reaeonaDie rem
edies or suggestions to offer, Mr Corson
said, "and I notfftc also that the man
who most frequently
shouts his dleari
r of an 'Institution"
provai or a person or
knows the least of what he Is talklni
"A little more than 1S7 years ago some
statesmen decided that all men are born
equal," ho continued, - "and It Is la the
publlo schools where' this Is most evident,
It Is there that. Jeans rubs against broad
cloth In 1576 a great exposition was held
In Philadelphia It was realized that Aomo
history "had been made during the first
100 years of tho nation's existence lt'waa
also decided to let the rest of the nation
know these, facts And that Is how we
came to study history In. our schools
!! o the Tent-hern.
"After that, the great organisation, the
Women's Christian Temperance union,
succeeded In Introducing physiology In
public schools The students wcro taught
tho effect of liquor upon their systems,
as well aa the effect of tobacco The great
moral wave that Is right now sweeping
oer the country against the sale of
liquor Is traceable to the. silent endeavors
of the school teacher
"Once a staid old niagaalne that should
have known better printed an article by
a certain KiiRllshmaii, In which the Kng
llshman criticised the public school In a
very destructive manner. Now criticism
of tho fair and Just type is right, and
should be welcomed. I fancy the author
to wear a monocle. He had a one-ewed
view and what he saw was entirely too
much for his comprehension.
"Public schools are tho second best up
lift I know of for the nation. The home
I Rthe first. It Is necessary to have dla
clpllno In the school. Do you realize that
In the school Is where a surprising per
cent of boys and girls find the only place
where they have to obey somebody?
"There are not many bad boys really
bad boys. Tho most of them' are mis-1'
chlevlous. Tre wiggling little wild animal
Is given to the primary teacher to give
him the first rudiments In tho pursuit of
knowledge. Any study worth while is
hard. Many- want knowledge, but do not
care particularly .about making the re
quire 'deffort, The public school Is no
failure. It Js a. success and one of the
greatest thatl knowof,"
Itemedlea forT; TJrltnqur nc)-.
V. 1 Strickland oC Tecumsoh. iand W
W, Sloncr' of Yale spoke on practically
the same line of thought. "Some Causes
cf Delinquency" wa sably discussed, by
It. V. Clark of the -Kearney) Industrial
school, and the. topic of "Some Remedies
for Delinquency" was( well handled by H.
B. nf ad ford of the- School of Agriculture
at Lincoln , ,
It was pointed, out that an unclean
home Is often at the bottom of the case
when a boy loses interest In school work.
An a remedy, it was suggested that In
dustrial training be inoro widely Investi
gated and acted upon.
Husla was furnished by the Collegians,
a very' clever quartet with well' trained
After the speaking an election was held
A. H. Dlvon of Tekamar was elected
president of the Superintendents' and
Principals' association. E. C. Cowen of
Auburn was chosen vice president for
the ensuing year and Clare Mackln of
Nebraska City was re-elected secretary.
Two .members were elected for the Head
InB Circle board. They are E. W. Mar
cello of Crete, for a four-year term, and
J. II. Welch for a two-) ear term. Four
other members for
chose ntomorrow.
this circle will be
"Beat it. pernicious Influence" Is a
slangy slogan of the Nebraska Teachers'
association, which Is becoming all the
rage hre.
The remark primarily applied to the
bookdealers. and got to be in such com
mon use that now, as a Jest, the teachers
laughingly apply It to their friends.
If Constipated or
Bilious "Cascarets"
Ior Sick Headache, Hour Htomucli,
Sluggish Liver and Ilowcls They
work while yon sleep.
Get a ten-cent box.
Take a Cascaret tonight to cleanm
your Liver, Stomach and Bowels, und
you will surely feel great by morning.
You men and women who have head-
ache, coated tongue, can't sleep, are
' bilious, nervous, upset, bothered wJth
a sick, gassy, disordered stomach, or
havo baekaehe and feel all worn out.
Are you keeping Jour bowels clean
with Cascarets-or merely forcing a
passageway every few days with salts,
cathartic pills or castor oil?
Cascarets Immediately cleanse and
regulate the stomach, remove the sour,
undigested and fermenting food and
foul gases; take the excess bile from
the liver and carry off the constipated
waste matter and poison from th
Intestines, and bowels.
Remember, a Cascaret
straighten you out by
tonight will
ju-cem dox rrom your druggist means
healthy bowel action; a clear head and
cheerfulness for months. Don't forget
the children.
1 Mr. Wixslotv Root in so b.ur bt bcn
' tmmA turn ua T VV V K? A O J 1,.. W L.
, TCUTHINO. with hERl ECT 81'CCBE. It
! u t'f bt remedy for OIAfeRHQ. V Itub-'t
r,ow s fi-olh Svri.- tu- no other
l1 addressed the teachers
Kj5a -w
ssssssssssssm IsbsssssH 1
President Meiklejohn of Amherst
Says Many Hold Wrong View.
Jnatltntloim Arc Primnrllr for Snke
of Prepnrlnir Vounsr Men nnil
Women for Iho Mntu
Rlen In After l,lfr.
"Somo young people think they can en-
icr ii iiueriu couegc to play games uno
gei ineir names In tho papers, while
others' enter the liberal college because
they Imaglno there nre strong fratcnuu
orders there, but both kids nre mis
taken." said President Alexander Melkle.
John qf Amherst college, to a large gath
ering of tho Nebraska ijtnte Teachers
association in tho First Methodist Episco
pal church. "Tho liberal college Is not
for these concrete things. AVe ttempl
io icacn, aim i may say we succeed piettj
well at making It an Intellectual Institu
"There is nothing I like better than an
Intellectual fight," ho assured the crowd,
an intellectual ngni where each man
fights honestly and takes what la com
ing to him like a man. When you get
to tho bottom of thoe Intellectual flghti
you will find the fighters are seeking the
same point truth. And when you ar
rive at tho truth they shall have a bettci
answer to the point In question than
they had to begin with.
J n I'rrpnrnt Ion.
. "in our collcgo we teach preparation
jor human living. The average college
that has Its fraternities. Its games and
so on, sends Its graduates Into the world,
for the main part, thinking thero is noth
ing In Vfc except concreto objects. They
want to roHcn out and touch things and
see them or hear them, and they they be
hove In them. It Is surprising how many
graduates know so little of the art of
living, and how to think In an abstract
form. If I say tho people of Cambridge
live 'In Massachusetts, and the people
that live In Boston HVe In Massachusetts,
therefore the people whb live In Cain-
bridge live In Boston, why you would
say It Is silly. They havo seen Hoston
and Cambridge and they have seen Mas
sachusetts, and they know such a prob-
lem is silly, nut suppose I say A Is 11,
and so Is C, they havo nothing to say.
They have not learned to study In the
abstract form.
" o seek to tench the necessity of
thinking of tho moral, social, polltlcul
and religious conditions, and to think In
symbols and not In tho concrete sense."
.ltl-a Conference.
"The Keynote'- was tho subject chosen
by Pcbii H. 1,. Rouse of Peru Stato Nor
mal for his discussion Ho directed his
remarks to the principals, advising that
more time should he spent in each room,
and that conferences between the piinci.
pal and the teachers bo encouraged.
A. H. Waterhouse of Fremont spoke on
"A Test of Teaching ' and pointed out
the necessity of developing mental and
physical training' of the students. lie
said It Is impossible to say what a child
may develop Into, or Into what Uno f
endeavor the child may delight In by his
showing in tho school roomr "Good teach
ing and careful Instruction will bring out
his stronger inclinations," he said, "and
that Is tho test of teaching"
Continued from Page One.)
and Hltlioiigh she has had nothing to say
as to whethrshe is a candidate or not,
many votes are going' her way, and
many are boosting for hrr.
Vntra fr MUa Mcllimli.
The4Kate Mcltugh lobby Is still busy
handing out their cards asking teachers
to vote for Miss Atclliigh. Her vote. It
Is predicted, will be very eavy. Tho
woman's lobby boosting for her has di
vided Into two platoons. One worked In
the outer lobby at the Home hotel to
catch every teacher that entered, while
another bunch worked at the entrance
to the election booths, where all teachers
had to pnss to gel to the ballot box.
Fred Hunter, superintendent-of the Lin
coln schools, has arrived, and was very
Innocent whan he talked over the situa
tion with those who were anxious to
know w litre he stood. It had been ru-,
mored that Lincoln would run lilm us a
candidate, hut he flatly denied this.
"I am assuredly not a candidate," he
said. 'I am not looking for the office.
land '1o not want lo Mtlnto this." Hun-
morning. Ajlr WB" rreeiy rnargeu last winter with
naming a nana in tne enrollment muddle
at the hands of the Lincoln Commercial
club, when the iluh was anxious to get
a large Lincoln vote to draw the conven
tion to that city.
The big Linaoln delegation Is ta arrive
In Omaha this morning on a spec's! train.
The A. O. Thomas men are pushing l?u
letlnlendent It IX Motitz of lied t'lond
lit k houl for exer iilvc rnnvnltte mem
rr fioni the Klflh rongrr s'nnal dls-
lift si,, I i'I. r.. ra.
1 1 1, n r f- r r Miiire-
74 tu.4 (ill vox am fml nnc t.i rct.iii
ills' lin' i note in rjrt it tiemantfitt price a
tcomcr uUu W.
Women's $179 Winter
Oood, warm Coats, mad In the season's
newest materials. All slzas for women
mis sos. A wide varlstjr of nsw sty Us
Choose from these nw rettlcoats
Thursday; black and nil color.
uallyworth J2.50 each. 640
Bllent" values, at.,1.. ."..J,""
Wonderful Sale of Elegant New
Hundreds of bead bags
in newest stylos nnd
shapes, exquisite do
signs. Made to sell at
$4 nud $0 Thursday,
main floor
Mackinaw Coats
Worth $5 at $3.65"
Rod and ninck Overplald.
nine und Ulnck Overplald.
Drown and Dlack Overplald.
Grey Mixtures.
All hIzos 7 to 16 years
made with new shawl collar
on the Norfolk model. Regu
lar $5 Boys' Mackinaw's
rrame the now pic;urr for
your boms In the famous "Ait
Craft GUIld" frames. They
rflve the richest appearance to
pictures and the expense is no
morn than tho ordinary frames
I'lntura and 'Training Dept.,
Thlid Floor.
clonal district and Superintendent A H
Dixon of Tekaniah city schools from thq
Third district. These men are all well
known school men of the anti-ring type.
The candidacy of Mrn. Alice Klorer of
York for the presidency of tho association
la meeting with much favorable comment
all through the Houtheastern and central
part of the state, Ako some of tho other
strong candidates. Miss Klorer declines to
take the Initiative.
Her well known work as county super
intendent of York county makes her a
favorite with the rank and file of the
common teachers.
Visiting teachers to the state Uachcis
contention will not lose their way at any
time while In Omaha, according to C K
Iteed of the high school, who Is In charge
of the guides who will direct the sti an
gers from the depots to the hotels and
private homes In the city where they will
stop during their vuu here. .
upwarun 01 fiiKiii) caueis at llie school
have volunteered ' their services to the"
association for Vedneda. Thursday and
Krlday, and will be detailed as guides to
the three depots, the Itonio hotel, which '
ll bo the ronMntlon headuuarfers an
ii ring last 'ear's convention, and tti'
Voung Men's Chrlft'an association, t k
general liiformatlon bureau of thi ton
r t n n' ni'ier cf high srinm' gir's
W'.l a o a It. '.,Ji and u.-hvri at rae
Special Purchase
In All Sixes for Women nnil ."Misses.
Wo bought tho overstock of a New York
Jobber, who specialized In women's dresaot
of the hlghcnt diameter and most elegant
Mescalines, Chiffon, Velvets, Crepes,
Meteors nnd other mntcrlnU of
fashionable .cnve mid texture.
Kvcnlng Gownt-, Dancing Frocks, Ilrldgo
Frocks, Party Dresses7 Laco wZlstKffoctsT
Draped Costumes, Silk Snsh and TTuVlo" Pleated
Tunic ideas. Every one a stunning" now BtyleT
on Second
Coats M
l'opulnr Furs In well matched sets, the new
est shape in scarfs and muffs. Ilemarkablv
good variety to vhotiso from I ( to OC
at these modest prices.... I U
Now la Just the woather to uso
them. Tho now stylos with tho now
collnr effects, nil colors,
clover Ideas, worth up
to $.1.50, u
Women's $1:00 Union Suits at 69c
Hundreds of Union Suits In all sixes, for women and misses, ns
well as some extra slses for women all Ion sleeves and ankln CQ
length. cotton suits, some with light fleecing. They are regularly 07C
worth $1.00 each Thursday, Main Floor, at. each. ...W,
$2 SILK and WOOL
N"" r.r'vla In fine quality silk and
everywhere at $2.00.
r-uiim mo iow
11 ,
RlaClV,Ioork'nM elboW lo,,K,,, alecves
Munsing Union Suits for Women, $1 to $2.50
2!.l?ni' ,,0,.Rn.,, t"ri ?! "lt In various nnd weights Munsing
nimiev rnV?h..vB e ,""1, w,,"rl"" " bst fitting underwear that
I nurniay Wn offer wnmrn's Hhn.i In ,.n
leather, fine kldskln leather In dull or blight finish, vi ve L-ln fart
H.hrfPfU5iU.,l,r ,lt,.'C.r .'" lnc,,"!et' Tl ''' all niw-nobby lCngl
i.V0,i. ,r"J5 u lar," .r mitt.n "Die. Mnde by the most
iJ . ul Z i . m"g nnn an are remnrkab o vi
1'laln or tipped toesi all sites and widths On our Main Klo6r.
Importer's Stock
2,000 Prime
That are worth $2.60, $3.00 and
Irur8klns for Collars and Cuffs
Kur Skins for Trimming" Dresses
Kur Bklna for Trimming Coats
Vur Hkiis for Making Hats
Kur .Skins for Making Muffs
Kur Hklns for Making Hcarfs
Tho new Kitch color
nyffl. 1:1.00. m " :
jt 1 "
t Rroadtall or Unborn
i. nt only
Natural Mink Skins,
$3.00 (Jonulne White Weasel Skins
and Coney Skins
ineetlnKH of the convention, "whloh will
lie held at tho high school building,
Key to the Situation Uce dvertislng.
"Don't Mope"
just because your ap
petite is poor, the di-
1 gefition weak and tho bowels
constipated. What you need
just now is a short course of
It tones and strengthens the
"inner man" and helps vou
back to perfect licalth
and happiness. But
he positive vou get
Results in This
up to
Theeo warm, serviceable gowns
tro cut full nnd nmplo and nro
mode for good, long aorvlce. ff
A Rpoclal lot at a special prlco 1
wool suits that sell regularly 1 l"
necK anil sietveiess; home with
. ... . - - . . .
- ..sneclal, Thursd'uy, on our JL
and $5 SHOES, $3ig
Beaded Bags in
Fur Skins
$.1.50 Thoy are just (he kind you seek.
It Is a truly wonderful op
portunity. lnadepoaslble only by
the unusual market, conditions. Wi
bongnt thtm atlssa than Import,
er's cost All are nw, prime and
perfect skins and splendid variety.
Opossum skins, worth
' v
ox. If u
Lambskins, wortli$J3,
worth $3, at.
Often Bold for ermine - nn
-vr,,cu nuiu iui ermine Sx 00
Iklns. Molo t Hudson Seal Skins, worth $3.50 and
$i.ooar.G":.1:,,n.H $1 .00
At the National Dairy Show, held in Chicago
October 27 to November , which was participated in
by 551 creameries from twenty-three states, "IDLE
WILD BUTTER scored higher than 47G creameries.
. The score 85 out of a possible 100
Oiily five creameries scored a trifle higher. As a
result "Idlewild, Butter" leads the following states:
Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Indiana,
Virginia, North Carolina. North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas,
Montana, Oregon, OklahomaMissouri, Arizona and Colorado!
David Cole Creamery Company
ROOMS The Best Variety. The Bee classified pages
carry advertisements of the best rooms and apartments for
rent in the city. Phono your ud to Tyler 1000t
H rismsa rtiAt nuns: I
ZH Arc Hrqcd to avail thtmstlvct of the many
advantages thit f tore offer. A tpe
Wbm dal room on our third Jlwr lias btenfilte I I
hrifl VP txprcly for the contentence 0 tenth-
fit a ynr diinosal.
$i Ifrtor Women's Coats Worth $25
I rfe Thsss ooats hars all th smart appearance
M WW of hlrh cost coats and aU tha good tailoring
itnd servlosabl wear of newest 28 modtls.
The pretty new stylos that the best
Pressed women are choosing for dress
or for wear with
tailored CdCfi
suits; 5 to $6 alues, at,
Thousaiuls of Nuy York importers'
snjnplejisiulkci chiefs In all pure
linenmost of them nre hand em
brolderedlna variety ofdalnty
linen handkerchiefs. In iTVegulnr
way they houli'l"seU""n' tTmt
2Cu, 35c and even iOo L1
each special nt, each..
Latest Shapes
Immenso vnrloty of ex-
tromo novelties In
bond bags, beautifully
niado, rich designs In
colored nnd black
beads. Mnde to sell at
$0 and $8 Main floor
Hair Goods
$5.00 Switclios, aplondid
quality long hair
special yut'icO
ipn Trnnsformu. dJ AC
tlons at )
$ Hair 1-7 r-
Hn-itchesnt OC
Manicuring and Hair Dress
ing h specialty.
Scores higher than
nearly every other
butter in the
United States