TIIK BKE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1913. Society. By MELLIFIOIA. -HE new "Lampshade" gown designed by Paul Polret for the musical I comedy, "Lo Minaret." In Paris, has become the rago on two contl-l nents, and now milady's wardrobe is not complete without n Minaret gown. Tho popularity of this now design has made stylo forecasters think seriously of the hoop Bklrts, but whllo the tunics aro wired, they do not In tho least resemble the hoop skirts of our grandmothers' time. Tho tunics aro short and resemble a dainty lamp Bhade; tho tunic Is usually lace or chiffon, on which aro roses or crystal fringe, or an edging of fur. Tho lower part of tho skirt 1b usually qulto plain and made of char tncusc, and the bodice mostly of tulle nnd shadow lace. One of tho first Minaret gowns seen In Omaha was a shell pink cos tume worn by Mlsa Frances Nash. It was an original Polret model. Tho Minaret tunic was composed of several rows of dainty tulle. At tho dinner dance at tho Omaha Stewart 2d woro a beautiful costume. Tho skirt was of palo charmeuso with lamp shado tunic of tullo and laco, wired and edged with a band of white ermlno fur. Miss Lynn Curtis woro a becoming blue costumo with tho wired tunic of whtto shadow lace. . At ono of tho social-affairs-last week Mbb Carolyn Congdon woro a dancing frock with wired tunic of laco edged with fur. Miss LucIIo Schraub ttadtcr of St Louis, who Is'ono of tho popular guests In Omaha, has a cos tume of 'red charmensc, with lamp shado tunic of chiffon wired, and edged w ith black fox fur. House Warming.- Mr. and 3Ir. Louis Sommer. who have moved Into their new home at 1003 Cup. , Itol avenue. Dundee, gfive n. house warm ing when thorc present were: Sir. and Mr. David dross. . ' Mr. and Mrs. David Harding. Mr. and Mm. Homuel Bommer. Mr. nnd Mrs. Maurice Newman. Mr. and Mrs. T. Bonimrr. Mr. and Mrs. t. Newman. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hplrgel. Mr. and Mrs. T. Ofuck. . Mr. nd Mra. T. Hoscnthal Mr. rtnd Mra. J. J. Blnger. Mr. and Mrs. David Newman. ' Mr. and Mra. Max Newman. ' Mr. and Mra. IjOuIh Newman. ' V. -Mr. and Mra.-David Wells. Mr. and Mra. Hamuel Friedman. ' ' Mr. and Mra. Jtillua Zimmerman. Mrs. Fannie .Newrrian. Mra. Charles lngcr. I - Mri.Hcnry Newman. Mra. n, Simon. ' Misses Misses Annie Aaronrldi. Sadie Newman, Ttuth Newman. Hannah Sommer. Kather Newman, Messrs. Messrs. Maurice noaenblath, Harry Sommer, Julliia Newman, Herman Rosenbluin. The ushers of the "Wood-Stevens wed ding; party will entertain at an Orphoum party this evening; for Mlsa Stevens and Mr. Wood. After the theater they will I Keep and enhance your personal beauty Keep and enhance your personal beauty First of all maintain your good health which means to a large extent the proper digestion of the food you eat. The surest way is to safeguard your teeth by pood Teethkeepin& Visit your dentist at least twice a year. Keep your teeth In good condition by the habitual night and morning use of r.Lyaifs perfect Tooth Powder Tho Standard Denltfrio, prepared for ntarly half a etutmry by a Doctor of Dental Sargtry Prevents the formation of tartar and the beginning of ueuiy. weanwa ay narmieas yet tnorougn polishing the safe way. Its use keeps the mouth fresh and wholesome and the breath naturally fragrant. Teach your children to use Dr. Lyon's night and morning. Eipecially at night. The habit of good teethkeeping safeguards the teeth today and during all the years to follow. Are you readliig- Dr. Lyon'a tnarulne advecrtlseinentsT What Dr. LyeVa Im Bet do enlr your destiit it competent Sold Everywhere Which Milk? Fircf .vnil uanf a m,,k th&t absoultely clean. 1 Hl, yUU WAUL Alamlto Milk contains no sedi ment. Call for a freo sample at any time to prove this . assertion. 5wrnnfl vmi wsnf a rauk thnt ,s r,ch and- u' tJCUUUU yOU Waill form. There is a nice, rich, creamy cream line on every bottle of our milk. Enough cream can bo poured from a quart bottle of our milk for the table use of a Email family. I af Villf nnf 1m f ou vant a m,lk tbat Is ab JUUL. DUl not ICilSt solutely safe. There la no longer any question among authorities as to what consti tutes a safe milk good, clean milk In the first place prop erly sterilized. We believe you will agree Iff aboVe" sons, and many more we could give, you should use Ala mlto Pasteurized Milk. All leading grocers handle it li?"; our wagons. ALAMITO mm ; Monday, November 3, 1913. club Friday evening Mrs. Ji T.l have.aupper at tho Omaha club. Those present will be: "if Is sos Dorothy Rtevens Louise DlnnlnK. Mildred nutter, Messrs. Heri Wood, Mobert Wood, lien Gallagher. Misses Katherlne 'Heeon, Mary Htrarns of Denver. Messrs. Wlllftrd Hutler, Raymond, I.ow. , Mr. and Mrs. Dnnlse BarkHlow At the Orpheum. Mrs. Qiiy Cox was liorU-wi at an Or pheum party this afternoon In honor of MUs Mar)- III ng wait, who wilt bo a November bride. Klght guests wero present. Pleasures Fast. Members of the A-genee Card club were entertained by Mlsu Nora nnd Miss Ileba Kennedy Thuisdoy evening. Prizes wero awarded to Miss, Itattle Weinberg, Miss Winifred Farmer. Mr. Ilert Perry and Dr. Peterson. Tho. nttxt meeting will be No vember 13, when the Misses Steinberg will be hostesses for the club. At the Country Club. The members of the Omaha Junior club Rave an enjoyable dancing party Saturday evening; at the Country club, to do. This tins the 'losing event at the club this stfteon. Those present were. Misses. Misses: Hose Hmytli fStigenle Patterson Marlon McUray Prance Hochstetler Mary Sheets Greta Lane Msry Uurkley Dorothy Morgan Melom Davis Hlltabeth nckens flllzabeth Davis Louise Dinning Knthrlne Heeson Marian Kuhn niadys Peters Dorothy Stevens Ann, Clifford Marguerite llusch Marjory Howland Helen Epcneter Mildred Butler Messrs. Messrs. llobert Hum Paul Gallagher Culhbert Potter Italph Teters Gerald Wharton Heed Pctera Drexel filbernson llobert BtoUt Clarence; 8Hernson Fred lougherty Jack Webster lOdward Murphy Oerrlt Fort Koger Keellne John Caldwell Wlllard Putter llarrv Koch Hen Wool Frank Frederick Al Husch lieu Gallagher I.eon Callahan At the Dietz Club. The Dlctx club gave a Hallowe'en party Friday evening at their club house on Carter lake. Those present were: Misses Misses Helen Orndy, Irene Hlgbee, Ncttlo Sohooley, Bdna Hume. Grrtrudo Gruenlng, Adeline Wykoff, Elizabeth McMullen, Dora Hearmann, Judith Palm, Florence Woodholl, Mabel Whitney, Georgia Klsley, Muriel Jefferles. Ikrtha Merz. Dr. Hayes Gsanter, Odette Jackson, Nellie Kemp, lvcnrns. Messrs Messrs Freeman Uradford , Marie Kunr, Percy Gwynne, Clarence Hall, Dr. N. II. Attwood, L. W. Knight, Dr. F. C. Lage, C. F. Bwancutt. H. J. Kuhn. G. 12. Batty. N. C. Mann, llobert Shields, Frank Hpellman, Al Keelstrom, Edward Stroud, Kd Iafferty, K. K. Rlsenhart, FA Hawley, I, . K. Johnson, A. G. Uluufuss. Mr. and Mrs. B, J. Kuhn, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Veldman, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Anderson, Mr. nnd Mrs. F.dward Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nestlebush. Mr. and Mrs. Harlow Myers. Keys-Westgate Wedding. The wedding of Miss Blanche Westgate, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. n. 13. West gate, CliHrlea street, to Mr. Bernard J. Keys of Worland, Wyo., was quietly solemnized Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Tho Jiome was beautifully decorated with palms and ferns, carnations nnd roses. To the strains of Mendelssohn's wed. ding mnrch, plard by Miss Cecil Lyon of Umaha, the bride and groom, preceded by llttlo Miss Evolyn Westgate as flower girl, took their plncca beneath an arbor of ferns. Hev, Nathaniel McOlffln of the !.owo Avenue Piesbytcrlau church of ficiated. Immediately following the ceremony, Mr. and Mis. Keys left for their new home lu Worland. Tho guests were. Mr. and Mrs. 8. If. Westgnte nnd Mr. and Mrs. M, P. Hears of Clarks, Neb.; Mrs. J, T. McLean of Central City. Neb.; Mrs. I. N. Allen nnd Mrs. a. G. McrokKln of Oak, Neb.; Mra. W. U Keys of Newcastle, Wyo.; Mr, and Mrs, George Brown of Council Bluffs; Mr and Mrs. 8. K. Wlall, Mr. nnd Mrs. Nathaniel McOlffln, Miss Cecil Lyon and Miss Ora Johnson. Harris-Heath Wedding. The wedding of Miss Mona Heath, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. James Heath, to Henry Harris, took place Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock nt the residence of the officiating clergyman, Ilovi It. L. Wheeler, They were attended by Mr, and Mrs. O. T, Bherrllt. Mr. and Mrs. Harris will reside at 2303 Vinton street. For Flattsmouth Quests. Mrs. T, L. Kimball nnd Mlsa Kimball entertained delightfully at nn Informal 1 tea Saturday afternoon at -their home In! honor of several guests from Plattsmouth, Including Mrs. George E. Dovey and and threo of hor daughters. Miss Kath rlne Dovey, Mrs. Oeorgn Fault'er and Mrs. R. E. Patterson and for Mrs. White and her daughter, Mrs. Halter. About eighteen guesta yere presont Following tho ten, they lad dinner at the new Hamilton with Mrs. George Ifoldrege, Miss Lecta Holdrego and Dr. and Mrs. II. II. Holllster and Mr. Jack Faulter of Flattsmouth. The guests motored home Saturday evening. Informal Bridge, Mrs. J. A. C. Kennedy was hostess at an Informal nftemoon of bridge today at her home for Mrs. Witter, guest of her sister, Mrs. William J. Coad. Two tables of players were present. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Miss Luclte Gross of Chicago Is visit ing Mlsa Annette Bernstein. Mrs. J, Lleberman of New York Is lsltlng her aunt, Mrs. A. Hene. Webster Says He Guesses He Will Pay Up His Taxes John I Webster, employed by the Olnaha Water board at a salary of 15,000 a year, Is about to pay more than t3,K)0 delinquent taxea on hla fine home at 51S South Twenty-fifth avenue. Within hear ing of a reporter he told Treasurer Ure at the court ho.tise that he guessed he'd have to pay, but Indicated that he might not dig up all at once. Mr. Webster's delinquent taxes on his residence data to 1904, the date of the last scavenger sale. The property has been Included In previous tax sales, but no purchaser baa come forward. Treas urer Ure this year Is announcing his In tention to Invoke the previous unenforced mortgage foreclosure law and it is this prospect which Mr. Webster Indicated would compel him to pay up. Lauds outside the city limits In Doug las county and also property within the original plat of Omaha were offered for sale for taxes yesterday and numerous pieces were sold. Treasurer L're la taking pains to comply with the stautes In order that there may be no hitch In en forcement of the mortgage foreclosure law niter this sale Is completed. FINGER BOWLS ARE NOW BARRED BY ORDINANCE An ordinance prohibiting the use of finger bowls In hotels and restaurants was passed by the city commission with a vote of sis to one, Dan B. Butler voting against it The ordinance was not discussed. Would Slake Tbem lletter If They Conld. The makers of Folsy Kidney Pills know that they have absolutely the best com bination of curative and healing medicines for kidney and bladder ailments and uri nary Irregularities that It la possible to produce. Mrs. O. Palmer, OS Willow street, Greeh Bay. Wis . as seriously III with kidney and bladder trouble. Mr Paluur writes: "My wife Is rapidly re covering her health and strength, due ,Mlely to the use of Foley Kidney Pills." lou cannot taicc tnem into your system without good results. Kor sale by all uealers. Advertisement I LACY PROTESTS DISCHARGE Appears Before City Commissioners Without Much Avail. DENIES M'GOVERN'S POWER Asserts thnt He Win Ilrnponxlhle to the Kntlrp Commission nml thnt MrfJoTfrn nxrrrilrd Author ity In Flrlnjr Him. M. J. Lacy, discharged chief field en gineer of the city engineering department, appeared before the city com mis." Ion to protest against his discharge and demand a hearing. He said he had been employed by the commission and could not be fired by Thomas McOovern. the Head of the department, wjthout a hearing before the ccunclt. The council placed Lncy's formal letter on fllo nnd let the matter rest. , Commissioner McOovern. answering Lacy's declaration that he had not worked for outside contractors during McGovcrn's term of office, said he had not so charged, but had said to report ers that he had found Lacy In Hugh Murphy's office. McOovern said Lacy had refused to work and had not signed his "tlmo checks" as required. Lacy charged McOovern with attempt ing to force him to complain against other employes of the city engineering de partment. Ho said: "McOovern said I was In charge of the men and If I didn't make them work he'd put somebody over them who would." In a statement to the commission Mc Govem said he had found Lacy and three other men loafing In the shade when they should have been working. He recalled several dates during tho last two years when Ivicy, he declared; had refused to work. Lacy said: "It these are to be the charges against me I want to answer them. When I am given that opportunity I will make a full explanation. I defy Mr. McOovern to permit mo to tell why I was loafing In tho shade August 19." It Is probablo the city commission will take no further action In the matter. Lncy may force a fuller-Hearing. He said tho morning Investigation had shown that he was discharged without good cause. First Cousins Are Unable to Get Along and Ask for Divorce I'erry and Dottle Itales. first cousins, who eloped and were married In Ne brnka City, August IS, 1905, when tho girl wna 18 years old nnd hor husband 26, found It Impossible to live together hap pily and told of their troubles In a con tested divorce suit. Judge Troup took the ease under advisement to consider the best Interests of Mr. and Mrs. Bales' 6-year-old son. According to the evidence the young couple had known each other from child- For supper a child. .Sou KNWWY r Make your gas range bright and clean with the helper that digs in where the hand can't GOLD DUST A household necessity that is a real 'luxury. It cleans and purifies everything'. 5c and larger packages, CHICAOO lm ajai a outr roasur -J Here is a Chance for Some Girl to Help a Fellow Out Come on, you girls. Here's a loose male walling to be somebody's husband, and he'll be worth just 150.000 on the day thnt you take- him for better or worse. Fred W. Anheuser, city prosecutor, t?y the terms of the will of the lato Adolphus Bunch, whose burial last week In Ft Louis meant the division of an estate valued at something like J125,O0O,OOO, was remembered along with several scoro other relatives nnd organizations, wilt re ctlve $30,00) on the day he Is married, nro vlded the nuptials occur within two years, And If he Is not married at the end cf that time he gets J100. Just give Mr. Anheuser the "once over" girls. Not such a bad looking fellow, tfi, considering tho fifty thou? Anheuser Is a blood relative of tb late millionaire brewer and was one of his favorites. Just before he died, he told his attorneys: "I'm going to remember Fred because he has made hta way un nlded. But he's joung yet and I want to see him settle down. So If he gets married Inside of two years I'll fix a comfortable Income for him. If he has not sense enough to settle down within the next two yeara, he don't get any of my money." He made hla words good In the will, which was filed for probate last week. "Oee whir," exclaimed Anheuser, who Is only 28, "I just have to hunt me up a female now. Just my luck. Here I'm happy and everything's serene and nice when this happens to me. I don't know any girls." Anheuser Is partial to blondes, providing hood and when Mrs. Bales- parents re fused to let her marry him, they eloped. Bbe Is pretty and, according to a letter written by her Introduced In evidence, she thought she wan too young to stay at homo all the time. She accuse him of falling to support her and of drinking. , The husband asserted that his salary of from 114 to 116 a week was not enough to buy her aa many dress ea as his wife wanted and that she s'apped him an refused to cook his meals. lie testified that he worked regularly and denied that he drank to excess. Judge Troup hinted that he would grant the wife a divorce on her croea-petltlon, merely because she was dissatisfied with her matrimonial experiment. NEGRO WANTED FOR MURDER OF MINE FOREMAN ARRESTED James Munroe, colored, allan EHck Dickinson, was arrested by Detectives Dunn and Klnnelly on Information fur nished the department to the effect that ho Is wanted at .Danville, HI., Yor mur der. Munroe Is said to have shot and killed the foreman of the coal mines In that cltv during the winter of 1910. 'The negro who "snitched" on the wanted jnan will receive 1300 as a rewnrd for his In formation. Chief Moloney refuses to di vulge his name. Tim Invigorating as the rising sun The morning mental fog, dullness, sleepiness and "grouch" are dispelled and your appetite awakened by one cup of refreshing, stimulating TONE'S Old Golden Its smooth, warming goodness penetrates you through and through. Gives you vim ana vigor snap and "go." Makes the whole day brighter and cheerier. delicious. Lets you sleep like Good grocer sell it Try one package. TONE BROS., Des Moine., Iowa MISmn of tho famoai Ton Broi. Spicti B NsWl!MaEsH iaiaiaiaWr 'flaflHPisiHH FRED ANHKUSEH. they are not too familiar with peroxide. However, brunettes need not feel back ward cither. The handsome yoUng city prosecutor Is In desperate straits, and ho may not prove particular. "Docs she have to be a good cook," An heuser was asked. "She docs not, and spell It with a capi tal!" emphatically answered Anheuser. "If I make the riffle ,that torn; string of Iron men wilt buy a lot of meal tickets at the Boston I.unch." . ( Druesedow Believes City Should Be Made to Buy Auditorium "I wns greatly pleased to see In The Beo the statement of n business man on the proposed purchase of the Auditorium by the city," said State licprescntatlve Itobert C. Druesedowt "Personalty, 'I be lieve the city commissioners should be mandnmused to compel them to call an election to submit the proposition' of Its purchaso to the people. The city should have It, and It they don't get It they will never bo able to build an auditorium like It for the money. The ground space simply isn't to bo had In a desirable lo cation In the city except for enormous prices." Mr. Druesedow saya he fought hard on the floor of the house for the bill giving Omaha power to vote bonds for Its pur chase, and saya he did so only after making an' Investigation of the situation. A llrenk for Llbertr from stomach, liver and kidney trouble Is made when a 25c box of Dr. King's New' Life Pills is bought. Why suffer? For salo by your druggist. Advertise ment. 9f Unci Bam say at "ksep olsaa with tndlrldual iowala." Ths federal buildings are now to supplied. Our sanitary towel case Is the last word In towel service. The towels are kept, In a conven ient closed case When used, tbey slide out n slgiit In the box belo v Cannot be lost or thrown about o" used for other pur poses. The cost la very small Let us give you the price Omaha Towel Supply 307 So. 11th St. Fhoas doo. aaa. ClBaaBBKABI al HI? Motorists Always take alone it box of ARMOUR'S BOUILLON CUBES. The fresh nir makes you hungry and delicious bouillon can lie made in nn instant by drop ping a cube in a cup of hot water. Uefreshinjc, . Stimulating1, Satisfy ing. Try It and see. .XII Orocrrt and Dr veUU. Tm Tn. SawiM. A J W Aim a 4 Comraar. Okr Good, lb the Last lice WRen Made Witt" Calumet pastry is ffoodto look at, good to eah Al4jar light, fluffy tender - rd .wbole some. Calumet Is the . one balnff powder that is high In quality and moderate in price. RECEIVED HIGHEST AWARDS' ' Wtril' Pen rJ EipmUms. CUuf. IB. ruts txswtUts, Frtact, Muck. If 12 ftvtfL CHCf Nadine Face Powder ( lm (rrm Bomts Only ) Makes The Complexion Beautiful Soft and Velvety IT is PURE IIARMLBSS Monty Back if No( Entirely Pltued The toft, velvety appearance re mains until pow der is washed off. Purified by a new process. Prevent! sunburn and return of discoloration! I The increasing popularity is wonderful. White, Flesh, Pink, Brunette. B toilet counters or mail. Price 50 cents, NATIONAL TOILER COMPANY", ParU. Tn For fialo by Urandels Drug depart mcnt, Beaton Drug Co. and others. Oilice For Rent The large room on ground floor of Bee Building, oc cupiedsby the Havens White Coal Co. Nice Farnam street front age. About 1,500 square feet of floor space with large vault. Extra en. trance from court of the building. Fine office fixtures are of. fered for sale. Apply to N. P. Feil, Bee office.