Yes, Indeed; 1 UVi III ID --Ml mm a - i ncUKX nJi X D6UPWC v.... ' RtsftiJ" u., "f(6RLX HAVING fQR. ROORKE IS AFTER MEETING Victor Parrish Will Accompany Him to Columbus to Secure It. XOURXE IS TO BE MARRIED lie Will Look for New rlny era and Also Arrange a Train. In Camp for tb Unmltn Rail Tram. Pa Ronrke, owner ot the Omaha base i . mil emu, -leaves tnursaay nignt nr niraico. wnere ne win ntiend the on iinl mrellng of the tern leaglle, and from there will to to rolumbua to attend tlje meettni; of the National Aimoclntlon of Profeaslonal IS use Ball league. Mr ifourke "Will be accompanied by JJIm Mary Jll). to whom he will be married be fre he leave. A atrong effort wt be made by Mr. Tlourke to land the ISM meeting ot the alsoclatlon (or Omaha. K. V. Parrlah, manager of the bureau of publicity ot tno Omaha Commercial club, will go to Oolumhui and aid Itourke In aeourlng the meeting. Iat year Omaha made an at I fampt for thla year, but fell ahort by two ibtea. Mr. Kourktj will alio do a lot ot work In rejuvenating the Omaha team. H la hl Intention to land aeveral big players for next year'a tram. He taya lie will tirade or nell every flayer on hla present team If It la necesiary to get'a real live clpb for ne:t ceaeon. The training camp for the Ttourkea next eeaeon will In all . probability be settled : Ht the meeting In Columbua Uur, llourkti U atronrly contemplating taking his club W Ban Antonio, Tex'.', yhero ;Charle tJarr, former lndlanatotl manager, ha a. ftarted a college for bae ball ynungstera and who. wUl have alxtitn ball parka all filled out by next spring. Mr. Cnrr haa aked Ttourk') to bring hla team there. A hotl wilt be erected especially for HU players, where they will be housed for I1G0 tcr day eaoli. It Is Understood that several major league clubs wilt also train at this camp. Hawkeyes Expeot Big Battle from Hoosiers lWA C1TT, Jo., Nov. L-(8pec,lat.)-Dlstanca prevented the local management ffom sending a scout tojrlew the Indiana Ohio gome- Saturday and, as a result, tho Icwa coaches have nd Idea as to what to expect from the Hoosiers when thoy tcrrts to Iowa field next Saturday. Tim n.en were warned at today's practice that they must expect a terrific battle with the visitors. In which Iowa speed and re soufcefulnesa wilt have to offset the greater weight and strength of the In Clanant. As the locals have li6t had a game since tiriy! Blood Fret of Impurities TP . fnmS Ions Tii,, -" OMfJ Atmf, leiicr, JUah, Pimple, Carbuncle, Boils Banished! It, Is certainly remarkable how quickly ' tbe action ot S. 8. 8.. the Jsmous blood purifier, shows Rself In the sktn. There Is one Ingredient in 8. S. 8. .which peculiarly stimulates cellular or glandular activity to select from the blood, or from the fine network ot blood vessels in tbe skin, those elments which it requires tor regeneration. . Thus pimples, acne, ectema. lunus. or an)" other blood condition that attacks the kl or seeks an outlet through the skin is met with the antidotal ettect ot B,AB. Thla Is why akin troublea vanish so readily and why tbey do not return. Un- ucr-ios umucnw m a. a. o. mis one ne. work of blood vessels In tbe skin is con- atanjly sleeting from the blood the nutri tion required for healthy tissue, and the cause of disease Is Just as constantly be ing removed, scattered and rendered barmleas. It la a great mistake to rely upon ca thartics to cure pimples or other facial eruptions, Not only do cathartics causa chronic constipation, but they thin tho Mfpd of Us valuable and essential pre servatives. TTeu will be surprised and delighted at tha quick change If you will use 8. 8. B. the. famous blood purifier. Its action In i h ftkln ( ntllt wnmHiinit TV.... f..t. arc moat fullr cxclalnd In a book on I troubles sent by the Bwlft BDeelfla Cu til Bwlft Bldk- Atlanta. Ga. You mM ted 8. 8. 8. on sale at aU drug stores. tut m. feAttfo tnriiv nnA tuni.h n .bin , iiiiirtWns ..v- e. a a a ... . ..T"" ; -.X 7T..H - trick of trying to sell rata y jmm lie. Don't be j&Ultd. Jeff Convinced Mutt of the Theory of Reincarnation R3R. ei((MVPt.e t """ttt r-Mti oNce n Your. , - October 26 and nrn given nn absolute jrnst on Saturday while the coaches viewed the Ames-Nebraska clash, a scrimmage was In order today. A long drill In rudimentary foot bull, which some of the men have forgotten, was the Initial proceeding today. The llawkeyes will make a determined effort to win from Indiana, as It will be their last chance against a conference team for tho season. Iteports of unexpected strength In the Ames lineup have caused alarm as the, Agglcs come here to fight for the stale title on November IS. Federal League is After Players of Kegular Teams TOliBOO. Nov. n.-Oeorge Stovall, newly appointed manager of the Kansas City Federal league club, arrived here this morning to offer a contract to Bar. beau, third baseman of the Itanvaa City American association, team, who lives here. Htovall announced that every club In the league would havfi five or six lesser lights, now on major league rosters, be for the opening ot the 1914 race. "We don't Intend to go after players who are still under contract," said Htov nil, "but we arri going after men wfyo are retained only under the reserve, clause, which means that a player cannot sigh with any other club except tho one with whom his contract tias Just expired, un less sold or released to another team. "We are after men In the big leagues who draw about, ?S,W. We Intend to of ri theitl tf.OtO mote than they rire get; tlng" ' Twenty-T&ree Motor ' Oars Start in Race Across the Desert J0 ANUKt.KS, Nov l.Tw-nty.lireo motor cars, stripped for fast work, weie sent away early today In the long grind of the sixth annual To Angeles-io-Phoenix nutomoblln race, the first car being started at daybreak and the others i following at ten-minute Intervals. The. racer expect to reach the finish- line, 174 miles away, some time tomorrow, and Governor George "W. I. Hunt of Arltona will officiate aa referee. Despite the early hour, a big crowd was gathered to watch the start, and each racer set out amid a chorus of cheering. The night control station Is at Yuma, Arls., and the race will he I resumed tomorrow morning, Blx prizes, totaling tf.COO, are offered for the race. They are graded for W.600 for the winner down to XD. Michigan is Voting on Conference Issue ANN ARBOR. Mich., Nov. .-The vot (ng which began here today by University or Aiionigan siuaents. aiumnt ana faculty ot the advisability of Michigan return h)Jf t0 tn western Intercollegiate confer- once, was heavy and excitement ran high The polls will close Wednesday night. , I Altlough It gvnerally has been thought i the student body largely whs In favor of ;the return to the conference, antl-confer-I enre advocates came out 111 large num. ' tiers toduy und organised an energetlo campaign to overcome the pro-conference , feeling. It was said that the antl-organl Ixutloti chiefly waa composed of upper ' classmen and alumni. I The Michigan bally, the student pub lication which Is responsible for the vot Ing. reported that forty alumni assoclu- tlons havn already reported In favor of ! return lo tbe conference. Wbcn the complete voto ,1s obtained the result wltl I given to the board of re I gents Coach Wiliams is Satisfactory t SKATTLE, Nov. S.-"Coach Williams , jn,i ...i.e-riion A.rA . BlvlnK otir atlsfactlon. declared I President K. Vincent of the University . ot Minnesota last night, adding that I Williams contract had two years to run. irn.lnsnt Vincent's remarks were prompted by dispatches telling ot the action of the Northern Minnesota Alumni association at Duluth last week, attack. Ing Dr. D. U Williams, foot ball coach of the university for bis failure to plac I winning teams In the field. President Vincent, who Is l)tlng in this city, said there was no prospect that ailmore Doble, coach at the University of Washington and a former Minnesota star, would be asked to take charge of lh Minnesota team. jlurpb' to Leave for Kat. i CHICAGO. Nov. X-I'resMent Charles W. Murphy of tbe Chicago Nationals will leve Chicago tomorrow for New "Vork. whence he will asll on Thursdsv for a ' Pleasure trip through Great Britain. He 1 will not return In time for the National ' meeting at New TorV next month Kej to the Sltuatlon-Uei Advertising. THE BEE: TMINt r KEARNEY NORMAL DEFEATED Grand Island Business College Lam- basts the Teachers. WINS BY NINETEEN TO SEVEN OTrr-Confldenre After Defeat of Denver University Hal dtn Have fleet the Cnme nf 4hr laughter. KKAKNKY, Neb.. Nov. i.-(Hpeclal Tel egram.) After a har fought and Inter esting game, attended by a large body from tho Grand Island hcIioo! and the entire normal student body, the Keraney Normal team was defeated by the Grand Island Huslness ' college this afternoon with a final score of 1 to 7. The touchdowns made by the Grand Island nlnvers trie nil mid noiilhl by the constant fumbling of th normal I boys when their fake playa were broken up by the visitors. The first touchdown Of the game was made In a few minutes from lha start. After a hard scrap the ! iNormal succeeded In getttn the ball within the Grand Island lino and made their only touchdown with a successful rush by Proctor. Having thi normal outclassed In to day's game, tho victory was jtaally won by tWi visitors who esjilly held the school teachers for downs. Mnch cautaln ot Grand Itland, was continually pen nlhet. The dtfeut of the Normal team puts ft crimp In the champlnoshlu ambitions tL ( HUH? of that Institution. It Is believed thelnlahed Binerson. Hastings, Malvern and beating of the Denver team last week made, the boys a Utile over confident and lley were not prepared for the re ception given them by the heavy tuuaii of the business college. The lineup: KICA11NBY. I GUAND IBMNDl Davles H.B.1 RE. luud Potts K.T.IR.T llosene Cameron lt.u. itG Jurtklns J. nandoipn u. c II Randolph .nUT. Ltl. ... .. ..Clark Rdnionns Holder I.O.IUT ...Mlnch Remington ....L.K.I UK Tart Oarrlg Q-l Q lischer Proctor .. ... R.H.I K.H MPU?fTr O. Wareham ..K.H,! K.H. ., ...Wise pierce UH.IH. I-owery Bubstltulea'.a Wareham for C-'. Hotohktss for, Pierce. nfM Matt'", Omaha. Umpire! llathhpne, Nebraska. Head linesman: Orr. Kearney. Time keeper: Lanti, Kearney. More Low Grade Ore Mined in Black Hills IXAD, 8. D., Nov k-(Bpeclal.)-That a aroatsr quantity of low grade ores art? now being handled by the Black Hills mines. Is shown by me iwemy fourth annual report of the stato mine Inspector made pubUo today by State Mine Inspector Otto Ellennan. The report covers the year up to No vember 1. and while the bullion produced Is less than In the tonnage ot moat of the principal properties Is Idgher. The total gold and silver production for IDS u 1714T,JW., bringing the total pro duction ot bullion In this stata since 7 to $U4,4a,MO. The number of men em ployed In Black Hills mines Is now S.07, which Is less than In former years, due to the Installation ot labor-saving de vices, principally by the Homestue which eqilppd all Us plants with slec trlclty. throwing many engineers and firemen out of work, while the com pressed air and gasoline motor have sup planted the horses In mst',of the mines, which reduces the number of men and und the haulsR costs. lnsoector Kllerman also calls attention to the. fact that many good propertU yet undeveloped lay Idle for lack of sut flclent capital to put them on a paying basis. He also declares all the mines In good condition and maklnr many new Improvements, which will result In In creased tonnage and calls special atten tion to the work of the State Bchoot of Mlnea at Rapid City, which Is greatly aiding mining In the Black Hills with Ita experimental work and Us djjjsemna- lion of valuable Information. The re port covers only those companies ac tually producing ore and omit n iumb;r of the smaller ones, and does not report on a number of properties which maJe periodical shipments during the year and which would tend to swell the figures given. The table of statistics showing the bu.lton production, tonnage and number ot men employed by the prinolpal pro ducing companies Is as follows: Companies. Rulllon.Tonnase. Men. Homestake .. . .W.'JM.WO t.WJ.000 Golden ltsward .. Wasp No. S.. Trolan Bismarck Mogul Tlacer (estimated) Miscellaneous .... IJ,40 W.71S !7 TM.MO 1O.M0 110 IV.f.ix vt lf; ne 10.000 . S) 7S.I3 J7.1P1 4 4U1T.CI B.&JJ 10 1 S.OT0 .... 15 . M.m.3 lO.tVk) 1 Totals t7.4;.160.a 1 rM.471 ;60 I'nder the head. of miscellaneous Is In cluded the Lund.' Bc-g, Dorr and Wll on, Victoria, Monarch. Ironsides prop, ertles. There are also 111 men employed In properties other than gold and silver producing and this does not Include quarries. A Life Senteaee ' of suffering with throat and lung trouble 1 1. ml,viv mmmiiinit hv nr k'inr . v.. 1 Z,AZ"Z M. ..j n T v. druggist Advertisement. OMAHA, TTESDAY, NOVEMBER 4. 1013. L6T5 see .' coin, piq N'Ml Of Vexy COW THe NVOVr NSI&MPCAr,v op hum! Wessington Man Likes His Obituary, but Will Get Well WKS8INOTON, 8. ., Nov. .-(8pclal.) A. U. Dames, of this place. Is one ot the few mn, who have experienced the "pleasure" of reading their own obituary notices In the newspapers. In some un accountable way the rumor gained cur rency that he was dead, and as ho Is well known In this part of the state, several of the newspapers ot the region printed long accounts of his death and a sketch of his active career. The rumor doubtless grew out of the fact that ho had not been well lately. Mr. Barnes Is so well pleased with the good things the newspapers said, of him in the obituary notices that he now states he has decided to get well and expects to be around In a f,w Jay' Will Send Electric Current Overlanl FIIKNANDOAH, la., Nov. J.-tSpeclal.) Tlx Continental Gas and Electric com pany ot Cleveland, O., owners ot the elec tric plants at Ited Oak and Shenandoah, la., and Plattsmouth. Neb., Is building one ot the longest transmission lines In the state. The company wilt discontinue using the Plattsmouth plant and supply the current from Its Red Oak plant. He sides Plattsmouth, currertt will be fur- Pacific Junction. The line will cross the Missouri river on steel towers and will be' carried- forty, mllea through the coun try parallel to the Burlngton railroad on wooden poles. The voltage on the new line will be SG.OOO, exceeding by several thousand the voltage on the transmis sion lines now In this' part ot the state, which Is usually about M.000. SWAINS WARNED NOT TO COURT SCHOOL MA'AMS 8IOUX FALLS. 8. D.. Nov. I.-(Bpe- clal.) The Bosrd of Kducatlon ot Castle wood has experienced so much diffi culty In retaining young women achool teachers, many of whom persist In fall ing In love and getting married after they cancel their contracts with the board, (hat a public woriilng has been Usued to the young swains of the town that tbey must cease capturing the young women teachers for wives. The uoaro ot Kducatlon taya It has the Interests or the public schools and, the young and growing generation to look after Instead of providing suitable wtvea for the young men. The publlo warning which has been Issued follows; W Want to give notice and fair warn ing that the next young man who at tempts to flirt with or keep company with ono of our fair achool ma'ams la apt to get Into serious trouble. Borne peo ple seem to labor under the Impression that all the school board has to do Is to secure good-looking, competent and ef ficient lady teachers and then have these fellows lay plans to capture them. Wa admit school ma'ame are most en ticing a,td captivating and that they make Ideal helpmates, but when we get a competent teacher the members ot the school board like to retain her services as long as posnlble We haw n good school ma'ams to dlspofe of. HORSES KILLED BY FALL FROM HIGH VIADUCT IpWA CITY, la., Nov. J,-Speclal.)-Mat 0'Hrle.n. a farmer living near Iowa City, attempted a feat never before known here Saturday night, when he started to drive home down the Rock Island tracks Instead of adhering to tbe public highway. The drlvo was success, ful for two blocks, but was then spoiled by the high bridge over the Iowa river. The horses had followed the embank m.n . r. t V. . .n1 Imi whn thV haw t H j ojfn tM bffort ,hem th. Bttetnpted l0 turn around. As a resul, the entire equipage dropped some sixty feet Into Madison street just above the place whern It runs Into the river.. Both horses were Instantly killed and the buggy smashed to pieces. O'Bileu, however, waa uninjured, and after surveying the wreckage for a mo ment, he returned to a lical hotel and went to bed. His team had turned onto tha tracks where they cros Clinton street, and had crossed a planked viaduct over Capitol street before coming to the river bridge. HOTEL AT MITCHELL BURNS; ALL THE GUESTS ESCAPE MITCHELL. B. D.. Nov. J, -The Mit chell hotel, for forty years a leading hostelety ot South Dakota and a land mark of Mitchell, waa destroyed by fire at a early hour thla morning. All the guests escaped. Tho loo Is $4).X. Toledo Hays Two Uatflelders. TOLKDO. O.. Nov t The Toledo Ainerlran association club announre-i to day that It had obtained Outfielder It) an and Iellve't from Cleveland IV nu Haa Wright. Pennsylvania. line averages 1SI pounds, the backs 101 pounds and tbe team III pound? NOW I BT ME LOOK. OP iOIAC B6AVTS, A fJjtWNG NO THftT WONT QO -45LK" S NORl rNir-f- of'- no! tnt , wom't do - oh Heae itis. "ANT GAYER.' -"LONG NOt U ,TB I .-,...,.0 fM -J IMlVi,Ti. I I r vijjlk I eNlrAe- OF COWB-OUf lr4STlMCr, Wj 1 .eeO& UPON AHT ND CfTWt-P. J JT' ' I ANT" J V t-eeos upon A.vr no cttwc-p. TO ARBITRATEJAR STRIKE Governor of Iowa Will Call Board for Oskaloosa Situation. ACTION TO BEGIN AT ONCE Executive tins Conference rrlth Head of State Federation Over Convict Labor Conflicting: vrlth Union Workers. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DKS MOINES. la., Nov. S.-(Speclal Tel egram.) Governor Clark today after a conference with labor leaders agreed that tomorrqw he will serve notice on the In terested parties to tho street car strike at Oskaloosa to set In motion the law providing for a board of arbitration. The board wilt be Immediately appointed and preparo to effect a settlement. Tho governor also ' held a. conference with the president of the State Federa tion ot Labor and Board ot Control on the convict labor at the state prison, and especially with regard to prisoners being permitted to do anything that, would con filet with union labor In the city of Fort Madison. Agreement was effected to have the matter settled. Iowa News Notes. LOGAN In celebration of her seven tecnth birthday between thirty and forty friends of Miss Inez Smith gave her a surprise" here Saturday evening. LOGAN Claude Knowles, rural carrier on route No. 4. reports farmers out of danger of a corn famine on his twenty, eight-mile routo to the southeast ot Logan, as the corn Is yielding from thirty to sixty bushels to the Acre. A. G. Morris, living south of Crisp, finds one field producing forty-eight bushels and another field producing sixty. IXJAN To discuss matters of mutual Interest with representative business men oi Login and Its vicinity, v. D. Fort. coal traffic manager: C C. Cameron. Gen eral rreignt Agent J. B. Brown and Gen eral Passenger Agent II. J. Phelps of tho Illinois Central will be at Lonn Wrin. day afternoon, November i, at 1:46 on a- special train. HARLAN The Harlan lllrh girls' basket ball team was defeated here Saturday by the Defiance High school team, by .a score of 15 to 8, but the boys' team of the Harlan school won out over the Defiance boys' team, by a score ot 3 to 17. Theso were tho second of a series of games between these schools to aecme tne chamn onshln of Shelbv county. HARLAN Thomas F Kent of Monroe township has finished the season of show Ine his herd of Chester White hogs ond nu maae a sensational record for this year, lie has won over 400 ribbon, thla year, consisting of over SOO first and sec onci premiums ana the balance, for the most part, of thirds and fourths. Mr. Kent's herd numbers over OJ. HARLAN In about twn w..k l-.rh.r & Ryan, breeders of Aberdeen Angus cattle, will load four cars of the blacks for tho international Stock show at Chi cago. They will exhibit one car of calves, one car of Vitarllngs and two cars of J-yrar-olds. Kscher Ryan have perhaps won more premiums at the International than any other one firm, having won the sweepstakes on car load lots for several years. ltanarui CItjr Bays Gelbrl. KANSA8 CITY. Mo.. Nov. S.Catcher Oeibel of the Philadelphia American league cluh was- purchased todsy by tho local American nssoclstlon team. The sale waa announced by John Savage, soc ictary ot tbe club. Hampton. Five Wins. HAMPTON, Neb., Nov, l-Bpeclai.)-Tne Hampton High school defeated, the Stockham high school In an exciting game of basket boll at-the opening game In the new gymnasium by a score of U to 12. Cecil Henry Hames is Granted Divorce LONDON. Nov. J.-Cecll Henry Hames. today was granted a divorce grounds from Emily JElls Hames. They were marnea at llttaburrh In tarr Mrs. Hames elotied to Amori. 4k Norman. McCutcheon. a Callforrtlan whom sno met on a hunting field In Lececter hire, and according to evidence pre aented went through a - marriage cere mony with him In California. Mrs. Hames wrote from her mother's heme to her husband: "Can you come over and arrange for a divorce? The whole thing can be ar ranged and you can return free. Many happy returns of your blrthdav ." Explaining that her mother was so 111 that It wouia probably be fatal to tsll i her she had come home to secure a dl Ivorce. Mra. Hames added. "I simply cannot kill her. Write some I times to keep up the" game, for they 'keep asking why you don't write.-' Married Beside Grave of Emerson CONCORD. Mass., Nov. 1-MutuaI ven eration of Ralph Waldo Emerson led Richard Wlghtman and Mrs. Patricia Margaret Street, both of Baybrook, Conn to have their marriage ceremony per formed today beside the grave of the poet and philosopher In Sleepy Hollow ceme- I tery. With their hands clasped In front ot the quarts boulder which marks Bmer- sod's burial place they were- pronounced I man and wife by Rev Loren B. McDon ald ot this town Drawn for The Bee by . n Ultimatum on the Surrender of Arms Sent Strike Leaders TIlINnJAD, Colo., Nov. 3.-Oontlnuod activity by union leaders In an effort, to collect all arms And ammunition in pos session of tha. strikers, or an Immediate order to the state troops to surround and search the tents at Ludlow, was ths ultimatum delivered by Adjutant General John Chase to John'R. Lawson ot the United Mine workers this morning. General Chase visited Ludlow early to day and conferred with Lawson. The latter turned 6ver a few 'mors guns and state that he was experiencing much difficulty In Inducing the miners to sur render the weapons. A driving enow storm kept militiamen. strikers and mine guards In their tents today. Frank J. Hays, International vlce-prest- dent of the United Mine Workers of America, today dented a .report that strikers are preparing to return to work under the protection of the national guard. Thaw's Attorneys File Final Brief CONCORD, N. II., Nov. I. Tho final brief for Harry K. Thaw, In connection with hla efforts to resist extradition from New Hampshire to New York was filed with Governor Felker today. . The brief states that the requisition la not In -accordant! wUb, rule of prac tice, that the laws of New York '.wero violated In obtaining tndlctmont ajad that the requisition ls'not made in good faith. The activity of William T ravers Jerome In obtaining tho Indictment and his Ian guage at the hearings before Governor Felker are Indicated. The brief says: 'The language, used Is bullying and threatening and could be used 'for no other purpose than the silly thought to Intimidate your excellency." NHW YORK, Nov. 3. Eugene Duffy and Michael O'Keefe, who were indicted' with Former Assemblyman Richard "But ler and Roger Thompson for conspiracy' In connection with the escape ot Harry ICkJThaw from Mattcawan asylum, today were surrendered by their counsel to the district attorney. They were taken bo fore Justice Gavegan and held In $3,000 ball each. FORMER BELLBOY IS KEPT BUSY WITH DENIALS CHICAGO, Nov, i Frank Slavin, for mer bell boy, was kept busy with de nials on cross-examinations In the Dona-hue-Btlefel trial today. Replying to questions, Slavin dented that he had told Attorney Slmonton, of the defense, that he hod seen Mrs. Hen nlng In the auditorium hotel or In sa loons. He never had seen her and Clarence 8. Funk together. He had seen Mrs. Hennlng In the neighborhood where BBtBSBBmBaSkata. yjC-ijP j C JTnaf jREDTOPRYEf II Mellow in flavor. Aged for years in charred casks, in ll IK warehouses flooded with sunshine. IB 1 Best Northern Rye always selected by a member of the firm. 1 1 I Purest water, from wells sunk hundreds of feet into solid 1 1 II limestone. II A That's why the man who knows always insists on U RED TOP RYE M FCKDIN4NP WESTUEIMXK SONS. DlstUlerk Mm H Ctadssstt, O. St. Jesspb. Mo, LsultrtUe, Kj. W "Bud" Fisher she lived and was fsmllar with- the ap pearanco of Funk whom he had seen In hotels. Price Collier. COPBNHAGKN, Denmark, Nov. J. Price Collier, the American author, died suddendly today while on a visit to. Count Weddel. Mr. Collier , waa M years old, and lived at Tuxedo Park, New York. An All-American team the tailors who make our Kensington Clothes. One tailor can't make all kinds of clothes any more than one man can play every position on a football team. One maker will excel, in making dress clothes, an- 1 other in Chesterfield oyeVjj coats, another in soft-tail- '1WedcEriglisTvt saclc . sufts, etc. ' SL f e They are specialisCifS and each one gives juft a little more "and uetter service than any one else can. - These specialists are the people who' make bur Ken sington suits and over coats. No matter what sort of garment you buy, if it has a Kensington label in it you know it's the product of a specialist the best your money can buy. Bnlts sso to 40. Ovssrcoats $20 to S65. MAGEE & DEENER 413 So. 16tfc i i '1 i