THIS J3KK: OMAHA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1H13. NOVEMBER CLEARAWAY SUITS Fashionable Hand tailored models, stylish fab rics. Special values $2450 and $29.50. No Charge for Alterations FURS Stylish Dependable and moreover at reasonable prices mm HOWARD IfnTnTIL . in, AND SIXTEENTH CHICAGO PACKER IS DEAD Edward Morris Passes Away After Illness of Year. HEAD OF LARGE CORPORATION Mriilth Ik EHmnted nt from Thirty In Fifty Million Dollar I.eavea Ttro Bona una Trro Daughter. CHICAGO, Nov. 1 Ed ward Morris, president of Morris & Co., packers, died at hi home here today after an lllntaa of more than a year, Mr, Morris vraa born In Chlcaco, 47 year ago and wag the eldeit son of the late Kelson Morris, pioneer packer, lie uffercd a nerrous breakdown about a year ago and wn obliged to give up no tire business. He (pent laat winter travel Intr In California In icarch of health, but when ho returned laat spring hla friends noted that ha had not bean bene fited by the trip. The aerlouaneaa of hla condition became known laat week on tha arrival of hla brother Ira iNelaon Morrla, who hurried to Chicago from Italy In response to a cablegram. Tho decedent la survived by hla widow, two aona and two daughter. Edward Morrla waa n multimillionaire end on of the beat known meat packara In the world, Haalneaa Life Rrgnn Karly, In the will or the late Nelson Morrla, the building of tho vaat Morrla fortuno waa attributed largely to tha genius and energy of tho oldest son, Edward, who began hla bualneea career when moat of kla, companions wer barely out 'ofknlck1 eiboekers.' The' Wealth helo! by'-Erward Morrla la estimated at between 130,000,050 to rM.690.GOO. Io waa credited with being the, largest Individual owner of bank tock In this city. He waa a liberal con tributor to many cnarltle. Young Morrla waa only 14 year old -whan he entered the office of hla father aa an employe. Bo keen waa hla Interest and eo great waa the aptitude he dis played In bualncaa affairs, that even Ills father waa aatonlahed. H Is said of Mr. Morris that It waa lila custom to contribute to charities each year an amount equal to the sum ex trended for members of hla family. Mr. Morrla married. Helen I Swift, daughter of tha founder of Swift tt Co., meat packers, n 1X90. Will of Kltler Morrla Mrakeu. After the death of Nelson Morris In 197 It oa found that hla will put the management of the entire estate into, the fianea of Edward Morris aa managing trustee. The estate waa to be tied up Feel Headachy, Dizzy, Bilious; Sick? Clean Your Torpid Liver-Dime a Box Stek headache I Always trace them to lsT Hver; delayed, fermenting- feed In the towels er a alck stomach. Poisonous, cMseleated matter, gases and Wle gener ated In the bowels. Instead of being car ried out of the yem, la reabsorbed Into the blood. When thla poison reach the delicate brain tissue It causes congestion and that dull, sickening headache. Cas- CANDY CENT BOXES ALSO 23 St 50 t mrtiiBmBsiaMiiiuiiiiiMuuamx-i O LI THIS COUPON Te left yea an a rkr meW yea out meat Six Cesyea tie tUi eas. THE IMPERIAL EMBROIDERY OUTFIT is ffuaran td to be the greatest collection and biggest bargain in pattern ever offered. The 160 patterns have a retail value of lp cents each, or more than $10.00 in all. Bring SIX Coupons and 68 centa to this office and you will be preeeated with One Complete Outfit; including Book of Instruction and one All Metal Hoop. The 68 cents is to epver duty, express, handling and the numerous over head expenses of getting the package from factory to you. fif. S.Ont mf Toten Readers will add 7 cents extra for potmge and expense mf mailing. -THE OMAHA HKJC PATTERNS 10c and 15c for the famous McCall Patterns. T. B. & Co. exclusive agts. STREETS for twenty years, remaining undla turbed and entirely under the manage ment of the managing truatee. The value nf the estate woe said authoritatively to be between $40,000,0000 ond 100,000,000, In cluding properties outside the atate. When tho will was probated property In this state was estimated at 130,000,000. The plan of the elder Morris was not carried out, as the heirs, other than Ed ward retained counsel to contest the will and a rompromlso was reached, by which the estate was divided Into flvo equal parts, one each going to the widow and the four children. The . two big Morrla atock yards properties by the division fell to Ira Morris and his two sliters, but Ed ward bought thorn out. 1 2) Cummins Called Down for Criticism of Wilson's Methods WASHINGTON, Nov. 3,-Senator Mar line criticised Senator Cummins today for some of the latter'a speeches In New Jersey, In which Mr. Cummins waa quoted as having eald there waa no moral differences between Huerta and the man In the White HoUse, and having assailed "the big stick methods In con nection with the tariff bill." Mr. Martlne characterised the refer ences aa "absurd, rldlculotts and ungen erous." Mr, Cummins declared he had not dlx- cussed President Wilson In such a vein. "I spoke of th'e office not of the man," ho said, "I did severely criticise tho tendency of the executive to override the legislative branch of the govern ment." "Does the senator mean to repeat his comparison between Huerta apd Presi dent Wilson?" demanded Senator Mar tlne. "Of course, I did not aay that," re. turned Senator Cummins. "But J did say and I will aay It again, that I would Just aa soon have my will aa a member of congress overcome by an armed soldier aa by any other Influence from the executive. There la no difference." Senators Owen and Williams defended the president, the former saying he oc cupied the White House with more mod esty than was usual. Senator Williams declared that It w&e "slander and calumny" to say that thu president had used patronage to Influenoa legislation and challenged any senator to prove that charge. To Cart, n rold 1st One Par, Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tablets Druggist refund money If It falls to cure, E. W. Q rove's signature on each box- Sic, careta wilt remove the cue by stimu lating the liver, making the bile and con atlpatlon polaon move on and out of the bowels. One taken tonight atralghtena you out by momlng-a 10-cent box will keep your head clear, atomach sweet, liver and bowels regular, and tn-xke you feel bright and cheerful for months. Children need Cascareta, too, CATHARTIC -ANY DRUG STORE CCHT BOXES Fitters Uef., Oaha, Neb. NEGROES MAKE PROGRESS Successful Han Advises Fellows to Return to Land. BIO PROFITS IN GARDENS Problem of flecnrlnsr Money Operate Snmll Tract DelnaT SoItciI hy Jfrajroes of Alnlmran. to Hy WILLIAM ANTHONY AEIIY. Nineteen yearn ago J. H. Hlodgett, a southern negro, began his uphill climb with 11.10 In his pocket and a suit of un derwear In a paper bail. Further, he was arrested as n tramp for wearinjf a straw hat In winter time. Today he owns 121 houses In Jacksonville, Fla., having a rental value of I2.&M a month. Mod gen got his start as a railroad window washer at SI.0S a day. He and his wife worked hard, saved their money, and finally built their own home. He declares that there la no excuse for young, able-bodied negroes to waste their time In hotel work at $20 to 130 a month and tips when they can grow tomatoes In Florida at tl.OOO an acre. The struggle from bare hands to lndi pondence haa been repeated again and again by negro farmers. They have made the southern soil produce more profitable Tops and have thereby laid the founda tion for an Improved rural life, as shown In better schools, better homes nnd bet ter churches. They speak for themselves. "When I was man-lnd." satd on Ala bama negro, "I borrowed everything even tho clothes that I was married In. I was charged from 20 to 25 per cfnt on all the money I got Soon I tried to buy a cheap mule. I was told that If my father-in-law would stand responsible for me, $5.00 would be knocked off. If my brother-in-law would also, then an other 18.00 would come off. These men had something. They had good reputa tions, too. If you own something you can . . get cneap money, it you nave nouuus, you are doing well to get It at 18 per cent. Now I have a six-horse farm of 227 acres and I rent forty acres. 1 have a good house of four rooms ond have sev eral two-room houses for my tenants." Money for Hmnll Farmers, The problem of securing cheaper money, for the man on tho lnnd tho man of all men worth helping Is being solved by tho negro farmers of Alabama, whose stories have been outlined. Ownership of the land; the building and maintaining of good, comfortable, homes; Improvement In the hornet rnlrlt: the building up of strong, good characters; '.the production of home supplies; the steady attention to work these are somo of the Important factors In securing cheaper monoy, not only for the negro farmers, but nlso for the white neighbors. Theee elements in progress will cut down tho present high rates of Interest, ranging, It Is known, from 10 to 09 and 8 per cent, and col lected by a variety of harsh methods. These factors are In the control of all farmers If they will simply do what the hard-working, teachablo negro farmers of Alabama have done. Intelligent hard work brings business success ns well. B, I Windham, of tho contracting firm of Windham Bros, Bir mingham, Ala., declares that efficiency and not color determines the kind of work that negroes receive. Hla firm has built a $100,000 apartment, house for; white people In Birmingham, Ala. It employs, on an average, 100 people alt negroes throughout the year to handle some $300, 000 -worth of contracts. The business of this firm of negro contractors has grown from $50,000 In 1&03 to tses.OOO for seven months In 113, and Is carried on from the Mason and Dixon line to the dutf of Mexico. Another Interesting event of the last year In the negro business world has been the opening of the $100,00) cotton oil mill at Mound Hoyou, Miss., a negro town which was founded by Isaiah T, M6ntgomery, an ex-slave of Joseph Davis, brother of Jefferson Davis. Hoora for More rroarre. Ten million American negroea now pay taxes on over $700,000,000 worth of prop erty and own 20,000.000 acres of land, that Is. about 31.000 snuara mile. Thev nwn slxty.threo banks, capitalised at $3.)0,000 and doing an annual bualneaa of $30,CCW,000, Today'there are negro business leagues In twelvo statea. Will the American negro, especially the city negro, acquire his share through hard work and thriftT Will rounr nurroe quit the pool rooms with their debasing streets ana inarch Into usefulness and comfort on the landT Will tho negro seek the signs of civilisation the auto mobile and the dress suit and miss civil isation aa It la represented, in the home and the bank account! Will the negro forego some pleasure todav so aa to m. Joy richer treaaurea tomorrow T Will the negro allow othera to think and plan for htm Instead of thinking and planning for himself? f There Is. Indeed, according to Booker T. Washington, room In thla country, with out conflicting with tha Interests of white people, for $00,000 more negro farms. 1,000 sawmills, 1,003 brickyards, 4,000 gro cery stores, 1.030 dry goods stores, 1.600 shoe stores, 1.W0 milliner)' shops, 1,000 drug stores and ninety banka. Mrs. Pankhurst Fears Daughter Is Being Tortured CHICAGO. Nov. S.-nevelatlons of suf ferlnga undergone by Miss Bllvia Pank hurat recently, greatly perturbed her mother, Mrs. Kmmellno Pankhurat, here today when aha received a letter from her other daughter. Chrtatabel. The letter stated that Mlaa Bylvla again had been aubjectrd to forcible feeding after being "etarved within an Inch of her life." "Sylvia had a great and auoceaaful fight Monday, but on Tuesday waa arrested by fifty policemen and a collection of plain clothe men," ran the letter. "We shall fight our best for her and tha east side will no doubt play up. Annie (Mlrn Annie Kenney) te woraa In health than ahe haa ever been and we ore mak ing for her protection." Miss Christabel aaks It her mother can do anything to nterett American physi cians to bring pressure on their British oollrgues. Without them, ahe aay. the "cat and mouse" torture would be Im possible. The doctor, ahe aay. watch the starving patient weaken to the laat limit of safety, then scientifically but forcibly feed them back to life again. The doctor Is In fact the only one who has any power over the suffragist and he ta not only policeman, but tor turer." continues the letter. "It was the International Medical congress that saved you and Annie Kenney laat summer, so evidently the doctora of other lands have some Influence ' Head Stuffed? Got a Cold? TryPape's Tnpo's. Cold Compound" relievos worst cold or Uio grippe In few hours No qnln'no used. Take "Pope's Cod Compoml" every two hours until you have token three doses, then all grippe misery goes and your cold will Ixj broken. It promptly opens your clogged-up nostrils and the air passages of the head; stops nasty dis charge of nose running; relieves the headache, dullness, feverlrhness, sore throat, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. Don't tay etopped-up! Quit blowing and snuffling. Easo your throbbing head nothing else in the world gives such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold Compound," which costs only l'i cents at any drug store. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, and causes no Incohvenlence. Ac cept no substitute. Advertisement. BACON SAYS PEOPLE WILL LIRE WILSON'S MEXICAN PROGRAM (Continued from Page One.) three diplomats at Vera Cruz sought the conference with Mr. Llnd. It wns made plain today that the president's envoy will not soon return to the Vnlted States as has been reported. The battleahlp Nebraska, en route to Mexican waters, with three other ves sols of the third division of the Atlantic fleet, was ordered today to .Tomplco to Join the New Hampshire. As oone of the other ships has been ordered home. that will leave tomorrow but seven rt Tamplco nnd five at Vera Crux. Consul Hamm at Durango reports the constitutionalists in control of his dis trict. AVenlthr Mexican Arrested. Eli I'ASO. Nov. 3. Oennrnl r.uU Ti.r. reieiur, reputed to be Uie wealthiest mail in Mexico, is reported a prisoner of the Mexican federal authbrltles at .Tuarex, Military officials In Juarex deny knowl- edgo of hs presence, but the rumor is persistent that General Terrains and members of his family camo to Juarei yesterday on tho special train that brought Genera! Francisco Castro and that Terrarea was detained In Juarez. General Castro took command of ih Juorcn garrison last night. Hlmultan, eouely Gulllermo Crux, mayor of Juarez, came to Kl I'aso ond today General Cas tro announced I.uls Comaduran as the new mayor. Two hundred and flftv rlnfnnmnTi wcro sent from Juarez to Chihuahua to day. The federals still hold ihe city of t-Tiinuanua, according to advices In Juarez. Bay State Tax on Corporations Legal BOSTON. Nov. 8. An Income of tXOftm n year Is saved Jo the state by the su preme court's decision today upholding the Massachusetts foreign corporation tax law. The supreme court had declared uncon stitutional' somewhat ' similar lows adopted by Kansas Arkansas and Coloj rado on tho ground that the tax was a burden on Interstate commerce. The law nrovldes that evcrv forelmi corporation , doing business In Massachu setts shall pay annually to tho common wealth n tax of one-fiftieth of 1 per cent on the par value of Its authorized capi tal atock, such tax not to exceed $!,000. Persistent Advertising Is the Itoad to Big Iteturns. BUT-It's Different With Corset! Let's be SENSIBLE. The human body hasn't changed in shape or needs. Regardless of fashion, the 'female form divine" requires hygienic support and MORE THAN EVER NOW, for the dangers of ill-fitting or non-supporting cor- ueia are aciuauy xncreasea The Nemo Hygienic Corset Service is Indispensable To Meet Existing Fashionable Conditions This Way: 1. The inevitable long corset-skirts are made flexible and com fortable by the durable semi-elastic Nemo fabrics, which are GUARANTEED TO OUTWEAR THE CORSET. 2. The desired low-bust models are made full and easy by the Nemo bridge" construction, which insures free breathing space, and freedom from pressure above the waist-line tops of steels don't "dig in" when you bend. 3. Durable bandB of LAST1KOPS semi-elastic fabrics reduce hips and thighs; support the abdominal walls; prevent harsh pressure anywhere, no matter how tightly the corset is laced. Here's a New Nemo Model You Ought to See: NO. S12 THE NEWEST LASTIKOPS CORSET, for Ull or average full figures; produces extreme reduc tion, all around, below the waist-Une. Extremely long skirt; broad bands of semi-elastic Lastikops Webbing across thighs lower. hlp; the new Lasticurve-Back. This triple REDUCTION also gives a triple EXPANSION when seated splendid style and perfect iase. Fine white coutil.siies 20 to 80 T r .. Un.. - r..ll f juu imvc a mil, larne "sure, ana warn extreme arxiominai support irom underneath, try Nemo No. 523, at $5.00. If you prefer a model that willgradually drive away abdominal fat while giving you a fine figure, try improved Auto-Massage Corset, No. 356, at $3.50. If you want good abdominal support with wonderful reduc tion of back and hips, look at Nemo No. 506, at $5.00. If your upper limbs are thick and heavy, you'll find relief and comfort in Nemo No. 409, at $4.00. If you desire a fine reducing corset, giving excellent abdominal support, with low bust and very long skirt, try Nemo No. 322 or No. 326, at $3.00. Many other models. Ask your dealer. SeUct 1W Neme with tkt Utmott Cere, and DON'T Get a Size Too Small! Uarn t a SELECT. FIT, LACE I WEAR Your Coeaet CORRECTLY. The Nemo Hygienic Faakloa Magasne, Jut Out. Mailed Free on Reuet. Nemo Hygicmc-Fathioa Institute, N. Y HARVESTER CASE IS ARGUED Suit to Dissolve Combine Ncars the Final Stages. EDWIN P. OR0SVENER OPENS Assistant Attorney General Aka Dis trict Conrt for .Order that AVU1 Prevent Common Control of Disintegrated Part, BT. PAtl Li Mlnn Nov. 3. Edwin P. flmtVATwip nnlal n.tlilnnl in AttnrnnV General Mclleynolds In opening final arguments for dissolution of the Interna tional Harvester company before the united States district court, today asked for dissolution In such manner as to pre vent, effectlvelv. a nomlbllltv nf two or more of the disintegrated parts coming1 Into ownership Of companies having com mon stockholders. Mr. Grosvenor declared the Interna tional Han-ester company Is In and of Itself a combination In restraint of trade In harvesting Implements, and a monop oly, and as such proper safeguards should bo mode by the courts to rcevent a oosai- ble re-ostabllshment of such monopoly after dissolution by the- method of Inter locking directorates. Mr. Grosvenor oolnted out how the su preme court hail applied the standard. or "rule of reason," in nine cases decided since tho court established the rule in the Standard Oil and Tobacco decisions, hold ing overy combination unlawful that smothers competition and monopolizes trade. According to an announcement mads this momlng after the certificate and re port of Special Examiner Itobert 8. Tay lor had been returned to tho court, conn. eel for the government will oocupy the day, and possibly a portion of tomorrow's session, in the presentation of arguments. It was Indicated that a brief nmimni of the defense might take even longer. Attorney General Jamee C. Mclleynolds, Edwin P. Orosvenor, special assistant to the attorney general, and Joseph It. Darl ing, special agent of the Department of Justice, were In the city to reDresmit the government The Harvester company had on hnnri n formidable array1 of counsol, tncludlug Judge William D. McIIugh of Omaha, Frank B. Kellogg of 6t. Paul, lOdgar A. uancrort. John" P. Wilson, PWllIp A. Post, Victor A. Remy and W. M. Stlllwell, the lost five being from Chicago. "Cyrus H. McCormlck," Mr. Grossvenor said, "went to New York in the spring of 1903 to consult some of the leading lawycra to see whether a combination of the harvesting manufacturers could be mode, legally. "Ho saw William Nelson Cromwell, Francis Lynde Stetson, and others. Crom Special $20.00 Salt and Overcoats fori $16.50 ioataforl x We are ablo to offer these special inducements because we give personal service to our patrons, thereby caving salesmen's salaries. You'll like our handsome suits and ovorcoatB you'll' like our erplendld values and you'll like our personal attention. Wilcox & Allen "Make Our Store Yowe Store." 203 SOUTH 15T;II BT. OMAHA, NEB. Be A Wise Woman! Biy Your Corsets for a Purpose Changes in fabrics, fluffs, slashes and hobbles come from Paris and may bo accepted or rejected with little reference to 'health or any other permanent consideration. oy uie advent of tne natural 1- is . well satd there was nothing to prevent a man selling- his business and another buy ing it. They seized, on this idea and sought to glvo tho combination the ap IK'arance of being separate sales of prop erty. "These sales they mode to a 'dummi' named W. C. Lane, president of the Htan dard Trust company, who Immediately conveyed all the properties to the new corporation. All the manufacturers met and signed tho preliminary papero In Paul D. Cravath's office at 10 Wall street. New York, July 28, 1902. Tho witness. Swift, testified that Stet son had devised the plan of having sep arate sales through the 'dummy,' 1ine. 'on tho ground that this was tho best method of evading the antl-lrust law. The government counsel then proceeded to review at length the testimony xelat Ing to the power of the combination, Its distributing or marketing policy and Its conduct towards competitors. , Ho dwelt on the enormous power oen tcred in George W. Perkins. Cyrus H. Mc Cormlck and Charles Deerlng by means of the voting trust. When court convened, Judge Adams, rer period to be ill, was absent and the ar guments proceeded before Judges San born, Hook and Smith. Boulder on Track Wrecks Fast Train LiACnOSSE, Wis., Nov. S. Passenger train No. 68 on the Burlington railroad was wrecked near Genoa, Wis., early to day, when the locomotive struck a boulder halt the size of a box car, which hod been dislodged by recent rains and rolled down the bluff to the track. Engineer James M. Tratt, lyoCroase. was possibly fatally injured. His Jaw was "broken nnd the aide of his face crushed In. Four Italian track laborers and a negro porter wero also Injured, not fatally. First reports of the accident received here were that the wrecked train was tho Oriental limited, tho coast train which runs a little behind No. G8. The coast train, however, was not" harmed, but was delayed several hours. No. 68 is also a first class train and faster than the Oriental limited. MAN WANTED FOR MURDER IN CINCINNATI ARRESTED CINCINNATI, O.. Nov. i-The police of Cincinnati today identified the plito graph of a negro held under the name of William Campbell at Montreal. Canada, as a likeness of Charles Jones, who Is wanted In Cincinnati for the murder of a white woman. Bertha Courtenay, tho was beheaded and her body thrown Into a sewer. Values E I $30.00 Suits and Overcoat for $25.00 figure a 1 aw i s $5.00 I us IMSHAffl ,i . . - mm Russian Priest's Charges Against ' Jews Indefinite KIEV, Nov. 3. -"Vaudeville" Is the tern, use today by tho Kloveky Mysl In re ferring to the testimony of Feather Pran altcs. tho priest of Turkestan, at the trial of Mendel Bclltls for the murder of tho boy, Andrew Yuslnsky, It odds that thn priest has proved a ''broken reed" for tho prosecution. Judge Boldlriew, tho president of the court room, became Impatient at today s hearing when Ffcthcr Pranaltes continu ally replied "I don't know" to question and was unable even to Indicate the texts of the Talmud and the Bible on which ho based his denunciation of the Jews. The Judge sharply demanded whether tho witness could hear the questions -put to him. The priest did not confine his charges to any particular sect ot fanatics, but declared that all Jews were concerned in ritual observances. After making an allusion to the sig nificance ot the number of wounds and to the method of killing employed, the priest sold the object or ritual crimes was to hasten the arrival ot the Messiah. When asked to produce the book con taining description of those practices, the priest replied that it was In Bt. Peters burg. OUR tailoring is carefully done. not the hurry up, careless kind. Every garment guar anteed perfect in fit and style. Suits' Made to Measure $25 to $45 MacGarihy-WilsoH Tailoring Ci. 304-308 South 10th Street. ii(ij;ninna:KfltariiM.7ii Rooms Best Variety The Bee classified pages carry advertisements of the. best rooms and apart ments for rcat in the city. Phbno your ad to Tyler 1000 John Says: "Those Hallowe'en rascals stole my gate, took my automobile apart and painted mr porch g-raan, but thank goodness they didn't touch, a. box of THVBT BUSTZB So OZOASS that Z Md In my dresser." John 's Cigar Store 16th & Harney Sts. AMISEJIENTS. TOH1QHT AT 8 lift. TKB S&AJU OF QUAXiXTT "THE MASTER MIND" WITH HOWARD JiYLK TUX BOAT AJTO WSDWXSDAY MME. KENNY LIPZIN THUXSDAT MAT. AWD EVSHXSTO O'BRIEN'S mNSTRELg .'OSIAKA'S rUK CZHTEH" Bw&e Broadway Girls with Oeo. P. Murphy. Cat lnclpdas rrank Wakefield (formerly with saX,e Wroth) ; Powder to Capmsri (from the Orphanm Circuit) ; Lillian Smalley and Big Beauty Ciora. X,adle' Sim Matin Weak Jaya. AMERICAN THEATER TOKIOHT AIA WEIK Matin Thursday and Baturday. American Theater Stock Go. "THE VIRGINIAN" BBXT WM K "Tim BBOTE." VXOBTB BOUO.4. UlUnM Eterr Br. 1 11. Er.rr Nltht. tilt. ABVAXCSS VAUBSVXX.&B Tali Mk. Th B.U Famllr. Mtlun Pollock. A IV, Walter H. I Hub.") DleklaMO. Uaude UvlUr sad K4 SUaltJ. Etb.l Kirk .ad Dlllr Vuanr, iUm.iM, Oirlim & VlrUo, StxcUl r.tur in Mouoa s Utum. frtc.i Utt. (itlLrr. ita. but iU (exent Eat asd San.) Se Nlrtti lea Kc. too ni 71. MME. GADSKI FAMOUS PXZMA B0B7TA In Concert at tho Auditorium, Friday Evening, Nor, 7th Hrketa Now at Audltt'r.utt PRICES S1.50 and $3.00.