Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1913, Page 12, Image 12

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"Want the Lincoln Highway to Run
Through That Village.
HI Meetlnsr I Srhpdnleit for Wnfrr
loo for AVednrsdur Kvcnlnu lr "
Rood Ilomln Ilnoilfn of
Thnt Section.
Uuslness men and live wires In Ilrnnon
ara pulling hard In an effort to have tho
Lincoln Highway directed through their
town Instead of going through Klkliom.
Aa the minute details of this kind are
not yet all worked out, there Is a possl
blllty that such minor chnnges may yet
be made, although the Hlkhorn people
liavo regarded It as a settled fact that
the highway was to pass through their
town. The present tentative rout Is
from Omaha to Elkhorn and then to Wa
terloo. Benson people are very anxious
to fcave the road come through their town
nnd then pass on to Waterloo. This dif
ference In distance Is said to be slight.
In deciding upon the final route the con
dition of the road, the hills, the distance, i
and possibilities will be taken Into con-!
State Consul l'redrlckson Is planning a
big booster meeting for Waterloo Wed
nesday The boosters of Elkhorn
and Vnlliy are expected to be there.
lYedrlckson and Harry Lawrle of Omaha
ire to be the speakers. Lawrla Is the
county consul for Douglas county,
Mr. Fredrlckson has Just received an
otrictal outline of the routo from coast
to coast, with a "log" giving the exact
distances between all points along the
rcute. It waa prepared by v. 11. Trego,
official engineer of the road,
contains a preliminary surrery of the
condition of the roads, showing what per
As to Crooked Lawyers Two More Letters
OMAHA, Oct 31. Victor IloBewater, Editor of The Bee: On receipt
of your letter of October 1G, In reply to the committee's of October 13, tin;
Conimltteo of Inquiry of tho Omaha Bar association requested Mr. Francis
A. Drogan to nppear before it and enlighten the committee with regard to
your reference to him.
Mr. lirognn prompt- compiled and Htatc( that lie, with Mr. William
Ilalrd anil Mr. E. 1. Hmlth, wcro appointed n special committee by the
Judges of the district court some time In 1012 to Investigate certain com
plaints made against certain members of the local profession practicing !n
Omaha, and that this Mcclnl committee carefully Investigated nil complaint
received and reported to the Judges of tho district court recommending pro
ceedings against one lawyer, and that such matter is still in tho hands of tho
Judges of the district court, the special committee having no power to do
more man to make and fllo Its report. t
This Committee of Inquiry, on tho other hand, Is one nppolntcl by tho '
Omaha liar nsoclatlon and makes ltn report to such with regard t the
subject tnnttcr of the report mado by tho special committee to tho Judges
of tho district court.
The Committee of Inquiry, however, Is desirous of knowing any facts,
which apparently are In your possession, with reference to Illegal unprofes-j
slonal conduct on tho part of certain members of the legal profession
from tho veiled references which you havo mado In editorials appearing in
Tho Beo from time to time since tho editorial entitled "What Omaha Needs.'
The Committee of Inquiry again urgently requests that you promptly
place before It such facts as you havo and such complaints with regard to
any member of tho bar, and tho samo will receive Immediate nttentlon by
the committee. If you desire to appear beforo tho committee, it will sit at
a tlmo and place suiting your convenience; or, If you prefer that a tlmo
should be fixed, Monday, November 3, at 1:30 p. ni., In named, and the placu
62 Omaha National Bank building. CHARLES 8. ELQUTTEM,
worked In any way.
Omaha Art Gild Will
Entertain the
OMAHA, Nov. 2. Mr. Charles S. lilguttcr, Chairman Bar Association
Committee of Inquiry My Dear Sir: Pardon delay in answering your lot-
It also 1 ter tl" 10 unavoidable pressure of other business,
Tho Information you now givo confirms tho substantial basis of myi
charges, and Support the position I havo taken, namoly, that with hulls-'
cent ot the road between any two Riven I putablo evidence of unprofessional conduct in Itosscsslon of the bar and tho
points) la paved, macadamised, clayed or roUrt ,lQ disbarment lias resulted, and that until n start at housccloonlng is!
I mado in good faith with the material at hand It is useless to furnMi further I
! fact. J
Aside from this, however, much of tho evidence of crooked work by j
TToIrt T-Vlf CVrf Q1T1 fnP (lawyers is of public record on tho court docket or Journals, available
Aiuuv". umixjj. ujj.w equally to you as to me. In one caso n orilr in contempt wax procured
V lSltmff TeaOhei'S 1 ,ncnber f your own committee, but subsequently dropped when part
& I of the mlsatinronrlated money waa couched un.
Since my last communication Mr. Balrd, who served as chairman of tho
pedal committee appointed by tho district Judges, has told me that tho
tlmo limit of his conimltteo expired nearly a year ago, and did not cover any
ot tho crooked work dono Blnco thon.
Since your letter further says that your association nnd conimltteo has
no power except ns a self-constituted body, nothing remains for mo under
tho circumstances but to repeat that "I have nothing to coininunlt'nto to
your conimltteo In secret different from what I have to communlcato to tho
public at largo through the columns of Tho Itc, in which thin subject will
bo freely discussed from time to tlmo ns tho exigencies may require."
Thanking you again for tho courtosy ot your invitation, 1 am, very
truly yours, VICTOR ItOSISWATEK,
Editor of Tho Boo.
One of the chief feature entertilnments
for the thousands of visitors to the oon
ventlon of the Nebraska State Teachers'
association, In session hore Novembtr 5
to 7, Inclusive, will, It Is expected, lie sup.
piled by the annual exhibit ot the Omaha
Art Olid at the public library. Tho fa
vprable criticism that haa already been
accorded the work of Omaha artists this
jrear seems to warrant th confidence of
the committee as to the Impression thnt
will be made upon aesthetic, "school
Four hundred visitors filed through the
exhibit rooms at tho library Saturday, tha
opening night of the art shpw, and more
than 30 persons took advantage ot their
leisure Sunday afternoon to visit the art
exhibit. Tho greatest throngs, however,
are expcted during this week. The tx
hlblt may b viewed every afternoon and
evening this week, Including Sunday,
Many artlaU who never beforo have
placed an exhibit are this year showliiK
their work. In all thero ore about twenty
xhtbttors. Everything from crayon draw
lnes to pretentious oil portraits are dls.
jilayed. Several ot the- paintings have
been pure lias ed by visitors. Among thaw
are water colors by Miss Augusta Knight,
art Instructor at tha 'University of Omaha,
and Mlsa Lilian Ituderdorf, South Omaha.
Both wero sold to M. A. Hall. The por
trait of T. H. Tibbies, by J. Laurie Wal
lace, alio ha been sold.
It any nota of .disappointment has ben
voiced by visitors to the exhibit ot the
Omaha Art Olid, It haa been not con
cerning the character of the work shown,
but deploring a scarcity of tho black and
white drawings. Assurance has been
given that more of this popular variety
will be exhibited next year.
Con Knrlght, residence, any lodging
liouso, waa haled before Judge Kostrr,
charged with vagrancy and also on sus
picion of having accomplished the ma-j
Jonty 01 we piumoinir rouuerie irom va
cant bouse that has been keeping the
Velio busy for several weeks,
Enrlght, who at one tlmo waa a
plumber, rocelved a Jail scntenco ot thirty
days In July. While he waa Incarcerated
the plumbing thefts ceased, but as toon
a lils release was accomplished, the Jobs
became decidedly numerous. Judge Foster
4Ucharged the man and Chief Melon
VrompUy rearrested him on suspicion.
Key to the Situation nee Advertising.
Suffragists Are Busy
Electioneering at
Teachers' Meeting
Local suffragists threw an electioneer
ing stuad Into the lobby of the Itome
hotel yesterday, when Omaha teachers
began to register for the meeting of .the
state association.
Suffrage societies, It Is understood, are
combining to boost Miss Kate MoIIugh
of the Omaha High school for president.
The teachers vote as they register, nom
inating the candidates from whom offi
cers aro later chosen.
Although the registrars looked with dis
favor on the "vote pullers" at the Home,
they were without power to keep them
"100 feet from the polls." The suffragists
charged Into the registering teacher with
Some of the teachers said they were
sure the vote on the candidate for presi
dent waa being divided. A large, number
favor Chancellor Samuel Avery of thu
University of Nebraska for the head of
the association.
Small Dots Grew Larger. Scales
Formed, Looked Horrible, Cutl
cura Soap and Ointment Cured,
Troop II, eth V. B. Cavalry. Catsp
McCoy, Sparta, Wis. "I was troubled
with psoriasis for nearly two years. Por-
tloos of my arms and limbs
were affected mostly with It.
It appeared In scaly form,
breaking out In very small
dots and gradually grew
larger and white scales formed
when about the sit of aa
' ordinary match-head. Th
looks of It was horrible, which
made It very unpleasant for
me. Itjtched a UtUe at times.
"I tried several rcmtdles, but the trouble
seemed to grow worse instead of better, and
Lieut, Hayes Asks
to Be Eetired on
Police Pension
Lieutenant Thomas Hayes, who has
been a member of the police department
since J8S9, has asked to be placed on tho
retired list He will be eligible for a
pension of $50 a month under the police
retirement law.
Police Commissioner' J. J. Kydtr will
submit Lieutenant Hayes' resignation at
the meeting of the city commission Tues
day. Lieutenant Hayes has been eligible
for retirement on pension for three years.
Angry When Notified
He Won Land Chance
George Murdock, a clerk at Union Pa
clflo headquarters, waa one of tho In
dividuals whoso name wun mentioned In
the land drawing at North Pintle and
he Is mad about It.
The first Intimation that Murdock re
ceived thai, bin name was among thoiA
of the lucky ones came Sunday morning
at 3 o'clock. At that hour he was en
Joying a peaceful slumber. Tho door
bell rang a number of times and at last
awakened Murdock. Hurrying down, ho
found a messenger boy with a telegram
that announced that his number In the
land drawing was l,k. As there are
lest than 700 tracts ot land for distri
bution, Murdook Is of the .opinion that
lis Is the victim of a Joke and that Uncle
Sarti Is the Joker. He Is not losing any
sleep over the prospect of having to
give up his Job to go out and hold down
a claim.
BIIIMINQHAM, Ata.-r. U Willi of
the dim of Hartllne & Willis,, pharma
cist, suffered greatly from asthma and
bronchitis, so bad ho could not attend to
business. A he writes; "I got no relief
untti t took Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound. It entirely removed those choking
sensations, and never failed to produce
an easy and comfortable condition of the
throat and lungs." Ilemember the name,
Foley's Honey 'and Tor Compound, and
accept no substitute. In the yellow pack
age. For' sale by all dealers. Advertisement.
Farmers Hold Back
All Kinds of Grain
With the grain exchange, last wetk was
about the llghjtst In the history ot the
organisation, so far aa receipts were con
cerned. Owing to low prices and In an
ticipation of advances, farmer held their
grain back and but little stuff came to
market Omaha dealers held to a simi
lar Idea and forwarded' only In limited
quantities. About all ot the (tuff that
moved went south and waa put In on
order taken long ago.
While the figure on receipts and ship
ment tor October are not complete, It
Is stated that they will fall considerably
blow the corresponding month of last
year, which waa one of the best that ha
ever been experienced by the exchange.
Take Off That
Weight of Fat
Xasy, Won&srial, Bxtsraal ,Wtbod
for Xsa ana Women..
Basalt or Monty Baok aoaraaUed To
User sf s.00 raekaga, Which Con
tain Tax Tims Amount In 91 Sis
ry woman' nn
SUduosr in your bath, and that' all!
Your superfluous fat will fads away,
easily, surely ai.d without any bad ef
fects. Day by day your figure will bs
come more and more as it should be-
graceful, trim and beautiful No need to
starve yourself, dos wtth harmful, dras
tic drug or go in ougt exnaundng and
ridiculous exercises ,
November 1 the Northwestern discon
tinued the service ot the White audit syi-
i tem. which furnished auditors for check-
I tried several treatments which cured m in? passenger train collections. From now
for a month, but it alwsys broke out again. I on tne company will eroploytits own men
One day a friend saw the advertlMmsnt of
CuUcura Soap and Ointment in the paper
and I sent for a tun pie. They helped me, eo
I purchased two more boxes of Cudcura
Otntauet and soma Outlcura Soap and
they CMspletely cured me. It took three
moot-is for CuUcura Soap and Ointment
to complete my cure." (Signed) Walter
Ylaheey. Oct. 22. 1813.
Although the Cutlcura Boap and Olnt
naat are ssost successful in the treatment of
agecUeos of the akin, scalp, hair and hands,
they are alto most valuable for everyday use
la tfe toilet, bath and nursery, because they
promote and main tain the health of the skin
a4 halt from infancy to age. Sold every
wIm. Liberal sample of each mailed free,
wUk as-p. BSdn Poole Address postcard
"CuUcura, Dept. T. Boston."
who shave and shaapoo with Cu
tlcuca "U1 acil It lt for nfcta ud scsJp.
as auditor. About twelve men will be
requited, who will report to the general
The Northwestern waa one ot the first
western roads to adopt Uie Whit system,
which consists of carrying spotter on
passenger trains to see that conductor
turn In the cash fares collected. The rea
son given for the change Is that con
doctors are less Inclined to resent audit'
ing by fellow employes than by men em
ployed by a private agency and that th
work can be carried on more successfully
by the company Itself.
Hrrloas Lacerations
and wounds are healed, without dangei
of blood poisoning, by liucklen's Arnica
Salve, the healing wonder
sale by your
Bs Sll of Toor Handicap. XVXRT
waCAjra ruiK xxduoex
X th Xaary Way.
Superfluous fat I humiliating la
Xrsry wenuut Xfltsh m4ncr will
.uickly and naturally relieve you of all
ibnormal fat Tou can keep your weight
ust whsro you want t and not feel weak,
ned or exhausted Indeed you feel
Uronger and better la every way.
Tou cannot be happy while you caTV
round with you that load of ussless,
lierg'using fat Rid yourself of th
buren Get out of life the enjoyment
ou are entitled to.
Set XTrr Woman' Tlssb Xedncer
uid begin It us today At Drug and
Department Store, II or or sent on
recslpt of price by The Kve wpman Co
(Not Inc.) SO 8. Fifth Ave , Chicago, 111
Fur sale and recommended in Oroaha
by Sherman ft McConnell Drug Ca
tfth and Dodge Bta. Owl Drug Ca leth
ind Harney Sts. . Harvard Pharmacy
14th and Famam Trsl Pharmacy io
Ulng wonder Only Si&c For) N lth St: My Dillon Drug- Co.
druggist -Advertisement SlfiEL.DriK- 2x JUld JQrndtlaB
Advance Notices
Wednesday-Sale of Plush
Coats in Dasement.
Thursday-Great Salo ot
Shoes in Dasement and
Main Floor.
Thu'rsday-S a 1 o of Wo
men's Suits In Basement
200 Pairs Bed Boom Cur
tains white Swiss with
colored horder worth 1
pair; Tuesday at, J)c
la ur i is i iiT nr m
- I IS
X 1- . I.I.J . .'rril . i ii . i I T.I - -I JL L.1 r '
60,000 Cakes of Toilet Soaps
From Such Famous Soap Makers as Jas. S. Kirk & Co., Swift & Co.,
Andrew Jergens Co. Colgate Sc. Co., Armour & Co. and Others.
At the lowest prices at which Fine Soaps were ever sold
In the Most Complete Drag Dept. in All Omaha
The 1 e
Cake l&C
Tuesday we will stack special tables high with toilet
soaps of well known makes and sell them to the
people of Omaha at prices far below the regular fig
ures. Lay In a six months' supply ot these soaps.
It will certainly pay you.
Ivory Soap, 6 bars for 1 7c
The f O
Cake 1C
0 utioura Kirk's Ja'p Olivilo Soap Maxine I S w i f t ' s Pure Castile M o riarch
Soap, the Rose Soap, ioc cake, Elliott, doz., F r iendship Soap, 1 lb. Toilet Soap,
.5C caL....BG Me ...6C cake ---6C the cake. 5C at C cake 5C
Kirk's Swift's Panama Gly- SapoUo, the witehHnxoi pels Naptha K,-k's Faust
Peroxide Soap, o,,Ulii ii i -in Buttermilk Toilet Soap,
dozen J Sunnybrook cenne, the regular 10c 3 caUe3 Boap, doz., tho 10c call0
7!c.per MO P,ii ftl0cCakenft size, nn In box P 4 Co, tho J at B0 doz.,p
cakop?:..oCs;4f?.4C for ....b0 cake ...qO for oC cake 4Crake oC
- ' -
Juvenile SOAP
Dozen 78c "7J
The Cake C
i?. air. id v x- i i.i'rnu i iAitv
Swift's Wool Soap, three bars for ... 9c
Lily Boquet Soap, Dozen 29c, the cake 3c
Hundreds ot other soaps at very low Bpeclal
prices. Wti reserve right to limit tho quantity.
Biggest Soap Sale Ever Held
Hotels and rooming houses shpuld lay in a com
pleto supply.
Embroidered Pillow Cases
Handsomely ombrQidored scalloped
edge or hemstitched; nlade of the. best
Fruit of tho Loom casing Inrgo ns
sorment to select from j pi
values up to $1, bnsemeut, L f
nt,- euch '.
Embroidered Pillow Cases, nicely embroid
ered on good muslin, scalloped odge a
or homstltchod good values at 85c; IHC
bacement, at, each
Qdds and Ends in Women's Shoes
High Shoes,
Two hundred palm of Women's High Shoes,
Inco and button practically all
sizes and widths S.C0 values;
basement, at
$1 and $1.25 Pictures, 49c
tSc le 5c llffiliBs
Thecake t'k'ti4
w urns kaf hp i riBiirrwi r;.. if r J
vi ijd&u. r L3iiu iruii; Wfcn.Lt ..iit . rtuiTi
"Classic" ouch favorite subjects as "Age of In-
noeence,'" "Simplicity," "Boy lllue," etc. They
have "Art Craft Guild" frames In etruaclan gold
With crest' on top, slsn
8x12. only a limited
quantity. 100
tl.Sfi values
100 of the popular
"Harrison Msacr Olrl
Heads" In oval' frame,
else 11X17, with pink
and blue, double mount
and bow knot: frames
are tinted blue and pink
to match' M e
90o value 4i7C
dnly'onVof a'iind to
a ountomer.
On pons: Ohocolat Cream Brop,
worth lSo Xompeiaa Boobi at . . . .
Cbewtna Hum all standard araadj
rompslan Xoom 9 yaoikaa; for
Japanese China Ware
1,000 fancy Japanese China Cups and n
Saucers, beautifully treated with I I If
gold Vest Arcado at w"
Peri-Lustre Crochet Cotton
In white and ecru c)Ior all num-
bers equal In lustro and inish to 1 1 If
D. M. C. 19c and 26o Yalues, spool. . v
Kayser's Leatherette Gloves
Genunine "KayBer" make. Mado of real
leatherette (duplex cloth), which looks like
leather, but wears much hotter, r
Guaranteed washable; white and a SI If
few colors; at, pair JJ
t. Aching
There nre foot remedies and
foot remedies, but thero Is
only one way to relieve tired",
aching feet. Here It is.
Cushion Sole
They are non-conductors ot
heat and cold. Not a tender
foot but that will be relieved
when these shoes are put on.
They are made on common
sense lasts, fitted with a soft
piano tolt cushion lnaolo.. You
don't need a doctor you need
a pair of theso shoes.
MEN'S $5.00
WOMEN'S . . $4.00
1419 Famam
Two Clean Papers
The Youths Companion
The Evening Bee
Both far 55 Cts. 8 Mutb
A New Collar.
e '.
Note the Brake.
l,"SO Kara am Street.' Tsars Sams Offles. Phoae Don;, 1700
Extraetlas SSc Up kaBfcjtA Missing Teeth supplied
PlllUg ...COo Up M9BHRpk without Plates or Bridge
Bridsework . ...$ Up VlF jjW work. Nerves removed
CrowBs 52.00 Up fJTf W tI without pnln. Work ruar
Plates $2.00 Up I ' anteed ten year.
l BBSSBbk .jbb
tjBBa9a "V
Winter Blasts
in Your Store?
Papers Disarranged,
Olerks with Colds,
Patrons Disgusted
and Business Poor?
Use a
Revolving Door,
and Eliminate
This Trouble.
A standard pattern, collap&lblo
Revolving Door solid oak,
heavy plate class, with solid
brass push and kick plates.
The Bee Building Co.
Room 103.
A few desirable offices
in Omaha's
Best located
Thoroughly modern
Well lighted-
Easily accessible
Room 103