-A I Mr, u.m.yma m.M'Ai toVtHj JN jUlUbK 2, 1013. Staff of University of Omaha Metropolitan GeAain Paisley Clinton Hal3eyj Samuel Slothy ?di( or-ui-Chief qmgp Masiafrrxg Editor jatuznejsMaxu&i. j&a iiff&yjfty ! ' 7 rr. Y -issV. Business JHmnag Associate Hdiior OFFICIALS OF THE MONTHLY. PUBLICATION OK TICK VNIVBRSITY OF OMAHA Beginning November lfi, the students at the University of Omaha will put out the first number of the "Metropolitan' .a sohool publication dealing -with the school activities of the students. Thfi booklet ;wlll be put out once a month .at 'the b pinning and later Increased to twice a. month as the conditions warrant. Frorrj" gh Interest shown' by the students '6i tan only those beat fitted for the work of putting out such a publication were se lected. Mr. Oldham Paisley was chosen edltor-ln-chlef became of his ability ana. experience in iuch work. lie was connected With the Omahn lllsh Rrhnnl Register leverat years ago, and la also editor In chief of the "Yellow Sheet," a .dally publlcatlaiiilasued by the students oiftne . university of Omaha. Its name (Yellow Hharti. la llaa.l Iwallu W KThe In.ida nr.a -mi. . ... . k Jca'.OI tn PPer hlch It ll writ- 2nor than assured w. f " ' v. me. ucn, glased paper, wlille the, cover will t& ot a heavy green ttur; Ait a mm'.r ..: '.have from twenty.four to tWrtytwo pnaes in eaen issue of the Metropolitan. in securing tn stsrr for the Metropolt. tfopolltan, Clinton llaUey was se- r. nai7 nas nau a great ileal bf, experience In the managing of such nADri. anil lh wav I - , I w-t Lof hls new Job gives greater assurance , persona men (Iblsms and temptations )$f In various vocations. i ffOPICS FOR A DAY OF REST "Trs Constitution and Powers of Man" will be the, -subject of a lecture to be- lev. J, V. Yoang: Secemei New raitor at Westmi.iter. HOWXLL TO OITE AN ADDRESS 'tep Board Head VI1I Sieak Sun- lay Xoon at First Cona-ren-a. IIobsI an Municipal Own ership Problems. - ' I -r Uev. J. F. Young, new pastor of the AVestmlnster Presbyterian church, will Jake charpe of the pulpit Sunday morning. JHiWI!1 preach at both the morning and vanlr services. Rev,' Sir. Young comes ito Omahafrom Carthage, III., where he beld jjaeforate for the ;aat etght years. The head of the Water board, R, B. Howell, W EV an address before the business men of the First Qongregational ajurch at tha noon hour Sunday. He will peak on "Municipal Ownership, and Its iuura. inis is one or a zr a of that the publication will be a winner as long as he la connected with It. In ad dition to the business manager and the assistant huatness manager, there wilt ba two aasoclate editors on the staff Aa associate editors are Effle Clelland and Flnley Jenkins. The business manager and assistant business manager are fiam uel Hlotky n.nd George Mclafferty The advertising for the publication will be In charge of Mr. Morrison, attending the University ot Omaha School of. Law, Mr. Morrison has had a great deal ot experience In this line work while attending .the University oT ebraslci. While attending that schawl aeVe'ral'yeari' ago he had charge of th'e kdVert)alhr OB theJDallf Nebraskah. ' at "'.a. . Evangellitle weetlng throughout the Week at 7:30. Orace. Corner Tenth and Arbor, K. B. Taft, Pastor Sunday school at 10. Morn Ing worahlp at, 11. . Subject, "Ready for the Master's Use." Lord's Supper at close of sermon. Baptist Young People's union at 7.-S. Bubject, "The Narrow Oate." Good music Special meetings begin November . Mission Sunday school at 3. 3010 South Fourth street. First. Corner Park, and Hamey-The pastor, ReV. W. JaepeV Howell, preaches at each service. Morning theme at 10:W, The Magnetic Cross." Observance ot Lord's Supper and reception of new mem bers. Sunday school at noon. Evening worship at 7U. Theme. 'The Oood In the Worst Of Ua." Wednesday topic, "Tha Last Prayer Meeting and the Peo ple Who Wilt Ue There," Calvary. Twenty-fifth and Hamilton, Rev. J. A. Maxwell. Pastor Services, u...i.i - 111. anu t.du ii. xii., cunuuciou dy Memorial pastor; morning subject, "The Precious- tl w tfvaa, avcilUlB, 1HI KJU1J Nainf." The Lord's supper will be ob served at the close of the morning serv ice. Illble school at noon; O ,W. Noble, superintendent. A rally day program will be given instead of tha regular lesson ftudy. At :) p. m. legular UapUat loung given by Iiurd F. Miller b.for ih. Theosophlcal society, room SO,' Batdrlge Wead building. Sunday, evening. This lecture will be Illustrated by colored stereoptlcon views of the different subtle bodies of man and also'the thought forma which he creates Sunday evening wilt start a aeriea or union Gospel service. Services wilt be held until next Sunday n Olivet Baptist church. Thirty-eighth and Grand. Tha fol lowing week at Central Park Congrega tlonal, Forty-second and Saratoga, and ftovemoer ia to 3 at Hirst Methodist Episcopal. Baalist. Olivet, Thlrty.elghth and Grand. Frank ."rd. Pastor Sunday school at 10 o clock: morning wonhln and sitminu. ltZl WLXSE. . . - u- 'on rneoung" ToptrTh.-Ideal ard-nihu hir 1. i.lv new-tnrisiian ins neaveniy Helper" Mld f.? 'fil0?1 3- arrr L'anwn- week devotional senlce of the church Wednesday erenlng. led by pastor, leaf". Hnaelnan4Aa.e "I-k . i . hi,J.l ' ""V sen-ice ThursdaxJ p. m.; leader, Mrs. Lockwood. W. F, RottS. Pastor Morning ..nl. ll Christian. North Side. Twenty-second and Lothrop, II. J Klrschateln. Mlnlittr.il.nnnn TCZIi: - one oi a striea t,' c"J9 'sttryict at ll. J Kirsc aouressea wmch take ud tha nAn.i,"....i; "f!"1 ioyng theme at W a. m.. "Hniii v.,,.. r " -l denude service, , u,ble .cUool at noon; Chriail.n Kndeavor w ' ba "nuaually attractive, with Miss Aliens arafton of Indlanapotla and Mrs. Call Scott Wlllard of Lincoln aa apeak- fUe. First. Corner Twenty-sl.tth and Harney. A.' ttD' 'ia.na? "wr-Mornlng service .at IV Subject. The Dignity and ifunction jot the Church. Kvemng service at 7,-Jit. hill K 1a... ' I ' W ( I . . . . ,. u Peupos Society orenrlstlan fcndeavor at 1:30. Subject. "The Ideal Chnst.an. 130. Subject. -Jlow May W. HeonVe Stransr Christian?' Leaner. Frank Uun I neiy. Bible school at .. Congrrgntlunal. 1 Hillside, Thirtieth and Ohio, W S llampton, I'uustcr-Morning worahlp aud 'communion at W:3a Bunday school at t noon. Junior Endeavor at J. Senior Kn 'dcavor at fl 30. Evening worahlp at 71. ( Plymouth, at Unlveralty of Omaha Audl- torlum. Twenty-fourth and Evans, F v i Leavttt. Minister-Celebration of ' the i?t."?pt?r Jll P"" "f members I at 10:301 tnnio "Thw Will u - r div nphnnl at ,-- ' : - miHei meal ing at o dock. tfJl?t,1 C,orr Innth and Davenport. Frederick T. Rouse. Pastor Morrdnsl l0f'P lv w-50-,'" Ptor Ul .Silt ?"J. J?B" N,w cnsTe,atkinaI.sm.' At ,;J? i!u...p,u,.opwwm "P"" on om s de Ughta of the great Kansas City coun cil. At noon the men's class win be ad diesaed bv It. H iinwaii .r .- nl.. Water board. Kylacopal, u5iUilf1f1h . tfc 5?J ghPhrd. Twentieth and Ohio. Rev. T. J. Collar. Rector-Holy eommunlon at k. Sunday school at Holy communion with sermon at 11. Even In prayer with sermon at 7:3U. St. Paul's, Thirty-second and California. IWv. John William Jones. A. M.7 Vlcar-1 bunday school at f-an vni. k a hard eeld and was deaf in ens ! J"1 "rmo, - Bible class and con I got dUcouraged and thought U J i 1 AMr De MI1V rift t a.t I n. . " J '- Many people perilat 1n riding on the! At the atfbvarame -of th. fir.t S - ".ucently prot-M by torn. VZ 4 it MZ , . un in. oouie. anU continued They Start out Derhaoa In th hmt nf the day and -do not feel the need of wraps. trna rapid moving of the car cools the Wdy unduly. When they board the car perhaps they are slightly perspiring. When the body Is In this condition It la sally eblHed. This is especially true when a person Is sitting. neginnlnz a street car rule In tha mid d( of tev day and ending- It In the even ing almost Invariably requires extra, wraps, but people do not observe thesa lrecuutlena, hence they eaten cold. Colds are very freouent In the autumn on this account, and as the autumn advances they do not decrease. During the autumn months po one should think of riding on the Always Take Wrap WW Yew . .... ar without beillxr Crnv1ila1 wftH a wftar. ', cold caught Ja the. 'autumn ti liable to last throusb the entire winter. Great raution should be observed at this season against exposure to cold. During the pleasant days of autumn the liability of ratching cold a great. No wonder ao many people acquire mua rulsr rheum tiara and catarrhal diseases durlagthls season. Jesajfeyer. In spite ot the greatest pre- a.tjMee. colds will b caught until every symptom disappears, Do not put It off. Do net waate Ume by talking It over. Begin at once to take Peruna, and continue taking It until you are poalUve that the eold has entirely disappeared. This may save you a long and perhaps aerloua Illness later on. Cold Caused Seafaeas. Mr. Turner tfampeon. It. F. D. . Man chester. X. ll.. writes: -I have been troubled with catarrh In mt head by spells or a number of jears. Last July i took ear would never be any better. "f was advised to try Peruna T tV- one bottle and was cured, I would advise any one who Is afflicted to gfve Peruna a trial, believing that they wfll expe rience the relief that I nave.'' be Took Cold Easily. Mra. C. B. Long writes trom Box 459, Llndaay, Cat. aa follows: -My little girt had a cough that had been troubling her for four months. She took void easily, and would wbeexe and have spells ot coHghlnr that would sometimes last for a nair hour. St. Matthias'. Tenth r,.i Re. Gorge S. Southworth. Paator-Twenty-fourth Sunday afier Trinity Holy communion at J. Sunday acaooi la. Holy communion and sermon at H. Evenaong and sermon every Frldav at 7:30. J Krangellcal. Grace United Comer Camden Avenue ".1tl J?.r.th Twenty-seventh Street. Thomas W. Evans, Pastor Dr. and Mrs! H, A. Wheeler v.U continue their work ever Sabbath, tiuiday at 11. The Be- Mrttlna- Ood!" S. -Tha Ilnm.i. Chrtat;" ., "From Pugullet to Slava." On Monday evenliur Mrs. Whul.r ariii give a free lecture. "The KmanclDatfnn "RffAM ika tl.Mn nU . a , iT , " 1." .,. , . . . ahe sutfered every thiag in the way or ' Gtrman, Corner Wghteenth and Cura rougha, colds and croup, but now ahe F"t-,itlc"tp Paator- Residence we l and atxonr as . . ha. ,.r i , ,; J'h ,'.0, "W.. pr i her life - - ri- urra ir. at IP O and (ai r ll Ii,.. .. ji. trtct aupertntentUnt wld oct-iov th mn. aai... , , pit raortv-ng - id evening Mil com- wto object to liquid medlcUtj caa bow procure Tcrtuia TtUta. can jn it ,1 . w ruam c in it 4. THE BIG NOVEMBER SALE STARTS MONDAY Three-Room Home Outfits Positively the most complete three-room ontflts In the dty and offered on terms of SS CASH $4 M0.1THLY SsSr1 Four Room SOL Home Outfits in Ihs Cily A most complete outfit that has won for the Union hundreds of friends. Terms $10.00 CASK S10.CO MOITTHXiY. $ 8 I ? SEAMLESS TYVAN RUG w rni. n rt r ' xiii-su rugs are y.viz iect ill size, are lull seamless and reversi ble. Made in prettv patterns, manv einall "Wilton effects, suitable for any room, large variety of colors. Your Credit is Good aeBBaB $f 8o4s Sold , Afv Out of Town 'WS-f M IV M on Easy WjKR?. aEiMy?n.''m: vaa. $12.60 .ffiK$t?Mm2fMr (at A7C mw&mwvm, via & Ji sh PA FOB A GOLD SSS 99 i FOR A HANDSOME h)K A $,10.00 SEAMLESS WILTO.V VELVET UUO These handsome ruga are of a very heavy quality; de sign are floral, oriental and Per sian A large assortment to select from and they are full 9x12 feet In size. Actually worth $30.00. FOR A GOLD COIN BASE BUR NER You serve your own interest best by purchasintr one of these wonderful heaters. They have a larger heat radiating surface than any other base burner, and are guar anteed to give you one-third more heat with one-third les3 fuel. 3 von A KITCHEN CABINET. Similar to illua tratlon. rn roK A HOME CORAL BASE. 11 L HN Ell The beat moderate price baseburner offered any- wnere; has automatic feed maga zine, guaranteed flrepot, large cqld air flues and Is trimmed with silver nickel. 2450; xrhi I 1 'j I I1 aSJTgtTTMfc SsUstaBBatiBHilHisfliBaHB9lft" SaSaSaSaHsaHLPnT"BBalLsaKHaSW3HT i3uy Now-Pay Later af7t? FOR THIS HANDS03IK 913.00 fll g FUMED OAK LIBRARY TABLE Exactly like Illuatra- tion and beyond a doubt the best library table value in the city. The masslre top is 28x48 inches In size and it la finished .in a beautiful fumed. SafaafaaHeaalaalaaV.Salaarli SalaaKllsl0l 'SalSalBaBkSalBalBaBssaMsBSatI ""flsallsllsllsllsBssllslls.s!-J mm llg S, S5.75 FOR A .REGU LAR $8JSf SO COAL HEATER Has full cast iren top and base and heavy blue steel drum. Sale of China Closets Yaur OM Stove Taken in Exchange V.b a' N&w Range or Healer ,$20.00 values, quarter. sawed oak , frames. 8ale price, I SI2.90 135.00 values, 'golden, oak or early English finish, sale i price ataBBBBft TaTaSBaBBBI All complaints given prompt attention SI9.75: sa,ellaellaells.eeseJPIsW"V--, ESTATE STEEL RANGES. The greatest value range In the city. Estate steel Ranges are constructed to last a lifetime. They are Mn fln.. .n... .a A I t - - "Ural uuuti ui America s ioremost range makers. Get ydur Estate Range tomorrow. THIRTY DAYS FREE TRIAL This week all we ask down is aBSRSBSSSSSSBSJJNBBJ BBSSSBjssssjssBSailssataaa4l FOR AX ELEGANT GEXUINE FELT MATTRESS Th U u special value In Banltary felt mattress. FOR A $35.00 DUOFOLD BED DAVENPORT S.o l i d oak frame with slat ends. S26.50 SI2.50 FOR A $20.00 PED E S TAL T A B L E Round Pillar. Younr People's association at T IV Stun day school enducted in the Knsllali language at JO. Lathrraa. Orace. Eaartlah. South Twenty-alxth Betwen Poppleton and Woolworth. Clar ence N. Swlhart. Jllnlster 'Two Twelvea" at 11. 'Th Captive ThcAisThte" at 7MS. Sunday school at 11, Conftrraattoa eiassea t naay, t ana t:i. St. Mark's Enallah. Twentieth and nur dette. TUv Dr. L- Oroh. Pastor Services Sunday at 11. The Great Iteformatlon of U17;" 7.3U. ''Oreat Men's God Only Onat " Sunday school at 8:45 Young People's Christian Endeavor at S.4& Kountae Memorial. Farnam Street and Twenty.alxth Avenue, Rev. Oliver 1). Daltsly. Ph. D.. Ii. D.. raator Services for the twenuty-fourth Sunday after Trinity Morning worahlp at 11 o'clock. Subject. "The Divine Touh." Kvenlng worship at i o'cloclc Subject. "Every Man Reeponalble for His Slna." Sunday achool at C Luther league at 7 o'clock. Confirmation classes every Thursday and Friday evening at 7:. and every Friday afternoon at 5:1$. The lesson la the aame at each period. Methodist. Orove. Twenty-second and Seward. Rev D. Smith. Pastor Dr. Stuptlng. district superintendent, will preaeh at 11 and ad minister the sacrament and he will also preach at t. At 7tX Miss Kate Obee will atng a solo and Dr. J. M. Leldy will preach. .Lefler Memorial. South Omaha. F A. Smith. Pastor Sunday will be rally day Ir. all departments of the ohurch. Music and other apeclal features will make the day on of Interest. Sunday school at 10. Epworth league at !. Preaching at 7.3U. MeCabe. Fortieth and Farnam. Rev. W H. I'nderwood, Paator Morning service ct 11. Evening at 7:30. Subject for the uornlng. '-Through Doubt to Faith." Sunday school at 14. Junior league at 2 Ernlor league at Midweek meeting Wednesday evening at S. First. Twentieth and Davenport. Titus Lowe. Minister-Morning service at II o'clock. Subject. "The Paramount Busi ness of the Church." Evening service at 7 SO. Subject. "The Blasphemies of Earth." Sunday achoot at 3 (1, Epworth league at (30. Midweek service at 7 IS Wedneaday evenlng Benson. Mam and Sixtieth. Rev Arthur Ataxk. Paator QnuliM Sunday school under leadership of Charles Hafke. 10 a n morning sermon, ll aubjert. ' The ftirsuaa and His Rl(ht evening t 3b yo ing p.'t! meeting with good leader s pwcuUr even ng sen e at 19 aong aervlca and wrmnn anKiAt im.- . a a n. WlllUm Boer. Pasto-rPubf Vonhlp I Wisdom. Mualo cho.6' " Wor,d,Jr and sermon by the Daator at 10 3a m.K- i. us'0 r chorus. and aermo by Vhaator' mm 2 ""aom! Mlusto bv oru.. lect. -Gel a Sp4rltual Bllnr." the third ! TJ St2.-5. thA.Co?mMnt' nl Ir. a series on the Apostl Creed. Sun- I iW.i"tZ?v'n,th Charles H. Fleming, day school at nvn Cn.Mh Paauir Morning wonhln at 7:30 under the direction or II . I 7"a Conditions of Effective Service for the choir will a give sacred ' Dnr,s.1 , B1le school at noon. Young i i funny or cnnsUan Endeavor at R!3U At - - ' -HII.VI .41 III eaiiKDurv the ehnlr win a concert. Dtetz MamnHal T-tu . in rtJTy (.hrlStOPherson. lenular Riun iwjon, nsier-bnnaay service, i miVj.:! . """J"-'. wo viciones. - us at 10. i ,r " wispier N. Sunday -chool at X Preaching at 10. """JV: iiupr. r.pwortn league at :"0. Pr?.ln,c.at 'M- SiinJect. -The Grrnt- yt iiraj in ine worm. (Quarterly con of John In the John couru Parkvale. Thlty-flrst and Gold. Rev. A. E. Lehrmujn, Minister-Morning worahlp With arn an Kir . V, , . . . . X r.r.n. t....-- -V :;'t,v"."- .-"awi- corning worsniD Masons, wll worihlo with . i .-h.-' I -l.tv" ri,YU.T."T,.i TP . Masons, will worahlp with us en Sunday November 9, at 10:16. erahlp of G. n. Packard morning and evening. Mid-week aervice Wednesday at 3 p. m. . Prtitirterlaa. Caatellar Street. C C. Meek. Minlat let aTl .IH.nenJ."'"' v,B Ing rvlce at 7 under the auspices of the aenlor Yo'lA' People's Society of Chrla- aw... ".d'or..JJunior Jnterraediate ehorua at 3-4 Midweek prayer meeting iJ? chure' ""J senior chorus rehear sal Thursday at ;:30. I'Wton IIIll.' Ferty-fifth and Cln.ni. Sabbath school at 10- SerVtoei at 11 and ThitmiuTn A rty-fifth and Grant. I. Junior Toung People's Society of ! JtTla ,1?,??l"e' .Ior-Blble school Christian Endeavor at 3J0. Young Peo- SLaiL1 iorf.h?: Mnilng. "Ao- BSW53M5 8B-S3B S I' EHS 3s Vs f,US .",Ch0OJi V W- aervwe at , Heaven.y llelpj' Bday evening ference. Wednemjay evening at 8 o Hoelc , RIZl w.Tr?iVe.'h. favenworth. Fairvlew. PralTstre-t and Fortieth 5?XJS T"a ioLZLn Avenue. Rev. Charles It. Fleming. Pas ' iuBartai.iuu.1 SL'-a"' TJ!- worship at j, theme. "Two ! Tw c&'r&Z A. c, Douglas, Paator Public worship ati 10:30 and 7:20 Rev. John Ferguson, repre aentatlve of Monmouth college, will' preach at both aervtcee. Bible school at I li Young People' Society of Christian Endeavor at (:30. Kty to the Situation Bee Advertising. Conditions of Effective dervtee far enrtbt Bible school at i On Tuesday evening the fifth chapter of John wHI be atudled In the John course. Nortu, Twent -fourth and Wirt, M V P m. Mlea Lin WooUeyi euperlntendent. CnriStlSA KfulAaVAfl .w.-lnn.l nntfnv p m. leader. Jtfss lllen Vom We Hormon. ;.: aubjt. "Wo), dly WladonL" MieBt musle under th direction of On.BtraFBAit, Sanatorium ThU iBatltuttoa la the only one In the central west with separate building situated In their own ample grounds, yet entirely dis tinct, and reuderlnp it possible to cllsslfy cases. The one building being fitted for and devoted to the treatment of iion-contaglous and uon-uenUl ulsoases, no others be ing admitted; the other Rest Cot tago being designed (or and de voted to the exclusive treatment ot Doloet mental cases requiring for time watchful care and spe cial uuraiug. o ton DsW.l2 thou- with us and ?'1ltr.i'1.n-WOvLhlp l30: "A,M J MeCIung. Psa tor-Sunday Li?Lith? i,rrutV ml.TH''a Hunday aehool at . Morning wor. hip ax 11. LhJ?.l.Bt S Toung Peoples Society of thome. Our Vision." An , inlveriMry Christian Endeavor, a.30 p. m. serytee. The choir wit sIbk Maiey' Central I'nited. Twenty-fourth and "Otrtatlan, the Morn Breaxs j',er TIih ' Dodge, Hugh R Speer. Paator Morning a Mate class from U to II YttUng worship. 10 30; aermon theme, "lessons I People s UnvUly of Christian HwA mr at fmm iK. Tsmnt.tlAn. l.an. Un t.k ,1. I a-fH Kvt Ul C v-a..1,1il n, Itimi. school at noon; M". Stanley Brown, super- "Burdena for ua u Bear " Tu lntendent. vounir taoIa'a matiaa' i Ji ! wMi staff ' Ouula Thau 11. " h. evening worahlp, 7 30: aermon auhjeet, 4ftl Mtas Kerr v. .11 sing the "Nine im uoepei or ennst ' w n. r.raham directs the chorus choir Third, Twentieth and Leavenworth. Rev Robert Karr Pastor At J 30 a. m Sun-da- school with ilaasea far all agea 10 public worahlp and aermon b 'hr r-tor theme. The T-ue v hurth 3 p ilunr M eldwi ; mi ilay evening at the home . f (he uafK. N'inn Fiftv ae.mth atcaic Ths Jut so s iui w H meet jtl the home of 8 I' Jones. M3 Hrd street Thursday evete.Bg at 8 o ciock I ra, i.ed Twen 'rat and fcTirutV Orkin Brothers Uou't MUs our CJreat DRESS GOODS Sale for .Monday