Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1913, PART TWO, Image 19

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee
Leading Educators Coming to the Teachers' Convention
Mefoler Executive (ommi7re.MS.T A
c 1
Sup. C&as.Arfip.Sduyef.A'ei I I cSlzp. E.Clippi2L6eT,SuUo,ftel
JTz'ss A2zce fflorer
Ca.fupr4 Co. See-Pres. MS. T.A.
- ' i 1 1. 1 1 . ..I, ,.!.
C&aneelloT Samuel Avery
iierstcy of V?pfSvji
?itjif. jScA 00s
Program for the Nebraska State Teachers' Association
f SecretLry MS.7.A.
r 1 w
JRev. D.F. Jenkins ,
JFifw. University of OjoaJiM.
Headquarters anil llnniiuct.
lt.tiovna CniWn Hcsdiiuartcr. Unlver-
Blty club. A banquet will bo held at tlie
University cum at an nour iu u an
nounced later.
Chndron Btato Normal iteaaquoriers.
Hotel Home.
Doauo College uonnu college nuraw
and formor students will hold a. reunion
and take dinner together at tho Young
Men's Christian association on Thursday
evening, November ?. at IS o'clock.
Hustings College Hastings college ban
guet will be held ut the Hotel Rome.
Thursduy noon, Novembur 0. nt 12 o'clock.
Kearney State Noimal Headquarters,
Hotel Home. The school luncheon will
occur November 6. . M
Nebraska Wesleyan University Head
quarters, Hotel Home, room A-l. second
floor. On Thursday at 12:lfi at the Hotel
Home an Informal luncneon win do served
to alumni, former students and friends
of Wesleyan.
Peru Stato Normal Headquarters, Hotel
Home. A banquet for nlumnl, former
students and friends will be held at Hotel
Roma banquet hall, Wednesday evening,
November G, beginning at 8:80 o'clock.
Annual ulumnl business meeting will be
held at 1 o'clock Thursday, November 6.
at headquarters. Home hotel. Informal
dinners for the various classes will be
held at 6 o'clock Thursday and Friday
evenings. A1
State Department of Education The
state department of education will have
headquartem at the Hotel Home.
University of Nebraska Headquarters,
Hotel Home, parlor A. Former stu
dents and friends are invited to visit the
headquarters. A 60-cent luncheon for
university students and alumni will be
served Thursday noon, 12 o'clock, at the
Rome hotel. . ,
University of Omaha Headquarters.
John Jacobs gymnasium. Announcement
of banquet will be made later.
Wayne State Normal Headquarters,
Hotel Rome.
York ColleKe The York college banquet
will be held at the Harford Memorial
church, Thursday, November 6, at 6:30
p. m.
Superintendents' and Principals'
Wednesday Forenoon. November 5, 10
O'clock First Methodist Episcopal
church, Twentieth and Davenport streets:
President, J. A. Doremus, Auburn; vice
president, W. J. Braham. Sidney; secre
tary. Clare Maokln, Nebraska City. Ad
dress, President Alexander Melklejonn,
Amherst college.
Wednesday Afternoon, November 5, 2
O'clock First Methodlct Episcopal
church. Twentieth and Davenport streets:
Is the Public Sohool a FallureT" O. T.
Corson, editor Ohio Educational Monthly,
Columbus, O. Dlaousslon. V. L. Strick
land, Tecumseh; W, W. Stoner, York.
General Sessions,
Wednesday Evening, November 5. 7:45
O.Clock First Methodist - Episcopal
church, Twentieth and Davenport streets:
Superintendent, J. A. Doremus, Auburn,
presiding at the Wednesday evening ses
sion. "The Teacher in Public Life,"
Chancellor Samuel Avery, University of
Nebraska. "Reaction in College Educa
tion." President Alexander Melklejohn,
Amherst college.
Thursday Evening. November , 7:I
O'Clook Auditorium: Address, State
Superintendent M. P. Shawkey, West
Virginia. "The Social and Industrial
Value of an Education," Dr, Nathaniel
Butler, University of Chicago.
Friday Forenoon, November 7. 9 O'clock
Auditorium -What School Muslo Should
Aocompllsh and a Few Practical
Hints on How to Do It," Supervisor T,
m- ciddlxuia, Minneapolis. ' The Spirit
of Play In School," Supervisor Catherine
D. Illakc," New York City. "Tho 1U
ttonal Declaration of Independence and
of tho Constitution of thn United States
as Applied to United States Citizens,"
Dr. Anna Howard Hhaw, New York City.
Business session.
Friday Evening, November 7, 8 O'clock
Auditorium. Concert, Mme. Johanna
Wednesday Afternoon, Novembor 6, 2
O'clock High School auditorium: Presi
dent, Clark A. Fulmer, Nebraska Wes
leyan university; secretary, John N. Ben
nett, Doane college, A 6 o'clock dinner
will bo given to members of this section
and their friends In the Omaha Young
Mens Christian Association building.
Plates, K cents, Please arrange for reser
vatons with Chancellor Fulmer not later
than 2 o'clock, November 6.
Child Ntiitly.
Thursday Forenoon, November 4. 9
O'clock High school, room 215: President,
It H. Hahn, Wayno Htate Normal; secre
tary, Mrs. Janet Marferdlug, Omaha.
Thursday Forenoon, November 6, B
O'clock Auditorium, High School of
Commerce: President. Il C. Husmlsel,
Omaha; secretary. R. S. Bailey, Lincoln.
Drnvrlnir and Mnnuul Trnluluir.
Thursday Forenoon, Novembor 6, 9
O'clock High school, room 238; President,
Marlon Reed, Fremont; secretary. F. C
Bmlth, Peru. Address, Supervisor Kath
ertne D. Blake, New York City,
Thursday Forenoon, November , 9
O'clock High school, room 120: Presi
dent, A. Maxon Bprague, Blair; secre
tary, Elizabeth Kingsbury, Wayno State
Thursday Forenoon, November 0, 9
O'clock--Young Men's Christian atsoela
Hon: President. Mattlo Cook Kills, Peru
State Normal; vice president, Howard W.
Caldwell, University of Nebraska; secretary-treasurer,
Julia M. Wort. Lincoln.
Thursday Forenoon, November , 9
OViock First Congregational church.
Nineteenth and Davenport streets: Presi
dent, Ida B. Johnson, Lincoln; secretary,
Elizabeth Wilson, Omaha.
1,1 teruture.
Thursday Forenoon, Novembor 6, 9
O'Clook High sehool, room S: President,
P. M. Buck, University of Nebruska; sec
retary, Marion Kingsley, Lincoln. "On
the. Uses of Literature." Dr. Nathaniel
Butler, University of Chicago.
Mitt lirmntlrs.
Thursday Forenoon, November 8, 9
O'Clook High sohool, room 3S6: President,
Mary F. Jackson, Lincoln; secretary, M,
R. Bnodgrass, Kearney State ' Normal.
"Methods of, Demonstrating the Signifi
cance of Mathematics," Dr. K. R, Hed
rick. University of Missouri.
Thursday Forenoon, November , 9
O'Clook High school, room 119: President,
Dr I. S. Cutter, Omaha; secretary, Mary
F. Jaekeon, Lincoln.
M uslr.
Thursday Forenoon, November t, 9
O'clock High school auditorium; Presi
dent, Charles H. Miller, Lincoln; secre
tary, Cora Conaway, York. "Testing
Children's Voices (using children from
the Omaha public: schools)." Director T.
P, Olddlngs, Minneapolis,
I'hyslrs nnil Physical Science.
Thursday Forenoon, November 4, 9
O'Clock-nigh school, room 318: President,
ly" atbson, Mndlsun; vice presldont,
Muriel Gere, Lincoln; secretary, J C.
Jensen, Nebraska Wesleyan university.
Thursday Forenoon. November 6. 9
O'clock First Methodist Eplscopnli
church, Twontleth and Davenport ntreets1
President, Bernlce O'Klef, University of
Nobraska; secretary," Abblo Robertson,
Alliance. "Conservation of Kye-Blght In
Young Children," Supervisor Katherlne
D. Blake, New York City.
Thursday Afternoon, November , 2
O'clock First Congregational church,
Nineteenth and Davenport streets: Presi
dent, F. A. Stoch, Butler county; secre
tary, Jessie B. Pyrtle, Gage county.
Artfu mentation,
Thursday Afternoon November 6, 3
O'clock High school, room 229, Piesl
dent, Roy E. Cochran, Keurney; secre
tary. J L. Wheeler. Falls City. "The
Ethics of Debating, or What Is Proper In
Debute- Coaching?" Samuel Avery, Uni
versity of Nebraska.
Thursday Afternoon November 6, 2
O'clock High school, room 231: President,
Raymond J, Pool. University of Ne
braska, vice president, H. B. I-utlmnr,
Nebraska Wesleyan university; secre
tary, Bertha Henderson, Florence.
County Superintendents.
Thursday Afternoon November 6, 2
O'clock High school, room 326. President,
W. H. Gardner, Lancaster county; sec
retary. Margaret McCutcheon, Merrick
county Address, Stute Superintendent
M. P. Shawkey, West Virginia.
nroirraphy- and Nature. Study.
Thursday Afternoon November 6, 2
O'clock High school, room Hi: President,
E. R. Lackey, Wayne State Normal; seo
retary. A, C, Whltford, Atnsworth.
fj rnni m a r School.
Thursday Afternoon November S, 2
O'clock Young Women's Chri'tlun Asso
ciation auditorium: President, R. F.
Monroe, Shelton; secretary, Stella Holmes,
South Omaha. Address, Dr. E. It. Hed
rick, University of Missouri.
Illsh School,
Thursday Afternoon November 6, 2
O'clock High School auditorium: Presi
dent, A. II. Staley, Superior; secretary,
Frances Dunenmb, Lincoln. Address,
Dr. E. R. Hedrlck. University of Mis
souri. I.ntln.
Thursday Afternoon November 6, 2
O'Clock-HIgh school, room 22C: President,
Esther A. Clark. Peru Slate Normal;
secretary. Relma Anderson. Omaha.
Phslrnl Trill nlnn.
Thursday Afternoon November , 2
O'clock High schol gymnasium: Presl
dent, R. I Carns. Omaha; secretary,
Beulah nader, Jansen. "Gymnastics vs.
Athletics," Supervisor Katherlne D.
Blake, New York City.
nural School.
Thursday Afternoon November , 3
O'clock Young Men's Christian associa
tion: President. E. W. Jackson, Hamilton
oe-unty; secretary, Edith A. Lathrop, Clay
Storr Tellers' I.eunue,
Thursday Afternoon November 6, 2
O'clock First Methodist Episcopal
Church, Twentieth and Davenport streets:
President, Margaret Cleland, Lincoln
secretary, Emma Roberts, Omaha "Fads
in Sihool Music Teaching," llltustrntd
by cartoons), Director T. P. OWdlnia,
22. Anna. cS&xnr
J President MM Womei's Suffaige 4ss'.
A J Mate SupL Jas.E.Delzell v5v
Alexander JTcjieJjo&n)