THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 'J, 11)11!. 15 A Which Nilk? C1 . ,,., 1. p. mtlk that la absolutely clean. rirSt, yOU Want Alamlto Milk contains no sedl- . . . - t . A limn ninvn lhl ment. Call for a free sample at any assertion. tlmo to prove this Q J .,. n milk that Is rich and util OeCOnd, yOU Want form. Thero Is a nice, rich, creamy cream line on every bottle of our milk. Enough cream can bo poured from a quart bottle of our milk for the table use of a small family. I .t- Isvnof- you want a milk that Is ab- L&St, DUt nOt leaSt solutely safe. There Is no longer any question among authorities as to what consti tutes a safe milk good, cloan milk In the first place prop erly pasteurized. We believe you will agree Sih ll sons, and many more wo could give, you should u tnlto Pasteurized Milk. All leading grocers handle it aVftl our wagons. ALAMITO MRS. LIND SAVES TWO MEN w 6ETS H,s PAY una. irnw miLQ iiiu iiiiju prom AUDITOR HOWARD Wife of Envoy Hides Refuges in Her Stateroom. 'JUST HAD TO DO SOMETHING" Ilont Held at Vrrn Cms While Oflt cer Seek Ktffht Members of the I.eKlslatnre six Are Arrested. Free Gold Fish Monday Tomorrow, starting at 0 ft. m vrc will GIVE AWAY AHSO LUTKLY FKKB, A FISH GL.OBE (wiih Pebbles and Moss) ami Two Ileal Uvo Gold Fish, vrltli ench 23 cent purchaso of Rcx all LltUo Liver Pills or your choice of 12 other Standard 25c Drug Store Items and you R2t tho 50 cent CJold l'Hsh Outfit FREE. You can gst thin Gift at any ot our four stores tomorrow, Mon day, November 3, at 9 a. m. Bale will continue until supply is ex hausted. A present that will please the whole tanilly. Come early as the number Is limited. Sherman & McDonnell Drng Co. Cor. 10U & Dodge, Cor. 24th and Fnrnam, Corner 10th and Har. ney, 207 N. 10th St. (Ixjyal Hotel). " : V AK-SAR-BEN PENNANT 50c S1.SO 100 Ak-Sar-Bea Tenants left over from toe recent caroljal.. They . . . 1 M 4 H MB A f T fait. Wl urtll seU them while they last at 4 their regular price 50o EACrt POSTAGE PREPAID BLACK-BERRY NOVELTY CO. 180 W. ADAM3 STBBET, OHIOAQO. 7T NKW YOUK. Nov. 1-The steamer that arrived tonight from Vera Cru with Mrs. John Und. wife of President Wil son's special envoy, brought also two Mexican legislators who owe their liberty If not their liven, to her quick wit and generosity. To save the two Mexicans from Arrest at Vera Crui. Mrs. LJnd hid them In her stateroom and sat up all night on deck until the boat left port and tho officers of tho Huerta government hod gone ashore. A week ago tho cables brought word that the Ward liner, Morro Castle, had been detained at Vera Cruz, while Presi dent Huerta's agents searched for eight rebellious members of the legislature of the state of Vera Crui. Until tho Morro Castle arrived here tonight only thos aboard knew that two of the eight "depu. tle(T'. had escaped arrest. These two, Adolfo Domlnguez nnd Miguel A. Cor dera, say they will stay In New York until Mexico becomes a safer home for tho opponents ot General Huerta. Mrs. Llnd said that her husband, the special envoy, had expected to come homo after the Mexican election. Now sho did not know when ho would come. "Wo expected that the Morro Castle would sail from Vera Cruz," said Mrs. I.iiid, "at 4 o'clock on the afternoon of October 23. Heal Ilcnsun for Detention. "Then Captain Huff was niiopoenacd to testify regarding the flight ot Dr. Fran cisco Vusques Gomez, who had sailed on the ship Morro Castle five months before. Later we learned that tho renl reason for our dotentlon was that tho government wished to search the ship for eight state legislators from Jalnpa. They arrested blx of these men. but they did not find the others! nnd I'll toll why. "While the search was going on, tho friends ot these two men learned that I was aboard and they came with tears In their eyes begging me to help them. I said: 'Here's the key to my state room. Tako It.' "That was all they needed. I spent tho night on deck and the two men hid In my room until the detectives gave up tho I l0 nrtopt BUcn searcn ana wem asuuiv uu buih m released and we sailed at 6 o'clock tho next morning." The wife of the special envoy Is a houso wifely llttlo woman with quiet manners and a low voice: but her eyes flushed as sho asserted: "I couldn't bear to think pt those men being taken ashore, and hanged. I just had to do something for them." Tho six deputies taken off the steamer at Vera Cruz were held on summons from the district Judgo charging rebellion, but no suoh summons had been Issued for J Domlnguez and Corderu nnd by Insisting upon their rights they gained time to hide In Mrs. Ltnd's stato room. These men Insisted that while conditions In Mexico wore chaotic, Interference by the United Btates would only make mat ters worse. They believed the quickest way to restore peace In Mexico would be for tho government to grant amnesty to all rebels and hold a freo election. Mrs. Und said that sho and her hus band had received courteous treatment everywhere. (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Neb., Nov. l.-(3pedRn-I.RWson O. Itrtan, who Is filling the po sition ot Insurance commissioner under the new law. can now live off of the fat ot the land as Deputy Auditor Minor, acting under "Instructions of Auditor Howard and a peremptory writ of man dainus. has drawn the warrant for Mr Hrlan's salary for the last three months Mr. Brian says that ho would like to frame the warrants, but he can hardly afford so expensive a picture, having been without a salary for so long. With the Home Builders HUERTA DEARLY GOES BROKE Humored He Will Levy 15 Per Cent Tax on All Bank Deposits. MANY WITHDRAW THEIR FUNDS Government t'nnble to Meet PayroU for I, nut Ten Day". Men tri Somn Departments necelr Ing No Money at Alt. TIMELY REAL ESTATE GOSSIP Sandhills May Possibly Profit in Sweet Clover. SEED YIELDS GREAT RETURNS sold a now bungalow to Hill Nice, 391S North Twentieth street, for M.S0. lie bought this for a home. Also a homo to Hoy Doekerty, IMS Kran sttect, for U,Xi A bungalow for a homo to Amelia, Nel- ron, 1501 South Twenty-fifth avenue, fot ,7W. Homer Iypolitt, Lire; Wlrr nt Her onry, Neb., tlnrrests l 10,000 Worth AIoiik the Illnh Traya nnd Ditches. MEXICO CITY, Nov. L The govern ment encountered some difficulty In meet ing the payrolls for tho ten days ending today. In some of the departments only partial payment win made, with the promise to the men that the remainder would bo forthcoming tomorrow. In other departments payment had to bo deferred entirely. Later, however, the government secured funds and tonight began giving the men In all departments their money. Tho paymasters had Instructions to con tlnuo nt work all night It necessary. Rumors of tho Inability ot tho adminis tration to meet Its financial engagements spread over tho city with another per sistently circulated rumor that President Huerta purposed to levy a tax of 15 per cent on nil bank deposits. Tho latter re port spread to such an extent that many depositors withdrew their funds from various banks. Apparently there wus basis for tho report. Many leading bankers said they know nothing here ot It other than tho talk was going on In tho otroet The with drawals did not reach tho proportions of runs on the banks, but bankers appeared apprehensive that this might be the re sult should the excitement continue. The malinger of one of tho lending banks ex pressed the opinion that President Huerta, who thus far ha confined his financial efforts to legal bounds, would not attempt a measure as levying a 16 per cent tax on deposits. There Is a distinctly high tension of ex pectancy here and on all sides the belief Is freely expressed, both by Mexicans nnd foreigners, that the administration Is fac ing a financial crisis. It Is sold that the banks nnd business houses have been reluctant to pay up for shares In the 8, 000,000 peso loan to which they recently subscribed. Many persons aro alleged to huVo subscribed to tho loan under pres sure. ... "Mv hnlr is SO oily Ysecllnir I -wish you could tell me "l ftt" ,llLiv it soft and fluffy. It lively homely. I also have that wl l rnake your hair soft and fluffy. i. -in overcome dnndruir, ucniiiK vum 'V .r- S ni ti directions. I"m0'.r be surprised to note the Bit Th nuesllnns nnswerert below ure Ren- ral In ehnrnftrr: the svmDtoms or dis eases urn Klven anil the answers should apply to any ease of ahnUar nature. Those wismng lurtner auvice. xroe, may address Dr. IoWls Hakor, College Build ing. College-Kllwood streets, imyion, u., enclosing self-addressed, stamped envel ope for reply. Full name and address must be given, but only initials or ficti tious name wur be used in my answers. The prescriptions can be filled nt any wcllstocked drug store. Any druggist can order of wholesaler. SOUTH DAKOTA STUDENTS ARE OUT TILL JANUARY ONE MORE LETTER CARRIER IS ALLOWED IN OMAHA WASHINGTON, Nov. l.-(Hpeclal Tele gram.) Tho postmaster at Omaha has fcton allowed ono additional lrtter carrier, effective November 1. Cnuirlit tn the Act and arrested by Dr. King's New Life Pills, bilious headache quits and liver, stomach and bowels act right. Only Ko. Vor saio by your druggist. Advertise ment. difference in your hal -nr .ri.i' "I suffer with head ..L-J i-iM.tiBn. nervous debility aud am also thin almost to the danger point tw., .on he done for me? "A.-,.r. Ynu can very readily overcome .. .. jii...ii.. kv hsIii? s.eraln hypo- nuclane tablets. They are put up In sealed . cartons with full directions. These are highly recommended oy pnyn-i. f used according to directions you vj III soon bo rid ot headache, your Indigestion wuPbe Yone and you will Bain from 10 to M pounds. Those tablets should be taken regularly for several months and I urn confident you will gain In flesh. m m "Lee" writes: "I have tried to maiy remedies for rheumatism that I am al most afraid to try any more, but If you can tell me a sure remedy 1 will try It. Answer: Do not bo disheartened because you have not been able to find BomethlnB that would overcomu your rheumatism, for you can be relieved if you will take what I tell you. Get from tho drug store iodide of potassium, 2 drams; sodium salicylate. 4 drams; wlno of colchleum, H ox.: corop. fluid balm wort, 1 ox.; comp. essence cardlol, 1 ot. and ayrup sarsapa rllla. 6 oss. Mix and take a teaspoonful tat mealtime and again before going to ... "Fern" writes: "I have suffered with a bad cough for seme time and I am also weak and tired most of the time, which 1 think 1 aue lo me severe iuubiucs- Can you give me a remedy" Answer: Yes. your weakness Is duo to th coughing, but you should be well le lleved by using the, following: Get a S'.i os. package of essence mentho-laxene and make according to directions on the bottle, then take a teaspoonful every hour or two until the cough 1 cured. This makes a full pint of the very best and safest cough syrup. If your druggist does not have Hlentho-laxene, have him order it for you of the wholesale firms. "Doctor: What can I take for a lad rue of indigestion? I have suffered with helps at all. I am also bothered with constipation." Answer: You should -wt negioct indi gestion and constipation, ns it lends to more serious trouble: very freinuuitly ap pendicitis is caused by this neglect. Be gin at once ami tako tablets tilopopune. Theso are packed In sealed cartons with full directions for taking. ... "Iura 8." writes: "I am fo tired npd nervous all tho time that I can scarcely drag ono foot after the other. It is very hurd for me, us I have to work. My ap petite is also very poor." Answer: What you need is a good tonio restorative treatment. Take the tonio prescribed below and you should soon be strong and healthy and will not have that tired feeling. Your work will become a pleasure to you: Hyrup of hypophosphltea comp., 6 ozs.; tincture cadomemc, 1 oz.; mix, and take a teaspoonful before each meal. This should be continued for sev eral weeks until you feci perfectly strong. ... "Mrs. W. W. C." oHks'"Can l take off 40 pounds of fat? 1 weigh ISO pounds; too much for my height." Answer: Yes, you should by taking a per tne nireciions wnirn accompany, 5-grnln arbolene tablets, put up In sealed tubes and sold by well-stocked druggists. Thny arc very good for any flashy perron to take ... "Anna It." writes: "I have taken medl clno from several ductois for ilver and kidney trouble and constipation,' tut it does not seem to help me at all. My tkln is sallow. I have, conetunt headaches and dizzy upetls. What shall I do'.'" Answer: The best remedy that I know for your trouble is 3-Kralu sulphorb lab lets (not sulphur tablets). These aia packed In sealed tubes with full direc tions. Most ot the remedies only aggra vate, but if you take thu sulpherb tablets regularly for a few weeks you should be well. This will purify the blood r.nd ur skin wtll lose that sallow look. "Busy Mother" Bedwettlng can be easily controlled in children by giving them the following: Tincture cubebs, 1 dram; tincture rhus aromatic, 2 drams, undromp. fluid balmwort, 1 oz. Give from t) to 15 drops in water an hour be fore each, meal. ... "Doctor. I have a very bail case of ca tarrh of the head and my stnmaeh, bow els and blood are affeeted. I suffer greatly and would like relief." "A. G.' Local treatment should be used as follows- Get 3 ozs. of antiseptic vilane powder Use a half teaspoonful to a pint of warm water; snuff the water from the palm of the hand through the nostrils two or three tlrntyi a day. Then make a catarrh palm by mixing' a level teaspoonful vilane powder with 1 oz. ot vaseline or lard and apply to the nostrils as far up as possible. Also tako a tea spoonful four times dally of the follow ing: yrup Miraupartlla ooinp.. 4 ozs.: comp fluid laiinwort. 1 oz. ; fluid ext. Iorrn News Notes. T.OGAN A session of the Business Men's club, composed of merchants and farmers of Lochii and Its vicinity, will " , I bo held hero next Tuesday evening to or- v t,it.-ui.iiu., a. u., ciav. i. iiy n "o ' rango for tho coming snort course, clslon of the Board of negents lato tills I t tsaotttit VAM.KY Miss Amen afternoon, Grover Potts, Z. M. Laird, : lias been the guest of honor at a number i,nii fnr.r,rmMt o Tf itapfov nni of functions held here m tne wcea pasi. ........ - ' . tiiu Amen was tho iruest of honor at a noy JjwnDen. me live sumonis wno jn,our, Volley-Omaha kenslngton held wore suspended by the faculty for the ' n Omaha, rest of the year for lioilng Henry Miller, I i.nnAvTn rtni rushed a SOO-Dound a freshman, will be reinstated January 6 pig through tho plate glass window of the m i.... ,.. in i,n,i.,i n. n,oi ' Pule X? Husliaw druit store nt IMsgali. tlmo. Dean announced this de. jUnlU the yS clslon of tho regents tonight. As a ro-ijllBt llow lt wont through the glass Is u suit ot mis aciion, no suiuenin oro noi matter or speculation In good humor; The foot bnll gamo with 1 WOODBINE Hally day will be held at North Dakota at Watertown, one week the Christian church here next Bunday, ,, ,,.. i,. .,, mnr-eli.vl u "t which time there will be an all-day from tomorrw. lias been cancelled, it dlnner , n00n. Bornion by Is doubtful If any or the regulars will I nv Mp. Nlcol. the new pastor from lied Oak, and In the afternoon a sermon oi CharUs Tupper, a student ot Drake unl versltv. LOGAN According to Information re celved here, tho long-delayed material for renuws eut build ing Is nt Magnolia and at Logan. The foundation has been lam una me worn will be pushed to completion nt an est! mated cost of 18,000. PKN1SON The daughters of Ttebekali Indaoa nf the Twenty-fourth district of Iowa held their nlntii annual convention at this city. A fine dinner was given visitors at noon and a banquet at night. The next convention Is at Dow City and the uew officers are from that placo; Mrs. Yore, president: Mrs. Bharp, vlco president, Mrs, illnnoll, secretary, and Mrs. Kealrnes treasurer. MISSOURI VALLEY A Hallowe'en party last night begun ut the home ot Mra fliiv Htnllh. IV hern iho snooks an. of taking their Thanksgiving vacation, i inured and took tho mtlrc party by n They may elect to tako it the week of round-about way to different homes, again appear In uniform this season. This will probably n,nnul the remainder of the season's foot ball schedule for n...ll. 1 -I 1 . t - A If i. 1 1 1 feared, definitely prevent tho Crelghto,.- i'ea&gHra?; alfd Koutu Liaaoia game tor inaiiKsgiving un lets a new team Is organized by the Coyotes, STATE NORMAL TEACHERS GET CHOICE OF VACATION (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Nor. 5,-SpecUl.)-At a meeting of tho State Normal board, or a few of Its members, yesterday, It was decided to g(ve the students ot the four normal schools n choice as to the time The gieat valley of the North Platlo river. Just northwest of North' Platte, Nek, produced ono crop during thn last summer that no man planted. It was a crop that no man cultivated. It was a crop that no man tended. More than this, It was r crop that most of ths fonuero thought to be a nuisance. Yet It yielded V.,000. It was a crop of sweet clover seed. Vor years farmors and ranchers have regarded sweet clover as a nuisance worse than Itusslnn thistles. Not that lt contained any briers, but It was consld. ored absolutely good for nothing except to tako up good ground room where alfalfa should have been growing. It got Into tho fields with tho alfalfa soed In various places and was very hurd to drive out. Itecently the experiment sta tions throughout the country have dis covered that It actually has eon greater feed vulliea than alfalfa It cut at tho proper time when It Is young and quite tender. So, while farmers In the Platte val ley were still wishing they could rid tholr farms of tills pest, Dorsey loypoldt of Hurshey, Neb., a good roads booster nnd general llvo wire, got out Into the covin- tr and volunteered to cut the stuff away from the dltohes. At the same time us a good roads man he inoito It a, point to rut tho stuff off the roads, where lt was growing to bo a nuisance. He found that slnco the experiment stations have miulo tholr reports on tho feed value of the sweet clover a big demand has been cre ated for the seed. Bo. ho hauled tho stuff together and had It threshed. Soon he began to ship tho seed to eastern markets at good healthy prices, receiving over $6 bushel for it In all ho Is said to have sold some 119,- 000 worth of the seed which ho shipped out of the North Platte valley A lew ( other live wires In the neighborhood took up tho work and cut some of tholr own, Bo, In nil, there was 1S3.000 worth of sweet clover seed shipped out of there. It was not all clear profit, as tlicro was consid erable oxpenso to driving miles for a loud of tho hay which had to b brought back to the threshing machine or alfalfa huller to bo threshed. But at that there was a healthy profit, for lt cost nothing but tho harvesting. Land ownors In that locality nro now wry cnthuslastlo over the prospects or sweet clover. As lt grows readily In the poorest soils, as well as In the bent of bolls, mnny In that locality aro talking of Introducing It In the sandhills. Theru Is some talk of trying to start lt In the hills on tho forest reserve, where the gov ernment has Just given away somo 4j' farms In a land lottery, lt Is believed that If this could bo made to do well In tho sandhills It would not only make these hills valuable as producers of rough feed for cattle, but that It would fer tilize tho sand In such a way as lo make It productive of other crops In a few years, Tho fertilizing value of sweet clover, acordlng to the reports of tho ex periment stations, is greater than that of alfalfa, or clover. P. A. Hlgglns Is to start very soon In tho building of his new fifteen-room homo at Thirty-ninth nnd Harney streets. The contract has beon let to William Maler. It is to bo built ot stone and brick. The Jerp Commission company Is planning to build Its own cold storage plant, probably next year. V. K. Ellison, C. A. Swanson and John P. Jerjw of tho firm have Just bought a half block ot the Faxton estato between Davenport and Chicago atreots on Tenth, They have In dioatod that they may build noxt year. Auto Accident lnil. BOONU, la.. Oct. St.-MIss Olive Gard- txaf nt Ali,n..i 1 - .... UIII..1 (Anl.hl wa iiuuiHiiii) n sm nniiu ivuisjiu when tho automobile in which shn wad ) riding crashed Into a guard about the new concrete bridge cast ot hero. Old Shades Made to Look Like Hew lly n now nnd secret nrocoss wo clean any kind of a window shndo, removing every parttclo of dirt, nnd puttinR a now body In tho curtnln. Wo runko to look like now nil Rrndcs ot shades, from tho com monest to tho best, largo or Brunll. We hava the contract for many of Omalui'M largest buildings. Office bulldlnn and resddences can save much money by hwlnir us renovate their curtains Instead of buying new ones. ASK UH AIKM'T IT. f maha Window Shndo Cloaning Co 4000 Hamilton Ht- Hnrucy IHHt T. A. MATUIAS, Mrr. Daffodils Crocuses I Xdlllet, Stc Catalogue on II request STEWART'S annn RTOIB I 119 If. 10th Bt- I N Opp. r. O. J "Douglas 077. E. J. Davis SAFE MOVER Heavy Hauling 1212 Farnam PHONE DOUQLAS 383 ?n-vTCL DOUCHS lilO KTlJSIssP Let the "Fidelity' Store or Move Your House hold Goods and Pianos Tho only largo company in Omaha devoted exclu sively to tho storage, moving and packing of house hold goods and pianos. Absolute security guaranteed. I-Jirgo storngo floors that nro clean, sanitary, well lighted, well kept nnd Mcnm heated throughout tho Wlntor. Sepnrnto looked rooms. Conveniently located. rixporlenced, rnpnblo holvi to hundlo. your goods. Largo moving Vans, moderate rntcs, high grndo 'service. Phcne Douglas 1516 Fidelity Storage Van " 16th and Jackson ickson StS. 1 Sum Hasp nrothors Ileal lJstnto company inado three kok1 transfers during th week, raiiBlng- from U.'W to l.r. They the state teachers meeting at Omaha they so desire. if where they were served with delightful refreshments, and then back to tho Hmlth home, whero more refreshments were servod, musical numbers clven and ghost stories told. Mr. Kchiaeenhauff and Mr. Heed won honors for being the best Jest, trs. DK.V1SON Judge Hutchison will open district court at this city on Monday next. The session promises to be a busy one. The case of Bther against Carroll county will be tiled for the third time, Ux-AUorney Oenoral Oyera has been ap pearing tor Ksher, who sues Currotl county for damage on account ot the railing of a bridge over which he was hauiltig grain from his farm to Manulng, la. Ho lias received a verdict three times und the Iowa supreme court has set it aside each time. UXJAN J. D. Htuart of Magnolia re torts the corn crop near his town almost normal, notwithstanding rumors to the contrary Many of the tanners are fenc ing Uie fields Into lots and turning In tho hogs. Where the farmers are cribbing the leld is proving an agreeable surprise. William Stirtz, living south and east ct Magnolia, reports the upland corn run- Ulnlng at an average ut fifty-five bushels I . .... ml... 1 A .. ...hi . . . . . . I lo llie acre, lite lunianu. win atciuno Culls from the Wire Joh-i Magill, employed in the Ivlngton mlnen, near Docutur, III., yesterday un earthed what appeared to bo a petrified human foot. It was imbedded In the rock 1,XX) feet below the surface of the earth. Hmployes of the street railway and traction companies of Indianapolis went on strike at 11 o'clock last night. A halt hour later practically every car had been returned to the barns and deserted by the strikers. Blx thousand dollars for retired mis sionaries was raised in leBS than fifteen minutes at Topeka, Kan., yesterday at tile national meeting of the women's For eign Missionary society ot the Methodist Episcopal church. While walking in his sleep, Curtis Varlell of Waterbury. Conn., a 14-vear-old student at the Taft school at Water bur'. Conn., fell from the fourth story of tne tjormitory in wnicn ne rooinea 10 a flagged pavement below, ills skull fractured und he probably will die. An annual Pension of half nav and ItflO a mueli higher rate. additional per year will be awarded any 1 successful farmer, reports his orn run member ot the Brown university faculty nlng from forty to fifty bushels to the wno nas nau ms position ior iweiuy-nve acre. years, tne ruies 01 me new pension sys. tern made public, provide that anyone eligible may retire voluntarily at the age of K and shall be retired automatically by the university at 7. The argument on the appvsl of thirty of the labor union officials oonvleted at Indianapolis last December .f conspiracy and c-ompnrity in the McNamam dy namite plots was completed yesterday YOUR MONEY- Money iiunlcs nnd now currency lawi. lo not hom er the Invrstor In Homo lliill(ler 7 (InarunU-o Preferred Shares, Tlioso shares nr..' ImNeil iu a rei- lulu 7"o Income from Improved real oslato inort gage. These shares nro lndeieiiilciit o t nil "UmeH.'' Trlco fluctuations, ete. They nro Mire und perpetual, In t li e I r enrnltiif poucr at 71. Start moving Pa jiKing - Storage 7 LI It "Kir. TT STORAGE GO. 1 ensas Our Service is Unsurpassed 804 South 16th Street Phone Doug. 4113 now, get the thrifty Hour IliillderH' habit Start now to build an ctate and nvold "hard time." Blmre $1,08 each one or more at n time. Wo hold you wife, American Securi ty Co., Fiscal Agents for mm m Mar-Not A durable floor varnish sold by BARKER BROTHERS. Afar-Not docB not scratch or mar readily under foot wear. Is tough and elastic. Can bo walked, on noxt day after application, lias a lasting luster. Easy to apply. Barker Bros. Paint Co. 1609V Farnam St. Douglas 4750. mm for mar.y years and nothing I tulse I buchu, l oz. Mix and slutVe well. " E00MS The Best Variety. The Bee clrsified pages carry advertisements of the best rooms and apartments for rent in the city. Phone your ad to Tyler 1000. DENISON A. flKht for hotter whocl facilities Is being made by the people ot Klron, la., a town on the Mandamln Wall Ixike branch ot the Northwestern. For years the nearest school building has been one mile west of tho town. Citizens of the place cannot maintain & school without help from the owners of farm land nearby and this has not been on- . n tat. liUnltBA tt fun. .if mil.. ueiore uie " '' l"'u'.1 , l,, taxes to pay. The state superintend! nt M'.T.."'" .' ".3." L.-U. :'...i r I'rof ' Deyoe. and i petition uiwlrr advisement and will render a decision prouamv wunin sixty nays. After adopting a denomliiatloiiat policy i by an unanimous vote, the first national I convention of Methodist men, which has i Iteen In session at Indianapolis slnco Tues i day. adjourned !at night after the large i audience had spent an hour in prayer for the success 01 ine new movement, ine 'onvention was the largest semi-official Methodist meeting- ever held In America, it was declared by officers of the church. the county superintend ent, Prof. Oh-y, have given much atten. tlou to the situation at Klron. At last a delegation of townspeople and fanners has visited Newell, in tluena Vista ro inly, whero there Is u fine central school, and llie reports aro so good that there is nw hope that Klron will have the school it wants. Tho town Is largely settled by Bwedish llaptlsts, who have the largest church ot their denomination v.tst of the Mississippi rlvsr. HOME BUILDERS DoiikIah nnd 17th, Oinnlin. Talk to limine ntilidcra before you t-jlld consulta'lon aud plana free. Inc. "IP IT'S MADE OF ASBESTOS SEE US" OMAHA ABESTOS & SUPPLY 00. MANUFACTURERS OF PIPE COVERINGS Ilavo your heating system covered and save half your coal bill. Put tho heat just whore you wonb it. Why waste it. Applied work a specialty. Estimates given free. Keasby Mattison Oo.'s Asbestos Century Shin gles. 10840-12 NO. 11TH. PHONES: D. 2237 Red 5072. m28 OmaliA St.liouls Chicago Kansas City Indlnnapolls Minneapolis HYDRAULIC-PRESS BRICK CO. 1IAKUPAOT0REKS OF HY-TEX BRICK rOK 43 TEAS8 TKS LDADIX, Cleveland New York City Philadelphia Toledo Washington naltlruore I