Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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"Thi Store of the Town'
Prove your
head is level
by wearing a
Stetson Hat.
No limit to
style or qual-ity-
$3.50 to $12.00
Underwear You won't hnvo
to buy as often and you will
lio better satisfied, if you buy
Did You Ever Think
How low prices are not in themselves
much of an argument? No one wants
a thing just because it's cheap.
Good Quality with its attendant Good
Value is what most men want.
We bring the latest style from New
York to yon the stylo that is accepted
by all as authentic. Combined with
the elegance of quality we offer, you
simply can't beat
Our Men's and Young
Men's Clothing
You may find clothing that is cheaper
in price and it will be cheap in
We sell you only clothing made in our
own factory and we know it to bo
top-notch in every particular. It's the
kind that makes steady patrons for
this store.
Suits $15 to $40. Overcoats $15 to $50 '
Young Men's Suits $12.50 to $30.00.
Young Men's Overcoats $15.00 to $35.00.
Boys' Suits $5 to $15. Boys' Overcoats $5 to $18
Benevolent Society
Takes Over Child
Saving Institute
The Omaha Child Savins Instltuto was
formally deeded over to the National
Benevolent society of the Christian
church at a luncheon and banquet held
at the Rome hotel eterday. The so
ciety Trill take Immediate control of the
Instltuto nnd Minn Hetty It, Brown,
from the headquarter In. St. Louis, will
take charge of the Institute for a month
or bo and rearrange the policy In bc.
cordance with the Ideas of the society
so that a permanent superintendent may
take tho office with everything In ex
cellent condition.
The board of directors was Increased
from eight to twelve and members of
the Christian church hold a majority In
tho board. Those who were elected to
the board are W. A. DeBord, chairman
W. W. Slabaugh. J. II. Taylor. A. T).
Harmon, C. K. Williams. Dr. C. W. M
Pointer. J. U Alloy, Barton Millard, Dr
McCIanalian, Mrs. George A. Joslyn.
Mrs. Joseph Weeth and Mrs. A. A. Me.
Oraw, The board Includes soveral women
who will be given .a voice In the man
agement of the affairs of the Instltu- '
tlon. Heretofore women have only been
associate members and have had no
vole In the government of affairs.
.T. H Mahorter, national secretary of
the National Benevolent society, with
headquarters In St. Louis, has been In
Omaha several days superintending the
transfer. Mrs, Harriet Heller wni
formerly the superintendent of the In
stitute, but resigned a short time ago
to take a position with the American In
stitute of Child Life at Philadelphia.
The Best Heater
Values in Omaha
Don't think of selecting a Heating Stove ANYWHERE
without first getting prices here. We're selling Heat
ers of highest quality at prices you can't
possibly equal in any other store in Omaha.
We can save you considerable on your
heater save you at least A THIRD.
ODCniTf Our Credit Terms are easier than those
UnCUM i 0f other stores. We require smaller pay
ments we give greater help to customers. Get our
TERMS as well as .our prices on YOUR HEATER.
Browning-King & Co.
George T. Wilson, Manager.
From Our Near Neighbors
Mrs, T. V. McNIsh returned Sunday
from a short visit nt Untnd island.
Misses Margaret Holdsworth and Mar
rella Monahan went to Omaha Monday
to be the guoats of Miss Mildred Turk for
tho week end,
Mrs. Tuma Is enjoying nn extended
visit from her sister of University Plact,
Alout twenty people are In Omaha this
week aa wltnessesMn'ttie Charles Harrier
will contest suit.
n. M. Erway, whbtaaa so seriously 111,
Is Improving.
C E. liynrs Is much better. Miss Hilda
Hall, the purse, returned to Omaha
The monthly meeting of tho Woman's
Missionary society of the Presbyterian
rhurch wn held Thursday afternoon at
tho home of Mrs. W. B. Kddy.
Mrs, William Nightengale, who lias
boon visiting her parents and other rela
tives In Canada, will return tho last pt
the week.
Mrs. Annlo Koblnsori left Tuesday for
1-oa Angeles. Cal., where she will spend
l)i n winter,
Mrs. 3 3. Miller or Omaha ts spending
the week with Mrs. l. Itoblson,
The Kensington club was entertained
Monday vventng by Miss Edna Weekly
at her home,
Mrs. V. C. Kennedy. Jlelen and Bthel.
Mr. Martha Htecle. Kussell and Ernest,
spent Saturday In Omaha.
Mr and Mrs. Morris Garrison of Omaha
and Harvey Coombs of South Omaha
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Oar.
rlson Haturday and Sunday.
Nets Andersen, Mrs. Martha Bteeleand
John Lamberg were the, only Valley peo
ple who drew a claim In the recent land
drawing their numbers were all over
The regular meeting of the Valley
Woman's club was held at the home or
Mrs. John Monahan Friday afternoon.
Mrs. W. if. Heed led the lesson study, as
sisted by Mrs, Bteelo, and Mrs. Coy had
charge of the musical part of the pro
gram, Mrs. Monahan served a dainty
IUv. n A. Fye went to Omaha Wednes
day to read the marriage lines for Carl
U. rlm and Cora Aline Chauner. The
ceremony was performed In the reception
parlor of the Leo Hoffman undertaking
establishment at 1:30 In the afternoon.
Only relatives wero In attendance, Mr,
and Mrs. Pnlm will como home at once
to Valley, where Mr. raim nan
of a branch establishment for Loo Hoff
Mr. and Mrs. Stevens and John Haney,
Jr., of Omaha, and acorge Douglas 01
C" . . . A. II . . ... I & V. tin n Hit
Kansas my, spem nununy wmi .
Mrs. C. II. Nichols. J. K. Nichols ac
companied them to Omaha In the after
noon, returning by way of Fremont In
the evening, where his father met him
with the auto.
An elegant
IIiih Thursday afternoon,
lunch was served,
Judge, llesley held district court
rIftttSlnOUtll Wl1ncilV nnV
will hold court at Nebraska City.
.Mrs. K, C, McKvoV nntertnlnivl the
jounir women at a kenslngton Thursday
.Mrs. I. D. Clnrke entertained the
unmans club Wednesday afternoon.
mm. (1. . King led a very Interesting
lesson on Tennyson. Rho was nsslsted by
irnninKs rrom Mesrtumes Davidson. Clark
Nlckerson, Mnxflcld and Koch. Miss
tinier sang. r
Takes Off Dandruff
Hair Stops FallinglSa.'i.iS
Julius Schuldt celebrated his birthday
Kmll Slezak visited Sunday In Omaha
with his parents.
Ira Yki of Gretna made a. call hero
Sunday morning,
William Hunsen was here from Oscela
Sunday und Monday,
The D. P. Qulnn family visited with
Mrs. Vanatst Hunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Hamuel Howard, of Velley
called on friends hero Haturday,
Mr. and Mrs. John Hchuldt entertained,
for Mr, Bchuldt's birthday Friday,
Mlsn Matilda Harmon entertained sev
eral frlonds from Omaha Saturday and
J. A. Gibbons and J. P. Spearman went
to Washington county Tuesday on bust
Mrs. II runner of Fremont visited her
son, J. M. Urunner, and family hero
Mrs. James Walsh of IJenson visited
her slst or. Mrs. Charles Wltte, and
family Tuesday.
Otto Gmggerson camn up from Chalcn
Monday to visit his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Grcggerson.
Mrs. William Morrison, sr.. and chil
dren. George. Robert and nose, went to
Omaha to visit relatives.
Miss Hilda Meyer went to Springfield
Friday, where she will visit the J. O.
Mangold family some time.
Miss Ml Id ml Urunner Is spending two
weeks nt Monotto, Mo., visiting the
Misses Maud and Lucy aibbons.
Mr. and Mrs. li. II. Ilaldwtn entertained
Rt dinner Monday evening for Prof, and
Mrs. J. K. Fate and Mr. Horace Chapln
ui new iotk.
Mrs. Alfred Calvert entertained tho o
C. club Thursday afternoon. Mrs. J. a.
Seefus won first and Mrs. J. M. Urunner
second prlte. A two-course lunch was
served. '
Karl Uaumgardner and family of
Mercedes. Tex., arrived hore Saturday to
remain this winter. Mrs. Daumgaraner
was lormeny juisa JTieoa unmm. Knri's
corpus cunsti, Tex.,
Fred Reed, Havens hotel, and John Sut
ton, 1054 California street, who were ar
rested Monday afternoon for the theft of
forty-eight crates of prunes and a quan
tity of canned syrup from a Great West
ern box car, will have to answer to the
government for their rohbery according to
a telegram received from California by
Chief Maloney.
The car robbed was en route with Its
cargo from Chlco, Cal., to New Tork.
where the contents were to be shipped
to Rotterdnm, Holland. In tampering with
goods In transit from one state, to another
the offense comes under tho Interstate
commerce law. Reed and button were ar
rested while trying to peddlo the Roods
from door to door. They are being held
for tho government authorities.
The Peninsular
Oak Heater
Rest of all Oak Heaters
many im
proved fea
tures, extra
trimmings .,
IVrrnlnir Wnter
Mrs, W. W. Jumeson of Sargent, Neb.
m a. vinuor Willi relatives,
Mrs. D. M. Johnson and dauchter,
Luclle, visited several days in Qrand
island with Mrs. E. J. Wight.
Mesdames J. It. Roberta and George
j mm arn visiting reiativesun Lincoln.
Mrs. W. W. Moore of Plattsmouth
visited for several days with Mrs. S.
uuy smith.
Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Conlln of Peoria.
III., nro tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.
N. Carter.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J, Wlckersham en
tertained thirty guests at a C o'clock
dinner Wednesday.
John Ilourk and daughter were visitors
with Mr. ana Mrs. Thomas Cuslo of
Auburn, this week.
The Weeping Water school and acad
emy foot ball team pluy tho State Agrl
cultural school team here Saturday.
Mrs. A. H. Hobson got two finjrers of
one hand caught In a trap door and
badly smashed!
Mesdamea U It. Ilrust of Albany. Mo.,
nnd O. O, Adams of Woodbine, la., are
visiting their mother. Mrs. J. W. Thomns.
Harry Worman of Fort fJcott. Kan., a
former eltlicn of Weeping Water, was
o recent visitor with his brother, E. J.
V g n 1
ir it V. c"' u" Are K11""" of Mrs. G,
'""'""i u uer uaugnier, Maude.
Mrs. L. J. Woodord. who has been
making her homo with Mrs. Turner
'Ink. was delightfully surprised Satur
da when a large delegation of old
neighbors called and helped her celebrate
her seventy-fifth blrthdav. "".e
R. A. Smith of tho colonization and O
P Ross of the engineering department of
the Union Paclflo ore back from tho an
nual meeting of the Nebraska State Ir
llgatlotl association, held Ht Bridgeport,
where there wero 100 delegates In at
tendance. The meetings wore full of In
terest and were attended by many farm
ers from the surrounding country. Dur
ing the course of the meetings, there were
a large number of speeches by Irrigation
The next meeting of the association will
be held In December. 19H, It having been
decided that this ts the best"' time of the
year In which the secure the attendance
of farmers.
M.. Scown of Marlon, la.. Mr
na .Mrs. 1'. U Uolley nnd sons of Vul
y Junction, la., and lrof. B. F. Moul-
Okls! Try this! Makes hair thick,
gloosjr, tlutty, beautiful No
more licking scalp.
Within ten minutes after an applica
tion of Danderine you cannot fl id a
?ingle trace of dandruff or falling hair I
and your scalp wUl not Itch, but what
will please you most will be after a few
weeks' use, when you see new hair, fine
and downy at first yes but really new
hair growing alt over the scalp.
A little Danderine Immediately doubles
John H. Slater, editor of a Lusk, Wyo.,
vaper, Is visiting with his family for a
Wallace Williams Is back from a six
weeks' visit with his family In Call
fornla. II. F. Halter returned this week from
visit with his soi, Luolan, at Worthing
ton. Mini).
Miss Kdlth Schmahllng visited over
Sunday with Mrs. Jennie Foote at Mis
souri Valley.
Mrs. W. H. Russell and dauehter. Lena.
leu Tuesuay for California, where
ihm h. ., . . - i irn lunuiy or vamornia, wnere iney
the beauty of your hair. No difference w, npfni tho wi,er.
Tinw Hull fmAA Vr4,T. . .1 .....
Frank Curtis, a former resident of
how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, Just
moisten a cloth with Danderine and care
fully draw It through your hair, taking
one small strand at a time. The effect
la amaxlng-your hair will be light, fluffy
and wavy, and have an appearance af
abundance; an Incomparable luster, soft
ness and
Get a tS cent bottle of Knowlton's
Danderine from any drug store or toilet
countsr. and prove that your hair. Is
as pretty and soft as any that It has
been neglected or Injured by careless
treatment - that's all you surely can
have beautiful hair and lots of It If you
will just txy a little Danderine.
Illalr. now of Holtvllle, Cat., Is visiting
at the Dr. C. It. Mead home .
Mrs. C. W. Ilartlett of Alma, Neb., ts
spending a week with her parents. Rev,
F. M. Sturdevant and wife.
Mr. II. H. Pratt of Medlra. Cal., Is
here to make an extended visit with her
daughter, Mrs. George Doll.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hlgley of Dav
enport. Ia., are spending a short vacation
with Mr. Hlgley'a brother, Harry, and
O. C Thompson was severely hurt at
the depot by stepping off the train be
fore It had stopped. He had two ribs
cracked and waa badly cut and bruised
about the hands and face.
Mrs. J. N. KUUan. wife of Major J N
Kllllan. who recently died at sea on his
ay home from the Phillplues, has de
cided to make her home In Illalr and has
commenced the erection of a cottage
jMrs. 11 J. Smith Is visiting tn Manilla.
f"ru.eMxJnte"bert8 h" movl1 to Omaha
vi?maJie", .'berger of Bclden Is here
sita ma UlUlIICr
of the Ilrlsley family this week.
s Ifi. ftnd Mr8' nu"l Armstrong of
Stockton. Cat., are here visiting relatives
Mrs. E. J. Robinson and daughter.
K? Bmlth. nutUi0' Wyo - nro visiting c!
Roy Whitney und wife were railed to
Vr.te,".C.on.te,,; by t,,e ""Tlous illness of
James Mitchell.
The annual farmers' In.Hmt.
I J"M n December 19 and 20 at the Spring.
Miss Kllsbeth Davidson returned from
Chicago, where she has been visiting her
brother John for the last throe months.
Mr. John Ilundy left here a few weeks
ago without telling anybody und. after
visiting In Virginia, returned Monday,
havlnr taken to himself a wife. His wife
was Miss Mossle Mlao of Jonesvllle, Vu,
Lawrence Rogart of Olenwood, la., was
here Thursday looking after his farm, oc
cupled by Sheldon Hubbard.
The funeral of Solomon Zoerlan was
held at the Congregational church last
Sunday, Rev, J. Toms of Ashland, as.
slsted by H. I. Grenaell. officiating.
DraTTly Krlaht
possesses sufferers from lung trouble till
they learn Dr, King's New Discover)
will help them. Price 80c and U.00. For
sale by yqur druggist Advertisement.
Dr. Impey has flnall succeeded In lo
cating the bullet which almost caused a
painful death to little JJeatrlcn. Magner,
4823 Capitol avenuo, when she was ac
cidentally shot by another little Dundee
child. After taking several X-ray photo
graphs of the little girl, Dr. Impey dis
covered the bullet had evidently struck a
bone and had been deflected down Into
the little tot's thigh. Dr. Impey has de
cided that there shall be no Immediate
effort to remove the bullet. Mr. Magner
announced that Ucatrlce would .be strong
enough to play with her fellow school
children next week.
H many lm- ana QC
proved fea- 3v
IBBBB Hires, extra ffffa
durable. mM
Ml handsome HbV
nickel mm
I Dresser
Made of selected solid
oak. Well 4N. 7K
made n rid ffl f 3
French H
bevel mlr- mM
ror, special
sale rrlcc. . , .
Extension laoie
( Made of se- mm 1 r
ucted solid tM mm 5
mm oak, round ml
H top. dif- AW
mm ferent . Mr
On- Mm
j Ishes mmm
Hot Blast
Hum coal, wood, coke
or ruDnisn; sa. rfrj
most econpm- II J
Hot Blast.
Tho Improved Penlnnular Jleatcrs hnvo greatly improved
features .over other . stoves; they have longer and larger
flues, they have larger radiating surface, they produce from
2b to bQ moro heat ji,
with the same coal, they V
nut rnnl htlla " r, fT. tn W
50. They are the BET AW A
heaters and don't cost any AW v
moro than ordinary
stoves. Soo tJiein
frig surface, they produce from
21 65
V l.l J. IDI
est Terms
P3Y Dining Chairs
' Made of cenulns jknllrt
Made of genuine solid
oaK, with mm, dl
genuine gfh Q
strong and
big bar
gain nt.
Handsome Solid
Oak Buffet,
French bevel mir
ror, linen am
ers. etc.;
i are bargain
Iron oed Special
Strong, dur
able Iron
Red, vnrloun
colors, spe
cial for
A little want ad does the business.
Patsy Connors, a railroad man of Illalr
some twenty years a to, Is visiting old
friends here this week. Mr. Connors Is
claiming he can establish a relationship I
to the Hastings' Neb., shoemaker who re-
ctntl.v died leaving a large fortune.
lit tin Orlfbul Mi ImvIm
The Fasa-drhiic far All ggst.
i For Infants. Invalids, and Giovvin a children.
Howard of Columbus was look-1 PueNutrUIco.upbuildlngthevioIebodyk
Papillion frund. Monday. , InWgcwtathenuningmolheiandtheagcd.
( Paplllloa
tng up
.Usuaar,wn JSiSd. irt!.. Rjch 2212!! 22, b Powda form.
Mr and Mrs. Frank bweetman we t
r ests of Mr and Mrs t" ti West bun
Th Ijj.II V r l f thn Prl- .
sesssa sanHpji e emmmm ssbjsjm o sisjsjbjsb e savwaj
j MmSmmmUmmMmmmm
300 Women's Plush,
Caracul and
Persiana Coats
This Great offer in our lasimint leaay-io-wcar section is the direct
result of one of the most fortunate) purchases this firm ever made.
We heutht these coats away below their market value and offer
them to you Saturday at a price se low that any woman can afford
one right new at the very beginning of the long celd winter season.
These Coats have very slight imperfections so small you would never notice
them. These little irregularities will not interfere with the fit, the looks or the
wear of your Coat in the least. Many have good, heavy satin linings, some with
silk frogs, ornamental buttons, etc.
A quick ksck prepared la a Matte,
Take &o tubitihite. Atkfor HORUCK'S.
Nat in Any Rim Ttvi
Xo t'oata nro warmer, better wearing
or more serviceable tlinu a good
heavy plush or caracul. This Is an
opportunity no woman should miss.
Coats Worth $18 $
Ooats Worth $20
Coats Worth $22
jttiun ih.-rth met with Mis. 11 A t ol-