Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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Old Players Will Be in Lineup
Against Sioux City.
Was Mrrtlnitn o Be Held to Crnte
Intrmt In One ot the Hardest
'ran on I.ocnl Tr-nm's
Fortune has smllod upon the hlsh school
fleven and restored to the team a number
of Its valuable men, who have been out
of the game for some time, at the very
time when they are most needed. The
team will buck up against "the Sioux City
team at nourke park Saturday afternoon
In what will undoubted:? oe the hardest
came ef the schedule, and according to
Coach Mills, the squad In Its former crip
pled condition would not have been able
to put up much pf a fight against the
Chief among the men over whose re
turn to the gridiron Mills Is Jubilant Is
Moser,. the lengthy center, who s'tarrcd In
most of last year's melee.. Moser played
In the first game o'f the schedule this
season with Crelghton High, but has been
out of the game since then as the re
ult of a broken collarbone which he
ustalned in that game.
Merry is another of last year's veterans
who has returned to the game during
the last week, after an absence from the
field of seVeral weeks. Berry left the out
fit early In the season because of diffi
culties with the management, but the
breech has been, closed over and the vet
eran fullback Is again in harness. With
Plats and Harte am halves and Berry at
fullback the backfleld Is stronger than
at any time since the South Omaha con
test. By the shifting of Gardner to tackle a
well knit team has been evolved from
the formerly ragged group. Itees, another
ot Mills' mainstays, will also take part In
Saturday's struggle.
Two mass meetings will be held at the
school today to stir up enthusiasm for
the contest and a larger crowd ot rooters
Is being counted on to turn out. In splto
of the Crelerhton-Uuskell game on Crelgh
ton field, than has been on hand for any
of the preceding games. An attempt was
made to change the date of the game
with Sioux City to this afternoon, in
view of the Crelghton contest, but tho
visiting team could not bo on hand be
fore Saturday.
New Concern May Go
On with Its Business
Ths case of William Davis, president
ot the National' IlMlnff league, at Chi
cago, against Walter U Cropper ot the
Mutual ' Rating and Adjusting associa
tion of Omaha, which has been hanging
tire two weeKs In the United .States dis
trict court, was decided by Judge Mun
Kfir. The National Rating league was dc
nloi tho petitioned restraining order, pro
hibiting the Mutual people from doing
business, but the restraining order
against Cropper's, .working tor the' local
eoncerrf was granted! , .
Cropifcr' had entered Into contract.-.wltH
the National Rating league tor a 'period
of flveyears, during which time he was.
not to be connected with, any other rat
ing and adjustment company. It was al
leged that Cropper came, to Omaha and
organlred thf, Mqtual Ratlnff and Adjust
ing Association. but the evidence showed
that It was his wife who organized the
association, and that her husband merely
acted as manager. Cropper, according to
the decision, will not be permitted to be
an employe of his wife's concern, but the
association may continue to do business.
The forces In the field were doubled and
the work will continue. Hugh Meyers
was attorney for the Omaha copcern.
"No plan to eliminate chronic poverty
will 'result In permanent good without a
complete change In the land system," said
Judge A. G. Wniy of Tork In his address
on "The New Patriotism" before the Po
litical Equality league at tho city hall
last night. Judge Wraf gave, due credit
fur the cause of poverty to drunkenness,
hlftUssnes?, trusts,, tariffs, free trade,
monopolies, and when he had agreed that
ill had their share to do with causing and
maintaining poverty, he declared that the
fundamental error In our economic sys
tem v was that we permit the private
monopoly of land.
"We would not permit a monopoly of
the air or the water In the world," he
continued, "but by a custom as old as
chattel slavery Itself we have permitted
the private ownership and monopoly of
land. We have one syndicate that owns
2,000,000 acres of land In this country and
have placed no Improvements on It. In
the .southern part of this state one Indi
vidual owns 60,000 acres and makes no Im
provements on the land.
If Back Hurts
Begin on Salts
Plush your Kidneys occasion
ally if you eat meat
No man or woman who eats meat reg
ularly can make a mistake by flushing
the kldnsys occasionally, says a well
known authority. Meat forma urlo acid
which clogs the kidney pore so they
sluggishly filter or strain only part of
the waste and poisons from the blood,
then you get sick. Nearly ail rheuma
tism, headaches, liver trouble, nervous
ness, constipation, dltness, sleepless
ness, bladder dlsbrdera come from slug-a-ish
The moment you feel a dull notat In
the kidneys or your back hurts, or If the
urlns is eloudy, offensive, full ot sedi
ment. Irregular of passage or attendwd
by a sensation of scalding, gat about
four ounces of Jad Salts from any reli
able pharmacy and take a tablecpoonful
in a glass of water before braakfaat for
a few days and your kidneys will then
act fine. This famous salts la made
from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice,
combined with llthla and has been used
ror generations to flush clogged kidneys
and stimulate them to activity, also to
neutralize the acids in urine so it no
longer causes Irritation, thus ending
bladder disorders.
Jad Salts la inezpenaWs and cannot
Injure: makes a delightful effervescent
llthla-water drink -which all regular
meat eaters should take now and then to
keep the kidneys clean a d the b'.ood
pure, thereby avoiding serlo-s k'lney
romplifatlcn Advertisement
This lot
I Boy
s' Suits
There's something wrong with the boy if he's not needing a
Suit and we have anticipated his needs. "Without any
bragging, wo are positive our collection of fine looking,
fine wearing Suits for boys are away ahead of what others
can show and at about $2 to $3 less in price, and that helps
some. Suits
$2.50, $3.50, $5 and up to $10
Doublo Ilrensted nml Norfolk styles.
Some with two pairs of pants.
Handsome New Chinchilla
$3.50 and $5
50c Fancy
Neckwear, 25c
Our entire stock of 50c
Fane)' Neckwear that in
cludes all shapes and
styles, all go on sale
For Saturday- Only at .
Amrlcn: "Undsr Southern Skits."
Branatlst Jtnill as Xing str.
Emprsis: VaudsvlUe.
Qayatyt Burlesqus.
Orphsumt Vsudsvllla.
"Othello" at the IlranileU.
Mr. Robert Bruce Mantell and company
In "Othello," a tragedy by William
Shakespeare. In five acts and eight
scenes (the EMwIn Booth version). The
Othello ". ,7..Mr. Mantell
J a go Mr. Fritz Lelber
HoderlKo, a Rallant...Mr. lid ward Lewers
lir&bantto, of tit Seriate of Venice..
Mr, Frank Peters
Casslo, Othello's lieutenant
i... Mr. John Burke
Duko of Venice Mr, George .Gould
XxmJovIco. kinsman to Brabantio
Mr. Walter Gtbbs, brother to Brabantio
Mr. Herman Gelst
Montano, Othello's Dredecessor at
Cyprus ,....Mr. Paul Pltklngton
Antonio, a citizen Mr. Frank Clancey
Paulo, a citizen Mr. Harry Anthlstle
Desdemona, daughter of Brabantio,...
.Miss Genevieve Ilumper
Emilia, wife to Iago....Ml8s Thais Lawton
Tragedy reaches its utmost bounds In
Bhakeepeare's "Othello," attaining its ex
tremity by trampling before it the deepest
and greatest of human passions. And so
perhaps Mr, Mantel! stretches to the limit
his greatest powers in the depiction of
this awful' story. Nor does he journey to
these heights of artistic greatness un
accompanied. Mr- Lelber. as Iago, lifts
himself to & plane as lofty as the char
acter he portrays Is despicable.
Looking on as though by magic privilege
the audience at the Branded theater last
evening observed the crafty Iuro poison
the mind of the noble Moor with a cun
ning and wickedness that horrified with
Its realism, and loosed the "green eyed
monster" to murderous deeds; watched
the greatest suffering of a human soul as
It Is rent by thoughts ot faithlessness;
and shrank from the portrayal of a series
of murders which follow In quick suc
cession. Admitting the ample proficiency of Mr.
Mantell in the title rote, one must turn
In wonderment to the presence upon the
same stage at the same time of dramatic
ability such as Mr. Ielber Imparts to his
lago. It was not dramatic prowess, how
ever, which his audience observed. It was
a living, superlatively shrewd Iago, twist
ing his venomous tongue, tearing loose
the bonds of passion, with consequent de
struction euch was the realism, the
naturalness and greatness of his acting.
Again taking for granted the com
petency and satisfactory fulfilment of the
leading female role, Desdemona, by Miss
Hamper, we find & delicious surprise In
the convincing portrayal of Emilia, wife
to Iago, whose wrath and anguish at the
murder of her mistress was eminently
well done by Miss Lawton," Mr. Burke
was satisfactory. In physique and manner,
as Casslo, while Mr. Lewers performed
the negligible Roderigo with good effect.
Mr. Hash's Ilcrltnl.
Martin W. Bush gave his annual
piano re-ital at the Klrst liaptlst rh'trrh.
latt evening These ar,n'al rerltaU i f
.Mr Bush aro among the most lrtes'
lng rt V-e laral nrislcal evrH rf the eca-
. . i . . j i - i
Remarkable Sale of Women's New Fall Suits
Women's Stylish New Fall Garments Greatly Underpriced for Saturday.
THIS SPECIAL SUIT SALE FOR SATURDAY no woman can afford to miss. Tho reductions quoted below are made on our regular I
stock on garments that have not been out of tho factory over 30 days and many oven less. No "jobs" or cheaply finished garment f
reduction quoted! below will bo found in our sale exactly as offered
$25 Women's Stylish New Fall Suits,
In strictly tailored and in fnnoy styles in broad
cloth, sorgo, ohoviot, diagonals and bedford
cords. Jackets with straight lines or in the
popular now blouse effects; skirts either
tailored and with a Blush, or elso draped in moro fancy offoot.
tho now shades black, navy, wisteria, green, taujK), brown,
truly wonderful lot to choose from. So be suro to come enrlv.
Afternoon and Party Dresses
contains most ro- rr CO
markablo values; each
dross In tho group distinc
tive In its Individuality. Smart after
noon drossod and dainty party frocks,
In all shades; materials aro crcpo de
chine, messaline, serge, chiffon, shad
ow laces and crinkled crepes.
Boys' union' underwear, 45 up
Sweater coats, 91 and up.
.Winter caps, 50 up.
Flannol night gowns and Paja
mas. 50i P
Fancy Vest Sale
Saturday every one of our
fancy vests will bo reduced
"one-third" In price. Here is
r grand opportunity to piece
out the old suit, brighten up
tho new and take away tho
commonplace look of the three
piece suit,
One-Third Off
Saturday Only
son, and the program of last night served
to place him still higher In the estimation
of Omaha music lovers, nmong whom lie
had already won for himself an enviable
Mr. Bush Is the possessor of an abun
dance of technique, which enables him to
play passages of the most stupendous
difficulties with the utmost ease. Ills
playing Is at all times remarkably trans
lttccnt, and Is marked by sincerity and
finish. Hlnco his recital of last year It
was Interesting to note the great Improve
ment that Mr. Hush has made In Inter
pretatlve ability, He plays with a
bronder musicianship than before, and
the tone Is fuller and warmer. Tlje .in
terpretations satisfied' not only Intellec
tually, but also emotionally.
Mr. Bush complimented his audience
by choosing a program which required
not only ability to play but musical un
derstanding to enjoy, and the audjence rer
warded him by the most careful atten
tion throughout, and slnoere and appre
ciative applause. The "Variations" and
"Fugue" on a theme by Handel by Brahms
with which the program opened. Is a
most Interesting number. The theme U
clearly evident, and the cunning and ef
fectiveness with which Brahms has em
broidered It, with the many and diverse
variations, fill on with thp utmost ad
miration. Perhaps the most enjoyable
number of all was the beautiful Schu
mann Sonata In F sharp minor, opus 11,
which Mr. Bush played In Its entirety.
It Is hard to tell which part was the
most attractive, the aria, the scherzo
and Intermezzo, or the effective finale,
there were so many beauties throughout.
Widely dlfferont In style were the four
Unit numbers with which the program
ended. The "Spolallzlo," "Canzonetta, del
Salvator Bosa," and the transcription of
Franz's song "Dr Bote" present the
great composer In three distinctively dif
ferent phases. The last number, "Me-phlsto-WalUer,"
also by Liszt, .while
given a brilliant performance by Mr
Bush, failed to Impress the writer as
especially interesting. It did not seem
to present a sufficient variety of musical
material. Mr, Bush responded to enthusi
astic demands for an encore with an at
tractive novelty, "Amourette de-Pierrot.''
by Stojowskl. H. M. R.
PromlMi or the Press Airents.
A ttcore of clever youngster are featured
this week as the hadllne attraction at
the Orpheum. They are presenting the
newest of the Gus Edwards musical of
ferings. "The Kid Kabaret." Vaudeville
patrons find the act more to their taste
than any other act, similar In kind, that
nu Edwards has sent to Omaha. The
current bill at the Orpheum has a number
of other popular features, one of which
Is the musical turn acne py urem 11 &,
master of the baaio.
i -Midget" Miller! the soubrette with
nuen of Parts.'" playing at the popu
lar Oayety this week. Is about aa nifty
a little budget aa ever portrayed a simi
lar role at that house. She Is at once
pretty to look upon, graceful, petite, sings
well and Is a volcanic whirlwind when
darf-e music Is played, Indies' tnat'nee
Kev to the Slfiauon-Bes Advertising
Berg Suits Me
$17.50 Dainty Afternoon nml Street.
In a bin varioty ot protty t 7C
styles and now shades, in vj I ' J
sorgo, silk poplin, boilford
cords, wool cropo and epongc; both
short, long sleeves, in protty blouse ef
fects and drapod or slashed skirts; ov
cry garment in tho lot a lato fall mod 1.
A handsomely trimmed hat Is not
pncity nro features of the prcsont vogue in trim
ming. It's very oasy for a customer to have a nifty
shnpo with an ostrich fancy or au aigrette trim
ming and havo a smart hat at a moderate price.
Wo -oWer thnt kind of n hat Saturday, In black
and all colors, $8.50 vaules, as our Saturday special .
BUBO'S Mii.i.nTKT ktt. second rioor,
Men's Winter Caps, plain
and strap, inner bands,
50c, 75c, 1.00
Herman Mercurlo, night clerk at the
Carlton hotel, trapped a negro prowlsr
on the' second floor oarly yesterday.
At the station the negro said his name
was Roy Rodgerson and declared that he
enttred the hotel by the way of the flro
escape In the hope of finding a warm
place to sleep.
The police believe thut he came Into
the hotel for another purpose and they are
holding him for Investigation. Mercurlo
heard the negro walking around and, with
a pistol, Investigated,
Movrmmts at Omni Mniiiirr.
Tort Arrived, StlU4.
rOTTEHDAM. ..Hottrrdim
HAMnvna Vttn. 'Lincoln....
QUBKN8TOW.V .Oceanic
KOUTHA l'TON Andsnlt
UVEIilOOL, C.ltlo
NBW YOllK.. .Principe Piedmont
UOSTON...., Nspol
"Master Credit Clothier"
Htoro Wliero Credit Id Merely
flood "Measure.
Stops falling Hair
Half's Hair Renewer certainly stop
falling hair. No doubt abotit it what
ever. Yon will aureW be satisfied.
$35 Women's Stylish New Fall Suits, (
This lot contains copies of some of tho most
rocently imported novolties in late style Suits.
They portray tho new Mandarin sleeve, the
blouse or belted jackets, the three-tiered skirts
and many more new stylo effects. The materials are chiffon broad
cloths, volour do laine, brocaded novelties and imported French
cords and heavy diagonals. Every Suit in this lot a big bargain.
$H.ftO .Mesnnllno nml .lersej- Top
lVttlcontw, $2.15
Extra Grille Pure Silk 45
Petticoats in mossa-
lino or with silk Jersey tops and
with protty now flouncos. All
shades to mutch new suits.
necessarily a high-priced hat.
Worm fine fitting Under
wear, two-piece and union,
50c to $5.00
Good Clothes on Easy Payments
The "Union's" better clothes are offered you on the
most liberal terms at cash store prices every garment that leaves
this store goes out with a guarantee as good as a gold bondIt the
garments you buy are not right in every particular the "Union"
makes them right or your money is returned without question.
Big Sale of
Saturday we place on sale all the broken lines of La
dies' Suits and for quick selling, we divided into 3 lots
Lot No.
sold for
go at
Lot No. 2 Values
that sold from
to $22.50 $30, go at
0.B0 chiffon, Silk and Crepe
A dainty collodion of
Waists to match your
new Tall suit. -All tho lato
in chiffons, shadow laces,
and incBBalines. All colors.
If There Is Any One Store
in This Community
That sells bettor clothes at the price you want to pay, that
provides a bettor service, or goes to greater extremes to
givo its patrons the best values in tho world for thoir
money, its this popular store. If you havo any doubt about
it and want tho best possible proof that wo aro such a store,
and want to see better clothes than you thotight a market
"price would buy, como in and see the proof.
We Specialize for Saturday Suit and Overcoat
Selling at Two Prices, $15 and $25.
Our $15 Prize Suit (SL Overcoat
Wo say "prizo" for the reason that tho man wh6 buys
them gets u prize for they nro the stylos and patterns
usually sold for $18 and, at some places, $20.00.
AT 25.00, our experience hns been, is thp most popular
prico of all and tho makers thomsolves havo put moro qual
ity and olass into this grade of
specially tho makors of ours;
you a choice of tho groatost assortment you, over . gS
saw of suits and overcoats at pfciO
Qualities sold tho, town over
Ladies' Suits
1 Values that
$18 and $20.00
Lot iVo.,5 Values
that sold from $35
to $40.00, go at
Big Sale of a Sample Line of Men's
Suits g Overcoats
We just purchased a large line of Men's fine Suits
and Overcoats which we secured at practically our
own figures. They are all this season's style, are
finely made and go on sale Saturday at
$C50 $1 O50 $1 50
1252 17
garmonts than over before,
and Saturday wo can give
at $30.00.
Ladies' Fine
Coats anc)
Suits on
a Week
Will Press
and Your