THE UEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 191. FOOD AND FUEL SHORTAGE Strike Ties Up Many Industries in New Zealand. DOCKERS AND MINERS ABE OUT (onltnnouii Illotlnir In "WelUnBton nit Anklnml nrmilU In Innil Idr of ninejackets from IlrltUh Battleships. WELLINGTON, N. 7... Oct. M.-A short age ot food and fuel, with Its accompany ing privations for the poorer classes, la commencing to be felt throughout New Zealand as a result of a general strike ot coal miner and dockers. Work has ceased In many trades In every part of New Zealand. In Welling ton and Auckland, the two principal cities, continued rioting haa brought nbout the landing ot blue jackets from lirlUsh warships to assist In preserving order. The blue jackets are assigned primarily to protect the man engaged In loading fruit on vessels at the docks and to see that passengers are allowed to em bark or land from steamers without mo lestation. Tho struggle, which haa led to this se rious ststc of at'falra. Is a trial of strength between the employers and the Federation of Labor. The latter organ ization Is not registered under the pro visions of the compulsory arbitration act passed In lilt, by the terms of which any persons Inciting workmen to strike or any employers ordering a lockout with out first going to arbitration' are liable to severe penalties. The labor upheaval began with a strike of shipwrights several weeks ago. The rnn demanded higher wages, Improved working conditions and recognition ot their union The dockers and miners shortly afterward laid down their tools In sympathy ,and other trades followed their example, until a large proportion of the organized labor ot the dominion haa ceased work. Wilber Boy Killed by Explosion of Shell in His Hand WILD Bit, Neb., Oct. 3l.-Speclal.)-Itu-nell llulne, the son of O. A. Hulse, living three miles south nud six miles east of "rfend, who was Instantly killed Satin lay evening, camn to his death by the discharge of a No. 11 gun ahell In hla own hands, so said the coroner's jury by Its verdict yesterday, In tho presence ot the coroner and county attorney, after a further examination from Sunday, when the Investigation started. The story of the boys was that deceased had a shell it) his hands, was Playing with It. that lie was tapping on It when It went off, the charge taking off one side of his head. Tho story was doubted very much by tho coroner, because If the shell was discharged In the hands of the boy the charge would be scattered In all direc tion tho ahell having a paper covering, and there would be evidence of the dis charge .In the boy's hands, which there was not. The county attorney was not entirely satisfied with the verdict, but the coroaer accepted the verdict of the Jury. Women's Relief Corps Convention is Held at Blair nLAlR, Noli., iOct. 31. -Special )-The second annual convention of Dlntrlot No. I, Women's Itellef corps, composed of corps from Plattamouth, Omaha, South Omaha, South Sioux City, Hooper. Lyons Decatur, Tckamnh, "Fremont, North Bend, Lincoln, Ilenron and Blair, was held at the Masonic temple. In this city, Thurs day morning and afternoon. Sessions were held and a reception and banquet were glen to the veterans In the eve ning Nearly every corps In the district wan well represented. Over 10ft were In attendance. The election of officers for the ensuing year was as follows: Presi dent, Nannie Durket, IMattsmouth; senior vice president, Clara Feenan, Omaha; Ju nior vice president, Ada Heine, Hooper, chaplain, Sarah Alder, Tckamah; treas urer, Mrs. A. C Jones, Illalr; conductor, Dora Michael, Tekamah; assistant con ductor, Deulah Davis, Omaha; guard, Lil lian Hawkins, North Uend; assistant guard, Mrs. freely, Lyons; secretary. Jennie Dodge, I'lattsmouth; musician, Hose. Donohue, Fremont; press correspon dent, Anna Askwlth, Plattamouth. The 1914 session will he held In Plattsmouth, At tho afternoon session an Interesting talk was given by Past President of the Department Lillian P. Kddy on the na tlcnal cemetery anil tho Women's IlcJIet corps plot in Forest Uwn cemetery, Omaha. Department President Minnie T. Uell of Lincoln gave a detailed report of a district convention held In Lincoln, Sep tember 17. Tho drill team from tho Te kamah corps exemplified tho floor work and was highly complimented for lta ef ficiency by the Inspector, Ada Heine of Ifoopcr. Tho officers for the ensuing year were Installed by the Installing officer, Lillian P Hddy, of Omaha. A goodly number of the old veterans were In attendance at the reception ten dered them in the evening- and were, en tertained with a miscellaneous program Notes from Beatrice and Gage County HKATUK'B. Neb., Oct. JL-(Bpeclal.)-Mrs, Hophlu Frltsen, for thirty-two years a resident ot Ossjo county, died suddenly Thursday ovenlng at her home east of the city ot heart trouble. Bhn was taken 111 In town nnd after being taken home, passed away without regaining conscious ness. She was 03 years of age and leaves her husband and two sons, Martin and John Krltxnn, John Wylana, a farmer living west of Blue Springs, was run down by an auto mobile driven by a Mr. Doty. Mr. Wy land was driving a team of mules and ono of the nnjmats was so badly Injured In the mlxup that It had to be killed. Tho accident cost Doty KM and he paid Mr, Wyland that amount before proceeding on his Journey. Tho automoblje carried no lights and It was going at full speed when It collided with the team. Mrs. Emollne Bchell, a pioneer resident ot Beatrice, died Thursday at her home 31e31eft mafia JOnN A. SWANSON, Pres. WM. L. HOLZMAN, Treas. Mighty Demonstration of Value Giving After seven weeks of constant attention and supervision we place before you the greatest array of clothes values ever presented to the citizens of Omaha and vicinity. One Thousand Overcoats One Thousand Fall Suits Above All- VALUES A mammoth special purchase of more than 6.000 yards of high class woolens was required to make these unparalleled suits and overcoats, and it took the undivided time of Rochester, New York's, best journeymen tailors to produce them. These fabrics were bought under our own supervision, and careful attention was given to the details of the tailoring so that we could make a most extraordinary offer. Our efforts were rewarded. You'll declare these clothes most amazing SUIT and OVERCOAT values on record Young Men's and Men's Smart Models. $15 $20 $25 Correct Models for Men and Young Men Our extra large facilities presented to us opportunities for keeping down the cost, and coupled with our wpll known policy of largo sales and small profits, wo present to our patrons what we honestly believe to be the best .values ever offered at less money than elsewhere. So confident are we of this fact that wo invite comparison. The Suits are mode from tho best finished and un finished worsteds woven by tho American woolen mills, Wan askuk Woolen mills, Cleveland Woolen mills, and Turner Wor sted Company, as well as by some ot the best woolen mills In Huddorsflold, England. You'll find tho latest fall patterns, chalk stripes, tans, rich grays and handsome mixtures; dis tinguished modols, two and three button English, seml-Eng-lish, Norfolk's and conservative styles. Never before In mid season have you been invited to share in such a remarkable special offer as thoso handsome suits afford. Mall Orders Promptly Filled. Write for Catalogue. JOHN A.SWANSON.pbcs WM.L.HOLZMAN.TKfA. CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN. The Overcoats are made of chinchillas, plaid back tweeds; friezes; warmth without weight weaves; chev iots, meltons and vicunas made by such well known mills as Wilson, Gormania, Dobson and American Woolen Co. The models consist of every desirable style, conservative Chester fields; forty-flvo-lnch single breasted Guard coats; forty-five-inch length single and double breasted shawl collar models; single and double breasted ulsterottes, practically every now overcoat Idea in here and the values represent the most solid worth over offered in strictly new styles. Bo Sure to So Onr Show Window Displays Today. IL40 ! 0 f.Vi ' ' Wu mrcS-io -i J -) i il J fWJTZismsS In thin city, aiteil 77 year. Slio wai born In Fayetto county, rrrfnsylvanlft. Slay 15, H3, and canio tt thU city In 187v where she has ilnce resided. Shn In lurvlvetl by her husband and the following children: Mrs. It. W. Grant, Ucatrlco: Mrs. II. It. Harmon and Jim. J, IS. Cobbey, Lincoln; Mrs. D. C. Krotz, Orovllln, Cal.j Prof. O, D. Bchell, Ashland, tire.; Ilev, XL A. Bchell, Moulder,. Cold Funeral service were held from the Christian church at I o'clock Thursday afternoon The officers of Vesper chapter No. 9, Order of Eastern Star, entertained the members of the order and 'nvlted guests Thursday evening- at a Hallowe'en party In Masonlo hall. There were. 800 present and musical and literary program s fur nished be entertainment fr the evening. No Trace of Automobile. SBWAItD, Neb.. Oct. K.-tSpeclal.)-No developments have come to llglit record ing the Identity of the person who drove away the Ford automobile belonging to David Lehman from the Amtsh church near Mllford on October 19, but it was learned today from the local dealer at Mllford, from whom the car was bought, that the wrong numbers had. been given In the notices which were distributed broadcast by Sheriff Qlllan with the view, of locating tho stolen machine. The cor rect motor number Is 9)8,000 and the car number Is 2S7.644. Klrkpntrlck to Toronto. The Brooklyn club haa sold to Toronto Second Baseman Enos Klrkpatrlck, for merly with Newark. Harry Rwaclna, Newark's first baseman, was offered to Buffalo, but no deal haa been closed. Big Savings for Women who read and heed this We're unusually proud of tho kind of garments this I store sella and tho discrimi nating cllentoto It lias. Dut more women, with a liking ifor elegance, should know It. Here are a few real quality -spoclals quoted with an Idea of an enlarged acquaintance among stylo wise women. Ladle' Chinchilla Coats A most re markablo value theso warm com fortable coats In now length cut away or full length models, colors New Oxford gray, navy blue or brown sites 32 to 40 regular values $25 very special Saturday. . .$19.00 Elegant Waita very specially priced " "Whifd .voile, marqui sette, French batiste, silk chiffon, soft taf fetas and tailored lin ens; sell up to $5.75, t Saturday ....$2.G5 f Ch(ffon and fancy silk, alio fancy shadow lace and uet waists, tho sea son's newest novelties, in ecru and white, made with loug sleeves and medic! collars; sell regu larly up to $7.50; Satur day o advertlso our waist department. .9115 LADIES' S2TOX.I8K WAXJCTBTO BOOT, BA.T- VM9AX BJPSCXAXtP Tan, Ilunstan. full Kng llali, short forepart, re ceding toe low, flange liel, sunken eyelets, uri justabla arch; $8.00 In aotne stores, lt.00 in others $4.15 Here Goes Lot 1 Lot 2 for the biggest Saturday in the history of this great Quality Store ' We have ah ambition It Is to be the biggest apparel store in town and it'a our turn, too. Yet, we don't want any growth founded on false promises or disappointing merchandise. This Satur day a year ago was "some" Saturday believe us. Wo think It should Just about double this year. ' Of course it won't without assistance from us. So we've made up a goodly list of quality wearables, so specially priced as to Insure a record breaking day. Come expecting the best nt prices less than most storos got for the shoddiest, most worthless kinds and you'll not bo disappointed. BOOT SPECIAL FOR GltOW ING GIRLS Tan, calf, ex treme short forepart,' medium high toe, slightly arched Bhank, ono inch military heel, heavy street sole, welted, , all sizes, 2 Mi to 7, A to D, Satur day 93.15 Children's rogular f)0e. vests or pants in part wool, fino rib bed, gray or whito, special .... 37c Misses' $2.25 all wool Swoaters, plain stitch, roll collar, col ors red, gray or navy, special jvl.40 Boys' 50c Shirts or Drawers, fino Jersey ribbed, fleeced cot ton,! gray or ecru; special 23c Ladies' $1.75 union suits, "Mentor" malvO,fino ribbed cot ton, medium weight, special $1.15 Ladies' 75o Chamois otto gloves, colors black, white, tan, gray or chamois col lor, special 43c "Bradley" 50c knit mufflers, all colors, spocial 31c A Square of On -the -Square Bargains In Small Wearables 1 A snap in Angora Sweater Suits, cap, leggings and sweater .r ii i ?i i I tor smati cnnaren, Bold at $2 $1.53 Children's "M" knit ted Underwaists; regular price 25c; special 17c Genuino Angora Bon nets for small chil dren; former price! to $2,00; all sizes; Saturday only, ,87c OIITLDUEN'S SHOES Tan calf, wtdo foot-form last, spring heels, button or lace; sizes 8 to 11. Sell up to $2.50, Satur day 81.15 Three Girls' Coat specials that you can't afford to overlook neinember, please, that these coats are quality garments with style that can't be imitated by cheap makers. For (Jlrls 7 to 10 Years. High class coats in American cheviots, chinchillas and fancy boucle weaves, reg ularly sold up to $9.60 special Sat urday at ...80.05 For Girls a to 6 Years. Velvet, chinchilla and corduroys, regu 1 a r values to $8.50 t 83.85 For Girls 12 to 5 Years. Pretty braided mod els ot plain cloth in red, blue and brown, . regular. $3. $5 values. Saturday ,..g2.65 Millinery Bargains to enthuse hat buyers Nothing cheap looking about Benson & Thome hats nothing extravagant about the regular prices but something decidedly rare about such reductions as these. Ladles' and Misses' Hat, sold for $12.75, $10.00 and $8,75 Saturday in ono lot at 84.08 One lot of Children's Hats that sold for $1.75; Saturday only 08 One lot of Children's Tyrolean Hats in corduroy and plush sold for $8.75; Sat urdy 81.85 Th ese Items are offered for Saturday's selling: Most of them will be sold out slick and clean even if they are not, they will be withdrawn from sale with the closing of the store, so it behooves you to get here early. Saturday Sliirt Special You men who want to buy regular $1.50 shirts neat patterns, cor rect styles, perfect fitters for much less than real value should hasten to buy these at fOd Men Folks- Here's your share in the Good Things for Saturday We don't sell the most clothing In town each of the other stores do that (7) Hut we sell the tiest end more men should know it hence these specials: Very Special Salt Value at a Terr Common Prloe -All the newest fabrics, patterns, colors and models that touch the limit of stylishness hand tailored, of course. The equal of any suits selling In any other store at $10.00; specially good Saturday buy $16X0 The areateat Salt Value la the Country Other stores unhesi tatingly ask $32.60 and S5.00 for suits not nearly the equal of this very special value. Every one a recent model, and every one mde by a high-class tailor. They fit perfectly, and not a question can be raised about their stylishness or elt ganc - 818,00 Unusual Chinchilla Overeoata for Saturday We've had the best of the Chinchilla argu ment where hlgh-Clasj gar ments have been considered. We've a line at IU.0O that we can conscientiously recommend o patrons aa being the one best Chinchilla value procura ble. Ours are extremely well made, and of models that bear an air distinguished S1S.00 Biggest Underwear Snap In Town Klne. heavy, cotton ribbed Shirts and Drawers nil sixes our regular J1.00 grade, Saturday boo OMAHA'S FASTEST GROWING STORE mm 15iq.1518.1520 FARNAM STREET Buy better clothes for the boy pay less for them Special Values In IJojs' School Suit Three lota of Norfolks and plain Jaoket styles for boys 6 to 16 years. Not a shoddy In the bunch. Sell ordinarily at $6.00 to $10. $3.50, S5. S7.50 SmaU nojra' Overcoats 3 to 8 years, lu pretty styles and durable fabrics values $5, Saturday S3.65 Small Hoys' Chinchilla and Corduroy Velvet Overcoats, tan, blue or gray, 3 to S years the $6.50 to $8.50 Winds at 85.25 1