2 THE BKE: OMAHA, SAT I KDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1U1.I. Special Coat Values For Tomorrow (Saturday) We have a wonderful assort ment of coats in all fabrics, suit able for every kind of wear, at $18.50-524.50 Many would' ask $30 to $35 for these values. No charge for alterations. Furs In Every Fashionable Style With cold weather at hand, it's well to con sider furs seriously particularly suqh fur sets and coats as we sell. Always Truly Represented A variety so cxtcnslro n to satisfy tlio wnnta of every one. Sets, $7.50' $300 Harrison's Reindeer Fabric Gloves Don't purchase a "Duplex Fabric" glove before you have seen "Harri son's Reindeer" "excelling all oth ers in style and fit" say those of our customers wlio.hav e worn these glbves. Women ' Short Glmves, in black, d 1 f( white, and colors, a pair . . . Misses' Short Gloves, in white, d1 fkfk chamois and reindeer shade, a pr. pJLflJ Women's 16-Button Length, f O ff white only, a pair v Olf We are the OswHa Selling Af ents for these gloves. HODflJtDJiAMD SIXTEENTH STREETS -- t- rititif r Shihmi 3 GREAT BOOKS AT SOc aC'CAHTEH. "THE PRICK OF THE PRAIUIE." BACI.EV, "THE MISTRESS OP 81IIN8TONE," DELAND, "THE IRON WOMAN." ALL ON SALE NOW AT 60c EACH. KIESER'S BOOK STORE Y. SI, O. A. Building. Have You Joined Kicacr'a 2c-a-Uy library? CLIP THIS -.SsssssflBssssaL --- XgBTSsssV gBBBSBBt sBteBBBBSgflBlBflP' SggggBBsagB Ts In i mil ye sm a rsgsW fe4r yea atatt prtM Six Ceases Wk till ni. THE IMPIAL EMBROIDERY OUTFIT is guaran-ttttd-to t Uw grtwtMt collection and bigst bargain in ptirnc ever offered. The 160 patterns have a retail value of Id eeata each, or more than $10.00 in all Brine SIX Coupons ana 06 cents with One. Cootflete Outfit, including Book of instnietions and one All Metal Hoop. The 681 cents is to eover duty, express, hand lis g and the numerous over hemi expenses of getting the package from factory to. you. N, B.Chtt mf 7shr Remdmrt will mdJ 7 ctnta extra For fcflmPaSssJJ IVtsM gf fs mjiMk mug. Perfect Clothes h v 1 Perfectly Proiliicetl Efornal vigilance ia, exer cised by tho Benjamin or ganization in selocting their woolens, thon in the designing of thoir models, and aftqr these processes tho tailoring of their gar ments is matched through every stago hy critical men who's only thought to give you a gar ment perfect In every detail. Even the allk thread used la all Benjamin clothes It given meet unusual teata. $18 to $30 Buys a Benjamin ault or overcoat. What more can you get at any price? DRAY h jrujt hen FOX MEN OIUCtN to this office and you will be Winter Su Wnd Furs A suit with becoming furs is the finest of apparel for milady. Our styles of suits are new; they are the same as those, shown now in New York. $35 $45 $55 The Store for Shirtwaists Won't you step in Saturday and allow us to show you the newest waist styles? Decidedly Attractive with many novel touches to relieve the too often o'rdinary ap pearance. They are distinctive. Furnishings for Men SPECIAL; MEN'S 25c Onyx Silk Lisle Hose, with linen heel and toe, in gray, navy and black, sizes dy2 to ll1; special for Saturday, 19c a pair. MEN'S Outing Flannel Night Robes, good quality flannel, cut extra large, 50c, 75c and $1.00. MEN'S High-grado Union Suit3 for winter wear, Sterling, Su perior and Piqua makes, $1.00 to S5.00. MEN'S High-grade Ooat Sweat ers, with the shawl or Byron collar, $1.50 to $7.50. Exclusive Agents for McCALL PATTERNS MEXICAN-FEDERALS i -sREPORTED pEpr t F'CHIHUABUA , (Continued from. Page One.) . and Orplnel 'wtio were trying to check the advance of tha rebels by feigning an I attack on JImlner, I Oeneral Villa la now In tit vicinity of Parrot Tho nUlrood between- Jlmlnot and Santa Rosalia has been badly dam aged and tho federal troops are obliged to proceed overland, a task which hith erto they have not succeeded In accom plishing well. In at Jaarri. m, PASO, Tex., Oct. Si. No news has reached Juarex of the evacuation of Chi huahua by the federals or of an attack by the rebels. The rebels ure known to have been close to the city yesterday afternoon. Juarea officials this afternoon were In communi cation with Chihuahua by wire. They say (he city Is quiet and that there are no train i on the line between J Wares and Chihuahua. Testerday trains were re ported made up and ready to take the troops out ot Chihuahua for the north In tho event of a rebel attack. WASHINGTON, Oct. SL-Franclsco Es- quodero, chief of the Department of For etgn Relations for the constitutionalists In Mexico, telegraphed their headquarters here today from Hennoslllo that the ted erals had evacuated the city ot Chihuahua on the approach ot Pancho Villa and the constitutionalist troops. ! COMMANDER BOOTH I REACHES NEW YORK ! NKW YOIUC, Oct. at William Brora well Booth, who succeeded his lata father as head ot the Solvation Army, arrived In New Tork today on his first visit to America. He will go direct to Winnipeg and Toronto and will then return to the United States, stopping first at Chicago. The general is 57 years old. For years he was his father's chief lieutenant Oeneral Booth was visibly annoyed when reporters .asked 'him It 'he.-expected to Purify Your Blood let rid of humors, boil,plmpTv Restore your sppetitt, c Banish that tired fsslinj. . ' Build up your nerves, ' Have refreshing sleep, and Health-color in your face By taking the true blood tonic, Hoods Sarsaparilla Prepared oujy by C. I. Hood Co Lowell, Mass. over 50 years' experi ence 'lp inaklnr meflldlne Made by "Hood It's Cood Sold everywhere. In the Infant's White Shaker Flannel Pin ning Blankets on cambric waistband, medium or heavy weight, 25c, 35c Long White Wool Flannel Skirts, plain hemstitched hem or machine or hand embroidered, prices 50c, 85C, $1.00, $1.25 to $5.00. HALF PRICE! OSTRICH TRIMMED HATS DRESS HATS STREET HATS This offer includes One-Half the Original Basement Millinery CHILDREN'S TRIMMED HATS, values $1.25 to $2,50 Sale price "jutt IM brother, BallinctonJJcoth. head Of thelVolur(Mer tit America, from whom he lonjr has been estranged. "I liaw my ljrothcr whenh'e, was last In England," lie iakl) '('and I' ekpect to see him here coon. As to an alliance between the armies I cannot soy. I don't know how my brother would take to such a uraeitlon. If my brother would, stole ucl an )l)anc I would cladly entertain It but. I have not yet given the matter any thought." Orient Eailroad Fiuanoial Affairs Are Badly Tangled KANSAS CITY, 5fo., Oct. SL The ques tion of ownership of thev Kansas City, Mexico Orient railway cannot be set tled and the rcorganlsaUon of the com pany completed until the conflicting claims of .the bond holders and the con struction companies engaged In finish ing the road are straightened out. This decision was made today by Judge John C Tollock ot the federal court In Kansas City, Kan. Judge Pollock appointed Clif ford Illsted ot Kansas City, Mo., special examiner to Investigate and submit proofs of the claims ot bondholders and con struction companies. The Orient company went Into the hands of receivers In March, iSIX The federal court appointed separate sets of receiv ers for the company's properties In Mis souri and Kansas, in Texas and Okla homa and In, Mexico, In all, eleven re ceivers have charge of the property. About S00 miles of the road are tu 0 titra tion and said to be paring expenses. The remainder of the road Is in process ot construction. Judge Tollock lost June be gan an effort to settle claims against the road In order that the property might be sold, the company reorganized or'the re ceivership otherwise lifted. Until Mr. Illsted has made his report no further action will be taken, Judge Pollock said. CREW TAKEN FROM BURNING SHIP AT SEA HAMBURG, Qermany. Oct. Si! Twenty two ot tho twenty-five men in the crew ot the French bark Patrie were rescued today In mid-ocean by the Hamburg American liner Kronprlnbessln Cecilia. The liner found the Patrie burning and disabled In mid-ocean, according to wire less dispatches. The Oerman captain launched boats and took oft the crew. Three ot the French sailors had been washed overboard and drowned Just be fore the arrival ot the liner. The Patrie was a vessel ot SOC tons dis placement and hailed from Fecamp, Fiance. The Kron Frlnsessln CeclUe Is on the way here from Mexico. FORT DODGE ROAD S SOLD TO BONDHOLDERS BOONE. Is., Oct SL The Fort Dodge, Des Moines & Southern Interurban rail way was sold at a receivership sole at i o'clock this afternoon, to Kollln B. Fisher, representing the Old Colony Trust com pany of Boston, for tJ.MO.COO. This is said to mean tht the bondholders will retain control of the road. The minor prop erties and other effects connected with the road brought the sum of 'JIM. 500. Only One Biouto Quinine. That Is Laxative Bromo Quinine. Look for the signature of IS. W. drove. Cures a cold In one days. Cures grip In two day. Sc. Wear Section White Wool Flannel Pin ning Blankets on cambric waistband, 65c, 85c and $1.25. Short White Flannel Skirts on cambric waist, plain or embroidered; . sizes 6 mo., 1, 2, 3 years, S0cf 85c, $1.00 to $3.00. Choice of any Trimmed Hat in the House Saturday our entire stock of about BLACK BEAVERS, 10 good shapes, value $250, Sale price MOVMNBD AMD SIXTEENTH JBTK.CETS' Italics of Tyler and Van Buren Added to White House List "WASHINGTON,-1' Oct. St After a search ' covering several yeare, Mrs. Abby O. Baker, in charge of the Whits Ilbuso collection ot historic relics, today placed In the caolneta household relics of the administration .of Presidents Tyler and Van Buren. Mrs. Wilson has taken a deep Interest In the collection, which Includes dishes and personal effects used by former occupants ot the house and has expressed her thanks to the donors. The President Tyler relic was the .gift ot Mrs. William M. Ellis ot Shawsvllle, Va., and Is a dinner platter, one ot a especially prized by President Tyler. In addlUon, Judge D. Gardner Tyler, a son of the president, who Uvea In Sturgeon Point, Va., has advised Mrs. Baker that he Is sending two silver fruit baskets which were used In the White House and which were rescued from the ashes of the Tyler home when It was burned after tho surrender of Richmond In the civil war. Mrs. Helen Singleton Green of Colum bia, a C, furnished the Van Buren re! la, a handsomely engraved silver water pitcher, a gift from Benjamin F, Butler to the president Mrs. Green received the pitcher from her aunt, who was the wife of President Van Buren's son, and who for two years served as "mistress of THE HOUSE OF MENAGH 1613 Famam St. Owing to tho fact that tho manufacturers are unable to complete our stock of high grade garments for 10 days it will not bo policy to inaugurate Our Opening and Ac quaintance Sale as announced early in the week. We have already about 1,500 garments in stock and some very desirable ones, but some of tho better garments aro those Uiat will be delivered last. This condition will mean up into thousands of dollars' worth of business to ub but our policy is to adver tise facts in every case and tbia is one, oven though it will mean a big loss of busi ness to us and especially right at a tiino when we want to get acquainted with you, will not make us deviate from our established custom. "When our lino of bettor garments in the newer styles is complete they will be ad vertised and exposed. "Ve have about 1,000 medium grade garments that we purchased at almost our own price. These garments aro on sale Saturday and Monday. We also haw some very unusual values in northern natural mink furs. Our styles are different. Comparison is invited. FANCY AND TAILORED SUITS GREATLY UNDERPRIOED. One lot 14 f of 150 Plain Tailored Suits, worth to $30; mostly serges, your choice of lot.wlTaUU Real American Mink Furs At prices that will make you remember this sale; $250.00 Mink Sots S1 50 $400.00 Extra large, Dark-Col- t)QR ored Mink Sets, only .Zuu SHOE Sorosis Shoes are de-, manded by those wom en who appreciate the necessity for distinctive styles. They satisfy the most exacting tastes. HALF PRICE! IMPORTED MODELS FUR TRIMMED HATS AIGRETTE TRIMMED HATS 500 beautiful hats.' Selling Price Bargains UNTRIMMED SILK VELVET SHAPES, value, $2, 50, Sale price the White House," President Van Bureh being a widower. CHINESE STUDENT REFUSES TO WEAR GREEN CAP MAPISON, Wis., Oct .-A Cblnese student, John Young, today was before the student court at the atate university for failure to wear .the green .cap for freshmen. He gave tho following ds fense: "The green cap Is a token of .disgrace In China. When a man's wife la un faithful to him, people point to htm In scorn and so he has to wear tbgreen cap." Young said that although his country men don the green cap here to, show their destre to llvo up to the Wisconsin customs, it Is neverthless with some qualm. His case was dismissed. MAN AND WIFE DIE TRYING TO SAVE DOG CHICAGO. Oct n.-Grafton Stevens and his wife, wealthy residents of Wllmette, a suburb, were burned to death early today seeking to save a pet dog. Return ing from the home of friends they found their house. In which the dog had been locked, In flames. Both rushed Into the house and were "trapped when the roof collapsed. Bterens, a consulting engineer, and his wife, were ot the same age, and were born and brought up In the same town, Charles City, la. THE GENTLEWOMAN'S STORE RED Regular $20.00 value. WILSON'S TRUST PROGRAM President Orders Inquiry Into Effect of Monopoly. DAVIES OUTLINES THE PLAN Suggestion for Legislation "Will Be Based an Inrestlgntlon to De Made br the Bnrena of Corporations. ATLANTIC CITT, N. J., Oct Sl.-The beginning ot a new, scientific investiga tion ot the Industrial situation, under the direction of President Wilson, which will contribute to the administration's trust legislation program at the scKsfbh ot con gress beginning December 1, was an nounced here today by -Commissioner Jo seph E. avies of the bureau of corpora tions. In an address before the National Association of Hardware Dealers. "Whether a competitive ss-st-rri of large units, or a monopolistic sysUm Is the most advantageous to society is the ques ton the bureau will attempt to determine. "It Is characteristic of the quality ot mind of the president of the United States that he should desire facts on which to bis his Judgment" said Commissioner Davies. "We shall enter Into "this Inves tigation with the sole Intent of working out In "a scientific and fair-minded spirit the facts, absolutely as they are." Commissioner Davlea declared that the ultimate solution ot the trust problem depended upon the determination ot the question his bureau would Investigate. This Investigation he believed would de termine whether the lroblem might be solved by amendments to the Sherman law; by an Industrial trade commission, or by action looking to regulation by the Individual states. It tho monopolistic! system should be found to be most efft In spite of that fact a question whether the government should' maintain oh atti tude against monopoly by reason ot o.ther and greater evils It Induces. Chief Concern ot People. He cold one of the chief concerns ot the people was which form ot production, competitive or monopolistic, can produce and sell what the public buys most cheaply, consistent with a fair standard of living for workers. He sketched the business growth ot the country and tho rise of the corporation. "Within the lost decade and a half," he sold, "200 corporations have come Into property of more than 000, 000,000. Two hundred artificial persons own three times as much wealth as the country owned In ISM. "Thla fact Is not cited as on Indictment against the men engaged In these enter prises, but simply to show the way In which wo are growing. Tha period of greatest development In this movement occurred In the faco of the Sherman law and prior to IKK, when It first was sought to make It an active agency for the gov ernment "The unorganized many are 'demanding that law shall protect their rights from the encroachment of the 'organized few. Government or society Is concerned with these tremendous industrial units on sev eral different angles. What effect have these jglgnntlc concentrations had upon the question of representative government and Its', perpetuity? Is there dang of the cWld becotnlrtg greater .than? the porentt What guards must the 'state throw about Itself so that powers of goS ernmojit "anoy not be subverted by the greed of men? Must Freaerre Freedom. Tho economic aspects .of the problenj, the. .fair, just attitude of the government to capital invested and men interested In and directing these great enterprises as well as to the public at large, and what shall be done to preserve freedom of op portunity for business. Is the problem t Which congress will address Itself in the Immediate future. This problem reaches down to the fun damentals ot grovemment Itself: It will tax the greatest minds ot this generation and the next In Its solution there Is a call to 4U1 upstanding, thinking, patiiotlo men to aid In preserving conditions which shall safeguard the liberties ot men and that there may be an Industrial freedom founded In this country which shall en able our children to be men not slaws, either to an Industrial hierarchy or to a Soveromental despotism." 1613 Fain ana St FOX SETS S12.50 AFTERNOON DRESSES Special values in crepe de chine, Canton orepe and charmeuse; $30.00 C1 Q fl and $35.00 values 10i.0U