Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1913, Page 12, Image 12

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What's the Use of Knowing
THW IVuttt rrcre c
THG GAUCC nis -m.r
fl TD TR.V Tr -
ron, (ucm uits
Nebraska Eleven Crippled; but Will'
ing to Wage Battle.
Cnplnlit Ptird
r nt
for nt Least Two
M rrUn CfrU in Primed u
Vlny Open Cime nnd Win
ir It l IAlllllty.
LINCOLN. Oct. .11.-4 'Special Telegram.)
Tho Nebraska nthletU' board decided to
day to lett Jib Uojmi mnitcr, whereln-Kan-
sos university l prot sting., rldo over
until Mpnday until memlers of the board
liud had time to, give- M more thoiisht.
Had action been taken toay'therer is no
question but Manager Jlninllton f Kan
sas would !e requested to' make a public
apology. '
There will be no-nctlon antll'ntltr tha
meeting of the board next Monday. Coach
8tlohm, Manager lifted' ami twentyon
members of the squad left.tlds afternoon
for Ames, where Uiey ilV tho Actios
tomorrow afternoon. The condition of
the Nebraka squad was anything but
encouraging. Halllgan la till' badly crip
pled and It I very unlikely that he. will
he able to enter the name, partiy la. out
for at Icaat two weeks. 8tcthV has made,
the beat shifts ho could, but lWnot" feeling
very confident of tlio outcomcJ
Antra la Prepare fl,
A31EH, la., Oct; 3L(8pcla!l)--The ab
sence of scrimmage for' the. flint' olevem
and the dVUtjf rehearaal of oreyy trtcU and'
twist In men foot ball they- could' oon
etlvo Immtvldately after tho dlatuateful
tlcfrt from, the Mlaaourtana to tho end of
practice toillghi, that' tho'dyelono coahes
miit rely on apeed and accuracy In
ateAd of Inexperienced,, weight, to hold
down or de'felit NeLrska-tomorrow. If' tho
ihttracter of practice tlila week la an In
dication the'eontcat tomorrow will bo a
deroonMtratl6ki of tho open atylo gamo
from start tocflnlah.
AltriraUllani Imi Line.
Another alteruVon In tho flrat line waa
made yetterday and members nf the
aquad see In 11 decidedly discreet move
on the part of Conch Hubbard) Wilson,
thr brief littler ri i halt of last year' a
frealimeu atpiad, admittedly the hardest
tckler of the aqund, who played small
eginenu or the Mlnueaota'and Washing
ton gainca, waa put In right half. This
asalgnmevit wnt lUBht End Tlernan, who
has done cnllltably behind Uie phalnx,
back at rhe right outposU In a flying
tackle at Minneapolis this fighting,
speedy, unuvUlablo lialfbaclt, Wilson,
laid Tellefswo, the groat Copher quarter,
out of the gi(n and waa so smashed' UP'
by the lmpat that Ho was carried out,
f the contcat. ,
Lhl In I'oor ContlltlUHi
"Dutch" Thl, the much-needed fullback
was the cauae fit mtlcli anxiety during
tho latter daya of the week becauae a
PvHbbIbbIbs 1 sV)VA
V f of Great Danger
May be Mmis AlMrbic
Dm Mite Germs in Meet
Unexpected Manner.
Make Tsar Blood Para and Itsmnn ATI til
EL B. 8.
In thousands of Instances the most
Virulent types of blood trouble
been the result of comUvff In contact with
diieass germs In public places, and tha
Bpparently Insignificant pimple has been
tha cause. It spreads -with, astonlshlnz
rapidity, often, lnfectlns; tha estlro ays-
tern in a few days.
8. may now bo had. at most any drug
more in the civilized world.
Tills preparation stands alona aa a
blood purifier. It la somewhat revolution
ary In Its composition, since It accom
plishes aU-.that waa ever claimed for mer
cury. Iodides, arsenic, and other destrue-
iuot i or i.-oacn Stagg'a now forward nnssys th " a -ncnion, me Dig ruilbaeu,
aTfflLW a"bannent SSS: w hurt '"Tuesday', acrlmmage.
cneTgyof Its roduwrTe famous a .0t " Johri Vruwlnk.Meft end. wa.,!1.1 a.'M ml.Mpd- dMP' hese
ttve mineral drugs, and yet It Is abso- .to fill Vruwrink's position. Yruwlnk had
JuUly a purely reg.tablremict. It con- shoym remarkablu . skUl. In handling for
lalns one Ingredient which serves tho ! wrd nasals n,i h,i , ior
ct4ve purpose of sUraulatlns each tiny ?1 h been coxnM UDUI
ceUular part of the tissues to the healthy y ,n" Maons for large gains during the
and Judicious selection of its own esaen- remaining games of this year's schedule
Ilal nutriment. There aro mora cases of Elimination of Uio fast left end la aald
Lrtlcular rheumatism, loojmotor ataxia, to have resulted from the first Important
paresis, neuritis, and. similar diseases re- protest that hi iM,.hi. .u "nVr,ant
PUlUnt from tha uso of mineral, than SS?'" tr? Ub, ,e he co'rnca
iort people or awar of. These fact n "lconj'lI Protested Harl Pickrng,
aro brought out In a, highly intereatlnc tna Mlnneta captatnj on the eve of, the
took complied by the medical department game. VruwJnk'a disbarment was
Jt S'" Blf c.lflo C?r "Bviit mdr.. eauad by the protests of lllinoia that ht
Atlanta, fia. It la mailed free, together already had been In collet Z ., I?
wtth special information, to all who writ. ZjEZZ l ?r Z?"in CO"ege a,hltlc!' the
describing their symptoms. allotted four years.
Get a bottl of S. B. h. to-day, but bm
careful not to have something palmed sU Another Camp.
off on you falsely claimed to be "Just as Jlot Springs is about to pass from tha
Kood' map as a base ball conditioning ground.
Tbs only reason why anyon will try vCtes, which have been the most'
to sell you something in place of S. 8, 8. ,01'"' boosters for tha Arkansas spa, huvo
U ht extra, proflt . about decided to seek another traln-
rUt I AlltNT1
I ' DP)' W . .
I VfMe and vow we
' 'N-HEW5
I" I Lav m . .
eharleyhorse he acquired bn tlie Tiger
game last Saturday la drugging nlong
Motrin IIwm not". In a suit yestcrtlay.
Ho laln' goodt order with the- exeptlon
of tho bad and unhandy hrulsp, nnd must
uo in shapo tho start or tomorroWB game,
although the coaches fear ho will he
shy. of- hU- line-smashing spi-ed; which
has Improved wonderfully, in .tho last two.
week.' I6wel), nub at liulf aid full.
jwho has- bceni used In the ioslerior trio
considerably, thl week filled tho full
back position. Dclancy,. second string
full, stands In line to auccfed'Uhl If'thH
star fullback, lia to U- relieved- tomor
row. Wormhoudt, star left tacklp, who. has
beftn-umlcr the wlng-of tho hospital staff
slnco the Missouri gamo with torn legj
mufcles, will iot bo ablo to start his
tackle- tomorrow, but the- couches will
uso him If the Cornhuskcrn-butcher the
If ft sldo .0-1 fthexllno to such an exte;it
(iK to disable Mattlson or Rcballc. Mat
tlson, who has been In possession of
tW'ormhouritlft-i berth, slneo Monday, haVr
Ing been shifted from loft guard In tho
lengthy lln of chalKTS stiseient to
tlio Tiger grind a. wok- ago, continues
to pleaso tho conches by his strong work
in the lino following his removal from
tho back field.
iSohalk wo merely a likely scrub until
jth varsity Instructors found' him out
and pulled him from tho recruits to the
varnlty squad. Her was given nn oppor
tunity to plug up WonnhoudUS'taokUan
tho Mlatourl contcat, after tho regular
waa taken out with a bad leg, and he
stayed i a highly satisfactory' garner Thr
Jeft' tackle was- tlie- striking, point op ai
largo' part of tho Missouri backs' over
.whelming, attack, and Bchalk, too, was
hammered so evcrely that- he Is tied' up
In bandages.
' Unless signs, of tha, zodiac are wrong
"lighting Dill"' Brennah, tho lightning
llttlo sub half of last year's varsity, will
do the grneroUng as long as his tough-
4uckrnerntlw1il hokl him up -tomor'
tow. More resourceful than ho; Is' small.
Hronn&ntwtll 'be bunked. on-hy. UiKiioaohra
..1. . . n . , .
io uciuuaio- ne LornuusKcr iicrense.
Last Week's Lineup,
in- Oreighton Gamp
IiAWHBNCE, Kan., Oct. Jl.-(8poclal.)
i The) Haskell i Indians, who played Ne
braska to a standstill last Baturday at
Itilnoolh, are ready for tHo'gatne against'
the. Creighton college team of Omaha
Baturday, Coach Kennedy tins beon
putting his men through n strenuous
workout all this week In spite of the fact
that- snow coveredl Uio ground' for two
days. Tho Haskell coach, does not wanu
aityy moro defeatai and Is taking, no
chances with tho- Crelghton game.
Every man of the Indian aquad la In
flnu shape, nig Powell, the former
Carlisle star, who waa used ao effectively
in both offensive and defensive play
against tho Cornhuskors. will be seen at
fullback In Omaha. With him In tha
buclc flbld wilt be Hoqus and lUohards,
Flood will ploy, quarterback. Thlsi com
bination of backs Is. the- fastest In the
Missouri valley. Foot ball experts ray
that Powell baa no peer aa,a, line hacker
in this part of tho. country.
In. the line- C. Williams, another old.
Carlisle i tar, wilt' play hla. itaual position
at right end, and hlr brother, W. Will
llama, captain of the- team, will be placed
at left tackle. These two men are the
stars, ot the Ii&skeU. line. Stover, at
center, a big Indian and a. good de
fensive player:
Tlie Haskell team expects to play the
open style of game entirely In tho game
Saturday. Tha. successful working of
the- forward pass play scored for the red
skins against Nebraska, and Kennedy
expects his men to do the some, against
Fast Left End of
Staggs' Team Barred
Ttt pi -p
UJ XlUltJfa
fnilCAQO. OaL 31 Considered one oC,one ot tn most effaotlv punters on the
tho- moat Important cogs In tha exeoutlon i
a severe blow .to the team of tho Uni
versity of Chicago.
At the eleventh hour. Coach Stagg was.
compelled- to shift his lineup today In
final preparation for the Illinois game.
iirro tomorrow. Huntington was sent In
the Th&e of Day
-re KUTr.
TflVllif -
Stars of Haskell
111 VI
rhAY cruaioHTON- tiniveusitt on cueigihton field.
. . .
Thirty toot- Ball Games Are Sched
uled for Saturday.
iVrst Point Cadets Will Meet Tenia
from- Notre. Dame Colgate
Kxpects in Defeat Sons
of 1111.
NEW VoniC. Oct, 31. Tho arrival of
In tho east tsday as luckily coincident
lit -tho vast today us luckily conlncldent
with a program calling for nearly thirty
'Karnes tomorrow nnd followers- of the
sport1 look- forward- to far- better exhlhl
tlotut of play thuu wcro potslblo last
week on so many rain-soaked- fields.
Cornotl's men spent tho nlnht on the
train bound from Ithaca to Qoston, but
with what leal nopw or defeating Har
vard known only to thrinselves. Twloa
doftated. by weaken teams than Harvard.
Is supposed to huve, the Itlmcnns wero
:iot naturally warranted In professing
confidence. It is generally enncedud that
there aro some 'fine players on tho Cor
noil loom, but team work has been lack
ing mid It remains for tho big trsfc tomor
row to show whether Coaoh Sharper has
succedct-d during the last week In getting
tha men to work together effectively.
Bhnrpe himself' declined to' mnlta any
statement other train to sny, "I think
that tho team will malto a good show
ing," Colgate, another Now York state col
lege, Is sending Its team Into Now Eng
land todny with probably moro court
donuo of beating Vale tomorrow than
Cornell could have of winning from Har
vard, but It would bo a, general surprise
If either of theso hoped were mill red.
Tho speed ot the Colgate squad, however.
Is taken seriously enough at Now Haven
to liavo prompted Captain Ketcham to
say last night. "We expect a hard, brisk
game." Colgate's strongest play Is. re
ported, to be In tlie quarterback runa nt
'Huntington nnd Talo, weakened by In
juries that have crippled both hor ends,
may have eomo ground for feilr that the
lightning aprlnter will escapo for a score.
Army unit Nnvy Unities.
Tho Army nnd Navy teama, worklng
up to their match on the Polo grounds in
New York, November S3, will meet
Notre Dame and I.ehigh, respectively,
tomorrow. Iloth of tho smaller colleges
are confident of winning, and at West
Point there is admitted some danger
from Notre Dame The latter's open
'field tricks are reported to be the basis
of tha visitors hopes, hut tlm good an-
' fenslve gamo which the cadets have
been showing In practice this week have
j raised the hopoa of the coaehes, that
. they will be able to cope successfully
'with the westerners.
. Jf ,lleh la suffering aomewhat from In-
Juries and It Is
1,1, iik.iii inn, irnnii,
team, will be nble to get Into the navy
setbacks there Is aonfhtenee. IUodgett
heaviest bock In the mivy aquad. was
In tho lineup In practice yesterday for
the Lehigh game, ami If he Is kept thsre
with 'Harrison and Mitchell making up !
the rest of the backfleld. tho navy will
be prepared to give the visitors a hard
pounding, for the backs will average ISO
pounds In weight and all are expert
enced men.
Princeton Gains Coufldenrc .
Princeton has shown mueh vigor nnd
punch In Its praotloa sinse the disastrous
Dartmouth game. It Is said, and although
the practice has been secret the under
graduates aro confident that the Tigers
will have little dltfleulty In disposing of
Holy Cross at Prinerton tomorrow.
Lpartmoutb also Is without fear of tha
Amherst team, whleh It meets on the
latter's ground tomorrow. Tho green,
however, has always been a strong rival
with Amherst and both tha team and
tlie undergraduates are primed for a
hard struggle.
The Carlisle Indians, always strong on
new fprmatlons, are reported to have
worked up some stltl newer ones to try
When You Can't Go Any Place
, WHAT? fgnl
HE.Y! -Hull
MUTT ! !
.J C3
Indian Team
against Oorgetown at Washington to
morrow; The team Is In good physical
condition, and expects to win.
GJreighton is All
Set for Game with.
, The Crelghton varsity, team took Its
final scrimmage late Thursday afternoon
In preparation for the Haskell Indian
'game on Crelghton field Saturday. Coach
Wilier only allowed hla men to work In
Iscrlmtnage for a ahort period, not caring
ito risk further Injury to his men,
) Previous to the scrimmage tho line was
put through a flerco workout, with some
half dozen coaches giving them pointers.
The tackling dummy also camo. In for a,
good- mauling.
Moro of the alumni were out In old
clothew to help their alma mater Thurs
day. Dan Butler, Dr, Btovena and others)
who have nuslsted Coach Miller" durinu
the week, wore again on tho Job, as was
Eddlo Simon of Drake. "Happy" Hop
ktna, captain of last year's team, waa
coaching- tho tacklcra. Among tho In
terested frlenda ot Crelghton fortunes,
wore T. C. nyrne and Sheriff Phil.
The. lino which will start the game will
average Just 200 pounds, from tackle to
tackle, bolng composed of Shannon. Holt,
Hnnley. Stapletou and Young. At pres
ent Hall Is tho only, dq,ubtful member,
hut It Is expected tie will be In shape, for
Dlerkca Is tho- only backfleld man who
will be out of tho. game. An Injury re.
reived In the Wesleyan game, will keep
him out, according to Trainer Dr. Kelly.
With the changes In tho lino Crelghton
will hav thu strongect team In Its his
Dulutb Alumni
After Scalp of
Coach. Williams
VMUXJTJU Minn., Oct. 3i.-nesolutlpns
were adopted today by the Northern
Minnesota Alumni nasoclatlon urging the
board of control of the University of
Minnesota and tlie other university
authorities not to renew the contract ot
Dr. H. L. Williams of the foot ball team,
Iteasons assigned are that Coaqh Wil
liams has fulled hi recent years to win
a championship, although championship
material was available, and that teams
under his direction have not been given
efficient and proper coaching. Tho reso,
lutlons wore signed by Walter F. Icey,
president, and Laclede Goodman, secre
tary, A boom was started, for the appoint
ment as head roach of Ollmore Doblr,
I former- star Minnesota quarterback. He
coaolnlf the University 0f Washington
foot ball team and lma turned out four
champion elevens tn Ins many years.
-MILWAUKEE, Wis., Oct 31.-' I have,
nothln gto say."
This waa the comment ot Dr. Williams,
coach of tha University of Minnesota
foot ball team, after reading resolutions
adopted by tho Northern Minnesota.
Aiumnl association .of tha- University ot
M'n",wt faking the board ot control!
? . unlve't- not to renew his con-1
i Tho Minnesota team arrived in Mllwau-
kee today and are resting at a hotel pre
paratory to tomorrow's game at Madison
with Wisconsin.
York High School
Trimmed by Aurora
Al'ROItA, Neb.. Oct. 31. (Special Tele
gram.) The largest crowd ever sen on
the Aurora foot ball grounds witnessed
the defat ot the York High school team
by the Aurora Hign school team by a
score of 19 to ti.
.Vrtiranka HIkU Wins.
NH1IAWKA. Neb.. rwt Jl (Special
Telegram ) Nehawka High school dt
ftated Nebraska Military Academy today,
6 to a
T,,AG (3iyf coiNmpt.e
r " ' ' " ' f3f9 tfy srA Co '
Tigers Slaughter Opponents by
.13 to 0 Score.
KretxItiKirr Mnlie Txrn Touchdowns
nniL lEronson, Krelin nnd KIiijt
ne Knch Ilronsnn ICIck
Three Gonls.
HA8T1NOS. Nob., Oct. a.-(Speclal
Tolegram.)-Tho Donno TlgerB triumphed
ovor Hasting college. 33 to 0, this after
noon. Hnstlogs held tho Tigers In tho
third quarter, but Doano ncored In ench
of tho three others. KrotBlnger made
two touchdowr and Dronson, Krcbs and
King ono ouch. Uronson klckcnl tlireo
out of five goals. '
Hastings pushed Donne to tho flve-ynrd
lino twice and was ablo to Jnako fre
quent galim on, straight foot ball. Tho
gnmo onded with the ball In HnsttngB
possession, nuar tho center of tho field.
C. mttner, Kennedy, Martin, Davidson
and Pratt' did good work for Hastings.
xno lineup;
nough .....
King ....J., c. lllttner
! J. 1.1 I j. I ........ Tv ll ttait tr
,..UO. UO. Ukely
i;-S-'9.- J- mttner
..H.a.H.G. Wever
"T-l,1.11' Martin
.Q.Q Davidson
feU-lk"" Pratt Brown
uuuiintuii 4
must .....
HroiiHon ..
Inr n-lL'l K.H.V.V' McLaughlin
Kearney High Drubs
Central City Eleven
KliAKNKy, Neb., Oct 3I.-(Sr;clal Tel
egrant) Tho Kearnev lliarin urimni A
feateit the Central City High on tho foot
ball tlfili today by a acore of 19 to 6.
Conta-al City outweighed the Kearney
tram, hut tho local boys put up a, faster
iwna uu inrougn. rinlx of Ketu-ney re
ceived, a bad wronch In tho back, but suc
ceeded Jn taking tho ball over tho goal
for two touchdowns.
It Is understood that If tha JCoarney
High dofrats Aurora In tyo weeks they
will play with. Omaha High team for tha
stato high scliool championship.
DALLAS, Tvx.. Oct. 31. Hart hitting
won for the Chicago Whlto Rox over tho
New York Giants heer today, 9 to 3. allowed, fourteen hltK, Includ
ing, two doublca and two triplen, while
Levcrenz held the Giants to flvo Mfctle?.
fjcoro: II.H.B.
New York 000003 00 0-3 5 1
Chlcniro 0 0 1 C 2 0 0 0 It 2
liatterleiir Mathxwson nnd Myers:
Ixjverenx amd Hchiiik.
lVot Unit llcaultx.
ICnnsas, 7, Oklahoma. 21.
Uuena Vlsla (la.), 82; Western Unop, 0.
Shenandoah (la.), O; Teoumaeh, 0.
Kearney lUgh. 19; Central City, C.
Aurora HlpJi, 19; York, ,
Crolghton EUgh, 7; Blair, a
St. Josophe College, 0; Elhworth, 0.
I V 1
M America's M Finest
ii m mm i
II Mellow in flavor. Aged for years in charred casks, in
9 warehouses Hooded with sunshine, II
1 1 Best Northern Rye always selected by n member of the firm. l I
II Purest water from wells suak hundreds of feet into solid II
II limestone. II
If That's why the man who knows always insists on HI
Pk Ctoclosud, O. Su Joupb, Mo. LouUrtUe. Kr. jw
P ""ialHHfliaWVSlia
Maroons and Illini Aggregations
Meet on Gridiron Today.
or Unme Goes ARnlnst Army nt
West Point, nnd Wolverines
"il Syracuse Contend at
Ann Arbor.
CHICAGO, Oct. 31,-Semt-flnal game
in tho strtigglo for "big rilno" foot ball
honors will he played tomorrow. At Mnd
Iton, Minnesota and Wisconsin at Chi
cago, two undefeated elevens, Maroons
and Illlnl, meet. Chances favor tho elim
ination through defeat of two of the four
teams Involved, and. since Chicago later
plays both Minnesota and Wisconsin and
Illinois takes on the Gophers, a pretty
good line on tho conference champion
ship can bo drawn at tho end of the
Wisconsin's team, composed largely of
vttorans who won tha 191? title for tho
Madison, school, was a disappointment
uus year. Jiut critics point out that Its
defeat by the Michigan Aggies and Its
tlo gamo with Purdue were duo to the
strength of thoee teams, not to Its own
IlndKcra Mny Prove Surprise.
They predict tjiat the Badgers will
provo nn unpleasant aurprlso to tho Go
phers f tho latter figure on an tony
victory. Minnesota also suffered defeat
ol tho hands of a nonconferenco team
tills year, but its conqueror, Nebraska,
had a strong team In the field, and the
qaphers themselves are not weak, i
Tho loss of Vruwlnk, who was decjnrcd
Ineligible, will not prove a very serious
handicap to tho Maroons. It will be re
membered that they played the greater
part of tho Iowa gamo without him.
Huntington turning out to bs a worthy
fluc-stltuto. Jmriy this year havn
found the Chicago team remarkably able
to rise to the occasion, Tightly pressed
by Iowa and Purdue they developed Just
enough strength to beat their opponents,
and it Is probable that Coach Stagg lias
n reservo mnneuyern which he calcu
lates will overcome the defensive power
ot the JHUni. Coach Kuppke Is said to
have planned ft series of plays designed
to penetrate tho newly strengthened Ma
ropn lino, and unique formations may be
seen In tho game.
Kast anil West to lluttlr.
Two Important Jntcrsectional gumeB uro
on tomorrow's program, Notre Dame's
speedy eleven can be depended on to
make n good Bhowjnjr against the Army
In tho game at Wet Point, In fact many
prpphotH predict ft victory for the In-
Probably not Yost himself would
venture i guess at the outcome of tho
puino u which Michigan's erratic team
meets Syracuse. Tho Jopelded victory of
the Wolverines over Vanderbllt last week
to some critic indicated improvement
nmopg thorn, but practice thJs week at
Ann Arbor was reported ragged, and
confidence is lacking among Michigan
A line on the ability of Ohio state, baby
i , , 1 , , ,, , , I
"Bud" Fisher
STr lit K
i Indiana. Its first conference battle of tho
Other Important games Include.
Missouri against Itolla, at Holla.
Nebraska against Ames ,at Ames.
You may have missed
something Hallowe'en
But don't mias seeing
our big showing of new
overcoats this week!
"Overcoats" is the timely
topic in men's apparel juft
now and we'd like to show
you our
Kensingtons $20 to $65,
Kenmors $14.50 to $20.
They'll arouse your in
terest instantly your en
thusiasm in a jiffy and
in 10 minutes if you haven't'
one picked out it's simply
Lecause you can't decide
which one you want most.
Suits, too! Kensingtons
they fit and stay fit.
Stylish, hand-tailored
garments that are dis
tinctly superior to the
ready-to-wear suits ypu are
accustomed to see.
Special emphasis upon our val
ues at 20, $25 and $30. Others
both above and below those fig
413 So. 16th
Do people
find you easily?
An office in tho best
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BUILDING is a Busi
ness Asset.
Xaa a faw such offloea available,
eta Floor Ktxt to merator
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fire proof vault.
Bth Tloori lung Cornar Salt;
2 rooms on 17th strest.
north and east light; I
entrances to hall; .will
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water In all rooms; fir-
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3rd rioor; Targ-a Sast Tront Kom
ru.anl Opena on main courtt
OfftT water, fireproof vtiult
Epic? verj' ""fable for anyl
cpaca. purpose.
Xt ua show you.
Boom 103.