The Omaha DAiig Bee NEWS SECTION THE WEATHER. Fair; Warmer ?AGES ONE TO TEN VOL. XLin NO. 117. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 1, 1D13-TWEN1T PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. flCM FEDERALS monnrnrn r rr up Fhl I II II I I I lllll Sf FROM CHIHUAHUA Troop Trains Carrying Garrison Start Northward Comman ders Fear Loyalty. mr i mi in a m i nr ywt niirrn Expressed that Vill Will Mas sacre Orozco's Hen. nv. vtmtrr. tttv. otty s Force Succeeds in Eluding Fonr Federal Generals. . nt at. hi. r . n n iu n i-. n n. r . senger Ship Hound for Ha vana Off 1'ort of l'ro gresso. DALLAS, Tex., Oct. 81. A dlapatoh to fin mi hi iiHWR i i ttiii ni m. m-nyw luuu Chlhuhua City, Mexico, was ovaou- by federals ycstenlay, leaving the r-i v nnnn n rnnnis-n xx. u rifiiii rpmHi hiii:ii by Paneho Villa's rebels. Villa's men had occupied the outskirts of Chihuahua before the abandonment. The federals Were said to have retreated toward Juarez. The dispatch adds: "Thousands of American and Mexican citizens who wcro unable to board the ten troop trains are panic stricken. They have no means of getting away from the incKen cuy ana ienr in ncm lor ineir lives. Many believe that followers of Oroxco will be given no quarter by Villa during tho occupation of the state capital. What few residents of the city have horses and wagons are following In the wake of the military trains, carry ing all their possessions with them." The fear for Orozco's sympathizers Is based on resentment expressed-by rebels against blm for fighting In tho federal ftrmy. General Dlaa Transferred. VERA CltUZ, Oct. St General Felix Dlai and his companions put to sea to day on board the American battleship Michigan, to which they had been trans ferred by Bear Admiral Fletcher from the flagship Louisiana, Tho course of the Michigan was laid for Havana. No publlo anouncemont of the departure of the fugitives was made and friends of General Diaz on shore were unaware this' tnornlng that he had left. Two German warships, the. Hertha and the Bremen, are now In this port, the Bremen having just arrived from St. Thomas, . WASHINGTON, Oct. Jf General Felix &iaa,andh,la. party are bound te a point off Progi-esso, Yucatan, where they will be transferred to a New York and Cuba mail steamship. This information reached the Navy department tddajr in a dispatch from Rear 'Admiral Fletcher, commanding the American squadron in Mexican waters. The battleship Michigan, carrying the refugees, Should reach Progresso tomor row. Admiral- Fletcher did not say on what vessel the refugees would soil and no mention was made of their ultimate destination. President Wilson and Counsellor John Basset Mooro of the State department . discussed the Mexican situation today at length. As mpst of tho members of the cabinet wero Away there was no session of the presldcht'a official family. Since the president will go to Princeton to vote next Tuesday there will be no cabinet -jneetlng then, and except for Informal consideration in the Interval it Is not INcely that any plan of action will be dis cussed at a cabinet meeting Until late jaext week. There was nothing to indicate any prospects of earlier action. Mr. Moore did not discuss his talk with the presi dent. x The president had no other engage ments today, planning to devoto himself tor the moat part to tho Mexican situa tion and the currency problem. Rebel's Driven from Monterey. MEXICO CJTT, Oct. 31.-An army of t,000 rebels, commanded by General Fran cisco Villa, known as "Pancho" Villa, is advancing today on the city of Chlhua bus, having eluded the federal troops commanded by four general Francisco STastro, Marcelo Caravero, Javier HoJa4 (Continued on Page Two.) i The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m, Saturday: Kor Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity fr-J?air tonight and Saturday; slowly rising temperature. hnuntnn at Omaha Yeaterdar Hours. weg. 5 a. ni M 7 ai m.'.'.'!.'""".'"' 8 a.', m.. .' 23 9 a. m..., 7 11 a' m.'.'.'"".'!"!"" 12 m... J P. m 1 5 ? S h t p. rn;r.!!'.".'" G p. m 42 7 n' uu.'.'.'i.'.'....W g p. m fc, i Comparative Lucul ii-cord. i 1913. lvii nil. 1510. Highest yesterday 6 45 Si Lowest yesterday S2 35 29 40 Mean temperature 33 40 37 62 Precipitation 00- T ,OJ .00 Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal: Normal temperature 48 Deficiency for the day is Total deficiency since March 1 453 Normal precipitation , .07 inch Deficiency for the day 07 inch Total rainfall since March 1...S0.XG Inchn Deficiency since March 1 6.92 Inches iscuciency lur tur. icnou, isji. z.y incnts Deficiency for cor. period, 1911.14.41 Inches Ueports from Stations at 7 P. M. Ftatlon and State Temp High-Rain- fr weather. 7 p.m. est fall. ( hr' enne e-loudy 40 W .00 1 enpi rt. clear 86 40 .00 I n.i 1 Jear 38 41 .M I s Moines, clear 38 4 .00 l-tnae- lear 33 46 .00 North Matte, clear 40 4 .00 iah.i, clear 40 44 .00 'i eblo. lear 42 4 .00 ftab.d City, clear 40 45 .00 Fait Lake City, clear..'... 54 .0) Santa K, cloudy 44 S! T Sheridan, clear 36 4i .0) Sioux City, clear 3S ft .00 .Valentine, clear 42 4S .00 T indicates trace of precipitation U A, WELSH, Local Forecaster. Methodist Men Adopt Report of Polioy Committee INDIANAPOLIS, Oct SI. The new re port of the policy committee of the Na tional Convention of Methodist Men was adopted unanimously today and without debate. Bishop W. P. McDowell of Chi cago, who read the report asked that it bo accepted without debate, so that the spirit of the message would not be de stroyed. Tho report In brief declares for a palgn of personal evangelism; bringing up of the youth In for tho dedication of ono-te income to tho church; for the! all boards created by tho cB"u; to assist In civic. Industrial, social and educational uplift and to reaffirm tho action- of tho general church on higher education, for large funds for poorly paid ministers and for the cause of temperance. Tho resolutions also contain a state ment made yesterday pleading for the evangelizing of the world nnd accepting responsibility for 16O.P00.0OJ people. Boforo the adoption of tho report an attempt was made to Include a resolu tion in behalf of tho superannuated ministers, but this failed. Another, resolution Introduced by the business committee urged tho laity to assist the district superintendent in adopting tho new financial scheme in all tho churches. Bishop McDowell, In explaining the re port, said all the activities of the church were not included for the reason the committee did not wish to burden It with "details to tho exclusion of Its spiritual force. "This Is not a convention for the pass-Ing- of the tariff bill or for the revising or vjo currency." said tho bishop. "It Is a convention solely for stimulating interest In the kingdom of God." Mrs, Wilson Gets Back Job for Man Fired WASHINGTON, Oct. 31.-Mrs. Wood row Wilson has taken an active inter est In the betterment of conditions under which girls and women work here in the various government departments. It leaked out today that she made a tour through tho big govemmont prlnU Ing office yesterday without revealing her Identity, and thought the vomen workers did not have sufficient space in the recreation or rest rooms. She is said to bave urged the president to help improve conditions. Mrs. Wilson also is urging Fostmastsr General Burleson to Improve the mall bag repair department of tho postofflce. She recently vslted the establishment and became convinced that more precautions ought to be taken to prevent tuberculous and other disease germs from .affecting those who work on the bags. A lively little sequel to Mrs. Wilson's visit developed today. When Publlo Printer Ford heard of Mrs. Wilson's visit he discharged.!!. E. Terry, the messenger . i !....... .. - - ilr T . lnroun lno uuf ln" un? M not urouBTH. w rresiaenrs wire to head-1 QUarter" ! -..." eP'nea mat ne asKed Mrs. I w son to visit Ford's office, but Mrs. wuson uomurreo, saying she wished ni special aiienuons. rora. however, main- tainea that Terry failure to make known the visit of the president's wlfo '. was a oreann or. discipline. When the story got around the capital , there were several hurried telephone calls to the White House. Mrs. Wilson took I n I . nil In , Y. s . . .1 1 . - . ' n ,u ti.iv utvvccuiiuiH anu alter i Secretary Tumulty had given some di rections to the printing office, TerrJ promptly was put back on his Job. Commissioners Discuss Safety for Travelers , 3VASHINOTON, Oct Sl.-Meaaa of b. ialnlfig the highest degree of safety in railroad travel formed the keynote of today's final proceedings of the annual ponvention of the National Association of Railway Commissioners. . . Commissioner Kilpatrick of Illinois in a report on "Safety ADolisnces." -urred immeaiaie ana aennlte action looking to Hujr m ruirooa travel. Commissioner Sague of New York was of the opinion that the operation of the standard signaling system with the over lap "would have prevented much of the recent accidents on the New Haven road." Ho added, however, that the "human equation" was a considerable factor In the operation of any sort of safety device and pointed out that many railroads had reduced the speed of their iraino, inui increasing tue safety of travel, in his Judgment. CO per cent 116 'ev"1 reduction of exeesslvo speed was an advantage not only to the public, but to the railroads as well, "thus afforJ,n " Impressive example f the folly of high speed competition. It Is better policy to run trains behind time than to take long chances at ao- cldenta," he said. Upon the conclusion of the routine bU8'hes of the convention and the in- auction or me new onicers into their positions the convention adjourned until nevt year. President Finn announced that he would appoint the committee on valua tion, which Is to co-operate with the In. teratate Commerce commission at a later date. Body of Boy Buried By Cave-in Picked Up by Steam Shovel CLEVELAND. O.. Oct. 31 -The body of John Sobozak, 9 years old, who had been missing from his home since June 14 last was lifted in a steam shovel being used in excavation work from a gravel bank here this afternoon. The head was missing from the por tion of the body first found, but it was dug from the bank a few minutes later by workmen. Identification was made by the police. The coroner expressed the opinion that the boy had been buried ac cidentally in a cave-In while at play. COMMITTEE DECIDES UPON JIB BANKS Hitchcock and 0'Gorman. Vote with Republicans Against Adminis tration Supporters. WHITE HOUSE Fat for Greater of Reserve Centers. REEMENT TENTATIVE ONE Board is Given Privilege of Making Additions. ACTION EARNESTLY OPPOSED Rrgnlar Members Make Strenuous But Futile Fift-ht to Carry Oat the Wishes of Presi dent. ' WASHINGTON. Oct. ai. The senate banking and currency committee tonight tentatively agreed on four regional re serve banks for the proposed now cur rency system, with a provision that after two years th efederal reserveboard may add as many additional banks as it deem necessary, not exceeding twelve. The pending bill fixes the number at twelve and it has been understood the adminis tration would not ctfhsent to have It re duced below nine. Tho sharp reduction in tho number of roserve bonks was tho first radical amendmont tho committee has agreed upon and It was earnestly opposed by the administration supporters in the com mittee. Senators 0'Gorman and Hitch cock, however, voted with the five re publicans for the reduction, leaving but flye democrats, Owen, Pomerene, Hollts, Iteed and hatroth bohlnd the administra tion proposal. Tho White House was silent tonight as to the committee's, action. It has been generally supposed that the president Igorously opposed cutting tho number below nine. The administration supporters contested every step in th ereduotlon of the num ber of regional banks. Two of them voted to retain th enumber at twelve and three voted for ten bonks. The proposal to fix the number at eight was defeated, seven to ftvo, and by th esame vota. the number was fixed at four. The proposition to In sert th eprovlslon that the federal re serve board might increase the number after two years, Up to twelve, was voted Into the bill wtih only two members op posing it. Miners Expected to. Give TJp Tb.eir.Ai'ifls Without: a Conflict DENTKK. Colb.. Oct Attn, ef- tviia w ujBHiiu nriiviiui'ij iarw om- era in th.e LUdlow tent colony wlU not be era m m(ld6 untu tomorrow. This was the In. formation received today by Governor Amnions in a telephone conversation with Adjutant General John Chase. At the time Chase was in tho Ludlow tent col '0ny with John It. Lawson. an official of the United Mine Workers of America. Negotiations for the peaceable surrender of arms by strikers were under way, and it wsj said these wou d continue through out the day. It was not the Intention of Genetal Chose to have the troops which earlier left Trinidad, enter the tent colony . . icmi iy. General Chase reported to the governor that the situation was quiet The artillery and cavalry which started for Ludlow tht morning to force a dls armament of the strikers in 'that dis trlct were ordered back to thTrlnIdad camp at noon today. General Chasa .announced .that no further attempt taVilrpi tbV Xudlow -strikers would blMpe(Hri.lio; out come of a contieWietf-betWeeiFlhe ad jutant general, Jli0.TwifMu'&lstrlct organlter of theTsTJnlted' 'MlrfeJ'WorkeRi of America, and .governor Amnions. This afternoon tlie governor stated that General Chase and John It Lawson had i-eached an agreement whereby the strikers In the. Ludlow tent colony will turn over their arms to the militia to morrow. SEX HYGIENE WILL BE TAUGHT AT ST. LOUIS ST. LOUIS, Mo., Oct. 31. Sex hygiene, sanitation and other matters of health will be taught the children of the St Louis publlo schools one hour each week, It was announced by the superintendent of schools today. Subjects of the new health course will be printed In the monthly bulletin Issued by the city health commissioner. EMBEZZLER IS GIVEN TERM IN SING SING NEW YORK, Oct. Sl-Nathanlel Laird, superintendent of a Sunday school, was sentenced today to serve not less than one year nor more than four years in Sing Sing prison for the larceny of 119,000 from his employers, tho Kenslco Cemetery company, Laird's peculations extended over two years. The money he said was spent In high living. TOMORROW Tht B0H Colored Comics with The 4 Sunday Bee SLAP AT. THE From the Denver Post THOMAS ISSUES STATEMENTBoss Murphy Cited to Says Resolutions Commending Him Withheld by His Request. GIVES LETTERS IN THE CASE Supplements Statement that School- masters' Club Conspired Against Htm irlth Full Corre spondence. XDARNDT, Neb., Oct. Jt-(BpecIal Tel egram.) President A. O. Thomas of the Kearney Normal school in a 9,000-word' statement, issued tonight flatly accuses tii'e majority of 'the etate Board, of 'Hdu cation of malicious' falsehood in charglnr rfilniwlth Hislng the offer of J7.000 post- tlon In ArkanMs''aa a club to fore an ncrsase in his salary as head, of the rfear ney Normal school. Ha brands as fabrl catlofar the thin charges tiled by the board' following its unprecedented action In dismissing hint without notice from the stewardship of the Kearney Normal school. Dr. Thomas said! "It can be shown that the 'inner circle' is back or this and that my only offense has been ',thit I havo been sinned against. I acted Under the sssltlon that a real opportunity existed tor me In tho south, but the offer of' this position was not used Inuiy manner to Influence the Btato Board of Education. On tho contrary, a resolution passed by the Kearney Com mercial club commending my work, In tended to be forwarded to the state board, was withheld at my request" Dr. Thomas charge the majority mem bers of the State Board of Education and especially Prof. A. L. Cavlnesa and Thomas J. Majors with conspiracy against his good name in laying the plot, with malice prepense, to have, him ousted from the presidency of the Kearney Nor mal school, Concerning the Arkansas proposition Dr. Thomas professes his willingness to show that the offer was bona fide and that he had a right to act on It as ho did; maintaining, however, that the offer was not at any time, used to browbeat any member of the board or any educa tional faction In Nebraska into doing his bidding or to advance his personal in terests in Nebraska. Dr. Thomais reiterates that the School -masters' Club of Nebraska exerts a bale ful influence on educators and educa tional InsituUons, Hecame within the pale of Its 'displeasure, he nays, and there was no letup In the silent fight against him until a majority of the members of the board had been "cinched" and the matter of his dismissal could be brought to a vote with foreknowledge of the result, Informally Dr. Thomas supplemented his written statement which covers the whole case from beginning to end, giv ing correspondence bearing on the mat ter, with the declaration that he would retain his presidency of the school until the trouble had been reviewed and passed upon by the court. MTI. KINO OROWH EXCITED Says Schoolmasters Never would I'nt Up a Ravr Peal. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Oct 31.-(Kpeclal.)-Aocord- Ing to Tt C. King, recently o fthe state superintendent's office, but who has been sent to Kearney as registrar an business manager of the Normal school, and who admits ten yars membership In the Schoolmasters' club, that organiza tion (s above reproach. Yesterday he met a representative of The Be and "with flashing eye and crimson cheek, which foretells the thought before he speaks," and with arms waving in the air while he pounded one fist with the other, he wanted tho newspaper man to understand that the Schoolmasters' flub was composed of good men, men who would not stoop to any political deal such as it was charged was ured to get Dr. Thomas' goat "The Schoolmasters' club would not pull off a deal of that kind," shouted Mr. King. "I have belonged to the club ten years and any roan who Insinuates that the club would enter Into any political xleal or that its membership j would work any poltlcal trick to get tOvntlnued en Pace Three. Appear Before Grand Judy This Afternoon NEW YOllK, Oct. M.-Oharles K. Murphy, leader of Tammany hall, was among the witnesses cited to appear at the so-called John Doe proceedings Into the oharges of corruption against Tam many, made by John A. Hennessy In re cent speeches In behalf of the fusion ticket In the mayoralty campaign. The hearing set for late this afternoon be fore Chtof Magistrate McAdoo conoernn mainly allegation as to oontributlpns. "Every person wnos name has been m)4oped V Mr; Hwnny,''ald Uu district attorney today, "Is likely to be called. Mr. Henneasys little bfacK book will also be put In evidence. The Inves tigation Will be thorough." I!ehnessyr it Ik Understood, has given the district attorney a list of about titty names. Amoiig them. It was said, were those of Arthur A. McLean, treasurer of the democratlo state committee and a prominent New York hotel keeper. They will be asked about contributions which Hennessy rays were made for cnnna'm purposes, but never officially reported. A statement was expected late today from Stephen J. Stllwell, the convict state senator In Sing Sing, excerpts from whole alleged confession have been bandied about during tho campaign. In a statement Issued late last night he said he had never made charges against Murphy and he added that they would Issue a sworn siatemont an to Just what occurred when ho held conference with Hennessy and others. "I have no con fession to make Involving any man or men In publlo office, ' he Insisted. Suffragist Given Place on Federal Industrial Board WASHINGTON, Oct. M. -Women In governmental affairs score'd another victory today when Mrs. Crystal East man Benedict, a leading tuff run 1st of Wisconsin and New York, was added to the staff of the new federal Industrial commission, which Is about to take up a study of the causes for unrest In the United States. Mrs. llencdlr.t Has en gaged bedauso of her knowledge of tho legal side of industrial disputes. Mis J, Borden Harriman of New York, the only woman member of th oommlvslon, had announaed her Intention of glvlm; up her other residence and living In Washington during the winter in order to be in close touch with the work. She has been appointed by Chairman Frank Walsh to act in his plarc as resident commissioner whenevsr ho Is compelled to be absent- Witness in White Slave Case at Butte, Mont,, is Murdered SPOKANE. Wash.. Oct 21. Mrs. Grace ilieaV who was the government's chief witness In the prosecution of Max Fried on white slavery charges at Tlutte, Mont., died In a hospital here today from pistol wounds inflicted last night, she said by M. A. Pevon. while she was in a room In a hotel at JHureka, Mont Before being put on tho train for Spokane, she Is said to have Identified Devon. A sister of the woman said Mrs. Beat had written her that since she testified ugainst Fried, who was convicted, she hod received threatening letters. Devon is under arrest at Eureka. The, National Capital Saturday, November 1, 1111:1. Thr Srnalr. Not in session; meets Monday. Banking committee met in executive session. The House. Met at noon. Consideration of a resolution In sympa thy with Winston Churchill's naval holi day program was postponed. Adjourned at I a to noon. Saturday. GRAND ISLAND CELEBRATES Monument Unveiled to Soldiers Which Barton Speaks. at HIGHWAY DEMONSTRATION ALSO City Ablnso with lied Tire tn fllve Impetus to IlallftlnB- of Great IIIahTrny Across tho Con tinent. Oft AND ISLAND, Neb., Oct 31.-(Bpe-cial.) In a Joint celebration today and tonight the location of the Lincoln Na tional highway was dedicated 'and a tine rooriunwnt to the 'country's old!rs was unvfiUed- " , The automobile parade formed at the Pioneer iquuro and took a wide . sweep over tho business and residence sections of the city, The Grand Army of the Re public. Woman's Belief corps. Spanish American soldiers and school children and students participated In a foot parade at the samA hour, both Joining at 3:30 at the court house square, where approprl ate oxerclses were held. After an Invocation by Ttev. L. A, Ar thur, Mayor Ryan delivered a short In troductory address, after which the large 15.000 monument erected on tho court house square was unveiled, Miss Evelrn Ilyali releasing tho veil anil revealing the gray granite and heavy coppor emblem of the heroism of the days or to . A response to Mayor Ryan's address was made by Colonel J. S. Hoagland of North Platte. At tre muslo by the school children there was another address of congratulation by Captain 3, 'K. Dempster, commander of the Grand Army of tho Be public, Department of Nebraska. Congressman Barton, who left Wash ington for the first time since taking his seat in March, was then Introduced as the speaker of the day with reference to the unvelUng, and paid a splendid tribute to the men' and women of tho civil war period who preserved the union of states at such a Kfeat price. A glow ing tribute was also paid to tho pioneer settlers who blazed the trails to the west In order that there might be established more homes, the Integral units of the na tion, wherein man was the secretary of foreign affairs and woman the secretary of tho Interior, relgnjng. supreme through her gentleness. After an eloquent sketch pt Abraham Lincoln, the congressman closed with a quotation from "The Ship of State." President F. W. Aehton of the Commer cial club followed with an address on the Lincoln lUghway. Mr. Ashtoti was dele gated by the local club to attend the meeting at Detroit at which the line of the highway was fixed and explained In brief the alms and purposes of the or ganization and what was expected by this association of the several states and com munities through which It iassed. ."America" was sung by the audience, followed by benediction by Kev. Mr, Ab bott and "taps" by Bugler Boehm, Com pany M, Second Nebraska, Spanish American war, Tonight the city wr ablaze In red, In further celebration of the highway, the Union Poclflo having kindly contributed a generous supply.' of .fuses for Lh ovn ; . . .. ,r- . .. inieaa or me iet 'attractive and more dangerous bonfires. Ttfese wero stationed ' along tho curblngs of the principal streets and inad a brilliant illumination. The city's new electrolier system was also turned on for the first time. Man and Woman Overcome by Gas NEW YORK, Oct .-Florence HallL ar. a governess In the family of Maurice Brill, a prominent clothing merchant, waa.found dead, and a man supposed to have been her fiance was found uncon. solous 1n a rooming house where the young woman lived, Iste last night, from what 'Is supposed to havo been the ac cidental escape, pf gas. It was under stood at the house that the couple were engaged to be married shortly. Both ware clsd for the street as though about to leave the house where they were overcome by the gas escaping from a stove. The man. known only at the house as a Mr. Price, was taken to the JTlowtr hospital In a critical condition. FIRES BLAZE ALONG ROUTE OF LINCOLN MEMORIAL HIGHWAY Dedicatory Ceremonies Upon Grand Scale Held in Omaha and Great Enthusiasm Prerails. HUGE BONHRE IS LIGHTED Oil and Kindling Wood Send tho Flames Toward the Sky. STREETS GAILY DECORATED Profusion of Flags and Bunting-Flut ter in Night Breezes. MANY SPEECHES DELIVERED Shrill Blasts from Innumerable Whistles Announce tlint Ocran-to-Ocenn Itoml Is nn Kstab- llelird Fnct. Eight wagon loadc of ties were piled around four barrels of tar and four wagon loads of boxes, kindling wood and dry branches on the site of the new Fontenello hotel yesterday and at 8 o'clock Inst night II. D. Fredrlokson touched a match to the huge pile in dedi cation of the Lincoln Memorial highway. Just beforo the match was pplled to the dry timber four barrels of highly In flammable oil was poured over the high pier, In order to assure a blase which was dlsccrnable In almost any part of thn city. Six men worked all morning on the pile of timber only to have Flro Chief Salter condemn the proceedings and order the removal of the pllo to the center of the lot The first location was but fifty feet from the Cnthollo church, and Chief Salter feared the Intense heat from the blazn would break tho windows In thn church. Chief Baiter also allayed tho fears of surrounding property owners by announcing that he would havo a hose cart 011 the scene and would attach n hose' to the hydrant at Eighteenth and Douglua streets- As soon as the festivi ties were over tho tiro department ex tinguished the blaze. The big demonstration aroused the enthusiasm of tho entire city. II. E. Fred rlckson, state counsel for the highway as sociation, was kept busy all morning answering Inquiries over the telephone re garding tho celebration. All the principal stores and buildings In Qmaha were decorated for tho occa sion, From )he flag pole on top pt the' Woodmen of the World building and City National bank building were firiiiR flags beating the colors of tho asser tion. Most of the stores along Farftam Street were decorated. The Bee build ing flung American flags from every window facing Farnam street. The wel come arch was dtcorated with American flags and red, white and blue bunting, At precisely J:li o'clock last night every whistle In Omaha announced tho commencement of the celebration with shrill blasts. At 630 o'clock Mayor Dahl man opened the, festivities with a shot talk, followed by speeches from Commis sioner Jack Ryder, W. D. Hosford and Homo Miller. All tho addresse were short and no lengthy talks wore tolerated. Speaking was from automobllea NEBRASKA TOWNS CELEBRATE Speclnl Eaerelses Held at Along the Route. Points LINCOLN, Neb., Oct 31. All along the route of tho Lincoln highway through Nebraska, towns and villages are celebat ing the opening of the road today. In many towns, fireworks and parades marked the occasion. At Fremont special school programs wore held, with those men who havo backed tho project In this state, speaking to the school children. CHEYENNE. Wyo., Oct. 31,-Cltles and towns throughout Wyomlag-Jtere prepar ing today to celebrate this evening the designation of tho Lincoln Memorial highway route through the southern por tion of the state. Retailers Want y i Quick Selling Merchandise The retail merchants who read this newspaper ars ask ed Ujls question: Wbal kind of merchandise Is the most profitable? The question Is simple and the reply seems equally so: The most profitable merchan dise la in the main that which is In greatest demand by tho people. That Is to say, mer chandise of knotm quality and reliability offered at a fair and reasonable price. The profit may not be In all ca6C8 equal to that which a merchant may sometimes ex act frim nondescript merchan dise, but the volume of sales Is much greater; soles are made more quickly; stocks turned more often; and satis fied customers increase In num ber. Wise merchants, not only here, but throughout the land, are turning to the known brands of merchandise that are In demand. Through tho ad vertising columns of The Bee and other good newspapers the public Is being educated to de mand what they -want, and they go whore they can get it. Result: Time and moey saved for retailer and con sumer with increased satlsfac tlon for both. 4