Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1913, Page 9, Image 9

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Base Ball Craze a
Healthful Mania
Manhattan Island a few weeks afro was
populated by lunatics for a week. Men
liavo stood with faces upturned, staring
at boards on which young men, h an gins
between heaven and
earth on tho window
ledges of newspaper
offices have chalked
strange leirenils,
mostly f 1 gures.
The watching men
sometimes burst into
roars of d o 1 1 g h t.
fiomctlrrjcs they de
jectedly hung their
heads. One man
while exulting fell
dead before a bulle
tin board on Park
J tow. Tho same day
a man died of grief
fn Philadelphia be
cause his favorite
player had failed In making a home run.
Most of the male, and a surprisingly
largo part of tho female population of
the Atlantlo coast appeared to have gone
ijaft about the world scries of ball games.
As watching a dance through a window
or at any distance from which you can
not hear tho muslo you think of a mad
house, so the energy with which men
stand all day studying a bulletin board
to see what is happening on a diamond
mile away seems purposeless and in
sane. If you watch tho crowds pressing
(or a sight of tho game you feel still
more' the need of calling In alienists. The
men who cheer until they look as though
they are In danger of losing a lung, and
those who fondly and fatuously scream
unintelligible things about Brush and
Matty" seem to require their old.
But there's a silver lining to this cloud
pf mania. Anything which stirs us to
an absorbing interest Is as good for tha
mind as exercise is for the body. Human
nature inclines to stagnation. It "loses
interest in things." Routine makes of us
slow-witted slaves. Life grows dull. That
which lifts us out of the rut and hurls
us into the vortex of thought and action
starts anew the circulation in our brain.
Baso Ijall cranks are hero worshipers,
,and hero worship Is good for everyone
except the young girl who chooses for a
hero a man with romantic eyes .and sen
timental speech to whom she hasn't
been' Introduced. Hero worship1 Isn't tho
attitude of tho fool. It is the stato of
emotion of ono who has kept his ideals,
n6f the cynic who throws mud at life.
There Is no danger of an American car
rying hero worship too far. Wo aro'as
apt to place former popular idols on a
toboggan tract and give them a push as
Is the population of fickle Franco. There,
arc; hundreds of fallen Idols to our dis
credit and through no fault of their own.
Enthusiastic nation though we be, , 6uc
ciftjjaslasm Is short lived. We are nrore
thunlkely to pull the rose of a fancy
to' pieces, to childlike tear our heroes" to
blts,'-and, unablo to put them together
again,- leave them forgotten while Wjs
rush to new toys. No, there Is no danger
of too much hero worship in America.,
The danger Is that there will be too
little. Hero worship standardizes admlr
nblo qualities. The man who howls
hoarsely at a play of "Matty's" cheors
qualities he admires, courage, clear -slglitedrfess,
the disposition to fair play.
Ho Is cheering what he believes to be -a
great soul housed In a great' body. Ad
miration Is a tonic. Henry Van Dyck
bids us "Be governed by our admirations,
not by our disgusts." Wo become like
what we admire and 1( we regard
Matty" aa a bravo gladiator of the base
ball arena by admiring him we take unto
ourselyes added bravery.
The craze that deluged the city per
formed that difficult surgical operation
known aa "taking people out of them
selves." John Smith forgot about tho
way he intended to "do" his rival Jones
while- he watched the game. Mrs. John
Hntifh, lifted out of herself as a balloon
rises above earth, lost her grudge against
"tho woman in the house on tho corner."
The lst time I saw her sho hadn't tried
to find It and from the way her eyes
glowed when she talked of how Barry
daubjed In the second, I don't think she
will. The afternoon on the grand stand
had taught her fair play. Seeing the
players give and take, she took lessons in
the art herself. After ail the woman In
the. jporner 'house had her good points,
ho was certainly "good in sickness."
Exuberant interest in something outside
ourselves makes us for the time selfless
and .everyone is better for a frequent
bursting of the bars of self.
"I will let my boys learn to playbase
ball," said a thtn-lipped, gray-faced law
ycr, who had never learned the game, and
who had been watching the wild, good
natured mob surging around the newspa
per Offices in the high tide of enthusiasm.
'It. makes them human In the better!
Since the base ball craze stimulates the
brain, pulls us out of a rut of living and
thinking, teaches us the art of being In
terested In others, gives us lessons In
fair play, the lunacy Is not of a danger
ous kind. ' '
Grandma Never Let
Her Hair Get Gray
Kept her locks youthful, dark, glossy
and thick with common garden
Sage and Sulphur.
When you darken your hair with Sage
Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell, bt
cause lf done so niturally, so evenly.
Preparing this mixture, though, at horns
is mussy and troublesome. For 60 cents
you can buy at any drug store the ready-to-use
tonic called "Wyeth's Sage and
Sulphur Hair Remedy-" You Just damp
n a sponge or soft brush with It and
draw this through your hair, taking one
small strand at a time. By morning all
tray hair disappears, and. after another
application or two. your hair becomes
tautlfully darkened, glossy and luxur
iant. You will also discover dandruff Is
gone and hair has stopped falling.
Gray, faded hair, though no disgrace,
' a sign of old age, and aa we all desire
a youthful and attractive appearance, get
1 at ence with veta Sage and Sul- I
I'hur and lock, jrars o' n-er I
I Poillt Of VieW on The Pot Calls the Kettle
Before a heavy glided frame stood and Bat three
ultra-smart, young women. ' Close hair a la "ear-muff"
enormous neck ruffs of lace and net; tip-tilted little
hats with odd barbarous things flying out from them at
surprising angles, coatees Ilko sacks sewed up In the
wrong places and edged with a whole animal fur Just
where fur was never put before, and all three in the
"minaret" skirl, tho "peg-top" like a slim-necked decan
ter upside down, the skirt which wraps, and hikes, and
hitches, and swathes' flows full at the top, but cinches
close to the feet that flash in and out in silk and cut
The missing continent of .Atlantis,
whose extraordinary story as told by the
Greek philosopher, Plato, Is at once a
fascinating romance and the greatest of
geographical mve-
terles, has again
become the subject
Of learned discus
sion. Was there or
was there not
formerly a conti
nent in the midst
of tho Atlantic
ocean? If It sank
suddenly under the
waves, with all its
splendid cities, as
the t r a d 1 1 Ions
gathered by Plato
declared, are any
traces of It now to be found on the bot
tom of the sea? In the light of modern
science Is it possible to admit that a
catastrophe of such unexampled magni
tude as the swallowing up of a whole
continent could occur?
These are some of the questions re
awakened by the Investigation of tho sub
ject which M. L. Germain has recently
published In the Annates de Geographic
The clue to the mystery that M. Ger
main follows Is that which Is furnished
by the existence of the Island groups of
the Canariles, the Madeiras, Cape de
Verde and the Azores. These Islands lie
In deep water near the place where Plato
said Atlantis existed. Although they are
widely separated, they possess plants
and animals of the same species, and
these species are similar to those found
In southwestern Europe and northern
Africa, but entirely different from those
of equatorial Mr ca
ThIs fart Is retard' U as rdl'uing p. .it
the Islands In Jfntlors h e formed part
vJBftb isBsssssj
Continent of
of a continuous continent, which was
either directly connected with southern
Europe and northern Africa by a bridge
of land, or lay so close to them that ani
mals and plants could easily cross over
tho Intervening strip of sea.
Moreover, there are living In these Is
lands species of plants and animals which
I once existed, but now exist no longer. In
j Europe, where their remains are to be
found In deposits of the tertiary age.
The explanation would seem to be that
these plants and animals lived contem
poraneously In Europe and the continent
of Atlantis during the tertiary times, but
have since become extinct In Europe, al
though they continue to exist on the
Islands which are the only visible re
mains of Atlantis.
But there Is another curious fact to be
considered. The living species Inhabiting
these mysterious Islands not only resem
ble those of southern Europe and north
ern Africa, but also those of the West
India Islands and Central America. This
suggests that the continent of Atlantis
extended completely across the ocean and
was connected with America on the west.
Atlantis, then, was as closely associated
with the new world as with the old, and
formed a means of communication be
tween them. Here, perhaps. Is the ex
planation of the singular resemblance of
the arts and ideas of the vanished people
who built the ruined cities of Central
j America and those of the ancient in
, habitants around the shores of the Medl
, ternnean sea and In the land of the Nile.
I Atlantis was a kind of common ground,
or meeting ptaee, for the predecessors
jof those various people,
j The science of geology does not forbid
j us to think that a continent might sink,
j Tho ups and downs of the earth's crust
have been many In the course of th
geological agfi and one of the greatest
etn-Tities of the present cav the Ur
Mi protestor, tatti, has dtctar-d in a'"
Copyright 1913, International News t'ervlce.
steel bucklos. Tho nineteen-thirtecn Betty is an amaz
ing and odd little flguro to some peoplo, but (ho most of
us would have to step back or away from her a hundred
years or so to see bow strange and funny she Is. Wo
aro used to her,' you see!
I listened. Inside the gilded frame was a painting
like a Jewel a girl of aeventeen-sevonty her skin like
pearl, her breast crowded high with tho stiff, tight,
annor-liko bodice that held an absurd little 'bowknot at
its sharp point, velvet bands on her wrists and about her
throat, her hair powdered and piled like a white tower
vance that he sees no reason why parts
of the ocean or even the dry land, may
not tomorrow sink to form new depths,
fiuess even thinks that Greenland may be
one of, tho remnants of an ancient con
tinent which . occupied a large part of
the Atlantic, basin, and which could have
been no other than that fabled land of
Atlantis, echoes of whose vanished glor
ies were yet vibrating in human tradition
In the days of Plato.
These things carry tho Imaginative mind
to the depths of the sea and call up
pictures of tho .marvels thut might be
discovered there It the ocean could be
dried up,- or If u means could be. found
for exploring Its profundities In sub
marine vessels as perfect as that which
Jules Verne's Captain Nemo constructed.
They also summon up an awful vision
of tho unparalleled calamity that. put an
end to the life of an entire continent.
Not only palatial cities, vast cultivated
lands, forests, roads, fields, gardens, vil
lages, but whole hills, valleys and moun
tain chains were swallowed together by
the universal Inrush of the whelming
waters. The more splendid Plato's ac
count of the civilization of the Inhab
itants of Atlantis, the more terrible ap
pears that dies lrae, that "day of wrath,"
when they felt the solid ground dissolv
ing beneath them and when the whole
earth seemed to be sinking down) down!
Into a bottomless pit. until the foaming
the roaring ocean closed over every
thing. Possibly here Is to be found the original
of that tradition which has arisen again
and again among all peoples, In all ages,
of a cataclysmic deluge, destroying by
wholesale the sons of men because they
had blindly offended the Itulcr of the
I'nlVeraa A rrl In Ih.l ..., t...... -.1
. . ... wuov HVI, WIIIUI -
' wise should we regard those Islands, now
supposed to be projecting points of sub
ro'rgcd Aturtls as t e Ararat of
tnut doomed land
Black By
over a "Iloddus roll," curled in great ringlets llko silver
bracelets and decorated on Its far top with pearls and
truo lovers' knots. Tho girl In tho chair smiled and
mashed her flat black hat farther over one eyo. And
what sho said was, "Isn't she funny 1"
I smothered my own peg-top skirt and laughed. I
wondered if the painted heart of the little creature on
tho canvas wasn't fluttering with amused laughter; If
her long gono black eycB did not find us "funny," too!
It was a placo whoro the "pot" was calling tho "kottlo"
The November Heavens
Tho beautiful winter constellations with
their many brilliant stars are coming
I Into better vlow, and bringing with them
J tho most wonderful of the planets, Sa
turn. It rises on the, 1st, ISth and 30th
at 7:27, C;21 and 8:14 p. m.., and Its great
northern declination places It high In
the sky. It is a never falling object 'of
Interest In any telescope.
Mara, also is coming nto better view,
although somewhat reluctantly, It would
seem. It rises on the 1st, 15th and 30th
at 9:41. t:0C and 8 03 p. m.
Jupiter, however, Is all but gone from
our evening sky. It sets at 8:12. 8:26 ant
7:43 at the beginning, middle and end of
the month.
The sun rises on the 1st, 15th and 30th
at C:W. 7:13 and 7:3". and sets at 5:21, 5:G
and 4:. thus making tho day's length
ten hours, twenty-five minutes; nine
Advice to
Perhaps Not,
Dear Miss Fairfax: I am deeply Jn
love with a young man two yearn my
senior. I am 17 years old. Will you
please tell me It I am too young to keep
steady company with him. 1'. II.
Some girls of 17 years ore still hub.'os
and Others are women grown. No doubt
you are old enough to kttep company
with htm so long as marrUire la ktpt five
or six years In the future.
Walt a Year.
Dear Miss Kulrfux. I urn a young man,
23 years of age. About three months ago
I met a young lady about 17H years old,
and we have kept company since. I have
i taken a liking to this gin. and I Know
she loves ine as she has told me so. Her
rut rents ar also fond of me My parents.
I However object to my going with this
Nell Bfitlkley
hours, fifty-three minutes, and nine
hours, twenty-ftvo minutes, a loss of a
whole hour during the month.
For tho first six days of this month
the sun comes at its earliest, according
to the sun dlul, being then sixteen min
utes fast. According to standard time,
the sun Is then seven and a halt minutes
slow, this being the least difference be
tween standard and sun dial time
throughout the whole year. By the end
of tho month the difference will have In
creased to twelve minutes. On the 23d
the sun enters Aquarius.
The moon Is In first quarter on the 6th,
full on the IStb, In last quarter on the
Slat, and new on the 27th. It Is In con-
Junction with Jopltcr on the 3d, with
tiuturn on the 16th, with Mars on the
mil, with Venus on the 26th, and with
Jupiter again on the 30th.
i Crelghton University Observaton'i
(Omaha, Neb.
the Lovelorn
girl for the reason that her parents art
not In the same financial circumstances
as they are, my people being In buslnesb
ana couuuerea quite weanny, Willie Her
told my parents that I love this girl, and
I have tried to convince them that tht
difference In their positions should not be
a reason for them to Interfere, but thej
fin tint want tn ll.r.n . n m I v. - ...
come so now that I will' either have tc
jeave my nome or stay away from the
km, niium iuoii aeany love.
In the first place, are you self-support'
tng? If VOU are decendlnc on vonr nr,
ents for your bread and butter, you have
Ho rlxht totro aralnat their w4uha in
the second place, the girl is under 18, and
may not know her own mind. Walt
year It matt bring around more favor
able conditions.
"Bister Maymo Is going to be married
next month," said tho Manicure Lady.
"I thought for awhile, that I was going
to beat her to the altar, but aft.r I
gave the playwright tha gate Jayrie
passed me on the homestretch, and aeon
she'll bo a bride."
"Who's she going to marry?" asked the
Head Barber.
"iln'n a kind of nice younr fellow,"
said the Manicure Lady," and I guess he
will make Maymo a good husband, but
his work Is kind of dangerous, lie is a
locomotive engineer, and he makes good
money, but Mayrrie says she Is afraid
some day he will get killed at his post."
"I don't think It makes any difference
where a man works," said the Head
Barber. "If ho Is going to got It, he is
going to, and there ain't no changing
that. My dad uned to tell about a old sea
cantaln that was thirty years sailing the
high sen and came home and got
drowned in his bathtub, It's all on the
chart, and when our time comes to go,
good night Tell your sister I said bo."
"I don't think anything you said could
differ Mayme none." said the Manicure
I-hrty, "because she- Is head over heels In
love wltli her gentleman friend and can't
hoar to think what life would bo without
him. I told her she better not start
worrying hntll after she had como from
the altar, because, goodness knows, there
U many a slip between the cup and the
Up, as In my case with the man that
wrote the fine plays.
"Maymo Is a worrying kind anyhow. I
remember one time she was going to
marry a head pressmen that Is on ono
of the big papors here In, town, and when,
she heard that the pressman and
the printers used to Play poker In
the little mill around the corner,
she began to stew and fret Wilfred
told her It was better to marry Press
man that played poker than to marry a
college boy that thought he played poker
but It didn't do no good, so that match
ws off and the pressman lias been a
batchelor to thin day."
"Bhe ain't married the engineer yet,"
said the Head Barber.
"That's what Wilfred says, Oeorge.
My brother don't want to see Maymo get
married at all, because since I have
cut him off my loan list Mayme Is his
only meal ticket when his poems ain't
meeting with no sate. 8o he Is doing,
everything he con to discourage the
match. Ever since he found out that sbe
Is nervous about her engaged gent's call
ing he has been clipping out head lines of
train wrecks and putting them under her
plate at the table, and last night he read
a poem called 'The Wreck on the Monoa
Iload.' He has got that poor girl so un
nerved that she don't eat 'anything to
speak of, and I guess he would have
kept up his bum comedy only the old
gent put the crusher on It last night at
"Dear me, George, this life Is a Peeler
to dope Qiitl ain't It? Folks gets married
and live happy for a year or so, and then
they drift apart. Folks geta engaged
and worry themselves sick for fear some
thing Is going to happen to break tip the
happy home they ain't suro yet they are
going. to have. The way tha wortd la now,
folks will have to commence using hair
dye or all go gray-headed long before old
age. It's stew, fret, worry, nag and
sweat blood from one day's end to the
"That's the way It Is In the big town,"
said the Head Barber, "but you don't
see much of It In the country. I've been
thinking of starting a little shop of my
own In the country somewhere. Of
course, I'd miss you, but I would get a
chance to rest my nerves If I cpuld be
away from your chatter. You'll ba right
next, sir."
Waterspout 60 Feet Higk
The passengers on the mite Star liner
Cedrlc, which arrived from Liverpool
Saturday, had the unusual experience of
seeing four waterspouts on Thursday, the
largest of which was described by tho
officers ns being X feet high.
At lZiW o'clock In the afternoon, when
the Cedrlo was about 300 miles east of
Bandy Hook, a waterspout was sighted
about five miles away on the starboard,
traveling cast-southeast. Another smaller
spout was sighted a few minutes later
wnicn aia not appear to Ixave any end
that could be seen. To the right of It
two other waterspouts were seen moving
In the same direction, but smaller than
the first one sighted.
An electrio storm broke, and the vivid
forked lightning lit up the black clouds
n they passed over the waterspouts and
showed tho dense volume of water dearly
to the passengers and crow. The officers
field thut It was tho biggest waterspout
they had ever seen In the Atlantic, and
added that It was In sight for two hours.
New York Times.
Make This and
for Cough
This Home-Ma.da Remedy
no Eiunl for Prompt
Mix one pint ot granulated sugar with
V&, pint of warm water, and atir (or 2
minutes. Put 2 ounces of Pinr-x (flftr
cents' worth) in a pint bottle; then add
the Sugar byrup. Take a teaspoo&ful
every one, two or three boun.
Tnis simple remedy takes hold of a
cough more quickly than anything- else
you ever used. 1'sually conquers an
ordinary cough inside of 24 hours.
Splendid, too, for whooping cough,
pasmodio croup and bronchitis. It
stimulates the appetite and is slightly
laxative, which helps end a cough.
This makes more and better cough
syrup than you could buy ready made
for $2.50. It keepa perfectly and tastes
Finex Is a most valuable coucen
tiated compound of Norway -white pine
extract, and is rich in guaiacol and
other natural pine elements which are
to healing to the membranes. Other
preparations will not work in this plan.
llaklng cough syrup with Finex and
augar syrup (or strained honey) has
proven so popular throughout the United
States and Canada that it ia often
imitated. But the old, successful mix
ture has never been equaled.
A guaranty of absolute satisfaction,
or money promptly refunded, goea with
this preparation. Your druggist baa
Finex or will get it for you. t not,
end to The Pinex Co., Ft Wayne, lad.
Manicure Lady