Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1913, Page 8, Image 8

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    the bee: cmails, Finn ay, October .u mw.
Cost to Wholesale and Retail Buyer
is Raised.
f Society
s J
Thursday, October 30, 1913.
Reduce your food
bills by ordering
I "Swift's
I Premium"
OVJ5MBER will start auspiciously with several moat Interesting!
IV I mnelcales for society to attend.
I Mrs. Joseph Maul Metcalf issued Invitations today for au
evening musical Tuesday, November 11, at 8 o'clock, at her spacious
home, 1234 South Tenth street Miss Mary Munchhoff, tho well known
soprano, and Miss Bella Robinson, pianist, will glvo tho program. Both
artista havo spent several years In study abroad and their friends are
pleased to havo the opportunity of hearing them.
Mrs. Charles T. Kountzo, president of the Tuesday Morning Musical
club, issued Invitations yesterday to the members for the first meeting, or
President's day program and tea, which will be given at her homo next
Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Douglas Welptou, contralto, will givo
several vocal numbers.
Wholrsale Trice Admncrd to 25
Onts r Gallon Grorerr Storrs
nnd Small Dealers Stake
n Artrancr.
Milk prices have been Riven a boost In
Omaha, tho smaller dealers raising the
price to SSi cents a quart, and the whole
salers following to 2P cents a g-allon and
pasteurized milk being raised to 0 cents
a quart.
An effort was made to raise tho pries
of milk In Omaha a year ago. but some of
the larger dealers stood out and the In
crease was not brought about Notices
have been sent out announcing the raise.
In the notices sent out by the Alamtto
company the reasons for the Increase
are: "An exceedingly hot summer," "four
years of drouth which have cut tho sup-
Another muscale of Interest will be Friday evening, November 7, at tho j vy. increasing the cost of hauling be-
Audltorium, when Madam Qadskl will give a concert. About 4,000 teachem
will be the guests of tho Commercial club, and November 10 Miss Hopper
will bring Madam Happold to tho Brandols for rt matinee recital.
Several women havo engaged box seats for tho sorles. Ono box party
will inctudo Sirs. C. M. Wilholm, Mrs. W, 8. Poppleton, Mrs. T. J. Muhoncy,
Mrs. J. V. Griffith, Mrs. Douglas Wolpton, Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Eldridge.
Another box party for tho series will Include Mrs. F. L. Hnller, Mrs. F. II.
Coles, Mrs. M. D. Cameron and Mrs. A. H. Somers. Mrs. Myron Learned
has a box for tho scar-on.
Tho musical department of the Woman's club nro alto giving a scries
of Interesting muslcales every two weeks on Thursday nftcmoons.
It may be used in cook
ing, baking, as a spread
for bread or wherever
butter is used and
gives equal satisfac
tion, at the same time
effecting a substantial
Two oh nee sample Bent
free, by mall, upon receipt
of request addressed to
Swift & Company
Okfsargarlns Dept.
South Omaha, Neb.
Juniors Entertain Seniors.
The Junior class ot Ilrownell Hall will
entertain the srnlurs at luncheon No
vember t, at the home of Miss ICsther
Wllhelm, the president of the Junior
c'nss. About forty will be pretent
Elks Club Dancing Party.
The Hlk1 Dancing club gave the flrsl
of tho scries Wednesday evening' In the
club rooms. Thoso prrtent were:
Mr. ninl Mrs. Oeorc Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. It. Jullen.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. M. Dnvltt.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoy T'egau.
Mr. and Mrs. J. j. McMahon.
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. V. U Kckermiinn.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Ooulillng.
Mr. and Mrs. W, II. Thorp.
Mr. and Mrs. F, lrtt Harwood,
Mr. and Mrs. William II. Gould.
Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Molony.
Mr. and Mrs. O. 11. Hteln.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cronk.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dettman.
Mr. and Mrs. Kdward nralley.
Mr. and Mrs. William nattier.
Mr. and Mrs. William O. Johnson.
Mr. nnd Mrs. I. W. Miner.
Or. and Mrs. Ornnt Williams.
nr. and Mrs. A. W. t-'Uslmmons.
Misses Misses
Cecil Wlthnell. fltfi la Jensen.
Mario Kuns of Mary Kntllsli,
fit. Paul. Minn.: Irene lllchee.
Marie irnoriei,
Frances Thomas,
Helen Itossen.
! Iiertha Merr.
T W. Knight.
Kd it. Hawley.
C. I. Hwancutt,
Claude 8. Illfe.
Otto Nielsen.
Dr. II. Osantner,
Karl Hanry,
Adeline Wycoff,
Muriel Jefferles,
Kstlier Frlcke.
J. K. Mullen,
Addle Tile.
Walter Doyle.
Vred J. Knsshach,
Freeman Bradford,
Mark Mills,
Al Kellstrom,
William Uulslzer.
H. ' 'VsH
isiiiiiH sKua Jl
sides the prlco to tho farmer," "farmers
becoming prosperous would rather raise
hogs, sell alraira or fatten cattle, mak.
In as much money with less Sunday
work," "city ordinances renulro a higher
per cent of butter fat," "the gradual ad
vance of wages, supplies and feed for
"The wholesale price has been up for
two months," said Charles Schwagor,
president of tho Alamtto company, "and
wo are simply dolnis what all other cities
have been compelled to do. Pasteurized
milk at Kansas City. St. Ixuls, Denver
nnd Detroit Is 9 cents a quart and wo are
! forced to pay more for milk than ever be
fore. Grocery stores handling milk raised
'the price some time ago."
The mid-term graduating class of the
lilsll school ha selected officers as fol
lows "William Thompson, president; Io
Gardner, vice president; Anna Barnes,
seqretarv; Austin 6wen. treasurer; Elsto
Neff and Esther DennSson, sergcants-at-nrms.
The class, which Is the third to gradu
ate In February. Is larscr than cither ot
tho two preceding classes. Forty-two stu
dents havo up to dato signified their In
tention of graduating in February. Prior
to three yearn ago but one graduation a
year was held at the high school, and all
students who had a sufficient number of
points to complete their school course In
tho mid-year were forced to remain over
until June. In 1911, however, the Hoard
of Education decided to allow eligible
students a first-glass diploma In Feb
ruary, and tho ideals steadily gaining In
favor at tho school.
The present clnss decided to give a
class entertainment In tho near future
and selected n, committee, consisting ot
Louise Itnabr, Irene Clabaugli, Anna
Barnes and Marlon Levy to arrange tho
homo of Bishop and Mrs. A, I Williams I iiDO DVCDC AnflPPQPQ.
In honor of Miss Graco Undley ot Now 1 MRS. BYkKb AUUHttbR
You -who expect to attend
tin? convention In Omaha
BUcAUld. bring tko clothes you
wt Cleaned, Dyed, or Al
tered and we will do the
worV so you can take them
bom') with you.
We make your soiled
clothes look llko now; altor
Jackets, put on new collar
and fluffs, put In now lin
ings, ttfc, at very reaaoaable
Brtag your work to our
office at 16th aad Jones
streets, one block south of
tke Koaie Hotel, and we will
tell you Just what It will coat
' and whoa you can have It,
It you do not come to
Omaha nend your work by
Parcel Post or Express. Wo
pay return charges on ord
, era amounting to $3.00.
(515-17 JONES ST.
Phones Doooas3!nd.A-5S
Winter Blasts
in Your Store?
Papers Disarranged,
Clerks with Colds,
Patron Disgusted
aad Business Poor?
Use a
Revolving Door,
and Eliminate
This Trouble.
A ataadard pattern, collapsible
Revolving Door solid oak.
heavy plate glass, with solid
brass push and kick plates.
.x;kkaky equipment
at a bakuaix
Tke Bee Buying Co.
3toet 108.
Annual Oharity Ball.
The Jewish ladles' Relief society will
entertain at Its annual charity ball this
ovenlng at the Auditorium. The society
has dono so much alopg the lines of
helping the poor and the needy that It
has held each year a ball that the pro
ccids may be devoted to these good
causal. Every effort hna been made to
make the ball this evening one of the
brilliant social affairs of the season.
The decorations will be In the national
Social Affairs Thursday,
Mtei Rose Smyth was hostess at an in-
foimal luncheon today at her home home
In honor of Miss Marguerite Uusch, who
will be a November bride. Pink roses
were used In decoration and covers were
placed for twelve.
Mrs. Victor white entertained Inform
ally at luncheon today 'at her home In
honor of Mrs. Carlton Ranney and Miss
Evelyn Btlckney of Minneapolis, guests
of Mrs. U A. Diet and Mrs. Qould Dletr.
Covers were placed for eight.
Pleasures fast.
Miss Ada Imboden, who Is leaving
Omaha to resldo In Crawford, Neb., was
given a farewelt party Tuesday evening
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. U R. Jones.
Miss Imboden was presented with a trav.
eltnc hag.
A surprise party was" given In honor' of
the birthday anniversary of Mrs. U. T.
Qualntance nt her home at S906 North
Twenty-fourth street Monday evening.
The evening was spent In murtc and
cards, Refreshments were served. Those
present were;
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Copley,
Mr. and Mrs. 8. D. Copley of Manilla,
Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Pratt.
Mr, and Mrs, C. D. Copley.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Dotson,
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. I-antz,
Mr. and Mrs. O. T Qualntance.
Mrs. C. F. Copley.
Mrs. Grace IHack.
Miss Enid Coplo.
Miss I.ucy Coe.
Miss Roma Qualntance.
Miss- Neva Del.en Uotson.
Mr. Paul Qualntance.
Mr. Merton Dale Copley of Manilla, la.
Dinner for Wedding Party.
Mr. and Mrs. Dcnlsa Barkalnw will en
tertain at dinner this evening In honor
of Miss Mary Bt earns ot Denver and for
Miss Dorothy Htevena and Mr. Den Wood
and the members of their wedding party.
Covers will be placed for:
Misses Misses
Dorothy Kteven. Katherlne Reeson.
Mary Steams. Mildred Duller,
Louise Dinning,
Mesara. Messrs.
IKn D. Wood. Raymond Ijow,
Robert Wood. Wlllard Uutler,
Hen Gallagher.
Mr. and Mrs, Denlse Barkalow,.
Orpheum Party.
Miss Luella Allen entirtiaine.i at an
Orpheum party this afternoon for Mrs.
Frank Chamberlain of Warren, O., and
Miss Birdie Dalbach, who are guests of
Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Balbacb.
Iride Siuer.
Mr. and Mrs. O. U Hart will entertain
at a T o'clock dinner Friday evening at
their home for the membets of the Eve
ning Bridge club. There will be four
table of players present.
Baptist Quarterly te Meet.
The Tri-City Women's Baptist Quar
terly will meet Friday for an all-day
meeting at the Olivet .church. All mem
bers are requested to be present.
Becepiiea Peetaenei.
York. Mlsa Llndlty has been delayed
one day and will not arrlvo hero until
Shower for Bride.
Mlrs Anna Uoucek entortalned Tuesday
honor-'bf Miss Mnymo Soukup, whoto mar-1 procram.
rlago to Mr. Frank W. Uoucek will take !
Mrs. Emma Ryers of Minneapolis will
speak at the committee conference at the
Young Womeni Christian association
this afternoon at 5 o'clock, Mlsa Hazel
Evans will glye several vocal soloa and
place tho, early tart of Novombcr. The PRESIDENT OF HIGH SCHOOL
decorations were red and green.
present were:
Ausea Rlha;
Mayme Kment,
Agnes Yunck,
Mamie Hip,
Anna RouceK,
V. fioukup,
II. Fratt.
Roie Hhestak,
Toney Yernck.
Mollla Tf noper,
.Eth'eJ, Frail.
MuVtnn !?oul(Ui.
John Uoucek.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mr. Julius Stein has so'no to San Fran
olsco for a two months' stay.
Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Meallo returned
Monday morning from a two weeks'
visit In Chlcaso and Rock ford. III. with
relatives and friends.
Mrs. drover C. Bedford has returned
from Rapid City, 8. D. She was accom
panied by her mother, Mrs. M. Kellher,
who will spend u month In Omaha before
leaving for Florida to spend the winter.
Personal Mention.
A (laughter was born Tuesday to Mr.
and Mrs. E. F. Gallup. Mrs. Gallup was
formerly Miss Lillian Bheasmeyer.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Bonclum and son
George Paul, who have been visiting with
Mrs. Alfred Darlow since returning from
Europe, have moved Into their former
home, !1 Douglas street
- sessassssssssssssssssssjajaassaBBSBBBBaSBBSBaBBiS
M iKI SflSjSB Sr
Muskrat or
WHATEVER his name, Mr.
Muskrat, or rather a number
of him, makes a gTeat overcoat
lining. Dark brown is his fur soft,
silky, warm, durable and good to look at.
The coit shown here lined with him
i , .
viuiuuu nun tor HJ.OO
In ntarly ererv dtr there is one pood .tor.
Gordon Furs, so 4 it yourself.
that sells
The truth about furs and
skat the
our first great
Clearance Sale
of the season, involving over 1,000 high class
taken from our regular stock of individual and exclusive
models, that have helped to make this the busiest ready:
to-wear section in Omaha. Four groups:
regular prices
$20.00 to $25.00
regular prices
$27.50 to $32.50
regular prices
$35.00 to $37.50
regular prices
$39.50 to $45.00
See 16th Street Windows and Friday evening papers for particulars.
Orkin Bros. 16th and Hamoy Sts.
That's what
you wattf, and
Unit's what Cal
umet is guaran
teed to give
It is sure in
perfect leaven
ing and raising
qualities, in
in purity.
P cr fectly
raised, mclting
ly tender bis
cuit, cake, muf
fins, griddle
cakes, are bound
to result from
its use.
goes larther
than other bak
ing powders
and it's moder
ate in cost.
Insist on it
at your grocers.
WorU's Pur. Fowl
Exposition, Cfclcss
Paris Exposition,
Franc. Muck, 1913
a m srsm. n n1' .ri irLii
Gordon Pure Fur Law
ni txpltined In Gordon's Huts fur book
is yours If you writs for It.
Gordon & Ferguson, St. Paul, Minn. 1
Makers of Gordon Pure Fur Law Furs since 1871 ,
TYLER 1000.
Jack Frost Set
iThe youngster will not have to be
coaxed to wear this set it is so pretty and
comfortable and does not have to be "taken
care of." It is easily made and not at all
expensive. Many women are already
working on these sets for Christmas gifts.
You would bejtoo, if you knew how pleas
ant the work is. Try it. Send the coupon
below today for free directions. The
yarn used is Fleisher's Germantown
Zephyr, 8-fold, with trimming" of the new
Fleisher's Silkfinke Wool, two of the
the yarns that have been famous for three generations,
better today than, ever made of the finest, warmest
wools soft, elastic, wear-resisting. You will be en
thusiastic over their beauty. Whatever kind of yarn you
need, always insist on Fleisher's see that the trademark
is on every skein.
1t4h oar
Bpaattfa Worsted
Hbetlaa lion
KMotbawh Wool
WlklUSO Weil
Bums Ur If Wool
hbrtlond Zcphjr mrn
SoniJo Nhijt..
IUsU1jui4 Wool
Csokjuaro Yarn
ABirorm w ool
Julius Orkin
Iropouible to be well. The foe to good
health. Correct at once. Avar's PiUs.
One at bedtime. Sold for 60 yean.
KX Your Doctor. t,ft."Iii;
Women's Exclusive Wearing. Apparel
At Moderate Prices 1
New Goods Arriving Daily.
Invitations have been recalled for the
reception for Thursday evening at tas