Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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life Ins.? Th. Tnn Mutual. Oottld.
Ughtlng fixtures, Burgess-aranden Co.
XldsUty H to rags Tu Co, Do us.
Sat oot Wat Xt Now BeaAm fress.
Boiler Skating at Caambersl Far-
nam atreet entrance. Fhone Douglas 18Tt-
Cfcambera Bobool of Dancing1 How Open
Social, aesthetic and stage dancing
taught. Telephone Douglas 1S71.
Trailers Xeaxly Beaay The big aide
door cars for use aa trailers on the
Council Bluffs lino of the street railway
ompony are about completed and It Is
Xfected, they will be put In service early
In December.
Stockman Baa Toot Ball ama A dele
gation from Foiith Omaha, representing
the Union stock yards, headed by K.
Buckingham and Bd Cahpw. will 'attend
the foot ball game between Crelghton
and the Haskell Indiana Saturday.
Hew T on take trsrtel The Omaha
Btreet Railway company Is putting In a
double T at the Intersection of Lake and
Twenty-fourth streets. Thle will enable
them to switch cars back and forth from
all lines In. the north part of the city,
Sssoksl stlvea George E.
Mlckel of the Nebraska Cycle company
will ba host to Prof, a raff and the princi
pals and musical direct, rs of the Omaha
publlo schools at a dinner to be given
Thursday evening, November 8, at the
Leyal hotel.
Schools Obssrra Tire Bay Schools
will observe fre day Tuesday, November
II. Fire day this year Is November 1,
but as schools are dismissed next week
for "the Nebraska State Teach era' asso
ciation the observance ha been post
poned. To; BUcasa Bnral Credit George N.
Laumanru professor of rural economics
and, aocUdogy at Cornell university,
Ithaca. N. V., Is fa be one of the strong
numbers on program of the Farmers
songress when It convenes here. He Is
to discuss rural credits.
XeM Jet Eh oo Hug JHgson--Francla
Smith, son of Mel Bmlth, 3307 Fowler ave
nue, and Ralph Wodum, son of Slgfrsd
Wadum, J1 Taylor street, two youthful
hunters, will appear In Juvenilis court
Saturday to face charges of shooting pig
eons within the city limits.
Condition of Van Kartrann th Sams
The condlUon of . W. Van Nostrand ot
M7 South Twenty-sixth street practically
Is unchanged. Ills physicians do not look
far a recovery, nor, do they expect a sud.
den end. Mr. Van Nostrand la a pioneer
of Omaha and for many years has Un
Identified In school and church affairs.
Ha-was the first, city clerk In Omaha. He
Is Btrlekcir with paralysis on the left
je fr BatMera Plans tor
tws new wings to the Chadron Normal
School building are to be on file at the
Builders' exchange In Omaha November
S, so that Omaha contractors may look
them over with a view to bidding for the
Job, J. C. Btltt of Norfolk Is the archl
tect. He Is working on the plans now
and) Is expecting to have them finished
by 'that time. The wings are to cpst about
Jttlwaukse Bharss Hew Train When
tha" schedule of Union Pacific train No.
10 is eh,anged next Sunday this train will
be, shared Jointly between the Milwaukee
and. the Northwestern, each handling Us
own equipment between Omaha and Chi
cago, From Omaha west Uw train will
be "Vnade up of the cars of' the three
roads, the Union Pacific furnishing the
motive power. Eaatbound the train will
reach Omaha about 3 o'clock In the morn
tngputttng passengers into- Chicago early
In the afternoon.
A large audience made up ot employes
of the Nebraska Clothing company lis
tened tp an Interesting address by B. F.
DeaKien, general secretary of the Toung
Men's Christian association. Wednesday
Mr. ' Denlson'a topic was "Some Per
sonal Requisites to Efficiency," touching
on tha subject of good health, as a first
requisite. He said "good health Is Imperative-
to largest efficiency" and that
"health is largely In one's own control'
proper, nourishment and adequate sleep
being the first steps to good health.
"Ha will succeed who Improves his
time out of business hours and prepares
himself for the next step above, for
it4Hui habits are always conducive to
Never having' sold good. Mr. Denlsan
stated that his view was from the cus.
tomtr'a standpoint and that each cus
tomer has a right to courteous treatment
and, that all Of these things were but
the expression ot a rian's own character.
Famous Police Character Just Can't i
Be Good All of the Time. .
Scalp R and Inflamed. Would
Scratch and Bub, Lay Awake
Nffhts. Cuticura Soap and Oint
ment Cured In Short Time.
Hi Souta Scioto 8V. CuxleTllla, Ohio.
"My little girl's trouble first started on hr
bead la a bunch of little pimples full of
yellow-looking matter and
tbey would spread la larg
pistes. In a short time
they would open. Her scalp
I was awfully red and in
flamed and the burning and
Itching were so Intense that
she would scratch and rub
till It would leave ugly sores.
-The tores also appeared on
her body, and' ber clothing Irritated tbem
so that I had to put real soft cletb nut to
her body, fihe would lie awake of nights
and waa Tery wprrisoos. At tuaea aha was
tortured with Itching and burning.
" Jstrled different remedies with no benefit
for meoths. J had given up all hope of bar
ever eVtfiss rid of It. then I concluded to
try Ciideura poap and Ointment. The
second application (STe relief. I first
bathed the parts thoroughly with Cutleura
Soap and than applied the Cutleura pint,
meat and In a short tun she wa entirely
cured." (Sgaaa) Mrs. Alice Klrila, Nor.
. ,
CuUcura peep na Ointment do so much
for alatptes. blackheads, red. rough skins,
ltcUag. scaly scalps, dry, thin and falling
salr. chapped bands end afaapalaai nails,
that It is almost criminal not to us them.
Cotlcura Soap tie. and Cutleura Ointment
Qc, are sold everywhere. Sample of each
iaaed;freo, with 33-p.itkln Book.. Address
postcard "Cuticurar Dept. T, Boston."
WMm wbo shave and shampoo with Cu
tleura Soap will find It best for iVJn and scalp.
Longest It e cowl Accomplished by
Unfortunate Woman Was When
She Was Under Supervision
of Iter. Mr. Snvldar.
Bertha Llebke, otherwise known as
"Fainting Bertha," despite her pro
testations of reformation upon her return
to Omaha from Hastings a few short
weeks ago, was arrested In a etato ot
Intoxication at Fifteenth and Howard
streets by. Officers Voboul and Thornton
at noon.
For several years Bertha has been
missing from among the familiar faces
ot the local police court character, but
her return to the ranks bordered on a
reception when, screaming and fighting,
she was escorted to a cell.
Even- prisoner bade her welcome, but
much to their disappointment she was In
no condition to reply In a rational man
ner. Bortha's nom do plume. "Pointing Ber
tha." was given her as the result of her
ability to faint at will, during which
"lapse of consciousness" he would go
through the pockets of any person who
might chanoe to come to her aid.
Upon her return to Omaha she was ac
companied by her husband. to-bc. but It
seems that the match has not culminated
In a satisfactory manner.
Several efforts toward reformation In
the past by the woman have resulted as
has her latest attempt. Several years ago
Rev. Mr. Savldge of the People'a church
succeeded In keeping her straight for an
entire winter, but toward spring she
suddenly disappeared from the pastor'a
home as did also a large quantity of sil
verware and some Jqwolry.
Bertha la declared to be only partially
responsible for her misdemeanors, and
this fact has kept the woman from re
ceiving a jail sentence of any great
Itcports from Hotels where she has
been working In the last two weeks have
led the police to believe that It would
not be long before she again paid them a
Cop Passes Chance
for a Pinch When He
Sees Man Loosen Up
Policeman. Johnnie Barta, advocate of a
liberal administration, craves front page
space In the hopes of converting some of
the Anti-Saloon leaguers.
A man well known In Omaha, and whose
very name Is synonymous with "stingi
ness' came up Douglas street early yes
terday from Eleventh, Intoxicated. Barta
was' standing In the doorway of the Mer
rtt pharmacy and saw the Intoxicated
tnan a block away.
"That sucker ought to go to Jail, If for
no other reason than for his hypocrisy,
but if I pinched him. t's got 'pull'
enough. I suppose, to get me In trpuble,"
thought Barta.
As Barta was thinking, a newsboy with
his arm bulging out with morning papers,
crossed tho street between the officer and
the stlnsT. non-drlnklng drunken man.
"Polpas," howled the lad, his voice echo
ing up and down the still silent street.
The1 drunken man was close to the
"Got a Bee?" he asked, as he reeled
when ho stopped.
"Be par Wolld-Herald," answered the
"llf much." asked the drunken man.
"Two cents," answered the newsboy.
"S'not, enough," answered the drunken
one, as he gave the newsboy a nickel
and then five silver dollars on top.
"Any kid that's got nerve enough to get
out of bed on a cold morning Ilka this at
4 o'clock, Is enough of a hero to' get IS
of mine," he growled, as he moved on Up
the street, with the two morning papers
under his arm.
'Well, for Qa-a-wd's sake I" muttered
Barta. -"Look whose here, I'll just go
him one better Any time that guy loos
ens up with five, I'm for him to the ex
tent of passing up a credit on me pinch
And Barta walked a half block out ot
his way In order not to "see" the drunken
Hallowe'en Party
Saturday Night by
Omaha Uni Sophs
Following the custom -of the preceding
sophomore classes the sophomore class
of the University of Omaha Is planning
a mammoth Halloween party Saturday
evening to be given at the university,
The entire school has been Invited, and
from Indications one of the largeat crowds
ever turned out for a school function at
the university Is expected.
The entertainment committee plans to
pull off some of the most original Hal
loween stunts ever tried, and from the
preparations they af making an unusual
good time Is assured. All students have
beeu asked to oome In masked costumes,
prltes being" offered for thoso In the beet
makeups. The halls of the school are to
be decorated with Halloween decorations
lending more of a Halloween effect to the
From the preparations of the refresh
ment committee the students are more
than assured of a good time, pumpkin
pies, cider, appls and tho various other
things that go to make a Halloween party
success will be on hand In large quantities.
Awl Sund, elevatcr conductor at the
Burlington headquarters, was one of the
lucky ones In tha North Platte land lot
tery, pulling out No. 65. During the
years of his youth Bund was a fanner
and next rfprtng he will return to the
land. He will not file on tha forest re.
serve, but Instead will select a tract on
the military reservation near Valentine
and move there. He figures that he made
not less than fS.COO In the drawing
DUrrhoca Qatckir Cnr4.
"I waa taken wtth diarrhoea and Mr
Yorks, the rotrchant hers, persuaded
me to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea; Remedy. Aftei
taking one dose of It f was cured. It
also cured others that I gave It to,"
writes M. B. Oebhart. Oriole, ra. That
Is not at all unusualL An ordinary at
tack of diarrhoea can almost Invariably
b cured by one or two doses of this
remedy. For sals by all druggists. Advertisement
lllack sateen and cotton
teffeta. In all Mies) many
with pretty ruffles, pleats
and Ulckn -
Fattiooata worth up to
11.00, at
rsttlooata worth up to
)l.eo, at
Wonitm'a Cotton
Waists that for
merly sold at $1,
5?.... 25c
In all sites good,
warm gown", worth
up to 76c, special,
Solid nickel and
silver plnted flat
table ware, will
last for years,
handsomo poppy
pattern (sec cut).
Mado by Wal
lace Bros.
Set of
six Ten-
Set of six Tnblo-
for. . . .
Set of 6lx Kulvcs
nnd six ,98
forks for, X
Two-Clasp Bilk Lined
Cashmeru Qlovea
black ahd several
colors, exceptionally
good val- f m
SSr.V: 25c
Leather Gauntlet
Oloves, fleeco lined,
seconds) of 60c qual-
':?;.":... 33c
Women's Shoes
600 pairs In patent leather,
vlct kldskln and dull
leather, ' with cloth or kd
tops, In dressy button
styles worth $2. 60 and $3.
all aires and widths. In this
lot wo also Include Patent
Leather Shoes with white
white buck
skin tops
worth 14.00
a pair, at
Women's Storm Rubbers All sizes and styles
to fit any shoe Al quality, r
at ajyC
Carpet Slippers for Mea and Women o t
Leather soles, all slios, at, pr. . . . OivC
Infanta Shoes -Vlcl kldskln and patent
leather, button style, hand-turned pa
soles, all sizes , OaC
infants' Ho ft Bole Hlioee All colors,
fancy patterns, worth 60a; at, pair. OaC
Ufa's: Oasvaa leggings
Made of best in.
army duck, at. 0
Xojt xigb Top erfcoei
Double soles. 3
"traps and bucklssi
sixes ud to a no
, at,...,.. 9llVO
hoe Creass The best
shoe dressing ft
a 25c Jar for.. Q
Men's JsHksbla work
Shoes, in tan, black
and olive shade, all
ft"? SI.98
CHrls Bobool Hho
VIcl Kldskln wd dull
leather, button and
lace; all I 9Q
sizes, at.... 9 I lOV
Boys' School Shoe
Dun and .patent lea
ther button styles,
fVt SI.98
Slses less than 1.
Women's rslt BUppers
In tan. blue and gray
with silk pom 7Kn
pom, all sis..
1 1 i ' "
Remnants of Linem -Baeact
IteninanU of Linen Ifuck Towel lug for fancy
guest towels, worth to tJ9o yard, q
at, yard C
Ilcmnants of Mercerized Table Linen good
lengths worth 40c, at ftfi
yard . . , OC
Remnants of Unbleached Linen Crash Towel
ing heavy weight, In 8 and 10-yard r 1
lengths lie quality, at, yard, DgC
Knit Fleecy Lined Hoods, Knit Scarfs, Knit
Shawls for women, misses and girls, i a
worth Up to 60c, at 1 aC
Women's Trimmed Hats at 1 50
Several hundred now ntodols have been placed In thin lot
In our bargain basement for Friday. Volvota and plushes'
plenty ot blacks trim mud with novolty ostrich, stlckup
..... i . ..
vuuuut aim uuwuiuii iiir- .
lions noue worth less fWSt rf$&
thn tr rdlsssstv;iVil
1000 Fancy Feathers at 10c ea.
Droasts, feathers, wlugs, novcltlos,
stlckups and ornaments biggest bar
gain in trimmings wo over offered. Im
mense lot In basement at, each
A new lot of heavy win
ter coats for children,
made In pretty Juvenile
styles: favorite cloths
and colore, all altos.
good, wnrm coats thattJJ?
were made to sell regu
larly up to IJ.00, In
this special salo. at,
A w
tf SI -W
Winter Underwear and Hosiery
Women's Fine Flcwy Lined cotton Union-)
Suits mndo with high neckH and long
sleeves, carefully medium nnd
heavy wclglitu, A splendid bargain for
Friday in the basement at, a suit. ......
Women's Misses' and Children's Vests
and Pnnts Hegulnr iiao quality under wen r
In Just the right weights for Into fall and
midwinter. All si res are here. It Is n
splendid big bargain lot that we offer you
at, each
All sites, good,
warm Flannol Petti
coats,, base- Oft
meut, at.. aJevl
Men's plain white and
colored border, also
women's (Shamrock
and colored r , j
border; 6c. ."J XC p
7'io val., ea.2
ovc m
Hosiery Sale
Women's, Men's and Children's fine
and medium weight Cotton Hosiery;
also Misses', Doys' nnd Children's flno
nnd hoavy ribbed School Hobo, fast
colors, all sites, worth 12Wte. at. imlr
Bc Hosiery at lBc rlr WomonW
iuuu s ami i-iiiiurou s lino Mer..orizo(i
Lisle Finished nnd Cotton, also
Fleecy Lined and Cashmere Wool
Hosiery, double soles, high spliced
heels and toes
Boys' Overcoats
Hoys' Wool Overcoat,
In Norfolk and plain
coat styles - worth to
94.BO ages a to
years -Friday, special
In our boys' basement
clothing section at
Husslan H I o u a e nnd
Snllor llloiiflo Suits for
Hoys In tan and bluo
shades 2.60 and
IVT: $1.89
Hoys' Pants, In Fancy
Mixtures -All sizes
7Cc values; Friday, In basement,
... 49c
vercoats and Suits at
300 Men's and Young Men's
Suits, in all shades of
brown, bluo, gray and
tan all tin
models valui
10, Friday at,
ltjO Mon'ti Overcoats, in all
wool material, bolt backs
Kin; uuu jl- unu cgnvoriiuio COl- j
o latest G " lars sizes 34 to 44 (Pp
uos up to gpJ -valuoa up to 7.B0,
Kxtra heavy fleeced
Undershirts and
Drawers, silver gray
ami Jaeger; nfk
too values, jyr
Men's and hoys' wool
and worated Sweater
Coats j navy, Oxford
and maroon; t f
values to OJlC
Men's Ovefcoats, worth up to 112.50,
n1 VAittii- XTnn'ii Tni ' I M. TTnln.
Men's and Young Men's Pants-
corduroy, tweeds, cashmero nnd
worsteds values up t ttf
to J2.50, at. . Pl iOU
Men's Union Made
Pants llO values,
special at, OQ
pair VOC
Sale of Fancy Outing Flannels, 8yj
Tho warmest, fluffiest fancy Outing Flannels for making Bleeping gar
ments, petticoats, children's wear, etc, light,, medium and dark color
ings, also plain pink; blue, gray, red, cream and while. A coneldorablo
saving to be had on thla very fine quality Friday at, yard
at, yard
Fancy Cretonnes, Tick
ing, Plain Sateens and
Linings Thousands ot
remnants at,
Fancy Printed and Plain Colored RU-lnrh
Sllkollne Itenmanta Afternoon only,
beginning at 1 1 80 o'clock, at
Mill XtoBUumta of Bleached Muslin and
Cambric Forenoon only at,
Fancy Swnnsdown Flan
neln The dcatgns are nil
new; for pretty kimonos,
etc., Just right for onrly
morning wear, in.
.... AUW
Full Standard Prints
An assortment that wl)l
mako choosing easy
light, medium und dark
colors, at, c
yard O C
n nnd
Heavy Unbleached 4-4 Sheeting, In de
sirable mill remnants, a good 10c valua
on bargain squaro at, i-r i
yard 2fC
Blanket Samples Many are wool and a
rare bargain; Friday, special in ni
basoinent at, each t"2C
siie1 Aluminum Ware
3,000 pieces ot high grade Aluminum ware
at less than one-half rogular prices. Wo
offer tbem In wost arcade In two big lots to
sell quiCKiy
Lot No. 1 Worth
up to $2.00, at
Lot No. 2 Worth
up to $3,00, at ;j
Family Tooth Ticks; ( kinds, at, th
a as
llavlland China pinner Hets, white and
S0li 100 pieces, al
illy Tooth ricks; ( kinds, at, the k
sko ,f .fir
Mantles. He kind, at two j?g
Dress Goods and Silks bent
Mill ends of All Wool Dress Fabrics, In
lenftbs from 3 to 5 yards, at about half
price In base- no
ment at, each
Hundreds of romnunts of Novelty nnd
Plain Dress Goods, In lengths from 3 to
5 yardB, worth to 80c, In baso- Q
meut at, yard uC
80-lucli Silk Poplins
Splendid weight, soft fin
ish, In all the newest col
orings; regular 11 values,
main floor, CQ
yard J
Full Dross Pattcrns-Con-alstlng
of all wool novel
ties, serges, diagonals,
broadcloths, etc. Friday
on main floor, 0 AC
at $1.95 and Jsi VO
Hundreds of Hllk Hem
nniit. In tho most fash
ionable weaves for win
ter, lengths from 2 to C
yards main i n
floor, at about 2 aTICc
ni-lnrh All Wool Polo
Coating Worth up to
f 1.50 a yard Friday,
special on the main
floor at. nq
yard , KJ J v
12-luch Hllk Finished
I'rencli Heiirlettns in all
colors one of the most
popular wool fabrics, SI
and $1.25 qua!- nr
ity, nt, yard. . . . OUC
.Mutfhed All Wool Drum
mer's Samples In all
colors and weaves, worth
?1 each Friday, on tho
main floor at, qq
each Jt7C
Corset Sale
A corset adapted for hoavy figures and for
women who need a strong corset, . aq
Made with reversible side steels! I fiO
and cork protector under front J,jr
steel, In basement "
50c nnd 70o llrassleres at HOo All made of
good quality muslin, some trlramQd with
embroidered yokes, othors havo em- OQ
broldored mo'dalllon trimming, at -. , . OlC
Traveling men's sam
Pies of flungalow
Nets and Lace Cur
tains; worth 4 s
SSc. at. lUC
Curtain Vollo, Scrim
and Etaralne; worth
2 Oc to 2 Be a yard
Friday, at, ftp
a yard,,,,
Concert by Oadski
Given for Teachers
by Publicity Bureau
Somewhere the Impression hss rone out
to teachers in the state that they will be
asked to pay for the Mroe. Oadskl con
cert durinr their stay In Omaha at the
teachers' j association meeting. This Is
not true. This concert Is given free of
charge to the teachers, members of the
association, by, tha bureau of publicity of
Omaha. It la a complimentary entertain
ment by the bureau.
Tour big- excursions are now scheduled
for the teachers, They aro to the Union
stock yards, South Omaha; Union Pacific
headquarters building, the dally news
paper offices and the Iten Biscuit com
pany and 0Drlen candy factory In one
excursion. Besides these side trips and
excursions probably will be arranged from
day to day If a dozen or more teachers
at any one time decide they want to
make a certain trip. On the other hand
Invitations from business houses In the
City will still be considered, and all In
vitations will be. read before the associa
tion In order that the teachers may act
on any of thorn that they sea fit besides
the four that are already arranged, livery
mall brings In more word of towns In the
state from which the entire corp of teach
ers, expects to attend the convention.
City Commissioner Thomas Mcaovem
of the department of publlo improvements
will make no appointment to fill the va
cancy caused by the discharge of Chief
Field Engineer M. J- Lacy. McOovern
"We do not need another field engineer
at this time. I am not considering any
body for the place."
Chief Draftsman Harry K. Cotton, who
waa also discharged, will probably be re
placed by one of the assistants In the
drafting department.
It Is rumored among the office force
that McGovern has declared his Intention
to let out two of the clerks. ilcOovern
did not confirm tha rumor.
Date for Dr, Shaw's
Speeoh is Changed
Instead of speaking at tho Commercial
club November 6, as was scheduled, Dr.
Anna Howard Shaw, the suffrage leader,
will speak there November 7. A wire has
Just been received at the club from hor
In which she states that hu had mis
understood the arrangement, and that It
will be Impossible for her to reaah Omaha
before November 7- Hhc explains that ahe
made the engagement while under tlio Im
pression that her Commercial club da to
was the same day aa ier engagement to
speak beforo. the teachers' association.
The club has arranged to change the
date to November 7 so that they may
not be cheated out of the privilege of
hearing her.
Leon De Waeie, Belgian consul at Now
Orleans, Is to be In Omaha Saturday, llo
wired from tit Louis that It would be
Impossible to reach here before that time
Ho comes heie to confer with the Com
liierclal club vth regard to placing a Be
glan consul In Omaha. According to pres
ent arrangements he Is not scheduled for
a speech, but will confer with members of
the executive commljtee of the Commer
cial club with regard to the needs Ui
Omaha of a Belgian consul. The cluli
has recently deplored the fact that thero
aro not more consuls In Omaha to rev
resent the various classes of foreigners
that are here.
Breaths Trsslyl Clears Stuffs4-up, Z
flamed Woss and Xsaa and Stops
Catarrhal Discharge. Cures Poll
Xsadaoht. (
. Try "Ely's Cream BaJmV
' Oet a small bottle, anyway, lust to try
tt-vapply a little In the nostrils and In
stantly your clogged nose and stopped
up air passages of the head will open;
you will breathe freely; dullness and
headache disappear. By morning, the
catarrh, oold-ln-head or catarrhal sore
throat will be tone.
End such misery now! Get the small
bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" at any
drug store. Tlus swcot, fragrant balm
dissolves by the heat ot th nostrils,
penetrates and heala the Inflamed, awol
len membrane which, lines the nose, head
and throat; clears tha air passages; stops
nasty discharges and a feeling of oloans
mg, soothing relief comes immediately.
Don't lay awake tonight struggling
for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils
closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh
or a cold, with Its running nose, foul
mucous dropping into the throat, and
raw dryness is distressing, but truly
Iut your faith Just once Jn "Ely s
Cream Balm" and your cold or catarrh
will surely disappear Advortlssment.